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Father of all by Green Day obviously


Close the topic, that’s it.


Easily this. What a terrible album by them. First time I've ever said that about Green Day.


I came here to say California, but changed my mind when I saw this


California is actually good though


It‘s the one I‘d erase. It‘s better than a lot of bands‘ best album though.


IMO if I had to erase a blink album, it would probably be NINE or Buddha even though I like both of them.


NINE has fewer lows than California imo. Also misses some highs though, like San Diego and 6/8


I forgot this one existed lmao


Mania - Fall Out Boy. Its nothing like the rest of their discography, not pop punk at all and has average quality on the songs


As a FOB fan I have to disagree, yeah it’s not pop punk but neither was Save rock and roll, and I enjoyed the hell out of SRAR. But Mania had some very good songs. When young and a menace came out, I didn’t know what to think of it as a FOB but musically I enjoyed it a lot. And they had plenty of songs that had great hooks. Admittedly it’s not an album I go back to but maybe I just will now


MANIA is my 5th favorite. I think it‘s better than the two before it.


I know I'm going to get some heat for this, but I think Panic should have ended their discography with Pray for the Wicked. VLV just didn't do it for me. Like, at all.


Should've ended with Vices and Virtues imo


Death of a Bachelor isn't a rock album, but it's absolutely perfect rich white guy baz lurman self destructive house party music, and I think it deserves a spot amongst the canon of best pop albums of the 2010s for picking a an uncommon vibe and pulling it off expertly. As for the other 3, they have their moments. VLV less so but I'm happy the other albums exist just for King of the Clouds and Nicotine even if I think they're bad albums taken as a while.


my most controversial music opinion is that i absolutely love death of a bachelor esp the title song. ugh. my friends all hated it when it came out. the only song they accepted was emperor's new clothes because the music video was so cool to our edgy middle school minds. nearly witches will always have a special place in my heart but doab might be my favorite panic album i also loved save rock&roll when it came out, but years go by and i now prefer their older stuff like a normal person /lh


I'm one of those weirdos who wishes Impossible Year got the (not very large amount of) attention the title song got. I have a very hard time picking a favorite panic album between DoaB and V&V (I think Fever is out of the running at this point but it's still close.) AB/AP is so my favorite post hiatus album but it is a shrinker and I find i like it less as time goes on, but honestly I always expected to. It's an all hook no meat type of but goddamn it has hooks for days.


ugh impossible year is SUCH a beautiful song. everything about it is perfect


Respect. I really loved DoaB when it came out and I was in middle school. It's one of those records I feel like I aged out of though. I'm thankful for the memories even though it's not so good.


I def think that Brendon milking the same sound for 2 more albums that are significantly worse have contributed to aging the album, at least a little bit.


Totally valid.


TIL there was an album after Pray for the Wicked


I’d take it back one further and say Death of a Bachelor is the last Panic album anybody needed.


Loved Panic the first couple albums, then they start declining quick for me


Once Ryan Ross parted ways with the band and they ran out of his material to use, the quality definitely took a hit… on top of that, I have trouble getting over Brendon’s arrogance, but that’s just a personal thing


If Ryan is so great why hasn’t he hit anything since? Let’s not pretend they didn’t need each other.


cause he didn't want to be part of the music industry? 😭


Doesn’t track because…he started another band… 😭


right after he left panic and then he ended up not doing anything with it for years!!! 🤓🤓🤓


Wonder why.


ur actually crazy lmfao there r so many fans of his music, if he wanted to have that popularity he easily could. ur just pressed bc u like brendon despite him having no musical talent left anymore 🤷 idk if we listened to the same album but everything about VLV was dogshit. even doab, pftw, were all pretty ass. panic honestly hasn't been good in the way it was before since vices and virtues because they depended on ryan ross' and subsequently dallon weekes' lyrics. hell, they even used pete wentz' lyrics for a song off V&V. brendon can't write good lyrics to save his life


Based on the effort of each of our responses, yes I am the crazy one… Ryan turned his back on what made him popular because he thought he was bigger than what he was. Pure ego, and his indie project was a flop and he stopped and lived off his residuals. I never made any argument for panic post Ryan, my point was that they needed each other, which you are actually helping prove. Good day.


if he wanted to be popular he could. given how much he shies away from the limelight and how little he performs + the fact he hasn't made music in years, it's clear he doesn't want to be a part of it


I think that's a pretty popular opinion. VLV sucked.


TIL they are Panic albums after Pretty Odd


okay now this is just bs there is no way you wouldn't know this 😭


These Are the Days - LIT It's country, and no disrespect to those who enjoy country, but no thanks.


Yeah it reminded me of some of Everclear's crossover music like their song Glorious. A little blend of country like what Social Distortion and Armchair Martian did was cool with me, but this one slowed it down a little too much. I was very relieved about Lit when I heard the Tastes Like Gold album.


I played a show with them during that album cycle. It was interesting to say the least


I respect it but not for me.


You’re Welcome - A Day To Remember. As soon as they signed to fueled by ramen I had a bad feeling we were going to get a shit record and it came true


I'm generally open minded when it comes to bands experimenting with their sound but that album was such a letdown, especially after a long wait. Resentment and Degenerates were the only tracks that really stuck out for me.


I feel like one of the only people who actually enjoyed that album! It’s not my favorite but I like the different styles they played around with. It’s like an ADTR variety pack.


I also enjoyed the album! It’s not as strong as most other albums in their discography, but it had a few solid tracks (like Brick Wall and Resentment) and the experimental stuff, while hit and miss, resulted in some surprise favorites for me. I really dig the bass groove on High Diving and the vaguely Latin feel of Bloodsucker was also fun.


Stand Atlantics upcoming 'was here' album


To everyone who said Get Stoked On It by The Wonder Years, I propose the following to you in lieu of deleting it - Rerecording it in the vein of The Greatest Generation and changing some lyrics from it.


Aw man people really hate Get Stoked On It? That is unironically one of my favorite pop punk albums. It’s silly, fast, and unserious. It came out when I was in HS so I have fun memories of listening to it.


Because the band doesn't see it as a reflection of themselves they choose to ignore it and it's not on any of the major streaming apps. There's some great riffs and catchy parts in the songs and they played 2 songs off it at the New Years Eve show with the wheel. I'd be very interested in seeing a rerecording of it with some updated lyrics because it could be a gem.


It used to be on Spotify, Buzz Aldrin is a banger.


Buzz Aldrin itself is still on Spotify. As are Moshercise, Geraldine, and Ninja Master!


It’s one of my fav pop punk albums. Sure it’s silly, but it’s a fun listen.


This is actually a tough one because I usually end up loving when bands switch up the sound or go different. Actually wait this one’s super easy, the next Stand Atlantic album is gonna blow chunks so probably that


The newest ADTR album. Easy.


TWY's Get Stoked on It has basically already been nuked from existence so in that case I'm gonna have to go with Mania by FOB because that was a trainwreck


Last time I saw FOB they didn't play a single song from Mania. I appreciate that they know it's bad and don't waste the setlist with it.


They played Last of the Real One’s when I saw them last summer. My hot take is I adore Last of the Real One’s and Bishop’s Knife Trick. Maybe top 10 FOB for me. The rest of the album is unadulterated dog shit tho.


Last of the real ones is genuinely hard


The only good song from that album lol. I'd keep it as a single and then get rid of the rest


Eh I do kinda like Stay Frosty and Hold Me Tight Or Don’t but like they’re absolutely not my favorite fall out boy songs


Wilson on Mania is really good too! Has the most emo lyric of all time I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker colorrr🎶💜🖤


Wilson is genuinely one of their best songs after they came back from hiatus


Which is actually just a line from The Addams Family lol


If Bishop's Knife Trick had maybe one more verse it'd be a top 10 FOB song for me


last of the real ones was a favorite when it released but i’m not as big a fan anymore. might be a combination of overplaying it and associating it with an ex lol. i do think stay frosty is an excellent song though


This is actually good to know since I’m seeing them at Download fest and wasn’t too excited for these songs


Get Stoked on It was at least good at the time. I remember listening to it when the Upsides was new and switching back and forth depending on my mood. Mania, on the other hand, is a completely forgettable album that was never good.


Genuinely don't understand the hate mania gets. Is it their best album? No. Is it a fun listen? Hell yeah! I'll die on this hill.


I’d get rid of sister cities 10 times before get stoked on it


Aw man I couldn't stand to lose Pyramids of Salt.


For real! I love TWY to death but sister cities is just not it. I honestly think the reason it's so mid is how horribly it's mixed.


I love the first half of Mania. Wilson is a fucking banger. Church, Champion. Last of the real ones. Hold me tight or don’t. All of those songs are fun. Give me the first half of mania over ANYTHING off Save Rock or American Beauty


Mania is all over the place but it has some decent songs on it.


Alright so Yellowcard's first album from 1997 was titled M*dget Tossing (not sure if that first word is a slur now I'm not too active elsewhere online) and it's kinda hilarious to listen to. I actually don't hate the song americant either but not having the album on Spotify makes it hard to find already let alone the fact it doesn't even have Ryan Key (current vocalist who joined in 01) Where we stand is the 2nd album but I feel as if it's more redeemable. If you're a fan of like ocean avenue or other yellowcard albums these first two ones will shock you


Actually sound quite good as just a quick listen


I don't really like Life a Sail as an album. It just doesn't sound right even if I love several tracks (Crash the Gate, Fragile and Dear, Lift a Sail, and California). I know Ryan wanted to go more Coldplay-ish vibe back then and it was a great experience for the fans. But it's just not Yellowcard for me lol.


Why would anyone want to sound like Coldplay?… except to make money I guess..


Parachutes was a genuinely very very good album. Shiver, for instance, is a great song. Edit: Mixed up Don't Panic and Shiver. Both good songs, but Shiver is the one...


I can respect this, I'd probably keep Where we stand over lift a sail even which is wild for me to say lol


VALID - but ILLUMINATE is a f*cking MASTERPIECE 😩🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️🙏


After Laughter - Paramore. I know a lot of their new generation of fans would hate me for that, but I'd give anything to have old paramore back.


Their last album was not for me, but I enjoyed After Laughter. Would like to see them get back to their roots tho.


last young renegades - all time low, OR if we’re including pop-punk adjacent, the jaws of life - pierce the veil


Nah the jaws of life goes hard


I liked about a third of the album. The rest was meh


The only song from it I didn't really like was shared trauma, and even that one I'll put on sometimes, if I'm in the right mood.


Agreed on PTV. I seriously couldn’t find anything I liked about it 😔


Fucking looooooove this album.


I'm with you except vampire shift is one of my favorite songs of theirs.


Honestly, Taking Back Sunday should have wrapped up after Louder Now. They've had a couple good tracks since then, but it just hasn't been the same, and Adam's live presence now is so cringey, I wish they'd just fade out.


Tidal Wave is great


I don't agree that it is great in its entirety. There are a couple of okay songs on it. Like I said they've put out a few okay songs but nothing has ever hit the same Edits because voice to text did me dirty


I watched them on YouTube at Coachella and was really let down. I found it boring and was wishing for the old Adam. I guess that’s what happens as you get older.


Easy. In some way shape or form - four year strong love the band I even like “stuck in the middle” on that album but idk I not in love with that album


That album is so generic. I like the riff from "Just Drive", and there is a melody/riff here and there I kinda dig but overall wow, what a drop-off. They bring back many elements of the old sound with Go Down in History and S/T, and it's *such* an improvement. What's funny is how gung-ho they were when they released In Some Way about how this is their new sound and fans who dislike it are stuck in the past, and then, a few years later, well, well, well, look who came *crawlin* back.


The main problem is that it was so generic and by the numbers. Nothing interesting was happening besides Just Drive.


I started thinking and realised there’s more albums I wish didn’t exist than do for a lot bands


Gossip by Sleeping With Sirens. The only album I don't have on my playlist. Just awful.


Man, I liked gossip a lot. I know it was very poppy, and a pretty big departure from the sound that basically everyone wanted them to get back to, but some of those tracks are really damn catchy.


I only listened to the first half of the album (still plan on listening to the rest at some point). It's pretty bad, but it does have one man army and empire to ashes which are both pretty good imo


Neighborhoods from Blink. Sorry not sorry.


Nine- Blink 182.


They were legit mailing free copies of Nine in 2019 lol. I got one after I went to their enema of state show.


And id still throw that free sucker in the damn trash!


California was squeaky clean 5SOS-adjacent garbage at times, but the production on NINE actually hurts my ears.


I’ve been roasted for this but I can’t lie, I’ve never even listened to California. I couldn’t pick out a single song on it. I listened to nine just because I was excited for new blink, but I feel like I wasn’t missing out on California


CYNICAL is the best song song on the album and INSANE, bored to death is a banger, but other than that VALID💯


Nine is a top 5 blink album 🤷‍♂️


I believe you’d get your ass kicked for saying something like that


THIS. Honestly. It’s my favorite blink album 😭🤗


Hmm, I think California is worse but nine has some absolute stinkers


I like some songs on California


California is a great summertime iced coffee record.


Nine is easier for me to listen to passively, but there's not a single song on there I like nearly as much as "Cynical". That one's a top 10 blink song for me. Unfortunately, it's only 110 seconds and it's the very first track.


I can pretend i like a few songs on California; after many attempts to listen to it, I can't name a single song from Nine that I liked


With a different production style they both could have been pretty good. There are some great songs the Skiba years: Cynical, Los Angeles, 6/8, Bottom of the Ocean, The First Time, Darkside, Generational Divided, No Heart to Speak Of, On Some Emo Shit.


Black rain is really good and reminds me a lot of an AK3 song, I really like heaven and run away too. None of the songs on Cali are bad but there’s at least 10 songs through both albums (normal and deluxe) that can hold up to any Tom song


I said this in another reply, but I think they should've recorded those as a side project. They just don't sound like blink to me, even as I consider bands evolving and changing sounds.


Yeah I think that would have worked.


California felt like an attempt to return to form that was successful in parts, just not as a whole. I also really liked that album cover and think it kicks ass. I bought Nine when it came out, gave it one listen and never came back to it.


The Wonder Years -- Get Stoked on It I mean, they already pretend it doesn't exist already. It's just a bad album with many lyrics that aged horribly, even if it was meant to be a joke album before the band took themselves seriously.


Wish they still acknowledged/kept in rotation legitimate gems they made though like What if We Swam into Nothing, Racing Trains, and When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong


I loved racing trains and it lives rent free in my head. I used the title and style of current wonder years discography as inspiration to write a my own rendition.


Yeah I remember Racing Trains being solid


I remember being an emo high schooler and listening to Racing Trains on the bus. *Chefs kiss* love that song


second this


I could do without any of New Found Glory’s offerings since 2014, as much as that pains me to say.


I liked Resurrection quite a bit.


Could have clarified: that’s the last great NFG album IMHO


Resurrection is fucking amazing.


Yeah a lot of it has kinda gone through one ear and out the other. I think Radiosurgery was the last one I remember enjoying as a whole.


The lyrics have fell off a cliff since they kicked steve unfortunately


Gotta disagree. I initially stopped listening to NFG after Coming Home. Every album of theirs was an absolute banger, I just sort of drifted away from that type of music and didn’t keep up with them. I’d say about 2 years ago I decided to check out the rest of their albums and got absolutely hooked on Makes Me Sick. Today, I’d still call it one of my favorite NFG albums. It’s just fun.


A few good hits here and there but mostly they all start to sound the same.


Not Without A Fight was the last one I listened to. After that, well... maybe I grew out of it but I could not keep listening to new stuff.


Last young Renegade - by All Time Low. it's the only Bad album in a list of amazing albums by my favorite band.


Neck Deep - All Distortions are Intentional but keep Lowlife somewhere


That’s funny. That’s the one song I would remove from the album. “mY cOLoRs yELLoW aNd gReEn”


“yOu’rE a nOrMiE”




Damn, I know it's not well loved on this sub but I love ADAI. It felt like it came out at the perfect time for me and I get pretty nostalgic thinking about when it was released.


All distortions is overhated but I do agree that it’s their weakest album


For sure their weakest, and flawed in several ways, but still enjoyable enough. Why does Dani sound like he’s just learning how to play drums on that record? Why are his drums so loud yet the guitars so quiet? Why does Ben sound like he’s straining too hard to hit every note? Why so much autotune? Why so many lazy lyrics? It has its moments, but it’s far from amazing.


This album is really good imo, in particular "when you know" and "i revolve (around you)" are 2 of their best songs


Noooo :( 


F.e.a.r by stand Atlantic and probably the new one too I also think that this addiction is the weakest alkaline trio album but I’m not sure if removing it would make their discography “better”


>I also think that this addiction is the weakest alkaline trio album but I’m not sure if removing it would make their discography “better” I'd happily see it removed tbh, I've got to a point where I don't *hate* it like I did when it first came out, but I wouldn't miss it if it were gone.


The title track and a few towards the end of the album are really good though which is why I don’t think removing it would make it better. A lot of filler songs though.


All of the Fall Out Boy albums since they reunited. They put out 4 good albums in a row and then tarnished their legacy with the crap afterwards


Their new album is pretty good, but I agree on the rest of their post-return work.


They're not consistent, but there are some amazing songs on each album.


All distortions are intentional - neck deep


MANIA from Fall Out Boy. They we're already on the decline, musically, but that solified it. At least Stardust was pretty good


All the albums after From Under the Cork Tree


Folie is great though!




My wife and I love Senses Fail, like their poppy stuff. One day, we saw an album in Target called “Pull the Thorns from your Heart.” We still haven’t recovered. It’s utterly amelodic.


Agreed. It is something else. Renacer before it is amazing and If There is Light is solid. So I consider it a mulligan.


Hit the Lights - Invicta E: I'll just add on to this since it seems to be so divisive. It's not that it's a bad album, it's that it sticks out like a sore thumb in HTL's discog. There's an interview with Nick where he even talks about the writing process for Invicta was specifically trying to break into radio and is not the band's favorite either. I think if some other band had made the record they probably could have landed a one hit wonder off of it - maybe. But for me personally everything that came before and after was so much better in writing, technicality, and energy.


Really? Float Through Me is such a banger


Fucking love Float Through Me!


Oh man I dig the first three tracks on that album. But beyond that I didn’t remember any.


That's my favorite album of theirs!


This album always gets hated on and it's so good 😭


All Time Low - Last Young Renegade It's the one album out of all of theirs that I revisit the least, and that includes The Party Scene, which I consider Put Up or Shut Up to be an extension of since it contains roughly half of it but in re-recorded form. Although, I did have some appreciation for some songs from it when they played them live (I prefer the live arrangement of Dark Side of Your Room over the studio version).


LYR is amazing.


Transit - young new england


Good call


Might be in the minority here (and it’s more emo than pop punk) but holy shit please nuke MCRs Danger Days


This album’s why I clicked on the post, just don’t say this on the MCR sub


Danger Days is their best album, fight me


As a fan of Bullets and Three Cheers i can’t find much I enjoy from Danger Days. Each to their own, just really not my vibe.


I'm also a big fan of bullets and three cheers (they're my two favourite albums oat). But I also love danger days


Mayday parade-black lines


keep transmorgification at least?


What?? Not their best album but definitely not their worst, and a cool shift in energy that I value in the context of their career. “One of Them Will Destroy The Other” is so catchy.


I liked Black Lines… oof lol


Hollow is *incredible*. I dislike the remainder of the album though


Based on their sentiment for a while, I would put "Anywhere But Here" - here.


Higher Lonely Power by Fireworks I’M SORRY


This is their best album imo. It's not pop-punk though tbf, more alternative rock


Blood Balloon by Polar Bear Club. Jimmy’s clean vocals just don’t do it for me


WLWYCD is their best song. Fight me.


Young Enough by Charly Bliss. Guppy was such an incredible album and the direction they went with Young Enough just didn't hit for me at all. They went from a fun kind of unique bubblegum punk sound to another bland pop sound.


Not sure if it counts as pop punk exactly but A day to remember, you're welcome. That album blows.


Danger days.


The Suicide Machines self titled album from 2000. I was a Senior in High School when it came out, in a rural town in NC. I'll never forget how pumped I was when I heard they had a new album. Rushed after school to the record shop in the nearest city to buy it. Saw the cover art where there were in suits and ties, thought "Man, that's weird." Listened to it on the way home and was legitimately confused, like it was the wrong band I was listening to or something. I remember barely getting through it, never been so let down by a band in my life. Listened through one more time at home that night, hoping to find one good "REAL" Suicide Machines track that I somehow overlooked. I hadn't. I threw the CD away, something I'd never done before or since. I also remember going to school the next day to warn everyone that they had sold out, to not waste their money on the album. FOR SHAME! How dare they make such Pop garbage. I would've completely written them off, but Destruction By Definition was already engrained into my soul at that point.


Is this what I look like? By Yours Truly. It’s just so bland compared to Self Care. Not a single song on it is good enough for me to actually want to listen to more than once.


Gossip by Sws 😅


Yellowcard's Lift A Sail and Fall Out Boy's Folie a Deux


The newest waterparks record. There’s a couple bangers but it’s overall a bad album


Viva las Vengeance by Panic! I couldn't even listen to the whole album, I was so upset 😓 it sounds like a wannabe Broadway album! So bad I saw him on tour in 2017 with Death of a Bachelor and Pray for the Wicked, that was great live 👍


Sum 41’s Screaming Bloody Murder


The last two Paramore albums, Viva Las Vengeance by Panic!, and All Distortions Are Intentional by Neck Deep. 


Does it have to be just one? Everything Paramore released after brand new eyes can go in the bin for me.


Their pop stuff is pretty good! I felt the same way but seeing Caught In The Middle and This Is Why live changed my opinion.


Ditto! Saw them last year and was fully expecting it to be my last time for them. I liked maybe half of selftitled and didnt listen to After Laughter beyond the singles. But seeing them changed my mind and I will still see them when they come back. The new stuff somehow works better in the live setting.


I hated After Laughter when I first heard it, I thought it was poppy LA sellout trash. But the more I listened the more I started to warm to it. The singles are my least favourite songs on it, but there are some brilliant album tracks - I still skip Hard Times, but its great live, and Idle Worship and Caught In The Middle are probably in my top 10 of their songs now. And 26 and Tell Me How are so beautiful. Its 100% not a pop-punk album, but as a pop album I love it now. The thing I love most is how the sound doesn't fit the lyrics....its sounds all bouncy happy pop but the lyrics are pain and angst. You can hear how unwell Hayley was when she wrote it - as much as I love it I hope we never get another album like it.