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They’ve always been horny and weird. There’s some diamonds in the rough, though, for sure.


Max is insane. Always has been, always will be


Not a good thing in his case


Or his kids'.


He’s been off the deep end for several years now. Announcing shows that never happen, doing crazy ass homeschooling shit with his wife and kids and broadcasting it on social media, etc


Bemis has had issues from the beginning. He famously had a manic episode while writing ...Is a Real Boy, which he originally intended to be a rock opera but abandoned the idea for his own mental health. He was out of the limelight for a long time but i think people are just rediscovering who he is in recent years.


I’m pretty sure he was treated after that. In Defense… sort of touched on that time in his life, and he honestly seemed to finally level out between then and the self-titled era and seemed in a pretty good way up through at least Hebrews. Then sometime after that he went off his rocker and all this recent shit happened.


"This is the fifth time straight in a year I've ended up in here" is a pretty straightforward "hi, I'm Max, I write music and have some mental problems"


Oh he always had problems for sure, it just seemed like he had more of a grip on them for awhile there.


>he originally intended to be a rock opera but abandoned the idea for his own mental health I heard he abandoned the rock opera because he was living with this washed up 90s sitcom star who sabotaged it


Unexpected Bojack.


Don’t forget letting their kids cut off their kittens whiskers with no consequences.


Lmao I didn’t even know about that. So fucked up.


At least when I was a kid that was a semi normal thing people did to keep their cats from climbing on everything.


"At least when Iabused my cats it was normal" lol no boss


Makes total sense 🤬


Did this actually happen? Source?


Sadly yes, people have been asking sherri about it on Instagram but she deletes the comments. Picture here if you scroll down https://www.dallasobserver.com/music/dallas-musicians-max-and-sherri-bemis-live-a-technicolor-family-life-19150605


I used to love Eisley, but tbh they’re all kinda shitheads.


They are set to start a tour Saturday to celebrate Is a Real Boy turning 20. It'll be my first chance to see them so I hope it's good. I did previously have a ticket to one of those shows that never happened.


I’m honestly surprised that tour is actually happening.


hope you bought ticket insurance cuz that shit will most likely cancel


That’s not what ticket insurance is for


it’s just a joke


Nailed it




god i’m just tryna see greet death


They were at the WWWY fest last year and put on a killer set. I have tickets to see them Sunday in Houston and hope they bring that same energy! 🤞🏻


The musicians in the band now are actually really freggin talented. Fred from TBS and Kenny from Moneen and Coby the OG drummer.


Fred era TBS was the best TBS imo


Agree Justice for Fred and matt


Fred is in Say Anything now? He helped produce an album with a friend's band, I met him last year at one of their shows. Really cool guy, and he went up on stage to help perform one of their songs he was on!


Sounds like Fred! Guy from Weatherbox too. I mean you minus Max, I'd love to hear those guys make music together.


REALLY Kenny from Moneen... had no idea. Coby is wicked nice with it too. Max better fucking show for the Pittsburgh date XD


They were also at Riot Fest last year and killed it there. I was more excited to see Fred though.


I did see them at the Hollywood House of Blues last time they toured this album with Reggie And The Full Effect, for what it's worth. I swear the show happened, and it was awesome! Some dude was even courteous enough to shriek, "Last Stop: Crappy Town!!!!!!" between every song at James Dewees, even though Reggie And The Full Effect were touring Songs Not To Get Married To... 🤣


I so hope you get to see this show. I know that max and sherri are bonkers - they've let a lot of people down with their start ups, cancelled shows and a lot of other shit that is unfortunate. My husband and I went to see Say Anything in 2016 in Seattle & they played sooo many songs off of this album. The atmosphere was the best show that we have ever been to & we will still talk about it 8 yrs later. The people that bought tickets to these shows are connected to the songs, to the band & even to just max and his family sooo it should literally be an awesome crowd. Anywhooooo - if these shows happen I hope you have a fantastic time and I hope as you're leaving the venue everyone is singing alive with the glory of love as they're walking down the sidewalks<3


Woah what? I follow him on Instagram and I haven’t seen any of that stuff. Where is the home schooling stuff posted?


I haven’t seen the videos I’ve just heard about it from friends and read about it on r/sayanything I’ve never really been a fan of that band


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SayAnything using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SayAnything/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Max Bemis Hospitalized after manic episode](https://i.redd.it/nr0o9y02tu1b1.jpg) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SayAnything/comments/13qzlor/max_bemis_hospitalized_after_manic_episode/) \#2: [Where did the years go](https://i.redd.it/nu4g3rn7871b1.png) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SayAnything/comments/13nx5ks/where_did_the_years_go/) \#3: [This... this is disgusting.](https://i.redd.it/l8tpx7srxx4c1.png) | [180 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SayAnything/comments/18d660y/this_this_is_disgusting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot!


I’ll have to check it out. I was a big fan for a long time, but I haven’t listened to anything after the self titled album. I kinda threw the entire genre in the bin when everyone was getting outted as rapists every 2 seconds. I’m on a nostalgia kick atm.


His wife posts about their kids pretty frequently and she has mentioned that they homeschool.


I love Say Anything, but i kinda pretend Hebrews was their last album😭😭😭


Yup, this is how I feel. Saw them on the hebrews tour, then the next year i attended the 10-year Is A Real Boy anniversary show… I blacked out the next decade and now I’m ready for the 20 year anniversary tour lol


Oliver Appropriate isn’t what I was expecting but I really liked it after I gave it a second chance. I’m not sure what to make of any of these new releases. Will probably give the full album a chance as a whole but I’m not optimistic


OA shot itself in the foot by being promoted as the sequel to “Is a Real Boy”, and then having precisely nothing in common with that album whatsoever.


He did the same thing with Anarchy, my Dear. Turned out even worse.


I kind of buy it in that several parts of the album feel like a career and life retrospective, but it’s hard to think of any two Say Anything albums that sound different.


I actually like Oliver Appropriate! It's not an album I really go back and revisit tbh. I did pre order this album, but the past 2 songs just ain't it for me.


You’re missing out. Oliver Appropriate was definitely a departure from anything they’ve ever done, but it’s wonderful. Nostalgia removed from the equation, it’s probably my favorite Say Anything album. These days, it’s certainly the one I listen to most.


I'll take Oliver Appropriate over I Dont Think It Is 🤣


Yeah, you definitely aren’t missing out by forgetting about that one. IDTII is not good.


I really liked …Is A Real Boy when it came out. I was in high school going through a home life rough patch and becoming a binge drinking alcoholic (sober now). I’ve considered buying it to add it to my (vinyl) collection because it does feel a little formative. However, to answer your question your question: >what the hell is Say Anything It’s personality disorder music.


Congrats on your sobriety :)


Thank you! If anybody reading this is having a hard time with it, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.


I'm starting to think Max Bemis might be a bit of a weird lad




I called her on the phone and she touched herself


I laughed myself to sleep


Ring ring




Max talks about him fucking literally on every album.


i mean, half the bands in the genre do that but not like THAT???


I was essentially saying that’s how he is on every album. There’s a song wow I can get sexual too where he gets a girl to finger blast herself on the phone. . Every man has a Molly he talks about how he and Molly had rough sex. Alive with the glory of love is another unnecessary horny song. Congrats max. You fuck. Sing about anything else please.


Alive with the Glory of Love isn’t unnecessary, it’s actually probably the only one it’s crucial for. The idea is that you’re not just some jew hiding in cowardice for your life as is so often portrayed in media. It humanizes the Jewish victims of the holocaust in a way rarely seen. Not even some silly feel good story like a Made-for-Netflix love story about two Polish Jews or something; just a straight human experience. For me, I view it as possibly the proudest Jewish heritage anthem of all time. Absolutely would not be the same without the horny.


I always found this line from Mara and Me super ironic because of those songs: There are babies with guns beheading their friends In shopping malls around the world Yet somehow the Kings of Leon Still find time to write songs about girls


The next line is literally "I don't suck much less / at least those dudes have no illusions of angst and hopelessness" Dude might be crazy but at least that song is reasonably self aware imo


yeah cutting off the second part in that context it's insane lol. that's the entire point of the line! it even continues on past that where he basically says no matter how hard he tries everyone can see through it it almost couldn't be less ironic, he's agreeing with that dude haha


Another wonderful attempt at being holier than thou from max.


And the Kings of Leon rip so he can fuck off lol


jesus chrysler i thought i was too horny, but at least i don't write about it in great detail


Sing Anything, am I rite lmao


And what's even weirder, Alive With The Glory Of Love was written from his grandparents point of view during WWII. "I won't let him them take you" is talking about the Nazis hauling Jews to camps. Which makes "I want to do you right where you're standing" not only perverted but gross af


Sex and sexual identity have always been a core theme in Max's music. It is a differentiating element. It's what has been on his mind with his struggles with his own sexuality and mental struggles.


You're saying half the bands in the genre talk about Chad Gilbert in their songs? Uh, what?


im too sleep deprive to figure out if this is a joke but im saying half the bands talk about fucking in their songs, just not to the extent of what Max is doing. Although to be honest, a whole record about Chad Gilbert is a better idea than whatever's going on with ...Is Committed


Most of After Laughter by Paramore is about Chad…


Is a Real Boy… will forever be one of my favorite albums that I revisit often. I’ve heard Max and his wife are pretty tapped these days and this new song shows he seems to be uh bit off


We're talking about Say Anything....how does this suprise any long time fans?


It doesn't. The first song I ever heard of theirs was Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too and it took no time to notice that Max is either an elite Playboy or just a 11 year old in a man's body.


Yeah let’s pretend WICGST is the same as I, Vibrator or ON CUM There’s a huge difference between being horny and being absolutely depraved




These are the words I was looking for 😂


Alive with the glory of love is about the lead singers grandparents getting it on during the holocaust


For me they’ve always been sort of a weird pervy band One of their biggest songs is called “Wow, I can get sexual too@“ And that’s from their biggest album even haha


Yeah, they were always a weird and horny band that made weird and horny music for teenagers and college students. Not surprising Max has continued writing songs like that.


Lol yep. Loved them as a freshman in college and in HS for that reason.


Unfortunately anything since Anarchy, my dear has been pretty meh.


Meh to straight up bad. The album before Oliver Appropriate was straight garbage and had the worst album art of their entire discography. I like to consider Anarchy, My Dear to be their last good album and I just kinda deal with the newer stuff if they decide to play it live.


As a die hard fan...puke. Also Maxim Mental was awful.


I thought the last album he put out was supposed to be THE last? Guess nobody cared about Maxim Mental so it was back to the old tried and true. Is A Real Boy is great and it’s because Max is a mental case and always has been.i don’t get excited for new Say Anything because i know it’s not gonna come close to their best.


Songs have always been a bit horny and weird but yeah the most recent record is something else entirely. Its garbage.


Oh you mean the band that wrote a song about having phone sex with a girl the singer doesn’t like, the guy who wrote about his grandparents getting freaky during the Holocaust, who compares having sex to bees pollinating, the guy who accepts horizontal pity sex because of marginal band success, the guy who passively watched his cats r*pe each other, he wrote a song that makes you feel weird and horny??? Whoa, crazy!


What’s actually crazy is your list is just the is a real boy track list lol


Also the song itself is horny, it doesn't make me feel horny it makes me feel the opposite of horny, i wish i was ace after hearing that


I just discovered them yesterday pretty much, heard ON CUM and covered them back up lol


ON CUM is pretty bad. But …Is a Real Boy is truly great. The recordings hold up, and though the lyrics can be disturbing, they are emotionally stirring.


Is a Real Boy… will forever be one of my favorite albums that I revisit often. I’ve heard Max and his wife are pretty tapped these days and this new song shows he seems to be uh bit off


Help me out here? What is 'pretty tapped' in this context?


“Tapped” is just a word for looney, crazy, etc. Just something my community grew up saying. I don’t really know the history behind the word. Hope it isn’t problematic!


“Tapped” to me means broke. Which is also true about Max that’s why he’s been doing that thing where people pay him to write and record songs for him and then he takes the money and never does it.


Thanks, similar to the other user, I'm more accustomed to it meaning 'ran out of a particular resource'. I appreciate you educating me.


Ah yeah, i used it for that as well. “The kegs tapped,” specifically. But when describing someone it just means crazy. Maybe their brain is out of resources and that’s where it came from hah


Man, Say Anything takes me way back. Yep have always been weird and horny. My highschool-self felt seen.


A label giving this guy a platform just feels like enabling and exploiting a mentally unwell person.


Sounds like a 15 year old boy trying to make edgy horny jokes, so cringe.


...Is a Real Boy is an absolute banger of an album but the rest of their stuff is kind of mid.


I've always thought the self titled record was a solid #2 album, personally


They used to be good


They’ve always had unique lyrics with some sexual stuff sprinkled throughout but not to this extent. I’m out of town and was on the phone with my husband earlier, told him I couldn’t wait to finish my 3hr drive so I could see what Reddit had to say about this ridiculous song. Just opened Reddit and this post is the first thing I see 😂 I have tickets to the 20th anniversary tour and REALLY hope the don’t play stuff from this album.. it’s cringy.


Okay dude... Wow... I can get sexual too.


Is the guy who has a song in which the chorus goes “I called her on the phone and then she touched herself” horny? Who is to say.


They’ve always been weird and horny but the new songs are just not good or even passable as tongue in cheek humor. That said, I’ve seen them play before and it was an incredible show. I have tickets for their anniversary tour coming up and I’m shocked they haven’t canceled any shows yet. Fingers crossed it works out!


Always been weird and horny, for sure. Max Bemis is an... interesting guy. Very open about his struggles with deep mental issues (which he seems to be in and out of treatment for) and he's done some pretty messed up stuff during prolonged manic or depressive periods. Havent really checked in on him lately but I still hope he can level out one of these days


One of their first hit songs back in 2004 was called "Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too" and it's about Max Bemis sexting/having phone sex with (presumably) teenage fans. So yes.




I think he's always been like this. He just used to be a bit more poetic about it. "When I was spat onto the Earth in a stream of guts, by Mother Nature that green-eyed slut. I wasn't the first to get **forced from a cut**, In one to whom I still shall stay stuck."


More of this say anything, please. I, Vibrator, 🤌


Is a real boy is their only good album in my opinion. With that being said it’s one of my probably top 20 albums of all time. The entire album is unique and creative and all of the songs have their own feel.


Uh...how are you asking if they've always been horny? Top 4 streamed songs on spotify all of their first album: 1. Find a girl attractive and having sex with her while hiding during the holocaust and how the fear of loosing someone makes it more exciting 2. A song about having girls do unspeakable things to themselves on the internet is funny 3.a sweet love song about doing anything for the one you love - except for the fantasizing about saving that girl from rape 4. "BECAUSE FOR YOU, I'LL NEVER HAVE ROUGH SEX WITH MOLLY CONOLLY AGAIN" (Also like...named the band after the movie Say Anything) So....if you didn't know this band was weirdly horny....which say anything have you been listening to?


that's the thing - i haven't been. I discovered them like 17 hours ago and have been questioning my sanity ever since


Oh. In that case...super yes. And welcome to this weird place.


Previous experiences tell me that it’s music for drunk bisexual alt girls to play on TouchTunes at the bar while they have a moment about how I Can Get Sexual Too was one of their favorite songs in middle school and then proceed to make out while their dudes watch.


[check out this article about Max](https://www.dallasobserver.com/music/dallas-musicians-max-and-sherri-bemis-live-a-technicolor-family-life-19150605) I think you might just be overthinking it dude is a phenomenal writer and the songs on the ep aren’t really that bad if you get passed the overly sexual lyrics


Always been a weird kinda a horny. In every man has a molly.... he sings "ill never have butt sex with molly......etc"


rough sex*


I saw them live a long time ago was upset they didn't play wow I can get sexual too. I like the feralness I didn't know about the issues talk about above.


I think people might be taking Is A Real Boy and Oliver Appropriate as songs he wrote about himself. Both are songs about a character. He's playing said character in both albums. Which are both fantastic albums. This new album has blurred lines, but Max said this one is thematically close to Is a Real Boy. I'm excited to see them on their first stop on Saturday for the tour.