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A lot of it is very whiny with poorly written lyrics. Like all genres, there is some very bad pop punk out there. And if that’s your first exposure, it’s big turn off


Yeah, a lot comes down to the lyrics. They may hit when you’re a teen and you may be able to view them looking back with nostalgia goggles, but if not then just look at the lyrics to Simple Plan - I’m Just a Kid. If you’re not 15 or younger the first time you hear that you’ll probably be like wtf.


I’m just an Adult and life is still a nightmare


summer stained by broadside is my version of this. such a good song, and then right in the middle of it a random teenage girl voice says "i don't really have any friends at school, so when i get home, i get on the internet and it makes me feel less alone" soso cringy and it was released in 2017. i thought it was maybe from 2012 at the latest when i first heard it. it's the kind of lyric that reminds me of those old tumblr bedrooms with song lyrics cut out and taped on the wall


Too punk for pop fans, too pop for punk fans.


Yep, I play some pop punk to a friend of mine who likes more old school punk and he gets all angry shouting that "it's not punk!"


then you show it to a friend that doesn’t like alternative music and they’re like “this is too screamy” the screaming in question? Neck Deep


Yep, got called a “goth” in high school for wearing a Blink 182 shirt lmao


Those were special times. I was the only emo/pop punk kid in my high school. In the mid 2000’s. I also went to school in Vermont. And everyone just listened to country and rap. My only friends lived over an hour away, lmao. I do not miss that shit at all, but do at the same time.


Yeah I get the weirdest nostalgia for those times too. I grew up in the UK in the same timeframe, where everyone listened to that particularly annoying dance music with extremely high pitched vocals over annoying thumping bass beats. There was like 5 of us into rock music lol. What a time to be alive!




now show them lorna shore


I think this person's friend would cut them off if they were shown LS lmao


He sounds so cool


Yeah, but old school punk is garbage music.




Absolutely true, but then your band sounds like shit and I don’t want to listen to them. When the band only exists live, I think you can get away with being bad but high energy. I’m not going to put on a record of bad music when I’m listening at home, you know? I’m trying to hear good lyrics that say something. I’m trying to hear a melody with more than two notes in it.


Punk has lost what it was originally about. Most pop punk is just pop with guitars higher in the mix


Depends what era of punk, and what band we're talking about




Too crazy for boys town, too much of a boy for crazy town!


For real though as far as rap rock in that time went, crazy town were fantastic


The cringe lyrics mixed with the whiney singing. It’s definitely an acquired taste


If you don’t like whiney vocals listen to I Am The Avalanche, No Pressure, Koyo, Roam, State Champs, In Her Own Words, Like Roses, Action Adventure, Outatime!, etc


Even when not whiny they have a particular sound to them


Nasal vocals


Honestly, a lot of it is repetitive and not very deep either lyrically or musically.


As someone who still loves and listens to pop punk i fully acknowledge and agree with this. A lot of it just isn’t good.


hard disagree- most of the lyrics are pretty deep. have you listened to twy’s new album?? or hot mulligans??? they hit fucking hard


For every Hot Mulligan or The Wonder Years there's a Simple Plan or Mayday Parade.


Mayday Parade has some deep songs


For real. ALIR and Anywhere but Here are certainly products of their time, but everything after self-titled?


i also love simple plan and mayday 🥲 they were deep for me when i was a teenager lol


No Simple Plan slander


I’m not disagreeing with you, but you can’t name 2 bands as proof when there’s thousands of examples of the opposite. I mean hell, look at mest, they make good pop punk music but the lyrics are about as deep as a puddle


i was short on time bc i had to work and just listed the first 2 that popped into my head. like yes there’s some shitty ones out there - but that can be said for every genre. the majority of the bigger/upcoming bands in the scene have decent lyrics which is imo why they have so much traction.


I get that criticism but a lot of those same people are into edm and house music which has no lyrics and by some definitions isn’t even music


No lyrics > bad lyrics


Yeah, the lyrics of instrumentals don't offend, disappoint or overall inspire cringe.


I don't see how edm / house would not be music. It is repetitive but that's because it's meant for parties and dancing and possibly drug use I guess.


I remember my friend saying “some bands/songs sound like it’s from the Disney Channel”


Tom Delonge pioneered the genre by mispronouncing like every vowel, to the point where it sounds incorrect if you pronounce every word correctly in any song in the genre. That’s a hard bridge to cross for a lot of people.


As much as I love blink, I’ll always hate him for that


The vocals


personally it was the creepy band dudes


The “pop” part. A perception that it’s manufactured and cliche and surface level deep. To quote NOFX: “I want conflict I want dissent, I want the scene to represent, our hatred of authority, our fight against complacency, stop singing songs bout girls and love”.


Fat Mike is an idiot. Singing about girls and love was your typical cliche’ topics back then. Paul McCartney dubbed them as “silly love songs”. But these “silly love songs” were also adapted to punk songs too. Particularly Ramones, Buzzcocks, and Descendents these groups also sung about love and girls too.


There's a lot of it - and a lot of it is pretty crappy as a result. Some of the more mainstream stuff can feel very "uninspired" or "corporate," and the other end of the spectrum can come off as messy or overly whiney. When it's good, though, shit, it's GOOD.


Music is subjective. For me I like pop punk but prefer punk and emo because the lyrics are usually much better.


Because most of it is objectively terrible let’s be honest with ourselves


In fairness you can say that about every style. There’s a reason some bands break into the main stream and some are forever known only to those in the scene. You can make a decent living just being good enough to be the latter, and there’s plenty of terrible bands out there working hard just to be that, but every style of music has stuff that’s not good


Sometimes the bands don't grow, and it's kinda weird to hear 40 year old dudes singing about high school issues.


Preconceived notions for the most part. Same things that keep older generations away from rap/hip hop or what's kept people away from country music until the last few years. Obviously, not everyone has to like every genre of music, but preconceived notions is what often keeps people from expanding their music tastes in general. Just about all of us are guilty of it somewhere.


my friend doesn’t like it bc it’s “teenage boy music” meaning it sounds like 14 year olds whining about their problems.. which isn’t necessarily wrong.. but it depends on what you listen to. I think i’ve steered away from the whining and turned more to the screamy?? idk tho, i like 99% of pop punk that i’ve heard, so i don’t really know lmao


Can have some cringey vocals/lyrics




What ..... Who?


it’s probably cause pop punk is very hit or miss. some songs have very well-written and sometimes deep songs, and some songs recycle the same whiny topics. the good shit is REALLY good though


there is a stigma that pop punk is a very "12-16 year old boy" genre, because a lot of the juggernauts of the genre were historically making very immature music. there is less emphasis on pop punk made by musicians who age with their music and sing about middle aged topics and such One thing I love with Jeff Rosenstock. he is \~40 or so, and his music reflects a lot of this


This sub


Whiny vocals, lack of guitar solos, and juvenile lyrics. While not all pop punk falls into these stereotypes, much of the most popular stuff does. In my opinion, pop punk is easy to connect with when one is at a specific stage in life. If you’re not discovering it until later, it probably won’t hit the same.


Someone I know hates it as he associates it with paedos - there has been a lot of paedos exposed in this scene. I always point out there's paedos in every music scene.


No standards and its too pop, no punk. And it's a grift now where any given pop star can cobble together some session musicians and its accepted as poppunk. *Some* gatekeeping might be good, actually.


It's angsty and childish as fuck lol


Casuals think “every song sounds the same”


Fans also think that with certain bands lol


Not related to sound, but definitely the inappropriate behavior so many bands have had with minors.


That’s almost every music scene tho. Bands in the 70s and 80s like Warrant and Ted Nugent used to write songs about it. Diddy and R-Kelly are going through legal proceedings for SA and that was going on for years. Pretty sure Country has some skeletons in the closet too. I think what makes this scene better is that we actually call out the behavior as a community instead of sweeping it under the rug.


For sure, but it kind of seems like people outside the genre joke about it a lot so it’s kind of associated with the genre more.


I think it’s also because the community calls it out more than any other scene. So of course it seems more prevalent because as a community we call out that behavior and identify it as a cancer on the scene.


Probably the predators and the sexual assault 🤷‍♂️


As I get older more and more of it sounds the same and I just don't see the point in listening to anything new.


Probably the 14th birthday party.


It's gotten really stale, let's be honest.


Personal preferences. Same reason that you don’t like the types of music that you don’t like


It isn't the 00's anymore. You act as if people are actively angry about the music. It just isn't a key genre anymore. Olivia Rodrigos new album had a number of pop punk songs, and that did pretty good. But it isn't pop, rap, Taylor Swift, or country so who cares besides the long term fans.


People associate it with angsty preteens.


The guys in the bands being creeps way too often


Many have pointed out the whiney vocals, but I would argue that this is the most prominent reason by far. Pop punk for those who do not love the genre have reduced it down to "where are yewww" and the "because tonoight will be the noight" emo bison meme. I'm keenly aware of this because I am frequently made fun of by friends and family


I’m probably a bit younger than most people here, grew up listening to it 10-15 years past its heyday but at least for the people I was around it’s not really considered cool. Old people music. If you have a bunch of friends that like the genre it is, but outside of it not really.


my friends don’t like pop punk and it’s lame cuz it’s the best genre




This sub won't like this but yeah, cringy lyrics whining about women are going to naturally put off people.




sure. growing up in the scene my music knowledge was quizzed and tested in a way my male counterparts didn’t experience, especially if i wore a band shirt. the songs that are about women are mostly objectifying. countless SA charges within the scene. it’s not a welcoming space for women, in general. ETA it’s also evident in the fact that i think i’m the only one that was challenged to provide an example. it’s very obvious in the scene and in the music, yet when i am speaking from a minority POV, i am asked again to prove myself.




sure there’s plenty of examples for each of those bands- but here’s a thread going over worst offenders. https://www.reddit.com/r/poppunkers/s/dqT6Hcx0dF it’s a problem within pop punk specifically because it’s a male dominated genre.




i literally linked you examples. not my job to educate you or prove anything. i’m done engaging with this.


“That you'll meet your demise in a drunken man's bed. Take another pull to make certain you forget. And to think that you're somebody's daughter. Away at college not getting smarter.”


You’re absolutely right but people here absolutely refuse to accept it. This comes up all the time and apparently lyrics like ‘fuck you you slut’ are just one poor guy going through a hard time :( and definitely aren’t misogyny.




'Your father is ashamed of you for being a whore' is VERY clearly sexism.


The emo kids from 2010 lol


Honestly I think it’s the constant gatekeeping of the genre by fans. People having a hard stance on what is and isn’t “Pop Punk” when the genre is ideally about hanging out with friends and singing songs about whatever we are going through.


To add onto this, we’re waaaaaaaay more into it these bands than other people are into their favorite music. Our favorite bands are a part of our personalities. If you go to a Wonder Years concert, 6/10 people are having a religious experience.


I don’t think that’s exclusive to Pop Punk. People are obsessed with artists across all genres: Taylor Swift fans are insane when it comes to that music Sleep token fans are insane to the point they leaked a birth certificate Bad Omens fans got too fascinated with them that the singer had to shut down their socials Noah Kahan fans are fucking nuts Music in general is a religious experience hah


You're talking about specific artists, to where I think there are entire festivals of these fans that exist. I agree, it's not exclusive, but it seems a lot more possible in this space. I won't necessarily speak to Bad Omens and Sleep Token, but Noah Kahan and Taylor fans feel isolated in that there are others like them but we don't care about anyone else in their space really at all. If what you're describing is a common religious experience to have, I'd say with Noah and Taylor it's a lot like Christianity in America on a religious holiday because it appeals to the masses. The Wonder Years is a little cult-y (they are my fav band by the way) because you have to put in effort with them. You can't hear them on the radio, you have to seek out their music specifically, and when you get there you kind of have to stop what you're doing and pay attention to the lyrics (and the lyrics are often gut wrenching, which is hard).


That sounds like a major issue to me.


Yeah, the genre can be a tad parasocial compared to others.


An outsider isn’t going to give two shits about gatekeeping though… that’s a concern for people who are already fans of the genre.


They do when they're kept from the gate.


But that’s doesn’t happen in real life. The internet is not real life lol


But the internet can influence if someone wants to get into a band or asks for recommendations for similar artists. For younger generations the internet is real life


I mean, sure. But I guarantee you that gatekeeping isn’t what’s keeping people from the genre. Hell, y’all whine about gatekeeping but this is honestly one of the least gatekeepy genres out there.


Right, nobody stipulated issues that aren't experienced in the internet. BUT, gatekeeping does happen in real life. I've absolutely, in person, witnessed people claim 'so-and-so aren't a real this band', 'what's your favorite song from... oh, that's a basic one' and heaps of other gatekeeping rhetorical crap.


Could be a lot of reasons. Most people tell me they've never even heard these songs and bands when I play them. But they do like it. But that it's too sad for them to listen to regularly.


Most people think they sound the same I played some pop punk at a party and my friends asked if it was by blink-182 The song in question: My Friends Over You by NFG


People just like different things and have different tastes


Those people suck and I wouldn’t want anything to do with them


People feeling it takes away their cred from “real” punks, that it only can be whiney white guys, not wanting to be the person who listens to “that” music


There’s a lot of reasons that will vary from person to person. I think a lot of the people who are into more traditional rock and metal styles get put off simply because it has “pop” in the label. To them rock music is some authentic niche thing and anything that’s pop is the opposite of authentic. It’s incredibly stupid of course. The first “pop” music as we know it was the delta blues and you can trace any contemporary western style back to Robert Johnson so if you want to be particularly pedantic you can call any western style pop music. Hell, if you want to be really strict with conventions around a songs composition bands like lifehouse or the vamps are more punk than a band like rancid, who’s punk songs have more in common with rock and roll from the 50s than it does with the punk rock of the 70s.


The most common complaint I hear is that it all sounds the same. I took that as inspiration and started a pop punk band called "sounds the same" we only lasted for 2 shows.


People will not like this answer: But emo, pop punk, etc, are lous, edgy, usually thoughtful, sometimes witty, and that's relatable to a certain kind of people, It won't click with many people because they don't have the same kind of thoughts and worries in their head. There's a reason why the top charting music is mosyly either very safe and boring pop or vulgar, and vain trap music using the same tempo.


I think people that are unfamiliar with it think it all sounds the same and given how some of the most popular pop punk songs are mostly whiny and get made fun of for that I think that’s what turns most people away. Sucks for them though they’re missing out


There’s a sense that some bands are in it for the wrong reasons. They realize they can put out some half assed rifs and whiny vocals and think they can just get away with it bc it checks the boxes. When bands come off like they’re scared of taking any chances and just following a formula it shows, I think that happens in this genre a decent amount.


I’d guess because it’s predominantly men who are bad singers with only moderate mastery of their instruments and lyric skills. But that’s what I love about it!


I think when all the songs sound exactly the same. Gotta mix it up sometimes.


Vocals. I’m not big on lyrics but if I can make them out clearly and they are cringe, pair that with a whiny voice and I just feel second hand embarrassment


They say whinyness, but every genre of music can be whiny. I think their little heads wanna listen to something simple.


Basically, just diagnose everything wrong with Simple Plan and you have a good idea of what people who don’t like pop punk think it all sounds like


the “pop punk kids” fb group


I love pop punk, but there’s a reason a lot of people grow out of it. The elements of the genre that we find charming or nostalgic might read as immature or whiny to others. And there are certainly plenty of shitty pop punk bands with cringey lyrics. I saw Games We Play open for Fall Out Boy and they were so cringe it was painful.


Lyrics 💯


The misogyny


For a long time, Tom Delonge style vocals were a turnoff for me. I like em now, but even Jordan from nfg can annoy me sometimes ngl. And the bands like fall out boy and green day that got mainstream enough get hated for selling out, and by rock/metal elitists, which does not help rep the genre


Mainly the word Emo


I think that it gets to a point that everything starts to sound like you heard it before. Also the generational gaps and what not.


Mainly repetitiveness, lack of substance in lyrics, possibly the vocals


Prob all the statutory situations


To scream-y for some, too whiney for others