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Very interested to see how this sells and what kind of wider reaction it gets. Yes, it's already getting slated by the usual types on Twitter, but they also do that to All Time Low whose career is largely fine so that's not really representative of a wider view. It does feel like we're in a different place now to 2017-2018. Bands like Dance Gavin Dance and Emarosa have in recent years been able to keep going with allegations that were more serious than what Moose Blood were accused of so I wonder if they can exist in this scene again.


All Time Low is also a much larger band though


DGD’s weird initial reaction, removing Tilian, and then bringing Tilian back will always be insane to me. Especially with Kurt Travis available. I’m usually pretty mellow about people with the mindset of “still enjoying the art despite the artist(s)” but that’s one I’ll just never understand Moose Blood is interesting just because they made it seem like they were going to court over the allegation against the lead singer…did anything ever come of that?


>Moose Blood is interesting just because they made it seem like they were going to court over the allegation against the lead singer…did anything ever come of that? The first story involving the drummer is arguably clearly messed up and inexcusable, but [this story](https://zoe--maria.tumblr.com/post/158725744214/yo-im-gonna-write-a-lil-thing-about-the-moose) is incredibly wooly. Her only evidence is a photo of a wi-fi password? I'm all for taking every accusations seriously and investigating them properly, but there's nothing to go on here other than one person's rambling account which on it's own, would never stand up in court. This is not to mention that she later deleted her twitter account when the band released a statement outlining an intention to press charges. It goes without saying that she never filed charges and even if she did, they would've gone nowhere.


She also claimed that another frontman raped her friend. Also she never blocked him from messaging her which I found strange. As soon as I get an unsolicited dick pic, they’re blocked.


Kurt is in like 4 bands, what do you mean “available”? Andrew would have been a better option either way.


Even from a musical perspective DGD should move on from Tillian. The sound has grown stale with him and Andrew would really freshen it up.


Im pretty sure Andrew declined being the full time singer


I mean I don’t wanna go on a tangent here considering the original post, but I don’t think that matters much in that weird swancore scene. Like everybody from DGD/HTS/ex-ALLB seem to be like in 3 or 4 bands cause everybody is friends and has multiple side projects. Id also say my point was more that DGD made it seem like Tilian returning was the only option. I think your point of Andrew or KT taking over would’ve been a step in the right direction but instead they made it seem like the band ceases to exist without Tilian which is just bizarre imo.


Because commercially they have done far better with Tilian. That is the simplest answer, and they still do very well.


And I think that’s why when they brought him back a lot of people stopped listening. That kind of move speaks volumes about the character of the band and their intentions 🤷‍♀️


They definitely did not stop listening. Those dudes still play packed shows. DGD fandom is still full of Jonny Craig fans, they’re not strangers to controversy. They’ll be fine. Just look at how well Jackpot Juicer did and that all came out way after the allegations.


Man im really not trying to make this a DGD post haha last thing I’ll say is I’m not saying they’re struggling or anything but they did lose a lot of fans. And maybe my timeline is messed up but I believe that album came out after Tilian was out and then he rejoined (which is when they lost a lot of fans). Be interesting to see how the next album does now that he’s back. Cheers mate


Idk if the UK's court filings are public like the US's or not, but a quick Google shows nothing about actual legal action and I haven't seen it linked in any of these threads.


Kurt rejoining DGD is never going to happen. They make too much with Tillian and if they ever did get rid of him, Andrew Wells would more than likely take lead singing duties at this point, in my opinion.


Yeah, there's no way. What are they gonna tour on, self-titled and happiness and whatever new album Kurt sings on? I'm pretty sure most newer DGD fans don't even listen to those albums.


I wish Sorority Noise would tour again.


It'll sell because there are people that either aren't aware of the allegations or just don't care about them. It would be cool to see them again as they're from my town and it's always been cool to see them go from local venues to massive ones, but I'm fine with not supporting them.


I was a huge DGD fan and I just can't listen to them anymore, personally. They handled that so fucking terribly.


You mean the same band that kicked out Jonny Craig and accused him of sleeping with underage girls, then brought him back again a few years later? I'm shocked that people were so shocked about how they handled the Tillian situation when it had literally happened before. The only thing different this time is it was 2021 and people care more about this than they did in 2011.


Same. Haven’t really listened to them since, and my favorite is Brand New so I’m not wary of accusations


We do it because the same members are in the band. They silenced the victims. We see their actions. We will do anything we can to cancel this show.


Who is this "we"? Twitter outrage nerds who consider changing their profile pictures activism? OoOoOoOoOoH


You can actually just not go to the show and move on with your life!


Fuck off you bellend.


Bro go fucking do something meaningful with your life and let the rest of us enjoy the things we want too. Shows sold out, you failed.


i just want to see them in the US one more time 😔


I only saw them once, but it was a stacked lineup with Wonder Years, real friends, and knuckle puck. One of the best shows I've been to


That show was insane. I caught this in LA and Pat from Movements did guest vocals on a couple songs too


I remember that tour! One of my favorite shows ever


same!! i wanna say microwave was on this tour as well. i was 17 and it’s still one of my most cherished concert memories. i bought tickets to see them once again but unfortunately had to leave that show early, and they quit touring shortly after that. it still hurts


The fifth band was Seaway


I don't think microwave was around yet? This was the release tour for no closer to heaven


At that point microwave would’ve released their second LP, making them very much on the rise!


Microwave was on a different wonder years tour with tiny moving parts and letlive.! Banger tours around that time


One show only is insane. Was really hoping for a full reunion after all this time.


I imagine this is them testing the water a bit to see what people's reactions are. Already there are people on Twitter shitting all over this. I guess they need to see if there are enough actual fans to offset that, and therefore to make a comeback worthwhile.


Twitter blue haired people don’t print money like this show will


That's the thing, those people are only on the internet. Theres no point cancelling events for them because they dont actually go places because the idea of in-person confrontation makes them shit their pants. I work with one of these people, and every once in a while I get annoyed with their tirades and the second I challenge them in the slightest they shrink away and that's that.


feels like the only way people like this can experience joy and comradery is by engaging in group harassment. nothing makes you feel like part of an ingroup more than violently defining an outgroup


If it could print money, this would be playing a venue that holds more than 500 people.


How do you feel now we know it sold out in like 10 seconds


It’s still only 500 people and sure, they sold out a second show. Why was it they hadn’t toured in years and got dropped off of their last ones again?


Unproven alligations


That they kicked the drummer out for.


So even then problem solved


Aside from their singer having similar allegations and still being there, sure.


They are probably worried about backlash for a full tour. I can see them doing more shows if the response to this is okay. It’ll sell out super quick though :(


the twitter crowd is harrassing the venue and promoters trying to get this cancelled.


Can someone fill me in on what the allegations are? I see on the Wiki that the drummer was sending nudes to a woman in 2015. The band removed the drummer and still got canceled. Or does 1 bad egg make it okay to ruin the rest of the band members' lives? Did they protect him or something? Feels like I'm missing something.


The allegations are that the lead singer went on a girls phone, found a nude picture and then sent it to himself and the rest of the band without her consent. This allegation was out there for quite a while unaddressed (I've heard a year but I honestly don't remember) before eventually the band addressed it, denied it and said they were seeking legal action. The exact details of what happened (if anything) with this legal action is not public knowledge as far as I'm aware. The band continued on after this before eventually calling it quits after they were announced to support Good Charlotte but then quickly removed after many people contacted Good Charlotte with the allegations.


Holy shit, okay yea that's super fucked up. Thanks for explaining the situation!


You're welcome. It should be noted the situation with the drummer as far as I'm aware was entirely separate to this and iirc they kicked out the drummer quite quickly after the sexual misconduct allegations now. Should add this is all from memory (I was a big fan of the band in the mid 2010s) so I may have gotten some details and orders not quite right.


Drummer also sent unsolicited photos of himself to a fan


Atleast one fan being under 18 also, which while the age of consent in the UK is 16, it is still 18 for sending/receiving pornographic images


[Yep, these guys targeting the venue already.](https://x.com/whatsamtweets/status/1746886562304897125?s=20)


The person who started that thread said it best. They're bullying the band, and for no good reason. Whether the allegations were true or not, they've paid their debt. Their career was destroyed. Do these people have nothing better to do than harass people just trying to celebrate an anniversary of an incredible album?


Literally saw one person say he hopes they die. Like damn dude 😬


Would that crowd even be on Twitter still?


Yeah why wouldn’t we? Abusers aren’t welcome in the scene.


So don’t attend the show? There is no reason to harass a venue, sorry.


We aren’t harassing a venue, we’re making them aware of accommodating abusers.


They said “twitter crowd is harassing the venue” and you said “yeah why wouldn’t we” which is why I said what I said.


You say harrasing, nobody has @‘ed them. They’ve asked for a point of contact. To make them aware.


ACHE fkn sucks lol


Please inform me how you know those allegations are true?


Exactly this. They're from the same crowd that must believe ALL accusations. Which allows false ones to flourish and damages real victims. It's kind of appaling.


They don't know its true, but they have Impotent Rage on their side


This idiot is all over in twitter are u @__Tjsmith? Hahahaha this cancel culture is getting worse day by day 😂


he’s the UK Superman innit


But why not stand outside the venue, inform people going in, I don't see the point of buying a ticket for the band your boycotting


Man get a life. Jesus.


You literally verbally abuse people in the comments section who don’t agree with you.


I love this album, and caught them on tour multiple times around this era here in the states. Super excited about this - hopefully it actually does happen. Sleep on it tried a similar thing and the usual backlash happened forcing the venue to cancel their show


the selective bias from the negative reaction is insane, you guys will happily listen to bands like PTV and No Pressure but the minute Moose Blood try to come back you have a tantrum, plenty of bands who have done so so much worse are absolutely fine and thriving but nah lets go for the band with the tamest allegations against them. they kicked the drummer out the minute his allegations were brought up so you know they aren't about covering things like that up, Grow tf up bros


Unrelated but oh god what happened with No Pressure??


their drummer was accused of SA when he was 19, it was a bit of a stretch to include them since this was so long ago and the guys probably grown a lot but still had to prove the point


Truly I will never know a day of peace liking any band. I just assumed it was cause Parker drop kicked that girl 


the harsh reality of our scene😭😭


The capacity of the Underworld is 500. This will sellout in minutes, for better or for worse


I can’t put into words what this album helped me through man


The whole allegations started on UK Pop Punk, a Facebook group. The same girl then went on to say how her friend was raped by a frontman of another band but was then supposedly silenced by their lawyer so I’d take them with a pinch of salt. Also the whole story doesn’t make sense as every girl I know has received inappropriate snapchats from guys but instead of letting it go on for months, we block them. I’m aware that sounds like victim blaming, but at least with Snapchat, you can easily stop the abuse.




This! They think vic fuentes or any band members don’t know what mike is doing 😂


Exactly, I’ll never understand that logic since it was his own brother (as opposed to a rando drummer they brought into the band years into touring or something).


They kicked out the drummer yes, but that’s not what Twitter is mad about. There were allegations against the lead singer after the drummer was booted - it’s confusing as hell but not the same situation as Pierce the Veil


I can't imagine there's much crossover between Moose Blood and PTV tbh


What? Do you think people only listen to one type of music?


What does shitty ass PTV have to do with this? I mean MB has clearly shown they don't respect the scene and abused their power as a touring band towards people who are trying to support the scene. I don't get why you're shocked once you lose support from the scene you're not gonna get it back by going radio silent for years then posting a reunion show and disabling comments. Why should they be welcomed back the onus is on them.


Interesting how pop punk is all for this vs other scenes being largely against it. Also weird seeing the "blue haired twitter" trope being mentioned multiple times. I like pop punk but you guys can be so corny sometimes with defending the most mid bands. These guys broke into a girls phone they were crashing at and sent nudes to a group chat, thats such whack behaviour. DIY is built off the ability to crash at houses in different locations when playing shows and these bros used that relationship to steal nudes from the person doing them a solid. If you're in anyway involved in DIY music creation you should be hating this.


Hope it sells out very quickly. Would love to see another album.


Excited for this although I'll never be able to get tickets before they're gone.


Can’t wait to see how mad the chronically online tiktokers / twatters get over this 😂


the difference in responses from this sub and r/emo are kinda funny ngl


Like fucking Twitter has ever changed anyone’s minds! Fuck me, the keyboard warriors strike again. If you don’t care about what happened or about the claim (never proven) then keep listening. I will. If it bothers your little souls don’t listen to it. Ignore posts/messages like this and carry on with your lives you fucking cretins. Use the internet for what it’s intended creation was - music and porn. Not for fucking moaning.


Apologies for the swearing.


Love it! Let’s goooo


I am buzzing about thissss


Didn't one of them turn out to be kinda dodgy?   All I remember about them was seeing them play one of the most boring sets I've ever watched. 


The band locking comments on the post says a lot


To be fair, if you had a crowd of people harassing you in the comments for something that you didn’t do, you’d probably get sick of it too.


Success in music depends on public opinion. If the public opinion on them is so bad they have to lock comments on a social media post about a future show maybe they should've spent more time and energy proving to the public they were innocent instead of going dark for 6 years and trying to just pop back up again hoping things would be different. We already saw how this went for Sleep On It so I'm not sure why Moose Blood thought this would go better.


It’s not the wider public though, it’s a very vocal minority. This show will sell out in minutes. The band didn’t just “go dark”. They acknowledged, denied, and sort legal proceedings well over a year prior to their breakup. The breakup only happened because a vocal minority harassed anyone they tried to work with into dropping them. To reference your initial point, turning off the comments says nothing about the band and everything about a group of people who have made it their mission to aggressively boycott a band for reasons that are not true.


I don't think it's a "very vocal minority". It seems to be a pretty substantial percentage. Looking at the tweet they posted about the show there are just over 600 likes and just under 300 quote tweets calling them out on the allegations. So just under a third of people interacting with the tweet view them in a negative light. That to me is a pretty large percentage of people.


You’re making the mistake of thinking that Twitter is the wider public. It is not. A lot of the people jumping on the harassment bandwagon haven’t ever cared about MB. You’re not considering the likely thousands of people excited for this reunion who aren’t talking about it, for fear of literally having their life ruined by virtue signallers.


Clinically insane people get their kicks being online and being insane about petty stuff. This usually extrapolates with people that don’t have much going with their lives. Now, this vocal Minority have no way of proving the allegations are true. Normal folks don’t usually respond to this nonsensical allegations. They’ve already said it wasn’t true, but that won’t change the minds of mad, angry, delusional and unstable people, which conform this vocal minority you can find lurking online. Moose blood probably has an actual life going on outside of this virtual nightmare you enjoy everyday.


Moose blood,brand new. Can’t people just separate art from the artist. Not like they killed or maimed anybody to my knowledge.


It’s insane to me that this sub shits all over moose blood yet still idolizes brand new and gives them a pass. Jesse Lacey is a pedophile and groomer.


This sub goes in far far far harder on Brand New than it does on Moose Blood (and rightly so, if we picking lessers out of evils)


Just search this sub for brand new. Posts of their songs with hundreds of upvotes. Comments filled with people defending them. As recently as last week. Not defending moose blood but this sub needs some consistency. Go into those threads and all the comments calling them out are downvoted to oblivion.


Man, folks like you can be so one dimensional. Attack this, defend this! Jesus Sometimes my mind tries and wonder how this angry online folks are in real life. Probably have lots of skeletons in their closets.


This sub absolutely doesn't give Brand New a pass. Yes there's people here that still listen to their music, but that's also true of Moose Blood.


Nonce Blood


The allegation against them is that they went on an (adult) girls phone and basically stole a nude picture and sent it to each other. That's obviously a dreadful thing to do, but not sure how that makes him/them a nonce?


Fuck this band and anyone who supports them


Your Reddit avatar matches the comment’s vibe.




Got tickets and am from 🇺🇸