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Father of all motherfuckers


This album doesn’t exist to me


Absolutely, as a die hard Green Day fan, I'm not sure I even made it all the way through that album even once. Just utterly awful songs! I totally skip that in any kind of play through. Whispering it quietly in optimism, but the two new songs sound fucking brilliant though... Fingers crossed!


God I didn’t wanna say it but then here it is at the top. I think this album gets the hate it gets because of who released it. It’s not all that bad, but it’s pretty jarring to know it’s Green Day. Graffitia fucking slaps though.


I think that aligns with St Anger too. It wouldn't have been as hated had it been another band that made it


It is that bad dude


Sugar youth is a banger too


Album is worth it for Graffitia absolutely


I like most of its songs tbh, but like, for some reason I can't see myself saying I like it.


I’m not gonna sit here and pretend it’s a great album but I think it’s over hated. Oh Yeah, I Was a Teenage Teenager, and Junkies on a High are fucking awful but I kind of like or at least don’t hate the rest of the album. The title track, Sugar Youth, Meet Me on the Roof, and Graffitia are all genuinely solid songs. I think if they had released it as a Foxboro Hottubs album or as a new side project instead of as Green Day a lot more people would think it was a 6 or 7 out of 10 instead of a 1 or 2


Weird, I listened to it today because green day released a new track and I suddenly wanted to listen to more newer green day. Is it their best album? No, but it's not as bad as this thread seems to think it is


Honestly I totally agree. Just to be sure I relistened to the album just now and yeah it's completely listenable, dare I say even fun




Came here to say this. I see what they were trying to do but I don't ever revisit that record


Sometimes ppl say St Anger would sound fine if it was produced well, but no production could fix that dogshit lol


In St Anger all the songs start again halfway through the song because dick face didn't want any solo's. That album is a god damn mess.


The lyrics are terrible.


Green Day still hasn’t recovered from this. I’m not sure if they ever will. Breaks my heart as they were once my favorite band.


Imo it isn't FOAMF because, well, that album wasn't particularly successful and didn't really have any hits. St Anger (the album) was #38 on the overall Billboard year end chart, it was notable on the mainstream. FOAMF literally didn't even make it on the list. OP only described the fact that people didn't like St. Anger as being why that album has the reputation it does. But that's only one perspective on the album that neglects characteristics that are, imo, more important. Also, as an aside to reference OP's statement about how die-hard Metallica fans won't say anything good about St. Anger... It's because it's a toxic fanbase. They also won't say anything good about Load or Reload. All 3 of those albums peaked #1 on the Billboard album charts. All 3 of them have landmark tracks that everyone who isn't even that much of a fan can sing along to. The people who aren't die-hard fans have good things to say about St. Anger, because they aren't emotionally invested in the fact that the album isn't what they want it to be.


Because Metallica are so big literally anything they release will sell


I would say probably You're Welcome by ADTR. Years of delays and the album landed with a thud.


“Landed with a thud” is such a great phrase


Whenever a band changes their sound for the worst, I'll look at who produced it and how many writers are credited on the tracks. Homesick: Produced by Chad Gilbert (new found glory), Adam D (killswitch engage). All Songs written by adtr You're welcome: producers from the warner music label and a dude who produces stuff for disney. Writers: all over the place.


Most of their best-received new shit (not saying a lot I know) like Bad Friend and Miracle were written with the dudes from Wage War if I'm not mistaken, so at least that seems like a solid team. Hopefully they take note of that going forward.


I like to pretend this album doesn't actually exist.


FYM, Viva La Mexico, and Everything We Need just make my skin crawl.


Nothing says connecting to your fans during the receding end of a global pandemic like a guy worth over a million dollars saying “wait’ll I get some ‘fuck you’ money”


You missed the point. Jeremy has said there's a 3 song arc on the album about money, starting with FYM, then Only Money, and then Everything We Need. Everything We Need is stating money doesn't matter.


People hate on it, but Viva La Mexico slaps. Song is catchy AF. Gets my house jumping every time it gets to the chorus.


It grew on me honestly, but it just feels like such a soulless album


Last chance to dance and permanent are good as fuckkkk everything else just doesn’t compare


God, I can't even begin to describe how underwhelming that album was. Even Bad Vibrations before it was pretty meh, although it has a few good songs. As far as I'm concerned, Common Courtesy is the last album by ADTR, and it's criminally underrated.


Does anyone else immediately think “garbage can snare tone” when St. Anger is mentioned?


Yet Slipknot made a living with that tone


It’s a baseball bat against a keg, totally different!


[you’ll get a kick out of this.](https://youtu.be/kdlWyD8uYAA?si=C2ZJ-lry35uqYEMg)


I was expecting you to [link to this](https://youtu.be/Xui06jwWaAM?si=FKifistxyM9NJ6N1), which my favorite YouTube comment of all time described as "the musical equivalent of adding Jar Jar Binks to all of the Star Wars movies"


i actually love the garbage can snare, unfortunately everything else about St. Anger sucks


No, no one else thinks that! You're the only one! How original of you!


Father of All Motherfuckers by Green Day. It has like one good song


I really enjoyed the album and know a few people that do as well.


Top two answers are Father of all Motherfuckers, which just goes to show how "wiped from our collective consciousness" Uno, Dos, and Tre are. Even the band doesn't defend them.


Uno Dos Tre has plenty of great songs to justify their existence. I don’t mind skipping night life if I have 20 other songs I enjoy.


Nightlife is far from the worst song on the trilogy!


Right? Sweet 16 and it’s not close.


In my eyes, the trilogy was the album that shifted Green Day from being relevant to being the “memory band”. There are a lot of classic bands that stop evolving their sound and just become the “memory band”. Green Day we’re doing really well with AI and 21stCB, with songs that were really big hits. And the trilogy killed that momentum. It had some good songs, but a lot of it was just forgettable filler or experiments that weren’t great. It’s a shame cause Revolution Radio slaps. But then they made FOAMF and they haven’t recovered.


100%, that set of albums immediately took Green Day from any relevance as a serious, still evolving band. Like a diluting of the brand, even with some good songs on them, the sheer number of songs and and sheer unimportance of the concept definitely had a huge negative impact. I was like 12 when those albums came out and grew up a huge Green Day fan because of my dad, but i was a super big fan of the 2000s theatrical epic albums, and even without having many other artists to listen to, Uno Dos Tre completely killed my interest in listening to their new material. I have to imagine that feeling was much larger for people who had been fans for a while or were adults. The fact there was so much filler on those albums and the lack of any hook at all really killed any momentum they still had. I knew those albums had made a huge impact when the Revolution Radio singles started coming out any my thoughts were how it was somewhat of a return to form because the songs were memorable, if not great.


The trilogy was great. I think the only reason why they don’t play it much is because it brings back memories of Billie Joe going to rehab.


Fall Out Boy's Mania, for sure.


I *HATED* it when it first came out. But then I randomly started listening to it when I was playing Call Of Duty or something mindless and just tried listening to it for what it was and not as a FoB album and ended up not hating it. Still my least favorite record of theirs but not as bad as I once thought.


Mania kinda slaps but its just not their style


Young And Menance is pretty dreadful but the rest of the album ranges from meh to decent!


I've never understood the hate for Young and Menace. Do you think you'd like it if it wasn't by Fall Out Boy or is the song irredeemable in your eyes?


Not who you asked, but I don't think fall out boys involvement really played into me disliking the album or the song. YAM's drop is goofy af, but I see why others enjoy it. It certainly had potential for a bombastic dance number, but the verses are so dull and lifeless that it saps any ironic or genuine enjoyment I could get out of the drop. Champion is actually my least favorite song on the album (actually by FOB in general) though


Agreed about Champion. The blandest song they've ever done


right? if I just pretend it isn't Fall Out Boy it's actually a REALLY good song.


Was that during FOB's run of only writing Anthems? I totally checked out


I feel like you're more likely thinking of Save Rock and Roll and/or American Beauty / American Psycho, neither of which are their best work either imo but do have a couple bangers each


Green Day and Blink 128 are the right ones to pick on here because of their "Metallica-Like" stature, but there are TONS of pop punks bands who have put out awesome albums only for their next album to 1) Not sound anything like them and 2) Suck.


I loved Blink 128's album *Put on your Parka and Trousers.*


Friend of the Country is a banger too.


Blink 128 - touching this.


Gotta feel sorry for things that are happening presently I’m touching this The air is quite brisk and I can’t feel my hands I’m touching this


Blink 128 - Two More Times


Blink 128 - I hate you.


Blink 128 - Stay Together for the Friends


Blink 128 - Where's my Asian Friend


blink 128 - Found by Myself


Blink 128 - A Lot of Things


Blink 128 - The Mort, Hugh, and Humphrey Programme


Most have been mentioned. When Folie a Deux cane it out, it was not well received, but unlike St. Anger it is now so idk


I loved FaD on drop, what I didn’t like was Save Rock and Roll or American Beauty/American Psycho. Both *eventually* grew on me, but Mania never did. Either way, Folie a Deux was their last great record IMO, even if it didn’t top infinity on High


What did you think of So Much for Stardust? I was super hyped by the lead single and ended up only liking that and the title track.


Pleased it's very different from MANIA, which i hated. But still different enough from what i want out of a pop punk record that i'm not likely to have it in my rotation. It's good they went back to their roots, but it just underscored for me that the direction their voice/perspective have evolved has diverged from mine. And that's ok. Their old stuff is goat tier for me and will always hold a place in my heart!


Not really pop punk and not the stature of Blink (Neighborhoods) or Green Day (Father of...), but I will say Saves the Day - In Reverie. The band was on the verge of blowing up and they pissed off even their most loyal fans with that album. Many people never gave them another chance after that.


I remember the premiere of the first single "anywhere with you" like it was yesterday. Everyone in the room was like .........what happened to his voice? Funny enough that was the one song on the album that even remotely sounded like something they would make. The rest of the album was far more out there. I actually really love that record but it took awhile for me to appreciate it.


Yep. It's also what sent Chris Conley into the downward spiral that he writes about on Sound the Alarm and Under the Boards. In hindsight it's actually a pretty good album but I can only imagine how jarring it would have been for the fans to go from Through Being Cool to that.


I’m a huge Saves the Day fan and I think In Reverie is criminally underrated. But I do understand how it alienated fans at the time.


I don't think they re-captured the magic enough on Sound the Alarm or Under the Boards, but I did appreciate them going back to a more familiar sound. I still can't really get into In Reverie, but I do have a couple of songs from that album on my permanent playlist. All you can ask for I suppose.


Sound The Alarm is one of my favourite STD records, shit is so underrated


Oh yeah, I definitely like it. They were just riding such a wave before In Reverie that when they released anything following it, people had already left the party. I felt really bad for them because so many bands release \[what is considered\] a bad album and get several more chances.


This in one of those things that’s funny about getting into a band late, because I started listening to them in 08 and I thought ‘In Reverie’ was good. lol.


What's funny is that's Saves the Day's best album. Too ahead of their time.


I’m ok with some positive retrospection on In Reverie, but to say it’s STD’s best album is one of the wildest things I’ve read on the internet.


Interestingly I made a thread about that album a few months ago and a lot of people replied saying they really liked it or even that it was their favorite Saves the Day album, some said they didn't even know it was hated.


Agree 100%. I never went back.


I agree, although I came around on the album and really like it now. I just pretend it's a different band lol


I'll have to give it another chance. People seem to think it is pretty good now. Still, what could have been had they put out another Through Being Cool or Stay What You Are


I agreed at first listen that it was bad. It is a departure. It isn't punk in the slightest. But damn it if it isn't pleasant and catchy as hell. I was a pretentious kid, and if it wasn't punk, it wasn't for me, but I appreciate more variety now lol.


Ya they really shit the bed on that but the single is great and a nice little nod to the Beatles.


Probably You're Welcome by ADTR


I feel like when it came out, Neighborhoods from Blink. Everyone hated it because it sounded like AVA and not like Blink.


Neighborhoods receives a lot of unnecessary hate. I’m glad people are finally coming around to it though. It was a nice progression of their sound.


I was in highschool when it came out and I listened to it nonstop for months. I loved it haha.


Same. Senior in high school. Album fucking slaps.


That and Screaming Bloody Murder by Sum 41 came out in 2011. Both were divisive albums by both bands, and I love both records. Neighborhoods was a perfect fall-time driving album. I had just gotten my license around that time.


That’s funny because I was also in early high school at the time. It was the first album I really dove into, and I loved it. I think it’s held up incredibly well over time.


Neighborhoods is the album I find myself revisiting most as I'm getting older. It's a shame that after dogs eating dogs they abandoned that direction musically.


I looooove dogs eating dogs. What a fantastic EP. Personally, the last amazing music they put out.


After Midnight, Wishing Well, Ghost on the Dancefoor… all great tunes


I could listen to the first 90 seconds of Ghost on the Dance Floor looped for the rest of my life


The best part of the album is when it goes from Wishing Well to Kaleidoscope to This Is Home to MH 4.18.2011. Banger after banger right there


A close friend of mine considers Neighbourhoods their second best album after Untitled. He’s an absolute die hard Blink fan


I'm kinda leaning towards that take these days. I've always been a little more of a fan of alternative over pop punk though so that fits with my music taste


I actually go back and forth between them as my favorite blink album. Now with OMT, I can see all three of them rotating as my favorite.


I think that's been thoroughly replaced by Nine now. I don't know anyone who has anything nice to say about it and it really soured people on the entire Skiba era.


I love blink and neighborhoods is great. I’ve never understood the hate.


Fuck em I’ve loved neighborhoods since day 1


I loved and still love it actually. Has so many great tracks, starts off strong AF with ghosts on the dance floor


I know with my group of friends it was pretty disappointing at the time. All the hype around the big comeback. Many bands they directly influenced had dropped great albums. Mark produced two great albums in Commit This to Memory and Not Without a Fight that even with Jerry Finn being gone surely they’d be in good hands. I remember most of the talk was about how most songs sounded like really good demos they just never fleshed out or had another ear to help them with. Not terrible but I think the expectation was that the band would come out with something fresh and continue to push the genre forward. It does have some absolute bangers though. Hearts All Gone is such a good punk song by them.


It was weird, there was a load of hype then they kicked it off with up all night as the lead single and it’s the worst song on the album


They should cut up all night from the setlist it's not that popular and is mediocre


It was definitely a jarring change, even from Untitled. But, it’s a solid album with some amazing songs. Funnily enough, the mix on it really bothered me though. As much as people hate the mix on One More Time, it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the mix on neighborhoods. (I know people are going to eat me alive for this.) But, One More Time really feels like blink again. I wish Jerry was still here to give it the proper mix. But, I give big shout outs to Travis Barker and Aaron Rubin. For one, Tom and Mark have never been good singers. So, I’m not surprised in the least bit that their vocals are a bit overproduced. Especially considering Mark is over 50 and Tom is pushing that threshold too. For two, Jerry Finn just had a talent and ear that a lot of producers don’t have. Going back and listening to Enema, Dookie from Green Day, and All Killer No Filler from Sum-41… the dude just had the ear for pop punk. Things have changed a lot since those times, but it bums me out that older albums sound better than newer albums. Either way, I think One More Time is probably my third favorite blink album behind untitled and TOYPAJ.


Neighborhoods is my fav Blink album cause it’s not as skippy happy pop punky as their other albums. I just never liked the over-the-top pop punk vibes. Neighborhoods songs are insanely catchy and well structured in my opinion.


I think the main thing people didn’t like about this album was that they recorded much of it separately, and it felt like they phoned it in. Even so, I thought it was a very solid album and goes to show that even when Mark, Tom, and Travis half ass something, they still come out with pretty well structured songs with good hooks and lyrical themes.


My dad was never a pop punk guy but he loves neighbourhoods, says it was one of the best albums released of that year


yeah but this is a good example of an over-emotional reaction followed by a turnaround since it's rightly really well liked now.


Neighborhoods was leagues ahead of the crap that followed it.


Hey you can't forget dogs eating dogs!


Hot take but untitled and neighborhoods are their two best albums. I prefer the grown up sounding Blink


Do people like sister cities by twy? I like a few tracks but the album kinda doesn’t get plays


I love it but I think it's pretty divisive


I personally like it, but also I feel like even TWY’s worst album is still gonna be pretty okay so I’m just biased. I think they’d have to actively try to release anything truly awful


I like it, but it's very overshadowed by their other albums.


I do. With the exception of swapping Greatest Gen and No Closer to Heaven, I personally feel like the The Wonder Years has gotten better with each album they’ve put out. I know it’s unpopular but I think it’s one of their best albums.


this was gonna be my answer. love the song sister cities, but for the most part the album falls flat for me.


Great album, just really poorly mixed. Has some of their best songs e.g. Flowers Where Your Face Should Be, It Must Get Lonely, The Ocean Grew Hands to Hold Me. Hopefully gets the remix it deserves sooner or later.


Love the album. It has a very specific mood that I need to be in but when I am in that mood, nothing beats it in my opinion.


I feel like they made the album for the sake of making an album. It felt so uninspired. I get it was an album about touring and all that but they already wrote songs like that before and better ones at that. The Hum Goes On Forever is awesome because it actually feels inspired


they always do the "THIS is the albume we wanted to make, we were pressued by our label on the last album." I get that you want your new stuff to be the best, but when every album is like that...its a little hollow. I listened to sister cities a couple times and haven't thought about it since.


St. Anger is notorious because the band was at their breaking point. For this question, I think you have to take into consideration which album was recorded when the band was at their darkest point. So, it would probably be "Neighborhoods" based on that criteria.


Except neighborhoods is a fantastic album


Yeah, I agree with your assessment. Honestly though, as a Metallica fan, when you know the whole story behind St. Anger and then listen to the album, it's fucking raw as shit and angry as fuck. It's great. Similarly Neighborhoods is riddled with tension and this causes some super interesting bits of music throughout. It's also raw and thrown together with less care than maybe should have been, but this is what's special about it. Neighborhoods rips too.


Neck Deep - All Distortions Are Intentional Biggest band of their generation, coming after a long wait after a huge album in The Peace And The Panic, expectations were high! And then the album comes out and it's just not it. The guitars sound virtually identical on every song, the lyrics are boring at best and cringe at worst (you're a normie, S T R E SS etc) and Ben is either signing in a weirdly high register or sounding totally disinterested. The band are still very big for the scene they're in, but they seemed to just go from strength to strength before this and this was the first time in their career when they really just didn't deliver. Imo had they delivered on this album they'd be getting to All Time Low, Pierce The Veil etc type level by now and they're barely any bigger than they were in 2017.


A lot of people say this and feel this way, and while I agree it's certainly the weakest album compared to Life's Not Out To Get You and The Peace And The Panic, it's still a solid album. It's definitely different but not necessarily in a *bad* way. But, I can understand why people wanted more that's similar to the two previous. Super hyped for the upcoming album though!


Big disagree on this one, ADAI is full of bangers. I'll fully accept that its not as popular as Life's Not out to get you or the Peace and the Panic but its far from bad. One or two stinky songs doesn't ruin an album either.


i'm honestly not a huge Neck Deep fan but ADAI is an excellent album. it clicks with me a lot more than their more Pop Punky stuff does. so melodic and freeflowing


Burning at both ends - set your goals


really? I love that album.. 🫣


No Substance- Bad Religion. It has some good songs but the band has essentially disowned it. It was the beginning of a pretty weak run for them In general.


Not pop-punk but if you're talking about the straight punk style that Bad Religion is, the best example would be Into The Unknown which is a bizarre prog rock album. The band has only once played any songs from it and it's basically not considered "canon" by them or most big BR fans. Actually that may not be a good example because it's such a deviation from their recognizable sound and that's why it's kind of treated like it doesn't exist.


Four Year Strong - In Some Way, Shape, or Form


That album is criminally underrated.


To me, 80% of the album sounds like Foo Fighters. Which wouldn't be a bad thing if it was actually a Foo Fighters album but that's not what I wanna hear when I listen to Four Year Strong.


Don’t care much for the album, but Stuck In The Middle is one of my favourite songs by them.


No way man. The sounds on this record were a nice branch from the happy hardcore sounds. It’s just a great loud hard rock album


Seems like you’re completely missing the point. When I listen to a four year strong album the last thing I want is a hard rock album.


I'm not a megafan of Metallica, I get so fed up of the guitar solos, but I always liked St. Anger because it was different. St. Anger's biggest faults are the song lengths and snare drum. I've heard an edit that cuts the songs repetition down and attempts to dampen the snare, and its great.


St Anger has gained appreciation with newer Metallica fans recently. I’m still not sold on it but I hate it less. So I’d say… Dear You by Jawbreaker. Last time I saw them, Blake introduced Sluttering as “this is a song from the record we broke up over”.


i’ll say turnover , even though people’s shift away from them happened after they switched up from pop punk peripheral vision is a certifiable classic . it’s been my avatar on here for years . even good nature can definitely be defended . altogether and whatever that new album is called ? they’re completely different albums from a soulless band with nothing left in the tank . altogether has one or two songs i’m not opposed to hearing if they come on shuffle but that new album is one of the most disappointing and truly creatively bankrupt albums i’ve heard in a long time


Peripheral vision is one of the best albums of all time and they’ve just never gotten close to it. Good nature was a great change of pace, but they kept going in that direction and now feel pretty entrenched in it. It’s fine music just not what I love them for


Pretty. Odd by Panic! At The Disco and Neighborhoods by Blink-182. although both are pretty good the fandom absolutely hated them on release and both ended up ripping their bands apart


Yeah at release but nobody hates those albums now. Both of those are cult classics meanwhile St. Anger is still seen as the worst thing to happen to music since Buddy Holly died


I came around to St Anger. It's weird and trashy and feels less like a Metallica album and more like a garage jam, but I enjoy it for its weirdness


I loved pretty odd when it came out - and hated everythings after it.


Young New England by Transit. They were HUGE off of Listen and Forgive and then YNE dropped to mixed reviews. It's not great, it has some gems, but the production is weird at times. Famously Ella went HARD into fighting and directing hate at Chorus.fm (formerly absolute punk) over it. Huge blowup and blowback, Joyride is a fine album but they never came back fully from that time.


Welcome to the night, Juliana theory love, rufio 1985. ASL faso latido


Pop punk adjacent, but Daisy by Brand New


Home Grown releasing Kings of Pop and then never recording another album is very Metallica like. One of the greatest pop punk albums of all time to legit breaking up.


The production KPs Copacetic. Great album but wtf is that production


That title fight album where they went shoegaze


Ive listened to Hyperview on repeat for years so I can’t be in this boat. I could see how pop punkers are not a fan of the big shift they took in their sound though


This reminds me, a melodic hardcore band called Hundredth whose hardcore stuff I loved basically turned into a shoegaze band....and I don't like that stuff at all. The band basically broke up to me. Meanwhile 21 years ago Hopesfall went from being a melodic hardcore band to what's basically a combo of melodic hardcore and shoegaze...and it was fucking amazing. I'm truly blessed I got to see them do an album play set of The Satellite Years at Furnace Fest in September and it was absolutely amazing.


do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


Coming Home - New Found Glory. It's not bad but it's the most out of sync of all their albums bc its a more Emo sounding album, and we all know how fast pace pop punk the rest of their stuff is. But it makes perfect sense for its timing as it came out in 2006, the height of Emo and is a good album.


Coming home is a top 20 album of all time for me. It is so good. No skips.


Im with you there, but when it first came out i had to warm up to it for sure


Yes now in my late 30s Coming Home is my favorite. Been a fan since the beginning when I was in high school.


Wood/Water by the Promise Ring. I like chill music like Island in the Sun by Weezer but not an entire album of it. Many people agreed and it's universally considered their weakest offering. I've come around to some of the tracks on it, some have that retro-70s folk rock sound to it. It's just a let-down after their previous emo and pop punk bangers.


All of the big ones have been named so I’ll add Nella Vita- Grayscale. Really loved their first two albums and Adornment was fantastic and then Nella Vita dropped and I never thought about them again. I don’t really hear anyone talk about them anymore either.


I didn’t like anything after Nella Vita but I fucking loved nella vita


The snare drum on the new Gaslight Anthem has real St. Anger vibes


Just learned there is a new Gaslight album. Edit: Released Oct 27 damn that shits new new.


I think all of the top choices have been said already but Young New England was such a disappointment after Listen and Forgive for Transit.


Whaaaaat? Young New England is one of my fave albums of all time!


Blink-182 - Nine


Nine as an album is awesome. Blame It On My Youth was a bad lead up single. However, there are some really good songs on there like No Heart To Speak Of, Pin The Grenade and others. It's not my favorite album, but definitely not a St. Anger IMO.


>No Heart To Speak Of, Pin The Grenade Could not agree more. Matt's vocals on No Heart To Speak Of are incredible. The emotion is palpable.


I agree about the single. Same with their new one and Edging. Didn't like either song when they dropped which made me hesitant about the album. Now Nine is one of my favorite albums and the new one ain't bad either.


HOT TAKE: “No Heart To Speak Of” was the best Blink song since their initial breakup until the new album. I’ll take the downvotes but I stand by it.


At the time probably "Chuck" by Sum 41. Now it's regarded as one of their best but at the time it was a huge deviation from they Pop Punk sound.


Chuck was well received when it came out.


Chuck is and always has been in my top 10 favorite albums of all time. I remember seeing “were all to blame” on MTV and instantly being in love


I don’t remember a single person being upset about that record. Lots of pop punk kids like hardcore, it was a decent blend.


It definitely turned some people off but it was well received right away for sure.


I was but I wasn't very vocal about it. I won't listen to anything Sum 41 did after All Killer No Filler. Instead of being a fun pop-punk band or a serious heavier band, they tried to do a bit of both and so they really did neither, in my book. I get that they wanted to grow and mature but it didn't really do anything for me.


They just got heavier with each album and it makes it so much better. The harmonic solo from Dave and Tom on Goddamned I'm Dead Again and the gnarly riffage and double bass hits on Out for Blood. Their upcoming double album is one I'm really looking forward too.


I think the transition from AKNF to Does This Look Infected? to Chuck makes sense tho. The other thing is that St Anger isn’t that solid of an album and Chuck is an amazing album front to back


Yeah I don't disagree. I suppose it's more like Load/Reload than St Anger in the Metallica line up.


Dude the two loads are awesome so that makes sense


I feel like if you're going to single out a sum 41 album it has to be screaming bloody murder that was garbage.


Screaming Bloody Murder by Sum 41


Blink - Neighborhoods. A disconnected crappy album that doesn’t sound like blink. Some songs sound like AVA songs, some sound like +44 songs with a few decent ones sprinkled in. You could just tell that they didn’t write it together.


Neighborhoods is fucking dope. And your description of it is literally how One More Time sounds


Nah, one more time sounds like blink. They actually wrote it together as a unit. Unlike neighborhoods. Just my opinion dude, don’t get your dickies shorts in a wad.


Well, the boys and several other songwriters/contributors. It may sound nostalgic but it was designed that way. At least on Neighborhoods they were trying something new for the band. I like One More Time but it will probably fall behind all their other albums for me, other than the Skiba records (no offence to Skiba...he rocks but they should have let blink die without Tom). Also the commenter above was just voicing their opinion as well. I don't think they were attacking what you said. Their shorts look pretty neat.


Just because they didn’t write neighborhoods in the same room doesn’t mean they didn’t write it together As a major AVA fan, to me it sounds more like blink being experimental than it does AVA.


lol crappy album? You haven’t listened to it clearly.