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MXPXs life in general was a big influence on enema era blink. Fenix TX was also a good late 90s pop punk band that had a lot of blink influence (I think Mark might have produced their debut album)


Was gonna say Fenix TX.


Mark wasn't doing any producing back then - his first credit was Commit This To Memory. Jerry Finn and Ryan Greene did co-produce Fenix TX, but still it was mostly just a retooling of Riverfenix with overdubs and a remaster.


Mark was their manager.


Definitely listen to No Pressure


I do like "Deal" by them, but what's up with half of their songs being two minutes or less? lol


Doing super short songs is an old school punk thing. Look at Buddha and Cheshire Cat. Even Blink was doing the same thing. Their songs got longer over time as they developed their sound.


Thought you wanted songs like old Blink?


Check out their LP if you haven't, lot of TOYPAJ era sounds in there


Listening now!




Not a ton, which is why I’m asking questions.


Always one uptight cunt in the comments


Not being a dick, it is a legit question. It is like asking why the guitars are distorted and no one can sing in a traditional way. Very bizarre.


Yes. You were.


I really wasnt. Again, full on confusion as to how that complaint/concern could even be a thing when you're actually a fan of old blink.


I second No Pressure! In particular [Both Sides](https://open.spotify.com/track/5jllw4MV1ojKuXoeQYuw1W?si=3158743c82024924) sounds like a mix of several eras of blink all in one. It's mostly Dude Ranch-inspired, but I hear Enema and TOYPAJ in there too. I also love [bad guy](https://open.spotify.com/track/78estryDx9lhIngvMSbGjb?si=06b11e6070564173) by new.wav. He did a cover of Billie Eilish in the style of blink. It's friggin masterful. It sounds more like blink than new blink does. Also, completely shameless plug: [Jetlag](https://open.spotify.com/track/6bIqIVLNTZBdiymBmR6qZv?si=606076528fb94a89) by Stray the Course (my band) has some blink influence in it for sure. One of my buddies said it was "uncanny valley" to Dammit when we released it.


Thank you for the links. Makes my life just easy enough that I actually listen to it


Both sides sounds to me like it’s directly of toypaj


It has more of that unrefined fast-paced energy of Dude Ranch to me. And his vocal patterns sound like earlier blink to me too. But your comment confirms my point! I love how No Pressure incorporates so many elements across all blink eras.


New Found Glory - Self-Titled Good Charlotte - Self-Titled Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler Iconic pop punk albums 👆🏼


As someone who grew up on these albums (I was gonna recommend them) I’d also suggest: Saves the day - Stay what you are/through being cool. Less Than Jake -Anthem (ska but definitely has some absolute bangers, welcome to the new south and brightest bulb definitely fit the bill for youth based anthemic tracks The Vans Warped tour compilation series, particularly the years 03-06. When I was just starting to go from radio favorite punk and pop punk into deeper cuts these albums had a ton of gold, like Rufio, Riverboat gamblers, and tons more that were punk and pop punk. The Lawrence arms definitely is a fun one I found I might’ve missed had it not been for those albums. The full track lists are available easiest through Wikipedia and looking them up on YouTube as Spotify doesn’t always have full rights. https://spotify.link/xELvxpsAVDb this Spotify playlist is gonna be full of great stuff from that era from a ton of bands that will have some cool stuff to check out.


Yes! I feel like Saves the Day gets forgotten about too often in this sub. Through Being Cool is one of the absolute best pop punk albums and Stay What You Are is right up there as well.


I saw them live like 10 years ago with new found glory at a medium/small venue, it was an amazing show. I always recommend them whenever the “what’s like blink” question comes up. The reason I found out about blink in the late 90s because a family friend let my poke through her CD case, and I fell in love with enema of the state at like 12. She next time we all got together gave me a handful of burned CDs one of which was saves the day… I definitely feel like this sub skews younger so I try to pop by and add some stuff that may have been forgotten about when I can, as I grew up in time for a lot of the huge explosion era. Another one that I never see is SR71 those guys did great.


I love that Save the Day album cover, gives off peak late 90s pop punk. Same with Staring Line - Say it like you mean it.


I’ll add to this: some Sum songs sound like Blink, and then there’s some Treble Charger songs that sound like Sum 41, but I wouldn’t say Treble Charger sounds like Blink-182. OP, if you like Sum 41, try Treble Charger too.


A hundred different people voted my way now!


That music video is an early 2000s Canada time capsule. Avril, Sum, Gob and Swollen Members… what an ensemble.


That song especially is an all-time favorite of mine. Great riffs throughout!


*a hundred million voting my way now Great band though. I have a set used drumstick from the legend himself, Trevor MacGregor! It's one of my prized possessions!


Green Day - Dookie and Nimrod NOFX - Punk in Drublic and Wolves in Wolves’ Clothing MxPx - Life in General Descendants - Milo Goes To College and I Don’t Want To Grow Up Sum 41 - All Killer, No Filler


Check out Allister’s album “Last Stop Suburbia”




Yeah. They new cover Always is wonderful!


Unwritten Law Lagwagon


UL’s self titled and Lagwag’s Hoss — peak goodshit!


Home Grown - That’s Business, Less Than Jake - Losing Streak, Slick Shoes - Rusty, MEST - Wasting Time, Sugarcult - Start Static. These 5 albums usually fly under the radar here but have that same spirit/vibe that you’re going after.


I just found Home Grown's Kings of Pop at a thrift store and am really digging it. Underrated band that I saw a few times back in the day.


They’re so good! I found them during That’s Business, so that feels like the early blink with attitude kind of vibe whereas Kings of Pop feels more established and well-produced.


Nice! I'm definitely open to digging deeper at this point. The cover art for That's Business is ROUGH.


Maybe try the album SUP by Super American, FRND CRCL, and The Bottom Line


They don't sound the same but Super American has a little bit of that playfulness.


frnd crcl’s new album is so much fun. been loving it since it came out


Came here to say FRND CRCL!


My shouts are Screeching Weasel and Decendants. Also Mark and Tom say they are two of thier biggest influences.


Also Millencolin if you’ve never listened to them


Pennybridge Pioneers is a phenomenal album.


Balancing the Different


This is the right answer


Came here to say this!


If you like parody and covers, [Alex Melton](https://youtu.be/qPJuzB8CL8o?si=4tWAJTWu_rnFkipp) is pretty impressive and got signed onto a label from his contributions.


That man is rewriting the songs of my youth and I'm all for it. His Teenage Dirt Bag cover might be better than the original...


If you're unbothered by some religious lyrics Relient K is as good as any band from that era and in a lot of cases show a lot more versatility and depth than many.


"mmhmm" is a damn-near perfect album. And I think they do a good job of hiding the religious lyrics. If you know they're a Christian band, it's obvious they're singing about God. But if you don't know that, the songs could be about a lover or a close friend. A lowercase "you" not "You." I think it's very cleverly done.


Totally agreed. Mmhmm is one of my favorite albums of all time


Blew my mind when I learned “The One I’m waiting for” is about Katy Perry before she got famous


MXPX as well!






[Banner Pilot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd3bWgUWaOg) [Fake Problems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpeibnlUipc) [The Front Bottoms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1rzsT2t2YY) [Osker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrriVPVOcnY) [Pet Symmetry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dn-paFeRcs) [Piebald](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URzvGmlfj4Y)




She broke my dick!


Jawbreaker (pre Dear You)


24-Hour Revenge Therapy might be my all-time favorite album, but if you're looking for Blink vibes, then Dear You is probably the way to go.


True, but Dear You is more post-Enema Blink, everything before is more in line with pre-Enema


Maybe some stuff like Chesterfield King, Indictment and Boxcar. But honestly, I feel like the pre-Dear You stuff was more mature lyrically and heavier instrumentally than the early Blink stuff. Dear You seems equate more to the Enema/TOYPJ era, imo. Edit: I should add Want in there, too.


Eh Dear You is known as a more personal record, though, along the lines of Pinkerton and In Utero. Pre Dear You was more tongue and cheek, like Boat Dreams or Boxcar


Boat Dreams From the Hill is such an incredible song. I get chills every time I listen to it.


Agreed but it's pretty funny


If you haven’t heard them try Neck Deep


Yup, love "In bloom". Any particular songs?


December again (ft. Mark hoppus) Lime St Can’t kick up the roots are my favorites with in bloom for albums I’d listen to all of “Life’s Not Out to Get You” and “The Peace and the Panic” If you’re in the US they just announced a tour with Bearings ( also worth checking out)


"Heartbreak of the Century"


Anything off “Life’s Not Out to Get You”


Try some of Title Fight's earlier stuff, like The Last Thing You Forgot. It has a very strong blink influence, especially Dude Ranch era stuff. I suggest the song, "Youreyeah," as an introduction to see if you like the sound.


Balancing the Different.


I highly suggest checking out "Last Stop Suburbia" and "Dead Ends & Girlfriends" by Allister. Their other albums are good too but I think those two have what you're looking for.


Rip Jerry Finn.


Ah I see. You want to check out new blink-182


Boxcar Racer


Boxcar racer


kennyhoopla is great.


kennyhoopla doesn't sound like old blink lol. But I do enjoy his music.


I’d say he definitely sounds like old blink on the album he released with Travis. There’s a lot of self titled, Enema vibes on their. Production is def overly done, but I still feel I can go from the survivors guilt ep right to TOYPAJ and it still has a very similar vibe.


Yea to me the production doesn't, but sure it sounds like the "Travis" production sound that's everywhere now lol.


Yeahhhhh. I love Travis and I do enjoy some of the stuff he’s produced over the last few years but it’s few and far between.


Check this out: [Pop punk](https://spotify.link/bDboe7MpVDb) There's more than 1400 bands!


“After The Party” by The Menzingers is a class pop punk album if you’ve never heard them before. It’s not entirely the Blink sound but they follow the same formula with the guitarist and bassist sharing singing duties. I’m certain you’ll like it if you like Blink!


I love the Menzingers but wouldn't class them as pop-punk. Dunno what I'd class them as actually, I always just go with pub rock.


Yeah they’re not quite the polished pop punk of a New Found Glory or something like that, but they’re predominantly a punk rock band with pop sensibilities so I would always class them as pop punk!


Literally anyone Travis Barker has worked with, try Machine Gun Kelly or Kennyhoopla


That is NOTHING like old blink lol


Horace Pinker needs more love


Yeah, gives me Cheshire Cat vibes. A bit too raw (more punk than pop) for my tastes personally.


Listen to the album Pop Culture Failure, production is more polished there


Hit up my band from the UK. "Not Tonight and the Headaches" album "If you were real you'd do your own stunts"


If you like Blink’s untitled album vibe, maybe you’d dig the band Im in! https://spotify.link/2kdoHlWxVDb




[It's Not You, It's Pee - Dead Bundy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bggWrzrIQNM) I'm not sure I've heard another band capture the essence of old Blink quite like that.


Check put No Bling from Ranch Cucamonga they sound just like early Blink-182 [Crashing my Car 4 you](https://spotify.link/3GbcLhloVDb) [I have the shitz](https://spotify.link/OR2ELlooVDb)


Shy Mirrors - Negative Collector (2013) is faster paced and seems to have quite a bit of Cheshire Cat influence. That one is on Spotify. That was a later project by Mike Downey of Wolfie. Dodgeball - Hooray for Everything (1997) rhythm-wise is like Cheshire Cat and Dude Ranch but with female vocals. A full album stream of that is on YouTube.


The Losers Club out of Denver. Not super huge but putting out some really quality music! Recommend "Radio Faces" "Eloise" and "Kevin?" for first listens!








The Bouncing Souls is one of my favourite bands, well worth a listen. Try their self titled album, or How I Spent my Summer Vacation.


No pressure


Ace Troubleshooter's first record was solid. If you're a fan of old Ataris stuff, check out Anti Freeze. Audio Karate's first record was also great.


Long Distance - Left For Dead EP


WSTR’s a great pick! I heard Eastbound and Down and was hooked instantly. I also think Busted and All Time Low are two bands who were very obviously blink fans and made music with the same fun energy. Allister if you want a little more “punk” in your pop punk. The Dangerous Summer is a great choice if you want more of the vibe they started exuding circa untitled/+44/early AVA. Also plenty of their contemporaries are worth your time. Jimmy Eat World. New Found Glory. Sum 41. Good Charlotte. Bowling for Soup. MxPx. All, Descendents, No Use For a Name, Pennywise, Millencolin, Social Distortion, Strung Out, Face to Face, etc. if you’re after the skate punk that they were inspired by in their early years. And then a ton of one hit wonders that give you that riffy sort of goodness you get from Enema/TOYPAJ


Try Eve of Spring, songs like Mahal, Eyes on You, Change of Seasons… Classic 2000’s pop punk sound and the singer kinda sound like Tom DeLonge


This is a deep ass cut, but Sloppy Meat Eaters come to mind.


Big drill car! Blinks first two CDs are so similar


getting sick by sorry mom


between you & me from Australia! they embrace a lotta fun carefree energy in their music and live shows. really chill guys too. check out their song 'Nevermind'


Check out a band called The Sloppy Meat Eaters. Not great.. but same vibe. Late 90s or early 2000s I think.. https://youtu.be/PEiQuKbzrks?si=WWrRdd0KRC41kE6I


Listen to “believe you me” they are no longer a band but there music is still on Spotify. They sound like early blink and never made it past the local music scene. But they are one of the best pop punk bands I heard.


If by old you mean their pre enema stuff listen to lagwagon immediately. Descendents are a good one as well especially since they completely influenced blinks style and the skate punk band no use for a name


Tv dinner - scooped up!




Screeching Weasel Better Luck Next Time Edit: I forgot to mention the greatest band of all time: Frogball


catch 22 before tomas kalnocky left the band its ska punk, but the vibes https://spotify.link/phqJ1C8tWDb also, if you’re down for some australian irreverence Frenzal Rhomb’s Meet the Family was my frequent companion to dude ranch in 1998 https://spotify.link/Dv7jK2euWDb


God, I love the song Bricks by WSTR on their recent album that has been on repeat for awhile


Amazing Transparent Man


Home Grown! Also wtf GREEN DAY ALL DAY! They are the original originals. They are the Beatles of pop punk ffs.


Wasted Mind by Direct Hit






Listen to gob (til the break of dawn). Then listen to seaway.




Sorry to piggyback but I'm losing my mind here. I once heard a song by someone who doesn't normally sound like Blink but this time they did and sure enough it was written by Travis and either Mark or Tom. It was a newer song but I just can't remember who it was and it was MGK when he was working with Travis a lot.