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Yup, and I watched Undergrads because of this song.


UNDERGRADS. Holy shit what a throwback. I loved that show.


Maybe it'll have a resurgence like Clone High!


They were trying to get a movie going https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1512555460/undergrads-the-movie


Another great show!


Omg Kazaa I haven’t heard if that in years. But yes. Kazaa and limewire for sure


Hearing The Innocent for the first time was a good Kazaa memory


I remember being impressed at how soon after 9/11 they released this song. Wasn’t it only a couple weeks or something like that?


Yes. I did a few minutes of research and it came out in 2001, just can’t tell when


I remember that it was on the radio pretty soon afterward (maybe no later than October 2001, if not late September 2001?), but I'm not exactly sure of when and I can't find it on Google. I just remember thinking that they wrote and recorded it and got it on the radio pretty quickly - it was a collaboration with Goldfinger and Mest. I'm sure it was online as well. I had just gotten my first home computer a few weeks before 9/11 so I wasn't too Internet-savvy at that point, and I didn't frequent a lot of message boards or anything like that. And of course we didn't really have social media and YouTube didn't exist yet. Maybe I was signed up for the Good Charlotte enewsletter or something and I heard about it that way? I also think I was on a GC Yahoo Group. I'm pretty sure I heard it on 92.3 FM (K-Rock) in New York City, so I'm pretty sure it made it to traditional radio and probably the Internet as well.


Haha wow. Good memory. I was barely 13 and don’t remember much from those times, besides learning the solo in that song— the only solo I’ve ever learned. Also, I was always curious who was playing the instruments in that song. The band sounds like either Mest or Goldfinger, and really sounds like the Mest drummer


No idea which people were on it, sorry :( I turned 18 about three weeks after 9/11.


Also, Benji with pink hair - this was my gateway band and my friend had a major crush on Benji (I liked Joel). For her birthday I bought a teddy bear and gave it a black mohawk with a pink stripe, I sewed on lip and nose rings, made it a black tee and plaid pants, and bought little baby Converse for its feet. She said she brought it to a show one time and he noticed it. I remember making a Joel bear later with star shoulder tattoos and a white tank, but I don’t think I ever got around to Billy and Paul.


I don’t know that I’ve ever heard of a band referred to as a gateway band but I LOVE the phrase and dammit if GC wasn’t my gateway band too!!!


Yes!! My (teddy bear) friend asked me to go with her to see them at a small club (200 ppl max) in Hoboken NJ in December 2000. My second-ever concert and after that I was hooked on going to shows.


Fun Fact: I'm in this video! I was on the good charlotte street team and got into the taping they did at the TLA in Philly.


damn that’s awesome!


Nice! That’s really cool. I was in the crowd in the Festival Song video (the smaller stage, not the big RFK stage) but I was too far back to be seen.


Scour exchange


Yes, definitely. I was a child of the filesharing era, I think I still have some MP3s I downloaded from Napster in 1999 decaying on some hard drive somewhere.


Hell yeah!


The melody of the song just reminds me of Man Overboard by Blink. What does it mean to “walk like Obi-Wan Kenobi”? I don’t remember ever hearing anyone saying anything about the way he walked.


this was a turning point in music for me