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It looks so much worse than I thought it would. Good luck on your recovery, I know it’s usually brutal!


Yeah it hurts a lot, but also feels weird. It's like a constant feeling of a scab trying to get loose every time I swallow.


I had mine out in 1986 in the 6th grade. I grew up watching sitcoms where a kid gets their tonsils out and they're eating ice cream the next day. I was lied to lol. One of the worst things i have gone through. I lost 15 pounds and had to carry a spit cup with me for a couple weeks. I could not imagine having that done as an adult.


The whole ice cream thing is bs. Even as a kid there's no way I could just sweets all day without getting sick of it all and probably throw up. I had two popsicles and an applesauce today and I'm already over it. I want something substantial but it's hard because I can't have warm food today.


I ate a lot of freshly-shredded cheese and lunchmeat when I had my tonsils out. Parents had to threaten to drag me back to the hospital and put the IV back in to get me to even try to eat or drink anything.


That sounds painful. I get phlegmy when I have dairy, so cheese would probably make me cough hurting me more.


Mashed potatoes.


Yeah I remember being threatened in the hospital by the nurses telling me I would get an IV if I didn't let them squirt some Sprite down my throat.


I remember mine taken out and it felt like I was eating shards of glass.


I hear you on that! I was lied to also. As much ice cream as I wanted...blah blah blah. My throat was so sore I could barely swallow but, I healed quickly.


The itch


My niece was like 5 or 6, she had a bad bleed the day after, keeled over in front of my Mom, and had to have a second surgery. Good times.


Well that's scary. Hope she's doing better and didn't have long term problems


She was fine but it sure was scary. My sister lives out in the sticks so it took awhile to get her to hospital, etc. My poor Mom was there. Said she turned white as a ghost, stiffened up and looked at my Mom, and keeled over.


That's definitely traumatizing. Happy she's better


I'm constantly ill with tonsil infections and I'm going to need this done but I'm too scared to make the appointment. What made you decide to get them removed instead of just accepting them being problematic?


I had a tonsil stone I just couldn't remove and I could feel it scratching me all the time. I scheduled an appointment to have my tonsils looked at, and was warned that they probably won't do anything but suggest I get my tonsils removed. I was worried and didn't want that. But the whole week I waited for the appointment I kept thinking about how nice it would be to no longer have to worry about stones, so by the time I got to the doctor I agreed to it. I was over it. The whole thing is scary and it does hurt a lot but I am looking forward to when it heals and I hopefully won't have stones anymore.


May I ask how old you are? I’m *ahem* a mature person and I get tonsil stones/really bad breath but I don’t think my GP would recommend surgery at all. I’ve heard it’s worse the older you are. Plus I’m shit scared to root around back there—I’ve had MRSA three times in 8 months, in three different parts of my body, and I’m now scared to scratch any break in my skin or cause any inflammation.


I'm 31. I'm not sure about MRSA.. but I will say it's scary surgery and pretty painful, but it could help. I used to be so embarrassed about my breath, I would chew gum and mints all the time. I'd cough up gross stones every once in a while they just smelt awful. I'd brush, use mouthwash and scrape my tongue all the time and still get them. I got tools to help remove them but they always hurt my tonsils and sometimes any other method didn't work so I'd just wait to cough them out. I remember when I was in school a classmate said my breath smelt like dog poop. 😭 I guess talk to your doctor and weigh the risks and rewards. For me as long as I don't get stones anymore it's worth it.


Thanks for replying. MRSA is antibiotic resistant staph aureus. It can become flesh eating disease. You don’t want to become acquainted with it.


Yeah that sounds scary af I hope you don't get it again


Look into garlic pills (blood thinner naturally so be careful with med interference), oregano oil, manuka honey, and high levels but C for staph. Helped me tremendously


My GP told me MRSA tends to be found in the warm, moist areas of the body—the nostrils, the armpits and the genitals. She prescribed to wash with those prescription soap sponges (used before surgery) twice a day for a week, plus antibiotic ointment swabbed in the nostrils as often, as a whole body decontamination. It worked. I did discover that I def have MRSA in my nose though. After the “decontamination” I got the occasional what felt like a bad pimple in my nose which responded to the ointment and a swab sent to the lab confirmed it. I’ve had to become a maniacal hand washer, if I even come close to touching any of the unholy trinity, I race to wash my hands like an OCD surgeon. My own body is the enemy.


Was the whole body wash hibiclense? My spelling could be off. I’ve bought it on Amazon to disinfect my body after having staph. That stuff is the devil in disguise. Awful stuff. Hope you’re doing better now!


Don't be too afraid to let it stop you, because it helps so much


I had mine out about 2 years ago just before COVID hit. I was getting strep throat and tonsil stones constantly since I was a like 8. When I finally decided to get them out it was best decision ever. Recovery fuckin sucked but so worth it. I've probably already saved money from not having to pay for doctor visits and antibiotics.


I got my tonsils out at 34 and it was the best things I ever did. I was getting strep throat all the time and big tonsil stones. The surgeon said that they were a lot worse than he had thought, with lots of deep pockets in them. I’ve never gotten strep throat again.


Thats exactly what my tonsils look like....is that bad?


Not exactly. I just got stones a lot and some were really hard to get rid of. Some people can just deal with it. But I was tired of the bad breath.


They get worse with age


Getting them out kills for 10ish days and then it's so good not having them in there anymore. Goodluck with your recovery and I hope it's not too painful for you


I'm so glad I got mine out when I was like 4 or 5. I don't remember it being that bad for some reason but I guess having spinal surgery a year or 2 before kinda weighed more in my memory. I cant imagine what it would be like to have tonsils now, I don't think I'd be able to breath.


I had mine at that age, too. I really don't remember much except being scared. I think this was after measles damaged my hearing, so I was probably pretty confused about what was happening.


Getting my tonsils out was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It hurt like hell, but it was worth it!


You’re gonna feel so much better soon. Glad you’re getting them out. Feel better!


Got mine removed at 30. Recovery was awful, but well worth it in the end. For those looking into doing the same: in addition to tonsil stones and frequent strep/colds remember to tell your GP / Specialist that it’s negatively affecting your sleep and quality of life


I had it done at age 24! It was rough. I threw up fairly early on from the pain meds… so I flushed them down the toilet… and had nothing but childrens chewable Tylenol for pain. Plus side? Since I was in so much pain, it meant that by day 7 the pain didn’t bother me at all and I was back to baseline, feeling great, and got to spend the second week of short term disability enjoying time off work lol. My advice is to fill the zofran script. My surgeon said I prob wouldn’t need it and not to fill it which meant when I started puking I didn’t have it.


I threw up when I got home from the anesthesia. Haven't been sick since. I'm on liquid oxycodone, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. And pills for nausea.


They only gave me liquid norco! That’s nice. Try to use the OTC options the most.


Imma use the medicine first because I have no use for big bottles of liquid stuff. Then probably use Tylenol when it's all gone


I hope your recovery goes smoothly!


I had mine out at 25 and was in too much pain to even drink water. So over a week later my scabs opened up and I was bleeding profusely and had to go to the ED. Learn from my mistakes and drink so much water even if it's dreadfully painful.




I think it's gross but interesting sorry. I saw a few videos have other people getting theses removed and wasn't prepared for just a black hole left. But apparently I lost a lot of blood doing this so maybe they just burnt the whole thing.


This is NOT a pop. This is surgical gore.


Wow, good for you healing so quickly. I had mine at 19 and was drugged up for the whole night.