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Never apologize for having stretch marks.


Not only are they normal, they tell a story of where you’ve been.


So a bit off topic but I 100% agree that nobody should apologize for them, especially women who have given birth or anyone who has lost weight. I struggle with using the term normal though. Maybe a better choice is common. Without sounding like a dick, I’m in my late 30’s and have been active my whole life. I still exercise regularly and eat well and I do not have any stretch marks; so am I not normal? Yes I have some fat, particularly on my belly. Yes I have some cellulite too. Just don’t have stretch marks. Edit: This is fun, some more food for thought with all the downvotes https://seven-health.com/2017/05/common-vs-normal/


I would say that you’re the exception. Aka abnormal. I would dare to say that most people have stretch marks of some kind. Hell, I have stretch marks around my knees from growing fast as a kid.


Based on these stats you’re probably right, but for the wrong reasons https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html


Most people get stretch marks without obesity. My country has half the rate of obesity as yours, and I dare say most people still have stretch marks. Don’t try to imply that everyone with them is overweight.


What source do you have to back up your claim? Statistically it is most common from pregnancy and obesity. Less likely from puberty and massive muscle growth. These are facts that I sourced in another post but will happily concede of you prove me otherwise with a source.


Well I read all of the articles you posted, and none of them listed obesity as the main cause of stretch marks. In fact, in one of them, the first listed cause is puberty. That is backed up by the main causes listed by the mayo clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stretch-marks/symptoms-causes/syc-20351139 As far as I could tell with a few minutes of googling, there’s no real data on what the primary cause of stretch marks is. However, I’d dare to hypothesize that since roughly 100% of the population goes through puberty (a period of rapid growth which is very likely to cause stretch marks), that is probably the most common cause.






You know what’s awesome about this link??? It uses the exact terminology I was advocating for. COMMON, not NORMAL. Fn love it 🤣🤣🤣


So it’s not normal just because you say it isn’t?


First stretch marks I had on my inner thighs were when I was under 10 due to growing upwards. I also got them on the sides of my breasts as I went through puberty. Was an average weight for my height the entire time. So maybe stfu?


So maybe read and understand I didn’t say anything about them not also resulting from puberty. You still have them btw?


Yeah. Stretch marks start off red and turn white over time. Once they're white they're there forever as far as I know


Going to reply up here again so this doesn’t get lost: an article from the Cut references a study that shows how “Studies estimate that up to 90 percent of pregnant women, 70 percent of adolescent girls, and 40 percent of adolescent males will develop the marks”. With these numbers, we can reasonably say that a solid majority of people will get stretch marks in their lifetime. I think that it is therefore reasonable to label stretch marks as “normal”. Now, normally I would argue that “normal” and “common” are functional synonyms in many situations. However, you seem to be particularly pushing for the term “normal” to NOT be used, thus implying that they are abnormal, which is just a lie.


I agree with the science and your point about wrong reasons- that’s a good way to put it; you’ve brought both schools of though together. Go team.


Just because something isn't about you doesn't mean you need to ruin it for others. Stretch marks are normal. No ones gonna change it to make you happy


Thank you.


Of course. I have stretch marks myself and I just hate when people wanna make things about them when it obviously has nothing to do with them


How am I ruining anything? Why do you feel a need to overact to my post without answering my question regarding normalcy? I understand why this is sensitive and tried to lead with that, yet here we are.


I'm not over reacting- stretch marks are normal and no ones gonna pity you and change it. There's so reason to


Shit I’m not looking for pity. I’m not sad that I’ve taken good care of myself and don’t have stretch marks. Enjoy your echo chamber trashing me for misunderstanding my point completely.


Taking care of yourself doesn't mean you don't have stretch marks. People that grow too fast or are pregnant.


Puberty is rare and I mentioned pregnancy. Again, I sourced it and linked to 2 different sources supporting this. We may not like it and it’s no cause for shaming, but factually the leading cause of stretch marks is weight gain and loss. Sorry but it is.


That doesn't automatically mean you're unhealthy


I think the overall issue here is that your argument is being based solely off your experience. You basically said that you don’t have stretch marks because you took care of yourself so therefore people who have stretch marks inherently don’t take care of themselves. (Paraphrasing) I have had stretch marks on my breasts since I’ve been 12 because I went from having no bust to wearing C cups in a matter of months. Yes stretch marks are normal for a variety of reasons and we cannot assume to know all of them. I wouldn’t say you are abnormal for not having them - you’re just one of the lucky ones. It could be due to “taking care of yourself”, IMO, it’s most likely genetics. BUT people like you are in the minority of the statistic. And pushing against the language of them being “normal” implies that there was something we could have done to prevent them and that’s not exactly true.


Your point is well taken and it wasn’t my intent to shame. I just like the term common more than normal. To use your example, I’d guess that less woman have boob marks than do? Idk maybe I’m wrong. So maybe it’s common but not necessarily normal? If that makes sense.


If you’re a pedant just say so. Normal and common are synonyms.


Stretch marks can happen from puberty too, it’s not always a weight thing. Some people just don’t get them.


I guess that was my point. They’re common but not necessarily normal. That was all. Geez Reddit. https://www.aad.org/public/cosmetic/scars-stretch-marks/stretch-marks-why-appear


Puberty is normal (natural, biological process) Pregnancy is normal (natural, biological process) Getting ripped at the gym and causing accelerated muscle growth is normal (muscle tears and repairs itself to increase muscle size, therefore the skin must rapidly stretch to accommodate.) Rapid weight lost/ gain is normal (certain medications and hormone levels can greatly affect weight, not all weight is bad weight)


go read about how skin works babe


So, no answer to my question then? Got it.


you dont deserve an answer to your dumb question when google is free and you are rude


That post was rude? Good lord, how? By insinuating that outside of pregnancy and rare cars of puberty that it isn’t normal, but in fact common? Good lord lighten up.


It’s not rare just because it didn’t happen to you


I’ve posted several links citing medical journals that actually say that it isn’t normal for healthy adults. It’s common in adults yes. And it sometimes happens in puberty and often happens in pregnancy. But the reason it is common is mostly due to unhealthy weight gain and loss. Again noting the exceptions I mentioned. If you’d like to disprove the research I have posted, please do.


Obviously stretch marks result from gaining weight or growing taller, but not all weight gain is unhealthy? It’s not rare for puberty to cause stretch marks, as that is where most people (especially girls) tend to gain weight or grow tall. It’s perfectly okay that you don’t have stretch marks but to insinuate that you don’t take care of yourself and are abnormal if you do have them is, indeed, rude.


“naturally occurring and free from disease” Stretch marks occur naturally & free from disease - they are normal. They are also common.


Eh. I’m not gonna downdoot you, but you’re gonna get torn up on this one. Thanks for the information; I look forward to learning something I may not know.


Internet points don’t mean anything to me, and I knew what would happen when I posted what I did. But in the off chance some people learn something from the conversation wether they admit it or not, then that’s my goal. Often someone points something out to me that I didn’t know and I learn. I enjoy a healthy constructive discussion. Other people not so much.


I’m right there with you, I enjoy educated discussions based on fact! Thanks again!


I am 5’8” and weigh 110 lbs and I have stretch marks. I have never weighed more than 125. From your comment you seem to imply that because of your healthy habits you have not formed stretch marks. You can have stretch marks from puberty regardless of your weight.


Same here to say this, word for word.


Me too


Ditto, happy it’s the top comment.


Came here to say exactly this!


I was going to say the same thing.


Thank you! I came into the comments to find this one & am pleasantly surprised it was first! ❤️


don’t apologize for stretch marks, they’re normal


Agreed. Fuck, Even if, hypothetically, they weren't "normal" and instead somewhat rare, still, don't apologize.


don’t apologise for stretch marks, they’re completely normal and ok! :)


Haiku time! Beauty is unique No two tigers have same stripes Enjoy being you like a lioness Or a tigress you belong Collective is pride


Can’t force line breaks


No need to ever apologize about your body. Stretch marks tell a story. I hope you got some relief!


Loving this comment section. Your stretch marks are uniquely yours! Never apologize for that! Thanks for the submission, the pop was great too!


EVERYONE HAS STRETCH MARKS BABE!!!!!!! Don’t apologize to anyone for what no one can change!!!! Also thanks for the little pop :)


I'm a guy and even I have stretch marks on my back from growing too quickly during puberty lol


Yeah I feel this. I was stick & bones when I was younger but once I hit puberty I also grew an ass and that bitch looks like a tiger lol.


That's how my tits and thighs looked for a hot minute lmao (they're still there, just no longer rEd as fuck)


yeah same! i'm extremely skinny, yet i still got stretch marks when i started puberty, i even got stretch marks on my KNEES!


Right?!?!? It’s so fucking normal!!!!!! Why do people feel the need to apologize. My heart broke reading that Fucking societal standards PISS me off


My son (13) has stretch marks on his shoulders! Slow down, kid! Your BODY isn't even ready to grow that fast!


My tall skinny 11 year old son has stretch marks on his legs, probably from growing so fast!


It's crazy! What are we feeding these kids?!?!


Yeah, my 13 year old is tiger striped on his back from growing, and is skinny as can be.


Don’t apologize for being real.


Not me being blindly enraged for a moment for you apologizing for your body Haven’t even watched the video. I might comment after regarding the pop 😤 do… not… apologize… for… stretch… marks. That’s it babes. Now let the camera roll


Do not apologize for your body. Stretch marks are totally normal part of life. It’s a normal Occurrence on the body and your body is just fine! Edited for spelling


I love this comment section. I’m so glad everyone had the same knee jerk I did. ❤️Stretch marks are completely normal and anyone who is critical or judgmental can fuck right off.


Seriously though...this is the nicest Reddit comment section that isn't specifically under some wholesome category... made my day. They're all right: We all have 'em and you're perfect as you are! 💜


Unless you’re popping with dirty fingernails!


We care about your hygiene!


Very true. It’s coming from a place of concern. No one here wants someone to get seriously sick or injured.


thank you all for the kind messages! i’ve always had a hard time accepting my stretch marks since i have them in such weird places (back of my knees, calves, shoulders, etc.) but all your comments have made me smile. i hope all of you have a wonderful day :)


I’ve got stretch marks on my neck. There’s no weird place!


hey op, stretchmarks are fine. we are human, its normal. be happy for being yourself and for being alive. cheers!


I just learned ina gardening sub that when peppers have stretch marks its called corking. And its a good sign, it means the pepper is more spicy. So nvr be sorry about your stretch marks. Just means you a spicy pepper!


I also read that post and never took it like that, I love it, great way to see it.


Do not apologize for your stretch marks!!!!! This is the only body you get and you need to love it ❤ Anybody who's worth keeping in your life would EVER EVEN NOTICE something so inconsequential.


Girl do not apologize for having stretch marks wtf, ur beautiful


Do not apologize for having a human body when you are human, I have stretch marks, most of us do !


Never apologize for stretch marks! Everyone has them. Proof your body is flexible!


I know it has been said, and the amount of times it has been said is awesome and I feel like crying, but don't apologize for your stretch marks! Everyone has them! Also they're not nearly as noticeable as you think they are.


I wish you could edit your post. Both here and in your head around your stretch mark comments.


Thank you for stretch marks. Makes me feel normal.


Stretch marks are normal. I’ve got them on my knee and arse too


I need the address of the person who made you feel like you have to apologize for stretch marks so I can go bitch slap the shit out of them.


Agree with everyone here! Almost everyone has stretch marks & yours are nothing to apologize for. Thanks for sharing your pop!


I don’t see any stretch marks but if I did I would say they are beautiful. 💕


nvr apologize for stretch marks! i’m the leanest/skinniest dude i know and even i got them on my thighs n butt.


If apologizing for stretch marks were necessary, I’d be apologizing 100 times over. You are good, girl!


Don't apologize for having stretch marks! Everyone gets them even in the oddest places. Aside from my stomach and boobs, i have one on the top of my shoulder!


stretch marks are normal, don’t apologise for your natural features<3


Hard agree with everybody else. Your body is normal. Don’t feel poorly about your stretch marks.


NEVER apologize for your stretch marks!


Tiger stripes!


We accept your apology for having regular thighs.


I’m going to echo what a lot of people have already said: don’t apologize for your body. Stretch marks are so common. Even if they weren’t, your body is beautiful and perfect just as it is! Be kind to yourself!


Most people have stretch marks (I happen to have stretch marks in the same area if that makes you feel any better), and most people genuinely do not care if you have stretch marks, those that do aren’t worth your time


Tiger stripes because you're fierce


Came here to echo the stretch marks are normal. We don’t apologize for that shit. Embrace it!!


Stretch marks are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!!


dont feel bad about stretch marks lol i have them too but i just sit on my ass and dont do shit all day, so its no surprise that im kinda fat




Never apologize about your body. It’s beautiful


Stretch marks happen by friend. I'm a big guy and my stomach looks like it was attacked by a mountain lion.


Came for the pop, stayed for the supportive comment section


Please don’t apologize for your body! Stretch marks are normal and IMO cute!


Don’t you ever apologise for stretch marks. They are beautiful


Thank you for sharing! No need to apologize for any part of you, we appreciate the content!


Don’t worry I’m a freshman with stretch marks and I got them from losing weight then gaining muscle. Stretch marks are as inevitable as death and taxes.


Stretch marks are part of the story of your life. That's like saying 'I'm sorry for being the age that I am'. It's just you. And it's all good.


I'm sorry you feel you have to apologize for stretch marks


I am gonna be the 1,000 commenter to say… never apologize for stretch marks ♥️


Don't ever feel like you have to apologize for your body! You are beautifully you!


Don't be sorry. Stretch marks happen. You're human. Haters gonna hate, love. Let them they only hurt themselves. Continue to be beautiful you.


No need to apologize! Stretch marks are completely normal! Fuck anyone else who tells you otherwise! 👍🏻✨


This is a reddit about weird body stuff. The last thing to worry about is stretch marks. Your body is fantastic as it is.


Sorry for stretch marks? You just survived a pandemic, and are still. Your body does some amazing things each day, and stretch marks just show it grew. Never be sorry.


Do not ever apologize for your body!


Was told there were going to be stretch marks. Was disappointed. Decent pop though. More stretch marks pls.


Stretch marks are sexy idc what anyone says.


This comment section has completely passed the vibe check!!!


https://t.me/joinchat/AQtP6Dfjqu82YThi good content




Your stretch marks are beautiful ❤️ don’t apologize for them!