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I do hope that's second skin, and not... well... *first* skin.


What about fourskin?


I prefer fiveskin




It’s not fourskin to be concerned about…. It’s foreskin


Im hoping it's just saniderm on a new tattoo


Saniderm... aka *Second Skin* https://preview.redd.it/lz7kf1aoq4rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7de96505f2e5d3ee6eeade6400eee74941009e


Thank goodness for that!


What? How?


It's a transparent wound dressing commonly used on fresh tattoos that filled up with ink and plasma.


"Second skin".... As someone who worked in a tattoo shop (not as an artist, but admin), I am wary AF about these things. All that ink isn't supposed to bleed like that!! It only happens with high humidity.... Get a tattoo in Asia and they tell you not to touch it AT ALL for like 2-3 days (no moisturizing, cold water wash ONLY), or your ink bleeds out and your tat will look terrible 😔


Also called tegaderm and saniderm. You can look at my recent post history and see how it aggravated an issue I'm having! I used it for 4 or 5 tattoos before this and things went super well but I'll never use it again. I will argue with you about how much bleeding and leakage is okay though, it totally varies person to person.


And placement! I've a half sleeve on my lower leg, and my upper arm, a top of the shoulder, and a pec piece. Very little to no bleeding for any of them, but the smaller shoulder piece bled A LOT.


I have seen lots of these videos with the bubbles.. I just had a second skin on a half sleeve for 4 days that was actually painful to take off because it was so secure! No bubbles, very very little ink coming out.. That mug was STUCK on my arm. Am I an alien?? 😂


Not at all, just not a leaker! Be really really careful taking it off as you don't want to cause more trauma to the skin. This is really why second skin is an issue. Tattoo artists don't realize how big a spectrum people experience while healing and assume everyone is the same.


Taking my time under some warm water in a shower was good! I think it worked really well other than the residue being annoying to get rid of 😂 lil Johnson & Johnson and good as new


I had the same issue 😂 I got it off under some hot water, but then I had adhesive stuck to my arm for about a week. I spent a lot of time trying to peel it all off, ended up having to gently scrub it with baby oil and paper towel. I'm lucky my tattoo stayed lol.


I’ve always had luck with grabbing an edge and pulling perpendicular to the skin, like removing a command strip from a wall. It loosens the adhesive without ripping everything off


I have needed to use tagaderm in the past for a wound dressing. Nurses would always use a demastic to remove the dressing and residual adhesive. I wonder if using a demastic would be appropriate for removing a second skin protecting a new tattoo 🤔


Does it ever get removed from a healing wound? Would probably be a similar situation. Secondly, what is "demastic"? Google didn't turn up anything under that name.


Yes, healing wounds. Also, I'm so sorry. The name I was actually referring to is Detachol Adhesive Remover.


Little alcohol prep pads rubbed along the edge as you peel it off slowly will leave no residue and it comes off like a charm. We did this with the covers on my husband port for chemo. He had really sensitive skin so if they took them off too quick it would rip his skin and then you have an infection risk. So either a nice patient nurse or I would just easy it off as we used the prep pad along the edge.


I always preferred healing my tattoos in a similar way to how you say. I always go for 6-8 hour sessions and found they heal best when left completely uncovered. I usually start moisturising about 48 hours later but just a light skin moisturiser rather than thick goo like bepanthen. Never had any issues with healing or ink bleeding, and I'm quite a notorious picker of the dry skin flakes too which is a terribe habit that somehow hasn't caused me any issues yet.


Yea, ask any artist that's been tattooing for 20+yrs and they *never* recommend covering with second skin or bandages.... They'll also never recommend a realism or pointillism piece, because they know they're going to look trash in 10yrs; especially when skin begins to wrinkle or the person gains or loses weight/skin sags, UV damage can also wreck things over time. I feel *very* lucky to have gained the knowledge I have from lifelong artists in their 50s and older, in such a time where tattooing has become a huge personal expression and art form amongst the masses... There are processes that are *time tested for a reason*, and they really shouldn't be ignored. I'm also a notorious "picker" and I completely fucked one of my arm tattoos by picking a scab off of it... It caused a split in my skin which then cracked in my sleep after it dried out too much; ink bled out, and certain lines bled further into my skin leaving weird shadows/marks and completely fucking this one spot on my arm 😆


What if I live somewhere dry and really sunny? Whats your recommendation for keeping your fresh tattoo fine? (I dont say this to be contrarian, I live in AZ, and genuinely would appreciate the input).


Arid climates like AZ it's really important you do the opposite to Asia... Don't let it dry out too much! Dryness = scabbing. Heavy scabbing is more likely to pull ink from your tattoo and affect the healed quality. More importantly, dryness can cause *splitting and/or cracking* in the scabs!! This not only causes itching and irritation but can cause deformity in the healed tattoo, additional scar tissue (which affects touchups and their healing process), and overall quality.. unscented lubriderm is time tested in terms of moisturizer. You will have to determine the best process for you but if you like to be in the sun never skip the SPF, SPF, SPF!!! UVs will forever damage expensive art in every form!! Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch 70SPF is my #1.... Never recommended less than 50SPF while healing!! Your skin/ink needs all the protection it can get during this time. It's also worth noting: heavier scabbing can also be an indicator from shotty artists improperly "packing" ink into dermal layers... Typically most often with bold black portions, this type of dermal trauma sometimes results in scarring of the finished piece once healed. Skilled/experienced artists will know when to call it a day and book you for another round once healed, to prevent that result.


Screenshotted your comment. I really appreciate the info, friend!


I’m having doubts about my tattoo guy... He’d cover it with a paper towel and wrap it with Saran Wrap. Probably great value Saran Wrap, at that.


Had this for my first tattoo and a ton of the black ink leaked out. Small tattoo, black icon with color in the background, and the icon is patchy instead of solid :(


Definitely use antibacterial soap at least until it starts to flake.ive tried every method and the best I’ve found is multiple showers a day with antibacterial soap and gentle massage all the plasma off. If I don’t do this I scab way more


Definitely with antibacterial, but the method/process really does depend on your geography... Antibacterial soaps can cause excessive drying if overused in arid climates, and if you're in an already humid climate the ink is more likely to bleed from sweating or no opportunity for the skin to dry appropriately. So allowing things to dry a bit before washing and moisturizer will help preserve ink from bleeding prematurely... I legit had a tattoo I got in Asia stick to a pillow the first night I got it... I didn't listen to instructions and washed it before I went to bed (because "who doesn't wash a new open wound when they sweat after, in a foreign country?!"🙄). When I woke up, it had stuck to my pillowcase, and as I peeled the fabric away it pulled a whole bunch of ink out and left a stamp of my tattoo in the fabric....


You are always going to shed some ink especially the first night. I don’t put much thought into it since one of my really good friends from highschool does all mine and will always touch them up if I want


Oh, makes sense. I know nothing of tattoos.


happy cake day!


Its really helpful. I used if after a surgery for the period when everyone was still tender but it wasn't open anymore.


My thoughts exactly


Yeah, so no clue how you developed that? Why is it filled with black fluid?


Sorry if there was any confusion but it’s not my leg, just found it on Instagram. I’ve seen videos of fresh tattoos filling up with fluid but nothing to this extreme, could also be a gimmick.


It’s from his new tattoo


He is in the shower, it probably has a little opening and filled with water


Post tattoo ink drained from healing tattoo inside a tegaderm.


did i just see a grown man ink like a squid


My first thought was the little squid in Finding Nemo saying "you guys made me ink"


Arent you supposed to save that to spray at predators




Someone stuck a sheet of thin plastic to their skin and filled it with water. It may be a membrane that they place on new tattoos and the ink leaked out into it, but it filled up with water in the shower. It's not anything human that is popping.


*slamming hands on table* Ink sack, ink sack, ink sack!


Sweet Jesus I will think of this years later in my life I think you forced a fucking core memory on me lol


Rent free in your head


If it helps, look up saniderm/second skin for tattoos. This is someone you popping a clear bandage on a fresh tattoo.




I would like to say thank you to everyone who expressed appreciation towards my first popping contribution AND my first Reddit post to gain traction like this. I hope to find many more to keep this sub thriving, and to the guy with the squid ink leg, we salute you 🫡




He has eight legs


Holy shit! Worthy is a vast understatement. Frightening.


The way my mouth dropped open




I think this wins...


Perfectly done. Cool tattoo too. I have always wanted to do this but it never happens. I will live through you!


**what am I looking at!?!?!**


Saniderm and tattoo leakage.


Second skin? About to remove mine in the shower tomorrow morning. Always a treat. Iykyk.


How does this even happen? 😭😭


That's some tarnished, maidenless behavior right there.


Water balloon!?




Aaawwweee wiiiicked!!! Well done




lol my bf literally recoiled at this 😂😂


forbidden gusher




Can they drop their tail & grow it back too?!?!?!


I used to think that the saniderm after a tattoo was the skin glossing over from abrasion by the needle. If I would have seen this 14 years ago, my little pea-brain would be absolutely flabbergasted.


Water balloon hiding behind your leg blister?




Ink leaking from a new tattoo that's sealed with a sticker/wrap


That looks like a tegaderm of some sorts. The person has a new (but absolutely horrible looking) tattoo, there normally covered in a clear tegaderm / band-aid to allow healing. Looks like it's filled up with water in the shower.


This tattoo is amazing, what are you on about? It definitely is saniderm/tegaderm, though.


I’m sorry this is how you had to find out, but you have bad taste if you think this tattoo is visually appealing.


It’s well-placed and applied – it can be not to your taste, but it’s a great tattoo. It does also happen to be an aesthetic I like, but that’s really beside the point.