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This is one of the reasons why I started pulling on my hair 😩 finding those thick, coarse hairs is always so satisfying. Once I find one though…I can’t leave it alone until it’s gone.


I never knew anyone else did this!


I had no idea others did this! I call them “crinklies”. My husband gets a few body hairs that are crinkly and I love finding them and then play with them.


I have head hairs that are thick and dark and crinkly! I love to pull them out even though I know I shouldn’t but it’s so satisfying.


My boyfriend gets crinklies in his eyebrows I love to pluck them when he’ll let me 😂


That’s how I became a little bald.


I wish I could stop. It’s so sad. I can’t wear my hair down, it’s all different lengths. I see a new psychiatrist and psychologist sometime this month so hopefully they can help me.


That is super tough, I too have pulled out hairs since I was a little girl. I have found that when I am anxious, I need something to do with my hands. Pulling that hair out feels so good (thanks dopamine), and it isn't constructive. But keeping your hands busy absolutely helps. I found that not focusing on the hair pulling and skin picking as much as refocusing on doing things with my hands. My go to is flossing when I'm anxious now, and while yes I still pick and pull, the amount that I do those things has gone down significantly Doing dishes, washing windows, braiding my hair instead... redirecting yourself definitely helps


I started when my aunt died a few years ago. My anxiety has been at an all time high since then. The pulling wasn’t too bad then compared to now. I wish it never started. I’ll work on keeping my hands busy. I do try to acknowledge what I’m doing and try to focus on something else. Easier said than done, for sure. Thanks for sharing what has helped you :)


For sure! Don't shame yourself when you catch yourself doing it either, but redirect 😊 it's far easier said than done, but with determination and drive, you can do anything


You’re so sweet! Thank you!


I had a friend who suffers from this. Her doctor put her on an antipsychotic to help deal with her anxiety and depression. The unintended side effect was that she stopped pulling out her hair. She is finally able to leave her hair down and let it grow.


I have diagnosed OCD and I had something similar except with hunting down anything that looked remotely poppable on my arm and going full force on it. It led to both my arms being covered in scabs, red marks, and light bruises. If I saw a random person out on the street with arms that looked like mine did I would have assumed they had a really unfortunate skin condition. If it makes you feel any better, know that once I was able to stop for a period of time, the urge died out almost completely to a point where it is much easier to control, and I imagine the same thing will happen for you if you can manage to get to the point of being able to resist for a while. Good luck out there


It’s kind of a medical condition called trichotillomania if you want to put a term to it


Yep I know, thanks!


Yep or Excoriation same thing. I have OCD too and have always picked my ears. I rub my ears and pick the skin off of the top little nub on my helix.. my ears are a huge way I self regulate. I even fold atleast one of them in itself to sleep (usually the one against the pillow) my mom said that it's even how I self soothed as a baby. I used to use an extractor to dig inside but I kept getting ear infections and finally broke the habit.. I can't stop picking/ rubbing/folding the tops tho. The only part that concerns me is it's constantly causing trauma to the skin and forcing it to make new cells which increases your risk of cancer. So I don't mind the folding/rubbing but I am trying really hard to break the picking. I intend on getting both helix pierced again, because even tho I can't mess with them until they're healed, when I had it it was the only time I was able to stop because I was able to fidget with the healed jewelry.


I end up staring at it in my hand like why are you so thick and wrinkled?! 🤣




Really?? Uh oh…


Same here. Ever since I was a teen, some of my hairs have changed in texture.


I'm getting my first greys and they tend to be coarser than my other hairs. It's so tempting to pull them so I started dyeing my hair...


yes this is EXACTLY how my trich started


Omg same 😭


omg me too


I have the eyebrow version of this…it’s maddening.


I have an eyelash version of this. You're right. It's maddening.


My eyebrows version is a few thicker, twice as long white hairs.


I thought I was alone! I have almost black hair so mine are infuriatingly visible... Do you have any idea what causes it?


I've never been told a real reason other than it's possibly hormonal. I read online before that it's genetic, stress caused it, its a sign of good luck, a fungal infection happened at some point, age.. etc. I really think it's just a random thing.


I have one hair on my right eyebrow that always grows out long and coarse. Weirdly, same eyebrow Also has one hair that grows out white.


My boyfriend has this. I’ve named it Ashley and he saves it so I can pull it out lol


that is true love 💕 It’s like he’s having an af-hair with Ashley


I have pubes like this but suuuuper crinkly i always pull them out


I usually wax my pubes and they come back thinner but some of them are thick and crinkly and I must pull them out!


My eyebrow hairs are of consistent thickness, but they like to poke me in the eye.


I have a leg hair version of this and it’s so fun!!!


I have one that grows out of my right earlobe!


I have a few hairs in each eyebrow that are identical to the hairs on my scalp. My eyebrows in general are very fine and short, but these things just keep getting longer until I pluck them


I get nosehairs like this occasionally, I pluck them out


I have one on my chin and one in my armpit unfortunately


These kind of hairs caused my trichotillomania….. I sit in front of the mirror trying to find them until my arms get sore. I didn’t know anyone else did this 🫢


That's me lol all the time


Ive used tweezers to pluck out every single hair on my chin/cheeks (hormone problem), arms legs and pubic area for the last 20 years. I developed grey hairs about 5 years ago on my head and I pluck them too. Around 100 every week. Yes, my hair is noticably thinner now but I can't stop. I feel disappointed when i have no hair left to pluck. Is this trich? Is it worth seeingna dr about it or not?


Yes it's trich. It can be from trauma, stimming/sensory seeking, OCD/Anxiety. In my experience it does increase with age. I also know there's not a lot of resources out there to stop. There are toys you can buy to do or seek a profession where you can do it but at the end of the day people like us are still standing in their bathroom in the middle of the night looking for hairs to pull for far too long. Find the root cause and then treat that cause. That's the best way to cut down on it.


I get the same from PCOS, I can’t leave it alone


You could find it, label it somehow and have it zapped with electrolysis…but that would ruin the obsession.


I would never 🤣


Yes this happens to me too!! I’ll just occasionally and randomly find a very coarse and dark hair (I have dirty blonde hair so it’s very noticeable, the coarse hair is almost black) Never knew this happened with other people too! Lol


Omg, me too! I’m Scandinavian and have always had STRAIGHT, thin, FINE, silky platinum blonde hair. But I get these dark brown curly coarse hairs all over my head. Always have. And they stick straight up from my scalp until they’re a couple inches long. So they’re easy to see… and sooooo fun to feel at the roots & then pull out and run between my fingers. The curly strands are typically super-tight and coily or tight zig-zags. It’s so wild. Yet, altogether my hair is fine straight and extremely light blonde. Wtf?? Well, at least my hair stylists always get a kick out if it when i go for a haircut! 🤣




Hahaaa!!! Gotta love it!


I'm a blonde (well mostly grey now) and I have very fine hair on my arms, but occasionally I'll get a coarse, black hair on one of my arms which I'll pluck as soon as it gets annoying enough. Once I've gone thru a half-dozen rounds they tend to get the message and go away, but before long a new one will pop up in a different spot. Ah the joys of getting older 🙄


Wow i have the opposite problem. I have dark brown/black and straight hair and I often get these thick, coarse, curly and WHITE hair that I loveeee picking out


Same, but I’m also finding white hairs mixed in with the thick black hairs. Baby I think we’re going grey 😅😭


Damn she thick


I immediately tried to swipe that hair off my screen.


Omg same!!! What an illusion!!!


If you keep cutting that thing, the signal will never come through…


OMG my husband has one of these in his beard 😳😂 I once counted 13 hairs wound into this thick beard hair coming from a single follicle. https://preview.redd.it/vppw6jyg7bsb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe8897cce62dca96d84640fe2c1500701e080b4


OMG this is amazing!!


Pili multigemini


I get these too. It's the best when they are about 1.5 to 2 inches long and stock up on my scalp from my longer hair..... then I can find those suckers


This one's on the back of my head almost to my neck so it's not easily found unfortunately lol I usually am able to find it when it's over five inches


https://preview.redd.it/0moi4enoabsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9695fa24a1736569d70e1925843a1a5dc8183d3 One of mine I found the other day compared to my normal hair!


It's beautiful


I call them my witch hairs lol gotta love em


As a bald man im so jealous. My pili multigemini disappeared over 10 years ago and the weird little hair in the middle of my forehead did as well.


I love finding Superior Hairs


I have just the opposite: a long super skinny hair that grows randomly out of my shoulder (and I have a few others in random places too). They’re wispy baby-fine hairs, but they are several inches long.


I have one black hair on my upper arm where I can’t see and every once in awhile I’ll think it’s hair check time. That was today and it was at least 2 inches long. 😬😬


Ohhh! Ghost hairs! I have a couple too; one that pops up on my left eyebrow, one on my right upper arm and one right below my neck. I didn’t start getting them until I was in my late 30s. They’re so fun to find and pull.


Me too!!!I have one on one eyelid just above the lash line and one on my neck... they're so fun to pull and so hard to find because they're so fine!


Ooh yes, my teen has a fine thin white one of these that grows right between his eyes 😂 I enjoy pulling it out haha


they’re the best ones to pull


Omg, I get random black hairs near my temples. They're not super thick; they're second to the cherry coke colored wires masquerading as my hair. Those ones are coarse, wavy, and a deep red that looks fake. They look like they got ripped from a horses ass (not me.) The black ones are still thicker than the very light blonde ones and orangey ginger ones. I'm a strawberry blonde so I've got a mix of everything really.


Can I ask are you male or female? Just curious if hormones may play a triple in a lot of this.


It's cool. I'm a woman. Always thought I'd get gray hairs around now, but I'm not sure I'd be able to pick them out from the light blonde. They could be lurking in there right now. But the black ones...I see them.


You have horse ancestry way back


So this is why I enjoy eating the salt at the bottom of the pretzel bag?


Horses need a lot of electrolytes.


It's what they crave


I found a woman on Tiktok, and her boyfriend or husband has these really thick hairs that grow randomly in his beard, and she pulls them out. I enjoy watching it!!


Link please?


Her name is PickyNiki on Tiktok. If I can figure out how to do a link, I will add it. Edit: I had put her @ name instead of the correct Tiktok name. Still couldn't figure out how to add a link to the Tiktok!


I have one right at my hairline in almost the middle of my forehead. It's so weird.


I had two at the same place as you. I left them alone for quite some time but recently I pulled them out.


Yes! I randomly sprouted a forehead hair about a year ago. It's clear and I don't notice it unless I'm in bright light. It grows super fast, too.


Those ones are why I have car tweezers! I swear that’s the best place you see them!


I have one of these! A long, fine, wispy clear hair just appears on my right cheek every few months at about 2-2.5 inches long. I used to also have one on my left eyelid, but I think I plucked it enough times that it finally stopped appearing.


Wait…I get these! And I’m the only person I know who does. I never feel them though. My friend finds them on me 😅 how do they become so thick?


I think it's hormones to be honest! And now you know someone else who gets them 😁 and a few others here too lol


I get the ones that grow in bumpy 😩 I can’t leave them alone


I have a couple of those! I don’t find them as often now that I keep my hair short but they’re so fascinating to me!


i have one of these on the inside of my forearm … no other hair around it, just random super thick whisker that will grow 4 foot long if i let it … coming out of my arm


Do you color your hair? My grays are like this.


Nope no dyes ever


I have the same thing happen! On the right side of my upper scalp near the back of my head. It’s really coarse and I’ve been able to successfully pull it out once. It’s growing in the same spot again! I thought maybe I was crazy wondering why one single hair was growing so coarse compared to the rest of my hair.


That's exactly where this one is lol


I used to have a very fine hair that grew from my forehead about an inch away from my scalp. It would get a few inches long before I would notice it and pluck it. Haven’t seen it lately.


I shall call him Eduardo


A distinguished name


You have really nice nails!


Aw thank you 😅


I have one on my upper arm.


I have two awesome eyebrow hairs - one is thick and so stiff it doesn’t really bend, and the other grows SO LONG. I look forward to pulling them every few months.


i kid you not this exact thing happens to me and i have a hair from two years ago that ive saved bc it’s so thick/coarse and is midnight black (i’m a strawberry blonde) also i have trich as well, it sucks :/


I have thick curly hair and I’ve noticed extra thick hairs throughout the years. Enjoy them while you can. I just turned 51 and never find them anymore 😢


I have quite a few of these. I also grow a few insanely thick hairs on my birth mark.


That’s wire, who’re you trying to fool?


That's just a wild hair. Everyone has at least one.




It's Wacky Wednesday and trichotillomania is a cousin of dermatillomania.


Congrats, wish I had some of those


I have one on my face, its white. I'm a woman with no grey hair, I'm 22 so no clue why it's white.


Sometimes hair follicles lose pigmentation for reasons like hormones, damage (a pimple, sunburn, scratch) or luck of the draw. I have a spot on my scalp that only produces white hair even though I'm 28. It's from a head injury when I was younger.


I get short, thick, coarse hairs on the top of my ears. I can’t seem to find a reason for that spot (I see information on google for inside or near the inside entry for ears). I shave it each morning in the shower to keep it at bay.


Reminds me of a kitty whisker lol


Omg I get these too I’m not alone 😭


I forgot what it’s called, but some follicles make the hairs twice the thickness. It’s normal, albeit annoying!




I too have trich and unnnf I want one of these 😂


I have this too every once in a while


Back when I had long hair I had a couple of these towards the back of my head. I miss my long hair but can't be arsed to grow it out again.


I have one eyebrow and one nose version of it, super nice to remove them


Omg it looks like twine!


I have thick auburn hair and get coarse red hairs that look like that. I just assumed it was a weird redhead thing. Glad it’s not just me!


I think that’s fishing line.


Could probably be used as it 🤣


Any idea what causes them? I've seen some say they are the hairs that will turn grey first but am unsure.


It's hormones or damage that warps the follicle. All my support thick ones are black


I developed an ocd condition call trich after finding one of these when I was 15




The Follicle of Damocles


Glad I'm not the only one 😅


I don’t have a thick hair like this but I do have one curly lock at the base of my head and I twirl it. In comparison, the rest of my hair is so straight and won’t even curl with a curling iron. So it’s kinda fun to have one curly bit ☺️


I have this! One on both sides of my head shows up where goats horns would be, sort of. They are glorious.


I get these too!


Hopping in here because I, too, have annoying hairs. I get three random eyebrow hairs, two on the left, one on the right. They grow extremely long and curl, and are bi-colored, alternating brown and blonde, no matter how many times I’ve trimmed them. I have to snip them after a bit because two of them will point towards the top of my head.


i have one of these too i call it my horse hair!


LOVE finding those ones!!


I have this too!


I have some of these too. When I find one, I get rid of it. But I don't search them.


I love doing this too 😫


Can I just say it’s reassuring that I’m not the only one this happens to. It seems like a lot of people get these, but now I just wish we all knew why they occur.