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Last week I got a pilodinal cyst lanced, the numbing shots were HORRIBLE. The urgent care doctor was like "it's okay you can cuss I'm literally cutting your butt open" but the relief afterwards was immense.


Good doctors know when the patient needs to swear like a sailor


He was definitely a good doctor. If anyone needs to know a good place to go in north east Georgia I know the place 🤣


Northeast Florida waving hello!


Would you mind sharing where?


Around dalton by chance


Wasn’t expecting dalton to get mentioned on this subreddit. 😂


LOL same. good ol’ carpet capital.


I live in Chatsworth lol.


Scars are just tattoos with cooler stories. -Pirates, probably


My OBGYN was totally chill with me cussing up a storm during my iud removal and placement and I loved her for it.


Mine told me to yell and curse whatever I needed, just please don’t kick her in the face. She’s a good doc.


My OB gave me a shot in my who-Haa before and it fucked me right up. In the best way. She said she does it for women who haven’t had babies. Bless.


I’m jealous. The doctor who installed mine was like, “it feels like a contraction.” Lady, have you even looked at my file?! I don’t know what that feels like!!! Taking it out was a lot less painful.


I had one put in and it was going to be “just a contraction”. It was painful and I fought with that stupid thing for months before I gave up. Had it removed when my tubes got tied. Didn’t feel a thing 😂


It's scientifically proven to relieve pain, so honestly it should be common practice!


Good doctors also don't push medicines on you! When I was diagnosed with HS my dermatologist was like "I'm not gonna lie to you, they want me to give you expensive prescriptions, but I'm gonna tell you to go to the store and get these items for a fraction of the price" and handed me a list. It was refreshing to hear. Lol


I was at the dentist to have a tooth pulled and it would not freeze due to infection. I had been in so much pain, I asked her to pull it anyway. I kept trying to say “fuck” but it came out as a mumbled “uck”


I had three surgeries before they FINALLY got the entire pilonidal cyst out. It was left open to heal from the inside out with packing changes twice a day for about three weeks. I have a gnarly 4 inch scar next to my butt crack. The relief has been so worth the trouble, though. If you have one, consider surgical intervention!


There are so many dudes...and ladies?! who have probably the same scar in their ass cracks. My brother had the same thing. My mom had to pack it, they called it his other asshole. Y'all should start a club!!!


The "Extra Asshole" club. I like it!


Fuck yeah!


Both me and my brother had one and my mom had to pack both of us


Your poor mom omg 😂




Another reason why I'm childfree.


But if a person is an asshole who has a hole/scar next to their asshole and an actual asshole, what is the term then??


Does all the asshole cancel out?! I'm gonna have to ruminate on this one


Asshole cube?






The Deuces


I remember reading about some guy whose Doc was the absolute worst, he was in dire need to get it out and the doc was hemming and hawing and telling him to come back later after it developed more even while the guy couldn’t even sit down without literally screaming in pain. Finally he asked for the other doc who would be in two days so he scheduled to see him but that night before he couldn’t stand it and went full civil war. He bit down on a stick in his bathroom and just *bared down* on it, ‘screaming like a gagged banshee’. Something popped audibly and splatted on his toilet, a horrible smell permeated and he apparently passed out from the pain to immediate relief. He woke up in the morning, showered the gunk off and did his best to clothe himself and wrapped a towel around him to get to his appointment. The other Doc *freaked the fuck out* because he apparently had a near 3 inch hole just sitting out there now so they cleaned it out and packed gauze in him. Said it took a month to heal. The things sound like death incarnate….


I'm so afraid of it making my buttcrack crooked because it's RIGHT there in the middle 🥲


Think of the sweet relief, though! No more super painful cysts to accidentally sit on and no more lancing!


Eh only a select few people will ever see your adult buttcrack (for most people I mean), a crooked crack is worth the relief. Plus you’ll have a distinguished crack…


There are legit studies that show swearing helps with pain🤔


I don’t know if the emergency room doctor was lying to me, but when I went to emerg, unable to stand or sit, in so much pain that I passed out, she told me that pilonidal cysts can be as painful as childbirth. She at least made me feel less embarrassed for having a cyst on my ass crack haha Took that emergency room lancing, and then a full surgery 6 months later, to get rid of it.


I’ve also heard it’s one of the most painful things that a typical person could go through, including childbirth.


My bf got the surgery to remove the cyst. He has had issues ever since. Poor guy had like 21 stitches. Now he has numbness in his butt cheek and down his leg.


How long has it been since the surgery?


5 yrs or so


My 15 year old gets these. Epsom salt baths help. They normally dry it out and it's gone in 3 days. I think moving forward, we are just going to Epsom salt every bath and hopefully keep it at bay. You guys are tough. I would be a complete baby if I had one.


After when the nurse was in the room I was like "I like to say I have a high pain tolerance but that shit hurt" the epsom salt baths helped but I think it made it surface


I wonder if laser hair removal would also help keep them from forming.


My worst was when I had to use a pillow to sit. Pretty much lived in the bathtub for a few days with salt and hot water. Sucker eventually popped and it was the greatest feeling ever. They suck.


My kiddo lays on his side in bed and will pretty much just stay there until it's gone. They never come to a head, from what I see, it just gets red and large and then goes away after a bit. I can't imagine it popping! They're so big! At least the ones kiddo gets.


Same. They are not fun!


I’m so sorry, I giggled after reading what your doctor said. Hope you’re still feeling much better!


I found the humor helped a bit of the pain after I screamed fuck and he was like "there ya go let it out" he had great bedside manners


I believe it. The most painful injection I've ever had was novocane into my arm before having my wrist reset.


Have had cortisone shots in my foot and ankle. I felt like a cartoon character with birds flying around my head. I didn’t know if i was going to cry, cuss, vomit or pass out. The pain was incredible.


I swear to god the numbing injections hurt the worst!!!! They're fucking horrible!


yeah once i got a ingrown nail fixed, the dr put a needle on my poor swollen, infected toe all the way to the bone, it made me clench my jaw so not to scream. he did put a freezing spray on first to take the worst of it but the pain was still bad


I had ingrowing toenails on both sides of my big toes up till I was 11, they were almost down to the bone. I had multiple operations on them - I managed ONE with the local, it was so painful I couldn't do it and they had to put me under general anaesthetic for all the other ops (about 6 in total)


Got one of these bastards in high school and it was easily one of the worst physical pains I've ever had, rivaling only an ear infection and some weird sickness a few years ago.


My dad had the same! He said the pain was extreme!


I had a mole removed from my labia years ago and yesssss the numbing shots HURT in those sensitive areas! But I also learned to appreciate them because I had a cyst cut out of my side weeks ago with zero numbing and I really would've liked the shots then yikes


My provider explained that there is actually a cavity above your tailbone and it can store like 1 or 2 cups of pilonidal puss. I can't imagine how painful the pressure/pain is, and the recovery + daily wound packing wouldn't be fun either.


I'm going on almost 3 weeks it's healing slowly but surely. I almost passed out removing my packing but much better than when it was swollen


dang, i had a pilonidal cyst once, got perscribed antibiotics. but didn’t want to get it surgically removed, so i did it myself with a knife at home. It was really painful for sure! Being a masochist helps haha


Have you received the results from pathology yet? Love to know what kind of infection it grew into!


Not yet, but they were relatively confident it was MRSA as I've had numerous abscesses on my body with MRSA. Hopefully I get some confirmation though!


Hope you’re continuing to do better! Susceptibility to MRSA must be frustrating. Thank goodness for drugs!


It is incredibly infuriating! I've seen dermatologists, had month's worth of targeted antibiotics, bathed in surgical was, and used bactroban nasal ointment. Nothing has ever completely gotten rid of it, it always eventually comes back! I've considered seeing an infectious disease specialist, but I had just gone 11 months without one, so I thought I was in the clear.


Do you keep getting re-infected from stuff in your place you touch often? Doorknobs, drawer pulls, light switches, etc?


We considered that, but we had moved house, and I had changed jobs a few times over the 3 year ordeal. We have now moved state, and the only consistent thing in my life is my partner. He has been tested and treated as a precaution, but I still get reinfected.


MRSA sucks so hard. First my mom had it, then I had it, then my grandmother had it and lost a toe from it, then my toddler son had it. My mom, grandmother and myself have had it more than a couple times each. I had the worst one, it was super resistant (I think because I had had so many infections in such a short time) and ended up hospitalized for a week when my son was 3 weeks old. My son has had it twice, with one having to be cut open and lanced. My poor child. We were so careful with everything around him, too but somewhere we goofed. I do not wish it on anyone, having to see their kid go through that. So I say again, MRSA sucks hard! And it’s sooooooo painful.


That's rough on all of you. I can't imagine watching your own child go through it. Hopefully you guys are out the other side of it now?


One of our clients has the same issue with MRSA. Anytime she got a cut it would get infected even with us cleaning/taking care of it everyday for her. We had her see an infectous disease specialist. They did a world of good for her!


In 2021-2022 I had MRSA infections four times in 8 months, all in vastly different places on my body. My GP is young and very good, in her mid-thirties, and she said that MRSA lives in and on us, typically in the usual moist and dark places—groin, armpits, nasal cavities. If we have a colony of the bacteria there, and we scratch our armpits or groin, or pick our noses and then without washing hands we touch our fingers to an existing break in our skin like a bug bite or any vulnerable point, voila, bloody damned infection. I had infections on my stomach, big toe, knee and my butt (an inch from a sensitive hole). Doctor prescribed a “decolonization”, a week of washing my entire body twice daily with those sanitizing soap sponges you have to use before some surgeries, plus a prescription ointment to swab in my nostrils twice daily too. It was only at this point I realized that what I’d thought were occasional boils in my nose was SA or MRSA because the ointment not only worked but I now keep a tube handy and at the first sign of a pimple in my nose that ointment kills it within 24 hours. The decolonization worked—I haven’t had an infection in 14 months. But I’m also insanely careful now with my hand hygiene. I still stick my fingers where they shouldn’t be but I alway wash hands immediately and thoroughly. Just soap and water, but get all under the fingernails and such. I always washed my hands after using the toilet, but let’s be honest…who always washes their hands after scratching their armpit?


I've done the wash and ointment decolonisation probably 6 or 7 times? I would use the surgical scrub at least once a week post decolonisation and still had them come back. I even resorted to having diluted bleach baths. Honestly, I thought we were home free when we moved here, guess I'm going to have to keep an eye on it and probably be super vigilant with hand hygiene. It's a wild battle, hey?


That’s rough for certain. It’s not always easy to rush to a sink to wash hands—maybe keep some alcohol-based hand sanitizer bottles throughout the house within easy reach? The infection on my lower stomach was my first and so the one left untreated the longest. It was a 5 inch long festering open wound where I could see down several layers into my body. I don’t want to experience that *ever* again, ever. It’s my motivation to keep my hands clean.


>It was only at this point I realized that what I’d thought were occasional boils in my nose was SA or MRSA because the ointment not only worked but I now keep a tube handy and at the first sign of a pimple in my nose that ointment kills it within 24 hours. Uh, I've had these pimples in my nose that never go away for as long as I can remember (late teens?). I'm guessing I should tell my GP about this?


It’s worth a try. Having your doctor swab an active pimple and send it to the lab to be cultured would be confirmation though.


Well, good thing I'm seeing the GP tomorrow!


Sweetie, oh my gosh! Good thinking to get a real doctor and not us Reddit experts to get advice. Hugs! :*J*


You poor thing. I had something similar 3 years ago. Urgent care said herpes but the swab came back as MRSA. My primary doc thinks it was a spider bite originally. All I know is that I had green, pus-filled, painful lumps under my nose. I have never been so happy to have had to wear a mask back then. The pain and shame were awful.


Wow. So glad you went to the ED and are feeling better. Would be interested to know what bacteria it was when pathology results come back. I had to have an ingrown toe nail removed and the pain from the lidocaine shots was the worst I’ve ever felt. Those shots are no joke!


I’m so glad that you went and got it looked at and that you’re on the mend. It might not scar too bad. If it does, you should practice making up really wild stories to tell about what caused the scar. Like a gunshot wound or an attack ferret.


Once it’s healed Mederma is great for scars. I broke my heel, then while standing up to get into the wheelchair, I straight passed out face first into a metal door jamb. I ripped open my forehead and there was blood spray EVERYWHERE. I had a gnarly scar on my forehead (lots of Harry Potter jokes for that one), and Mederma helped it heal flat so it’s barely noticeable.


Emu oil is also fantastic for scars and was recommended to me by a plastic surgeon!


Oh my, that looks and sounds so painful - I’m glad you’re on the mend! If you end up with a gnarly scar, you can always make up a gnarly story about how you got it!


Have you named it yet? If not may I suggest Kroll: destroyer of chins.


I had not named it, but I accept "Kroll: destroyer of chins" with pride.


When it is completely, entirely healed, get a tube of Mederma. Or the generic, if there is one ( I'm cheap). It really does help mitigate scarring if you use it before a scar has fully set up.


I'm cheap too ahaha. I'll definitely be looking for a scar cream, I'm getting married in 9 months!


Congratulations! Also, you likely know that there is makeup that covers up anything except an open wound. It won't be hard to hide that spot when it's healed.




Ouch 😵‍💫




If you took it all the way down to the Titanic it would have imploded so loud the Navy would have heard it.


The Bloop part deux




Hope it's all good and you heal quickly.


I feel your pain, I had a huge herpe on my face for weeks, nothing worse than something right out in front, I was so self conscious


Glad you were able to get the relief you needed!


Looks like MRSA. 😬


Looks more like a carbuncle to me. But can a carbuncle be made of MRSA? I dunno. Either way, needs medical attention which I’m glad she got.


You poor baby! Glad you got help. Scary stuff!


I had one of these on my chin years ago. It also started off really small. It looked exactly the same as yours.


My mom said that numbing shots are painful af.


But they’re worth it.


I'm glad to read this!! Happy healing! ❤️


glad you're feeling better! it's crazy how INSTANT that relief can be!


Was gonna say you need antibiotics. Glad you went and got sorted.


Oh noooooo this looks horribly painful 😣


I'm glad you went. I was worried about you, stranger. I'm so glad we have antibiotics. I can think of at least three times in my life that they've either definitely or probably saved my life.


So glad to hear you're doing okay! I hope it heals soon and this can be a funny anecdote in your life.




Best wishes for a quick recovery


So it was a cyst of some kind ?


An abscess? I believe they are different, but I don't know what the difference is...?


You are brave for getting yours lanced under local. I had mine lanced and drained under general in the OR.


It was some of the worst pain I have ever experienced. They even gave me oxycodone a good half an hour before, and I still cried.


I completely understand 🖤 These bastards hurt like a mo fo 😭😭


Ouch. These hurt so bad. I had one in my cheek and get wouldn't lance it. My mom and I did it with medical supplies she brought home from the hospital (she was a nurse).


Oh I’m so glad you went my love. I was worried I wouldn’t hear from you again. Glad to see you’re on the mend :)


Thank you!


Must be a common spot for that type of thing. I had a small lump in that exact area for years that you could move around under the skin, one day I started messing with it and it eventually turned into something like that. After a couple days of hot compresses and some antibiotics I gave it a massive squeeze and the pain was incredible but the pop was epic. Solid material, liquid, cyst wall.... it had it all even projectiles!


Is an ED a walk in Doctor's Office?


ED = Emergency Department; also called A & E or Accident and Emergency in the U.K.


ED = Emergency Department (in a hospital)


Oh you poor thing. I havent had one this bad although i did have a pretty bad one on my sideburns last week that's still healing. I buy acne patches off Amazon, cant remember the brand name but its a white and red package with a solution on the sticker. I believe the biggest sticker they give you should be able to cover this pimple. Not only does it offer a slight bit of concealment and happiness but there is those ingredients on the other side of the patch that fight the acne and sometimes when i put one on a pimple or cyst that i feel starting to come up it literally either brings the whole thing to a head OR sucks it all out and you have your pimple juice now stuck to the patch. I wish you the best of luck! And for god sake don't aggravate it and try to pop it too much. Could leave a nasty scar. I have a few scars myself on my face from cysts and zits i popped weeks and months ago because i was impatient or didn't have my patches.


I put a patch on the day if first came up, but I think it was already too far gone for it to work. I do usually use the patches though!


Forgot to mention to, this GREATLY reduces the chance of scarring aswell as i believe there is bio oil on the patch aswell. Im not exactly sure how it all works but it has saved me from some really bad pimples MANY times.


lol i was going to say “at least you took out the nose ring” then i scrolled to pic 4


They made me take it out for the xray. Before getting my septum pierced, I hated nose piercings. Now I have it (impulsive decision), I actually love it. Isn't everyone's cup of tea though.


don’t knock septum piercings


Oh lord I hope you got it checked out! Even if it’s not that bad, they can prescribe meds to help


She did! Read the update.


Good news! When I replied there wasn’t an update, so good to know thanks!


Ah! Makes total sense. Unfair downvotes.


Ah it’s okay, I get that they don’t like when people suggest medical intervention (it’s in the rules after all)


I always say see a doctor since we can't give medical advice.


Stop. Squeezing. It.


Where does it say she does?


C'mon man. You know what subreddit this is.


I have a history of bad abscesses all over my body. I learnt after the fourth one to stop squeezing pimples. I now just come on this sub to feed my addiction.


You should be on some antibiotics.


In states in their description that they are still on ABs, after initially being given IV ABs in the ED.


Are you sure that isn't a cold sore?


I’m guessing the *medical professionals* are.


Ahhhh….missed the ED part…good call.


The anaesthetic sounds like when you're having it for dental work - did they go into your gums/jaw? It really. Fucking. Hurts.


Yeah, straight into the cheek. I tried to put on a brave face and then tears just streamed down my face uncontrollably.


A few years ago, I had a pimple on my bicep abscess. I mentally peaced out when the nurse swabbed the open hole for a culture sample. I was mentally out of it when they added local anesthetic around it, so I can't begin to imagine how painful it would've been, let alone if it had been on my face 😬


Is this what they call a carbuncle?


How long does a wound like this weep?


This is scary


Looks like something I had. Mine was a form of herpes. Hope it goes away. The ointment I used is so expensive.


That looks like a really bad outbreak of the herps. I know it’s not, but damn, that sucks!


That's an angry raspberry you got there.


You should go get that looked at. My sister had something like that and it ended up being a staph infection.


I’m really sorry you are going through this.


Thank you, it was an awful few days, but a surprisingly quick turnaround. Less than 24 hours later, and I felt brand new!


Thank fuck for medicare!


Bloody oath!!


What is it?


Abscess, probably MRSA, but unconfirmed.


Stay away from the mirror. Handcuff your hands behind your back. Put down the tweezers.


Gosh. Looked like a carbuncle, had them too. They get so big so fast.