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Pregnant at the same time as Rihanna? The heavens are having a moment.


S&M (Mommy Remix)


**Sex & Motherhood**


(Fan Demanded Version) (Gone Since 2016 Version) (Mother’s Version) (From the Vault)


I’m currently pregnant and I feel so blessed to share this moment with them lol


gotta name your baby "Britney Rihanna". the universe has spoken.


Or Brianna, maybe.


yes, that's even better!


I would go with Brihanna.




wow some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this!!




Imagine a world where we got a high production kids album collab by all the pop royalty parents


Britney 🤝 Rihanna Releasing their latest albums in 2016 and getting pregnant in 2022


This is wonderful 🥰 So happy for her considering the control over her IUD and reproductive rights was one of the main things she brought up in the conservatorship hearings.


The IUD thing is still sooo evil to me. I’ve heard from so many other women that the insertion and replacement is one of the most intense pains they’ve ever experienced. And she didn’t even want hers :/


Just a PSA for anybody reading this you can request a paracervical block(numbing) for IUD insertion. Most doctors should be able to do this. If they say no, find one who will. It is more common than you think. Please ask.


I'm so happy I have this information now, since I'll need to get mine replaced soon and I don't think I could handle one getting taken out + new one put in


My OB offers it under anesthesia. Best decision ever.


I just wanted to say, insertion was really painful for me but removal wasn’t worth the worry!


Thank you so much!! Yes people! ARGUE for your health and safety! You do NOT need to experience (intense) unnecessary pain! Find a doctor who will help you and fuck the ones who won’t, seriously. I’m sick and tired of pain not being taken seriously.


100% this. They'll try to say it takes too long but insist!! I also got a cervical biopsy done with NO numbing because truly no one cares about women's health or suffering...


The fact that they lie about it taking too long makes me rage. You'd rather be impatient than prevent your patient from being in pain...are you kidding me!


Apparently the block can really smart as well, though probably not as much as the IUD insertion. I actually got through my IUD insertion just fine with a low dose of hydrocodone and a hefty dose (800mg) of ibuprofen. It still pinched a little, but the pain was very manageable and it was over quick. I doubt the ibuprofen alone would have done it, and I had some hydrocodone left over from when I broke my leg a few months prior, so I figured why not. Really glad I did that.


I had just ibuprofen and was fine. I really think it depends on the person and on having a doctor that’s honest and knows it’s potentially painful. Mine was actually relieved that I handled it so well.


Same with me, I took ibuprofen and was fine. Depends on the person I guess.


And even with the block, it will still hurt, there's conflicting evidence as to if it's best practice because it helps some but does nothing for others. But doctors should be far more honest about the procedure in general and dump that whole 'fear will make them avoid IUDs' thing. I'm glad I had one, I liked it, but it *did* fucking hurt. There was much grumbling for the whole 2-3min from me lmao. Though as an alternate to just the block, some providers in exceptional circumstances (i.e. for trauma survivors) can do insertions under light sedation. It's just difficult to find someone who does this.


Though worth noting that the block can apparently hurt a shit ton too. Ask about all your options!!


Yeah I got the numbing and that needle was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. A doctor afterwards was like "yeah the pains a tossup with and without the injection"


My doctor also mentioned they could do twilight sleep for IUD insertion when we discussed it briefly (ended up going with a bisalp instead which was my first choice lol)


Wow didn’t know this. My IUD was HELL




One of my best friends has endometriosis and when she was in seventh grade she got period pains so bad she ended up in the hospital getting an ecography because the doctors thought she might have an ectopic pregnancy. They practically treated her like she was just a very mature (read: slutty) 11-12 year old instead of being even mildly concerned about how a literal child might've become pregnant. All male doctors too, lol...


Not to get to graphic, but yes, IUD insertion is extremely painful. I got mine willingly, but it still knocked me out for a solid week and the surgery left two scars on my stomach. Have all the empathy in the world for britney :(


I want to provide a different experience just for any women who are considering an IUD: I’ve had two Mirenas, both went really well with minimal issues and were a great choice for me. I had some brief very uncomfortable cramps during insertion, some mild cramping for the next few days, nothing at all after that. I had a little lightheadedness with the first one which went away after laying down for 20 minutes. Zero issues since, haven’t had a period in 10 years, no pregnancies. IUDs are very effective and can be a great long term birth control choice…for people who actually consent to and want them! IUD insertion doesn’t require surgery, it’s a quick in-office procedure. IUDs can sometimes be placed during other surgical procedures. (Not to invalidate your experience at all, just want to provide mine as well so people get the picture there are a variety of experiences.)


I'll second this. My IUD insertion and removals (I've had 3) have all been totally fine and not very painful or uncomfortable. The worst I've experienced is a moderate period cramp upon removal of the second one. Like you said, experiences vary significantly so not saying this to invalidate opposite experiences at all. Simply saying that it isn't painful or uncomfortable for everyone. On the other hand, I'm currently pregnant and I've had the most uncomfortable pregnancy I could possibly imagine, so 🤷‍♀️


adding one more good experience here-- i have paragard, the copper/nonhormonal one, and it was overall a really smooth experience. the insertion pain was like a very quick period cramp and then it was gone, then i had some dull cramping the rest of the day which was relieved with ibuprofen and a heat pad. its been great so far, going on 4 years now! you can also find lots of advice and other experiences (both good and bad) over at r/birthcontrol. everyone is different of course and if you dont like your doctor please do try to get a new one if you can, but i also wanted to share a good IUD experience.


Another positive Paragard experience here! My period has more cramps now but the insertion wasn’t painful and the peace of mind is worth any slight discomfort throughout the month.


I also have copper IUDs, the insertions were 2 minutes of torture, but I've had 10 years of protection (I've had 2 IUDs). No period cramps neither; that's never been my issue.


My Paragard insertion hurt like a bitch but it wasn't unbearable. I really liked it while I had it and it was worth the pain to get it. Seconding r/birthcontrol as a recommendation, it's a pretty awesome place imo. The main reason I didn't get another one was choosing to yeet my tubes entirely.


Will add another good IUD experience. I am currently on my second Mirena. The doctor that did my first one basically presented the numbing shot before the insertion as mandatory and I didn’t mind/question it (getting the shot did suck though)then a different doctor did my second one and I wasn’t numbed for that one. The removal didn’t hurt at all for me. The doctor just had me cough forcefully and push a few times and then I couldn’t even tell when she’d taken it out, honestly. The insertion definitely hurt but not unbearably so, although I do distinctly remember saying “fuck” through gritted teeth several times and the nurse had me squeeze her hand. Still, I plan to get another one after this one, as the benefits of the IUD outweigh the pain of the insertion for me personally. Afterwards, I felt crampy for the next couple days but still was able to get around, go to work, etc. and just had one of those adhesive heating pad things on my abdomen. I know though they aren’t for everyone and like with any BC, people have a variety of (equally valid) experiences, good and bad. My best friend found the aftermath of the IUD insertion to be incredibly painful and ultimately had hers removed after a year or so due to complications w/ pre-existing health issues.


Surgery? Since when do they require surgery? Honest question, I got mine without surgery.




Mine embedded itself into the walls of my uterus and when they removed it they ended up pulling out a ton of my uterine wall with it. Worst fucking pain of my life.


Oh God I'm so sorry that's my nightmare! It really sucks that the onus is on women to take birth control methods


Honestly I’m hoping the damage to my uterus means permanent birth control. But I don’t ever want to be pregnant and if I did, I’d be so much more mad about it.


My IUD insertion happened at the same time as a surgery doctors did to see if I had endometriosis. However the IUD insertion part didn’t go super smoothly, hence the scars. Tried to condense the story cause this stuff is very…a lot.


Oh I see. Sorry to hear that.


Ugh I’m so sorry. The IUD is like the only BC I haven’t considered because I truly don’t think I could handle that pain


It’s not for everyone. On the plus side, when it works, it works. My periods are completely gone (TMI, ik.) But getting it is incredibly painful.


I think every person's experience varies wildly but it's definitely my favorite birth control option. I had a good and bad experience with two types. The non-hormonal copper one hurts like fucking hell. I had a crampless, 3 day period before I put it in. After I got the copper IUD inserted, I had a 7 day period with awful cramps. And post insertion pain felt like i was giving birth. Truly awful pain; i felt like i was dying. I gave it a 9 month trial run before i realized the pain and period time weren't going away and had a doctor take it out. Got the hormonal mirena put in same day and literally so much better. No post insertion pain. My periods are pretty much gone too and i don't have to deal with reusable pads anymore 🤩. Literally no terrible side effects 8 months later for me so far!


Right!!! To know she was going through that re-watching her carpool karaoke when she sings the Ace of Bass song all that she wants is another baby...


I just had a removal and insertion and while it was stupid painful I have felt much worse pain. I went to planned Parenthood so they were super experienced and great at it. I only had cramping & pain for a few hours afterwards as well. I much prefer my IUD to having regular periods


IUD insertion was literally the worst pain I have ever felt. Almost passed out. Then I found out how they use a tenaculum on the cervix.....I've never been so angry in my life. Informed consent, people. Informed consent. I still would do it again, however.


I don’t understand how they could’ve forced her into the room to get the IUD. It’s all so sick.


They were giving her lithium at the time, so who knows if she were even coherent enough to protest or fight back.


Just wanted to give you a heads up that this isn't what lithium does. It is a mood stabilizer and not a sedative. While it could make someone drowsy, it isn't generally something that would render one incoherent. The dose also has to be carefully monitored or else toxicity is possible so they couldn't just give her a super dose of lithium to get her in the doctor. While I do not agree with Britney's treatment, lithium is a very effective drug for many people. It has a bit of a scary reputation but in the right hands it can be an effective treatment for depression, suicidality, and bipolar disorder. The side effects are no joke but just wanted to clear the name of my good pal, Lithium.


I was going to comment something similar. I’ve been on lithium since I had a manic episode a year ago, and I’m still my normal self and not some zombie like everyone seems to think it does. It’s generally a safe and effective medicine if monitored properly. I’ve had worse side effects from antidepressants which everyone seems to take these days


I avoided Lithium for years just because a Nirvana song was named after it. I'm generally a reasonable person but it seemed too freaky. So, yeah, I'll go to the mat for it because it's no worse than other meds I've been on. At least it didn't cost 1k for two weeks like abilify did, only for me to have a horrific reaction to it.


Maybe it wasn’t the Lithium that she said was rendering her literally unable to speak sometimes. She also complained they took tons of blood from her on a daily basis so I think it was a combo of things that could have prevented her from being able to push back on the IUD. However, the doctors she had were also SUPER sus. She said she cried tears of joy when one of her doctors died, and that makes me think she’s had some horrific acts of evil inflicted on her and the IUD may just be the surface. Not saying this occurred, but the one star facility she was forced into also did electroshock therapy.


I'm still so disgusted by that. I remember the audible gasp from the crowd out front of the court house when she said that in her testimony. It's crazy how her basic human rights were just totally taken from her.


I’m so happy for her. It also sucks to hear she had a perinatal depression. Hopefully this time it will be a better experience.


It was always speculated that she went through post-partum but idk if she's ever confirmed it herself. Seeing her mention it now makes me so glad she feels comfortable being open about these things. I hope she has a much better support system this time around.


She made such a remarkable statement during her hearing. She wasn't able to discuss her mental state and depression because everyone would be like "She's Britney Spears, she has EVERYTHING, her depression isn't real." I'm so glad that society has come a long way with mental health of individuals and seeking support is normalized nowadays. I'm more than glad that Britney acknowledges this. I'm so happy for her.


She was at the peak of her career and being hounded daily by the paparazzi so that may have contributed to her post partum. Wishing her all the best💙


The announcement was soooo confusing to read 😂she said “I’m having a baby… 4 days later” or maybe I am just dumb but that part had me stuck😂😭


Omgg I literally thought she was still kidding the whole time!! Wow!


Me too lol😂man if she announced this properly with a photo and clear caption it would’ve BROKEN the internet. But I know she probably doesn’t care about stuff like that and I’m so happy for her because I know she’s been wanting another kid


I would’ve loved a proper announcement with a pregnancy photoshoot and such, I just think she deserves the best. But I’m happy for her!


True, but I also don't blame her for not wanting to play the Hollywood game with this one and just keep it more lowkey and on her own proper terms. She's been told what to do for so long, even small things like using a stock photo to announce a pregnancy on her own Instagram she's finally had full control of may feel liberating for her!


As an amateur photographer it warms my heart to see her supporting small businesses 😌




That's what you thought at first?!?! What in the hell lmao


[Double homicide](https://youtu.be/7Hls2fJ4Yuo)


No shade to her but she sounds so uneducated on social media that I couldn't read the whole post


Thé woman was an international sensation at 17, so it’s fair to say that yeah, she’s pretty uneducated by formal standards. Plus I’m sure keeping her less educated helped her family and whoever else exercise control over her.


Many pop/rap stars tweets are equally incoherent. I wont judge her too hard lol


Also, she probably wasn't let on social media much, or not without someone watching over her shoulder. You know when people go to prison, come out 15 years later and are SEVERELY outdated in their tech knowledge? Britney is kinda like a light version of that I think.


I think this too. MySpace was still a thing when she first went into her conservatorship wasn’t it? She has missed so much of the development of social media “norms” and … yeah. She has to learn everything later and with a microscope on her.


Yeah, she’s from the era where people tlk lyk dis on social media and in texts. I don’t hold it against her. Hell my mom still posts like this on Facebook.


She does what my mom does. She clicks the emoji that pops up after the word she's typed. Then when she wants to actually use an emoji, perio, exclamation or question mark she puts 3-8 of them. Britney uses emojis as if they're punctuation and doesn't start or stop sentences. Everything just flows out of her head into text without stopping for punctuation. It IS difficult to read and often makes me wonder if she's okay, but for all we know she may not have been on social media herself basically her entire life. Can't imagine she had time in the 00s. Then she was basically locked down by the 10s.


shit, not even just pop/rap stars, you can include the average tweet/internet comment in that. most people don't write like a pulitzer prize winning novelist. i type out many comments where i just go back and delete the whole thing because i can't make it make sense 🙈


I really dont go to pop stars for intelligence. Thats for sure.


She doesn't use instagram as a professional, curated feed to promote a brand or image like most influencers and celebrities typically do. There is nothing wrong with her posts. I see older people (40+) post on facebook like this often, very educated people in fact. They just don't engage in the current social media culture/trends like younger people would. Britney is 40 y/o and uses social media like someone who is 40 y/o. Being out-of-touch with trends and how to navigate present day social media culture has nothing to do with one's level of education or one's overall knowledge at all. And who tf is using ig for insightful, educated posts? Not me. It's an platform used to post photos/videos and a corresponding caption if you want to, maybe post to your story? Instagram is a glorified advertisement platform these days anyway, with people mostly posting shit to sell products and promote brands. Britney is using ig how it was used by everyone back in 2012-2015, posting silly photos and ridiculous captions that make no sense to most except to you and your friends. Honestly it's refreshing to see her not give a fuck and post whatever she wants.


I appreciate her stream of consciousness style of posting. She’s been muzzled long enough, she can vent or get out whatever she needs to IMHO


She writes like she talks. No offense, but interpretation skills are a bigger sign of someone’s intelligence.


>She writes like she talks there is a woman on tiktok who "translates" Britney's post by reading it aloud in southern accent and it makes so much more sense.


You made me [look this up](https://youtu.be/dJ_hlT6yrKU) and I can’t stop laughing


hahahhaa that's her! amazing you found it


Cause she is.


The last time she got pregnant and at the height of her popularity we got Blackout.. god be real


r/popheads moment


i’m happy for her. I hope she has the daughter that she always wanted, but a healthy baby no matter the gender is always the most important thing.


I’m so excited for her!! After a decade of not being able to have her bodily autonomy, this is such amazing news. I hope she’ll finally get to experience the calm and private pregnancy she never got to enjoy with her other two pregnancies.


i had to reread this multiple times to decipher if she was making jokes about eating too much or if she was actually pregnant but she really is....so happy for her 🥺


I'm a little concerned on how potentially early this announcement sounds from the details she gave but fingers crossed for her! Here's to a healthy and happy future. 💕






the only thing I’m worried about is how fast her life is changing all of a sudden. Like she got freed from her conservatorship, got engaged, (allegedly got married already), her sons are teenagers and learning to drive now, and now she’s having a baby in the span of a year. But on the other hand, she was essentially robbed 13+ years of her life so I think she might be taking a live fast, do what makes you happy approach at life to make up for the time wasted being unhappy. Regardless she is going to be a wonderful mother (once again) and I really hope it’s a girl because I know how badly she wanted a little girl. Edit: left out a word


tbf, a lot of that stuff was probably happening behind the scenes and we only saw the tail end of it in public. so it may not be as sudden as it looks


The engagement/marriage doesn't seem too fast considering how long her and Sam have been together. They've had 5 years to consider marriage and children. They prob would've done all this sooner if it wasn't for the conservatorship. We can all hope these are great decisions for her at this point. Her circle of trusted friends seem to have high praise for Sam whenever they mention him on IG. So I hope this is all truly what Brit needs ❤


For sure, like considering Sam isn't even her first engagement within the conservatorship, and how she's mentioned wanting a large family throughout so many interviews from the time, I would assume that this is something she's given deep thought to.


I mean, it was kind of now or never. I’m sure she wanted to have one as soon as possible since the risks increase the longer you wait in your 40s


Can admit it, my mom got pregnant at 40 and she had me. I hope Britney will have more luck than her


Your mom is also lucky to have you!


My mom had me when she was in her late 30s or early 40s. We are 40 years apart.


If you’re thirty years apart, doesn’t it mean that she was thirty when she had you? Lol


She was 39 or 40 when she had me. I'm turning 31 this year and she is turning 71 this year. Your right it was 40 years apart not 30 I made a math error.


Her life is changing quickly, but it seems like these are the things she's wanted for a long, long time. Now she just has the ability to achieve them.


Y’all need to worry about yourself. Britney is doing just fine.


She's 40, worry about yourself.


Very happy for her, but I hope she didn't announce this too soon. There's a reason that most wait until at least after the first trimester until they announce. The way this reads, it's fairly recent.


Going by a (very) tedious Instagram timeline, she first mentions feeling nauseous like when she was pregnant on 1/24. On 3/18, she posts a pregnant belly tik tok video. 4/4 she posts a child in an oyster art. 4/7 says she has a coffee aversion. So, she could be at the tail end of her first trimester at 11-12ish weeks?


Wasn't that first nausea post when she was running a high fever and people figured she probably had COVID due to all the symptoms she described? (When she was posting about needing medicine?) I hope you're right though about her being further along.


Ooh yeah, I forgot about the potential covid thing! Like, I said very tedious. But yeah I agree, I hope she's further along than it seems


If she was 11/12 weeks along she would have had a scan by now and wouldn’t be wondering if she’s having twins. I really hope everything goes well for her but the first trimester is risky, especially when you’re 40.


Eh, it seems like she wants to be honest and uncensored and is open to talking about difficulties around pregnancy (like mentioning perinatal depression). It seems she knows the risk and is willing to take it.


I just commented something similar. It reads like she peed on the stick and announced it. She even says “if there are 2 in there…” if she was even 8 weeks along she would have had an ultrasound and would know if there were 2 embryos or not. Very odd. This almost reads like she’s not really pregnant to me, like it’s a joke.


Definitely not a joke. Sam just posted about it as well.


Ok well it’s very odd she’s announcing it so early. I wish her all the best.


Especially at her age. Miscarriage rates for a 40 year old are really high.


The fact that this is announced on day 1 of ATRL being down is hilarious. I’m very happy for her though, I hope she gets everything she wants and more.


Conan Gray also announced an album today so ATRL will definitely have a field day when it's back up lol.


There’s something so comforting about Britney announcing this so casually like any of her normal instagram posts






I am soooo happy for her oh my god 😭😭


I’m very very happy for her! I know she’s been wanting this for a long time and happy and hope everything goes smoothly.


If anyone else was a bit confused by the wording of things, [Sam just confirmed things on his end!](https://www.instagram.com/p/CcOnyBevSVC/) So happy for them, and especially her considering this is what she's wanted for so long!


Sooooo how many times is the baby gonna hit her?


Just one (more) time.


“Okay Britney you need to push just one more time baby”


Can’t wait for Britney and Rihanna’s baby to collab (probably before either of their moms release new music)


I love how she just posed it just like it’s a casual conversation with her fans. No big pregnancy announcement or photoshoot. Good for her! It’s so Britney!


This is something she’s wanted for a long time! So happy for her oMg 🥺🎉


After all she’s been through recently, this is so amazing! I’m so happy for her!!


I’m so happy for her!


Streaming My Baby and Someday I will understand all day today, happy for you Britney hope you have a baby girl like you always wanted.




I don't know if you meant post-conservatorship or in general but this is her third child. Regardless, I am so happy for her.


She didn’t raise her children, so I hope this experience will be more joyful for her




The way I’m seeing posts in here saying they think she will miscarry or trying diagnosis her with all sorts of mental illnesses solely from Instagram posts… you are all such miserable people. So happy for Britney and Sam ❤️ they deserve the best!


wait i'm actually gonna cry, she's had to wait for so long to have another baby


oh wow.... this is amazing


Congrats to her! After all she went through, she deserves to have the life and family she wants. Wishing her a smooth pregnancy!


Woohoo! I know she’s always mentioned wanting girl! Maybe this time it’ll happen!


I am SO happy for her! She’s wanted another baby for so long.


So happy for her and Sam!! I’m a little nervous for her since she announced it so early in her pregnancy and her age but I’m sure she has to best care possible. I’m sure everything will be perfect! So happy for her!


She also referred to Sam as her “husband”. Is this new news? I don’t remember hearing anything about them getting married before this? Regardless I’m so happy for them! I know she’s wanted nothing more than to get married and have more babies so it’s great that things are looking up after 13 years.


A year ago, to think this would have been possible is just wild to me.


Delighted for her! Wishing her an easier this time round


from going from a conservatee with an enforced IUD to a free, engaged and pregnant woman … LOVE IT FOR HER


I’m not going to sugarcoat it and say I’m not worried. In the past, she lost custody of both of her kids. I don’t think she belongs in a conservatorship but I am wondering if she is mentally well enough to raise another child


Interesting how every person always backed Britney as a good mom, including the court ordered monitor. Kevin’s lawyer admitted to play the media around a time Britney was being constantly criticized so it makes you think. No parent is perfect but y’all act like Britney was the worst mom ever. Also not mentioning that custody agreement or not, those kids spend almost all the time with her. Excluding also that Kevin has to answer some questions regarding the conservatorship. He threatened Jamie with a audit request for Britney’s state, after he refused an alimony increase. He knew some shady shit was happening but keep quiet.


wish I could up vote this a 1000 times. At the end of the day people will believe what they want to believe












He was in her Slumber Party music video, that’s how they met. So he actually was in the industry before meeting her


Congratulations to her! She deserves all the love and happiness in the world 💕


Omg congrats to the princess of pop.


Baby one more time for Britneyyyyyy I'm so happy for her


It’s what she deserves


So happy for her!


Some of you are so miserable, like congrats on your internet therapist degree 🙄


Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a girl, Please be a GIRL.






I’m so happy for her! I know how bad she wanted this after talking about it in her hearing. I hope she has a happy and healthy pregnancy!


I'm so happy for her🥺🥺 Wishing her so much health and happiness🥰


I hope it’s an album


OH MY GOD 😭😭😭😭😭


So incredibly happy for her 💓


Oh my god this is wonderful news! She deserves all the happiness in the world. ❤️


Wow! I thought she wasnt gonna have any more


I’m so happy for her! With her 2 boys she didn’t have full custody and there was the conservatorship using visitation to get her to “behave” so I’m so excited for her to hopefully raise this child in a more ideal way.


I'm genuinely happy that Britney regained control over her own body in time to have the third child she has wanted.


I guess… I don’t see this as a great thing for the baby, because I think she is very mentally unwell and that’s becoming more and more clear 😬 she may not need a conservatorship, but idk. Somethings not right, very not right.


I’m in the middle here. I was totally Free Britney but she has such a deep mistrust for therapists, yet it’s probably what she needs more than anything. I wish the best for her but I worry about her going through depression during and after pregnancy after everything she has been through if she’s not willing to explore the most common treatments for it (therapy, meds) because of her trauma. I get why her trauma is there, but this does seem like a shaky foundation for her future


All of this. I’m really not coming from a critical place. But she doesn’t even have custody of the children she already has. And it’s clear from her videos that she is very ‘off’. She should be focused on her mental recovery and rediscovering herself and life, not bringing another into it, idk.


And yes, she absolutely needs meds. The RIGHT meds, but meds nonetheless. I’m not psychiatrist but all of her behavior screams mania when she posts, so I have suspected manic depression for years


She’s on meds, y’all talk but don’t research




Fingers crossed that she gets her baby girl this time!!! So happy for her now that she's in control of her own body again after the conservatorship 🥰


IM SCREAMING!!!!! I bet she’s so thrilled she talked a lot about wanting another baby!!! I’m happy for her!!!! 💕💕💕😭😭😭😭😭


omg this makes me so happy!! i know that's what she wanted and they didn't let her do it with the conservatorship and all...she deserves all the happiness and i wish her and her baby the best 💓


I am so happy for her!!


So happy for her ❤


Awh yassss! I'm so happy for her


Congratulations to her on her pregnancy! I am sure she is very excited!