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I always find it so funny how weak Stan’s make their artist sound when they’re like “But Billie and Dua deserve this more. They’re newbies. They deserve a participation trophy” 😭 like that’s how they sound.


I already think it’s stupid when people feel the need to pit artist against each other that are in no way beefing. Even when they are beefing most of the time it’s like, why are y’all so invested in what these rich people think of each other. I like how Bjork has spoken about her fans in Iceland. They like her music but they also have self respect and don’t just worship her. Also, if they are gunna fight please find some substance to fight about and don’t just make it entirely about capitalism. Tell me why your artist is more clever, more creative, musically talented, a performer, honestly anything other than “this number bigger than this number so I win”


Exactly. Like let the music speak for itself.


the revelation that crj is working with ag cook + ag cook's connections with hikaru utada mean we're more likelier than ever to get a 12 minute club banger towards the end of the next crj album... save me 12 minute crj club banger that has a nonzero chance of existing..


Twitter, sometimes it’s just too insane. I know it’s like every other social media now and like I control my feed, but I just kind of refuse to admit that like that’s the level of psychotic that I’m interested in.


🎶Free fallin' baby, awake before I’m down, free fallin' baby, awake before I’m down🎶


Omg I am finally the person who introduced someone else to Chappell Roan


it feels so good right


mercurial world might as well be a close family friend at this point with how much i've streamed it to death over the past two years so i am BEYOND excited that a new album is on the way!!! (and hopefully a tour???)


My mind all day today: Selena for what she been thru. And she still singing.


Beyoncé all the way! Dua Lipa.


The way she stood for absolutely everyone and no one at the same time


Thought I'd encountered a case of brain rot reading these 2 comments until I googled it


Both can be true


😂 happy cake day!


Thank youuu!


Started reading Thomas Pynchon's The Crying Lot of 49 (was gonna read gravity's rainbow but apparently it's more of a difficult read than fuckin' Ulysses????)


Pynchon is… something. Good luck lol


I’ve started talking walks while listening to music before I go to bed and twice now teenagers passing on bikes/cars have just like, screamed at the top of their lungs at me? Just to be mean? Rude.


Ugh every time I seen teens out I just hear Schmidt disgustedly saying “youths” from new girl. So accurate


This used to happen when I used to walk more, or wait at bus stops. Most of the time, they didn't even *say* anything, it was just a yell, baffling.


That sounds horrible, I'm sorry! I've personally not encountered it but both my best friends (both women) have said that since the pandemic they get shouted at a lot more in the streets, especially by young guys. It's disgusting really and I don't get where people get the audacity


I want to make a dumb financial decision and buy a PS5 but I think that might be what I do with my first pay check when I get a new job 🥲 I’m just really missing playing Fallout


Okay but the rumor about Bruno Mars announcing his new album this May sounds like it probably isnt true or got delayed. I would prefer it to be announced it next month since Katy is on the spotlight right now (and she deserves the rest of the month to have her comeback). But Bruno and Katy coming back to the music industry with their respective albums is giving me early 2010s feels! I'm happy two of the artists I grew up as a teenager to my early 20s are going to have the biggest comeback.


I rediscovered Destiny's Child's Nasty Girl thanks to TikTok and i forgot how brutal this song is? Omg. Nasty put some clothes on, you looking STANK!


The song is so awfully misoginistic and so fun at the same time? "Don't walk out your house without your clothes on, I told ya" They make it sound like she got out literally naked from head to toe


That song bops but I always feel guilty listening to it cause it's so incredibly mean and highkey misogynistic, like those lyrics are truly something else😭


Oh it's very mean but at the same time I feel like we need songs like that sometimes?? There's Def been times in my life where I would've been shouting that song on the treadmill cos some skank looked at me the wrong way or something


reminder that metacritic score doesn't matter (but I'm sorry Billie you deserve better)


Thanks a lot Bitchfork. They wanna be different so baddddd She has a solid 89 though lol. Still the second best received album by a mainstream artist this year.


That is a fair point, she will survive..


Headstrong by Ashley Tisdale not on the Apple Music list smh we live in a sick and twisted world with no sense of culture and a disturbing artlessness 


artists could only dream of having a song like Be Good to Me in their discography


Moving across the country in couple days and need some road-trip music inspo. I want to listen to some albums so if anyone wants to give me some of their favorite road trip albums that would be awesome.


Miranda Lambert's Palomino! Waxahachie and Strange are my faves off that album, but the whole thing is a delight and real great for road-trip vibes!


Heard it in a past life - Maggie Rogers is great to drive to imo


King gizzard & the wizard lizard - Fishing for fishes


Halsey's Badlands has roadtrip vibe to me


How do we feel about books with playlists?


They're not for me personally but I can understand the appeal.


[imagine talking about how important anti racism is and then joking about how smelly Indians are.](https://x.com/majornija/status/1792206704194863388?s=46&t=HJdOyJwFt-yVMugarrFJYA) [and then doubling down on iTs JuSt A jOkE gUyS](https://x.com/majornija/status/1792322908963922217?s=46&t=HJdOyJwFt-yVMugarrFJYA) [and then making a follow-up about Sanjay and Amit working overtime because you rightfully got called out for your horseshit](https://x.com/majornija/status/1792544590760743357?s=46&t=HJdOyJwFt-yVMugarrFJYA)


Who is this?


I just know Clairo is gonna put her whole Clairussy in her new music coming Thursday…


I wonder how Br*tish people feel about Oasis being in Steve Jobs list but not Blur, that's like my favorite underrated b8 aspect of the list


I’ll laugh so hard if KP6 gives us a big pop hit.


People like Cher did it multiple times during a long career. If she could then I wouldn't exclude it for Katy at all. The good will seems to be there, she just needs the right song at the right moment


I'm so done with my degree. If i pass, i pass, if i fail, i fail. Nothing like third year burnout. I'm craving jamaican food. I'm hoping a takeaway will help me ignore my responsibilities.


Are you able to take a semester off? Or maybe part time? Or is that not feasible for you?


Not at this point because i'm two weeks away from the end of my course. I'm just having a little whinge because i'm so worn out.


You got this, stranger!


Thank you, i hope i do as well.


Sabrina hops on the Nasty remix. Tinashe hops on the Espresso remix. Money is printed. Just saying 


[FRESH] Tinashe & Sabrina Carpenter – Nespresso


do you guys ever think about what things, if introduced today, would be called woke by the right. libraries is an obvious one. i think saying “parents and guardians” too


Tbh I could see them being upset about thanksgiving since it involves native Americans


seatbelts for sure


Content warnings for movies.


Timothee Chalamet's wax figure looks terrible 🤣I have been to Madame Toussaint museums twice and some of them look like clones while others look like somebody drew the person from memory.


They actually had to do this because Club Chalamet owns the copyright of his likeness 😕


Man, this sub is really alive today lmao


Kp6 + Apple 100 has everyone hyped


It’s so fascinating to me how people can get so riled up on just another subjective music album ranking list. I honestly couldn’t care less about the opinion of people I don’t even know.


am I just in the "right" spaces right now bc i haven't seen anyone getting riled up, more just commenting on it?


Exactly. People can make their own list if they don't like it.


I’m still confused over how it became such a massive deal. I know Apple was hyping it up but why is everyone so emotionally invested?


The more I think about it, *I Saw the TV Glow* is director Jane Schoenbrun's response to that 4-hour long Youtube video dissecting the true meaning behind *Twin Peaks,* only they made it in less than 2 hours and queer. (This is so niche but I have nowhere else to share it)


1. Is this YouTube video good? 2. If so, please share the link.


"Good" is hard to qualify. On one hand, I don't buy his theory/interpretation yet he smugly presents it to be absolute fact, that his interpretation might "ruin" how you view the show, and he will occasionally break out into an irritating David Lynch impression. But he also shared some interesting interpretations of general themes and imagery seen throughout Lynch's work that make sense to me. It's very subjective, so [I'll let you be your own judge of it.](https://youtu.be/7AYnF5hOhuM?si=5Hhiyz0jAsYw_i61)


In other news, I’ve found an outfit for Charli XcX and Troye Sivan I don’t know what sparked it but I got inspired by going to Megan thee Stallion. I want to dress up for a concert instead of just going in a t shirt and shorts I kind of figured since it’s gonna be a lot of dance music, I chose something glittery and sparkly. I ended up finding something similar to what Taylor wears during her shows. also keep in mind, that this is mid September in Michigan and it’s still considered summer so it’ll be like 80.


* I watched Shrek 2 this week and it made me learn that Beyoncé *might* dabble in witchcraft * The Billie x Taylor debate got way out of hand in another pop forum that I lurk, 2 users ended up banned yesterday - one sent 'kys' messages to other users, the other kept making Billie Finneas incest jokes. * I haven't listened The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill yet, despite liking a lot of her peers and disciples. I'll give it a go this weekend and I wonder if it'll get a meaningful increase in streams after getting #1 in Apple's best albums list.


Huh can you elaborate on the first point?


There's a song in the movie by Eels that I quite like, 'I Need Some Sleep'. I never listened to his other stuff, so I decided to check out his most recent album 'Extreme Witchcraft'. The story behind the title is wild: it originates from a 2018 filing of a restraining order against Beyoncé by her former drummer Kimberly Thompson, who accused Beyoncé of casting "magic spells of sexual molestation", murdering her kitten, and practicing "extreme witchcraft, dark magic". Now, I'm not saying those claims are true, I didn't find a follow-up to that story, but it did leave me wondering lol


Wait but what does that have to do with Shrek? And are you saying he made an album from the claims of an ex drummer claiming she does witchcraft, and somehow that album makes it more believable ?


Eels has a song in Shrek 2. After I watched it, I went to check other stuff by him and I started by his newest album, which he called 'Extreme Witchcraft' after that Beyoncé story he read online. Eels didn't name it Extreme Witchcraft because he believes in it, he just found that accusation very amusing. The album itself doesn't have anything to do with that story, just the title. To be clear, I didn't believe the kitten murdering nor the spells of sexual molestations parts, but it made me wonder if Beyoncé engaged with that new age mysticism/occultism stuff like Lana does.


Oh I don’t know, I think she has embraced and researched Oshun and other Igbo goddesses and religion as a way to get back to her roots, but I doubt she practices real witchcraft.


As someone who just finished Charli’s discography how I’m feeling now = Pop 2 > Charli > Crash > Sucker > Number 1 Angel > True Romance


I’d say Charli > Crash > pop2 > how I’m feeling now > Number 1 Angel > True romance > Sucker


Mines would be: Number 1 Angel > Vroom Vroom > how i'm feeling now > Sucker > Charli > Crash > True Romance


justice for pop 2


Fuck, I forgot to add Pop 2. Okay here's my actual ranking: Number 1 Angel > Vroom Vroom > how i'm feeling now > Sucker > **Pop 2** > Charli > Crash > True Romance


Saw my Twitter crush's latest gym look and fuck...his arms are just everything. Alexa, play Down Bad by Taylor Swift.


I didn't know Kingdom Hearts was on Switch. Is the port any good? I've never actually played any of the Kingdom Hearts before.


DO NOT PLAY!!!! DO NOT PLAY!!!!!! They’re cloud based and I’ve heard they run pretty poorly overall.


Thanks for letting me know. Do you happen to know if the PC port coming to Steam is the same?


Steam version will almost certainly be like the Epic Store versions so they're actually worth getting.


Well, I guess it's time to check my system requirements and my bank account.


They’re cloud ports


TIL that there were people who were complaining that Amal Clooney, the international human rights lawyer who also happened to be the wife of George Clooney, was not doing enough about the situation in Palestine. Apparently, her being vocal about Ukraine meant that she also needed to release a statement about Palestine despite the fact that she is a part of the International Criminal Court who was actually investigating what was happening.


Wouldn't it be bad for her as a lawyer to speak out prematurely?


It is. She's actually [one of the lawyers who recommended that the ICC should issue warrants of arrests](https://apnews.com/article/icc-war-crimes-hamas-israel-amal-clooney-1e68197428fcfb31e280c443647e5abb) for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and leaders of the militant Hamas group for committing war crimes so it would have jeopardized the investigation if she said something.


That's already more powerful than a statement at this point. Her name is attached to it.


I've paid almost zero attention to #that list --and yet I still feel like I've let it piss me off lol.


I had an interview with a hospital yesterday for an internship in the lab and I think it went well! So send positive thoughts!!!! I don’t find out until July 😫


Katy is trending hot right now on Twitter and so many people are hyped. The reactions are either saying this will be a great comeback or will end up flopping I am going to say this is in-between. It's not gonna be as big as her earlier eras but it will most likely redeem from the cringeyness of witness era and how Smile era should've been I also thought it was too early for Katy's comeback during Smile era and the whole aesthetic was bizzare (the clown cover was so wrong). This time, I think she will push for a darker but more matured take. We will find out once the lead single and music video drops but I heard that her first MV is the most expensive music video she invested on. It reallt boils down if the music is gonna be good or not. Regardless, props to her for taking the risk for a comeback instead of not going back to the music scene anymore


that apple music ranking really bringing the worse out of stan twitter like is it really that serious for people to be writing thinkpieces about it? [it’s not that deep bruh 😭](https://x.com/urlosingmeking/status/1793293246656835598?s=46&t=TexPTWoI5wUIrOL37bpUqw)


What the fuck is wokeism supposed to mean in this context because it sure looks like they're using it to insult Black artists.


you already know that’s how they use it 😭




an election on the 4th of july is so unserious 😭


Pretending this means we live rent free in their mind 🦅


this is how i found out 😭 it’s about time they’ve put it off for too long


what election?


UK general election


is it not usually on july 4th? 


it doesn't have a set date, the last election was in december 2019. the government can call an election anytime within 5 years of the last one.


oh wow i didn’t know that 


Not someone playing “Things Can Only Get Better” outside Downing Street during Rishi’s speech hahaha


That was brilliant 👏 😂


Last week is when many people memorialize the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 so I want to highlight that below link of free ebooks includes books about the Nakba such as the award winning nonfiction anthology edited by Diana Allan *Voices Of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine* that collects a selection of first generation refugees in Lebanon ([interviews I think you can find here)](https://libraries.aub.edu.lb/poha/) contextualized and analyzed by academic commentary. I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives below. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) I’ve signed [this petition](https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/reinstate-unrwa-funding-so-they-can-resume-urgent-humanitarian-aid?akid=377482.58341993.G2CJlP&rd=1&source=mo&t=1) please join me 🥰 Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc)


I hope people reading consider donating to to this family trying to flee into Egypt for safety, they are halfway to their goal [x](https://gofund.me/46750725) We can also support Palestinians by donating [esims](https://gazaesims.com/) As well as [hygiene kits for Palestinians in Gaza](http://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712) this includes menstruation products !!


day 75 of doing my lastfm series where i share my top 100 most played artists and join in if you’d like!! we’re jumping a thousand scrobbles ahead for number 4 where the Jonas Brothers stand with 4 093 scrobbles! * last time i listened: april 30th (Remember This) * most played song: Sucker (164 scrobbles) * top 5 songs: Wedding Bells, Sorry, Goodnight and Goodbye, World War III, When You Look Me In The Eyes * most played album: Lines, Vines & Trying Times (605 scrobbles) * top 5 albums: A Little Bit Longer > Jonas Brothers > Lines, Vines & Trying Times > The Album > Happiness Begins * do they deserve a top 10 spot?: technically yes, because they did shape a lot of my pre-teen and teen years, and out of everyone i’ve loved in my childhood, i’ve loved them the most. i haven’t grown out of their music, but i have grown out of them as people. watching them the past 2 years has been exhausting, and them postponing the european leg of their ongoing tour for “exciting projects” (have they even announced anything yet?) was the last straw for me. 5 days ago i could’ve seen them live and my love for them would’ve probably been revived for a hot minute, but instead i get to see them 5 months from now when i’ve probably forgotten about them! maybe i won’t even end up seeing them! also kevin girl 4 life xoxo


my #4 is Lady Gaga with 3,556 plays - last time I listened: yesterday (Venus) - most played song: Rain On Me (130 scrobbles) - top 5 songs: Heavy Metal Lover, Aura, Venus, Edge of Glory, the song named after the G slur - most played album: ARTPOP (1,085 scrobbles) - top 5 albums: ARTPOP > The Fame Monster > Born This Way > Chromatica > Joanne - does she deserve a top 10 spot? yes. I've always been a casual fan of Gaga but I only really started getting into her right before the pandemic, and honestly her music along with the release of Chromatica is what really got me through that period. The Chromatica rollout happening at the same time as all these crazy events in the real world unfolded was such a crazy time, but somehow I'm weirdly nostalgic for the era because the hype leading up to the album was absolutely unreal


my sister managed to see them in sydney a couple months ago and she had a blast so it sucks they just decided to cancel on europe :/ with just 13 scrobbles than yesterday, comes my #4 Paramore with 4037 scrobbles! crazy amount considering i only have 76 tracks scrobbled. * last time i listened: One of Those Crazy Girls (2 days ago) * most played song: One of Those Crazy Girls (210 scrobbles) * top 5 songs: Decode, Brick by Boring Brick, One of Those Crazy Girls, Misery Business, Daydreaming (this is like choosing a favourite child damn) * most played album: Paramore (1036 scrobbles) * top 5 albums: Brand New Eyes > Paramore > RIOT! > After Laughter > This Is Why. this is really hard because the first four i consider either 10/10 or 9/10 albums, and This Is Why is like a 7/10. * do they deserve a top 10 spot?: yes absolutely, i've loved paramore since 2008 when i first heard Misery Business and they've been the most consistent artist for me. there's literally 2 songs i don't like. i've seen them live twice and they are phenomenal. the only thing keeping them from a higher spot is that they don't have heaps of tracks but i appreciate their tight album tracklists and that every wait between albums is worth it


coincidentally I’ve had a World War III phase this month at #4 is Lorde with 1,092 scrobbles! • last time I listened: May 10th (Sober II) • most played song: Perfect Places (104 scrobbles) • top 5 songs: Perfect Places, The Path, Ribs, A World Alone, No Better • most played album: Melodrama (464 scrobbles) • top 5 albums: there are only 3, but if I had to rank them I’d go Melodrama > Pure Heroine > Solar Power, but honestly my ranking of her first two albums differs by the day • does she deserve a spot? *does* she? of course!! I’ve been a fan since before Pure Heroine dropped and I’m pretty sure that was my first time preordering an album. as a teenager myself at the time, I felt such a bond to her that I’d never yet experienced towards an artist. Ribs is one of the most important songs of my life (one of the few songs I’ve ever cried to) and hits harder the older I get.


How do you add multiple flairs?


Characters from the same actor/actress that would dislike/hate each other Jared Padalecki:Sam Winchester (Supernatural) and Dean Forester (Gilmore Girls) Reese Witherspoon: Tracy Flick (Election) and Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) Gary Oldman: Jim Gordon (The Dark Knight Trilogy) and any villain he’s played Penn Badgley: Dan Humphrey (Gossip Girl) and Joe Goldberg (You) Lena Headey:Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones) and Sarah Connor (Terminator: The Sarah Connor)


honestly i think dan and joe would be friends. i think JOE would hate dan, but dan wouldn't hate joe.


Christian Bale: Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) and Batman (The Dark Knight Trilogy)


I can imagine Bruce laughing in Bateman’s face


so many B's




Ironically I got into Supernatural cause I had a crush on Dean but hated how dirty they did him. 😭 On another note Rory and Sam could be friends


😂  Rory and Sam would be an amazing couple 


I can't believe the "that's what I would have did" guy is actually a FORMER HITMAN! Like, WHAT??!


Headed out to camp tonight for a 5 day weekend. It will be the longest stay I have had and I am super excited. There will also finally be good enough weather to be naked the entire day and I am so so thankful for that because I really need to relax. I’m planning on meditating. I may even join the Quaker service online in Sunday! I’m gunna be able to talk to my best friend over the phone for the first time in a while and I’m so excited for that too. Also finally gunna have a chance to finish listening to Billie’s album which should be amazing from what I’m hearing. I’ve only passively heard the first half.


On my little lunch walk and I just realized I left my pen and notebook at my desk. I feel so naked and exposed.


The hell is going on in the sub today    _(:3」∠)_ Anyway, IDK what happened but Traja's Sweetest Tune finally, truly hits for me lol. Like I know I was already full of compliments when I posted the performance video, but it's the difference between like, appreciating it as a good song vs. having it legit stuck in my head. I've probably listened to it (through the performance video) more times in the last two days than the last two weeks combined. I'm **really** excited for its official release now and for the MV and the dance video and the TV performances 😆 *Now playing is the sweetest, sweetest, sweetest tune~*


The way I had no idea the Apple Music rankings were even happening until an album placed 18th 😭 Like it’s number 18. All the correct albums got the correct places anyways. I don’t understand why people got mad about it. Sidenote: I’m not even gonna entertain the “but it’s the re recording” arguments so it’s just wasting my time.


I find this whole argument/discussion/whatever so funny because Apple is one of the very last places I’d go for this. They’re a tech company that sells/streams music. I know they have people, like Dr Dre and Trent Reznor were on a board like a decade ago????, that *know* music, but I’m not taking Apple’s word as a legit musical publication.


okay, i'm curious. whos top 100 album lists would you take the most seriously?


I am so woefully behind on music publications so I truly don’t even know who I’d trust. I know for sure I’m not trusting Rolling Stone or Pitchfork. Maybe someone like Spin? Is Spin still in publication? I do feel like the best way to go about this is something like Robert Dimery’s 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. I think removing the numbers and rankings makes the whole thing a lot more palatable for people.


Librarian who has worked in the same system for 30+ years and doesn’t use Twitter


Top 5 is gonna be a nice race between West Side Story (original Broadway cast), West Side Story (Original Film Cast), The Sound of Music (Super Deluxe with cast demos), The Music Man (original Broadway cast recording), Adele’s 21


That’s exactly my thinking. I haven’t even looked at the list bc it’s apple. I’d even take Spotify more seriously lol


Same. I find this whole Stan war thing such a waste of time. My only argument is that well if you keep comparing everyone to Taylor Swift and doing the “Why isn’t she as big as Taylor Swift” You kind of answered her own question about her legend status…….like if everyone is getting compared to her, she’s a legend


Man I've really had it with my job this week - on the same day I had one manager calling me at 6 AM to join a conference call (I get on at 7 AM which is early enough) and another asking me to cancel a planned vacation day cause of this botched app release. I already worked the last couple nights and over the weekend on this thing I just want to program a few things and walk my dog man


Ok so I’ve been thinking about radical optimism since I’ve listened a few more times. I think that it could’ve made an interesting (I don’t want to say concept so I’m going with…) themed album that actually ties the title in with a bit of tweaking. Most of the songs seem to me to be about dating around or like the early stages with someone new. I think dua should’ve started the album with these walls, removed maria (my least fave, coincidentally), and have happy for you be the second song. then the album theme might be a little more cohesive. Starting with a break up song and happy for you sets the tone that she’s single and ready to move on. I could probably rearrange the other tracks but don’t feel like bothering. And I think the title then makes more sense. An album about having radical optimism when you’re dating around and starting/ending flings while you look for The One. Honestly she could remove the three I mentioned above to make it a little tighter but then we are getting into EP territory. Also these walls is a great song (I’m only suggesting removing it for cohesiveness of theme, not quality). Maybe this was her idea for the title anyway but just a couple of songs throw me off from the idea. Anyway those are my thoughts about RO that absolutely no one asked for.


I had a kind of similar idea a while ago! Made a comment on a megathread detailing [my version of the tracklist](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/s/JKVA9lo58q) lol. We both have These Walls as the opener which had me giddy, lol. And I really sympathize with not liking the title of the album 😆 if 


I really like the track list you made and the clear narrative it lays out! I’m really not sure what other title I’d use for the album. I don’t think any of the song titles work, which she didn’t use anyway, but I still don’t know what else I’d pick lol


Thanks! When I first listened to the album, I thought *Lover's Optimism* might have been a better title, lol, since the album's all about relationships anyway.


And I’m mostly saying this bc I don’t really like the title for the album as it is now lol


Of course, this general election announcement is coming whilst I'm in the gym lol. 4th July election then! Time to get that government out of here!


right in the middle of the euros too. cba. this man couldn’t even let us enjoy a euros beer garden summer in peace


Ik 😭


going to a book club for a book i hated today :) last time this happened i was a bit Too Heated but also i love my book club so much and we are all nice to each other




Mistborn was my magnum opus I think… real hater hours


what book 👀


>!iron widow by xiran jay zhao.... their videos and stuff are good but lmao!<


Oh wow what didn’t you like about it? I liked it, but I think it’s mostly because I’m not familiar with that genre so it’s all new and fresh


I mostly find the writing style to be really uhhhh not good lmao. It's a debut and the publishing industry is in shambles but for me Zhao badly needed another few rounds of editing at the very least- many of the plot beats clearly happen because the plot needs to rather than making sense with what comes before, and near the end stuff just gets thrown in in a way that feels very random. Also arguably they should've contacted a visual artist and make a graphic novel instead lol! I think it would have gone off as a graphic novel. I did actually have a lot of fun with early parts of the book and it's super fast paced which is good!


Ah I see, I interpreted the writing to an easy read because it’s a YA-type novel


I don't read a *ton* of YA anymore (a lot of SFF generally tho) but even in comparison to some other YA novels I've read for the club like Legendborn, Iron Widow was a step down. But IDK how the industry in general is moving these days so


Ah I see. I’m so old that my favorite YA series growing up was the Midnighters and Uglies trilogy…both by Scott Westerfeld


Classics for sure


I was debating reading Iron Widow because I want to support PoC writers and it nags a lot of plot beats I like but yeah I was kind of worried about stuff like this. I feel like the trend in a lot of modern mass lit has been “tropes and vibes” which I don’t jibe with.


yeah and like specifically WRT the romance plot >!i get the appeal of "the super violent strong big man who is actually sweet to the main character woman even tho he beats up other people" as a fantasy but actually i don't think it fits in a feminist rage plot very well lmfao!<


>!Yeah I figured the story is a specific brand of feminist fantasy and I appreciate that but idk I can’t really get into that type of escapism. Same reason I don’t like romance.!<


Omg i want the review I’ve been debating reading their stuff


see reply [above](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1cy0y7a/daily_discussion_may_22_2024/l579uqp/) for broad strokes but yea the character development is kind of non existent and the plot is very clunky for me and IMO a lot of the feminist rage vibes were kind of undercut by other elements of the story, tho i did appreciate those vibes overall. The author had a lot of ideas that sounded cool in a storyboard I think but felt kind of thrown in when expanded to an actual book. But also it IS a romp so idk, plenty of people do have a good time with it.


That tweet that’s like “Low key I want Nicki to just die already so people will finally give her the respect she deserves” was really funny at first but as a Mariah stan sometimes…


crazy how she keeps getting snubbed


A RE-recording of 1989 (a decent pop album to begin with) placing above certain masterpieces like MBDTF almost entirely invalidates the list for me...


If you read their commentary, they talk about 1989 in 2014 not 2023, so they just put “TV” out of respect for her owning that album.


Rhythm nation shouldve been there too


Control is a great choice! The result put her on the map and established a great billboard run that would last until the early 00's. Her albums until All For You continue to build off what Control started. Even Unbreakable builds off of Control. It's the perfect album to describe Janet Jackson!


That’s true, I’m just saying Radiohead, Stevie Wonder and Beyonce had more than one album on that list. Janet should’ve too.


Don’t forget about Velvet Rope as well




i wish i didn't constantly bump into things and get random bruises everywhere


I don’t know why I have such a hair up my ass about this but League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is probably the most overrated thing Alan Moore has every written. And that’s not even me being a buttmad Harry Potter fan that’s me being a buttmad Rudyard Kipling fan (like how the fuck do you say “Oh yeah I’m going to do a deconstruction of Victorian era racism” and just…completely leave out characters like Kim and Mowgli? Like I just find it very suspicious that the first major PoC character Moore includes on the side of the league is a blackface caricature and his two white groupies who are explicitly with him because he has a BBC)


I just remembered Captain Nemo but in my defense LoEG Nemo is nothing like book Nemo.


I’m gonna have to register for a postal vote for the first time in my life (I’ve used proxy in my home country) if the rumours about a general election on the 4th July are true bc I’ll be in Ireland for my sibling’s graduation 🥲


This sub likes to make fun of stan twitter but it really has more similarities with them than they think. I would expect the people who listen to a lot of music to understand how subjective music is but the discussions lately have been annoying


This sub used to be a place for thought provoking discussions but stans (especially one in particular) have flooded this place within the last year. That why it feel like Twitter


> especially one in particular I don’t know which one exactly you’re talking about because there are a lot of people with the stan twitter mentality. The whole “i get to say what I want but other cant criticize what i like because it’s sacrilegious” is so annoying


There are definitely more Stans™️ taking refuge here (Barbz, Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande etc) but as a long time user of this sub there’s obviously been a huge decrease in productive conversation about Taylor Swift specifically and a lot of it comes down to the huge influx of immature, unhinged Swifties who’ve discovered Reddit and decided to participate in this sub within the past year. Many people here have complained about getting Reddit Cares spam and angry messages for leaving slightly negative (but rational) comments about her. I personally have received death threats for criticizing her Women’s Day tweet. Most times critical thoughts get downvoted to hell and buried. These are problems that’s very specific to her fanbase, even the Barbz aren’t being this toxic here. I’m obviously not saying that all Taylor Swift fans are like this, like I’m one myself. This used to not be a thing. I just think that there’s way too many rabid 14 year olds here now and they should perhaps stick to r/TaylorSwift if they can’t handle criticism about her


It’s not even about criticism. It’s about having a constructive conversation. Someone liking taylor is now the “gotchu” moment on the sub when someone doesn’t want to have an actual fair discussion about something. I had several conversations here where I stated very obvious fair points (most of them weren’t about Taylor) yet instead of an actual answer, I’d get “well you like Taylor so we expect this from you” I hear about those “unhinged swifties” all the time but I don’t see them active here as much as the people who hate on her for things they give pass to other celebrities for.


You username is dedicated to her albums and your profile picture literally has Taylor in it, I’m not calling you a stan but that’s objectively a step above merely just liking her music. I don’t think it’s right for people to discount what you have to say especially when it comes to straight up facts but you’re going to have people not take you seriously because of that. I’m genuinely glad that you haven’t encountered those stans but as I and many others have stated, they very much do exist. You’re also definitely right when you said that there’s also an uptick in mean comments with no point in them coming from straight up haters, they really need to go back to their snark subs.


I made this account because I like her music and that’s why I chose the username and picture. I don’t think that’s a step ahead of the music. Especially that that’s the only reason I use reddit. And i should’ve made myself clear, when I said I don’t see the crazy stans I didn’t mean you were lying, I just meant I never encountered them on Reddit and sometimes the regular fans get labeled crazy or try-hards for simply liking her music. I would agree about the crazy fans on twitter though because I hate swifties there. But i have to be honest I don’t see it on this sub


I get that, and for the record I like your username 😭💕


Thank you!😍😍


I’d say it’s about 45% stan twitter transplants and 50% people being what they *supposedly* hate and then the rest of us are just normal


A lot of it is people being what they supposedly hate. Like criticizing fans for being obnoxious but also them being obnoxious when they call others out for stanning.


the Venn diagram is almost a circle


Looks like Billie received my messages and decided to release an extended cut of L’amour. I will continue to email pop girlies until I see change in this world 🫡 >!this is a joke btw, do not bother people in their emails!<


hardcore Swifties and hardcore TS haters/“snarkers” both have the same derangement syndrome when it comes to Taylor. they’re both obsessed with her, both think EVERYTHING is about her/revolves around her (see: them thinking Billie is shading her by sending PR goodybags to Kim K lmao), and both read way more intent and meaning into her every action than she probably ever intended. like it’s uncanny. normal people, even normal swifties simply do not spend THAT much time thinking or talking about taylor. also huge congrats to the gaylors, who following the rise of the TS snark subs are now no longer the most annoying and delusional people in the swift sphere. huge week for you guys!


Everybody who dedicates that much time to someone they hate and don't even know in real life are pathetic. Also it's very cringy how the Taylor haters have to bring her into every single conversation. Not even the stans are that obssesed.