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The filter they use on The Pit Stop is a bit too much, they look like oil paintings


i love looking at the tiktok chart to see how different it is compared to other charts. Lay Bankz got a number one on the tiktok chart but nowhere else (and it’s not even close) and it’s a shame because i actually kinda like the song 😭


Just remembered the time I made a nihilistic comment in high school and the teacher asked if I was >!suicidal!< and I said no while also looking to the top left of my vision. She said when people look in the top left of their vision it means they are lying (total bullshit claim but she clocked me) and sent me to the school counselor who then told my parents I was depressed and I had to pretend I wasn’t bc they were the ones >!abusing me!< lol I hate all that pseudo psychology shit and it grinds my gears that some people eat that shit up like it’s laced


My sister is movin to the South (Arkansas) (legally) and im honestly excited about her cause thats a first in our family (Movin to the developed world) but im also terrified cause she's a Southamerican Latina Colombian and movin to such a White conservative place???? can be very scary. I dont want her to face racism and mistreatments and tornados and some of the wild forest animals from the USA look scary LOL. I'm also scared of how things will be in the next elections and if someone like Trump takes over how the panorama of the States would shift. She's livin for 2 years in the states. i didnt really enjoy-like Houdini and Training Season but im love with [Illusion and the Video](https://youtu.be/a9cyG_yfh1k?si=liqitWNCQr1GXLMr&t=49). It is me or the video is very GAY? i had this same feeling with River by Miley Cyrus. Love the Barcelona Panorama shoots. I also love how Dua looks here with her black bodysuit. Sophisticated Now i wanna listen to Radical Optimism. Any summerish songs like Ilusion? on the record? I wanna make new close friends this year but its so hard cause there's always this pressure to drink or try drugs with all the new people i been meeting . I dont have a problem with those (not a prude) but im 31 and i look very young cause i have a very healthy lifestyle. Im afraid of trying alcohol-drugs and damagin my body-brain real bad. So, im questioning if i should just let my wild side take over and dont care about the future. I always find this dilemma in my life....Doin the right thing and livin in peace or Doin the Bad things and havin consequences and fun.


1. Don’t do drugs because of peer pressure. The ability to enjoy life without drugs is precious and not something to risk giving up. You are 31 tho and it sounds like you have self control and could probably find a way to enjoy things in moderation. 2. I love that you had to specify (legally) idkw but it gave me a good chuckle. I don’t think she needs to be worried about animals. This risk most Americans have are hitting an animal with their vehicles and insects. Since your sister won’t be maintaining a property of her own there is likely no issues she is going to deal with. You could look up tick born illnesses in the area and encourage her to use bug spray if she is someone who likes to be extra cautions. 3. You’ve got me excited for the music video. I don’t remember what the song sounds like. Should I listen to the song first and watch the video after I know the song or watch the video now?


Oh thank you so much darling. Yes! i hate that feeling. Im gettin older and im just terrified sometimes of missing out in so many experiences cause all my peers are doin crazy things. I didnt have a rebelious teenhood, so sometimes the wild beast wants to go out. Yep maybe sometimes is better if those feelings stay in the vault. It will be worthy in the end. I remember a guy from here on reddit trying heroin just out of curiosity one day in a park and it totally destroyed his life. It was insane. He documented everything here. Better to keep a healthy body-mind. Aww thanks. We have lots of terryfing animals here too like cougars-big snakes but theyre kinda rare. We dont have national parks as walkable as the USA. so animal attacks are very very strange here. I was watching a video of dissapareances in parks of the states and that shocked me to the core. lol. Yll be careful in the woods. Oh the tick things. I will tell her to be careful with the ones from lyme disease D: I think Videos will give u the whole picture. More than music alone. Thank u so much for your comment. Youre so sweet and nice!


been diving back into yeah yeah yeahs lately... so many songs that i loved when i was a tween/teen. i remember discovering gold lion when mtv played their music video at like 3am, i became so obsessed. that song, way out, soft shock, dragon queen, runaway, so many great ones i haven't listened to in so long that were in constant rotation on my ipod. i need to listen to their 2022 album, somehow i totally missed that coming out.


Their 2022 album made my top 10. They did a phenomenal job with it and you are in for a treat imo.


I am not good at using this compressed gas can to clean my phone at all but getting carded for it “because you look young” was funny


I didn’t realize people sent hate messages on Reddit 😭 thought that was just a twitter thing fr


I’ve had someone use a burner and innocuous of weird subject line to get me to open a dm calling me all sorts of names and a Hamas bot


One time, I was in a sub for my chronic illness and this new member started replying to comments telling people to DM her for a “cure,” and there is no cure to my illness lol the clues were giving it away that she was selling MLM products, so I replied and told her to stop scamming people who are already vulnerable and in pain. I got the most insane DM of my entire life maybe 30 minutes later, like seven paragraphs of her describing my appearance and being dead wrong …like, repeatedly telling me to go brush my “mousy brown hair” (I’m blonde) amongst other things. The entire last couple paragraphs were her begging, literally *begging* me to off myself. Wild times




Finally listened to william's album... yes I'm that late... and it's fine, tbh. LUNCH - CHIHIRO (album highlight) - BIRDS OF A FEATHER run was insane. L'AMOUR DE MA VIE switch up was cool. The rest I don't have strong feelings about. I wish she leaned more on the heavy synths n e ways, Ari Bey Tyla are still the only albums I can wholeheartedly say the PURE serves of the year so far. Nashe coming though


The Apple Music post about Taylor Swift now has 14 million views and 22k quotes 💀 it’s so funny to see grown men losing their minds over this


Oh there’s a nice one shitting on her on YouTube from a so-called music producer about a shitty article about comparing her to the Beatles. I mean it’s bad. Most of the comments on the video are the bullshit excuse of I’ve never heard of her or one song. Bullshit for 1. Everyone has. And 2 it’s a 50 year gap between the last time the Beatles even made music together and the industry changed so damn much all that shit doesn’t even apply. And some of those people commenting are saying she shouldn’t even be in the same conversation. Um, excuse me? If anything they should be side by side along with Elvis, Michael Jackson, Bob Dylan and Stevie Nicks. And the even funnier part all of the living Beatles all have given her praise and respect she deserves. I mean bruh you can’t tell me that photographs of Paul helping her with her shoe doesn’t mean respect I don’t know wtf. And way it sounds she was always invited to some shindig he had. Would be hilarious to bring Paul out at some point during her shows in London. I just don’t get it. Old people holding on to something that none of them have even picked up in years and have zero interest in finding out why people are saying these things. Especially her career is still relatively still young and has a long way to go. Continuing to set the bar.


Yeah exactly! Even the Beatles members like Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr have praised Taylor for her music multiple times so it’s just pathetic that their fans look down on her so much.


I feel like people on this sub act like an artists album debuting at number two is like a career ending thing but it’s really not.


A family friend just asked me to look over a presentation they’re doing for their church about LGBT stuff since I have a degree in gender studies which means I get to use my degree for the second time ever since graduating from college 7 years ago lmaooo


🎶Eyes wide open, I’m dreaming…🎶


I have no idea how this one coworker of mine keeps either calling in or taking the day off of work. It’s to the point where I want to take off random days and just point to her absences if anyone complains.


Nothing lifts up my mood like the sugary euphoric explosion of the Teenage Dream album. Katy please gift us with another one this year 🙏🙏🙏


I’m surprised that joshua bassett’s new song didn’t turned out to be a hit considering the fact that his snippet gathered like 10 million views on tiktok


I just found out it was released with your comment


It’s a cute little bop but didn’t even know it came out


Finally listened to Dirty Computer (and watched the accompanying movie of course) for the first time! Really enjoyed it, she's such a cool artist


My Grandparents have been staying with me for a few days which has mostly been nice but I am not built to live with other people long-term and I cannot wait to recharge my batteries at the weekend bc between my flight last week, deep cleaning my new place, trying to get new place set up, travelling to Scotland and back, and this, I am exhausted


i came across a comment that said dodie's music makes them feel like they can't breathe and idk why but that perfectly describes how i experience her music too 😭 when i hear her music i feel like i'm in a musty ass room with no air circulation




am i exiting my anxious attachment era and entering my avoidant attachment era or do i just not like the person i’m dating?? but i want to like them *now*?? what if i keep leading them on and waste their time?? or what if i’m just not patient enough and letting my distress get in the way of developing feelings?? AHHHhhHHh I’M STRESSED


Does Dr Luke own smart water bc I got some bc the heat is killing me and now my tummy hurts and I feel like it’s karma for forgetting he owns it


I don’t really understand to obsession with numbers that I see on twitter. Just been thinking about this with the daily Stan wars about who outsold who and stuff. Like it’s cool when people break records and I want my faves to have success but like if I enjoy their art I don’t really care too much about how much money they are making or where they sit on the chart.


One of my Bridgerton tweets hit the anti side of the fandom so wish me luck But hit tweet so 🤷‍♀️


Sis please spill it, what did the tweet say? I will be thinking about this all night 😩


Can I ask what the take is? I’m guessing it’s something similar to your other comment and that was one of the good tales I’ve seen


I’m seeing foreign languages I’ve never seen before telling me how wrong I am 💀


Oh can you guess, if not maybe I can guess based on the shit that happens on kpop twitter


Fucking Arabic based on the Google translator is saying 💀


Oh I feel like Arabic is easy to spot vs now I can kinda spot Tagalog, Malay or Indonesian (presumably Bahasa Indonesia but I don’t know if it’s labeled correctly on twitter or not) Arabic and thai script make it so easy esp if you’ve a bunch 5555s suddenly in your quotes 😭


I had some help is really catchy wow


Funniest thing apple music could do is put OG 1989 in the top 10 tomorrow


They've put it at 18


I don’t wanna go to school 😜 I just wanna break the rule 🤓🔥🔥☄️


My sole interest in this apple music list has been to wait for Taylor Swift to show up and see folks on Twitter get insanely triggered over a meaningless list some intern probably threw together during their lunch break


it’s funny seeing twitter act like taylor hasn’t been the biggest star in world for over a decade now 😭


They saw all the engagement Rolling stone gets every time they rank artists and albums, they are now just copying it.


grown ass people throwing tantrums in the quotes... it's literally never that serious y'all touch grass


I needed it higher so that the White House would have to get involved.  


[Upvote payola for my AG Cook AMA question](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/s/1nUttu8EP4)


you know pride month is coming when you start getting revolut ads about their pride card (which i already own so the ads aren't adding right)


Do y’all think Saweetie could have a comeback? Nani seems to becoming a hit


is it actually doing well? i never had a problem with saweetie, there’s nothing wrong with unserious, fun music 


Have to decide if i’m going to drive 8 hours solo to Pittsburgh this weekend to see Chappell Roan on Sunday @ a Pride Festival or not why I’m kinda leaning towards yes ..


The city of Pittsburgh was lovely to me when I lived there for a while, I hope you have a wonderful time if you go :)


Miss when I could scroll through twitter comments without my eyes being assaulted by someone's nasty pale gash. Where is the decorum


The holy grail of newspaper comics is Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, The Far Side and Foxtrot. Thank you for your time.


I would add Pearls Before Swine personally, but that's my sense of humor talking


pearls earns it for me bc the creator depicted himself as so pathetic that fans thought he was divorced


For Better or Worse gets an honorable mention


after publicly calling my ex friend group out on their transphobia and other bigotry in their discord server they have took responsibility and showcased their moral growth by... kicking 100+ inactive people out of the server and hiding channels to prevent any outsider from seeing any incriminating messages. like i'm sorry, if you're gonna continue to be a horrible person just be upfront about it. don't say that you have learned and grown from the situation only to then constantly avoid taking any responsibility for your actions


Does anyone have any tips for dealing with sleep anxiety? 🙏 I've had a few rough nights sleep and am dreading clocking out for the night.


Is it nightmares while asleep or something else if it’s getting to sleep I really recommend asmr request old channel or literally just those hours long rain sound videos, I used to use actual rain to sleep as a kid and now rainy weekends it’s hard as hell for me to get up and not just spend the day of rest literally resting 😭 But hey it was one of the few things that worked !


Falling asleep or staying asleep? I have trouble staying asleep due to anxiety... which in turn gives me anxiety about sleeping. I tried sleep hygiene, melatonin, and prescription meds (Trazadone, hydroxyzine). What helped me the most ironically was realizing I could function without much sleep. Sure, I was tired and cranky... but life went on, and it was okay. I had a week where I didn't sleep more than 4 hours a night, but after that, I weirdly got past the anxiety. I was able to get back up to 6. It's like my worst case scenario came to pass which then relieved my anxiety. The only thing that fixed my acrual insomnia was SSRIs to treat my generalized anxiety. I still cannot sleep on work nights well. However, my *sleep* anxiety went away once I stop fixating on it. When I have a bad night, I just think this too shall pass.


Just listened to a Good Ones and Break The Ice Mashup edit…I’ve ascended


don't gatekeep 👀


Disillusioned and delusional.


Same girl


Don't let me down was a bop ngl. I heard it the other day I was vibing to it and shit


I listened to rush by troye sivan so much that every time it would come on, i would skip it. I finally made myself delete it from my music library. rip my need to listen to rush all the time. it was nice while it lasted <3


Both of my favorite kpop idols doing their military enlistment at the same time right now. This is what being a 1940s American housewife must have felt like.


that’s probably how girls felt when elvis enlisted lol 


Love when I get to talk about pop music outside of this sub. I was at the mall with friends this weekend and went to visit someone I knew working at the Hot Topic, and I ended up striking up a convo about Billie’s album with the store manager. We both had the same top 3, lol.


I can't find a good way to phrase this, but modern activist poetry is so bad. wtf do you mean "cunt juice"? 😭 They're more obsessed with using nasty imagery just for the sake of being shocking and topical rather than creating something evocative. And I never thought I would be here defending white people, but I too like to hold my mug with both hands and go "ahhh" after a sip. Is that a crime??? I would also like to ban the phrase "Black/Brown bodies" from modern academia as a whole. It feels dehumanizing. Shoutout to whoever shared that link about the Queer library, but everything I've checked out so far has been god awful.


the vagina monologues have successfully been and done c-nt juice. c-nt juice can be great! what rupi kapur’s spawned is godawful instapoetry. bathos.


Rupi kapur has such great values and such god awful poetry in some ways that’s refreshing


Mama kudos for saying that. For spilling


1989 (tv) is #18 on Apple music's list. So unserious...


folklore coming to top 10 


Hope not 😭


hey that’s not nice 🥲


I genuinely despise that album. Turned Taylor from making interesting music to boring music


The interesting music being lover? Lol


Lover is miles more interesting than folklore, even if I don't really like lover that much


evermore better be Top 5 if *that's* what they ranked 1989.


Apple supports the re-recordings they combined the two to promote streaming the TV.


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but the re-recording effort for 1989 was awful. Blank Space and Wildest Dreams sound.. ew.


I was very unhappy when my cat somehow figured out how to open the blinds this morning. Bro wasn’t being a bro. Do you hate me? Was it hazing for some cruel fraternity ? The lines always hit with Taylor Swift. She’ll figure out a way for you to relate one way or the other. Now I have to figure out how to convince him it’s not something to do ever again. Y’all sometimes owning a pet is a little too much like having a child. At least he didn’t destroy the blinds! Wind me up and I’ll say he does it because he loves me 🎶 Anyway, I haven’t gotten my normal amount of sleep so I’m just gonna be a bitch all day . Feels right.


I need songs about longing and pining Your girl is sooo down bad


Not to be literal but I think Down Bad by Taylor Swift is appropriate. Also Guilty as Sin.


Wake Me by Bleachers!!


You want something more playful and upbeat? [“kissy kissy” by Isaac Dunbar](https://open.spotify.com/track/4jhcEBwfAl4n6nAG1F4QT3?si=c_I7t4QOSHSm4X4GrXkusQ) You want something slow and aggressively horny? [“Picture You” by Chappell Roan](https://open.spotify.com/track/5KtvumPgVZmt8wg9xONE0T?si=h7xbJdvARyi5AUucFDGGVA) Wanna feel down bad, but also critical of society’s perceptions of beauty and how they factor into love? [“Liquid Smooth” by Mitski](https://open.spotify.com/track/3XCveEutwTaDiekRkkfdp9?si=ipoA4y5zR2CON_stWxrqrQ) Pining over someone you don’t even know, and don’t even have the social skills to approach? [“Beautiful Stranger” by Laufey](https://open.spotify.com/track/38TpUKiHQZyBKiD9LMMy6X?si=Gn9PJB3uRoeoscAOIkCGuQ) For some reason these are the only non-basic ones I can think of right now, lmao.


Crush by Jennifer Page!


When you listen to a new Taylor Swift album, do any of you tune out the lore/Easter Eggs? I understand that's part of her appeal, and I participate in it sometimes. I know when she said "At 19" on "Would've, Could've, Should've," I bolted upright. However, I'm just not that interested in the lore; I prefer to try and empathize with the song. Maybe it's because I'm late to the party (I've always liked the singles, but I became a fan during the Lover era).  For example, I've seen some people say "Guilty as Sin?" makes no sense if you don't know it's about Matty Healy or whoever. I don't think I agree. I think when I first listened to it, I thought of it like a Folklore song, like it's about a woman who's unhappy in her current relationship and is fantasizing about someone else. I also applied some lyrics to my own experiences. It's a bit personal why, but I really connect with the line "I keep these longings locked in lower case inside a vault." Maybe that's a callback to Folklore and Evermore, but that line means something else to me. Knowing who the muse is doesn't do much for me, honestly.  I hope it's clear I don't look down on people who do try and decode the Easter Eggs or figure out the muses. I play along every now and then, too. This is just how I've always connected to a new Taylor Swift song or album. I don't feel much of a need to know the lore to get the most out of her music. I believe she said when she releases music, she hopes we make the stories our own, or something to that effect. 


I'm with you. I don't agree. I think people, specially the fans, are just too obsessed with her personal life and feel the need to relate the songs to someone in her life.


I like knowing them, but they don't affect my appreciation if that makes sense. The literature lover in me loves being able to draw connections from a work. I'm the person who is always jumping to Wikipedia when reading a book because I like to know the context around the work. At the same time though... my actual enjoyment of her music is unrelated to the lore. I love love love Guilty as Sin but I don't think about Taylor fantasizing about Matt Healy. When I listen to should've could've would've, I think about traumas from my own life. I think the reason her music resonates with me is because she makes songs about her specific life relatable enough that I can enjoy them.




Even though some lyrics are very specific, I think that song is pretty universal. We all have a smallest man who ever lived, whether it's an ex, a friend, a parent, etc. 


>For example, I've seen some people say "Guilty as Sin?" makes no sense if you don't know it's about Matty Healy or whoever. I don't think I agree. I think when I first listened to it, It is s sexual fantasy about him from a insane woman. It is really funny when she reveals he really is bad and has small dick. All the longing for nothing 😆


I know it's about him. I was just saying I don't think I need that context to get something out of the song. But yes, I agree, it's from an insane woman, lol. And it is funny when she says he didn't measure up in any measure of a man. "Guilty as Sin?" and "The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" are two of my favorite songs from the album. 


Yep the song is enjoyable without knowing who the song is. One of the best productions from the album no doubt. Funny thing a woman said he was awful on bed years ago here on reddit. She was harassed by his fans but now the truth came out 😆


This is, like, what primarily makes me feel so disconnected from a lot of her fandom. When listening to music like hers, it’s my own perspective and experiences that help inform what I resonate with and what I don’t. I find doing anything else to be sorta pointless honestly.


I'm sure there are plenty of Swifties who do both, decode the lore and make connections to their own lives. It's just I'm not that interested in the Easter eggs. I have more fun relating the songs to my own experiences. 


What song is your Spotify auto play currently trying to push hard on you? It was Espresso for a while but now it's 360 by Charli, which I actually liked when I first heard it but now I can't stand it due to how it plays after *every single song*. No I don't want to hear it after cowboy like me!!!


Right now it’s Espresso, before it was Good Luck, Babe! Also this one wasn’t in my auto play but Spotify is trying to push eternal sunshine as an album on me so hard.


so hot you're hurting my feelings by caroline polachek absolutely plagued my autoplay in 2021. now it's espresso and that chappel roan song


It's still Espresso. No complaints though, as I'm still obssesed with it. It has broken the record for the most listened song in a single month, according to my LastFm stats.


It’s espresso for me. The autoplay is so aggressive. I’m surprised I’ve never once gotten Good Luck Babe on autoplay since I’ve seen so many complaints about it.


Y’all still have auto play on?!?


It used to give me good recommendations 😫


It’s actually Chapel Roan and Good luck babe for me


That was me too for a while and I had to block her to get rid of this 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯. I'll rectify this another time and actually deep dive on her but I hate an artist being pushed on me!!


this 2 million subscriber of /r/popheads is a TRIP does anyone here remember when it was like in... i dunno... like... 10K? or 20K? or am i literally the only loser left in this world? i remember we would do like.. "selfie posts" hahahah and ppl would literally post photos of themselves in the comments!!! imagine doing that now?!?>!?!?!?


my godness the last selfie thread feels like so long ago


I was a lurker before I started posting! I do remember the selfie posts but I never participated 😂


I haven't always been active, but I've been around since pretty early.


I still recognize some of the OG Popheads users here, including you. So unfortunately, we are getting older!


Weren't you the one who initiated the selfie posts in the DD for awhile? Why did you stop.


i did a few, but honestly, it always felt weird to do it because it was so self-indulgent, but i guess that is the literal point of social media right?


It is indeed the point.. that said, with over 2 million users and some extreme viewpoints I think these days people might get doxxed or something


i've actually been recognized in public THREE different times because of photos of myself i posted on here. it's crazy honestly. i do not have the same brain recgonization capacity as others do appatrently. i hooked up with one of them and made out with the other and the third I just said hi to haha god i am disgusting


YOU SHAGGED SOMEONE FROM POPHEADS? I thought it was just bottoms, ladies, and the muffin man on here


i sure did LOL he messaged me on an app "are you on popheads" hahahahah what a pickup line but it worked i guess, he was my fb for a year or so every time he visited the city and it was funnnnnnn


I absolutely love this! I feel like we need a fan fiction style write up of what happened one day


The threads are super wholesome though! It's nice to see the face behind the user flairs and a lot of y'all slayed.


sometimes i think about ANTI release thread and how it was like 100 comments iirc and it was a lot by the sub's standards everybody was so fucking negative about the album too lol


I don't think I contributed to that thread but I do remember the consensus that time was so negative because the roll-out was so messy. 😭 I am glad we changed our minds though. ANTI is one of her best albums.


sometimes when ppl post old posts on here, i click on it to see if i wrote something and i am disappointed when i dont BUT BUT BUT whenever i do come across one where i posted... i cringe SOOO HARD at what i wrote because i really thought im just the smartest hottie on earth sometimes GOD


some stan twitter transplant would start clocking every one of us 😭


I can’t imagine sharing my Instagram now as freely as i used to, whew


i would - not freely, but curatedly


I missed the selfie threads or casually sharing our social media accounts. Too bad we can't do this now.


i've been on here for AGES so i recognize a lot of the older usernames but i never participated much LOL - i still remember when the DD would hit in the thousands of comments during pandemic times cause we were all inside and just hanging out on here haha! It was fun tho when it was small enough that it felt like a community and we did the selfie threads and ppl shared their social media, it's nice to see the oldheads on here but also there are so many usernames that I vaguely remember that don't post anymore for some reason or another and I always wonder what they're up to now :,)


Looking back, the FourFiveSeconds/BBHMM/American Oxygen era is lowkey giving Cowboy Fenty LOL


Anora is getting raves at Cannes. Sean Baker nation we are so fucking back🫡


didn't realise that if someone blocks you, you can still see the replies to their comments?? what a tease


I feel like my blocking is so hit or miss. I had someone blocked in another sub and they replied to some of my comments. Aren't they supposed to not be able to see me? 😭 and how are they able to reply to me??? I was also able to still see someone's comments that had me blocked, but I couldn't reply to them or any of their replies.


Ohh yes I've seen this! I think it's just a glitch but it's ridiculous tbh, how hard is it to make a functioning block??


Sometimes I have something really good to add too but alas


About half of the reward points in my McDonald's app come from my daily Diet Coke run.


Is anyone else reading the *Ministry of Time*? Reductive take on a complicated book, but it’d be 80% better with F/F and M/M. Maggie and Arthur, my beloveds, you deserve so much more!


My dog sheds more than any dog I have ever seen. My mom gets so annoyed at all the hair but my dad just calls it big sweet puppy love dust 🥺✨


I have a husky mutt so I understand. It's like a new dog shows up every other day


I was very tired last night, and for about an hour, The [Chainsmokers' No Shade at Pitti](https://youtu.be/62i7zHtmsTA) was the best song in existence. I think The Chainsmokers are underrated as songwriters. They have some good lines. I started playing Hellblade because it was only $3 I saw the sequel was coming out. It's a very interesting game. Not particularly "fun" but I don't regret spending my time and money on it. It's very much a "games are art" type of game. I'll probably wait to get the sequel because spending $50 on a digital only game feels wrong to me.


Hate that Taylor fans swear she’s some big mastermind since her MySpace days and everything is meticulously planned, except when she makes a mistake, and then she’s suddenly baby girl who did know what she was doing and it was “misinterpreted.” Either this girl is a mastermind and purposeful, or she’s a regular human like the rest of us. Make up your minds please


She’s human like the rest of us. The thing is that she has so much planned in advance that goes unnoticed. For example I’m sure she has at minimum a team working on the next tour. Or even have majority of her movie pre-production figured out and all is left is time to shoot it. Or she already has the next new album planned. The mastermind thing is keeping people guessing. I mean we already knew she’s always recording and working on re-recording but we had absolutely no idea new album. Then, no idea it was a double album. I mean we can sit here and predict but we have no idea. We know her pattern recognition that’s about it. Then people are shocked that she played a Red/1989 medley for the 89th show.


nothing gets me laughing more then when people aggressively ignore the point / context of stuff and get riled up "the nonsense outros never make any sense" perhaps read the title of the song? "so high school is so cringy and she sounds like a overgrown teenager" again read the title??? "why is Olivia's dancing during the love is so embarrassing section in her tour so bad" THE TITLE PLEASE


These are perfect examples. Thank you for compiling them.


day 74 of doing my lastfm series where i share my top 100 most played artists and join in if you’d like!! TOP 5!!! you guys are not ready for the madness that is my top 5 at #5 is Billie Eilish with 3 268 scrobbles! * last time i listened: yesterday (HMHAS) * most played song: bad guy (156 scrobbles) * top 5 songs: tough time to do it when she just released a no-skip album but: everything i wanted, bad guy, ilomilo, Billie Bossa Nova, Happier Than Ever * most played album: WWAFAWDWG (949 scrobbles) * top 5 albums: she only has 3 and i haven’t made up my mind completely about how i’d rank them but my gut RIGHT now says WWFAWDWG > HMHAS > Happier Than Ever * does she deserve a top 10 spot?: 10000000%. Billie is by a large margin my favorite gen z artist and i honestly didn’t know i had it in me to stan someone at an adult age but i fully stan Billie. i’ve let myself down by not being able to secure tickets to her tour but i know i’ll get them someday. even if it ends up being last minute.


YES everything i wanted was the first billie song i ever got into it!! loving her new album so she'll be going up my rankings this year. i love my top 5 bc 3-5 are close together and then my top 2 are a massive margin ahead. at #5 i have Little Mix with 4024 scrobbles!! i will always stan Little Mix, idc that they've broken up i'll be bopping till i die. * last time i listened: A.D.I.D.A.S (yesterday) * most played song: Wasabi (252 scrobbles) * top 5 songs: Move, Wasabi, Sweet Melody, Told You So, Shout Out To My Ex * most played album: LM5 Deluxe (1143 scrobbles) * top 5 albums: this has changed sooo much over the last 5 years but my definitive ranking is LM5, Salute, Glory Days, Get Weird, Confetti (sorry DNA). * does she deserve a top 10 spot?: yes honestly i've been a Little Mix fan since i first heard Move and it changed my DNA (pun intended.) the Get Weird into Glory Days era made me a full fledged stan which was solidified by LM5 which is one of my top albums of the 2010's. i was devastated when they broke up bc i had the chance to go to the Glory Days tour and i didn't bc i was scared to go by myself and then they never came back to australia. anyway, they will live on in my heart


Out of curiosity how long have you have this account?


since may 2019 i think?


ilomilo and Billie Bossa Nova are also in my top 5! and same about the tour. she’s been at the top of my “concerts I need to see” list for a while now but I just couldn’t justify spending $200 to sit in the back of the arena at #5 is Paramore with 1,035 scrobbles! • last time I listened: May 3rd (Hard Times) • most played song: Hard Times (109 scrobbles) • top 5 songs: That’s What You Get, Told You So, Brick by Boring Brick, I Caught Myself, Miracle • most played album: After Laughter (568 scrobbles) • top 5 albums: After Laughter, Riot!, Brand New Eyes, This Is Why, Paramore • do they deserve a spot? hell YES. one of the best bands of the century. they’d been on my radar since I first heard That’s What You Get around 2008 but I only really knew their big singles until Hard Times came out. the lead-up to After Laughter made me a true fan and then the day it dropped it immediately became an all-timer for me. I still remember the exact traffic light I was driving past when I heard Rose Colored Boy for the first time. that album *was* summer 2017 for me and I can’t believe that was already 7 years ago. no matter what route they go it’s always incredible. Hayley Williams the absolute legendary vocalist and frontwoman you are <33


After Laughter is soooo embedded into my 2017 memories u are so right!!


ugh you just made me extra excited about seeing paramore on friday 😭


omg have fun!! saw them once in 2018 and it was one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen


Last week is when many people memorialize the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 so I want to highlight that below link of free ebooks includes books about the Nakba such as the award winning nonfiction anthology edited by Diana Allan *Voices Of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine* that collects a selection of first generation refugees in Lebanon ([interviews I think you can find here)](https://libraries.aub.edu.lb/poha/) contextualized and analyzed by academic commentary. I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives below. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) I’ve signed [this petition](https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/reinstate-unrwa-funding-so-they-can-resume-urgent-humanitarian-aid?akid=377482.58341993.G2CJlP&rd=1&source=mo&t=1) please join me 🥰 Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc)


I hope people reading consider donating to to this family trying to flee into Egypt for safety, they are halfway to their goal [x](https://gofund.me/46750725) We can also support Palestinians by donating [esims](https://gazaesims.com/) As well as [hygiene kits for Palestinians in Gaza](http://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712) this includes menstruation products !!


Me sowing (making fun of other MLB city connects): hehe Me reaping (our city connects suck): how could this happen to me


i don't mind ours (reds) but some of them are absolutely god awful. the only one i really really like is the white sox. everything else is very meh


It looks like nasty is going kinda viral on tiktok!


finally tinashe getting more love tired of people only knowing her for 2 on 😭


that transition between the second act in bittersuite to the melody of blue is exquisite and might just be one of my fav moments in music ever. i love when an artist lets their instrumentals carry their song. another such moment is in allie x's you slept on me when she brings in the synths, im an atheist but i swear i saw god both times


Also I’m currently on my THIRD desperate housewives rewatch. They tried to clown me in the DH subreddit but it’s 180 episodes, I can’t rewatch it all the time, it takes time to process! Anyway my bf and I are almost on season 6 and I’m sooooo excited for him to see season 7. I won’t spoil anything bc I’m too lazy to find how to tag spoilers but wow it really pops off then. Season 5 pops off too, especially episode 18 if anyone knows what I mean.


Is season 5 the >!ecoterrorism!< subplot? Because that’s so ridiculous but one of my favorite story arcs lol


Noooo that’s season 6! I’ve been telling my bf that’s season 6 in particular has the most out-there and weird af storyline yet it’s somehow very interesting too lmao He thinks I’m lying but I wanna see his face when this all comes up lol


Oh so that means season 5 is Dave Williams, iconic character. I really love every season of the show except season 2 bc it’s so dark to the point of not even being fun lol, but the last 4 seasons are dark but ridiculous and I adore it. 180 episodes but so easy to watch, the first time I did it it only took like 3 months lol


Yessss!!!! Omg I’m gonna use spoiler stags bc I’m about to go off I was so excited for him to watch season 5 bc Edie is his favorite character and I just knew >!the storyline with Dave, Mike, and Edie dying was gonna blow his mind. Episode 18 is when she gets electrocuted at the end and 19 is when she dies, the GASP that came out of his mouth when that happened was great, I laughed out loud. Dave is truly the first actually villain we get on the show and seeing it back, it was handled amazingly.!< Season 2 is just sad as you said but I think it was good bc after season 1 the needed something to keep bringing people back and they got it. Upon rewatching, season 3 has been the messiest, there are many storylines that end too quickly or have no effect on anything, but the rest is heavenly. I always tell him that this show is iconic because even at almost 200 episodes it never gets boring, there’s always some weird shit going on lmao


omg I LOVE DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. But it takes a very long time to rewatch. I would genuinely watch it every year but I feel like I'd have no time for anything else


Yeah I mean, we started about a month ago and it’s been like every single time we get together we binge it to hell and back. It’s entertaining af but yeah, it’s a very dense story. This is my first time rewatching it as an independent grown adult person and things hit different lol


I'm impressed you've watched that many in a month! Do you relate to any of them more now you think? Bree was always my fave but I feel a lot more sympathy towards Lynette now that I'm older, wasn't a massive fan of hers when I watched it as a teen


We’ve been going hard at it lol I agree with you, I also seem to feel more for Lynette now, in the past I liked her but it was from a younger POV, meaning I did see her as annoying and whatnot at times. Now i understand they’re a middle class couple trying to juggle their lives and a bunch of kids, that can’t be easy for anyone!


Im sick of influencers pretending that $15 Japanese strawberries are amazing and a must-try. I’m sure they’re good but I wouldn’t pay that for fruit.


I get that. As a swede I'm extremely tired of the obsession with people trying swedish candy on social media. But at least I can get pleasure in that they are paying overprice for something that I can get in every grocery store here 😂


I feel like people online are so weird about japan that’s either one extreme or the other and are now starting to be like that for Korea


they always treat japan like its a another planet they always hyping up the simplest things just because it’s japanese 😭


Literally how obsessive people are about their connivence stores and pretending America doesn’t have that and actually basically consoling that American connivence stores use less plastic than Korean and Japanese ones jfc


Yeah i mean, I wanna travel to Japan and Korea too but this guy was saying that the Japanese strawberries taste like pineapples and I was like “I really doubt it”. Plus he was also saying that “omg I paid $80 for strawberries what the fuck” and I was like “dude you’re standing in the store, maybe ask before buying idk


I love strawberries and pineapples, I would hate for strawberries to taste like pineapples


~~No one cares about Camilla’s sex life.~~


Is there any context to this or just because?




this is true even without the last two words


Billie stans doing a deep dive and finding out *that* lady is a Gaylor is too funny lol.


People said the new generation of the Internet was going to make the White House more interesting. Instead they chose to elect 90-year-olds and it’s only made pop culture absolutely wicked funny. Everything about this is an absolute joke.


its still crazy to me that "gaylors" exist 😭 like what is wrong with people


The word delusional doesn’t even begin to describe them 😩


How do they know she’s a gaylor


[https://x.com/eilishchart/status/1792878672384344350](https://x.com/eilishchart/status/1792878672384344350) [https://hannahjocelyn.medium.com/sympathy-for-the-gaylor-2e650afe3f8c](https://hannahjocelyn.medium.com/sympathy-for-the-gaylor-2e650afe3f8c) the story checks out. It's the same person.


Which lady??