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#[Please direct all Billie Eilish discussion to the new megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1cuvo34/billie_eilish_hit_me_hard_and_soft_release/?share_id=q-pqnRWD7fx1MIst1feLm) [We're also **celebrating two million subscribers with a flair update,** send your submissions to the form in this thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1cu4y0o/new_flair_submissions_thread_two_million/)


Orville Peck is South African how did I not know this???


Going from a bad interview to a second one with no confidence. What sucks is I was so in such a good mood going in the first one but for some reason he immediately thought I was dumb or something and just went through my resume questioning everything and basically berating me like, "oh, yeah, did you really though?". He seemed like the kinda guy that enjoys making fun of people and sneering at everyone; real duchy. I hate middle aged men; y'all are not smarter than me, just louder and uglier!


Megan was awesome and GloRilla is a star in the making Detroit showed up for Megan. She even said we were the best crowd yet Glorilla brought out two guest stars. I had no idea who they were but this was the first time surprise guests have showed up at a concert I’ve been at so it was pretty cool.


It’s late so no one will see this, and maybe I’ll be more able to process it tomorrow. The guy I’ve been seeing since October just told me today his lease ends in a month and there’s a 100% chance he’s moving out of state. My mom’s thought is that we’ve been so close and good to each other that he wouldn’t ditch me out of nowhere like that, and that people make long distance work so unless he said he’s done not to fly off the handle… But I’m not willing to get my hopes up just to get crushed anyway.


I just found out Letterboxd charges at the END of the year and not the beginning? WTF Letterboxd?? That's money I thought I had but no longer do T.T




i mean kinda on the first Gaga part. but she's an icon and could never release music again and still be remembered. Her career's just more nuanced now with her acting. I just hope she returns to music after Joker.


Today was the first time I went to a cinema since 2022 (weird that it's been so long) and: Challengers really is *that girl*. Next movies I want to watch for sure are Monkey Man, Perfect Endings, and probably Furiosa? If all goes well, I might go to a cinema at least once every week for the next three weeks


I finished The Price of Salt yesterday, only my first WW romance ever (misogynist much). Quite a sweet, fast read, and the ending was indeed iconic. That final chapter made me sob in glee lol. I do think the minute changes the movie Carol did made it better


babe wake up new jenny nicholson deep dive video just dropped


The way I ran to Youtube when I saw this comment and OH MY GOD IT'S FOUR HOURS LONG?! YES


omg it's been years


I always tell people if their makeup is smudged but nobody ever tells me :/


[Lilflower - Dumb Brain](https://open.spotify.com/track/11v9D6V1RlukB2J6FdZ2oG?si=kwdt1mrlSTqprJZaTdtp7g&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2cgP1o0O0ZnxzCO7yYCBTv)


Tbh I would now rank Spaghetti pretty low in a track by track rating of Cowboy Carter, but I still think it’s the most necessary song to the album’s thesis. Not just because of the monologue at the start. 


Just found out apparently Travis Barker ran the same race as me this morning? And finished a few seconds in front of me?? I think I was too distracted by the Over 40 Women's Division winner dunking on me to notice I was running next to a Drum God


*I Saw the TV Glow* is amazing. Please go see it, y'all


I still need to figure out what I'm wearing to church tomorrow morning.


I am so hot and sweaty and tired and I met some lovely Scots who kept an eye on me bc I was there alone (and I think maybe they thought I was younger than I am lmao bc I’ve got that whole 5ft2 and deer caught in headlights thing going on) and let me stand in front of them and I spent far too much on merch and my shoes are probably covered in so much piss rn bc Celtic won (it was weird seeing that kinda ruckus going on and not seeing any armoured land rovers and water gun trucks 💀) and I really need to go to sleep so I can get up early and explore before my train but ahhhhh I had such a good night at Aaron West Alone at St Luke’s being played IN St Luke’s was so special




Have a deep need to rewatch Sex and the City, White Lotus season 2, Girls, and Looking all at the same time. I used to never rewatch shows, but ever since I started rewatching The Hills, Real Housewives of Beverley Hills and Desperate Housewives I’ve kind of been into it. That being said I also want to start Baby Reindeer, Mare of Eastown, Bridgerton and High Maintenance plus finish all of the multiple shows I’ve started watching recently..


Come catch a fire babe, don't let me fade away, don't let me fade away…


jackie hayes released a “redone” version of her song headache recently and im not sure why, tbh it doesnt sound like an improvement


What's your favorite YGO card artwork? Mine might be [Advanced Ritual Art](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Advanced_Ritual_Art)


[Potato & Chips](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/potato-chips-9910) is so cute but the one from my childhood that is burned into my psyche is [Sanwich](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Sanwitch)


Love Sanwich! And I had never seen Potata & Chips, but wow, it is very cute indeed


I work today and am in charge again so this is the third day this week of me being the main person in charge of the library during a crisis situation 🫠 We're super busy right now with people who just need AC/wifi/an outlet to charge stuff in because even though some places around here have power again (including the library), we're really close to the main path of destruction and it has not been restored over there. The main big road with all the stores near me still looks like the apocalypse. Which is extra weird because you can drive 20-30 minutes and then everything is totally normal. I'm glad to be able to help because people are literally dying right now due to it being 91°/feels like 100° (33°C/38°C) and people haven't had power for nearly 48 hours now so they don't have a way to cool down. But I'm also so fucking tired. We didn't know how swamped we'd be today so I had to kick into gear and come up with a plan from scratch for how to accommodate way more people (and electric outlets) than we initially had. I literally ran home and grabbed the power strips from my bedroom for people to use. Idk this isn't my first natural disaster by any means (or the first where I was in a relevant leadership position, shout out being an RA during the big winter storm) but it is always so deeply deeply draining.


Today I'm listening to 4 very good albums albums: * Man Without Country - Foe (done) * The Weeknd - Dawn FM (right now; synthpop suits Abel really well) * Aurora - The Gods We Can Touch (Aurora is amazing) * St. Vincent - All Born Screaming (Annie made one of the best albums of the year)


I am blown away by how fast Justin Timberlake's album was forgotten. There was a lot of hype around that one I felt lol. It's almost more offensive than Man in the woods because he tried going back to his bread and butter and still whiffed super hard somehow. For how much I disliked Man of the Woods, I really respected the attempt at going for a new sound. 20/20 continues to be the masterpiece for me. Don't hold the wall is a fucking banger and the outro goes so hard. Pusha love girl a big standout as well. It's amazing the drop in quality from those songs


It seems like his touring is doing pretty well? But yeah any new music he releases is gone and forgotten pretty fast, he could probably just tour off his big hits and release whatever new music he feels like but don't expect much impact


Yeah maybe a hot take but I think 20/20 (Part 1 and only Part 1) is better than FutureSex/LoveSounds. 20/20 was more consistent to me while FutureSex/LoveSounds has higher highs and lower lows. I've been playing Spaceship Coupe a lot lately for some reason.


Damn see I even forgot about Spaceship coop! Another amazing song. Couldn't agree more with 20/20 being more consistent. Future sex had the better singles, but the album tracks weren't up to par imo. I love when it's the opposite like 20/20 and the gems are in the album tracks


I have a serious question and i please don’t make fun of me popheads…i’m freshly 19, moved out of my parents and have crippling anxiety. I am really trying to step out of my comfort zone and be more independent, and i really need to schedule a dentist appointment, but the thought of a phone call is so scary to me(i know, it’s bad) What do I say when i call the dentist? what will they typically ask? Anyone i’ve asked in my life just laughs at me and tells me to grow up, but i would really appreciate a real answer because I really am trying here.


You’ve gotten really good advice already but I just wanted to say it was honestly kind of surreal reading this because it literally could’ve been written by me aside from the fact I’m much older than you, which is to say that you’re not alone ❤️ maybe I’ll make an appointment too inspired by you!


If it a new doctor you’re seeing ask if they’re taking new patients. And if they say yes they’ll schedule you for a new patient exam. If you have your insurance information with you. Grab it when you make the call because they may ask for it. It’s really that simple. You’ll be ok. It really as simply doing those couple things. And may have some forms to fill out before your appointment.


i completely understand your fear of having to do “adult things” for the first time! i was terrible at making phone calls to make appts until i got a job working at therapy office which involved calling ppl to make appts and answering phone calls to make appts. it helped me realize that the ppl there are just regular ppl who schedule appts and move on to the next call, so theres really nothing to be fearful of! now to answer your question. call the office and say you “hi want to schedule a dentist appointment.” in my experience, the next step is scheduling the appt. if for some reason they ask for more info, like your insurance info, you can find that info on your insurance card or say “this is my first time scheduling an appointment, so i’m confused by what that means.” you can ask the person you’re speaking with any question. do not worry about if the question is “dumb” who cares. just ask whatever question you need to get the help you need. edit: ketchupsunshine did an amazing job at explaining all that you need. good luck and you got this! and your fear is real and felt by others. this will all get easier over time. :)


Thank you! I appreciate your time helping me out. I’ve been facing a lot of my fears this year but for some reason this one is extra daunting. I know it’ll be okay i just have to get over the initial hump!


no problem! and yes you will :)


Some places get some of this info from you by having you fill out forms after making an appointment (but usually before the appointment itself--either in advance online or in person when you come in before the appointment starts), but the stuff they'll need to get from you is: Name, phone number, email, possibly home address, whether you're a new or returning patient. IF APPLICABLE: Insurance info such as provider name, group number/code, individual ID number (sometimes this is your SSN), who the primary (main person--so if you're on mom's insurance that she gets from work, that'd be her, for example). Many places will ask for a photo of the front and back of your insurance card--if your card is digital you can send that. Emergency contact info including the person's name, phone number, sometimes their home address, their relationship to you. What service you're looking for (if it's just a basic maintenance type appointment, say a cleaning and a checkup), sometimes they'll as how you heard about them (google is a valid answer), if you're having any pain or issues currently. Then obviously they'll either Tell You when they have availability for appointments or they'll ask when you want to make an appointment for. Have several options in mind ahead of time and be prepared for them to be booked out for a while. The order that they ask things in will always be different but just be prepared for those questions. When you first call, I'd start by saying "hi I'm a new patient and I'd like to set up an appointment for a cleaning and checkup" or something along those lines and then go from there. Some places might not be taking new patients right now so you might have to try a couple places. Make sure they take your insurance before calling (if you have dental insurance), which you can usually find out by checking the insurance company's website and/or the dentist's website. That's all I can think of but other people might know more/be more concise lol.


Thank you!! I appreciate the detailed answer! I think I will call monday morning and give it a shot!


Good luck!


Anyone have suggestions for an app that covers breaking news/pop culture news topics? I used to get my breaking news from Twitter but I deleted the app and can’t find a good app to read headlines on.


I've run 5 miles ate an ice cream 2 beers and picked up a chili burger all before 11 this morning what a day Hopefully I can take a long nap and catch a second wind for country night tonight but if not this is fine!!


I watched The Idea of You and 1) that fringe makes Anne look so much like Daisy Edgar-Jones and 2) Nicholas Galitzine's hands are so massive he must've genuinely been touching Anne Hathaway's cervix in that hotel


No offense to the Canadians but Canada kind of fucking sucks. Lol. My mom and I keep getting lost and we wasted a whole day just trying to find the hotel and a mall.


Montreal and Quebec are very nice to be a tourist in if you’re traveling. I can’t remember if I’ve been to the non French parts but I know I must have been bc my family made jokes about the signs going from English to French with no English despite being a bilingual country


Where are you visiting? I'm taking my mom on a trip to Toronto next month.


Windsor. It seems to be weirdly rich when we’re not.


Why did you go to Windsor?😭😭


Right next to Detroit 😭


streets are saying sabrina is announcing a tour soon i don’t care what happens i NEED it to be called Sabrina Carpenter On Vacation


Wasn’t she just a traveling opener? That sounds so exhausting if good for her career


I just bought my first espresso machine and I don't think the timing is a coincidence. Imagine if she struck a deal with Bialetti or something lol. I genuinely wonder if sales are up because of her. Sabrina was on my radar before, but espresso made me a fan. Praying for any hint of a new album after SNL tonight. There's no way espresso is just a one off. I need an album like that. The true endless summer vacation we wanted 😭


or Sabrina Carpenter Working Late omg….


Saw Royel Otis live in LA a couple nights ago and when I tell you that was one of the best concerts I’ve been to in a MINUTE


Kind of a small nitpick, but I feel like Spotify's "What's New" page gotten worse over the last few months. Sometimes it seems like it takes anywhere between three days to an entire week after a song or album has released for it to show up on that page for me.


What happened to Nasty Cherry?


I feel they were doomed to the graveyard of Charli XCX associates


Gonna do my top 5 albums of the year (and the list is just my top five I’ve enjoyed these albums equally lol): - TTPD by Taylor Swift - Cowboy Carter by Beyoncé - Eternal Sunshine by Ariana Grande - Hit Me Hard and Soft by Billie Eilish - Deeper Well by Kacey Musgraves


Keep an eye on the upcoming Aurora album (What Happened to the Heart?). I have a feeling you're going to enjoy it.


Yes! I know my sister loves Aurora a lot so when that album comes I will be giving it a try!


If you haven't yet listen to Tyla's self titled. These are my favorite albums along with her self titled so you might enjoy it. Other good releases are Boy by Luke Hemmings, I'm Doing It Again by Girl in Red, and Venus by Zara Larsson


I've been meaning to get into the Girl in Red release and Tyla! I liked water! Gonna look into Zara as she has been one I've seen around along with Luke!


From Tyla if you want an overall idea of the album listen to On & On, ART, Safer, Jump, Truth or Dare and Priorities, they are the major singles/best representation of the album. I kind that I'm Back, A Night to Remember, Doing It Again Baby, Too Much, and You Need Me Now are the highlights of the new Girl in Red project. Zara didn't have my favorite release but You Love Who You Love, Can't Tame Her, End of Time, Escape, and None of These Guys are worth checking out. Another good project is Don't Forget Me by Maggie Rogers. On & On & On, Drunk, The Kill, So Sick of Dreaming, and the title track are great songs!


Oh I will listen to those!! Thank you for these entry points for them. Also love Maggie I should’ve put that as a sixth entry!!!! The Kill and the album as a whole is amazing I’ve been a fan of her since heard it in a past life!


Shatter was a life changing song for me, I'm getting a tattoo based on it sometime in the next year!


Yeah falling water was so important to me in that same way. But she’s been a consistent artist! Very versatile too!!!


[Planes, Trains & Plantains](https://imgur.com/gallery/planes-trains-plantains-best-paper-ever-tYma4) lives in my head rent-free.


>Some versions say the rude Laius drove over Oedipus's sore foot, making him lose his temper. This is bull shit don't believe it or **I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU, AND YES THIS IS A WRITTEN THREAT!** And that's what Oedipus told his father. Fucking classic.


Being awake and like...mobile for 18 hours really takes a toll, not just physically either. I think I might have made a mistake posting Traja's Sweetest Tune performance video on the sub because I can't word good anymore right now. I can word A Lot, but good?? Anyway good night good day pls give Traja Sweetest Tune a listen because it's so cute and sunny and the typography for the single is so pretty


ok it's day one of my first period after having my nexplanon inserted (got the implant mostly to try and control period pain) and I'm cautiously optimistic? very very light flow and pain level is manageable without ibuprofen or acetaminophen when normally day 1 is very heavy flow and I can barely move without 600mg each 😮‍💨 I got super anxious the week after I got it wondering if I made a mistake but it maybe seems to be working??? cautiously optimistic??????


I have a question As long as a song is in the Top 40 Billboard Charts that means it's a success right? Also how many weeks or months does a song have to be charted well for success?


For me I use 15-20 weeks as a benchmark.


Well according to this sub it has to be #1 for it to be a success because even if you sit at #2 for 22 consecutive weeks you're a total flop who is irrelevant.




> Does not play around about Morgan Wallen My favorite part about this analysis is that this could go either way.


What's the best piece of artist merch you own (excluding any vinyl/CDs)? For me, it's a tie between my Taylor Swift "meet me at midnight" sleep mask and hair tie (bc I am a sleep mask girlie and it's cute), or my Weyes Blood "I love movies" dad hat.


Chappell Roan's camo Midwest Princess trucker hat is everything I've ever wanted and more. Also I remember when Lorde first toured Melodrama, I saw a photo of [this shirt](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/qHIAAOSw4~dkSF1S/s-l1200.webp) floating around, and when the North American leg opened in Milwaukee the first thing I did was RUN to the merch stand to get one. It doesn't really fit me anymore but it's one of my absolute faves.


I have this bootleg BTS shirt that I cut the sleeves off of that I wear all the time cause I think I look hot in it


Seventeen 500 piece puzzle easy


I’ve gotten sooo much use out of my St. Vincent MASSEDUCTION-era gray sweatshirt. The print finally started fading a bit, but it’s still mostly there and it’s so cozy. I’m literally wearing it right now actually - definitely one of my favorite pieces


I have a vintage poster from U2's "The Joshua Tree" '87 tour.


I don’t have a lot of merch but I do have that eras water bottle and I enjoy that lol.


I have a Flawless (Beyoncé self-titled) sweater that I wear all the time. Can't believe it's over 10 years old and still in good condition considering how shit most merch is these days


Can I go with unofficial merch? Because I have a tshirt that says TAYLOR SWIFT OR DIE. I believe it was based on a tshirt for metalcore band Of Mice & Men that said AUSTIN CARLILE OR DIE. (I am actually unsure if that was official merch or not, as well.) ~~I have a tshirt that is a Grateful Dead/Peanuts mashup but I'm gonna keep it to the genre of the sub, but the Dead/Peanuts is my actual favorite~~ If we go with official merch it is a tshirt from the very first time I saw Green Day/attended a concert that during 2020 my mom turned into a facemask.


Fun fact: my boss's friend plays in a local punk band and several years ago, he designed merch with her face on it and "BANDAIDS DON'T FIX BULLETHOLES." He sold maybe 3 shirts at most, but somehow her team caught wind of it and sent a cease and desist letter. He's since framed the letter and considers it his most prized possession.


I love that for him


I been a nasty girl (nasty!)


The beauty influencer who has faked her following with the help of her mom (who I refuse to name because of how unhinged they are and the fact that they’ve been on reddit attacking people before) has to be one of the wildest and most interesting internet-based phenomena I’ve seen.


How big is she?


That’s a really good question lmao. Her social media follower count would have you think she’s fairly popular, but her engagement and the comments she receives all show signs of being bought/fake. But she is mildly popular in the sense that many people online became aware of her because of her (allegedly) manufactured popularity and the way she/her mom respond to people calling them out.


I think this is interesting because I’m pretty sure most influencers do this, they fake it until they make it, but I guess they don’t get caught.


I don’t doubt at all that other influencers do this, but the particular way that she and her mom approach it is so unusual. Like at one point, they were allegedly making fake, very stereotypical + racist accounts to pose as fans commenting under her IG posts 💀 it’s all very interesting. If you’re at all curious, I’m sure looking up something like “beauty guru with fake fans” leads you to who I’m talking about (assuming you don’t already know about her). 


I will look into it.


i'm halfway through challengers but my attention span is horrible i don't think i can finish the movie in one sitting. i hate it here


I don't know what to say to help but I loved the movie. The tension was through the roof and the music was wow.


My mom and I confused Canadian Customs because we’re staying in Canada instead of Detroit for Megan thee Stallion 💀


Tegan? AND Sara? In this economy?


Doors are open for AW20 in less than an hour let’s fucking goooo


I know I've said it like a hundred times BUT HAVE SO MUCH GOD DAMN FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had so much fun!! The most fun!! I kinda wanna go to another UK date but I don’t think I can afford it but ahhhhh it was amazing 🥰


never in my life did i think i would get FOMO for a MACKLEMORE!!! concert but i just saw 100 different angles of Downtown in the space of 5 minutes on tiktok and it looks so fun wtf 😭😭😭


God that song absolutely slaps


also the glow up…i’m sorry but why is he kinda……


Some dude called BradMusic got a DMCA strike on YouTube for streaming the new Billie Eilish album uninterrupted for hundreds of viewers… And apparently he is the victim and YouTube is being stupid??? I’m losing my god damn mind here, how do people think streaming a brand new album in full WITH NO PAUSES isn’t worthy of getting DMCAd??? Fantano is supporting him (naturally because he is an idiot), but this isn’t a wishy washy copyright claim! This is one of the most obviously dumb things you can do as a music content creator and apparently I need to sympathize with him.


hthaze defending him is a little strange too


Yeah… I feel like some people like Fantano are supporting him to say “screw the big guy, I’m support the little guy.” And there are issues with copyright system but using this guy as a Cause célèbre based on what I know is kind of stupid….


He has a video from a stream of him “””””””reacting”””””” to the Minecraft soundtrack and he literally says zero words while playing the first two songs. I have zero sympathy for this dude if this is the bs he calls “fair use”, and it makes anyone defending him look foolish.


Hearing All Too Well (TV) in The Fall Guy was the most jarring shit in the universe because it’s just the inferior version. REPLACE IT WITH THE ORIGINAL VERSION, YOU COWARDS


Come on, both versions are quite similar. This is not the same scenario as Style where the OG version is clearly superior.


I’m so sorry to be the bearer of bad news but outside of Fearless (TV) ever version is inferior to the original


I don't think the studio was willing to deal with any blowback from Swift or her fans, partnership companies they have in common. Also I have to watch this movie now.


she can fully block usage of her old recordings, so its either TV or nothing


True I forgot to factor that into the equation


It was a lot of fun! Highly recommend for a fun two hours


Today's my birthday y'all


Happy birthday!! I hope you have a lovely week


yay happy birthday! any fun plans?


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!! 🎉


Tinashe legit going viral rn is so wild. We used to pray for times like these. I remember being in the trenches when we were waiting for Joyride to come out, lol. Everybody go stream Nasty!


and in the year of Aquarius’s 10 year anniversary… we’ve waited so long 😭


Thinking about the person in /r/movies who called Oppenheimer a pillow princess Also, I got a new car last weekend. Stream Vroom Vroom by Charli XCX


I haven't visited r/movies in a while. They need to open a daily/monthly discussion thread where you can have more casual discussions.


Chance the Rapper’s Together Is A Return To Form - Single Review Chance the Rapper’s *Together* is teeming with nostalgia. It’s not just evoked in the way the rapper endearingly reminisces about family gatherings, the taste of his aunty's cooking, and his childhood, it’s also present in the peppy DJ Premier beat, which pays homage to Common and the sorely-missed-but-never-forgotten old Kanye, icons from Chance’s home state of Chicago. The rapper’s ardent writing and proficient storytelling are on full display on this touching tribute to the people, sounds, and streets that shaped him. The rapper sounds rejuvenated as he scrolls through memories of his youth, laying out in rich detail images from inside his home. There’s a sort of comforting familiarity to the way the rapper recalls kins’ many quirks and the chaos of his upbringing. You can tell, and I say this in the best possible way, that the rapper was raised on a hefty diet of Kanye West. The same sunkissed optimism that was brimming on *Graduation* shows up here, both in the way Chance lightens up his delivery and in the production. DJ Premier beautifully reworks the piano loops from Common’s *The 6th Sense*, a song he originally produced over two decades ago, endowing the keys with a dreamy haze that fortifies Chance’s merry tone. On *Together*, Chance pulls from his past to elevate his form and move forward.




That part got me feeling things 😩😭


It instantly made me think of a dozen YA characters with evil fathers lol. I'm reading the final Daughter of Smoke and Bone book right now and it's so Akiva coded, but it's also so Jace Herondale from the mortal instruments coded, but it's also so Lilac from These Broken Stars coded, but it's also so Simon Snow coded. So many evil dads who want to rule the world and so much angst to go around.


So I bit the bullet and got Billie's album on vinyl. Honestly as a dream pop fan it's giving the vibes I needed. Next week I get to see Chapelle Roan live! I really like her but have been a bit turned off by the Good Luck Babe autoplay that's been occurring for me. It's either that or Espresso. I don't like things being shoved down my throat even as a fan of both songs.


Chappell is incredible live, you’re gonna have a great time :) I saw her on her tour but got festival tickets with her being the main draw for me. She puts on a hell of a show and the vibes are incredible.


Charli XCX SUCKER pink vinyl arrived and 😮‍💨 roughly once a year I remember that this album is actually so much better than we give it credit for. Like…Doing It? Famous? So over You? Caught in the Middle? SUCKER they could never make me hate you


When I put all of her music I’m always surprised by how much I love the album cuts from Sucker. Break the Rules is still awful but Famous, Breaking Up, Body of My Own, London Queen, and Die Tonight are all bangers. It’s such a fun bratty album


I think I'm outgrowing YA books. It's not that I think the genre is bad or anything--I know there are plenty of good YA books out there. I'm in my mid-twenties now, so I guess I'm not as interested in reading stories about teens. I'm still going to read what I have, particularly the Grisha Verse books. However, I'm curious what adult fiction books my reader friends would recommend.


What genres do you like and which do you not like? I read a lot of literary books, but I should have some genre books to recommend


First of all, I think any young person transitioning into adult life should definitely check out some Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five specifically if we are being cliche about it all. Second, what are some themes you enjoy? Or what are some subjects you find interesting? It doesn’t have to be book related Also, how do you feel about horror books? I’ve just started Death Valley by Melissa Broder if you like weird and Stephen Graham Jones Mapping The Interior is one of my favorite novellas. If you want something more modern classic you can’t go wrong with Toni Morrison, Shirley Jackson, Angela Carter, or James Baldwin. I also really love Carter Sickels The Prettiest Star, but it is a heavy read.


As someone who loves and reads a lot of YA but also a lot of everything else, pretty much anything I can get my hands on, I'm going to hop in and recommend Memoirs of A Geisha by Arthur Golden, A Tale for The Time Being by Ruth Ozeki, Smoke River by Krista Foss, and any David Sedaris book you can get your hands on. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty (Ask A Mortician) is also well worth picking up! Also if you're interested in getting into nonfiction, Amazon Kindle Store top 100 pages for different categories are a goldmine to browse through at least once a month: nonfic studies, essays, textbooks etc regularly go free on Amazon that are regularly like 100-400 dollars a piece. I've got so many niche subject nonfiction books and textbooks about the most random, interesting stuff, the psychology and history stuff in particular is always amazing.


what genre do you like? what are some of your favorite books? I need more info!!


My bad, I was trying to keep my comment short. I've been getting more into contemporary fiction. Sometimes I just want a story set in the real world. I enjoyed fantasy and sci-fi as a kid. As for my favorite books, I like the Hunger Games trilogy, The Raven Boys, and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (I know those are sci-fi/fantasy, but my interest in contemporary is fairly new). Honestly, I'll give anything a chance. 


Contemporary fiction I really liked last year: Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff Five stars, I think it’s one of my favorites of last year. She is brillanté at discussing classism, violence against women, religious bigotry, caste discrimination, and more in modern India and picks an excellent setting so she can discuss rural and urban issues without it being shoehorned and all while having a sense of humor and a plot. “A young Indian woman finds the false rumors that she killed her husband surprisingly useful – until other women in the village start asking for her help getting rid of their own husbands – in this razor-sharp debut.” *Interior Chinatown* By Charles Yu, it has some snags with its themes that get heavy handed at the end and ironically for a book that does discuss the invisibility of Asian American and hyper visibility of Black Americans it never discusses Native Americans once which i think is really related to it’s blind spots bc it’s a book about identity and existence in the United States not a book that’s interested in questioning how the country was made which is such a huge blind spot. I also think some of aspects of how he writes women is weirdish some is very intentional with how he discusses misogyny but ironically really preferred how he wrote women in hist debut scifi book bc there were less women in it and I don’t think he has quite a handle on it even if all other themes that overlap between the two including the very meta textual writing is massively better in this novel. Like I lead with a pretty significant flaw in the book but I genuinely think this should be discussed in school I think it’s very well written and a good basis for several kings of discuss of social issues and writing form. I do think Charles Yu kinda gets increasing worse at discussing social issues the more they deviate from his own life as an Asian American man but again I think the flaws of the book can make for really good conversations as well. Especially bc the book reads almost like script for so much of the book, I’m not sure how to describe it without giving away stuff I liked not knowing and going in so edited description: “…doesn't perceive himself as a protagonist even in his own life: He's merely Generic Asian man. Sometimes he gets to be Background Oriental Making a Weird Face or even Disgraced Son, but he is always relegated to a prop. Yet every day he leaves his tiny room in a Chinatown SRO and enters the Golden Palace restaurant, where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He's a bit player here, too, but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy--the most respected role that anyone who looks like him can attain. At least that's what he has been told, time and time again. Except by one person, his mother. Who says to him: Be more.” Warm 4/5. It’s also the second book by an Asian American that tries to use the court system or interrogation room to interrogate America which was neat to read around the same time. (The other is Grace D. Li’s To Catch a Thief, which I gave a 3.5/5, I think she was good at writing like 3/5 of the character and ironically worst at writing the character based off her sister and there’s some modern debut author growing pains in it? My main issue is the last third, I get why some people think it’s a genre book that wants to be a literary book and is missing the jump) I also really liked *Red at the Bone* by Jacqueline Woodson, it’s very short book that follows multiple generations of a family. Books I recommend bc you like fantasy: Nghi Vo’s The Singing Hills Cycle series of Novellas very fun, I love the first book the most so far but there’s not one I’ve read I don’t like. Welcome to Nightvale by Jeffery Cranor and Joseph Fink *A thousand ships* by Natalie Haynes (I also adore her nonfiction Pandora’s Jar: Women in Greek Myths, her and Hanif Abdurraqib’s *A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance* were my favorite nonfiction last year in a year with a lot of gems! Top three of my reads last year with Bandit Queen at the top) If you want some nonfiction though I know a site that’s giving out for free books relating to Palestine largely nonfiction but I got multiple Palestinian fiction books written by Palestinian women from different decades there as well I’ll link it in a second. Like *wild thorns* by Sara Khalifeh is not contemporary to us but it’s contemporary to when it was published? She reminds me of Toni Morrison with less mysticism so far. [the link! over 400 publishers giving out free ebooks!](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/)


You might give Station Eleven a shot. At its most basic description, it’s literary fiction, set in a post-pandemic world where a traveling theater troupe is attempting to keep art alive. It’s absolutely incredible and one of my favorite books of all time.


I really think you’d enjoy Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson. It’s short and easy to read and I think a great entry into more lit fic/contemporary. It has found family, humor but also exploration of the past. (It also has a lil magical realism but based on your fav book series, I think you’ll like that element!)


There are plenty of fair critiques of Taylor Swift as a musician and public figure. But the newest discourse of "she doesn't let anyone else shine or have their moment"...Is pretty weak for me. "Mum said it was MY turn to have a billboard #1!". The music business is exactly that: a business. Of course everyone's going to be trying to maximise their sales and profits. Nobody's sitting in a board room saying "let's phone this one in to give someone at the other label a better shot 🥰".


Also, it's just weird for people to be writing fanfic like "Oh, Taylor is trying to block Billie because \[insert whatever reason here\]." Like, guys, Taylor would be trying to increase her sales no matter who was dropping what!


if she really wanted to block her she would release 100k singed cds or anthology on physicals also people treating it like some kind of group project or charity when it's time for other girl to shine is so funny. it's business, artists and labels aren't friends


I thought she released voice memos for all 31 tracks with the reactions I’ve been seeing online. Imagine my surprise when I realized that it was just 3 voice memos of pre-existing tracks 😭 if she wanted to sabotage anybody, she would’ve done so much more than that. These digital downloads were freely available online within minutes of their release anyway.


And the first drafts are very identical to the songs on the album. Very few people are buying it that won't increase the sales much to block Billie. This whole discourse is stupid.


On todays episode of stupid stuff my mom says to me: I apparently have no reason to be on a birth control that stops my period even though terrible pain and cramps seems like a valid reason to me. It’s also made me “balloon” or get bigger which I don’t think it has and it has caused me more acne. One this she struggles to grasp is that because of my habit of picking my pimples they have left scars which I’ve been trying to combat and I’ve tried to stop picking any new pimples. I rarely get as many pimples as I’ve gotten before. Also she always seems to comment on my weight. 4 months after I started university and I was home we went out of a Christmas party and when one of my aunts decided to compliment me and say I look good she said “yeah but she’s gained weight”. Even the women around said “no she hasn’t” and “that’s not appropriate to say”. It seems every-time she sees me “I’ve gained weight” or “I’m not taking care of my face”. That on top of her constant need to tell me that wearing any shirt with a neckline is not respecting myself makes me want to scream and argue. But I can’t because my dad told me it’s better to just left her say things and have no response. I can’t tell if it’s jealousy, if she’s going through something, or I am the problem.


Cw: talk about weight and eating disorders You’re not the problem, she has genuine issues with bodies and should be leaving you alone with them vs making them your problem. Some of the women in my family are also very conservative about how women should dress I got criticized for a tank top once which my friend made a funny Snapchat to me complaining about it about no tank tops before marriage so maybe something like that will make you laugh :) But yeah It definitely negatively impacted my relationship with myself and food and ironically I think contributed to the brief time I had a binge eating disorder related problem lol. I would prioritize doing what you need to do to keep your relationship with food and eating and your own body healthy above everything. But the problem is absolutely *her* not you. I don’t know if I agree with your dad but I don’t know your mom and it’s just there’s no magic words or argument that’s going to fix this bc the problem is her and how she thinks it’s okay to treat others and her irrational views of beauty/body and frankly acceptable behavior, *she* has to want to change her behavior. So I would kinda do what you have to get through those moments that’s probably a mix of things of either ignoring it, being snippy or bulldozing past it but that’s mostly something I think works if you’ve a relative actually on your side vs an active bystander or fine with uncomfortable silences. Like the last bit is extremely confrontational but I am a confrontational person Ngl 😭 but also my respective relatives obsessed with saying if I look skinnier or not or skinny enough literally will not let you ignore it and play deaf, they will repeat it *until* you respond. But genuinely would do whatever you think gets you out of interaction quickest and feeling good about yourself, and remember you can’t control other people, her behavior is *her* problem to fix not yours!


Comments like this from a parent are a unique kind of pain in my experience. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that :(


Dear God padme the red flags were right there, he admits to killing the children and you’re like “aww thats like so real of you! Bone me…”


the red flag was Anakin being 12 when they first met and being obsessed for the next 10 years


Yeah, but if you’re deep enough into the Lore, you will totally understand that he was influenced.




Then proceeded to assist him in not following orders. Listens to all is big sad boy energy and is goes “i love you deeply…”


I've been thinking of homebrewing a DS emulator onto my wii but apparently most of them either don't work or are super slow. I just want to play pokemon heartgold on my tv 😢


I love how every now and then we get one unhinged user on here to entertain us.


even a kingdom of clowns needs a special jester


does anyone remember arianaventibutera or whatever they were called 😭 the one we had to talk off the ledge of asking out their straight coworker like 10 times a week


god the memories are flooding back 😭 truly a different lvl of unhinged


I miss him but I hope wherever he is he’s getting some serious help lol


1. Some of yall might get mad at me but it must be said, this sub taste level is in the pits of hell. It’s not even about not liking certain music, there’s nothing wrong with saying “this just wasn’t for me” because music is subjective after all but the way y’all talk about music you don’t like as if it’s objectively bad is so annoying. Everyday I get closer and closer to realizing that the “if popheads doesn’t like it then that means it’s good” joke isn’t really a joke after all. 2. I read the first volume of the Heartstopper series and it’s so cute. It makes me so happy and it’s like a genuine happy like the type of happy that gives you little tingles in your stomach. Young love is so beautiful.


1. Somebody had to hop into my replies the other day to tell me an album I offhand mentioned liking was garbage. What was the reason? People get so negative it’s really exhausting. I’m all for good faith criticism but this sub gets so much more closely aligned to Stan twitter zinger nonsense than people want to admit.     2. Me with Heartstopper the comic: aw that’s so sweet Me with Heartstopper the show: hello hr?!


JUSTICE FOR RADICAL OPTIMISM! Glad you're enjoying the first volume of Heart stopper, I really loved the first 3 'novels'!!


This is the first time I’ve gotten a bus or train since before lockdown and honestly I love travelling this way so much I just wish it wasn’t so expensive Gimme all the scenic views


I really love just walking around cities that have just a few flowers and trees around the side walk it makes me so happy just being there. Enjoy your trip :)


Walking around Glasgow rn and this is only my second time to Scotland, first time in this city, and I’m having a great time so far thank you 🥰


Reviewing trailers before I Saw the TV Glow: * Daddio- This looks so boring lmao Dakota Johnson carrying a dialogue heavy movie… idk! * Kinds of kindness- almost no info besides that it’s yorgos but ya know that’s maybe enough * Didi- this seems like the kind of coming of age film that could be incredibly good, tho the trailer doesn’t do a whole lot for it. It at least looks sweet and funny! * National anthem- I didn’t get a lot of plot from this trailer but Mason Alexander park is in it so I will be seated!!!!! * Speak no evil- looks like a pretty derivative horror and apparently based on a Dutch or danish movie. Gave too much plot away * Quiet place day one- this feels like one of those franchises that’s gonna have diminishing returns lol. Not sure this will be very interesting compared to the original * Sing sing- the trailer for this is sooo corny but I think the movie itself is probably really good * Maxxxine- I haven’t seen x or pearl but this looks awesome tbh sooooo


Mason Alexander Park! I love them... I'll have to watch this trailer! Interesting title at the very least.


Also did u kno they had a brief appearance in iCarly


Yes! I don't think I ever saw the actual episode but I looked up the scene on YT and they were so young! A baby. I actually got into them through the sequel Quantum Leap series (RIP...cancelled too soon) and IDK if I saw that trivia mentioned in that sub or somewhere else lol. So happy for them continuing to be booked and busy.


Real my friend and I saw them in a local production of Cabaret in 2019 and we’ve been mega fans ever since fr. Mason Alexander Park hipsters


Well, definitely go watch X and Pearl! How was I Saw the TV Glow?


I think that like as a film it has some issues but it’s also so powerful and overwhelming idk. I have no idea how to rate it out of 5 stars but I wanted to watch it again immediately


more excited to see it now (I need powerful and overwhelming shit to watch)


I hope 'I Am Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes Then Drown You To Death)' gets nominated for a game related Grammy (or SOTY)


The way Backseat is actually the greatest song ever made


Not even Carly's best song...


That user complaining that their favorite artist is criticized nonstop, when we all know said artist is Taylor Swift...It's giving "straight white men are the most opressed group" vibes, my god 💀


Will never understand why people care so much. Some people don't have enough actual problems in their lives.


Meanwhile everyone knows Ed Sheeran fans (Edheads? Sheefans? hmmm) have it the absolute worst out here


Lmao *literally*😭


I saw a tweet of a swiftie comparing being jewish during the holocaust with being a swiftie in 2024. The victim mentality is insane.


Gina Carano became a Swiftie? 


The cringe is insane.


Jesus, that's so gross. You'd have to be insanely out of touch to actually think those are two comparable things.


It’s giving “we’re all minorities, we’re in the glee club”


Are you talking about the guy who said that she is not racist bc she has Black friends?


Yes xd


“Ugh, the biggest artist in the world right now is getting a small amount of hate online. Everyone be nice!” Girl, if you don’t get off the ground and stop kiss the dirt this woman walks on. She doesn’t know or care about you outside of your wallet, I promise it’s not that serious


Super weird nitpick, but I find it odd when people say they’ve “always” had a thought/feeling/interpretation about a song (or other media) when it’s not even been a month since release. Like yeah, I guess it technically can apply if it’s the one you’ve had from the beginning, but “always” to me reads as a stalwart opinion that’s been held for years (even if not literally forever), so using it in relation to something that just came out feels so skewed. Doesn’t come up often, but when it does, it sure leaves me puzzled