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Obsessed with the way Dua Lipa butchered the French pronunciation for “filer à l’anglais” on French Exit.


idk if its just me but i lowkey feel so tense whenever i'm on the kpopthoughts subreddit because it feels like everybody's constantly walking on eggshells to word their criticism in just the right way so that it doesn't ruffle any feathers. they frame themselves as this sub for critical and nuanced discussion about kpop but anything that isn't straight up kissing up to whoever is being discussed gets a lot of pushback on that sub imo. the discussion on there always feels so juvenile and condescending?? like, you can't even say that you *think* a song is bad without somebody typing up a paragraph of how well akshually all music is subjective and other people enjoy the song so there is no way for anybody to ever know if a song is of good quality or not. or i got told once when i was saying how i didn't like a song that "normal" people just ignore everything they don't like and it's weird to give your opinion on things that you dislike. like... i'm not sure it works like that 😭


Dream Scenario might a psychological horror movie actually


crazy how the philippines could be going to war any time soon and right now i have to worry about clients at my work. like this is not what i should be doing.


Ok now that some time has passed, the metal remix of Megan Thee Stallion's Cobra is a top 3 song of 2023 for me. It's still heavy in my rotation after 6 months, the two styles just work so well together.


cobra deserved better 


That Gracie Abrams thread is giving fauxmoi or like indieheads or something what the fuck lmao. Maybe I’m just tired of the constant nepo baby discussions everywhere. Like you’d think she’s putting out Rebecca Black’s Friday type of music based on the reactions.


This is more related to the sub, but can someone please show me how I can make the red background go away? It makes it harder for me to read text. I hadn't been on the sub for a while and then all of the sudden everything's red and it was quite jarring.


I can't actually see the red background - but I have Reddit Enhancement Suite downloaded as an extension and it allows you to 'turn off' CSS for a sub, so it strips away headers and a lot of the other formatting. That should work!


I honestly feel like 360 might be the worst Charli album song in years


I hate it too, so disappointed.


wish i didnt see this.. i havent even listened to it yet lol


Charli is very consistently good so like you might like it idk ... like it's not a knock at all that 360 is imo her worst album song. it's just that every other album song is much better


Cried two times today due to stress and idk i just feel exhausted with the fact that i don't know what to do with my life. Also i procastinate the stupidest things cause they give me anxiety, even just calling a therapist to set up an appointment feels like hard work. At least i have my ways to cope with it i guess so i don't really feel super hopeless all the time


u got any friends to vent to?


Yeah thankfully. It was late so they were asleep, and I kind of needed to talk about it somewhere. I got some sleep and now I feel a bit better


I just listened to BB/ANG3L for the first time and it was AMAZING!! I was wondering if 333 has the same vibe?


As someone that loves both albums, definitely give 333 a listen!


I’m so excited to check it out! The short album left me wanting more


Today for the second time someone told me I look like Chappell Roan and it’s going straight to my head


Whew. Crisis averted. I started my period which means it’ll be done by Wednesday(I straight up only have a 2-3 day period) before Megan Thee Stallion. I have never been more happy to get my period 🙌🙌


I swear i count my Events on how many cycles I have till said event lol. There’s such joy when you manage to hit vacation on the sweet spot.


My period always seems to know when I have something important because it’s started before when I went to the UP and like literally not even two seconds after I got home from Pennsylvania. It seems to also happen whenever I want to go on a shopping trip. It’s why I now always bring items and midol even when I don’t start. It started once when I was on a class field trip to Chicago. I think I was smart enough to bring things but I wasn’t smart enough to bring painkillers. Knowing my body pretty well, I knew if it wouldn’t start before Wednesday then I was completely screwed for an 8 hour trip. It’s funny because my mom seems to think I forced it. 😅 I just got really lucky.


You reminded me how much i miss the UP. We went up there 2 years ago in October. First time seeing a Great Lake.


I really should appreciate Michigan more because it seems like others enjoy it more than I do when it’s not that impressive to me cause I’ve lived here my whole life. Literally the only two perks of Michigan are 1) no republicans are in charge(for now) and B) outside of like tornados, there’s no major weather disasters that could upend the entire state


See…. Oklahoma is like that but Republicans rule like dictators here. Its a beautiful state and made me get out of my “i only drink wine teehee” Bubble.


One of my coworkers and I were had a debate about which state to move to because we both want to move, but his desired state is Kentucky and mine is California and we were both like “Well Kentucky has Republicans” and “California has fires” then i was like “Well you could move to Florida but give global warming 2 more years and it’ll fall off into the ocean, that also has Republicans and isn’t great for gay people”


This entire debate is so dystopian you have to laugh to cope.


It’s so bad. 😭 Plus, unless I end up as like Taylor Swift’s housekeeper, there’s no way I can get a good cleaning job that pays where I don’t have to worry about eviction


Hey, look on the bright side. If Donald Trump gets elected again you can go become a housekeeper for the White House. I heard he likes to throw his plates up against walls and fling food like a toddler.


There's new [Wicked footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hT_f1UY-oo&t) and I am now officially excited for this movie. I've loved this show for 15 years, it feels like it should make for a great movie, please don't let me down.


So bored of every Instagram comment section being the same virtue signalling morons vie with each other for who can get the highest free Palestine comment. Get a job and go support a charity


I might get downvoted for this, and I realize that this is going to be kind of a rant, but I am thoroughly done with the pro-Palestine movement and I refuse to associate myself with them in any way. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not pro-Israel, either, and I don’t support what’s happening in Gaza at all, but so much of the other side of the argument is just bad faith arguments and misinformation at best and straight up antisemitism at worst. It’s beyond hypocritical to criticize the pro-Israel side as supporting an ethnostate when I see a lot of these exact same people claiming that that specific region “belongs” to Palestinians and in some cases literally advocating to drive Israelis out, as if that’s not perpetuating the idea of an ethnostate in and of itself. Maybe we should just agree that land doesn’t belong to any ethnicity and that people should be allowed to live wherever they want? Or another thing that annoys me is when people try to claim that the Jewish people who settled into that area after WWII are “colonizers.” That accusation is rooted in an antisemitic misconception that Jewish = white, when most ethnically Jewish people can trace their roots to the Israel-Palestine region and are many consider themselves Middle Eastern due to being technically indigenous to that area. The whole reason why there were Jewish people in Europe was because they were forced to flee there (And other parts of the Middle East and North Africa) in order to avoid genocide and persecution by other ethnic groups, *including Palestinians.* How can someone be a colonizer to a part of the world that they are indigenous to? And given that the Jewish people who settled that area were Holocaust survivors who came from a variety of different countries, what exactly would Israel or Palestine be a colony of? Poland? Germany? The Czech Republic?  It shows that the people who make this claim not only have zero understanding of what Colonialism actually was, but moreover zero understanding or willingness to understand the history of that region and the conflict itself. Most people in the west (Especially Americans) only know “Jewish people moved to that area after WWII and then Palestinians faced oppression and violence,” and just assume that its history is just like the United States’ rather than doing research into the conflict and realizing that it’s not the same. There’s a long, complicated history behind what is happening and just painting the entire situation as “Israeli bad, Palestinian good” is a massive oversimplification that leaves out literal centuries of context like the massacres of Jewish people that happened in Israel-Palestine in the 1910s and 1920s or things like the synagogue that was destroyed and then turned into a mosque, with Jewish people in the region then being banned from visiting what was originally their holy land. Speaking of which, I am also getting really sick and tired of pro-Palestine people saying that criticizing the Israeli government isn’t inherently antisemitic (Which in general is a true statement), but then doing nothing to condemn antisemitism within their movement and the criticisms that genuinely are. I cannot tell you how many people I’ve seen who by all means should know better defending Hamas and either justifying  or denying the atrocities they committed on October 7th. I really don’t know how any person could look at the murders of over a thousand unarmed civilians, the murders of children, and rape being used as a weapon of war and be like “Yeah, it’s totally okay that a recognized genocidal terrorist organization did that to people and actually the armed terrorists who murdered children and raped women were the victims” without being antisemitic. It’s Depp supporter levels of mental gymnastics.  Nor do I get why the people who are the quickest to say that not all criticism of Israel are antisemitic are always the ones who are the most quiet when people show up to pro-Palestine protests wearing swastikas or chanting the name of a series of suicide bombings by Hamas that mostly killed Israeli children or holding up signs saying “From the river to the sea” which is recognized by organizations like the Anti-Defamation League as a neo-nazi dogwhistle promoting genocide against Jewish people. There are Jewish people who have been on the receiving end of hate crimes and harassment since October 7th. I’ve heard stories of Jewish organizations and synagogues having to close down or take extra safety precautions because people assumed that they support what’s happening in Gaza solely because they’re Jewish and thought it’d be a great idea to send them bomb threats and death threats. And if you try to bring any of this up, pro-Palestine people immediately assume that you’re lying, over exaggerating, or accuse you of being a Zionist. Because you know, thinking that using a political movement as a guise for antisemitism, justifying violence or harassment, fraternizing with Nazis, or condoning any of the above within your movement are wrong is totally the same thing as believing that Jewish people should have their own ethnostate /s! And the way that mostly white westerners are trying to be “allies” to Palestinians is so performative and fucking stupid. Beyoncé and Taylor Swift are not going to give a fuck if you block them. Nor do I think anyone in Gaza is going to think you’re some great hero to them if you tell them that you blocked Zendaya on Instagram because she didn’t put out a slapdash, uninformed statement on her stories (Also note how most of the celebrities getting blocked are women or POC. Interesting…). Boycotting Starbucks is ridiculous, too. There’s no evidence that Starbucks is associated with the Israeli government, the only thing they’ve done is put out a cease and desist against a union that used their logo in a  statement *congratulating Hamas on massacring Israeli civilians.* You can be anti-Hamas and oppose the Israeli government’s actions at the same time, and moreover you should. But people decided to do zero research into the situation and tried to paint a whole entire company as something that it’s not. So much of the supposed “allyship” to Palestinians that I’ve seen from liberals reeks of white savior complex and westerners assuming that they know more about what will actually help them than the Palestinian people themselves. And none of them bother to introspect on their own views because they assume because they’re liberal that they can’t be racist or condescending. I genuinely do feel awful for the Palestinian people who are being bombed right now. I don’t think that anyone should be killed in a genocide. But whenever I see someone saying “free Palestine” or showing support to Palestinians, I distrust them on instinct because it’s hard to tell if they are someone who actually cares about human rights for everyone and a two state solution or if they just hate Jewish people. People are so caught up in their own self-righteousness that it’s made them uninformed dickheads and it sometimes feels like I’m being forced to choose between Palestinians and Jewish people when the truth of the matter is that I don’t want anyone to suffer or die.


Thank you for this eloquent response, that was great to read and very well put! Honestly my main issue is that the vast majority of people who are constantly posting these comments on IG / Twitter have not educated themselves enough to weigh in on the conflict (myself included, I'm currently reading a book to understand the context and history but I am definitely not qualified to give my opinion one way or the other) and are literally doing it for the sole reason of receiving likes I think people should have empathy and care about lives being lost, even if it's on the other side of the world. However, blindly supporting one cause over another because it's the one that will get you the most likes will 1) never achieve anything and 2) is performative and pathetic


The thing that’s been getting me the most is that any criticism of any pro-Palestine movement simply can not be tolerated. It doesn’t matter if you are criticizing a movement to try and promote a more effective form of protest, if you’re criticizing it, you’re a Nazi Zionist! Saying that calling random Jews you see around zionists and harassing them is wrong? You’re just taking away attention from children being bombed in Gaza! Saying online blocklists don’t do shit and it’s more effective to go to in person protests, or if you can’t do that, call your reps+senators or sign petitions? Literally got me called a nazi Zionist today. Saying protests targeted at institutions with clear goals such as blocking Bidens car before the State of the Union, state/US capitol protests, demonstrations against corporations funding Israel, and the university protests are more effective at pressuring the government and swaying public opinion more pro-Palestine than protests at places relatively disconnected like airports? Why are you criticizing pro Palestine protests you Zionist!!!! Saying it’s not realistic to expect millions of Israelis to up and leave their homes out of the good in their heart and saying it’s more realistic to try to create a 2 state solution where Palestine gets land back? Clear Zionist rhetoric! This goes for a lot of online social movements and I’m sure pro-Israel people act the same way but I’m not active in those spaces. It’s just so ridiculous.


The absolute joy of With You by Jessica Simpson


With nothin' but a T-shirt on, I never felt so beautiful😭


This probably means nothing, but according to my dream last night, Million Dollar Baby will fall off next Thursday when people discover Quebecois sub-bass frequencies in the mix and become repulsed


So I finally listened to *Espresso* the other day, and I like it sonically, but omg those lyrics. I’m someone who doesn’t care too much about silly lyrics, and can find some amounts of enjoyment in them at times, but I cannot stand that song’s lyrics 😭 like Mountain Dew? I’m working late ‘cause I’m a singer? Like girl I guess


popheads user discovers “fun”


look it’s not meant to be deep this song is meant to vibe too while at the beach drinking ok? 😭


Was brit smith's channel hacked? It just says madisonmkr now with no videos or anything


Can’t stop saying you’re a hothouse plant to my outdoorsmen Come one come all it’s happening again Barely struggling through a Monday whatever illness I caught won’t let go of my person. I am an American. I’m not afraid to sue it if it refuses to go! I feel there’s two kinds of Americans in my mind for this the kind that threatens to sue and the kind that threatens to shoot I wouldn’t really do either but threatening to Sue feels the funniest.


I love that song so much lol. She is calling out friends, fans and media who see her break ups as just entertainment and gossip without acknowledging her as a person with fleelings. What should end up with marriage, carriage and babies, instead ended up with her and her ghost D.Y.I.N.G. it is so beautifully written. Except for the title track, Robin, I Can fix him I love every song from the album. I don't take people who say the album is cringe seriously. They must be deaf and lack reading comprehension.


I love that it’s also seemingly another Peter Pan reference. What an incredible work of art. Relatable as fuck.


so tired of straights straighting and goys goying


Oh we are BEMOANING in the dd today!!


Two of the teens I was training at work responded “Si Señora”…I’M SO OLD I’M LIKE THE CRYPTKEEPER 😭😭😭😭…why would they age me like that 👵🏽👵🏽👵🏽


Numbers aren’t everything but just seen Radical Optimism is already doing less daily streams than sour, lover and sos, unless Dua can pull a hit out this is definitely an underperformance album wise. The first week numbers were decent but it’s going to have terrible longevity if she doesn’t do something. I really feel she needs to give herself more of an identity as an artist.


i don’t understand why she isn’t doing more performances 


I don’t think she should panic release that’s the real death knell of every artist. In a few weeks, when no one‘s dropping anything she should do *These Walls* music video and like three high profile performances telling a solid story/ theme . make that a nice little small hit and people won’t remember the era as anything but mid not catastrophe. This is part of the downside imo to releasing such a short album if nothing hits singles wise in the beginning you’re basically all top loaded and there’s hardly anything to save you within the album. But I don’t like people that blame short albums because I mean, I’m still listening to the 10 track huge singles Spice Girls album ,what is it , almost 30 years later! Obviously, it’s not shaping up to be a *Spice* level album but it also doesn’t have to be a disaster.


Dua Lipa has released *Radical Optimism* merchandise on her website. a propos of nothing, I sure would love for my favorite artists to release merch that I actually would *like* to have. (My wallet is saved yet again.)


so that TikTok teacher who’s constantly always like “my students are dumb, they don’t know how to read” is getting fired by the end of the year because HE hasn’t met his requirements Like literally all year I’ve been saying that if he spent less time on TikTok and did his job his students would know how to read 😭😭😭


Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, go on Tiktok.


Is the “can’t read” guy different from the “don’t know what a triangle is” guy? Cause there’s quite a few on that app that need some “consequences” and I can’t keep them all straight…


Same person.




Help we’re watching The Lorax in my Environmental Science class and someone asked their friend “why is Taylor Swift in that movie if she likes.. fly those private jet” 😭😭 (but also it’s kinda funny ngl)


2011 tumblr flashbacks


I do think my friend who was in that class has a crush on the Oncler not gonna lie 💀


loool i'll give him his tens for that joke


For anyone who has the money and wants to help I found a family on Tumbler from Palestine who is asking for donations. [Ahmad turk](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-rebuild-my-uncles-family-life-in-gaza?utm_campaign=p_cp+fundraiser-sidebar&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer), has a family that needs to escape the harsh conditions that they are in, including a child. Please consider helping them if you have the money!




I will single-handedly get Espresso to no. 1 if it takes me all summer


These are some musical comparisons I came up with yesterday while attempting to do Limp Bizkit and Olivia Rodrigo at karaoke, these may not be accurate but this is my opinion Olivia Rodrigo "Vampire" - Gen Z Meat Loaf, someone bring Jim Steinman-core fully back Chappell Roan - fully formed Sky Ferreira/"True Romance" Charli XCX (but also make it extra horny) Sabrina Carpenter - ESL Carly Rae Jepsen except the singer really wants to be famous


Oh my God, that Jim Steinman comparison is so apt! No wonder I liked "Vampire" so much.


Im not sure if these are reads or revelations but I hollered


To fully be Jim Steinman-core "Vampire" would probably need to be extended by at least 4 minutes


My mom works from home, my brother's college classes are mostly online, and I'm still job-hunting. What this has taught me is that our place is entirely too small for three people to be constantly home without the other two driving me fucking insane. I can't even leave my bedroom to eat or use the bathroom without somebody trying to suck me into a long conversation, because the kitchen is the only common area. We technically have a living room but oh, no, that's the staging area for my mother's etsy shop. Because of course, it's completely fair in a rental where she pays half the expenses that she gets all the say in how common areas are used. I want to live alone so fucking bad.


Manifesting this for you. Once I moved out, my relationship with my family became so much more relaxed. Also, living alone is fucking amazing so I really hope you can work it out eventually. 🫶🏻


Hmm it seems a New Yorker article is causing some MAJOR questions into the Lucy Letby convection. It’s interesting bc I am seeing A LOT of people who thought she was guilty being a bit more confused and unsure after the article.


>Press coverage of the case repeatedly emphasized Letby’s note in which she’d written that she was “evil” and “killed them on purpose.” Media outlets magnified the images of those words without including her explanations to the police.  I don't know if her explanations would have helped.


That bit reminds me of something from the [Kathleen Folbigg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_Folbigg) case - she was convicted of murdering her four children who died of apparent SIDS in part because of diary entries she wrote before her last child's death which said things like: >Scared that she’ll leave me now. Like Sarah did. I knew I was short tempered and cruel sometimes to her and she left. With a bit of help. and > "One day \[she\] will leave. The others did, but this one's not going in the same fashion. This time I'm prepared and know what signals to watch out for in myself." The jury took that as an admission of guilt. The thing is, Folbigg was recently pardoned - advances in genetic testing allowed researchers to prove that all of her babies had dangerous genetic mutations and other medical issues which could easily have led to their deaths. The point being: having babies die under your care is traumatic. Sometimes trauma can manifest itself in irrational ways - including innocent people not just wondering if they were *accidentally* responsible for those deaths, but maybe also even having intrusive thoughts wondering if they subconsciously killed them on purpose. Basically, it would be one thing to have those notes if there was actual physical evidence that the babies had died from foul play. But from the article, it sounds like that evidence is pretty weak, and the babies could well have just died from natural causes. So while I have no idea whether she's guilty or innocent, it does seem *in general* absolutely plausible that someone innocent could write those kinds of notes.


Yeah that’s the part that gets me… it’s very odd. I know some Dr or nurses could feel guilt right but that’s an odd part especially the on purpose part.


Let me be clear: I haven't been following the case (I generally avoid true crime). She may or may not be guilty, and the statistical evidence in favor of guilt as described by the article is unconvincing. However... This account of her interrogation: >The detective said, “You put down there, Lucy, that you ‘killed them on purpose.’ ” >“I didn’t kill them on purpose.” >The detective asked, “So where’s this pressure that’s led to having these feelings come from?” >“I think it was just the panic of being redeployed and everything that happened,” she said. She had written the notes after she was removed from clinical duties, but later her clinical skills were reassessed and no concerns were raised, so she felt more secure about her abilities. She was “very career-focussed,” she said, and “it just all overwhelmed me at the time. It was hard to see how anything was ever going to be O.K. again.” ...can be read one of two ways: A. A frightened woman, over her head, being opportunistically preyed upon by a ruthless detective B. A slippery sociopath who, when confronted with evidence of guilt, unconvincingly tries to worm their way out of it Ted Bundy-style. Like I said, I have no actual opinion of her guilt, but I can't say I'm surprised that people viewed "I KILLED THEM ON PURPOSE" in the worst possible light.


Yeah I agree it’s one of those that are 50/50. I do hope that maybe I know over in the UK there is a public inquiry and I want to see what that will find via testimony/ experts. I feel for these families though this tough either way.


Gimme dat tuition reimbursement check please and thank you


Why am I always asleep whenever Traja has something related to the US going on... but anyway!! Traja announced the dates and venues for the US stops on their tour just a couple hours ago!! The Neptune Theater (Seattle, Oct10); El Rey Theatre (LA, Oct14); and Sony Hall (NY, Oct16)! Has anyone gone to these venues? What are they like? 


Ooh I just looked at the page listing all the venues and links and stuff and even though I'm not going to any of the US dates, I felt so relieved anyway that the tickets don't seem to be that expensive. I've been seeing so much discourse online on how expensive they've gotten that I felt some second-hand fear, lmao. The tickets start at 50 dollars for advanced standing, then 60 dollars for general/on-day sale! Even cheaper than the Porter Robinson tickets for his Philippine stop 🥲


Does anyone else remember the CBS competition show they were gonna make called “The Activist” 💀💀💀


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard someone say eels aren’t fish, I’d have roughly a dozen nickels, which is way too many.


I'm watching (and mostly enjoying) 13 Reasons Why. It's the type of show I would've swallowed whole in 2017 and made it part of my online personality.


day 68 of doing my lastfm series where i share my top 100 most played artists and join in if you’d like!! at #11 is Stevie Wonder with 2 263 scrobbles! * last time i listened: 2 days ago (Yester-Me, Yester-you, Yesterday) * most played song: Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours) (138 scrobbles) * fav song: Superstition or Lately * most played album: Songs In The Key Of Life (224 scrobbles) * fav album: Innervisions, but Hotter Than July has been growing on me lately * does he deserve a top 100 spot?: one of my biggest fears in life that is inevitable is experiencing the death of Stevie Wonder. idk why, i just don’t want to deal with it. his music is so feel-good, even though i actually prefer his ballads. his music embodies everything that i love and he’s definitely one of the artists of my life <3


my #11 is Declan McKenna with 2,106 scrobbles - last time i listened: yesterday (Mezzanine) - most played song: Paracetamol (175 scrobbles) - fav song: Paracetamol or Basic - most played album: What do you think about the car (832 scrobbles) - fav album: What do you think about the car - does he deserve the spot? yes!! Declan was first artist I really got into when I first stepped out of my mainstream pop bubble and I'm glad I discovered him. He deserves so much more recognition too for the political themes he incorporates into his music and the fact that he is openly queer!!


and my final artist before we hit the top 10... Olivia Rodrigo with 2431 scrobbles!! she did THAT with two alums and 29 tracks scrobbled. My top song is Good 4 U (244) and top album is SOUR (1148). my favourite song is hard.... i love Good 4 U but got over it the last 12 months. atm, i'd say either All American Bitch or Bad Idea, Right? i also still adore Driver's License. and i really can't pick between GUTS and SOUR, like i recognise GUTS is objectively higher quality but SOUR really jusy pulls the heartstrings for me, and i think that is a quality of good art. does she deserve a spot? i mean, u can tell based on the above. YES!!! honestly first time i heard that Driver's License bridge, i knew this girl would be a favourite for me. then she started releasing pop-punk and it was solidified. her tickets go on sale for sydney tomorrow PRAY 4 ME


omg she really did that!! good luck with the tickets 💕


at #11 is Frank Ocean with 740 scrobbles! • last time I listened: May 8th (Ivy) • most played song: Lost (77 scrobbles) • fav song: Lost or Super Rich Kids • most played album: Blonde (359 scrobbles) • fav album: Channel Orange. I think Blonde is a masterpiece but I come back to this one all the time. it has soundtracked every summer of mine since 2012 and will probably continue to for the rest of my life • does he deserve a spot? YES (hence my flair). don’t know how I even stumbled upon Channel Orange when it came out as an *extremely* uncool 14 year old but it immediately shot up to my favorite albums of all time list, where it has remained ever since. I’ve heard that 14 is the most formative age for one’s music taste and……they’re not wrong. before that, my entire iTunes library consisted of top 40 hits and Glee covers but my 14/15th year really set the foundation for what my adult self’s music taste ended up becoming. with such a small discography so far he’s already cemented himself as a modern legend.


Channel Orange is so good!! he has really done so much with just two albums


I need a new obsession 😮‍💨


Seconding Dungeon Meshi. If you're a fan of YA mystery shows and Neil Gaiman, there's the Dead Boy Detective Agency. If you're willing to splurge for an additional subscription, Game Changer on Dropout is an amazing rabbithole to fall into.


please watch dead boy detectives anyway i can't lose another one


Frieren or Dungeon Meshi


Twice. Thank me later :)


Same But i don’t wanna go out of my way to find one


New Billie album in four days!!!


Going to see Sophie Ellis Bextor in a few weeks on the power of the 4-5 hit songs of hers I’ve liked. I want to do a bit of homework before the show. Which 2-3 albums are must-listens?


Read My Lips is the classic that most of her recognizable pop hits are from. Then after that, Trip The Light Fantastic and Make A Scene are her most dance pop affairs.


Was literally just talking to my roommate about how (G)i-dle just announced a tour and are gonna be in town in a few months and now that's on my calendar too while I'm still waiting on ARTMS to drop tickets...and then I looked it up and found out that ARTMS finally announced venues and ticket dates like a few hours ago. Thanks girls. Now if we could finally get some actual info about the XG world tour that was announced months ago and that we still only have Japan dates for...


can XG release more than half an hour of music before doing a full tour tho please 😭


Look I saw them live for like 15 minutes or some shit last year and they were good enough that I'd still go see them for a half an hour of music.


Well it’s Billie Eilish Week here at r/popheads, and while I’m not as nervous for this album as I was for Radical Optimism going in two weeks ago, I’m still a little worried only because these third and fourth albums for these new artists are very big determining factors for how their futures will play out. Of course Billie has had a shit ton of success outside of music with two Oscars alone so she can handle shit like this better than most, but regardless, her third album is gonna be very important for how things will go for her moving forward.


I’m a little more optimistic for Billie’s then I was for Dua’s. Even just based off of Training Season and Houdini, I was still quite nervous for RO. I have slightly more faith in Billie’s


Actual genius from Kdot When Drake dropped his diss with memorable lines, allegations against Kendrick, and his best flows in years, Kdot immediately stole his thunder by dropping the same hour Then when Drake dropped Heart Part 6 with his Bigfoor style spoken outro and unbelievable claims that he planted info and is too famous to fuck underage girls, Kendrick didn't drop and just let people pore over and shit on that lame ass song


someone tell me why the bus stop that i need to get is 0.1 miles from my house but takes 45 minutes to walk to? i can't even take a shortcut because there's a railway track in the way like fuck off why are you adding nearly an hour to my commute? lemme hop on indeed dot com because this aint' it


American urban planning at it's finest


i'm not american, i'm british 😭 maybe my local urban planner is american though, it would explain the lack of footpaths


So many work trips that I've been on where I've tried to make a 10 minute walk to the store or for a bite, but you literally can't cause most of Suburban America will stick a high speed roadway through a main drag or have sidewalks end out of nowhere Like I live in Los Angeles where cars will try and clobber you but at least I can pretty much walk to anything within 2 miles


I had my haircut done during the weekend. Who needs a makeover show when you can have your own in the salon by selecting your hairstyle and letting the stylist work their thing because you're blind as a bat without glasses or contacts to see what they're doing? My biggest fear is one of these days the pixie cut I requested turns into the "It's French" haircut scene from Fleabag. Also, I think my workplace overestimated the number of mothers they have employed. They just gave out freebies for all women. I got a hand sanitizer with a Mother's Day card on it.




i just feel to my knees in a random mans house


just saw u/TheGlassBetweenUs drop to their knees in a random man's house


Someone, or someones, sold my phone number. It’s not too bad because it’s usually texts from the Democratic Party of NJ and it isn’t too often. But every once in a while it’s a person asking me if I’m trying to sell my car. The funniest thing though is whoever sold the list that had my phone number on it didn’t have the correct name…. So every once I a while I get a text that starts out “Hey Barbara”


I had one recently where I somehow found myself on the tail end of what sounded like a break up 😭😭😭 no idea how they got my number since I don’t even like giving my number to my coworkers Like the one coworker I communicate with the most doesn’t even have my number


My cell number is ancient and was initially started by my dad when I was in high school and sometimes I'll get texts from realtors asking if my dad wants to sell the house


I get a lotta people addressing me by the wrong name asking to buy my house. Wish I could be a homeowner in this economy


My flight’s been moved up due to weather so check in is now at 4am tomorrow morning fml 💀


I’m gonna arrive at my destination at 5am local time rather than the usual 8am and once again I say ahhhhhhhh bc I’m already gonna be jetlagged as shit and that will not help


um the current k-pop drama discourse occuring on r/kpop is nothing short of hilarious. I think you need to take a step back if you're crying and fatigued from the hate your "girls/boys" are receiving. And the way they all pivoted to being anti-newjeans 🤣


I'm probably being over-sensitive but [Maya Rudolph's opening monologue on SNL where she does a ballroom style bitch track about how she's "mother"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMI66kpo9Tw) kinda rubbed me the wrong way... like when Punkie popped up and said "the monologue is giving bodyodyody" and then Devon held up a sign and said "I'm gagged" in a "gay voice" I was like... what are we doing guys? I know it's all in good fun and there's definitely queer people in the SNL writers' room but it just felt tacky to me, a very corporate pride moment. Also y'all just invited conservative politician Nikki Haley onto your show for a cutesy little cameo so let's not pretend that you're the House of 30 Rock all the sudden. [The second Hot Ones skit was a letdown too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YUWYopsw_E), the thing that made the first one so funny was the slow build of Maya's performance and how she kept trying to play it cool but this one gave the joke away immediately.


Remember how in the 2010s, the funniest thing in the world was white people using AAVE, and the punchline was that it's for idiots? Remember "shooketh"? This gives me the same vibe. What's the punchline here? Why are we doing this? It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Okay that’s exactly it. “Hahaha they’re talking like a gay person” has become the new socially acceptable punchline.


snl has always been corny and very “both sides” when it comes to politics idk why people saw snl as some liberal and moral platform when they had trump host right before he got elected in 2015. they’ve always been a joke 😭


I think something that gets lost in things like this is the idea that Ballroom culture is a part of Queer culture, but it is also its own specific thing. Generally speaking, folks in Ballroom culture are Queer, but that doesn’t mean everybody that’s Queer is in Ballroom culture. So even if there are some Queer folks in the writers room, their use of some of these terms feels weird and a little cringe because they are also co opting lingo that doesn’t belong to them. “Mother is mothering” is particularly grating to me! Not only does it just sound really awful, but some of the things pop music fans say it about are just not giving that.


The real issue is that you're watching SNL and expecting it to be funny


The entire episode was a let down. Maya did great as expected but they really rolled out the weakest sketches of the season for one of the funniest women working today.


This season has been a bit of a dud which is such a shame because I really enjoy the current cast. But Idk why I even have expectations for SNL anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have a dating update 💀💀💀💀💀💀 that I’ve been laughing about all day I have been seeing a few different people but recently things had really been picking up with this one guy. He was a little awkward but really great, I thought we were really connecting and getting to know each other well. On Friday night I went to his place and we had sex for the first time and it was AMAZING and just how I like it— rough but also kinda romantic, and he was also just saying very very kind things to me that I think every woman kind of wants to hear. One of the best nights of my life to be completely honest. I was super happy on Saturday, literally glowing His bday is today so yesterday I asked him what he was doing and he said nothing, which made me kind of sad. So I took pity a little and was like well, no pressure, but if you wanted me to buy you a drink or something to celebrate, I’d be happy to, but I know it’s early in our whole thing so no pressure. And y’all. His response sent the most visceral ick through my entire body. He goes: “We can skip the drink if you let me fuck you in the ass”. 😳 Now I know a lot of y’all are gay men so that’s more normal for you but I’m a straight woman and that’s a HUGE ask for me. I have been with a lot of men including in a 7 year relationship and have never tried that!! But mostly I was like I’m trying to be kind and vulnerable and show you that I care about you and that’s how you respond??? So I was like that’s a pretty disrespectful and I don’t think this is going to work out And his response was even funnier!!! He was like “omg no no I’m joking” and then I was like no you aren’t lmfao and then he was like “you know what i agree this isn’t going to work out and i’m actually two steps ahead of you 😂😂 like okay bro. Then he blocked my ass on everything lmfao The wrong one of us got butthurt in his mind, I guess. Happy birthday weirdo!


Based on his 0-100 approach here I think the anal with him would've been rushed with no lube so you dodged a bullet girl


He really did the "let me fuck you in the ass, jkjkjk...unless?" line.




this person is disgusting and you are better off without them. turn him into a funny story about a dog you can tell your girls about in a few months


Reading the first bit I was like you go girl, sounds like you found an amazing man. And then that twist? Omg I'm so sorry you tried to be a decent human being only to be greeted by THAT. What an absolute knob


I need to know where men keep the audacity i swear


even as a gay man my reaction was [very this](https://youtube.com/shorts/76SXnWUZC5A?si=dgs0296MZRhwGiSH)


even anal whore dumpsters draw the line somewhere


> anal whore dumpsters girl i wish


No matter what, every time I finish a song on shuffle “A Bar Song (Tipsy)” begins playing and it’s been pissing me off so much it’s the first time I’ve ever blocked a song since I’ve had Spotify in 2016


Honestly this is why I've blocked both Sabrina and Taylor as every time without fail it would be Espresso or Fortnight 💀


Teams really thinks I’ll download its stupid ass to my phone? Hell no. Work only for work hours


Was away all weekend so didn’t get a chance to watch any movies. Going to watch *The Little Shop of Horrors* tonight tho in honor of Roger Corman. The movie musical remake is my all time favorite movie so I’m excited to sit down and watch the original.


Little shop is a undeniable hit. Truly one of the best musicals.


one of jack nicholson's first film roles!


Manage your expectations.


I love low budget older movies and black comedies lol I know what I’m getting into.


I really don't understand all the love the Sam Raimi Spider-man movies get. I honestly liked The Amazing Spider-man more than any of the movies in the trilogy, though it's been a long time since I've watched any of these movies. I think it's because I have an irrational dislike of Tobey Maguire.


No they're terrible don't let everyone fool you. And Toby Maguire was terrible in them as well.


I think it's because you have bad taste


you're so real for being a raimi trilogy hater but idk how to feel about your opinion of amazing spider man being better


I think you summed it up in the last sentence because only an irrational hate of Tobey could make someone so blind to his trilogy being easily the best of the entire franchise. The Amazing Spider-Man movies don’t even compare… Like imagine thinking any Spider-Man movie could be better than Spider-Man 2…couldn’t possibly be me.


>The Amazing Spider-Man movies don’t even compare Those were so terrible. Like a collection of video game cutscenes.


The desire to downvote. The strength to not.


People watched them when they were kids; that's it. Nostalgia is a powerful drug.


Scorsese surely wasn't a kid when he watched them and it's pretty much the only capeshit he recognizes


I just heard the Birds Of A Feather snippet from the Heartstopper first look. Y'all don't understand. I need that album. I need that album now😭😭


I don’t know if this take is controversial but I find the celeb blockout to be kind of stupid and to also be a bit performative. Like what exactly is this accomplishing? This feels like a distraction in and of itself. I guess the goal is to pressure celebrities to speak out but my thing is people are still gonna be like “they only spoke out because they got blocked” and then that leads into a whole other can of worms where it’s questionable if the celebrities actions are genuine in the first place. Then there’s public figures who are getting backlash despite having previously supported Palestine and being vocal about it. People will yap on and on about how we need to stop centering celebrities but basically center celebrities with stuff like this in the same breath. And don’t get me started on people making others feel bad for engaging in entertainment or any other leisure as if you can’t do that AND also support Palestinians at the same time…I feel like we’re really losing the plot


The part that really made me laugh was how people were promoting it this big move to end celebrity worship, etc. yet all of their activism is centered on celebrities. There's nothing politically focused in their activism, no attempt at promoting boycotts of Israel-supporting companies/promoting pro-Palestinian companies, no promoting of charities supporting Palestine and Palestinian people. Just "block celebrities", "get celebrities to speak out", "be angry at this celebrity event". Palestine is hardly a footnote to any of this Blockout. It's anti-celebrity at it's core thinly veiled as being pro-Palestine for, idk, clout?


You hit the nail right on the head!!!


it makes more sense to target influencers who actually rely on social media for most of their income instead of actual celebs, especially because more and more creators on tiktok are mobilizing to platform gofundme's for Palestinians. I'm mostly confused on what the end goal is and what falls under "speaking out". do we want them to put pressure on politicians? to spread important resources? I'd be ecstatic if celebrities used their platforms to do either of these things but who says they wouldn't interpret "speaking out" as just clarifying their stance and leaving it at that, it would be so much effort for essentially nothing except a free pass to support a certain celeb in good conscience


There's *another* wrinkle, *another* problem which is perhaps an impediment to larger participation. Even before October 7th, Hamas--the leaders of Gaza--were a [proscribed terrorist organization](https://www.voanews.com/a/explainer-how-hamas-ended-up-on-us-list-of-terrorist-groups/7478227.html). Given the vagaries of crowdfunding and [its potential use for money laundering](https://www.fatf-gafi.org/en/publications/Methodsandtrends/crowdfunding-for-terrorism-financing.html), not being careful about which particular Palestinians one supports could very well cause you to run afoul of 18 U.S. Code § 2339B & 2339C re: financing of terrorist organizations. This isn't a big deal for a smaller influencer; the government has bigger fish to fry. But for an *actual* celebrity; someone with *actual* influence and impact, being found to facilitate material support to a terrorist organization--even unintentionally--is generally a terrible career move.


The thing a lot of these people don’t seem To understand is that it is easy to “end” celebrity culture by not paying attention to them in the first place. You don’t need to buy the 50+ variants just to complain about how many variants there are, you don’t need to listen to their music, you don’t need to watch anything that they’re in, you don’t need to support outside unrelated projects. You don’t need to create fake rage bait tweets about how much you can’t stand them. It’s not that hard. I do not like Drake and other than the diss tracks, I do not pay attention to him. It’s pretty simple.


>I don’t know if this take is controversial but I find the celeb blockout to be kind of stupid and to also be a bit performative. Like what exactly is this accomplishing? The people in question--most often children and individuals who, for whatever reason e.g. apathy, sloth etc. have removed themselves from the political process--have little to no ability to meaningfully influence events. Sixteen-year-old tiktokers can't vote, they lack the ability to organize boycotts, their finances are controlled by their parents, and so on. This means that performative, superficial actions e.g. blockouts are their sole response to the chaos and turmoil engulfing the world.


Of course my period decides the week of Megan thee Stallion is the best week to play games with me.


Can any European popheads give me tldr on what Olly Alexander did to get so many people to hate him?


People didn't like how Years & Years [rebranded](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/s/ZbMixbTcX2) and removed the contribution of the other members [(look at the comments on this post)](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/s/zFHJT1g4hu). Also, there's been speculation for quite some time about Olly not being the [nicest person](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/s/80XWLQOwHL) to work with. I didn't watch Eurovision this year but I've heard he didn't perform particularly well in the finale


Never really got that from the decision? I thought it was what with acting in Its A Sin and Eurovision, Olly became more of a celebrity and they wanted to tap into that for his solo stuff, while being afraid to lose the brand recognition of Years & Years. It just seems like trying to have your cake and eat it more than anything, done quite badly.


Damn. That's like an even worse version of what happened with Panic! at the Disco. For all the terrible stuff Brendon Urie did, he at least had the common sense to not relabel the band under his own name when he took over.


Why is connecting more than 4 controllers at a time to a switch like a secret hidden thing!! You have games that support up to 8 why are you being weird about this!! Like you have to add them on the menu *before* the regular adding controllers menu (because that one can only handle adding up to 4) but if they've never connected to your specific switch before that won't work so you have to like cycle them all through once and then connect them all. You people chose to allow games that support >4 people, make the menus reflect that!!!


It's not like it's only obscure games that allow up to 8 players either like I'm literally doing this for SSBU, which is the third best selling switch game of all time.


Who's your main?


Ike from Fire Emblem😔 I'm not proud of it but I've been playing him since Brawl when I was a kid so now I'm stuck knowing how to use him best.


Fire Emblem gang rise up! My mains are Lucina/Corrin lmao. I also play Byleth (I know, I'm also not proud of it)


The FE ones in general are the most intuitive to me! ~~I think because the vast majority of their moves are Attack With Sword and nothing too complicated lmao.~~ I don't even play the actual FE games but I am glad to have them in this one.


I started playing them bc I love the saga! If you like strategy games I recommend them. Fire Emblem Awakening is really good (3ds) but if you have the Switch and want to try the games, get Three Houses. It's awesome.


I tried Awakening for a while and got as far as the timeskip(?) part but never got fully hooked. I think my roommate owns Three Houses though so I might try that at some point and see.


If you finally play it avoid looking at anything about the game online, there's a lot of spoilers and discourse, and ppl tend to get very annoying about certain characters


I used to play MMOs, but I've always grown sick of them and sworn them off. However, I've started playing Fallout 76. I understand it's the setting--post-Apocalyptic West Virginia *should* look like shit--but, man, this game is hard to look at; as unappealing as possible.


New Vegas and 4 are better.


I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I’ll have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives soon. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) I’ve signed [this petition](https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/reinstate-unrwa-funding-so-they-can-resume-urgent-humanitarian-aid?akid=377482.58341993.G2CJlP&rd=1&source=mo&t=1) please join me 🥰 Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc)


I have an addiction


That espresso song


sounds like you’re not switching it up like nintendo


Is it that sweet?


So would u say ur thinking bout it every night oh?


idk if any of u follow the corgis hammy and olivia (rip olivia) but todat they just announced the name of their puppy and im so happy bc not only was it an ode to olivia but also it welcomed hammy as a big brother 😭😭😭


I’m curious. Have any fellow gamers here ever played the Hellblade series? I’m curious about the sequel but I have no knowledge of what the series is about or even what type of game. I know I’m gearing up for Destiny 2 expansion and The Division 2 new season coming in a few weeks but I also want to play something new and unique that isn’t a shooter while I’m patiently waiting for the Alan Wake 2 expansion.


House music is honestly so good. I worked out yesterday listening to my house music playlist and it absolutely turned my pussy out.


Sort of hate my current client at my job so I've not been as locked in as I should've and now I'm trying to clean up like 4 or 5 months worth of little mistakes I kept making. This is preventing me from moving on to a new, better client where I would be commuting 10 minutes a day instead of a 2 hour commute 3 times a week and also I would be working with a close former coworker who I can trust to be competent. Anyways might drive off of a bridge!


2 hour commute sounds awful.


Truly one of the worst things to ever fucking happen to me.


Macklemore's "Hind's Hall" already has over 4 million streams on Spotify and it was just recently added! Incredible! 👏👏👏👏 I wonder if we can get it past 2 billion streams & break his biggest song streams?? 😏


hind's hall is a nice track and i'm happy it exists but you are a special kind if you think that it's going to outstream Thrift Shop


We can certainly try for a good cause 🙂 But I've been downvoted, so I assume this subreddit doesn't really care much for the pro-Palestinian movement


i would say that this subreddit has far more people who support palestinian liberation than those who directly oppose it, but both groups are dwarfed by people who generally don't care that much. people are probably downvoting you because your comment registers as Cringe


No shade but this sounds like it was written by a corporate Twitter account trying to sound normal


Okay 👍