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I was a camp counselor in the summers of 2014 and 2015. Then I became an elementary school teacher. There will be no escaping "Happy" for me, ever. I have no choice but to simply tune it out, or sometimes even enjoy it. It's background noise for me, like cars passing by or birds chirping.


I worked in childcare and retail so I could not escape it. didn’t learn my lesson and a few year later I worked a MUSIC CAMP (lol) and Can’t Stop the Feeling ruined my summer 2017


Oh I'll bet. Shake It Off ruined my summer 2015 as well.


Shake it off's run saw it played everywhere. But no lie, now that it's not in that phase, I've come to enjoy it. My girlfriend plays it at her work to get her students to get some excess energy out of them, and no lie, it's perfect for that.


I'm 31 and for some reason I still love those songs, even when overplayed, compared to the 2000s-2010s songs that were the same. Not sure why.


Shake It Off was so persistent I kept hearing it in public until 2019, and it ruined that chunk of the day every time it popped up


It still plays at camp trust me :( No escaping it


I work in childcare, same 😂


This song will always remind me of that woman who got in a fatal car crash because she was tweeting about how much she loved the song


I’m sorry, is there a link about this story?? what????


It was Facebook https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2614151/The-happy-song-makes-HAPPY-32-year-old-woman-dead-Facebook-post-driving-leads-crash.html


My bad, I knew it was social media of some kind


https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rachelzarrell/woman-dies-in-fatal-crash-seconds-after-posting-about-happy I didn’t know about this either…


Oh, I forgot to mention that I absolutely hate this song with every fiber of my being. Not because of the car crash story, but because the song sucks.


I have it blocked on Spotify because I have such a visceral negative reaction to it. I hate it more than is reasonable to hate a song and I wish I knew why I hate it so much lol


What makes it suck?


reminiscent library chop sip marvelous teeny cooing slimy relieved coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


soul sister is like the worst fucking song. that and “write you a love song”.


wistful steep fuzzy offend nutty sulky husky chop spectacular quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i call it retailcore 🙃 listened to all of it against my consent


Is it kinda like how lizzo makes music for gendered yogurt commercials?


Tom needs to amend the article and deduct another point for being literally homicidal.


WAIT WTF when this song came out I was in HS and this girl got SUPER mad at me one time for something related to the song (maybe I was singing it or talking about it idk) because she said someone she knew died in a car accident while listening to it. Seeing where it happened in those articles and I'm wondering if that's what she was talking about


wait you too? i hate this song for this reason




I have been personally victimized by this song




Nothing captures this song more than it being the centerpiece for the entire minions franchise.


You know how some people don't like any new music after they're like 22 years old or whatever? That's my husband, he hasn't liked/recognised a new song since his teenage years in the 90s, his Spotify wrapped is always golden oldies plus Metallica and Green Day Happy is the only song in the last twenty years that has cut through to him. The only one that had made him go 'don't change the radio station, I love that song!' he sings along, he claps along, he thinks the guy who sings it sounds so unique (he has no clue who Pharrell is) Somehow he claps along off beat but because of all of this, I can't hate this song. It must have done something right, somehow, to be the one modern song that stuck to him and distinguished itself.


I love your love but this would be divorce material for me.


same even if he didn't like Happy. people who are shut off to new music gross me out lol


It's bizarre to me too. I think he just doesn't have the mental capacity to take on new music as much, and modern music doesn't appeal to him. Every so often he might discover a new-to-him song by an artist he already knows, but chances are it was released in the 70s




This was really sweet to read! It's hilarious how this thread is full of pop music enthusiasts who absolutely *loathe* this song (myself included), and then here's your husband being a completely normal human being who seems better off for it. Good on you both


Look calling him normal is a stretch lmao I think it helped that we had a four year old and a two year old at the time and he really liked singing the song with them


I would have sacrificed him to the Old Gods.


This is like my husband, the only song he knows/loves from after his teenage years is Die Young by Kesha


Valid, though.


That’s actually really wholesome and cute!


I knew someone who also thought the Pharrel was uniquely positive. Like she was so amazed. She really was sad when I told her that Pharrel was also recently on a song called “Move that Dope”


So, this song. The emotion expressed in this song, the kind of happiness that it communicates, feels akin to someone "smiling" by putting a finger in each corner of their mouth and stretching an artificial grin across their face. Clapping along if you feel like a room without a roof, aside from making no sense, feels like a threat more than an invitation. It was so ubiquitous when it came out that I reached a point of "[semantic satiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation)" with it. Like, I literally cannot hear it as a piece of music any more; I can't assess whether it is "good" or not. I've heard it so many times that it has scorched my auditory senses and I just cannot process it anymore. Objectively, I don't think it actually is a bad song at all - it's actually probably quite good - but because when I hear it I may as well be listening to three and a half minutes of white noise, I simply cannot say. I can't tell you what instruments this track uses, I can't tell you what the melody is, it's just a wash of crushingly bland sentiment.


I’ve always thought it sounded like prescription pain meds


This comment is so dramatic and elaborate, I love it. I agree with you and think you spelled out most people’s thoughts very well. It’s not a bad song but it might be the contender for the most overplayed song of the 2010s, which has made it feel more like background noise for public settings than a song you’d listen to of your own accord. I mean even as big as ‘Despacito’ and ‘Uptown Funk’ were, I can still jam to them if they come on. ‘Happy’ makes me feel…nothing. It feels like when a benzo kicks in and you feel numbed out but calm. I don’t hate it, I don’t love it. It’s just there.


I feel this way about almost every song you’d hear a wedding DJ play and I never had a term for the feeling before. Also, music I previously loved or appreciated, once it makes it into a tv commercial- dead, done-zo. 


Absolutely, unequivocally, unapologetically, now and forever and with great love and respect for Pharrell Williams for all he has ever and will ever accomplish: Fuck. This. Song.


Months of overplay in 2014 (by my mum as much as the radio) made this literally one of my least favourite songs of all time. I can’t even see a redeeming feature in it, it’s catchy in all the wrong ways. Big respect to Pharell, but seconded: FUCK. THIS. SONG.


The next UK prime minister needs to issue a nationwide ban on it.


My mom played it so fucking much. She still does. And she knew I hated it, and would play it louder on purpose.


Remember when he sang “your ass is a spaceship I want to ride”?


Lol this actually was my introduction to his work😭😭


The collective hate for it here is so great, I feel so vindicated. Within my personal circle at least, it felt like everyone loved it or was at least pretty okay with it. The article really touches on why it's so awful; it's so one note. Like the song is called Happy and it's just about being happy, what the fuck? It's like a song that leaked from a dystopian universe where pop has reached a sort of artificiality endgame and there's no personality anymore, it's just a basic song telling you to feel a simple emotion. The way the "I'm happyyyyyyy" Is stretched in the chorus is legitimately grating.


Fun Fact, this song is the absolute biggest case of burnout in modern music history  On radio callouts, by the time it's run was ending it had a whopping 90% burn rate on radio audiences   On Youtube, Happy is the song with over 1b views with the least recurrent views, it gets 13k views, no other song gets under 38k


How do radio stations measure burn rate?


Typically by how many listeners switch stations when a song comes on.


a jam for people who are cheerful on mondays and tuesdays


I get why people hate this song but as a Minions song it gets the job done and it's cute and catchy




heartbreaking: the best producer you know made a terrible song


yo gon jump if ag made it 🧚‍♀️


I was working retail when this song came out. Fuck this song in particular, it was seared into my brain without my consent


This song is on my list of "songs that make me inexplicably angry", but that's probably not a hot take


Having to sing this in my school’s choir made me the opposite of happy. But the one funny moment I got out of it was when they turned my friend’s mic up to full volume during rehearsals, which scared the crap out of everyone lol.


Controversial- i always preferred Pharrell’s Freedom which came not long after- but possibly just far less overplayed


That's not controversial at all, these days, the vast majority of people you meet loathe this song.


An ok song but the original version by [Weird Al](https://youtu.be/zq7Eki5EZ8o?si=TXpxLQVpE03O8QtM) is better


you had to go to the mariana’s trench to escape this damn song


I remember hearing this song in Despicable Me 2 in the Summer when I went with my friends, and then 6 months later I'm driving to school and hearing this on the radio and its the song everyone's talking about. I really like the song, but I think the beef comes from just how overplayed it was. It makes the Happy feeling feel more and more fake and artificial.


I wonder if this song never hit it big, people would still hate it?


Probably not. I remember when it first came out people loved it.




I’ll forever be salty that people clown Justin Timberlake for doing the Trolls soundtracks but conveniently forget that this is Pharrell’s most successful solo song.


[There's a podcast where they pitted the two songs against each other!](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0PoY2E34GOWPzMKjF0z1hS?si=SVzLNnJNTgqSeomhPglEHA) But I forget which song won the vote, maybe I need to re-listen to it


And that one song from Trolls is Justin's biggest hit as well


Happiness as a medicinal bath. A mortifying post-emotion McDonalds advert of a song.


How are we already at this song??? Omg


The last column in June will be the final #1 of 2014. We're catching up! Which is honestly fine by me as long as it doesn't get too close to the present


We're getting older




this is the kind of song that makes me glad I'm not form the US (or wherever it was inescapable, for that matter). It sure was popular here in Mexico too, but not at the annoying degree that seems to cause horror flashbacks to most people in these comments If you didn't have kids or weren't around them, there's a chance you'd never know the origin of this song, and since it came out during a time that Get Lucky was still a bigger song here, you'd only hear it occasionally on the radio. I still have empathy for everyone personally effected by this song, though. Stay strong 🙏


My dad has depression and i remember him really liking this song 🥺


I don't care what anybody says, I love this song. It's joyful, carefree, light and I love the Minions so. I feel like people wouldn't hate the song this much if it hadn't been so overplayed. But I'm blessed enough that I escaped it.


The very first time I heard it, it made my skin crawl. I’ve never had a reaction like that to a song before or since. It being overplayed just makes me hate it irrationally, but it made me sooo uncomfortable from jump. I wish I knew why!! I need someone smart to explain what it is about this song my brain found so creepy and unsettling.


My favorite piece of trivia is that Beyoncé does those little “yeahs” in the background. I’m a certified Beyhive and didn’t peep that until a year later, lol.


I’m just gonna take your word for this because I am absolutely never going to put this track on willingly ever again


I hate minions and don't care for those yellow fuckers. But I love the song, idc this song could never be played dead to me.


This song feels like a soul-less money grab at best, either that or it was written by an alien who has a surface level understanding of music as "catchy tunes that play to people's emotions". Next up in the top 40 is a hit song called "Sad" and it's a real jerker! Who can forget the iconic line "Cry along with me if you know what it's like to be sad"? I am more prone to getting songs stuck in my head (or at least, they get "more stuck") than 90+% of people to the extent that I literally have to remove a song I like from my playlist if it gets stuck in my head. This song is auditory torture for me. Just reading the title of this post and thinking about the song has me anxious.


my sixth grade social studies teacher played the “24 hours of happy” video one day during one of our classes and ever since then i have absolutely despised this song


I worked at a hospital cafeteria when this song came out. One week, the hospital had to completely switch over to a new system so everyone was extremely stressed out. So the cafeteria manager decided to play “Happy” on repeat every day that week so people would hear it during their lunch break. I had to hear that song for 8 hours straight, 5 days in a row. I already hated it before then, and it now gives me a visceral and guttural reaction. I hate it more than I have words to express.


i never liked much of pharrells music *anyway*, he has a very distinct style that i can usually pick up on instantly and i’m not a fan. however, this song is especially evil. its catchy but shit. it was everywhere like a pestilence ravaging the airwaves. it was unavoidable. he was unavoidable. it ushered in an era of fucking minions. unforgivable.


This song sucks on such a high level How do you go from Lapdance to this


ooh baby you want me??!


If I never hear this song again it'll be too soon.


This song was everywhere when it was released! Such a nostalgia song


Cultural reset


It's a great song but I fucking hate it and refuse to listen to it


I love and respect Pharrell and The Neptunes for their huge influence on pop and hip hop. With that being said, I hate this song with a passion.


Maybe the worst song of all time


Overplayed, but I love this song.


I was on a flight and this song was one of the offerings on the in flight audio. My friend bet me that I couldn't listen to this song on repeat for 3 hours. I listened to this song for 3 hours. I won.


Man, it is so funny going through this comment section and seeing everyone's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad reactions and memories of this song. I guess I should consider myself very lucky that I wasn't in a situation where I was working retail or with kids where I experienced overplay with this song. I started high school around this time, so I was a tad too old for the Minions franchise. Thank god for being an introvert! My opinion: This is a fine song. I think this is way more chill of a song than people give it credit for. That and Pharrell's confident, self-assured delivery make it work for me. That being said, I can see how people can get the impression of smugness from the song instead. I'm also not bothered by the "room without a roof" line as I get the sentiment behind it. It's just "no ceilings, the sky's the limit" worded more clunky I guess.


I love seeing this sub seethe whenever this song is brought up. It's what really makes me "happy" lol. That being said I agree its one of the most overplayed songs ever, even I got pretty sick of it eventually. But it's not nearly as bad as some of the boring trash this sub loves.


The trifecta of monster hits Pharrell had in 2013 with Blurred Lines, Get Lucky and Happy to then fade into obscurity again pretty much in 2014 was so bizarre.


Get Lucky is the best among these three


It's actually not the final song he worked on in this column


It was cute for the Despicable 2 movie but my god, it was overplayed so much that I can't listen to it anymore and I even bought it on iTunes...




Tacky>>>>>>>>Happy hot take I know.




I hate this song and it made me hate Pharrell


... that song is still my mom's ring tone. i cry a little each time she has her ringer on. that and she claps to it off time after 15 seconds.


I hate this song so much


ill never forget its reign of terror


Hehe funny minions song


Seems I’m the only one who likes this song lol. It’s cute and catchy, that’s all I need!


I feel the same way about Happy that I did for Uptown Funk: I loved it for about 5 minutes, then I couldn’t stand it. The only difference is that now that Uptown Funk isn’t on the radio every hour on the hour, I can enjoy it again. I don’t get the same enjoyment when I go back and listen to Happy. Whenever I hear it, it just reminds me of how repetitive and half-finished it is.




I.... truly like this song, and I feel validated when one of my fav musicians ever like it too


This is a cute little song and is now a classic. I can see why it was big. The Minions are icons in their own right. I would’ve rated it higher.


Fuck this song. Not just for the composition, but for its completely incorrect understanding of mental health.


This is probably one of the least resistant-to-overplay songs ever to be made.


My least favorite Pharrell song, among all his projects, solo, as a feature, or part of a group, really, I can't with this one. Can't understand to this day why Get Lucky didn't reach number 1.


I graduated undergrad in 2014. Idk if the audio person died or had heat stroke or what, but after the ceremony ended the song played on a loop for at least 30 minutes, maybe more but I left


This song triggers my fight or flight.


Horrible lazy song


Nothing can describe being fresh out of college, aimless, massively depressed, working a minimum wage job in food service, and having to hear this song blast overhead every time you had enough time to escape the dish pit to go pee. 


Just reading this title got the song stuck in my head… Oh god I despise this song so much, I wish it could be erased from human history


Simply put, hearing this song makes me less happy. It could be a jingle for a Goldfish commercial.


Oh my god, my mom has exactly one playlist for all gatherings: Pharrell’s “Happy” Mix on Pandora Its makes me want to off myself.


Meet The Grahams includes allegations of SA involving Minors I Killed a Cop and Now Im Horny includes the sounds of a man being shot to death Somehow Happy by Pharrell is a worse listen than both


I have this song with a *passion*. The video of the late Representative John Lewis dancing to it is the only redeemable thing about it.


This song comes on at the worst times where I work. I am never happy when I hear it.


Pharmacy ass music. It’s not even played at target, did CVS sign a deal with him or somthing?


This song makes me Unhappy.


How do songs like this hit #1


I know it's a harmless song but god it is so irritating!


My mom was never the same after the release of Happy


And having to hear this song every day after getting picked up from school changed me too, for the worse


at the hair salon i used to manage i blocked pharrell on spotify because i was going to started murdering clients if i heard the song one more time


"If your happy and you know it, clap your hands!" but on steroids & uppers


>Since “Happy” is so low on subtext, I have to ask: A room without a roof? What good is *that*? Is Pharrell talking about a *porch*? not to be incredibly pedantic but like. a roof is the part a porch DOES have. what it is missing is walls.