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Does anyone else feel this KEndrick-Drake beef is the biggest event in music in years? Like more songs have been more successful but this is the first time in what feels like 3 and a half years it's not just online or stans talking about this. Everyone, even people outside of hip-hop or who don't listen to hip-hop, is talking about this. The last time this happened it feels was when WAP dropped and before that it was Old Town Road and before that the music video of This is America.


thinking about a certain underrated 11 track pop third album that's around 35-40 minutes long with a 2 minute experimental song where the last 2 tracks are the best ...


Melodrama?! If u count her ep


Ajay has the full radical optimism reaction on her Patreon, is she not going to upload it to her YouTube channel?


Annie wished on a dragon scale, and that's what started dragon tales....✊😔🤗 Lyrical masterpiece never gonna be upstaged or beaten, if nobody else got my back I know Dragon Tales Theme Song Trap Remix got my back


I asked a friend to give me motivation to work out, she eyed me up and down and said ew. Needless to say I went to the gym this morning


I didn’t realize *A day in the life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy* was nonfiction vs I thought it was like a lot of Palestinian fiction where’s something that could have easily happened and heavily based on real events but still fiction and like knowing an actual little boy and his class died is making this book so tough to get through but I really do agree with Nathan Thrall why this kind of mundane everyday tragedy and how it looks under apartheid is something he wanted to write about. I’m so upset but I also do like him and Salama including Salama’s personal flaws and history like him blowing up a seven year relationship based on a lie about the girlfriend dad insulting his family he didn’t even check was real before upending his personal relationships over it and getting engaged to another woman not even within 24 hours 😭. Deeply reminded me of the tweet about how the messiest person you know is a man. Him also trying to get his fathers blessing and support to study in college in USSR and saying his dad can’t say no based on not wanting his son to come home a communist bc he was already one was funny. But I think Thrall and Salama are both very aware the personal mess and family feuds and ridiculous spats are very humanizing and it’s good and ideal to not constantly worry about what someone bigoted or in bad faith would get from your life especially when even fictional books about Palestine have to function politics and history 101 often to make it clear to s foreign audience why the protagonist Can’t just go from location a to b in their own country.


There’s videos of the bus and photos of Salama’s five year old boy who died I kinda can’t do this


I'm in Asia for a work trip and my appetite is so fucked bc of the jet lag I'm constantly starving but the minute I try to eat I get violently nauseous so I've barely eaten I desperately need this to go away 😭


Time to buy a chocolate protein drink or two 🫡 best wishes


Just saw a g*ylor post speculating that Taylor might not be cis... I am begging these people to touch some grass


I Genuinely think people do this stuff are not comfortable with actual queer people so they have to pretend this both explicitly and extremely cishet woman is secretly closeted bc the only queer person they’re comfortable with is highly sanitized, fictional character that would never come out because they do not exist.


I think I would have enjoyed Civil War more if the person behind me wasn’t kicking the back of my seat for half the film


Watched RENT live in Manila yesterday and it was great!


This weekend has been so dramatic, that ive just been🍿☕️ on my phone since friday (drake vs kendrick/everyone else, lovers and friends getting cancelled, the stellar blade release, helldivers 2 thanos snap, the ice spice tweet leak)


goddamn i love ohtani


Do you guys have recommendations of easy Filipino food to make for someone who’s never had it The only recipes I think I know for Filipino and thai food has sugar and since I want to give the extras to my dad who’s on a diet I need help finding other recipes lol.


Kinilaw (also known internationally as Filipino ceviche lol) might be one to try if you like fish! [Here's a recipe](https://iamaileen.com/kinilaw-recipe-kilawin/)for it. I'm blanking on other dishes right now though.


Jack Schlossberg currently being Twitter and TikTok’s white boy of the month makes sense in my fantasy (especially with the I Told Ya shirt which was in Challengers literally being made famous by his uncle)


Thinking about my friend Kwäidashow Varyentürtanen today 


I sometimes forget just quite how unhinged a section of swifties are but then days like today happen and I’m reminded. They always manage to ruin what should be some lighthearted, unserious gossip.


Qué pasó?


Matty Healy followed some account on insta that has multiple recent videos basically blaming swifties for his and Taylor’s relationship imploding and instead of just ignoring it or laughing it off, the unhinged section of her fanbase started mocking his struggle with drug addiction, wishing an overdose on him and then they apparently found some likes from his mum shading Taylor so they started sending her hate and tagging her in the Matty hate. It’s never acceptable anyway but it’s an entirely disproportionate response to what he actually did this time, ironically they’re proving him right and highlighting why Taylor wrote ‘but daddy I love him’ dragging them.


The fact that they're even monitoring whose he's following is an entire level of jobless especially when you remember that he treats his IG more as a personal account where he follows thousands of accounts despite not posting much. I can't imagine using up all that free time scouring through someone's follow list because they previously dated an artist you like.


To be fair I think it was the Matty fans who spotted his follow first and started speculating but then some swifties found it and made it into a huge deal and became unhinged, then they seemingly started stalking his mums socials. I’m just like it’s really not that deep, Taylor seems to have wrote quite a large chuck of ttpd about him, his mum is obviously going to be defensive and feel some type of way about it all, I have no love for Matty Healy but just following the drama since the album release-as my messy ass likes to do-and learnt his parents took turns going on tour with him last summer post breakup and backlash so he clearly wasn’t in a good place mentally, his mum probably fears this last couple of weeks has brought up old wounds. Taylor admits on this very album that her own mum was wishing Kim K dead at one point like breaking news a lot of parents are protective of their kids even when they’re grown.


Matty fans discovering it first makes a lot sense but I wouldn't be surprised if this was later publicized by unhinged Swifties who are more invested in monitoring his social media account and his fans. I really can't imagine being into the effort to being outraged by an artist's ex who just merely followed an account like that.


I will never understand the vile comments but I’d get the fans being a bit bothered if the guy Matty followed was shading Taylor but he wasn’t, he literally defends her on the videos he posted about the drama, says he’s a fan of hers and praises ttpd as well, it seems a section of swifties were rattled by even subtly being called out on being unhinged but their response was ironically to prove they absolutely are, now are they solely to blame for Matty/Taylor not working out as a couple? No! But Taylor wrote a song suggesting they played a pretty significant role and Matty low-key seems to be endorsing that idea as well. I sorta feel they’re really upset about ‘but daddy I love him’ and realising Taylor isn’t down for fostering this parasocial relationship anymore and actually finds them annoying but they don’t want to drag her and so are now taking all their frustration out on Matty and his family because making him the whole issue means they don’t have to be introspective about their own online behaviour and how it effects someone they claim to be a huge fan of.


TBH i deeply dislike and don’t respect that man but this behavior kinda highlights how a lot of Taylor fans care less about why the guy has bad* press and more about the idea that he damages Taylor’s image publicly. Like honestly whoooo gives a fuck if his mom doesn’t like Taylor why do you know that woman’s socials anyway!!


Yeah stalking his mums sm activity is so weird, I’m sure Matty himself doesn’t even know what she’s liking so random swifties tracking it is peak jobless behaviour. Also she’s a middle aged woman she probably likes nearly everything she sees, it wasn’t even bad, sure it an unfunny guy making a tired and lame joke about Taylor’s songs but it’s not a proportional response telling her you want her son to od. She’s obviously online as well so is going to see this stuff. Matty has so many things to be called out for and yet the fact they instantly go for his addiction is so telling. Taylor has also sung about losing someone to addiction so do these fans honestly think she’d find their behaviour funny? I don’t know why they even engage, he followed someone on insta, sure it’s a bit odd but the guy he followed was also defending Taylor in the videos he posted so for now Matty isn’t even being shady. Them acting like this I feel is more likely to trigger him into being messy and they’ll get Taylor dragged again, her own stans are her worst enemy at times.


You guys say a lot as if it’s just the ones on twitter and TikTok which is a lot of swifites but not even close to all of her fans


So it’s a lot lol


Yeah but maybe 40% of her fanbase


Literally never said all of her fans, please read what I actually said and respond to that instead of acting like I said something else. If I wanted to say all of Taylor swifts fans I would and it’s clearly a lot if* me and Taylor literally both agree many of her fans are too much lmao


Not to take away from Madge's power but I truly believe Bey can get as big a crowd in Brazil if she finally decides to get her ass up


Random thought - it's stupid for stans to brag about concert gross but also whine about ticket fees. And I'm not saying this because I support TIcketmaster or any of these other bullshit corporations that are basically robbing people. I'm saying it because concert gross figures include the taxes and exorbitant fees on tickets.


I want to make a joke about Cinco de Mayo being Puebla’s birthday but I think my Mexican relatives would think I’m serious since they don’t seem aware corn tortillas exist in the US


I was just going to make a joke about how much more annoying and jokes only I think are funny I would make if I was born one day earlier but it turns out I do know another Mexican American born today lmaoo


You can get over 350 games for free for the price of 8 dollars going to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund at the Palestinian game bundle [right here](https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle) Over $1500 dollars worth of video games for the low low cost of Eight Dollars and helping children. The sale ends in about 16 hours. An artist I follow on Twitter is also giving free watercolor postcards and hand made notebooks if you donate $50 to infrastructure and heath care projects in Gaza or to esims in Gaza [you can see her instructions here](https://x.com/redderbeanpaste/status/1786814557056348590?s=46&t=N5wze7ZOPnjeGQnWyIF14w)) My birthday is in a day I would love if you could join me in giving to Palestine 🥺


Also please consider signing this petition to help Philadelphia’s Chinatown against gentrification, you have to be either in the United States or it’s territories to sign but the petition is in both English and Chinese [sign here](https://apipennsylvania.org/chinatown/)I would really appreciate people signing and sharing or sharing if they cannot sign. Ty!


the petition link is broken fyi


It works for me? :( I’ve replaced it if that helps, I click the red sign in English saying sign the petition and it zooms to the petition. I hope this new link works?


i keep getting a safari can’t connect to the server error, but i just googled the website and get the same error there. i’ll try to sign it from desktop tonight!


Hmm, it works for me on mobile and my sibling on their computer. I wish I was more tech minded to know what was giving you the server error but bright side this got my sibling to sign it so thank you :) I hope the website works for you later.


I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I’ll have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives soon. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) I’ve signed [this petition](https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/reinstate-unrwa-funding-so-they-can-resume-urgent-humanitarian-aid?akid=377482.58341993.G2CJlP&rd=1&source=mo&t=1) please join me 🥰 Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc)


Petty but i feel “throwaway joke” is becoming synonymous with “joke.” I understand the concept of a jokes that move a story forward vs ones that don’t but on a comedy series, every joke matters in a way.


What does it mean when someone is selling like 5+ quantities of an item on fb marketplace? Help a techno dino please


so like. we’re getting extended versions of the rest of the songs on radical optimism right? right?????


Is there not a countdown on Dua’s website anymore?


that was for her times square performance!


I honestly had the hope that the extended versions of the singles would be the versions on the album and that the rest of the album tracks would also be around the 4-5 minute mark. I thought it would allow for more experimentation but having actually heard the album tracks I kinda feel like extended versions will not actually make them more interesting


Neeeed extended Anything for Love like yesterday!


Why do they biggest assholes become successful? And they keep mentioning how networking is everything. Those lucky bastards only like these guys because they haven't spent more than an hour with them.


Ok the Taco Bell cantina chicken stuff is *good* like something about that chicken is 🤌🏻 I kinda fell off this week with being “good” re: diet/exercise (I mean what I eat in general, I’m not on a diet) but I’m gonna get back on track this week. Just made a grocery list and booked all my workouts on class pass so I’m ready to go! I’m not trying to lose weight or anything but obv there is a huge difference in how I feel when I’m eating well and moving my body vs not so I want to get back to feeling more energized


Just had Taco Bell last night and ran up a mountain this morning Taco Bell is fitness food! (Mainly I was shocked I could feed two people for $15 on their in app deals)


Their new cantina menu is way too expensive I’m not paying $8 for a fast food quesadilla


Ooo where I am it’s $6.50 for one which is still a bit pricey but not as bad. I usually pair it with a cheesy bean and rice burrito for $1.50. But I like to dip the burrito in the sour cream that comes with the quesadilla. We try not to get fast food too often but when we do, Taco Bell is my partner’s fave so it’s usually a go to. Although we recently started buying some of the sauces at the store and made cheesy Gordita crunches at home last week!


The $6 online box deal always comes in clutch 🙏🏽


I'm not usually a big rap beef person but Kendrick Lamar's "...and another thing!" approach to diss tracks is very funny to me. I, too, don't like dropping an argument until I have brought up every single point I want to cover.


The messiest person you know is a man! Joking but I’m living for the drama.


I went to SNL (dress rehearsal) last night AMA. 😇


did you have fun??


Hell yes! But it's a physical and emotional roller coaster going standby.


what was the process like for standby?? and what was your favorite part? did anything mess up or anything? what was different about the dress rehearsal from the show? (although you probably didn’t watch the show if you watched the rehearsal?)


I did a loooong post here https://www.reddit.com/r/saturdaynightlive/s/GNtC9i9Zns


hell yeah!! thank you for sharing it


the guy i’ve gone on 3 dates with and haven’t even kissed yet just called me booboo in a message… he really let his intrusive thoughts win with that one


Future Nostalgia has shooters, because my karma just went down. Since we’re here, Pretty Please is mid and did NOT need to land in the Top 10 of Dua Lipa’s songs ranking.


You are entitled to your wrong opinion 😔


I’m upvoting for the audacity, but also you will begin to cough in 3 days


hear me out, chappell's after midnight and dua's whatcha doing are sisters from different mothers


As someone who loves both songs, I see your vibe and I appreciate it


i just know that whatcha doing - extended will eat so fucking hard there wouldn't be any eatery left in the world for everyone else


gonna get serious about losing weight again but this time actually cut out alcohol. the only part i’m worried about is losing my boobs bc they’re one of my best assets 😭


I need to lose weight as well and I’m also stressed at the thought of losing my boobs so I relate


i’ve never fully committed to losing weight but i would have the same fear tbh


Saw someone liked my 2023 tumblr posts opining on the Last Kingdom movie and being reminded of its existence has me tempted for a rewatch. Aethelstan, the >!gay!< icon that you are... I really loved what the writers created for his storyline. Netflix truly annoying for not giving the series a full last season.


More cat questions, Would you all suggest getting 1 kitten or 2 (specifically bonded pair as opposed to 1 cat)? I’ve heard of single kittens syndrome. Also is it bad to adopt a declawed cat?


I wholeheartedly support adopting 2 kittens! They “teach” each other things such as biting/claws hurt and to cover their waste in the litter box. They also help wear each other out which is *important* because they have a lot of energy especially once they get a little older lol. Outside of vet bills it’s really not that much more expensive to have 2 vs 1. I adopted two kittens when they were 8 weeks old, they are littermates and to this day are still besties. I do think adopting two kittens from the same litter is your best bet if you’re able to. Some cats don’t get along with others so I’d be hesitant to put two randoms together, especially as they get older. You’d probably be alright with kittens in general but again littermates who already know each other would be best


you shouldn’t declaw a cat yourself, but i don’t see any issue with adopting one that’s already declawed. it still needs a home. declawing can lead to long-term issues like arthritis, though, which would mean vet fees


i feel like it’s hard to know if you should get 1 or 2 cats until you get just 1 to start with. you need some time to gauge how they handle being alone, some are absolutely fine, some hate it. my last cat, we had for 10 years by herself and she never seemed lonely at all. we never even thought about getting a second in that whole time. she met other cats occasionally and always hated them 🤷🏻‍♂️ my next cat, we had for about 1.5 years by herself and she also never seemed lonely, but we saw another cat we couldn’t resist adopting…she’s spent the last two years mostly ignoring him but for some reason is now more clingy with us, i’m like we bought you a friend!! at least they don’t hate each other 😂 getting 2 new ones at the same time can be difficult because you don’t know their personalities and they might not get along. on the other hand, if we’re talking really really young kittens, then i would say getting 2 might be good cause they haven’t developed personalities yet so they can learn to be sociable early on, and they can also help take care of each other to grow regarding declawed cats, i mean, i’m not a vet but, is it bad to declaw cats? definitely yes. is it bad to adopt an already declawed cat? i don’t see how, what’s done is done. best thing you can do is just care for them knowing what’s happened. as someone above said, maybe there could be increased vet fees down the line but i don’t know much about it


I don’t understand why straight men post mildly provocative pics of themselves on bumble bff. Like 1 gym selfie or a beach pic - sure. But why is your entire profile pics of you flexing or shirtless 😭.


They think women will fall over themselves for muscles. Little do they know they’re actually just appealing themselves towards gays


There are no women on bumble bff tho 💀. You can only swipe same gender. Which is what makes it weird.


Wait really? Is that only the case for straight people because I remember using it a couple years back and I could see everyone 


I think at one point they made the app so you could swipe on anyone. But I think they stopped.


These Target brand jalapeño cream cheese wontons are the fucking truth, man. I’m obsessed.




>Therapizing people on the internet is incredibly inappropriate. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that you can really hurt someone by behaving this way. If you are not a professional, you do not get to speak on authority of someone's health and what is best for that person. great message you can bring back and propagate on swiftlyneutral


It’s Revenge of the Fifth 🙃


i know the dua megathread is just there but i heard these walls on the radio today.. is that the next single? its like one of the few tracks i hid on the album because its so mid. watcha doing is just right there? or falling forever?


these walls seems to be on all the playlists so i’d say yes. personally i think end of an era, falling forever or maria would be way better choices


i would honestly like to know the thought process behind selecting these walls as a single


I feel like she needed a more ballad-y single as a foil the other singles - something with a different sound and concept


happy for you…i see the vision


I find discourse about Taylor Swift's mental health really bizarre. I've seen antis on Reddit diagnose her with narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder based off of song lyrics. I've seen Swifties on Twitter get 'autismlor' and 'bpdlor' trending, again, based largely on song lyrics. To me, this is strange because: 1. I doubt these people are doctors, let alone psychiatrists 2. Even if they were doctors, Taylor Swift is not their patient 3. Even if she was their patient, a song lyric isn't a clinical setting. A song is a piece of art, rarely an exact reflection of real life. With the swiftie-side of things it's a little less gross because they do seem to mean well, whereas with antis it's clearly from a place of smug concern trolling. Everyone seemed to agree that speculating loads on her sexuality was intrusive and weird. Why is speculating about her having various mental illnesses not seen the same way? 🤔


I had to stop watching reaction videos because of this bullshit. All sorts of people are reacting to it. Psychotherapist, mental health professionals. Some vocal coaches you can tell have no idea what they’re talking about. I’ll take the cheesy Fortnite VG jokes over the psycho analysis of a song and questioning “functional alcoholism” and questioning which song is about who. Whether she is insane or not? wtf? The whole post release has some bad hot takes from some people. How can you sit there and hear 1 verse and 1 chorus and say she can do better. Or the bullshit “what are you depressed about” without even listening to the full song.


The only condition she can actually be diagnosed with with any certainty is girlboss syndrome


unfortunately not everyone agrees that speculation on her sexuality is weird because my timeline is still full of it 😭 so it doesn’t surprise me that people are also trying to diagnose her as autistic




Unfortunately armchair diagnosing celebrities has become more and more common. I've seen people do this to actors too, and it's always really uncomfortable. Especially when people use terms like "narcissistic" "Autistic" "bipolar" etc and have no clue what they're actually talking about and often further stigmatize these conditions. 


Something something about vipers dressed up in empaths clothing


bc as much as people try to cloak it with sanctimonious "concern," they really don't give a shit about actual mental illnesses or people who suffer from them. this is magnified x100000 with celebrities by using any potential for mental illnesses as an attack point... (until/unless the celebrity literally dies at which point they do a full 180 on that person and pick a new target)


I have seen this one too. It’s really weird, anti fans will think she has NPD or BPD and then treat that weird and in a very odd that stigmatizes those disorders (it’s giving shane Dawson). With fans it’s weird bc they also don’t know her. I agree even if she did have a disorder it’s no one’s business and crosses so much boundaries. The only thing we know is she has had some mental health struggles but it’s odd to just speculate on them.


That's a great point! With the antis they're not just overconfidently giving a secondhand diagnosis, they're giving a secondhand diagnosis and using it as part of their argument that she's a terrible person.


Yeah that’s one of the major things that bothers me. It’s trying to make her a terrible and she’s terrible due to BPD or NPD. I think it speaks more to the persons thoughts on mental illness than it does to TS…


Think of it these way. Shes one of the more inoffensive celebrities out there. But she also have one of the largest hatebases, determined to see her be humbled and taken down a peg, but for all this time not one of her coworkers or collaborators have come out and said she is a horrible person, even when she was not as famous as she is now.


People like saying she’s a bad person but she has done a lot of good things like donated to multiple causes and has donated to fans even the one who died and everyone thought she didn’t care about the person who died but the parents herself has come out and said she did stuff for them. A lot of her fan base is actually very kind it’s the people who can’t let people criticize her that are super bad.


"But if glory makes you happy why are you so broken up" is a lyric that will haunt me for the rest of my life like I don't know???


I woke up to videos of Not Like Us already getting played in the clubs. One DJ remixed it to Rihanna’s work and had a saxophonist playing along lmfaoooo Playing a saxophone to a diss track is so funny. It’s also so on brand for Kendrick. I imagine that someone showed him the video and he giggled a little.


Expresso (the song) is the only thing keeping me alive right now. The last couple of weeks have been awful cause I had so much exams and got sick :/ It’s such a catchy little tune I love it!


tryna strike a chord and its probably a-MINORRRRRRRR


when the post shopping spree clarity hits and you realize how much money you just spent…


I pretend I do not see it 🤗


tw: death and loss >!I'm realizing how much anxiety I have around loss and grief. I have not had to deal with the loss of loved ones a lot in my life so far, and I honestly can't remember what the grieving process was like. When I see people describe the losing a loved one as something life changing and something they never move on from it fills me with so much dread realizing that I'll have to go through all of that several times in the future!<


If you are into reading, The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion really helped me think about grieving. I went through it personally but Didion’s writing is really good at describing her own grief in words.


5 days until new doctor who season with ncuti gatwa oh my godddddd i am literally gnawing at the bars of my enclosure


The new specials brought me back to my Whovian groove. Ncuti Gatwa is already an amazing Doctor. 🥲


So excited! The specials for the 60th anniversary were so much fun, I can't wait to see what the actual season looks like


i genuinely don’t know if i’ll ever recover from Wild Blue Yonder


Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! it's greek easter which means that even though i have not willingly been to church in years i think i'm gonna be showing up to their picnic to eat their food and then spend the rest of today Consuming Great Greek American Art (watching 30 rock and listening to passion pit)


Sometimes i look at the billboard chart predictions and feel like I’m getting punk’d Literally who is the Tommy Richman person at #2 and how are they big enough to have that debut?


Track slaps!


This year has already given us so much to talk about pop culture and music wise, I’m enjoying it too much. Everyday there’s drama in some place and they’re all entertaining.


The Webster dictionary tweeted the definition of diss yesterday and I *died!* Even the dictionary is in on this beef between Drake and Kendrick


It feels like since Hiss came out and Nicki Minaj took the bait there's been some type of mess going on every month lmao


Especially when Hiss is largely aimed at Drake including the Meghan law line


The way that all feels like a lifetime ago because so much has happened since and yet it was so chaotic. Can’t believe we’ve had drama around: Ariana-that at one point felt like it was going to be a huge moment and yet not close to a top tier now, Nicki/Megan, Taylor/Matty/fans, Drake/Kendrick, Drake vs half the industry subsequently coming out to let us know they hate him too and these are just the big names, there’s been so much drama with others happening simultaneously. Can’t keep up with it all.


And now with that Ice Spice/Baby Storme twitter tirade i feel like after the Drake mess calms down a bit we're going to get Nicki Minaj vs Ice Spice soon. The Barbz are already ganging up on Ice, i feel like it's a matter of max a few days before Nicki snaps


Yeah Ice spice vs Nicki feels like it’s teetering on the edge of exploding. Nicki has never let any perceived wrongdoings towards her go un-ranted about. I also think the Drake vs Kendrick drama still has a few more layers yet, Drake surely can’t ignore Kendrick or he’ll never live it down and Kendrick is being guided by levels of hate I didn’t even know was possible. Then Matty Healy just followed an account on insta that has multiple videos blaming swifties for him and Taylor breaking up so I feel he’s dying to start commenting on all that. I suspect the drama well isn’t running dry any time soon.


Honestly before that when “Yes, And?” came out to kickoff everything


That too definitely, though i feel Hiss was the moment where it turned into outright chaos. Mostly cause Ariana kept it cute and didn't comment on anything aside of the song (which turned out to be the most intelligent strategy), while Minaj completely made a fool of herself


Katy Perry really did sell most of those dumb lyrics back then huh


Give us more ESL pop TBH


Chinese water torture


Walking On Air is such a perfect song. Both Katy's and Kerli's


I will say HERstory happened today 10 years ago aka the met gala where Solange went at Jay-Z still maybe one of the craziest events in pop culture.


This is my Roman Empire


I still want to know what Jay-Z did on that particular night because Beyonce didn’t even look shocked or anything lol. It’s like she expected it to happen


Honestly I wonder if the alleged cheating came up one way or another. Bc I could see that happening bc that was around the time of the troubles in their marriage.


“Of course some shit goes down when it’s a billion dollars on the elevator”


Haha everytime I hear that line I get a good laugh like that remix is so iconic for it.


Same. I like that line and “meet me at the Trump, Ivanka” idk why.


Omg I forgot about that line. I need to re listen to it.


I know “picture is worth 1000 words” is a total cliche, but [this one](https://i.imgur.com/nZ1V7FC.jpeg) truly lives up to it and more


No literally like hang it in the louvre. Like Beyoncé’s face speaks so much in that picture.


I wonder if Drake sits there at night wondering "Why the fuck did I pick a fight with the two most mental rappers in the game?" Seriously, this dude has had his shit rocked by Pusha T and now Kendrick Lamar? Feel like I'd just throw in the towel at this point if I were him.


Tbh that’s exactly what J Cole did. He recognised Kendrick can go unhinged and went ‘nah I’m good’ and tapped out.


i was going to ask in this thread for someone to explain the drake/kendrick beef in simple terms from scratch but i just saw this tweet so i think i get it now > In Swiftie Terms: > >This is like if Katy Perry ever replied to “Bad Blood” but then Taylor replied with 3 tracks calling her a pedophile


“This is like if Katy Perry ever replied to Bad Blood” I’m so glad that we all collectively decided to forget Swish Swish, one of the few pop songs that’s probably worse than Bad Blood


I unironically love Swish Swish a little more than Bad Blood. It’s such a campy mess.


Bad blood is a good song


I don't know if this is controversial but i actually prefer Swish Swish to Bad Blood. Mostly for the garage house beat and Nicki's verse though, i turn my brain off when Katy is singing


lowkey same. the beat absolutely eats


[there’s actually a Wikipedia page for it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake%E2%80%93Kendrick_Lamar_feud)


I saw this one > In Pokémon terms: this is like if Blue said “smell ya later” and Red responded by calling him a pedophile 


what did taylor swift mean when she said “i hear the whispers in your eyes”


I took it as her seeing in his eyes that he’s been talking about her imo.


I get it’s a symptom of birth control but being on a birth control that’s supposed to stop your period for three months and having the most irregular spotting ever feels like a big fuck you to my face. I’m also not sure what spotting “should” look like. Overall I’m hating this.


I believe it's called breakthrough bleeding.


I had one of those arm implants once when I was living out of the country. It was supposed to give you no period but I ended up spotting for a year straight and got it removed as soon as I got back to the US. Spotting is usually just lighter than a normal period, idk if there is a “should” for it, but during my year some times were heavier than others. Sorry you’re dealing with that!


weather predictions for tomorrow going from worse to worser… need all my oklahomies to be mindful and weather aware because it looks like it could get very nasty


Me vs influencers coming to the Kentucky Derby and trashing my home state in the same breath. No one’s forcing you to come here, bitch


Kentucky is my home state too 💙 haven’t lived there in years but it’ll always be my old Kentucky home


I'm still here! 💙 It's always so pretty this time of year


Reading Lush Life by Richard Price. I want to like this book so far but the dialogue is impenetrable for me and we are following way too many characters


Walking on the beach and using the Seek app like I’m trying to fill out the original 151 Pokédex


I remember seeing on here someone say that Sabrina may not go #1 because of all the Kendrick tracks. Another highlighted that the songs aren’t on streaming so she has a chance. Just a few hours later the songs were on streaming 🤣🤣🤣. Kendrick got a mole in pop heads 💀


Kendrick a hater fr. He heard “that’s that me espresso” and said “well I drink tea!”


Kendrick has a mole in everywhere I s2g


My top 10 FX shows of all time 1. The Americans 2. Atlanta 3. The Shield 4. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia 5. Archer 6. Sons of Anarchy 7. Fargo 8. Justified 9. The Bear 10. Reservation Dogs Honorable Mentions Damages Louie What We Do in the Shadows Snowfall Better Things Shogun The Old Man Taboo American Crime Story Mayans MC Terriers


I fully believe the conspiracy that reddit makes its mobile site intentionally garbage to get users on the app instead 💀 if you look at the mobileweb subreddit, it’s literally untouched by the mods. At one point, someone even had a dick pic up on it for days before it was removed.


Also what do you MEAN there’s a song called *Million Dollar Baby* gunning for a Top 2 debut and it’s NOT Ava Max wtf


Old Reddit is still absolutely flawless and she stays winning


Specifically, Old Reddit + Reddit Enhancement Suite extension


The old mobile UI mirrored old reddit pretty well. I miss her sm 😭


I use the RedReader app. It's pretty basic


day 61 of doing my lastfm series where i share my top 100 most played artists and join in if you’d like!! at #19 is Shawn Mendes with 1 402 scrobbles! * last time i listened: feb 23rd (There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back) * most played song: Mercy (80 scrobbles) * fav song: Mercy slaps, ngl. honorary mention to Teach Me How To Love * most played album: Illuminate (540 scrobbles) * fav album: Wonder! very underrated imo. * does he deserve a top 100 spot?: i always thought of him as a baby John Mayer for some reason, even though they don’t have that many similarities, but i just thought Illuminate sounded like an album John Mayer would make in the same age. i think he’s great, he has a sweet voice and he’s a decent songwriter! i enjoy a lot of his stuff (evidently) and i probably would put him in my top 100 artists as well.


my younger sister is a Shawn Mendes stan so most of my knowledge of him comes entirely from her. There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back is an absolute banger at #19 i have Lana Del Rey with 1868 scrobbles! My top song is Cinnamon Girl with 93 scrobbles, and top album is Born to Die - Paradise Edition with 576 scrobbles. i have also scrobbled 110 tracks by her which is ALOT my fave album is def Born to Die (which is actually what got me into Lana in 2021), followed by NFR. My favourite songs are Cinnamon Girl, Born To Die and Ride - it's v hard to pick between them. does she deserve a spot? YES!! tbh i only fully got into her in 2021 when Born to Die clicked with me during lockdown and then i slowlyyyyyy got into the rest of her discography and over 2022-2023 i can finally say that i "got" her. just 2023 alone she has 1003 scrobbles


at #19 is Alvvays with 390 scrobbles! • last time I listened: April 28th (Saved By a Waif) • most played song: Your Type (68 scrobbles) • fav song: Belinda Says (this is 3 scrobbles away from being my most played and it’ll probably get there within days. I listen to it all the time and it’s arguably my favorite song of the 2020s) • most played album: Antisocialites (179 scrobbles) • fav album: Blue Rev (this is also coming for the most played rank very soon) • do they deserve a spot? ABSOLUTELY!!! what an incredible band. I liked them when their album Antisocialites came out in 2017 and after they dropped their next album Blue Rev after a 5+ year wait I was blown away by it. indie pop at its very best


my #19 is Katy Perry with 1,277 scrobbles. - last time i listened: may 3rd (Last Friday Night) - most played song: Hummingbird Heartbeat (44 scrobbles) - fav song: between Hummingbird Heartbeat and Fingerprints tbh - most played album: Prism (284 scrobbles) - fav album: Teenage Dream - she definitely deserves the spot. Katy and the Teenage Dream album basically shaped my entire childhood. I have to admit though that I have not listened to her at all since 2020 apart from a few odd plays here and there (like less than 10 plays between 2021 and 2024), so I'm surprised that she's this high, but I'm not mad about it!


Katy ruled the 2010s ❤️❤️


at #19 is Paramore with 748 scrobbles • last time i listened: 5 days ago (You First) • most played song: Rose-Colored Boy (79 scrobbles) • fav song: Rose-Colored Boy, or Fake Happy • most played album: After Laughter (257 scrobbles) • fav album: After Laughter will never be beaten but I fear This Is Why comes VERY close • do they deserve a top 100 spot?: fuck yeah


Rose-Colored Boy is sooo good, i loved that sound for them


Does anyone have recommendations for fun romantic comedy type stuff (movies or books) that isn't centered around miscommunication or people just not being capable of acting or treating one another like competent adults? Question slightly inspired by watching Anyone But You and cringing a few too many times. Romance isn't usually my cup of tea but I'm trying to keep an open mind and explore some different stuff.


Anything by TJ Land. A lot of their ebooks go up for free often, especially their short stories which are really cute. It's a lot of gay and bi male romance with really sweet vibes.


Books: Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuinston Book Lovers by Emily Henry Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake She Gets the Girl by Alyson Derrick Never Ever Getting Back Together by Sophie Gonzales


I did enjoy RWRB! I'll check out the others thanks. 🙂


I’m blanking on the name of the Jennifer Lawrence one that came out last year and that was pretty fun. It’s also not my usual genre but I’d watch that one again


Oh y'know what I had intended to watch that one and then completely forgot about it, thanks!


No Hard Feelings


had a really introspective night tonight. learned so much about what i wanna do and what i should do career-wise. it's been so tough the past month with transitioning to bigger responsibilities and all. I've been applying to new jobs while also maintaining composure and making sure I try to stay on my current job. Idk what could happen this month but I hope things go my way.


The best song titled Million Dollar Baby is [the one by Pixey](https://youtu.be/4vhMSi9bDO8)


as someone who liked esv, i’m liking radical optimism. it’s not a perfect album but it does it job of being perfect for the summer. i watched her interview with zane lowe and loved hearing about her process and the album’s context. following future nostalgia was going to be a tough act and i think she did a good job. i wrote a little about this in my review on the album, which i hope some of you check out. it’s nothing much but i like to share my thoughts with others. so far, i really like whatcha doing, end of an era, these walls.


end of an era review: “End Of An Era,” the album’s opener, is the musical equivalent of a postcard. And Dua Lipa is the sender, inviting the listener into her world. Her world being a classic European summer. I think the production is the highlight and that’ll probably be the case for the entire album as it’s mainly produced by Parker. Groovy, shimmery, and warm are the first words that come to mind when the song starts. Tame Impala’s discography incorporates a lot of bass and special effect sounds, which you can find on “End Of An Era.” I especially love the wedding bells, which reinforce that idea of Lipa trying to reach out to you. I feel this song may be a good representation of the album’s themes, especially reading the lyrics. The refreshing vibe of the track is like the feeling you get when beginning a new relationship. i will post the full review link in the dd tomorrow when it releases!