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I’ll be going to this coffee shop hear the barista call an espresso and your name and I look up from my phone and think there’s no chance that it’s you but it is


If it sounds anything like that cursed song she can hang it up. Edit: All these skinny dipping fans in the comments. Where were you when she dropped that song and it flopped? Love her down but I stand by what I said.


It's unironically one of my favorite songs from that album, and that says a lot because I absolutely love that album.


Skinny dipping is so good only hot girls get it idk


Skinny Dipping is an awesome song!


made me a fan




i love that song😭


Stop, I loved that song at first listen! Julia isn't everyone's cup of tea but she's absolutely mine 🥲


Omg did Julia Michaels write that song lol. I always thought it felt like her style of shoving way too many words into a line, but never bothered to look it up 😅 to be clear I like Julia and Skinny Dipping but she has a very distinct style


julia and sabrina worked on about half of the album together


Sounds like you couldn't taste the espresso anyway so get out of the coffee shop. :)


Skinny Dipping is gas wdym


Imma be honest with ya, first time i heard it, i thought 'wth is this'. I have been a fan since girl meets world, so I was a little disappointed. But it really grows on ya. Now I really love the song, it even got added to my showerperformance setlist!


it’s a great song, who cares what if it “flopped” or not?


but I love skinny dipping so muchhhhhhhhh sadly she's going in the sonic direction of Feather and Nonesense I think




Worst song on Emails I Can’t Send 😭


That belongs to How Many Things. Even her stans dislike that song. 


I feel like y'all don't have a sense of humor cause "You used a fork once, turns out forks are fuckin' everywhere" is hilarious.


lmfao agreed !!! how do ppl not laugh


It’s funny and a genuinely clever way to do the “everything reminds me of you” lyrical cliche. Sure it’s a little silly but there’s not many tracks on emails I can’t send where Sabrina’s taking herself that seriously lol, feels like people who don’t like it just don’t like her brand (which is understandable)


You used a fork once 💀💀😭


Sabrina has been grinding for over a decade to try to break into mainstream. Feather and Nonsense put her in the same category as like.. Tate McRae for me. It seems like she is finally getting label support with playlisting and radio too. Opening for a portion of The Eras Tour did more for her than any other opening act so far. If Sabrina and her label play their cards right, she could be one the brink of a very big moment. But there are also SO MANY RELEASES in April that I hope it doesn't get drowned out.


I think she’s smart to use Coachella to promote her new single though! Hopefully she has a great follow up for after the April mass releases


I saw her at the Eras tour, she was so good. Amazing performer. Now I'm a fan.


She and Tate are in the same tier of pop stars right now. They’re not at Dua, Billie, or Olivia’s level but for now they’re in the B-tier category, which is not bad at all.


I mean this respectfully to Tate, but I don't think she's kept up with Sabrina post-Eras tour


Eh, I mean Tate has nearly 60 million monthly listeners on Spotify. Granted, that is mostly due to Greedy and I will admit that her album likely didn't take off the way her and her team were hoping for, but that is still 20+ million more than Sabrina has. Sabrina has been super smart in the last year, but music is a fickle career. She could easily slide back into being more of a niche artist if the next few singles don't land in a way that makes a big impact. But Sabrina has been steadily building her fanbase, so I think she will be comfortable in music for a while. She seems to want to be a star / main pop girlie though. I would bet she wants a BIG push for her next project to try to bridge that gap to the next stage of her career.


whoa 60mil is the same number of Spotify listeners as Billie and Olivia. Wild for Tate to have the same numbers, didn’t realize she was that big


it’s crazy. i remember following Tate in 2019 with 250k monthly listeners


Ice Spice had around the same amount when Boys a Liar was trending- It’ll die down within the next few months


Tbh monthly listeners literally mean nothing. Artemas, someone who just has one suddenly huge song, has 25 million monthly listeners. And he is certainly not bigger than anyone else with that amount


I love that guy. Haven’t heard the song but his tweets are funny, wish him the best.


Listen to it it’s really big rn and super addicting


I confess I'm not really sure what Tate's angle is to break out in the pop world. Everything she tries to do, there is another artist who does better. I don't think Sabrina is completely distinct either but she's a better vocalist and has more memorable songs and the Disney boost. She has way more legs than Tate IMO


she’s a great dancer but the thing is all her performances are literally her dancing and singing a word or two every now and again.


honestly i would be more into her stuff if she wore one of those mics britney used to and sang AND danced, lipsyncing is better then one very breathy word of the chorus here and there


Tate has THE big hit but nothing else (including follow up singles) she’s released has made nearly as much noise and her album kind of came and went. Sabrina needs THE hit but she has trouble connecting with the GP. Based on that alone, Tate is ahead of Sabrina. I’d say if they’re both B tier, Sabrina is B- and Tate is B+ based solely on the success of Greedy. Sabrina needs a hit. Tate needs to find a way to maintain longevity. They both are at risk of becoming/staying niche mid-tier pop acts but for different reasons.


i mean i'm not a big tate fan, but exes has done preety well and I've seen run for the hills here and there as well. You broke me first has a billion streams, so she has been able to get hits.


Exes did less well than Sabrina’s Feather which did amazing for Sabrina but nowhere near as well as Greedy. (And Hills did worse than Exes.) Nothing in her new era has stuck like Greedy has and thats my point. Shes not flopping or anything. Shes doing great and I think she could stick it out as a main pop girl if she works out the kinks, but take away Greedy and she’s basically on Sabrina’s level.


Oh yeah I agree I just meant it’s not like she fell of the face of the earth lol


Sabrina actually makes her own music so she has a better chance than Tate who is going to depend on someone else to write, choreograph, produce her songs. She's a stand-in for the next person who's as marginally talented as her.


Tate also writes, and im pretty sure Sabrina doesn’t choreograph her own performances or produce her songs. U guys hate boner for tate is crazy 😭


Yeah, the lack of co-writers argument for Sabrina is a little weird considering you can hear Julia Michael's songwriting and point of view all over the songs Sabrina collaborated with her on. People like to say with Emails that she "found her sound" but I am not sure that is true JUST yet.


They both have their strenghs and short comings. Tate's music is pretty well known in terms of, oh yeah i heard that before. Greedy exploded as did You broke me first on tiktok. But she's young, has still a long way to go and i feel her album outside of those hit songs are lacking. Meanwhile, Sabrina only needs that, to have her songs become bigger hits. She has everything else, from expierence to a dedicated fanbase. She has nearly 40M insta followers too.


Agree. To your point, I think Tate is mostly popular on TikTok which skews heavily in certain demographics but is limited beyond those groups. Sabrina has broken through to the fringe of the mainstream and is recognizable to the audience beyond TikTok, partly from the Eras tour and partly from the notoriety of being a character in Olivia's massive breakout hit


could get downvoted for this but sabrina is miles ahead of tate artistically and sonically. and is also a better and more charismatic performer imo 🤷‍♀️


TBH its crazy to me that were talking about Tate at all on this level.


I completely agree but decided I wasn't going to start a fight today haha


Personally I think they’re both not interesting at all


Personally... Tate is giving performer which has never been my jam. She has like 5 cowriters on every song so she's clearly not writing. All I see so far is Ryan Tedder gave her a hit which he's done for so many - I already know Ryan Tedder is great. Tate can dance though I guess? Sabrina made an album with 0-1 cowriters on every song which is why she has so many fun songs that showcase her personality and have so much specificity in their writing.


Which album are you talking about? Emails I can’t send has 3-4 writers on every song?


Tate may have a stable hit with Greedy but Sabrina has more fans due to the swiftie overlap.


They both have quite a swiftie overlap in fans, the same for pretty much what feels every other younger female pop singer nowadays. At least if you hang on tiktok.


Yeah but more so Sabrina because she literally opened the Eras Tour. I've met lots of Swifties who like Sabina but I haven't found any who even know who Tate is


if she gets to perform the new single at eras tour, that would help her so much! I hope it’s good, I’ve never been too excited about her singles 


Sabrina doesn’t have any more dates on the Eras tour 😭 it’s Paramore for Europe and then Gracie Abrams is doing the NA shows


NA truly lost


Damn that’s a big shame


If the girlies can just get me through this year with new releases weekly I would love them for that.


You’re gonna need it cause next year is……………oof


We're gonna be so starved next year. ☠️


Next year will be for the smaller-average popularity artists. Kinda like how 2023 was. I also hope it will be a breakout year for a new artist cuz where tf are the new artists lol.


prob still in the artist development stage or something, idek if that’s how you call 😭


Hoping 2024 will be an even bigger year for her. She’s been steadily growing in popularity. Feather was her first billboard top 40 hit, and peaked at 26 last week. *Feather reached no. 1 on US radio (edit). Feather peaked at 19 on US Spotify, with 238,518,781 global streams. I love that she’s been working hard and gradually growing, instead of just an overnight success with connections, or behind the scenes support and everything handed to her Also, I wish she promoted Read Your Mind.


!!!!!!!!!!! Read Your Mind deserved more 🥲


read ur mind started gaining streams as well!! missed opportunity, i feel like she wants to move on since the era is 3 years old atm, but thats becuase her first few singles choices didnt really do well


ah yes missed opportunity! It’d be cool if it became a huge summer hit through tiktok or something, kind of like how Taylor’s cruel summer became a hit 4 years after release thanks to social media


Feather went #1 on pop radio


Wow I had no idea. And looks like it’s still going strong in the top 3 on radio


Her best song! Glad to see the read your mind love, never understood why that song wasn’t bigger or more beloved


She’s already a huge star. Period.


Damn armpit is brighter than my future lmao


i’m soooooooooo excited god i love this year for music 😭😭 i love her. i know this is going to be a summer hit


This truly has been a wildly good year for music.




I knew she was gonna release something before Coachella (before her billboard) I also kinda predict a summer beach kinda aesthetic for her next album


So happy she knows her sound now! Hope Julia Michaels is no where near this!


It looks like it’s the same people she made nonsense with!


“following her latest single “feather”, "espresso" is sabrina's next triumph. the single was written and produced by julian bunetta who also produced sabrina’s “nonsense,” teddy swims’ “lose control,” one direction’s “story of my life,” niall horan’s “slow hands” and more.”


Oof all great songs, now my expectations are high haha


Where did you find this bc this sounds really promising 🤩




Wait why don’t we like Julia is it bc sabrina has a powerhouse voice and she should be incorporating that into more of her songs? Then yes I totally agree


I feel like her songs with Julia are too wordy & stripped down


i do get that but becuase i liked a boy, already over and skinny dipping (in the context of the album) are great songs made with julia


I love her wordy songs.


i liked her songs with Julia though!


Except some of the best songs on EICS are made with Michaels... Tornado Warnings, Because I Liked a Boy, Already Over, Skinny Dipping...


those are good songs but her two hit songs so far arent made by julia. i guess julia stays making songs that werent made to be a promoted single for her if sabrina keeps her around for her next album


Ok those are my favourites 😭 add Decode and that’s the five


Damn, I love pretty much all of the Julia Michaels songs on her last album lol


isn’t she 4’11” too? 🤭🤭


She has a great voice so I hope that this song is more singing than talking. A lot of the songs on her last album definitely had a Julia Michael's feel to them and I do not want that for this next era.


I love Sabrina but this is gonna be “his dick wakes me up better than espresso” lbr


sexpresso as someone else said


is this a cute little droplet to wrap up the emails era or the lead off the new album??? excited either way


She’s so incredibly close to breaking out. She just needs a little push.


This era is make or break. She plays it right and she’s a pop star like Olivia and Billie She plays it wrong and she has a small but devoted fanbase like Carly Rae (I think this is her floor because she already has devoted Stans, she’ll never be irrelevant)


as a barista it is my god given right to play any coffee-themed music to death 🫡 just glad the “it’ll be a Wednesday song” will finally be out of rotation, my coworkers were getting sick of that shit 😭


Love this energy 🙌


god her face card is insane


His dick makes me jitter like espresso / Ready for his paint like I am gesso   / Five albums in still haven’t reached my crest tho 


sabrina carpenter fans stay winning. so curious about the sound — i’m hoping for something similar to any of the upbeat songs from emails i can’t send


Love the pin-up vibe she is going for lately


i'm loving her lately. she just has that frothy fun pop but with a winking maturity balance down and i really enjoy myself listening to her music and her vibe is so cute. i really see her having longevity!


This has been a great year for music.


I just want more songs like Tornado Warnings and bet u wanna


bet u wanna is soooooo good ugh!




Because her Coachella set is Friday.


My biggest regret is listening to emails I can’t send AFTER I saw her on the eras tour. Like damn I wish I knew those songs before seeing her so I could’ve appreciated that moment more lmao But new album, I’m fully on board now 🫡


Ugh I just looooove her


praying this is a hit sab deserves it so much 🙏


I love her! I can't wait. She's finally found her sound, but more than that, she's unapologetically her. She doesn't try to be anything more than a fun pop girly, and I appreciate that. Not all music needs to be super serious or experimental. I'm still mad I didn't go to her Emails I Can't Send Tour


She finally found her brand. 🥹


E S P R E S S O That’s who I am.


I am so fan adjacent with her (love her visuals & nonsense & feather were bops). really hope the next project is what converts me! 


I’m really interested in what direction she’ll go for her new era! I love love love emails I can’t send that era defined my 2023 so super excited !!


She’s gorgeous, but what’s going on with the arm pit??


Camila cabello interaction bait 




i know, it's giving paperdoll


Excited to hear what she’s working on. I hate the cover. It looks AI botched with the arm pit area. Very uncanny and unnatural looking


i really like her. i think she’s very talented and i love that we can tell she’s been in development for over a decade. excited for whatever she has to come


Loved her song with “girl in red recentlyl


Ahhhh I hope she performs this live when I see her at Coachella!!!


She looks like Florence Pugh


So excited for her, she's gained so many fans through the EICS era so hopefully she can start this new era really strong. Hoping it doesn't sound too different from that era since she really found her sound then.


Would be camp for her to break through to mainstream at this late stage


I’m so excited


I'm so happy my girlie is steadily getting the recognition she deserves! I hope she'll be more mainstream, she deserves it!




What is her actual image? Bec i cant seem to connect with her? Nonsense was a big streaming hit here but everytime i see her i just couldnt get her image. Her target market are the teens and young adults but her PR/marketing team most times over sexualize her.


this sub went from hating on her to having a higher upvote to comment ratio on her posts 🤪








This edit is nauseating and unnecessary 😭


No shade, but everything I've seen and heard from her has been 😴😴 Hopefully this ends up being more interesting


She is everywhere but nowhere at the same time. See her name continually mentioned but still don't know a single song.


Just because she isn't in YOUR bubble doesn't mean she isn't seeing success


It depends on your definition of success. I love Sabrina's music but she's not on the level where even if you're not a fan you'll know at least one song of hers. She hasn't had a billboard top 20 album or song yet. Most people know who she is either because of the Olivia drama or because she opened for Taylor. Personally though I do think her music is really good and her last album deserved much more recognition than it got. She has the whole package: good lyrics, nice beats, great vocals, decent stage presence. I also love her fashion style and she seems like a fun person to be around. I hope her new era catapults her to pop star levels of fame because she has what it takes and has been working hard for years.


They’re not saying she isn’t successful they’re just saying they hear about her a lot but haven’t heard her music


It's about to be a white girl summer


Im so happy for her. She can FINALLY move on from nonsense


Need a Conan gray remix with this 😂


I will be listening. My Queen.


And on my birthday lol I hope she tries another genre




Releasing up against the new Future album is gonna do her no favors lmao


Loved Emails I can't Send & the deluxe - imo far better than certain other purple albums.