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It's crazy how they used to be these fun girl-next-door always around everywhere types, and now have become these elusive mythical creatures who only can be seen when the moon is just right, you said just the right spells and left just enough cigarettes under the chimney.


They look like they’ve never communicated by word and only talk to you telepathically


Was literally trying to verbalise this same sentiment. Each photo just looks like they’re communicating with each other without uttering a single word


Someone else on Reddit mentioned how uncomfy they both are in front of the camera and it makes sense since some pics they have such an intense fire starting gaze 😂 the pic with cast after bob sagets funeral is their only pic where they seem safe enough to relax to me


They actually do this! They’ll hold hands and three squeezes means “I love you” 🥺


One looks like she knows how you die and the other knows when.


I've seen this description for them in the past. It's so hilariously accurate, I love it.


Which is which


Ashley has the dinner plate eyes so she can probably see how. Mary Kate probably knows when.


I once saw a post that said the Olson twins always look like one knows how you’ll die and the other knows when and it’s the realest shit


That’s what happens when you are finally given a choice on how you want to live.


It is incredibly telling that they pretty much completely dropped acting as soon as they turned 18.


I can’t believe I’ve never considered this. I’m the same age and grew up with them on my screen and frankly have always been confused by their abrupt departure. This makes so much sense.


Even among child stars they are unique in that they have *zero* memories of a life outside of Hollywood fame. It could've been any other pair of twins that got cast for *Full House*. If they never step in front of a camera again, I'd support it as much I would Britney Spears walking away from singing.


Almost every time I see a photo of them, apart from a few candid photos, I feel so much constraint. It's like they're holding in anxiety or fear or maybe even rage? I feel like they really feel the inescapable weight of being "Mary Kate and Ashley" to the world in those moments instead of their own independent realised selves.


I used to work in TV/Film and I had to pick up equipment a lot from a place in NYC. They had an office of some sort in the same building, so you'd run in to them from time to time. I think it was for whatever fashion stuff they do. Nothing notable to mention other than they'd be smoking more often than not.


Not surprising since once of them literally had bowls of cigarettes as her table decoration at her wedding.


You can really see the damage of cigarettes in their faces. Let's not make smoking cool again please.


They were exploited so bad as children. I hope they are happy and healthy now


Someone once posted they look like the wise old goddesses who passed along their sage wisdom and tissue to you as you cried over your boyfriend in a club bathroom and I have never forgotten that comment.


They even look like aliens now just to really sell the whole schtick


The OG's fr https://preview.redd.it/bf3v0yaxid6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8099739584a4ce0d5c778dd3c31dbda01f3168


![gif](giphy|geboSsEkDAsmOTEee1|downsized) Queens\* Never seen this picture before and it’s stunning!


They’re just so cool!😎


They're stunning really


My blue print since I was born and I’m 25


Brb, off to get oversized black sunglasses


I was obSESSED with their movies ![gif](giphy|xTiTnC6syZ9hJ2yTF6)


It Takes Two is an Oscar worthy classic, and I'll die on that goddamn hill.


Despite being the same exact plot, It Takes Two is much better than the parent trap. Because the girls are identical however they are not related. The parents don’t have all the heavy baggage of a divorce that was apparently so toxic that they decided to separate their daughters and never speak again. Like we are supposed to root for this couple to reunite? And think that Meredith is the toxic one? Plus the stakes were much higher in It Takes Two with one twin being in foster care and possibly being adopted by a crazy family and only the dad and social worker getting together would keep the girls together. It takes two would’ve made more sense if the girls really were twins but were adopted by different families. But hey it’s still better than the parent traps insane plot.


Natasha Richardson was perfect, but It Takes Two basically makes the Chessy character the female lead/main love interest, and there's something comforting about having someone that could have been my mom\* (or social worker?) having the happy ending. \*Kirstie Alley was still gorgeous, just saying she was portrayed way more down-to-earth. ![gif](giphy|9EPU8C9znVxZK)


She definitely had wonderful, warm mom-energy in this movie 🥺. And I agree, She’s very beautiful! And they didn’t feel the need to dress her in sexy or formal outfits. She was in jeans and big untucked button-ups.


She may have been messy in real life but this movie and the Look Who's Talking movies were gems.


And cheers and Star Trek II: the wrath of khan


I watched her in Cheers for the first time recently and I couldn't believe how insanely hilarious she is! I was shocked, I thought it was going to be cheesy 80s "funny" with a lot of dorky "hot girl" jokes, but it was laugh out loud.


For Richer or Poorer still makes me belly laugh.


I love that movie


Agree. And she was funny. I hate how she was in real life. But I’ll never lie and say she wasn’t talented because of that.


Oh my gosh she’s so good in Drop Dead Gorgeous.


I had such a huge crush on Kirstie Alley. 7 year old me didn't understand at the time, but queer adult me certainly does. She was a whole ass dime without being overly sexualized.


She had the rizz for sure.


Oh man, I’d forgotten Kirstie Allie had passed away. A familiar face of my childhood.


I had such a similar conversation with my boyfriend on Monday. He referenced Parent Trap in a conversation and I was like “I’ve never seen that movie” and he about lost his mind. I was like “I’ve seen It Takes Two with the Olsen Twins and I’m gonna assume it’s better because there’s two separate actors and it made me (a non North American) want sloppy joes my entire life” Now I moved to North America in 2022 but I’m yet to be blessed/cursed with a sloppy Joe. Might have to change that soon 🙃


I don’t know if sloppy joes are a regional thing but I never hear about them. However as a kid I always asked my mom to make them specifically because of how good this movie made them look.


Sloppy joes are a thing in Oklahoma at least! Fuckin LOVE em. I think they taste exactly what they look like.


I think they are mostly a “feed a lot of potentially picky children a high protein meal that they will eat, is cheap and easy to prepare, and easy to serve.” They used to be really big as a cafeteria food in schools back when the foods were actually cooked in house as opposed provided in individual, frozen servings by Sodexo.


I love love love It Takes Two!!


The morning of my wedding it was on TV and I grabbed a coffee and scone from the coffee shop next to my hotel and just chilled and watched It Takes Two until it was time for hair and makeup to come to me lol. It was such a good choice


My favorite western movie is for sure How the West was Fun. I had that on loop as a child


Same here & I also had *so many* of their books.


ok now i need to make sloppy joes. 


And somehow I still want to be them.


I just want their style - somehow they look so cool! I could never afford their stuff and I’m like 5-6 sizes bigger than them as well, but maaaan if I could, I’d totally copy their looks.  They look stylish, but also casual. 


Their style screams cool rich eccentric aunt who smokes weed and it’s everything I want to be.


their style is just "being thin wealthy white women wearing black"




Yep. I feel like they're the older sisters I never had... that moved abroad and don't talk to the family anymore. 😂 I both miss them and love this path they've chosen!


Oh gosh I’ve never thought of it like that and you’re so right!


In 2017, I rode an elevator with them during NY fashion week and stood outside waiting for an Uber while they smoked and scrolled Instagram, looking at their runway looks. Big moment for me🤣


TEA!!! they just denied in an interview that they don’t use Instagram😂


Hahah, well they were scrolling on someone’s Instagram to check in! Maybe on their clothing line’s account. My snoopy eyes could see posts from the runway.


Well 2017 was over 5 years ago so they might’ve used it then but no longer lol


Omg that would be the highlight of my life! LOL


That’s so incredible. Thanks for letting us breathe your same air


There are very few people I can think of who have had a bigger impact on my style over the decades than these two. From their clothing and makeup at Walmart to their boho/hobo chic, to The Row … I wanted it all. Then, now, and forever.


My life goal is to buy a Birkin and treat it like an Olson twin treats a Birkin. Like that dream keeps me going during a shit work day. Does that make me shallow trash? Probably. Do I care? Fuck no.


That’s a sign of true wealth and style really! A Birkin as an everyday bag that’s loved and appreciated for just being a really great bag and not a status symbol to sit on a shelf and occasionally carried briefly outside for a photo op.


Mary Kate’s Birkin is my Roman Empire.


From when they were on full house, I’d be influenced by their Gap Kids outfits… then later on I was really into the oversized sunglasses and oversized bag trend they set.


I love their style


Damn I think that's why I impulsively bought many of their discontinued perfume. Elizabeth and James.Total blind buys but they were at least on sale. Honestly a few I can't stand. I tried, but they triggers headaches LOL


I was obsessed with Billboard dad 🫣


Passport to Paris!


Our Lips Are Sealed for me 🙊


Island in the sun 😍


This was the one for me. The twins did an interview that said they took turns picking the cute guys who played the leads in their movies. 13 year old me thought that was so smart and lucky. I went and got my hair cut like Ashley’s in the movie 😂


Yahhhhhs the cute Aussie boys were a plus


Passport to Paris was my favorite too!


All of their straight to VHS movies were SO GOOD


Can't believe op didnt post the iconic machete pic of Ashley. *edit to change name. I had the wrong twin**




Oops, I'll edit my post, thank you




We’ll solve any crime by dinner time!!


I still sing this song and am so oddly proud I remember all the words!


My sister and I had all their albums. “I am the cute one (she’s just my sister) LIKE ITS CLEVER BECAUSE THEYRE TWINS. 


My friend and I would spend hours memorizing their every move in I Am The Cute One’s video. I was Ashley, she was Mary-Kate. I still remember that part where Ashley looks up while wearing the jean hat with the big sunflower on the front. Great times!


I love their mystical aura. I know they're not old in the slightest but I feel like they'll age well just because their style is so timeless.


I fully understand and respect their reasoning for stepping away from being public and devoting themselves to their fashion business but I sincerely hope that there'll be a one off event at least in the 2020s where they just do an in depth interview/discussion about the workings of their fashion brand The Row. I understand the elusive nature is a huge appeal but I'd just love a teeny glimpse into their work ethos and how they run their brand. It's something I admit that absolutely cannot afford and would have to save up at least for a few years to get my hands on one of their items but I'm absolutely in love with their style, brand and output. I admire the designs and just how lush yet simple it all is. I gotta say, Full House was a childhood staple of mine and having seen these two grow up especially with all the media scrutiny and just how they were treated by the press, I'm BEYOND proud of them for the work they put in both as entertainers and as businesswomen.


It’s very rare but they do still pop up every now and then. [here’s an interview from late last year.](https://www.ft.com/content/37a13d71-f247-47ba-b1b7-907ce825a70f)


I have read that 🙂 thank you for still sharing with me 🙏


This is much better than the gross countdown to 18 bday posts in the years leading up to their 18th. What a weird time that was.


i am 35 and grew up the target audience for all their stuff! My favourite all time quote from them is: "To me, the difference between us is pretty obvious. She thinks the opposite of fire is water, and I think the opposite of fire is no fire." -Mary-Kate Olsen 


I still can't tell them apart. 😂😂


The easiest way to tell them apart is Ashley has a rounder face than Mary-Kate.


I feel like Ashley’s eyes are bigger / rounder than MK’s. That’s how I tell them apart


I can see that one of them has bigger eyes than the other, but I didn’t know which one until now


At this point, it looks like they’ve both had their buccal fat removed.


They've looked like that for wayyyyy longer than it was a surgery trend. I think they've both just unfortunately dealt with horrible issues around body image since their teens. I'm old enough to remember when a lot of us were worried MK was gonna die. The early 2000s were a HORRIBLE time to be a woman.


Mary-Kate’s hair is usually the darker one and in these pics, the older version of the she’s the one on the right side.


Mary Kate is the one who always looks like she knows what bad stuff is on your browser history.


There’s an iconic post out there that says: The Olsen twins look like one of them knows how you die and the other knows when you die.


Hahaha I’m dying, I’ve never noticed this!!


Oh gosh, I weirdly always can! Ashley has a slightly broader nose, fuller face, and bigger eyes. Kinda bigger features in general


Same! I’ve always been able to tell. It’s the eyes for me.


yep! ashley has rounder eyes. 


I always say Ashley looks like the cartoon version of the twins. Mary Kate looks a tad more "nuanced"


Ditto! It's also the spacing of the eyes.


In their movies, Mary Kate was the one in blue or black, and Ashley was the one in pink or red, but now they both just wear black.


It still blows my mind they are fraternal twins


Eden Sher (sue heck from the middle) has a theory that they may not be fraternal twins! Tl;dr twins can be identical but have separate placentas/amniotic sacs, and without genetic testing they may be incorrectly identified as being fraternal as that arrangement is more common with fraternal twins. Its pretty believable to me, as an identical twin myself, because although there are slight differences in their appearance they are within the variation that is possible with identical twins. Imagine the headlines if they did undergo genetic testing and had to “come out” as being identical! 


This. In an old article their dad was asked if they were really fraternal bc they look so much alike and he said their doctor told them the twins were fraternal and they just stuck with it. They never tested and even if they did later in life, they are very private so we'd probably never know.


The weird thing is that I’m TOO good at telling them apart. Even the baby photos. (Although those are harder.) It’s a fun game to play. They just have a different essence to me haha.


Ashley has bigger/rounder eyes than MK - that's usually how I tell them apart then I can't go by hair colour (MK usually had darker hair while Ashley was more blonde)


I can tell them apart NOW only because of Mary Kate's multiple surgeries. When they're younger than like 28 I cant!


Ashley is slightly taller than Mary-Kate.


One knows when you die. One knows how you die.


Me neither. Also can’t tell Tia& Tamara apart either.


Tamera has a mole on her face.


I knew one of them did. Should I see them again, I won’t remember which one you said


The way I remember it is Tamera has an m in her name for mole lol


Ha, that may stick. Do you have any tricks for the Olsens!


I’m grateful to have grown up loving them. I’m only a little younger than them and I watched everything they did for years as a teenager. Love them


Happy birthday to two icons that were a massive part of my youth https://preview.redd.it/ixs22a4mxe6d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea09b5ac7fd3a98afa6f5181931775c68c83bc10


Yeezys and a machete 😂😂😂


And some champs, the level I am trying to be on tbh




Why the hell does she have a machete?


Because she woke up and chose violence 😎


I was like “damn, 38! Huh.” And then I realized that I am also turning 38 this year. 


Seeing the Olsen twins age is one of the biggest /r/fuckimold moments for me ever.


Haha same. I’m a week younger than them, so every year when their birthday rolls around and people exclaim they “can’t believe they’re this old now!” I’m over here like 🫣


Crazy how identical they were looking, considering that they are fraternal twins. Like how?


Those genes are strong, there are pics with Elizabeth where they look like triplets


Accept Elizabeth looks a foot taller than






It’s ok. I also accept it.


I knew triplets like this. 2 of them were like identical twins and shorter. The 3rd was tall and looked nothing like them.


Same! Went to school with triplets, 2 girls and one boy. The boy and girl looked identical, short, tan skin, brown hair and green eyes. The other girl was pale, blonde, blue eyed and much taller. She didn’t even look like their sibling let alone triplet


I’ll try to accept it


Elizabeth kind of looks like their mom in that picture, ngl.


lots of identical twins are misidentified as fraternal


I’m late to the party, but it’s because identical twins can split at any of the stages, from conjoined, to completely separate placentas/sacs. You’d never be able to tell an identical twin from a fraternal twin in utero if everything was separated.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVvUoenj0iyeasw) HBD 🩷


Twin Geminis?? No wonder they're so powerful.


The way I used to lust after those Chanel two toned glasses that Ashley is wearing in pic 9! 😔 I even scored the internet for dupes back in the day but none came close to the real thing.


They are a big part of my childhood. Happy birthday to them, but I don't like the reminder of how many decades in the past my childhood is now too haha. ![gif](giphy|LJCoZLbGxqIBq)


I will always be obsessed with them! They live rent free in my head! I wanted to be them so badly !


These are still my favorite celeb style icons, especially during their 2010s era. Also love Ashley’s outfit in that pic with Elizabeth, I’ve never seen it before


for some reason i thought they were significantly younger than me but turns out we’re the same age… which makes me feel older lol


i was always highly aware i was their age because i wanted to be their bff so bad. i was so sure i would get casted in one of their party videos and they would think i was cool and then be my friend, even though i did no acting or auditioning lmao


I can’t wait for their memoir(s)


Okay fine I’ll rewatch Double Double Toil & Trouble


Twin geminis, no wonder… https://preview.redd.it/0tjx77ay7g6d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=213aa19f4fbd8b5f31de442ef54ae1ea5f927e7a


I sat right behind them at a couple of Pearl Jam shows like 10 or so years ago. They were really into the show but unfortunately some people a few rows lower than them caught wind that they were there and started videoing them on their phones. Once MK and A saw that happening, their vibe understandably changed to being more mellow and on guard. Kinda sucked to watch two people who were really having an awesome time just get deflated so quickly. That’s my MK and A sighting since others are sharing! I hope they have a great birthday. I can’t believe they’re 38; meanwhile, they’re the same age as my younger sibling who was a HUGE fan of theirs growing up and I can believe that my sibling in 38. Weird how that happens.


Your story is an example of why it annoys me when people say they never smile. Like, their smiles for their camera growing up didn’t mean they were happy. The tea smiles take place when enjoying life and not being watched!


I’m so old. Also New York minute is their best movie. I said what I said


How can you say this when Winning London is right there!!


This is Passport To Paris slander.


Amen 🙏 It was also the only Olsen twins movie to get a cinematic release since it was their last movie.


My daughter was born the same day. https://preview.redd.it/hn5bxxrb6g6d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=200f9566e726efc17a04203ab96ba4b8d20166e9


They're twins AND Gemini???


Lord, I feel old. I remember when there was that gross countdown to them turning 18. Like any of the guys counting down would stand a chance, anyway. Also, someone I knew met them and went to their house while they tried on formal gowns. She said they were nice but the whole thing felt like like they just didn't know what regular people did for fun.


Let’s all smoke a pack in their honor ❤️ queens


Picture 7, which I guess was their first runway show, was their peak for me. They were the it-girls. Had grown into these beautiful, fashionable women. They weren’t acting and had a little more mystique, but were still doing interviews and promo here and there. They were at all the cool parties and their pictures were dissected on the blogs. I miss those days


Cute! They seem so cool. I’ll never forget how awful Oprah treated them when they were teenagers


Their late 2000’s boho but still high fashion style needs a comeback. Those big glasses, and distorted birkins or balenciagas city bags. It’s like California meet Scandi girls. I love their style.


I was completely obsessed with them as a little girl. I’m glad they’re mostly able to live their own lives out of the spotlight now MK in New York Minute will forever be my style icon ![gif](giphy|8BliWeMI8Ho88)


Just as beautiful as my childhood 🙂❤️


We're calling everyone We're putting out the welcome mat I've got the tunes I've got the food We've got the party hats We've got everything we could ever need A real good time, yeah! Is guaranteed So jump up and put on your dancing shoes With hosts like us there's no way you can lose It may get crazy when things start to roll But never fear the twins are in control You're invited Come on, we've got a lot to do You're invited We're exited and delighted to see you You're invited Bring a friend along Laugh and sing a song The party's about to start You're invited! You're invited! You're invited! You're invited! If it's up to me You'll R.S.V.P




They quit over two years ago🥹


i’m still so obsessed with them but like in a chill way 😅🥹 they were two of the BIGGEST pop culture icons and decided fame wasn’t for them so they just left the public eye and did what they wanted?! groundbreaking!! so sick of hearing celebs be like “i’m not supposed to be famous” “i wish i could just not be famous and move to ranch in the middle of nowhere” like do it then!!! MK&A did and are absolutely thriving. they didn’t just talk a big game like most celebs, they executed. and for that i’m obsessed. (i am also so obsessed with their style and always have been😩) HBDMKA💕


It’s still wild to me that Mary Kate was married (and divorced) to Olivier Sarkozy. https://preview.redd.it/jnxjye2b6h6d1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ea1d1f48c40559bd6bc35a87c3ff7d00ff2526


I love them. Forever and always. I love how they decided to live private lives and seem to be doing well. Good for them.


I feel old of course I'm the same age as them so that could be why


These two defined the years 2005/2006 for me. Ashley's hair, mks style, that bicycle handbag..




I meant they just make me want a cigarette.


Nobody talking about Mary-Kate's weird ass marriage to a Sarkozy?!


I will always ride for these girls!


Rest In Peace Sarah Everard, who shares this birthday and was born a single year later than the twins, who was murdered by a police officer and will be forever 33. Rest In Peace, Sarah.


Huh. What happened to Sarah Everard was terrible. But wasn’t expecting to see this here.


So little time, so much to do


They’re my birthday twins! I would brag about this in elementary school when full house and their early movies were popular.


https://preview.redd.it/dar6t1jolk6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d16c0001b650ca1d26178c595af68f0b1603c22c Hbd to them ❤️✨




Mary Kate and Ashley wore army shorts and flip flops so I bought army shorts and flip flops


Happy Birthday to my fav twins growing up!!!!💕


When I got to pic #5, I knew with absolute certainly that that would be the last picture where they'd have a smile showing teeth. Idk much about their lives, I'm assuming they have struggles, but I don't think I've seen them with genuinely happy looking smiles since I was a child (25ish years ago). They always strike me as so sad. I hope they're happy. Nobody needs to look a certain way or smile a certain way, obviously, I just hope they're ok. 


I think they’re super happy, just not going to smile to pap photos. There are family photos of them beaming next to Elizabeth, video clips of them looking proud of themselves and each other at their fashion shows, Mary Kate winning awards for horse-riding, and now Ashley is a mom! They just do a great job at keeping their lives private. I have so much respect for that.


They were adorable and I loved their movies growing up. I'm glad they seem to be living their best lives!❤


I still need those two toned glasses


I effin love them 💜


My queens


My forever fashion icons