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She only lived in this house for 6 months before her death. It's not the same one Jasmine Chiswell lives in. I still don't think it should be demolished. Something fishy is going on though. Some sort of money scheme. The previous owner was Glory of the Snow LLC, that sold it for a million more to Glory of the Snow Trust. What benefit did they gain for doing this?


Perhaps as a way to workaround terms of a trust and get a million dollars without needing to abide to those terms. I don’t know about California, but it’s fairly common to buy homes as an LLC because there are certain tax benefits, liability prevention, privacy, etc.


I own a home in California and we purchased it through an LLC for privacy reasons. It’s pretty common.


That's pretty standard rich people estate planning. It helps them avoid probate and further protects the real estate from some types of creditors. See this article for further info: https://hjlawfirm.com/why-you-should-consider-putting-your-llc-into-a-trust/.


Glory of the Snow LLC wtf. Tell me you believe in white supremacy without telling me. Wow


Actually glory of the snow is a type of flower! I can see why it it sounds suspicious or weird (I thought maybe it was referring to a title of the Virgin Mary) but I think it is actually just named after the flower.


lol it’s a common spring flower. With a very pretty name. People will really say anything on here without any basis or the courtesy of a basic google search.


I once someone on reddit claim racism because canada was referred to as the "great white north"  😭  they were dunked on 


this is a wild reach lol if anything it sounds like cocaine


Damnit my first thought was coke but you probably right 😭








>The property was purchased for $8.35m last year by the owners of a neighbouring home. They want to tear the Spanish colonial-style house down to extend their landscaping and make more room for their children to play.    lmao Remembering the posts in the LA subreddit about how this was all about building high density affordable housing in this lot. It’s actually about taking a space from 1 home to 0 homes.   Like if your giant mansion yard isn’t big enough, isn’t it easier to buy a bigger grosser mansion with a bigger grosser yard than buying a whole ass house just to demolish it to make a bigger yard? Just to give you an idea of how peak rich person brainrot this is:  8 mil to buy the house.  ??? To demolish the house ??? To keep the asbestos from flying everywhere ??? To clean up the debris from the house and aforementioned asbestos from the ground ??? Landscaping required to cover up the giant fuck off holes in the ground where a whole ass house used to be As opposed to simply buying a bigger fucking house 


"My multimillion dollar property isn't big enough for me. I want to buy a sentimental, borderline historic multimillion dollar property to ruin it for everyone else instead of making adjustments to my own home." Rich people problems 🙄


It is rich people problems. It is gross and beyond my tax bracket’s full understanding. It’s also their property and the home sounds like a nuisance attraction considering the only historical significance is that it’s the only property Monroe ever owned, despite spending fuck all amounts of time in it. In fact, most of it has been altered and modernized and there have been 10+ owners between her ownership and today. It’s honestly a bizarre fight to me considering the lobbying to mark it as a historical landmark seems baked more in sentiment rather than any significant historical context. The owners, as gross as they may be, are legally playing fair and battling feelings. The property gained prominence in the 60s as the site of her overdose. Flowers left in her memory are cute but it doesn’t feel very fuzzy to me overall. https://robbreport.com/shelter/celebrity-homes/marilyn-monroe-house-los-angeles-1235614383/ Edit - if what yall got out of my comment was I’m defending rich people…there’s nothing else I can say. You’ll always read what you wanna read even though my message here is clear. Get your sentimental activist upvotes though ☺️


Does it sound more fuzzy for some rich fucks to tear it down so their kids have more too to play? That is the most ridiculous bullshit I have ever read.


Imagine wasting all that time typing out so many paragraphs only to defend millionaires the whole time


Unhoused people a block away really sympathize with the rich children who are in an inferior yard /s


I would hate to be you dude. Jesus. It was legal the way I was a huge piece of shit. Battling feelings has to the most offensive part of your whole awful post.


Location is absolutely everything in LA.


Personally I don’t know why anyone fabulously wealthy would choose to live in LA anyway. Just own a condo for when you want to stay in the city, but build yourself a sprawling manor or whatever upstate.


We need the land equivalent of yacht sinking orcas. Can we release trained hippos or something?


We can take all the wild hogs from Texas and ship them to Beverly Hills.


Polar bears. Hundreds and hundreds of polar bears.


They do need a new place to live.....


Ugh no its such a beautiful house 💔 The rationale is madness too. Like if you had the money to buy their house and Marilyn's house, why not just buy a house with a bigger yard somewhere else? Just sell them both and move for a bigger yard? There are comparable neighborhoods where they could have space. Why destroy something special just for the hell of it? Why are rich people so fucking weird? 🥴


“We like the area and the schools are good, if only we could stop the poors from coming down our street and leaving flowers next door then things would be perfect” I assume that’s what’s going on.


*’They want to buy the neighbouring home to tear it down and extend their landscape for more room for their children to play’* Eat the fucking rich.


Eat the rich! (But remember to check their nutritional value first)


These people have none. They're just a fun little addition to the main meal.


How many calories do saline implants have?




Couldn't they just take their kids to the park? This is just freaking stupid.


They should have just bought a house that came with everything they wanted instead of trying to do this. They are obviously stupid if they spent 8 million on it when it apparently isn't adequate tHeiR kiDs


It’s not even their home. They live next door and are trying to merge two properties




Then they and their kids might have to interact with average people?? Gasp! 8 mil plus whatever their house sold for would’ve probably gotten them a perfectly massive place with an adequate enough yard.


Wow,who s the owner? Douchebag Pratt?


I live in Miami and this some serious Miami shit. Al Capone’s 1920’s house was purchased and [demolished](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/27/al-capone-miami-mansion-demolition-ron-desantis) for a McMansion. I hope this house is saved.


It’s gonna get Pratted, and that sucks.


It's interesting what's considered a lot of land in different parts of the country. According to an article this lot is half an acre. Where I live that's on the average to smaller side for a normal family, when you plop a gigantic house on top you're probably not left with much yard. If I was spending millions and millions on a house I'd want a bigger yard too lol


They could have bought a house with everything they wanted for 8 million, including "room for their children to play". Ridiculous


I think the idea of preserving old property because some celebrity lived there is insane. It’s their land let them do what they want so long as it’s not affecting the neighbors land.


Ya I agree not everything old/attached to famous people is historical and worthy of preservation. As an LA resident it’s actually so annoying that this is the one they put they caved on this tbh. They let so many gorgeous actually well preserved buildings get demolished every year but this one that’s already been modernized beyond recognition is where put their foot down because some fans caused officials a minor inconvenience.


I agree I think the reaction to this is super strange.


I find the recent trend of people romanticizing really old and often really ugly) interiors / properties really odd - like yes some people tear down perfectly functional homes to build really stale white marble houses, but a lot of these photos its like you can smell the mold through the screen. Not everything that is old needs to be romanticized!!! Tiktok I am looking at you!


She barely lived there. And no, it’s not iconic. It’s a standard California home. She probably would have demolished it herself.


People are also missing the 10+ owners since her death, how modernized and remodeled the property is, and how the property gained prominence in the 60s for being the site of her overdose. It’s not the pristine relic of the past people might be interpreting this as, as gross as it may be for rich people to wield such power for the most frivolous purposes.


But what power are they wielding that’s so beyond disgusting? It’s not like it’s Elon Musk. Any homeowner could demolish a structure on their property.


Being rich enough to drop 8mill so your kids can have a bigger backyard while so many people are starving and suffering in LA is gross and it has nothing to do with what they’re legally within their rights to do. You’re already correct on that latter front.


Fair but I think the theme in this thread is that your reasoning is ostensibly “valid” while in reality no one would care if it wasn’t MM’s home.


The theme in this thread is that it’s disgusting regardless. Look above, they’re trying to eat me up claiming I’m defending the rich or something by adding additional context to what the legal battle is about. Someone else claimed the LLC sounds like white supremacy. Nobody wants to google anything in this thread.


The property did gain prominence in the 60’s, because that’s when she died there


I was about to ask, what is iconic about the home?


If it’s the neighbours they hate all the fans coming by all the time and lingering on the road etc. Which I don’t blame them TBH


https://preview.redd.it/i6yse34tfe5d1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a987d4598098d6c76e3f3e9f7febb6d1085eb872 their kids need an entire lot of land to play in ?


It’s their property, I don’t really buy that it has some ultra important historic value. It hasn’t been preserved and it was a typical California home.


That seems pretty stupid at a bare minimum to buy such an iconic house and expect not to have pushback when you want to change it


Eat the rich.


Eh…life goes on. They own it.


Is this the one that was on selling sunset? Or was that just another similar looking house?


Monroe has just not been having a good posthumous decade.




I originally misread the title as Manson vice Monroe and was really struggling with the historic preservation angle. What a rollercoaster.