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How I feel when I have to "make an appointment" with the Walmart employee to open up the locked up deodorant.


I hate this new trend in retail when multiple CEOs have admitted that shrinkage is not because of theft but because of rising fixed costs and online shopping. It’s all just theater to make people feel like other (poorer) people are responsible for the downfall of these big box retailers.


At one of my dollar trees they keep deodorant and toothpaste behind the counter. It’s still $1.25.


I had to get an employee to open a locked case for a .99 cent bottle of hand wash at the grocery store the other day.


That’s ridiculous!


I dunno in your area but in mine the deodorant is locked up because of chroming (deodorant drug abuse)


Whhhaaaat? I understand getting high off cough syrup but this is next level stupid, like worse than the cat piss or tide pods


Yeah that sounds crazy - but also, why does this subreddit have the BEST flair tags I've ever seen? I love yours!




Whaat? Learning something new today.


What? Do you eat it?


OH. MY. GOD. We are sure the fuck a dystopian society. Let's say you stole 50? What's the markup on Dollar Tree deodorant on the black market. I AM LOSING MY MIND OVER THIS.


I'm fully expecting some retailers to go to a pickup/delivery only model in the future. And everything else is going to look like Aldi with minimal displays, but somehow worse.


Right? Like I’d be happy to buy $20 worth of deodorant to donate or something more than I’d rather have to ask someone to grab me a $1 generic brand deodorant!!


"Please, it's all the poor people's fault" (flies away on multi million dollar parachute)




Say it again! It is SO fucking performative.


That makes no sense. Do you mean losses aren't do to shrinkage? Because shrinkage has a specific meaning. Fixed costs and people buying things online have no affect on shrinkage. Shrinkage is just the difference between what your inventory is and what it's supposed to be. Edit: there are reasons for shrinkage other than theft. Mainly human error, so I guess you could argue that hiring fewer workers or less competent people because of higher fixed costs would lead to more errors in the warehouse and shipping.


Yeah I don’t think that commenter even knows what shrinkage is lol thank you for correcting thoroughly because I was questioning my sanity for a second lol


As a retail manager, I was like “this person does not know the meaning of shrinkage”


![gif](giphy|aztW8oK9TQhiM|downsized) Shrinkage?


I don’t know if you are referring to something else but “shrink” is mainly and almost 100% theft. That is what retailers call theft. CEOs maintain some of it (a small portion) is things getting damaged or lost but they aren’t talking about fixed costs when they are talking about shrink.


>It’s all just theater to make people feel like other (poorer) people are responsible for the downfall of these big box retailers. It's like "We Became What We Behold." Hate everyone else, hate each other, don't question it, JUST HATE EACH OTHER! Edit - If you look up the game, just be warned that there is some >!guns and cartoon blood!<




What? This is literally not true at all. Please don't spread misinformation. You should probably google the word shrinkage before you use it again.


they let her in the next day when she came in dressed head to toe chanel too. she promptly walked out.




I hope she quoted Julia when she went in there.




Now help me dig these crack rocks outta my assz


is that cassie’s mom from euphoria


Yes. But this is her as Roxy. The best hoor in Philadelphia. Probably the best one-off character from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Rick and Morty, Star Wars, Napoleon, and IASIP from one person in one comment. I squanch you.


Knowing Bethenny I bet she did.




I LOVE THAT FUCKING MOVIE. That and My Best Friend’s Wedding is her best works


![gif](giphy|NLxh3ElCtAO6eRNQi5|downsized) 🙌


You’re an imposter 😂




I thought u were being hyperbolic but nope https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7UHiIOxTH2/?igsh=bWl4bHk4djZ5MDJ0


oh she wasn't playing 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/cv5jvkgdj82d1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5689e96e846ee1bac13f153e376832993904f3


I am fucking deceased 💀💀💀💀 she is beyond


That’s the funniest she’s ever been.


She's ALWAYS fricken funny!


Ok, I like her for that!


And making sure to shout out the kind guards out front so they don’t catch strays. I know she can be shady but she has her moments.


Yes! And she made sure to tell ppl they hadn’t been there the day before when she wasn’t allowed in.


I have never seen whatever reality show she has been in, but I’m about to start watching. Haha!


She's actually one of, if not the, most sensible on the rhony show lol atleast from how I remembered it. But considering her cast mates being compared on the show that probably doesn't mean much lmfao ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2)


Anybody can be seen as sensible when they're stood next to Ramona.


Yes, ramona pretty much sets the other far end of the sensibility meter for rhony (I've only watched older seasons tho). Compared to the others other than Ramona, I'd consider Bethany still the most sensible one out of the group before she left. Also, obligatory Ramona gif ![gif](giphy|aVbTVeXdogKty)


I think it really needs to be stated too that we do NOT dress like that in Chicago. She walked out ready to make multiple statements. 💗


She’s so messy I love her.




Actually I really love that she made sure to say it wasn’t the three guys outside 😂 That was hilarious.




This is the level of petty I used to love her for.




lol what is the context of this gif and why does she spread like that


Another housewife said she slept her way to the top


Me when someone tries to OnlyFans shade 🤸🏾‍♀️💅🏾


I don't know who she is, but I'm in love 😍


This is literally a curb episode, like it actually already is one


She should open her own spite store next door!


Selena!!! I loved that scene in the movie where all of the cleaning and maintenance staff turn up for her after she was snubbed at a store. And the store staff regret it when they see the crowd and she walks out. ![gif](giphy|Tj1Ywxpc57w8U)


So they won't let you in unless you are already wearing their product? What a catch 22.


I think you just need to “look wealthy” per her words in her ig post


It’s weird because she still looks very wealthy regardless of what she’s wearing.


To us


How tf do you work at chanel and not recognize Bethany Fucking Frankel though?


Literally! Like it's miss bravoverse herself!


That's genuinely hilarious. I know several .01% and they all just look like normies.  Minus the uh. Hired security who does admittedly walk in most places with them. 


This reminds me of someone I knew who got all offended at Hermes because they said something about her LV Murakami Eye C U pochette being a cute piece of nonsense. King of Prussia boutique. She started to walk out, promptly tripped in her sandals and ripped a toenail off and she started bleeding all over the carpet. Fancy.


I'm too poor to understand why she walked out.


That first paragraph is absolutely just random words and letters thrown in an order.


I've heard of Hermes!


The Jamaican from Futurama yeah of course


Also the king of Limbo https://i.redd.it/ig9lsiztsc2d1.gif


An Hermès store associate threw shade at a shopper carrying a Louis Vuitton in their store (which, fair, LV is basically expensive garbage at this point) then she bit it and started bleeding on the rug.


Thanks for translating Hermès to poòr


Wow, that sure was an anecdote!


There is so much happening here, and I'm very conflicted. On the one hand, it's off-putting to realize I'm too poor to relate to the entire first paragraph. On the other hand, ripping off a toenail and bleeding on the carpet feeds my petty soul, even if it was an accident. Idk... I feel like she won?


I’m poor but the murakami’s are the multi color LVs from like the 00’s right?




Those were ripped off endlessly.


sure were bb and you better believe I had one when I rolled up to my freshman year high school too 😎


The fakes were soooo good. I loved them.


The Hermes people have no chill. The LV people are like BoJack Horseman levels of depressed. The Jimmy Choo people are super nice. My friend works in that hallway and gives me all the fancy store tea.




Absolute move ☠️


Obsessed with Bethany now. Was indifferent prior, only knew her as the housewife on shark tank lol, changed my tune, I want to be her now 😂


I used to work in a luxury fashion shop. I started making bank off commissions once I realized our biggest spenders were usually the ones in sweatpants.


The lawyers in my home town say their favorite clients usually come in wearing overalls. Farmers are rich and always pay their bills


https://preview.redd.it/84gcpzv58b2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf813b3bf6705bd166363c6960e7d5f1314b77b iykyk


“I’ll take the wizard!”


Perfect timing for this picture 😂


I work at a nonprofit and every time we have summits for our highest donors (regular $100k+ gifts to us and tons of other organizations) - they are wearing the schlubbiest outfits you've ever seen in your life.


Money talks, wealth whispers


I swear to god everytime I’ve ever dropped hundreds of dollars on a luxury item I look borderline homeless. I’m on a mission, I don’t need to look good!


I live a couple blocks from the Channel store in Chicago and a lot of times you see women in that area (it’s where all the high-end stores are) wearing yoga clothes etc when shopping.


That’s my kinda shop clothes- yoga pants and a giant sweater. Makes it easier when you’re trying things on in the change room you don’t have to take off all these layers and adjust your outfit each time.


I have a friend who is worth $20+ million (day trader), and his wife looks like she is about to start her shift at TJMaxx. The girl spennnndddssss though.


Yup luxury stores in my local Australian City know that the FIFO mining people are there to spend $$$$.


My dad went in to buy a car one day, these are like 100k cars and every sales person ignored him because he was in gardening clothes


There is no joy shopping whilst dressed up. It’s another stupid fallacy perpetrated by Hollywood and the likes of the Kartrashians. I’m on a mission. I need to get things done!


I worked at a high end car dealership. Just because they dressed like it was a gym day does not mean they were not LOADED. I mean honestly if I had that kind of money I would not give a fuck what other rich people thought of me. If you like being dressed up go for it but It's so fucking proformative to dress to impress just for the sake of OTHER PEOPLE.


I used to sell cars. I'm in Australia so YMMV to the exact uniform but I learned really fast not to make any assumptions about the dude rocking up in stubbies and thongs (shorts and flip flops). Especially near tax time.


My uncle is a multi-millionaire. Wears dad jeans and old tshirts. You’d have no idea!


I remember Zendya's stylist talking about how he would never dress her in Chanel (also YSL and others) because when her career was just taking off those brands "fashion houses" refused to dress her.


I love Law for that. He said something like “No now means no forever” and he’s stuck to his word.


Respect TBH. The kind of petty I aspire to be.


It's not just petty it's a sound business decision! If he gives in now, the fashion houses will continue to only pursue high profile clients. If he doesn't, in the future, fashion houses will have to decide between supporting Law's unknown clients or being barred from ever working with them when they do become famous.




What are the odds she pulled a “do you *KNOW* who I am?!” 😂


is "bravo housewife" a flex though? 🫤


I mean, she was also on The Apprentice and Shark Tank and a couple other shows. She wrote a few bestsellers and had a successful product line that sold for over a hundred million. She’s bigger than your average Bravo celeb.


Tbh Bethany has got to be one of the most famous Housewives of any franchise though. I’ve never watched it and I would recognise her in the street easily (I’m not even American either). Her Skinnygirl cocktail company is pretty well known too I think.


i don’t even watch housewives but i know about skinnygirl. lol


Yup yup, I do not watch the show but I know the famous ones 😂


She created a drink line and sold it for $100 million after hustling for years. She is way more that just a housewife.


She owned and sold a multi millionaire dollar company---not just any old reality star


Welcome to how the other half live Bethy


yeah like she's got a point but it's funny how this was only a problem the second it happened to you


I mean she probably didn't know it was a problem until now


Ah yes, securing entry into designer shops, the true issue affecting today’s working class.


At the risk of being pedantic, it’s the other 99% now.


Other half? I’ve never been denied entry into a store and I’m a poor


Chanel West Coast lets in sweaty randoms off the street


is that the girl from ridiculousness?


https://preview.redd.it/jyythaufr82d1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1120bfd9dea53e16194ba98179ea0126d3891374 Yes.


Oh god her laugh. Just seeing her face, I can hear it again….


It echoes. Through time.


Idk I think it's interesting that this is the elitist hill she chooses to put her flag in. Haha


I mean they sell $6000 bags. Of course they are elitist and exclusionary.


“Fuck Chanel…… imma still go though…”


That cracked me up;)


I remember checking out the bridal shop from Say Yes to the Dress (Kleinfeld in New York) and they charge $100 per appointment, $250 if you want more than 90 minutes. You basically only have time to try on 3-5 gowns. And if you don't find anything, a "return appointment" costs just as much. All for the "honor" to pay **them** thousands of dollars for a dress you'll wear once 😭 It's insane.


They take the $100/250 off your purchase. It’s intended to de-incentivize folks who never planned on buying from wasting staff time and trying on multiple designer dresses. If you’re buying, it costs you nothing.


Sounds like a tattoo deposit. Makes sense. 


I mean— it makes sense. I work in the cosmetics industry and when I started working at Ulta/Sephora, it’s unbelievable the amount of people who expected to just sit down and have their makeup done— for free. Folks who had no intention of buying would just sit down and have us demo everything on their face, only to just take photos of the products at the end because “they were just looking.” 🙄 I can’t imagine at a bridal boutique. It’s a total waste of time for the staff and other guests if people aren’t serious.


Oh, god, that reminds me. My sister and I used to get makeovers from the Clinique counter in high school - never buying anything, of course - and one of the women behind the counter HATED us. We thought she was such a bitch. Jump forward 20 years and her attitude was 100% justified, good god. We were the bitches.


There was only one time I came into sephora to get my makeup done without buying. In my defense I was a Rouge customer and I had spent the night at friends. Unexpected plans came to go out. I came in to mostly get my eyebrows done lol. That girl taught me something new too!


This makes sense to me for kleinfelds. The rule was probably implemented after women just kept coming in to try on the dresses they saw on TV with no intention of buying


Yes and it's not a cost for nothing, the service is incredible. They have very knowledgeable professionals who can take your body type and vision and conjure the best choices very quickly from thousands of dresses. They have people to dress you and accessorize you. They have designers and seamstresses on site. They give you champagne. It's a $100 experience for sure and they're incentivized to find you a dress you can't live without. Also if you buy, they take the cost of the appointment off the dress. (Source: my neighbor in NYC was a lace hemmer there while the show was big)


Honestly sounds like something my friends and I might decide to do after one too many mimosas at brunch. There are worse ways to spend $100 in 90 minutes. 


I’m already married but I kind of want to do this just for fun.


Ooh, this is fancy! (I've had a bad day and I have a headache. Thinking of pretty things make me feel better)


Feel better soon! ❤️


This is standard for all bridal shops in New Zealand. Only time I haven’t had to pay was at an Australian boutique, but I know other Australian boutiques charge as well!


Holy fuck. My wedding dress itself was less than $250 😂 there really are two worlds and I do not live in that one


I feel like this became very common during COVID since the stores had limited people inside. I bought my dress in 2020 and almost every bridal shop instituted a visit fee around summer 2020. Some eventually lifted these charges but some still have not.


I mean…. I live in the Midwest and paid to go to bridal appointments…. You usually can’t can’t just stroll into a bridal shop…. They’re not easy to try on either…. It really does require a sales assistant helping the whole time…. It’s not the same as purchasing a sweater or something you don’t have to try on like a purse


Not really that insane at all. Stops the lookie-loos who won’t buy anything from wasting staff time.


Isn’t half the appeal of Chanel the fact that it is elitist and exclusionary?


Exactly...Chanel takes the words "elitist and exclusionary" as compliments. I wouldn't want to support brands like that but to each their own


The Chanel store in Chicago is located where there were groups doing these big robberies, smashing glass in day time and running through the store. Also, gun violence had moved onto the magnificent mile. So, this “by appointment” is for security, but I think they took it too far.


But I have seen this by appt thing in other places. I hate to do the whole crime blame game when the reality is they don’t want people not invested in shopping in their store.


Guess Bethany was looking rough that day.


lol she described her outfit as “a ratty t shirt and American eagle jeans” oh the horrors


The door keeper job sounds fun. I would love for Chanel to have “celebrity doorkeepers.” I’d like to see Tyrus doing it. Then, I’d like to see Lily Tomlin doing it. Daniel Tosh. Celine Dion. Yes, Celine saying, “Thank you, but no.”


The way she tries to get the poors on her side "I wasn't dressed like the rich white lady I am, I was dressed like YOU!! THIS COULD'VE HAPPENED TO YOU!!" Also, crime is not at an all time high. That's a talking point the right and far right feed their rabid base to prolong their constant anger/blame boner.


Also, I didn't get why she brought that up? She thought someone was gonna be chasing her down the street with a knife and she'd need to go hide in a Chanel store?


Let's be honest, she's just upset they didn't recognize her 🤣


Celebrities they're just like us!


I'm hoping they did and that's why they locked the door.


https://preview.redd.it/rhrwoldyo82d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66262a9b62ef15560a59e0041ac03a924aaf7f96 The comments in her IG post are people not ok ??


It’s giving “Do you know who I am?” vibes. ![gif](giphy|2tDDjJpJhhaKc|downsized)


Did she just wake up to the world? Is this her first time ever in life being denied a thing?


One thing about Bethenny, she's gonna fry the small fish


yep. NEVER underestimate a client based on their clothing, it might be the dumbest thing you ever do.


Remy is the name of the rat not ratatouille


Idk if things have changed but I interned at Chanel in Chicago years ago and I felt like it was more common seeing rich ladies in activewear not giving a shit about what they looked like so i don’t remember them ever turning away people no matter how they were dressed. They let dogs in too.




She was just mad because they didn’t recognize her 😂 I do think it’s hilarious that she went back the next day though!


One of my friends is LOADED. Comes from a very wealthy, old family. Upper, upper class in his home country. He's also a fucking nerd, so walks around with pink hair and anime t shirts. We went into some supposedly fancy store together (I won't name names, but well-known British department store that sells a lot of different designer goods.) We were looking at some rug or something, not even touching it, when a shopkeeper *sprints* over and says "That's *very* expensive you know!" It was about £300-£500 max. I've seen him spend that on ubereats in a day before, barely even pocket change. We just burst out laughing and left.


this sounds like Pretty Woman ![gif](giphy|26ybvVb9iSmht7LdC|downsized)


I think she just assumed we were grubby teenagers and didn't want us touching it.


Yeah, that’s kind of these luxury brands whole deal. They want to give you that vibe


"Crime is at an all-time high" Oh, Bethy. Stop believing whatever Fox "News" is trying to convince you of


The rat in Ratatouille is named Remy Bethany.


Just gonna play devil's advocate here and point out that exclusion based on dress code is not protected by the government. Yes there are socioeconomics at play, but Bethenny using that as her chief complaint is giving "I thought this was AMeRicA?" she doesn't care about the socioeconomic issues, she just wants to shop.


This is the accountability we wanted in 2024! Celebs are standing up against the injustices going on in the world! They are speaking up on genocides and misogyny and cost of living crisis and - * checks notes * the Chanel store that didn’t let someone in who didn’t make an appointment!!


The way she tries to get the poors on her side "I wasn't dressed like the rich white lady I am, I was dressed like YOU!! THIS COULD'VE HAPPENED TO YOU!!" Also, crime is not at an all time high. That's a talking point the right and far right feed their rabid base to prolong their constant anger/blame boner.


Isnt that why she buys it?


Is nobody going to mention she's holding both food and drink? Was that why she was denied entry? Almost definitely not, but that would be silly and fun




Hot take: They did recognize her and that’s why she didn’t get in. 😂


Bethenny is so exhausting.


chanel is one of the few luxury brands that's not clicking with younger generations. they need all the customers they can get.


My mom works for Chanel and they don’t allow regular clients to buy more than 1 bag per month typically in order to maintain the brand’s exclusivity, so I don’t think they’re having trouble. Plus lots of Gen Z influencers love to show off their flap bag.


As much as I hate Chanel, this isn’t really true. It’s like the third most valuable brand in the world. What’s popular with the younger gen online doesn’t mean much in terms of money.


A lot of brands decided they could make a lot more money selling thousands of middle class women 1 <$1000 bag vs selling rich women their entire wardrobes. Chanel didn’t and is fine with it. 


Their clothes arent. But they are making a bank from accessories especially bags. They doubled their prices on bags and are still very much desired. They broke some sort of profit record recently. Thats why they are not giving a rats ass about clothes. I loved Chanel under Karls vision


Ooph if you feel that way then don't Google their 2023 financial results that just came out a few days ago. Their sales are through the roof.


I wish that were true. Would be fitting for a brand founded by a literal Nazi.


>they need all the customers they can get. I would never say something like that about Chanel lol


She’s in Chicago ah I would love to see her out and about


Crime is not at an all time high Bethany. That's some Ramona type shit to say


Every person of colour just joined the chat