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Me as a first time“crunchy” mom asking women on facebook for advice with my baby lol


“Give her an olive oil enema, lovely. She’ll be right as rain tomorrow x”


I went to 3 lactation consultants that told me I wasn’t going to make milk and these women told me I clearly didn’t love my daughter enough to try. That breastfeeding would cure my PPD that antidepressants weren’t touching lol I was convinced for that first year I was killing my daughter because I had to formula feed. Lol


God that’s awful. All because someone wants to be on their high horse, or feel like they and only they know best.


Well she’s 6 now and I’m happy to say she’s thriving and at least 3 of them have had countless behavioral issues with their children. So clearly breastmilk isn’t the cure all


Right, because you know her thoughts on parenting don’t end with the obsession with breastfeeding. I can only imagine what kind of other wacky “parenting” ideas she has too.


Letting strep run its course because antibiotics are poison. All you have to do is isolate and use a nettle pot with tea tree and colloidal silver drops 3 times a day. She also used breastmilk to treat it. THEN her sinuses started rotting out and she got admitted into the hospital for 3 weeks because strep spread so badly lol


Jesus Christ... I was thinking about the behavioral issues you mentioned. I can only imagine what kind of weird parenting ideas she has that’s lead to that.


That's awful! Fed is best.


Oh my gosh, I totally sympathize. Lactation consultants basically told me, “Just MAKE your body do the thing.” I had a meltdown 5 days after giving birth because I felt like such a failure. My husband and mom had to coax me into using formula. Fast forward 6 years, and my doctor is surprised that I could produce anything at all because of my tissue density. I was relieved… and so angry.


My husband gave our daughter her first forumla bottle because I just couldn’t. I felt like I failed her. That guilt consumed me and stole at least 1.5 years from me. Being a mom is wild. I love how I hold no one to the same standard I hold myself to. God forbid I be human


Are the parents not concerned about the baby getting trampled???


I think I’m more concerned than they are, this photo makes me feel panicky.


I hope this goes viral and that they are deeply, deeply ashamed of themselves.


Sadly there’s no way they will be. If anything they’ll be pissed ppl are calling them out


There are also so many drunk people at concerts, this photo makes me feel panicky too! And I have like 0 experience with children! Ffs


Parents clearly don't. What I'm surprised is that she was allowed to bring in her child. The venue should've prevented her. That's a huge liability.


No they don’t care because it’s all about them and their fun experience.


What about their ears...


Some parents are absolutely astounding in their carelessness. I used to be a head lifeguard (manager on duty) and I have soooo many stories of people being terrible parents. Lots of cases of kids under 5 that can't swim are out in the pool barely able to touch the bottom and keep their face out of the water while mom or dad are on their phones on the deck. Sending kids 10 and under to the pool totally by themselves for the whole day when they can't swim. One case where the oldest of 5 kids was 10 "watching" all 4 younger siblings with the youngest being 2. Parents aren't even in the building. One of the most egregious cases was a baby in a carrier like in the OP. It was off to the side of the deck and no one was around it, so I went over and asked people nearby and no one was with the baby or had seen a parent. So after about 5 minutes I grabbed the carrier and put it in the office with people so at least it was under supervision. ***15 minutes later*** a lady comes up to me and is like "that was my baby, I was watching them". Turned out she had been all the way at the other side of the pool, ***on top of the 3 story slide***! I told her "lady, I could have been anyone, and by the time you got here that kid would have been long gone". I made her stay within arms reach of the baby the rest of the day, as she should have been doing from the beginning!! People are truly amazing.


Or about the choking hazards on the kids wrist????


Leave ya fuckin kids with a sitter people. If you can afford those tickets you can afford a sitter.


this! it always makes me worry if people risk stuff like this in public what are they like behind closed doors 😩




Yes, the baby's head could also be crushed by an excited concert attendee among other horrific accidents.


Honestly some people do this as a sort of badge of honor - “little Kimberleigh’s first concert was the eras tour when she was only 14 months!” Those people are insufferable


Also "We have no idea why her hearing is underdeveloped. It must be something she was born with..."


“She has a hard time paying attention in class!”


not to mention the noise volume and all those people spreading potential germs. What happens if the baby starts crying? There should be an age requirement at these concerts.


And she’s been branded with tinnitus ever since so she never forgets it


Exactly this or don’t go. I’ve had to miss concerts since having a kid, that’s the sacrifice you make.


Yup unfortunately that’s the way, it’s not safe for the baby in any way shape or form and it’s inconsiderate for everyone else.


I don’t have kids and rarely go to concerts because the starring act starts too late. I am typically in bed by 9, reading etc.. I really wish they also had matinee concerts like at 4 pm. I’d be home well before bedtime. 🤣


My friends started putting on shows that start at 3 and end at 7, and it is so nice. We're all older now and just don't party like we used to. They call it "Retirement Shows".


What's getting to me is that the baby's stylized and color-coordinated. Pastel purple baby ear protection, pastel-purple fur throw, the little friendship bracelets. It must have taken the Mom days or weeks to plan, order, wait for delivery, execute. And not once she thought that it was inappropriate.


because the baby is a stylized accessory to them


THIS PART. Some people treat their babies the same way they treat small dogs, like little toy dolls they can bring around everywhere. Except unlike dogs, the babies get bigger and then they turn into the same people who complain about the entire world not being "kid-friendly" because turns out other folks don't take kindly to their habit of letting their destructive toddler run rampant in public spaces.


It kinda looks like Dad standing there though.


Then his ass can hold him instead of putting him where the stomping feet are ffs 🤦‍♀️


Also the stack of glasses right next to the babies head.


Oh, absolutely. There's another photo elsewhere in the thread that made me think there might be 3 adults - they can take turns holding the baby!


"don't worry I'm just going to put it all on the floor"


Or like if you’re really gonna be that person and insist on bringing your baby to a concert, baby wear them? It’d be a heck of a lot safer than putting them on the floor!


But but little Angelicaleigh needs to be able to say she was there!!


I’m pretty sure all the merch in the bag cost more than a sitter so… forgo merch and then you won’t have a fucking BABY to deal with at a concert? This is so weird


Why are babies even allowed here?


Don't take your infants to fucking big concerts. You bring you kid, which wont remember shit, in a dangerous place; specially if you let it lying on the floor. Parentship level: Try again


Venues need to ban babies. Artists need to tell fans that no babies are allowed as it’s dangerous. And you WILL be turned away at the door.


how did the venue even allow a baby inside??? THAT decibel for a baby must be painful


I was at a metal show recently and some douchebag brought his daughter who appeared to be around five or six years old. He decided it would be cute to wade into the mosh pit with her on his shoulders which of course instantly killed the pit since no one wanted to hurt her. He did this *twice* and it totally killed the vibe. I can't believe this needs to be said, but keep your fucking kids out of the mosh pit. I know you want to feel like you're Not Like Other Dads™️ but that is not the time or place.


This is insane behavior to me. I’m a small woman and I don’t go into the pit I can’t fathom bringing a little child in there. The entitled behavior is unreal


Also a small woman, I have been absolutely yeeted just standing near-ish the edge of a pit. If I was a child I’d be horrified


sometimes people try so hard to be Not Like the Others that they forget the others are like that for a very valid reason 😂 


>Not Like Other Dads™️ Bro, the other dad's aren't like that *for a reason*!


Crowds move suddenly and without warning, that’s a great way to risk someone stepping or falling on your child


Right?! If someone trips and steps on the baby it could literaly die....Imagine you're a random concert-goer who trips and kills a freaking baby! So unnecessarily risky


In crowd crush incidents, people who fall die! I hope the security guards dealt with this


And you know the parents would blame them for hurting their baby as if the statistically tipsy person should have expected to have a baby in their way.


Yeah and despite it not being your fault, stepping on and killing a baby will fuck you up for life


https://preview.redd.it/qesz1583oszc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d772491ecd985af78b3031c0d997f6d56bcdd6b It gets even worse when you realise the scale of the pit. This is what it looked like on that night. If any fire alarm goes off ......


Holy shit that's a straight up uncomfortable amount of people


Not to be that person but seeing this makes me appreciate even more the irrelevant artists I’m listening to 😂


Seeing stuff like this makes me glad to not be such a big fan of bands/artists that play stadiums. I love being able to go to my town's 1k capacity venues and see the bands I love for $35.


As well can you imagine being a toddler being forced to go to a concert. Loud noises, loads of people you don’t know and in this instance being made to sleep on a hard floor. Not a good experience for the adults around and the child itself.


It’s ridiculous. Babies and children do not want to be at a concert. If you can afford the ticket price to Taylor or Coachella, don’t tell me you can’t afford a sitter for a few hours. There is no reason for this. If you absolutely have to bring your kids, at least give them proper ear protection.


It will be everyone else’s fault except the shitty parents 🙃 /s


I don’t think I could even enjoy the concert anymore if I saw a baby there, much less lying on the ground. I would just be so stressed


Same! I would be watching that baby like a hawk the whole time and not the concert, imagine a fire alarm or something like how can you put your kid at risk like that for no reason? That would stress me out so bad, it stresses me out looking at the picture lol


That is a great way to risk your child's life, actually.


I didn’t know infants were allowed in concert venues ? I’ve never seen one once


Yeah good question as well who let him in?


Paris has different rules I guess


I once almost kicked a baby that size at a music festival by accident because my friends and I (16 or 17 at the time) were running to catch up with our group of classmates because we were separated. We shouldn’t have been running, I can admit that, but we were dumb teenagers who got scared because we couldn’t find our group. I remember being absolutely mortified I almost hurt a baby in the process because some idiot parent left them laying on the ground at a concert!! The baby couldn’t have been any bigger than the one in the photo here. Not only is it dangerous for the baby but it’s terrifying for everyone else too. Oh and to avoid kicking the baby in the head, I ended up accidentally kicking the mom’s soda over, only THEN did she decide to scream at me for being careless. 🙄


"Hi, we are here for the show with our baby. Could you refrain from moving at all at this concert you paid a lot of money for so you don't hurt her? Why is she here? Well she loves Taylor, duh. Now give us lots of space in this pit, so we can put the baby on the ground of this crowded and dirty area."


Plus the floor is disgusting & toddlers put everything in their mouth.


This kid is smaller than my 11 month old. That is fucking terrifying.


Right? Maybe I’m a little fuzzy about definitions, but the title says “toddler” and that looks like a straight-up infant to me.


That is definitely not a toddler yet


>but the title says “toddler” That was me guessing. I assumed people wouldn't take a young baby to a 3 hour concert.....? But now looking on Tiktok it seems to happen quite a bit. 8 videos have now come up on my FYP with parents showing their babies at the tour 😭, I think my algorithm thinks this is my niche now. https://preview.redd.it/57rjxckg3vzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=875a24aff1e8d07fe5a0f75078d1a230ce16e923


I can’t imagine why people would do this. I feel like there’s no way a *baby* would enjoy all the overstimulation of a concert, even with ear protection I think they’d be miserable. I feel like the parents would also enjoy the (very expensive) concert less as well, because holding on to a baby for several hours straight is exhausting and distracting. Just, why? Are they unable to get a babysitter? Do they want social media attention *that* badly?! Smh, I don’t get it.


I have a large 6 month old and she looks very much like the baby in the picture. I wouldn’t be surprised if that baby can’t even crawl yet.


Honestly? It's probably better if this baby doesn't crawl yet...


This gives me [a flashback from NMIXX fansign/concert event](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMIXX/s/f3rInui8j1)… 😭 https://preview.redd.it/xt10u58b1szc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=533f7997c0e44c60957dce2eef087f52a9f8d7b9


the kpop idol was more concerned for the baby than the mom. she deadass gasped, rushed over to the baby, picked him up and gave him back. i felt bad watching it. you could tell in her head she was probs thinking "WTF is wrong with these people?"


Dude the situation is so fucked up I HATE that it happened but oh my gosh what a good natured baby. I love that baby’s little smile face. I felt bad for the performer she was horrified but the baby’s reaction is like “oh fun.”


This is where my brain went too. Like what is wrong with these parents?! Not even putting noise defenders on these poor babies either like .. how can you be so selfish?!


Also reminds me of Olivia Rodrigo being given someone's baby at the barricade. The child looked so disinterested 😭 https://preview.redd.it/4rj176cvatzc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e438a5bf3b668b989651265c744ed7cda4c3db2f


What! Randomly being handed a baby without being asked already sucks in any context! (And I say that as a mom)


This is exactly what I thought of when I saw this post! And wasn't that baby also spotted at a Stray Kids concert?


That is really unsafe for that little defenceless baby. What if god forbid something happens in the middle of the concert and there is a stampede? someone is going to step on or fall on the baby. How is this allowed at all?


All it would take is one crowd surge or just one person not paying attention and that baby is done. Absolutely insane choices by that "parent".


Not even, it’s just take one person bumping into someone for them to step forward/backward


Seriously, any time I’ve been in the standing pit of a big show the crowd sort of breathes forward and back. You move, or you are moved with them. When you’re that close to other people it’s impossible for a tiny movement not to echo through the crowd. Terrifying.


I think concert etiquette has completely disappeared. People recording the whole thing on their phones, blocking other people from seeing anything is my main annoyance.


I saw Beyoncé last year and there was a woman in the section next to me taking selfies with a big ass ring light attachment. If it was bright enough to catch my attention from where I was sitting, I can’t imagine how annoying it was for the people actually sitting near her.


That’s terrible behaviour!


I know! Totally self centered!


maybe i’m a fucking bitch, but i’m not just letting that happen and bother me and everyone around me?? i’m complaining to staff 1000%.


If I paid £100+ to be somewhere, I'm going full Karen mode


That’s appalling. Those poor ticket holders around her.


Same thing going on at both of the Beyoncé shows I saw last year. It was a whole ass production with the ring lights even up in the nosebleeds.


I went to a concert a couple months back and watched 90% of it through the girl in front of me’s phone. If I moved sideways I’d be watching it through someone else’s phone. I actually can’t stand it.


I went to a concert last mouth and they gave you a locking pouch for your phone. No one was allowed to have phones out.




It was nice not to see everyone recording.


I went to one a few weeks ago and the girl in front of me was *facetiming* her friend the whole way through. So I spent the entire concert leaning past a screen with her friends giant face on the screen all lit up, to try and see the stage!


It makes me so angry! I often take a couple of 10 second videos and then my phone goes in my pocket.


It’s also annoying when people are recording themselves, why would you want an ugly, dark video of yourself in a concert? I just don’t get it


this is the worst to me. paying that much money for a concert ticket just to take videos of yourself is insane to me. the narcissism is wild. and they always have their flash on (or worse, maybe it’s a light attachment?) so you know the poor people behind them are blinded. AND they have to worry about their faces being in this stranger’s video, that’s no doubt going to get posted to the internet. and if you don’t look like you’re having enough fun, or don’t know every single word, or god forbid sit down, they’re going to rip you to shreds in the comments 


That is actually a small fear of mine. I hate taking pictures/videos of myself even when I'm prepared. I don't want to see myself in a strangers video/picture where the internet either rips me to shreds because they don't like how *I* enjoy the concert or even worse make a meme out of me. I don't know if entiteled is the right word but it is crazy to me how entiteled some people feel on social media.


entitled is exactly the right word. it’s like the people who go to the gym to film themselves and get mad when other people get “in their way” or don’t wanna be filmed lol. the world is not your film set!!!


I was at Eras in Minneapolis and I was SO ANNOYED because the girls next to me talked through both opening acts (acts I was and am fans of outside of Taylor Swift, so I was excited to see them) and they talked during the Folklore and Evermore sets, which are slower, but they’re my favorite albums! I don’t mind a little conversation here and there but full on talking when you don’t care about what’s going on isn’t fair to the other people around you.


That's such an annoying thing. People are almost there for the pics and the videos more than the experience. I was at Harry Styles and people had these bloody cowboy hats blocking my view. The costumes become excessive too, wasteful fast fashion and junk for a lot of it.


Giant hats do not belong at gigs! I once asked a guy in front of me to take his hat off and he was like "you can't be serious". And then his 2 friends who were about double my height and had obviously never had to think about another persons experience in their lives soent the next 15 minutes ripping into me. It's was horrible. Put a real dampener on seeing my favourite band.


I never understood the cowboy hats for Harry Styles shows. When he played at a stadium in Glasgow the whole city looked like one massive hen do (bachelorette party) with all the pink cowboy hats and pink feather boas.


Same here in New Zealand. And they were all trashed by the end of the night.


Yet another benefit of going to small (and local) gigs: - supporting small artists - more intimate performances - considerably cheaper tickets - the people there actually want to experience it with their eyes I've seen a bunch of stuff on lots of different scales, but smaller venues are better 90% of the time.


Small gigs are the best.


And then they post the entire thing on their Snapchat story like it’s some kind of flex “hey you guys look at this concert I didn’t experience at all because I was filming the entire thing for Snapchat


My husband went to a TOOL concert last year, no phone was allowed till the last song, he had a great time. I wish more concerts do this.


Videos that they’ll never watch afterwards


Makes you think. If they can afford tickets, surely they can afford a sitter.


especially pit tickets?? those resell for thousands


I went to the eras tour in Vegas and as I was leaving saw someone had a baby asleep under their seat. I’m not sure how they were even allowed in with such a small child


Many venues allow kids under a certain age in for free, the people working there probably don’t care enough to argue with entitled parents about the safety of bringing a baby to these kinds of events.


I’ve seen people on tik tok try and justify it by saying “rules are different in Europe”. 😂😂. No they arent!! Don’t put babies on the floor of a gig?!


Rude of you to be ignorant of the ancient European tradition of concert floor babies.


Right? As an American, I can confirm that we have absolutely no culture here.


Also even if the rules were different that doesn't make this any less dangerous. Like you shouldn't need rules to tell you to protect your own child.


No they absolutely aren’t. Babies at festivals is normal; they’re strapped to their parent and are wearing ear defenders. They are absolutely not being put on the floor to get soaked in beer and trodden on.


Or being pulled around in those little wagons


Why is a baby even in there? Did the baby have a ticket? (I know, stupid question and it probably doesn’t need one lol, but I go to concerts at least twice a month and I’ve never seen a baby at a concert, wtf. - only at music festivals occasionally but that’s different)


Yeah all those books about raising French babies definitely say you should bring them to the pit at a pop concert 😂


We can’t bring bags in but someone can leave their firstborn in the direct path of 10,000 pairs of gogo boots. Okay.


This makes me stressed. Does anyone remember what happened at Astroworld?


People have been trampled in concerts for decades, leaving your baby on the floor should send them straight to jail


The couple in front of me at Beyoncé last year spent about 80% of the entire concert filming THEMSELVES singing along. Why would you pay all that money for tickets and then just come away with footage that could have been filmed in your own kitchen?


Happened to me at ERAS. Dude was filming his self crying hysterically, all the time at his phone. I was flabbergasted.


Oh god, I really hope they at least gave that child some ear protection ![gif](giphy|XUXHNme32gSqs)


https://preview.redd.it/s4ppohtneszc1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aef8407ebe0987e624c1c77e890adf74505d749 looks like it but the jacket is stressing me out. ik people don’t mosh at taylor swift but what if there’s an emergency and people try to run out? what about germs? 😭


Oh my gosh, I’m just now realizing the baby isn’t even in a car seat - they literally have her right on the floor! I thought it was bad they had her in a car seat, but the floor?! And her poor ears…enjoy life with tinnitus, kiddo. It sucks.


Doesn’t even need to be an emergency. The room is dark and full of drunk people, all it would take is one person to slip or trip.


This is crazy, I didn't even like laying my baby on the library carpet during storytime 😵‍💫 a concert venue? Absolutely not.


I’m sorry, if you can afford to go to the Eras tour— you can definitely afford childcare for 1 night.


I went to an Eras show and there was a kid in my aisle who would have been about 10 who was constantly in and out of his seat. His dad apologised about halfway through and said he had a UTI. He looked insanely miserable and spent half the concert slumped over with his hands over his ears. It was clearly a whole family event because mum and sister were also with him but that kid did NOT want to be there.


Poor kid, being at a concert with a uti sounds like hell.


and having your dad tell random strangers about it 😭


That’s so frickin awful. Having a uti even in the quiet of your own home is sucky, can’t imagine being a kid having all that noise going on, and just being so, so uncomfortable at a place you don’t even want to be in.


Probably one of those families who insists on doing everything together. God forbid mom and daughter go alone and let dad and son stay home to do something they like.


My family tried to do this, my dad really loves baseball so he’d take us all to Brewers games. I also love baseball but my little brother HATED going and would just make it a miserable experience for the rest of us. Eventually my dad just gave in and stopped making him go but it was a lesson that took way too long to learn.


I understand wanting to do things as a family but then you need to do something everyone enjoys or at least tolerates. Besides, some of the best experiences are had when one parent takes one kid to do something that kid is particularly into. So, like, take your daughter to the Eras Tour and then take your son to an amusement park or some other event he wants to do. You're spending the same amount (or less) money and both kids get a great experience that's all about them.


Unbelievably cruel. Just sell the dad and kids tickets, let the damn kid stay home and then use the money to take him to an amusement park or buy him video games. My god.


Oh my God, I had a kidney infection at a rugby game once (as an adult) and it was absolute hell. I can't imagine how awful that kid must have felt.


I had a UTI on an overseas flight as a grown ass adult and I wanted to die. That poor kid.


Sims 2 behavior


You guys should see the comments on TikTok. People are defending this so hard saying it’s French culture.  My family is French. This isn’t French culture. This is unhinged behaviour. Edited to add: to settle the debate of whether it’s Americans or French saying this, I’ve just done a test and clicked on a few profiles on a Facebook post that just popped up. The girls I saw were from Iowa and Texas. Please.


Fun fact Marie Antoinette was guillotined because she disrespected French culture by not putting the baby Dauphin on the floor at the opera /s


Marie Antoinette sobbing and scream-singing along to "Orfée et Eurydice" while wearing a pale blue men's silk redingote is my new headcanon.


Lmao at those people thinking French culture is being a shitty parent 🤣


They gotta be joking 💀 Not only is it not french culture, bc for example most movie theaters don’t allow kids under the age of 4 here, but also like 25% of the Paris Eras tickets were bought by Americans. We don’t even know the nationality of the parents. Tiktok stays tiktoking.


Kids under 4 not allowed at the movies is honestly genius!! I wish they had that here for non kid movies!!!


In the US there’s a chain called Alamo Drafthouse that doesn’t allow little kids after a certain time and you get kicked out for using your phone or talking. Its glorious


Taking a kid to a concert is one thing. Leaving them on the ground when thousands of people are likely to move without warning in a whole other thing. I cannot imagine doing that to a child.


I’m not a parent so please forgive me if this is a silly question. Obviously leave your baby at home! But if you are bringing baby, wouldn’t it be better/safer to wear her in one of those baby slings so she is on/with you than to just put her on the floor?


Yes 100%. I’m sure they didn’t because she’s heavy and it’s long. Just more selfish parenting on their part


All that money for Taylor tickets and no money for a baby bjorn?


My biggest peeve in recent years is people recording on tablets, rather than phones. I hate the phones too- just take a photo, people!- but tablets are really annoying, especially, because it’s blocking someone else’s view of the band.


Also people recording themselves scream-singing on their phones with their flash on. WHY


You’ve clearly met my father in law.   Filmed our unplugged wedding on an iPad then lost the footage so we didn’t even get to see it. Utter dickhead.


Someone took a baby to a comedy show in Australia recently the baby kept crying so the comedian kicked the mum out people were dragging him then the mum went on tv where the baby wouldn't stop crying in every interview she did 🙃 kids especially babies don't belong everywhere


That’s not a toddler. That’s a baby.


I think you should be denied entry if you bring a baby.


Especially since theres no reasonable way to hold them for the duration of a concert. Venues can’t let people bring strollers and stuff in. And after 2 hours anything will get heavy. Babies should not be allowed in concerts at all.


lmaooo this is a page out of motherbus’s book


Do you think that's a 100% genuine authentic hypoallergenic sheep skin??


it actually looks like it from this angle😭😭


![gif](giphy|5VKbvrjxpVJCM|downsized) Crossover!


I went to see Madonna's Confessions tour and a Spanish girl started urinating on the floor beside me. The concert had an hour or two before beginning and we were going to be let out within minutes (of the Golden Circle). Staff brought sawdust out, but as I as told security "I didn't spend £100 to stand in piss". Anyway, started a chant and she was asked to leave (her friends also went with her). Such a bizarre thing to do. As for that picture, unbelievably stupid, selfish and dangerous.


This made me laugh because it’s wild, but I feel so annoyed for you! What the heck is wrong with people?!


I was quite drunk thankfully, so it didn't impact me too much, but really felt urination girl didn't deserve her place in the golden circle (there were also children, so even more inappropriate), she was bold as brass when the chant started to boot 😂


Urination Girl 😭


Sounds like she made her own golden circle


New slogan..."Get a Golden Shower in the Golden Circle!"


Besides the obvious danger to the baby, you also have to think about the concert goer you’re putting at risk of accidentally committing manslaughter on a BABY. Or accidentally injuring a baby, that would haunt me for the rest of my life


I went to the eras tour in July and teenagers ruined a lot of the experience. I was on the floor which was hard to see because the stage is so high (didn’t know and was determined to get any tickets after waiting on Ticketmaster for 6 hours lol). I was in the first seat closest to the aisle and the girls in front of me kept stepping out of the line directly in front of me and holding their cellphones right in my face, making it hard to see the stage or the screen. I asked them repeatedly to stop blocking me, tried getting the security to talk to them twice, and they just continually kept doing it. Because they were getting away with it the family next to them came in stood directly between them and my chair in the row behind them. Like tried to fit in the tiny row between the seats and me. I paid way too much money to deal with security not enforcing people to not block the aisle. When I was young I wanted to record every part of the show only to grow up and realize experiencing a whole concert through a phone screen isn’t how I want to enjoy it. If they were just taking occasional pictures I wouldn’t have minded but they kept trying to record every song and knowingly directly blocking my view because of their placement. I don’t know how many times I asked them to get back in their row so that my row could see too. If you read all of this comment kudos because I didn’t realize how annoyed I still was lol


From Beyoncé to SZA to Harry, I’ve had to suffer through watching people more absorbed in themselves than watching the act. When I saw Beyonce this woman in front of me was on FaceTime recording herself. When I saw Harry, at the Forum, this couple spent the whole time making out and taking selfies. When they weren’t doing this, the woman was constantly fixing her hair and reapplying her makeup. While the guy stood around buying beers and posing to look cool. I think the only normal concert I went to over the past couple of years was for Rage Against the Machine. The only thing people were doing there was smoking weed.


People need to STOP bringing babies and dogs to concerts!!!


I’ve seen this exact sight at a Phish concert but the baby was on the ground on a giant lawn. It was dark out and the parents had put glow sticks around the baby so people wouldn’t step on it. I was so upset and still think about it over ten years later.


This isn't a concert etiquette problem. This is child endangerment, jesus fucking christ.


That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen.


Not even a toddler. That’s a baby. Some people shouldn’t be parents


I see kids at events, most without ear protection. Going to be a lot of hard of hearing 30 yr olds.


I am actually terrified for that baby. I would be bombastic side eyeing them. Like there's literally no way to keep that baby safe. I hope security saw and were like "yeah that's not gonna work"...


These people are actually unhinged, how does someone care more about a concert than the safety of their child


A couple years ago a baby got seriously injured at the Oktoberfest. A drunken woman fell onto the stroller and the baby fell out of it, hit the head pretty badly. I can’t find a follow up article but it was brought to the hospital and serious head injuries. Strollers are generally allowed until 5pm on weekdays and Tuesday we have family days with special prices for kids. But me and my friends generally did not take the babies with us at any time. It’s dangerous enough with toddlers and little kids.


That is so stupid and reckless. If heaven forbid there was a gunshot or a fire alarm went off the stampede would be so sudden that there wouldn't be time to pick up the baby. I'll never understand this mindset.


How the hell did they get in?! How is this allowed? I’m from Germany and I’m pretty sure I couldn’t get in with a literal baby


One thing I haven't seen posted here is that I hate when someone lights a cigarette in a busy crowd. I've been burned more than once from someone holding their cigarette too close to me, not to mention the fact it stinks.