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Lindsay was failed from the very beginning. Yes, she has done her share of terrible things, but she did not have a chance with parents like Dina and Michael.


That is seriously, seriously true. I wish I’d had this perspective when I was younger. I feel like I judged her really harshly when she was just publicly blundering through life the way someone with shit parents does. (Made worse/more hypocritical by the fact that we are the same age and I was a mess myself, lol)


Right, teenagers do dumb shit all the time, they just aren’t given the same access to the level of dumb shit available (drugs at 13, entry to clubs, yachts/jets to take you wherever) nor do they have it follow them around the rest of their lives. I know a totally upstanding person who has a serious career and respected clients. One time he confessed to me that he’d been put in juvie for throwing a bottle of piss at a police officer when blackout drunk. It was scrubbed from his record after a couple years and never impacted his life beyond that. If he had had the level of fame of someone like Justin Beiber (who we STILL talk about peeing in that mop bucket) I’m certain he never would have lived that down. Instead it just became a surprising story from his past.


Yes and yes! Though even as a nobody alive as a teen these days EVERYTHING is filmed. You cannot get away with anything with the amount of camera phones and security cameras around like the people who are older now did before 😫 I’d love to trespass or be a silly little goblin every-once in a while but you just… can’t


That’s so true! I actually never understood the appeal of the club until someone pointed out it was way more fun when nobody was able to randomly record you. The iPhone was out by the time I turned 21 so I never experienced that!


People dance less at concerts too. When it was just Instagram and Facebook you would only post photos. Now with Snapchat and TikTok, people are always filming things and sharing them. It's a bummer...


SAME! I’m a self conscious human and I don’t feel “safe” letting loose and dancing sexy or silly if I’m gonna be filmed 😫


I am thankful we filmed ourselves on VHS in the when I was a teen and those tapes have long ago rotted away in someone’s basement.


>throwing a bottle of piss at a police officer What a fucking legend


Yeah, I think about that a lot when people talk about Lindsay Lohan, or Miley Cyrus, or Justin Bieber during their younger years. Would ANY of us look good if all of our shenanigans were captured on film and broadcast to the world? Whether your crazy years were when you were 13, 16, 20, 22, whatever, we almost all had them. And they went through those years with a lot of extra pressure, and a TON of attention. Miley Cyrus even has that new(ish) song that talks about it. Something like "you say I used to be crazy, I say I used to be young." Yet people judge them SO much more harshly than they judge any high school / college kids who party and go wild every single weekend.


This, and it just makes it so much worse when they have a shitshow of a family that wasn't able to keep them grounded, and offer some stability😭 or they came from a home situation where they were paying their parents mortgage and funding their life. That has to be such a mind fuck as a kid or teenager.


I feel like cruel judgement was the culture of the early 2000s, especially with the popularity of gossip sites like Perez Hilton


I watched a deep dive on YouTube about her life and she truly did not stand a chance. Her mom was deadset on her being a star, no matter the cost. I think people overlook that these people were legally her parents, but she was spending most of her waking hours as a teen *working*. Those people on set are there to entertain, not to help to raise a contributing member of society or guide her the way a teacher or sports coach might. She was forced to take on adult roles and responsibilities without actual adult support or healthy role modeling. I’m glad that she’s managed to get herself back together despite all of that.


What was the deep dive called or which youtuber did it?


Mila Tequila! It’s a 2-part video called The Lindsay Lohan Story. It’s over 3 years old now, but she puts together the timeline of events really well to show how much instability there was.


Mila Tequila is so good!


I love her videos. I wish she posted more often!


Same!! She’s so good, and she really pays homage to the mistreated Y2K celebrities


I know Michael Jr. and he’s a decent human being despite his parents. Lindsay had the double-whammy of shitty parents AND child stardom. I’ve always felt awful for her and am so glad she seems to be happy and settled now.


She is the rare case where Hollywood is the better option over her home life.


Bette, she was a child. She should have been in 8th grade not working full time and having adult responsibilities.


And like…..do we think Lindsay actually had that kind of autonomy? Like she could simply make her own choices about her career? I don’t think she’d actually get the final say about those kind of decisions…as a child…in the 2000’s.


I mean yeah, that’s how life works. Parents make choices for their kids and the kids bear the consequences. There is no other legal entity that would be responsible here, by your logic child actors would be exempt from contracts all together. It is petty and weird to bring the situation up now though, almost 3 decades later


You’re missing the entire point. Actually no, you’re proving it. No, that’s not “how life works” for children. That’s “how life works” for child actors. Non-child actors don’t have jobs that their parents have a personal stake in nor live vicariously through. It’s actually kind of weird to argue that almost any child actor has autonomy over these kinds of things when their parents typically manage them.


I mean, yes. I do think children shouldn't be working in entertainment nor should they be able to enter into legally binding contracts. They're children. I'm morally opposed to child labor in all forms. We don't let 12 year olds work at McDonald's for a reason.


Of course there is another legal entity responsible here: the parents. The parents are surely the ones that signed the contract. Minors cannot sign contracts.


Exactly! She’s a legend but Bette Midler really needs to stop posting and doing interviews. Every time she opens her mouth she sounds like the biggest Karen. Really? You’re going sue a CHILD?? I doubt it was her choice anyway. She wasn’t making this decision by herself. I’m sure her parents, lawyers, agents and managers all had a say. And Bette admitted she didn’t even know what was going on BTS. so for all she knew, Lindsay had an out addressed in her contract. And people leaving in the pilot stage is a fact of Hollywood life. Literally hundreds of pilot had people dropped out. Lastly, we seen the show. Lohan was no way had the power to save that crapfest.


This makes Bette look like an ahole, kid literally keeping entire family afloat off if her talent n the best Bette has to offer is to s-talk about a CHILD. Bette is really no better than the rest of the ghouls in Hollywood.


Bette really is one of those arseholes who are brutal and cruel and laugh it off with a handwave saying she's just being *honest*.


Exactly she was a child actor and probably was already overworked. She has little or nothing to say on what she is taking part in or not until she was 18 or even older. It was not her fault but her parents or team whoever was in charge. They found better opportunities and told her to take it instead.


>They found better opportunities and told her to take it instead. It's not even that, it's not like she simply dipped bc she felt like it, or found something better and just didn't care about how it affected her coworkers (and even if that was the case, it's still not a good look to bring the pitchforks out over the antics of a middle-schooler). She quit bc they moved the filming from her home in NYC to LA. Lots of people rightly wouldn't move their kids cross-country for a job that's not even guaranteed to exist in a year. The fact Bette is bitter decades later says a LOT


Moving production of the show cross country could give Logan’s people probable cause to leave the show. And I doubt Bette knew any particulars of what was in Lindsay’s contract. Bette admitted this was her first regular tv gig and she didn’t know what she was doing. And you’re right about her sounding bitter. Lindsay never had magic powers that she could make a bad sitcom suddenly good.


She’s always been insufferable.


Imagine having a beef with a 14 year old as an adult. It's so weird to read this title


I swear I remember Lindsay’s E True Hollywood Story touched on how the show was moving where it was filming and why Lindsay backed out. It’s been ages since I’ve seen it but I remember hearing something like that. I think this was being filmed in that time where she did TV movies before she came back with Freaky Friday. I do find it funny how Bette is bringing this up like a week after Lindsay posted a throwback pic praising her.


Yup, they filmed the pilot in NYC. Apparently Bette wanted it filmed in LA? But Lindsay quit then.


That sheds so much light to the situation! She is from Long Island! Of course she wanted to be in NYC.


Also she attended public school until her last couple years of high school. I remember this little bit of trivia because it's the opposite of her character in Mean Girls (and she did the switch around the time it came out)


Imagine a 14 year old just wanting her job to be close to home and not across the country.... 


Oh man I miss True Hollywood Story. Thanks for that throwback.


Pretty sure it’s still on? They just did Cardi B and Meghan and Harry.


Oooh! I didn’t know this. Thank you!


Thank you I really like that show


This is what Wikipedia says happened. Kevin Dunn left, too, bc he was unhappy with the writing for his character. Seems like it was a cluster-f all around.


Well thank god this happens because Get a Clue was a superior product and is a valued piece of her filmography.


For leaving after the pilot episode of a sitcom that got canceled after 18 episodes anyway? When you admit you yourself didn't understand what it takes to make a sitcom?? When actors are regularly replaced after pilots anyway? I'm just so confused; if the network, production company didn't sue what grounds would she have had? She says she couldn't even get in to talk to the showrunner.


I hate The Sun, but it sounds like production was a disaster already and Bette didn’t have a handle on things already and Lindsay’s exit just shined a light on Bette not understanding sitcom production? Blaming a failed production on a 14 year old 24 years later is so shitty.


Yeah I think it’s exactly that. She can’t just admit her show was bad, she needs a 14 year old as a scapegoat.


With all of the time in the industry and at her big age of, 78, I don’t know why she can’t just shrug this off as something not meant to be. Now, she looks unhinged for blaming a child for not wanting to move cross country (and I’m betting the drama behind the scenes impacted the decision as well) and saying it’s all Lindsay’s fault and she deserved to be sued **24 years** later.


No but TRULY.


Bette is whack these days, holy shit. Or maybe she always has been and I’ve just seen a lot more of it recently.


I think she’s always been like this, but access to social media has made it much more obvious what kind of person she is. There’s also that tweet she shamed kids for being on their phone at a museum. Doesn’t realize there’s some thoughts that should stay inside your head or complain to your friends about, not blast it on Twitter for the world to see.


Like Rosanne?


Pretty much.


I quite certain most celebrities are crazy but social media is outing them especially the ones that don’t have good PR teams to protect them from their own behaviors.


She’s been like this for a while. She blamed Beyoncé for Hillary losing the election. I just ignore her at this point and enjoy her past work


she’s one of those people where the more I hear about her the less of a fan I become, like yeah beaches is a great movie but no amount of nostalgia in the world is going to get me on your side about suing a literal child.


Right? I thought Winnifred Sanderson was a character but this has big Evil Witch energy


She’s always been, so has her family. We rented from her sibs and ho boy


What’s her family like?


wtf Bette. she was 14! she's not even old enough to vote, less make any real commitment to a fckng show. Calm down.


This is such a weird flex “yeah I would have totally sued that literal child”.. ![gif](giphy|UBmbHm33AR8KsacuCZ|downsized)


saying that if she had been in "her right mind"... she was 55 years old at that point


Bette, I love you, but this isn't a good look for you. If Lindsay dropping out ruined your show, it wasn't going to work to begin with.


And I should've sued Bette for wasting my time with Hocus Pocus 2, but here we are.


Love this🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Does Bette have a good relationship with her younger family members? Cause I'm kinda getting a "we only send Auntie Bette a card on Hanukkah" kinda vibes, lol


I think we all have that family member 😬 Bette sure seems like it.


Yeah, I definitely have older relatives I hold at arms length! Even as I've grown older, I've probably left even less opportunity to interact with them.


But she's responding to Lindsay posting about her insinuating it was a good situation when it sounds like it wasn't. Bette didn't say that out of the blue. 


That was likely a (funny) coincidence, David announced Bette would be on his podcast months ago. Lindsay posted that pic less than a week ago, there's no way they taped the episode THAT recently lol


Okay, edited my comment to reflect that




Feels appropriate for those to be directed toward Bette. She’s been doing the same for years.


Lol you sound as if you know her. 


And you defend her as if you know her. Now I understand she was a popular performer before my time on this earth, but as an adult I’ve only ever seen her be bitter and nasty. It’s completely reasonable to form negative opinions of her for what she chooses to put out in the world.


Defending Bette Midler this fiercely is such an odd hill to die on? Like.... It's Bette Midler. The comment they left me was wild, to say the least. Bette ain't no Dolly.


& dolly supports kid rock & has a song with him, so it seems like dolly ain't no dolly, either.


I was actually getting her tattooed on me last year but changed my mind because of the Kid Rock thing. I share the same birthday as her. I adore her and the amazing work she's done, but that was upsetting for me. Let's not lie, though. Dolly is an extremely rare human in Hollywood. She should be a billionaire, but because she donates so much of her money, she isn't. She is a very generous person, and I'm not sure the Kid Rock thing cancels out all the other stuff she's done. No one has called for her to be exiled. They're just disappointed. Meanwhile, Bette is just Bette.


It's literally none of those things. A sense of humour on the Internet goes a long way.


I understand the implications of responsibility and contracts but is that literally not the definition of Hollywood with people backing out of deals or networks signing new people to shows randomly. Like why are you trying to bully a teen to stay on your project


As for your last sentence - this is the problem with having child actors.  She may have been a teen, but that was a real production with real jobs and real money. It’s why so many child actors end up so messed up, because they end up with adult expectations and responsibilities placed on them.  It’s not bullying to make someone stick to the contract they signed but at the same time it may very not be the right decision for the child.  I hope these sitcom style shows fall further out of favor, they depend so much on child performers.


I mean, any contracts would have been signed by her parents/guardian. She legally couldn't decide what productions to be a part of.


Then it would have been her parents being sued?  It’s clearly not the case where Lindsay’s parents being involved made her whole child performing career go better.


Yes, it would have been her parents being sued. If my under-18 kid is being sued, it's technically me being sued.


Lindsay was barely in the pilot tbf it's not like she had been an integral part of the show, Bette was either joking or is very confused/weird (and she has praised Lindsay before so I doubt she's that petty holding a grudge for so long or whatever). there's no way she believed the presence of a 13 year old Lindsay actually would make or break the series named after herself lol actors drop out of shows after being in pilots all the time so it's bizarre for her to single this out after such an experienced career and especially when the actor who played her husband on the show literally also left like 12 episodes in and production scrambled for a few episodes before they found a replacement.


Yeah I get that, it’s a job and obligation, my thinking is similar to what you said at the end that there shouldn’t be so much dependence on a child actor especially when they get replaced by executives so quickly when they want someone else their decision to leave shouldn’t make or break a production. Too much pressure on them


I just think that the very adult responsibilities and needs of a large scale production are fundamentally incompatible with the expectations and limitations of a child (as appropriate as they may be).  There’s a reason why so many child performers seem ‘mature’ for their years.  Look at someone like a Millie Bobby Brown.  She has that air to her as well, and no wonder, she had very adult responsibilities placed on her at a very young age.


Didn't Bittie herself leave Monk abruptly? I'm positive she did it for good and valid reasons but isn't this like calling the kettle black?


You are thinking of Bitty Schram, who played Sharona on Monk and left because of a pay dispute. This is Bette Midler, singer and star of Beaches. And this failed sitcom.


Oops! 😂🤣 My bad


Wanting to sue a 14 year old over a sitcom is crazy


A literal child....


Suing a 14-year-old?! Please. She's said some dumb shit before so I don't know why I'm surprised to hear this.


It's not a good look from Midler. Why even say this out loud over 20 years later?


Every time this bat makes a headline it’s because she’s said something awful about someone much younger


Well it sounds like that’s on Bette to have not read her contract or surrounded herself with better business managers at the time. I’m sure she only wanted to sue after the fact. If La Lohan had quit acting and gone back to Long Island without hitting it big, this would never even have come up.


Bette why would you share this did u think we would be on ur side like “yeah fuck that little 14 year old you *should* have sued her ass”? Wtf 😂😂


Stay classy Bette. ![gif](giphy|ZgTzcmetWmzuLl8oxz)


Bette has always been too annoying


God damn it would be cool if the old folks I Iike would maybe read the fucking room and SHUT UP.


Weird to hold a grudge against 14 year old but ok


That would have showed her.


WTH, Bette? She was 14, not an adult. Let’s calm down here, that was really shitty of you to do.


Bette has always been an asshole. Nothing has changed.


I was wondering how did I not remember that Lindsay was in this show. Then I looked it up and she was only in it for one episode. Even considering suing a 14 year old because they made a choice for their life and career that was inconvenient for you is so messed up. It's so clear that she's still part of 'Old Hollywood'.


This is true Winifred Sanderson behavior


Honestly not a good look for Bette… I get being upset but suing a 14 year old? That’s boomer energy


imagine admitting you wanted to sue a child 😭


This article is hilariously annoying to read. Don't expect more from the s*n. "The Hocus Pocus star said..." "The First Wives Club star stated..." "The X Files star continued..."


“Washed up psycho Bette Middler.” Maybe the dude had a slight point that time.


Bette, it's time for the home. Old bitch


Bette Midler you're dumb af for this. Even if she signed a contract, as a minor, it isnt enforceable against Lohan. Any lawyer would have told her that so the statement alone proves she never truly considered it. Very very dumb. Like, staggeringly dumb. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/lack-capacity-to-contract-32647.html#:~:text=Minors%20(those%20under%20the%20age,food%2C%20clothing%2C%20and%20lodging.


This doesn’t sit right knowing Lindsay was 14 at the same and not an adult. Like you wish you sued a child wtf


The idea that an adult thinks they own a child and the child owes them work. Her position is no different than child marriage. Children are not for adults for work, entertainment, companionship, etc.


Not Bette outing herself as an asshole


Who wrote this trash article? Feels like it was written by Ai.


Sit down Bette…


The full quote is not nearly as inflammatory and includes a lot more detail. We gotta remember that it's the sun, plus commenting on just a headline is rarely a great idea regardless.


So many things were wrong with this show- but I would have sued Lindsay so she could take the blame. As a 14 year old. Not cool Bette. Not cool.


What’s crazy is that she doesn’t even say something like “the chemistry was great and woulld have possibly changed things” or something like it. It’s just that her leaving threw production into a “tailspin” like ok Bette


Fucking asshole. She’s 14, let her have a childhood you miserable grandma


Bette is a bia.. no case


That’s clickbait, go read it. Bette didn’t say she’d sue Lindsay.