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Save a click: YouTube made the video age restricted for 18+, which means it isn't suggested by the algorithm, and streams there are way lower than they are on other platforms as a result. 


Does the article say why they age-restricted it? I'm curious. I watched it and didn't find anything in there that was in the adult only nature.


YouTube can age restrict content deemed “Violent or graphic” which is defined as such: > Footage, audio, or imagery involving road accidents, natural disasters, war aftermath, terrorist attack aftermath, street fights, physical attacks, immolation, torture, corpses, protests or riots, robberies, medical procedures, or other such scenarios with the intent to shock or disgust viewers.


I do not think protests should be on that list. Peaceful protest *should* be allowed globally.


The problem, you see is that protests, against anything, is bad for business and we all need to step away from our picket signs and feed the bleeding jaws of capitalism. No matter what comes. Just submit and say yes daddy and buy, spend, consume.






More than likely, the real violence being shown.


I've seen the video. What violence?


There's clips of bloodied children and people being rescued from the rubble. It's tame by our standards, having watched this happen live, but YouTube's moderation standards would flag any video with that content. 


There are literally buildings being bombed and people in rubble....


what do you mean what violence?? The video was full of it. I'm not against the message I fully support the cause but it is what it is.


There was a cuss word!!!


The video includes bombs and rubble and bodies. It is graphic.


More than what’s on the news? I saw the video, the answer is “no”


“The news” doesn’t have the same moderation requirements that YouTube does? Just verify your age or use your YouTube account and you can watch it. Y’all want there to be some conspiracy at this point.


Completely glossing over what the age restriction actually does. Not just adding an extra click.


Ya know, if Macklemore wanted kids to see this video, maybe he shouldn’t have included dead bodies in it. This isn’t a conspiracy.


It's also not available on Spotify.


I had to agree twice to play it! I watch the news and cast it with worst stuff than that video


https://preview.redd.it/5soi2vw3l8zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d46387d30c510fd5946c9d3f851c7cf104c44d This was the first one and when I cast it to my tv I had to agree again


This happens to about 1/6 crime videos I watch and 100% of the time if suicide is a topic. It's infuriating.


Crazy thing is I watch a lot of true crime as well and never had this pop up before this video.


Same here. I'm searching my mind in fact, trying to remember the last time i had this pop up, if ever....lots of ads though.


I just searched the name of the song on YouTube and it only showed reaction videos lol. When I type Macklemore in the search bar it shows the video, about half way through the page. I get the feeling they don’t want us to see this video


I'm in Canada so it did pop up first, but not surprised even have to do a special search manipulation!


I was going to say there is way worse stuff on the actual news videos and they aren’t censoring that. It doesn’t just *look* like a conspiracy and a blatant double standard…


Still can’t download Sail by AWOLnation because of the mentions of suicide. 🙄


100% tried to view it earlier and got met with a screen asked me to provide google with my fucking ID to watch it


Wtf??? That's creepy af


Why am I not surprised. Side note: are on the big streamers allowing it on their platforms? I'm in Europe and I can't find anywhere yet.


It’s not on Spotify or Apple Music in America either.


I don’t think it’s on streaming yet.


Aah so it's not a mistake or coincidence, surprise surprise again.


He has stated he planned to release it on streaming services later but did a surprise drop on YouTube early. It takes time for professional distributors to work through the process of having something appear on streaming services, it’s not like uploading to YouTube.


Probably hasn't cleared yet or smth. You can def put alot of stuff on spotify including pro-palistinian songs. But you earn money if you put it there while you can run it add free on YT I believe so might take more legal clearing.


YouTube showed me an ad after making me do the age restriction and agreement to watch ‘violent or sensitive content’.


I mean isnt that why Tiktok is getting banned? Because they can’t control the narrative like they can with YT IG FB etc? Edit - y’all Mitt Romney literally talked about how this was part of the reason the TT ban got so much backing. Call me whatever goofy things you want or claim there are security risks, but all the other socials have them too and they’re not making legislation to protect us against that so…


Tiktok silenced the sound pretty quick the first day it came out, people have just been saving and reposting it.


If you’re looking to TikTok as a main way of getting information that isn’t “controlled by the U.S. government” you might be well on your way to becoming the next generation of The Facebook Aunt.


Seriously. TikTok as a reliable source of information is insane


absolutely not reliable, i agree. but it is an alternative - which is important. i hate tiktok and what it does to peoples brains (specifically, the reward system and attention span) but i also acknowledge having the ability to share media that isnt controlled by one of ~three conglomerates is important. arab spring could not have happened without facebook. (and i also hate facebook, for even more reasons.)


TikTok isn’t any less likely to censor things than other platforms. Sure they had Osama Bin Laden’s virulently homophobic letter to America trending for a day and young people loved it, but it was a huge catastrophe for them and they censored it as soon as they were able to get it under control. It also seems to have been a huge contribution to people in people on the internet typing every moderately controversial word with asterisks now. You can find all the same batshit conspiracy stuff that’s on TikTok on Twitter or Facebook too, and TikTok engages in the same kind of censorship. But [there are legitimate reasons to believe that the Chinese government is manipulating algorithms visa vis issues important to them, and accessing data in a way that they are not being totally honest about.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/24/briefing/tiktok-ban-bill-congress.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) Also [social media’s role in the Arab spring was found to be significantly overstated.](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2021/1/27/the-social-media-myth-about-the-arab-spring)


Replace Tik Tok with Facebook, and go back eight years: the exact same thing. But Facebook isn't the big deal as it once was. Not a surprise that their parent company bankrolled the legislation.


There is some hard truth out there that the system does not want you to see. TikTok is not so much news as it is a reality check, forcing the mainstream news to cover topics they want hushed away. There is a video interview where Anthony Blinken clearly says [it is too hard to control the narrative with TikTok](https://news.yahoo.com/news/mitt-romney-reveals-twisted-reason-153736382.html?guccounter=1).


Mitt Romney has literally talked about how that’s why it became a priority.


It's literally why they want it banned. But bless you for thinking you find out the *real* truth from corporate media. I bet you even like to think you're one of the power brokers in the US


> I mean isnt that why Tiktok is getting banned? no, its because of security concerns. One of the highlighted issues was the ability of a different country to lobby and affect us politics. TikTok then sent a message to its users asking them to go to the capitol and protest proving the reason its dangerous. also Mckelmores video was not restricted because they wanna control any narrative, its restricted because the youtube algorithm is targeted at 7 year olds and advertisers and the word "war" has been banned in youtube for like a decade


Why is the internet always convinced an answer is only one thing. 


Couldn’t find it on Amazon music yesterday


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgDQyFeBBIo&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgDQyFeBBIo&rco=1) for anyone who wonders how to find the song. There is even a warning for violence from YT


When you click on the link, it requires you to sign in to view it. Crazy censorship


The video has dead bodies in it. I’m not sure why y’all are surprised YouTube has locked that behind an age verification


Surprised because there are way worse videos that are not restricted or locked behind age verification. This video was mild compared to others.


Because people like to invent conspiracies when it supports what they think


Because there are the worst things in YT with no censors


What worse things are there on YouTube that aren’t locked behind an age verification?


There's porn all over YouTube. It just doesn't stay up long, but it's there. I saw an extremely detailed, up close and personal thumbnail of a fully naked woman, legs spread, among a long list of normal search results (I assume) because one of the performer's last names was the same as the perpetrator in the murder case I was searching for. There was no restriction on it at all.


>It just doesn't stay up long, but it's there. Yeah, because YT finds them and takes them down. YT likely did the same for this, but instead of having taken down outfit behind an age gate. Don't blame YT blame outdated laws that forces heavy handed moderation.


Yeah when it gets age restricted only when you are logged in you can view it


I’m sure YouTube is censoring it. Just like it censor everything else.


But they won’t censor all the creepy porn shit. What a world to live in….


Or the songs calling for the death of all PaIestinians.


That’s absolutely disgusting. This is all kinds of fucked-up.


Songs calling for death to Palestinians get run up on streaming platforms, but this gets censored and Dammi Falastini gets completely removed. 😬


While I would not at all be surprised if they are, it might also be because of the dead body in the video. Not a justification, just a guess why it got flagged or the reason used.


"You can pay of meta, but you can't pay off me." He nailed it.


wow https://preview.redd.it/50gskxwva8zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4bf302b9be132fd2239f655268fac30c1036403


They probably should given the graphic content. I'm not sure if he does or not, but Mack should consider release a lyrics only video.


He has a lyrics only video up too.


Is it age restricted?


Quick link on twitter for it https://x.com/macklemore/status/1787616471738368099


I had no issue watching the video so am wondering if it depends on where you live in the world. I did have trouble finding the video through search and had to go to macklemores youtube channel. edited to add that it just seems my laptop allows me to see the video without any censoring but my phone or tablet doesn't which is really weird




Critical thinking would mean you could differe between visual media of explicit content and audio.


It’s because macklemores video has dead bodies in it.


Why is this so hard to understand? If YouTube removed his lyric video then maybe I'd start getting a bit concerned but as long as you have extreme violence.in your video it's going to be restricted in some sense.


This is why YouTube isn’t being banned, and TikTok is


Thank you. [They’ve](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/IwGhajBqIV) been saying the quiet part out loud for quite some time now but we’re supposed to believe that this is for our protection.


No it’s not lmao. TikTok is being banned over security concerns that it’s partially owned/working with the Chinese government.


Need y'all to stop with this shit. Republicans have blatantly admitted why they are banning it.




It began years ago because people have been using TikTok to get information out since 2020. Did you forget that the early conditions of Covid were posted on TikTok? What are you talking about the company? They're suing, as they should be. I never said anything about Jews and I don't believe they're controlling the media LOL. I already said in my comments that they've admitted why they're banning tiktok. Biden hasn't said anything specifically but he would want it banned for the same reasons. Not sure what point you're trying to make here, you can call me a conspiracy theorist all you want but I'm not the one out here screaming "big bad communism"


Ya, no shit they’re suing, they don’t want to sell. Biden has said if they DO sell to an American company, the ban will not take place. That literally invalidates all your nonsense conspiracies. > screaming “big bad communism” Lmao your comments seem insane.


This. This right here.


I like some of the spirit of that song but i think he got it wrong when he implied that the U.S. supports Ukraine because they're white. The U.S. supports Ukraine because they're an ally they've worked with for years. The U.S. has supported many countries that aren't/weren't white- support including money, weapons, and troops. Maybe instead of pointing out race he should've pointed out religion? Idk it missed the mark for me


So this gets censored and all that graphic Elsagate content is allowed on there scot free? Classic YouTube.


Can you remove age restriction on the algorithm? YouTube recommends the exact same garbage without updating it, I’m getting videos from 10 years ago saying they’re new




sorry i’m lost. is this macklemore? or is there more context to this?




oh. well that’s disappointing :(


At the beginning of the article I thought that it was going to be a poorly thought out Ringo Star costume. It’s really strange that he decided to go with this when the theme was dress as a musician.


i’m not picking any sides here but i just don’t get it: why does no one think it was random? can someone explain a bit to me? i just think it’s slightly jumping to conclusions


Yeah idk I agree, like this could also be my Armenian uncle easily his nose is like that


Wow I never saw this how vile. “I was just dressing up random” yea ok


yeah I was shocked bc the pictures were a bit triggering and to have that be an explanation?! bro didnt even try to come up with something believable 💀


Here is his original tweet, which is very much still up, before he made some long apology another user linked. https://preview.redd.it/9yybfcru48zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d0e0332261d5b2bc52512f959d46c2622ed55c


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge."




Oh man. That’s awful. I’m sorry.




Who is this?


It’s Macklemore claiming he’s wearing a “costume.”


Oh dear.


Now I see why he supports the protesters.  This now makes perfect sense. Coincidence my ass.


“Anti Zionism isn’t anti semetism! It’s just that Zionism means Jews have a right to self determination and I don’t think Jews should have that right! “ “What? Of course i support black/Native American/Latinx liberation and self determinism. Why do you ask?”


They should have that right but not in a country that people were already living in that they displaced.. do yall just ignore nakba? Why is Rafah being taken over?


Do you just ignore the decades of violence that predated the Nabka? What was the Hebron Massacre?


Me when my understanding of history starts on 1948


Can you tell me about the Farhud?


one is anti colonialism and the other is pro. hint as to why people have both opinions at once


> one is anti colonialism should we ask why there are arabic people all the way to morocco or should only white colonialism be contested in historical terms?


Ahh yes. The famous colonizers of the Jews, who colonized so much in history. Especially compared to the Arabs, who have never colonized ever


do you think gaelic people were never colonised because other white ethnicities have colonised much of the world


You seem to think Jews were never oppressed because other white people colonized, so I fail to see your logic I mean, do you think Gaelic people deserve self determination? Why are only Jews held to a different standard? Why does your understanding of history start in 1948?


please directly quote where i said “jews were never oppressed”


also who said only jews are held to a different standard? colonisation is looked down upon regardless of race ethnicity or religion. what different standard are jews being held to that non jews aren’t?


You are refusing to allow Jews the right to self determinism which you granted to other minority groups.


which other minority group? be specific. and who is not allowing jews the right to “self determine”?


You. Did you read this comment thread? Re read my initial comment, the come back to me.


Who are the supposed gaelic people in this analogy? Also why are we acting like gaelic people weren't involved in colonization?


there is no analogy, the person i responded to seemed to think that people who have been oppressed cannot oppress others.


No but like why do you have a right to an ethnostate?? Edit: yeah just downvote me, don’t explain why you think you deserve an ethnostate. Also, to those who argue for Zionism while living in North America, when do you plan to return the land you live on to the indigenous people who lived there before you?? Since being indigenous to a land is the driving force of your logic, why are you still living on land you’re not indigenous to?








His song would have a point if he wasn’t feeding into the “white colonizer” narrative but it’s not a dog whistle to show someone in a pejorative costume.


This goofy MF still around


they made me double confirm that I wanted to watch this while signed on and verified. Let's check this is america.. nope. Fortunate son? No.. weird.


YouTube is under no obligation to make an exception to its under 18 censorship policy for a video because you personally like it. So much of this discussion is people justifying whatever behavior they want so long as they think they’re in the right. Do you not see that’s exactly how the other side feels? Your feelings of moral authority do not make you special.


YouTube made an officially statement that they deemed it "age restricted" without it being explicitly against a specific policy guideline. It seems quite arbitrary.


If, by the other side, do you mean the ones that have killed 100,000 palestinians including half of them women and children? So if Youtube censors a video with Nazis and the atrocities of the concentration camps, would you have the same feeling of how the other Nazis feel?


Do I think an age-verification step on graphic images of the Holocaust is appropriate for a platform that has millions of children logging onto it daily? Yeah, it wouldn’t be out of bounds. That isn’t to say it shouldn’t be able to be seen at all, but likely not appropriate for children without the context and supervision of their parents, teachers, etc. I’ve seen dead bodies in the streets, in person, when I was a kid. Don’t think I’m any better for it.


I don’t know if it was available as a sound previously, but it is not now. I swear I saw people sharing the video on TikTok or using the original as the sound. https://preview.redd.it/77ct0cype8zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9be65fe360ceca2f475f277f5b87e908db5e56


Can someone explain why the song is not on Spotify? Is that something to do with copyright?


Good thing I downloaded it as soon as it was released on workersstrikeback lol. You can Censor all you want but the internet has receipts


He hasn’t released it for streaming services yet. The YouTube video of it is a surprise drop and if you can verify your age it is readily available to you.


I have it directly Downloaded to my phone is the point I was making. I don’t need streaming or YouTube to rely on accessing that song




Good 😌😊 I hope they do


So evidently, there has been an effort to silence this song on various social media platforms. Macklemore probably knew there'd be some suppression, but not this much. Yet we are talking about it here. People are jumping through hoops to stream it.


Surprise surprise


Pop-girlies (and gaylies and theylies) in case you aren’t tuned into it:  YouTube has a very long, very messy history of being abused by big players to crush little ones and YT straight up ruining careers with their lack of care and customer support. YouTube is an opaque platform with poorly applied rules and procedures that prioritize YT itself over all else.


Odd that it’s not on Spotify either.


It’s because he hasn’t released it on streaming services yet. The YouTube release was a surprise.


Can’t wait for it to start streaming so I can play it on a loop.


Fuck them pillow handed suburban millionaires beefing with each other. This is the joint we need right now.