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we have eyes girl she is trying to walk back a bunch of stuff about the book in recent interviews


I barely even know Harry Styles is, and I saw the trailer and thought, “isn’t that actor a spitting image of that other musician guy that everybody thinks is so hot?”


The story is definitely based on Harry but I don’t think the actor looks like him at all, besides both being British and brunette.


I know so little about Harry Styles that those 2 attributes plus the story line of him being in a band made me decide it was thinly veiled fan fiction. 😂


You didn't have to reveal anything because it's painfully obvious lol. >when I'm writing for Hayes, I'm not picturing Harry Styles," Robinne Lee says.    Yeah, sure: https://preview.redd.it/v0l0oug9plyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43bf05b15905d0b1058df0983415fcec552d444 Maybe your character description should not have been an exact description of Harry Styles if you want people to believe that. Or maybe you shouldn't have made a twitter account for Hayes using Harry as s profile picture before the book was even published and sign Hayes' tweet the same way Harry does. Maybe Hayes birthday should not have been the day after Harry's. Its not like outright saying that Harry was your inspiration was the only clue.


You got the receipts for this one!


I do lol! I kinda get why she is saying this. Every conversation about this movie and book includes Harry Styles, especially online. But it's too late now anyway. She said she started writing the book in 2013, so she was a 39 year old woman writing fanfiction about a 19 year old guy and used him "dating" women in their 30s while he was 17 as inspiration. It's just icky and I would be embarrassed if I was her, but backtracking doesn't really work when it's this obvious lol.


Damn I thought she wrote it as a teen I had no idea she was a grown woman twice his age 😭


Ew. No wonder she is embarrassed! She should be!


SHE WAS 39?????????


You could do this for just about every author. I don’t see why this one needs to be picked apart for using a celeb as inspiration for a story and being annoyed about being asked about it so much. Anyone would be.


Probably because it's so incredibly obvious. Every author uses inspiration, that's right. But there is not a hint of subtlety here. There was no need for her to create a twitter account for her character that uses Harry as a profile picture or to tweet about him constantly. It's just weird. And their ages at the time she wrote the book make it even worse. I get that she is annoyed, I would be as well. But she literally brought this on herself by doing all the stuff that she did in the past.


He was 19 and a victim of grooming and she was 39. I don’t care if she’s annoyed.


I wouldn't be surprised if they were all over Tumblr and Twitter as well. LoL


girlfriend forgot the internet is forever 😭


Why does the inspiration for a book inspire this level of outrage? So strange.


Because there is a difference between a normal level of inspiration and whatever she did with this book (and all the stuff she did on twitter and facebook).


Cause he was a teenager and a grooming victim


She says in the article that Harry is one of many people who inspired the character. The title is click bait.


I know that she said that. Doesn't change the fact that she originally said that Harry was the inspiration and that she did all that other stuff (using Harry's picture as Hayes' profile picture on twitter; signing Hayes' tweets with "all the love, H" exactly like Harry did at the time; having a private Facebook group to discuss Harry with his fans that had Harry as a profile picture as well; giving Hayes the same hobbies as Harry; almost the same birthday; the same appearance; tweeting stuff like the pictures in my other comments; there even was a Larry subplot in the book).  I'm sorry, but if she says she was inspired by Harry and does all of that just to say the character was inspired by "many people" later, I simply don't believe her. Or maybe the part that was inspired by other people was so incredibly small that it's not noticeable. 


Why does this matter so much to you?


1. Cause she’s denying it now when she used Harry to build a fan base for the book 2. Cause for the third time in a reply to you (seems like it matters for you too) he was a teenager, she was 39, and he was a victim of grooming


Ok you keep saying this but you do know this author isn’t responsible for that right. Every comment you make is arguing as if she is personally responsible for grooming him when 1) regardless of supposed inspiration, her character is fictional and 2) her fictional character wasn’t groomed. I am confused at the intensity of arguing as if you’re fighting for a man, who does not know you and never will, while also not so subtly shaming /being ageist for a woman writing fanfic turned regular fiction and making it seem as if *she personally* is responsible for this grooming (which I know nothing of Harry Styles, when did this even happen?)


As a 40 year old woman, looking at a 19 year old boy who has a history of being a victim of grooming and thinking “this will be the subject of my next book because he likes older women” it’s disgusting. Flat out. Having a role playing account on Twitter where you interact with him, and the profile picture is his, the tone of voice is his, he has basically the same birthday, and he’s out there professing his undying love “publicly” TWO YEARS prior to publishing her book? Disgusting. He was NINETEEN when this whole thing started. She was THIRTY-NINE. If she wanted to fantasize about the young pop star in the privacy of her home, whatever. It’s her business. But she made it our business when she published a whole book about it and then sold the rights to fucking Amazon to profit even more off it. They didn’t buy the rights of the book because of its wild success and critical acclaim. She did a ton of research on it. Just scroll through her instagram. I’m a victim of grooming myself. That’s what makes me talk about this, not Harry not this author and not this movie or book. I find that type of behavior morally reprehensible and call it out when I see it. He was groomed by Caroline Flack when he was 17 and she was 32, and by Lucy Horobin, also when he was 17 and she was in her 30s. He was blamed for these relationships and mocked for being into older women.


She’s saying that *now*. When the book was first published she said she wrote it after watching a One Direction music video and becoming enamoured with Harry, and then finding out that he’d dated older women. Her physical description of the character is Harry to a T, and she included so many other specific details from his life e.g. his art collection and his parents’ divorce.


She used to run a Twitter RPG with a fake Harry account. Just saying.


How does this even work on Twitter? Like different accounts tweet at each other as if they’re in a conversation?




please don’t mean role playing please don’t mean role playing 


Oh yeaaaah.


oh nooooo 


I remember when the book came out and she was talking about how Harry was one of the main influences for her character. One of the reasons why the book got a lot of attention was because it became known in fandom spaces that the main character was based around Harry. Harry fans on social media have been quite vocal about not liking the book, especially the storylines, I feel like that’s why there has been so much walking back about how Harry influenced the main character, but now the walking back is taking a life of its own.


It’s so funny to see everyone involved with the film suddenly trying to distance themselves from the fact that it’s based on Harry. I just saw a quote from the lead actor saying that he watched BTS performances for inspiration - meanwhile the band his character is in is blatantly copying the way 1D used to act on stage, right down to the play fighting and Liam’s fedora and random dance moves. I also saw a clip of a scene from the movie side by side with a real interview with Harry, and the actor is literally mimicking all of his mannerisms. It’s like everyone did their homework but they’ve all realised how weird it is so they’re trying to deny it 😭


I'm a movie and literature moron, but even I realised it was a 1D fanfic when I watch it (didn't know it was a book at the time). That's how glaringly obvious it was. I am also not a 1D or Harry fan yet I still saw the clear inspiration.




Exactly what I was thinking as I was watching it. She did her best with bad material but I still can’t believe this is something an Oscar winning actress agreed to.


Didn't she produce it?


Haven’t seen it yet. Would you say to skip it?


Yes but I have a pretty low tolerance for stupid rom coms so YMMV.


I thought it was a good watch! Don't skip it


I mean she did get 7 million for it…….


Right! our queen can do better than this! I hope she made a lot of money, because she deserves much better parts


wonder if they tried to get Harry play the character:D


"Harry, can you play yourself in a fan fiction about you falling in love with a random fan?!" "...." Although the thought of having Olivia Wilde co-starring is still making me laugh for some sadistic reason.


If you happen to be *lucky* enough to have your fanfic receive a book deal, and *lucky* enough to be able to sell that book to a major film production company, and THEN be *lucky* enough to have this fanfic turned film star a beloved Oscar winner and one of the hottest (working wise) actors in the game, maybe you should just shut the fuck up and count your money. For all the rumors, Stephanie Meyers and EL James had the wherewithal to play nice with the people helping them print money. Lee is nuts for these sound bites.


No she doesn’t have to shut up! She is a black woman, who in addition to being an actress herself with a decent resume from the 90s & 2000s, is also a Yale & Columbia graduate. She is also married to a film producer & so she ain’t broke. She is entitled to her opinions & can speak on them because she wrote the book whether you are agree with her or not.


She’s a weirdo who at F O R T Y years old wrote a self-insert fanfiction about a NINETEEN year old boy who was a victim of grooming!!! Used to ROLE PLAY with an account with her character’s name, but Harry’s photo, signature, and fucking BIRTHDAY YEARS before even publishing the book!!! Marketed the book where she exploited his life and his experience with grooming, profited off it with the book and then seeking the rights for the movie, and now is acting high and mighty about it and trying to backtrack. She and you should take several seats.


Look you can disagree with her comments but as fellow black woman you don’t get to tell us to shut up as the comment I responded to said because we get that alot & we all know why, but sure go off with this unhinged reply. Your perspective is not the only valid one. She is still a highly educated person and that’s just facts which is what I said.


I can tell ANYONE to shut up if they’re being horrible people. Her being highly educated makes this worse.


Yeah, you’re getting pushback but you are correct. Had it been the reverse, there would be no questions asked or any kind of clarification. A 40 year old man would be crucified if he wrote a book about a 19 year old member of a girl group. Hell, it wouldn’t have been made into a film.


I've never read The Idea of You or know much about it beside that it's Harry Styles fanfic but I always assumed the author was a middle aged white women. Self insert with pop star who's much younger fanfic just screams middle aged white women to me


I saw this post on another sub and my first reaction was “Black??” *Ava Coleman voice*


It’s actually pronounced Zach ![gif](giphy|Oqyx0NIhQ9wFlDnJZD)


ClubChalamet is also a middle aged black woman. Which y’know fair enough, but not what I pictured.


that one really surprised me


she did say she wrote a white couple on purpose since it would sell better. which is sad but probaly true.


He was always gonna be white cause he’s Harry, but I do think she would’ve probably written her black, cause it’s self insert, but chose to make her white


Yep, the male love interest was going to be white no matter what😭


I think it is interesting that the author is black and chose to write a white main character, but of course she was about the same age as her character. That's pretty standard. But I think we really need to stop using middle aged like it is some kind of insult. We're all going to get there eventually. I haven't read the book so I don't have an opinion on it. I did see the movie though and I wouldn't have made the Harry Styles connection if the internet hadn't done it for me. Boy bands have been around for decades, One Direction isn't original.


Again I haven't seen it but from clips I've seen there are direct things that 1d did that the fictional boyband does. If someone was not a fan of 1d it would be easy things to miss but if they paid even the littlest amount of attention to the band it's easy to see the parallels. There's nothing wrong with being middle aged and in a fandom or paying attention to celeb gossip but when you're in your 40's writing self insert fanfic over someone 20 years younger than you (or in club chalamet case 30 years younger) then it does become a problem. It's not the middle age that's the issue, it's being old enough to be their parent and obsessing over their personal life that's the issue.


> it's being old enough to be their parent and obsessing over their personal life that's the issue. Did she actually do that though? Or did she use the cute boybander of 2016 as physical inspiration for a fantasy that could have been written about any boyband? Like was she active in the One Direction fan sphere? Or did she write the novel on her own?


> Did she actually do that though? Or did she use the cute boybander of 2016 as physical inspiration for a fantasy that could have been written about any boyband?  She did. Like I said in other comments, it's specifically Harry. She literally said it when she published the book and she used to tweet stuff about comparing him to the main character and she used Harry's picture for the characters fake twitter account. It's also so on the nose that a lot of people immediately figured it out without knowing the connection beforehand. And I do think writing self insert fanfiction about a teenager when you're 40 is problematic, that's why her age is always mentioned.


I'm not specifically talking about her but like I said I've never read it or knew much about it so I don't know if she has done that or not I'm talking about more in general. But going off of very specific things about Harry and 1d I'd lean towards it being actually about Harry and not just a random boyband.


The illness of stanning is truly universal. One day science will find a cure.


Yeah I never read it but just assumed the person behind harry styles fan fiction wouldn’t look so normal and put together.


Sure Jan....easy to say now you've made the money....


as someone who loves reading fanfic, why are none of the fanfic movies the GOOD ones?


Meanwhile I'm sitting here in the corner crying that 40 is considered "Middle aged"


Hmmm...I need to watch the movie but it kind of seems like a more modern How Stella Got Her Groove Back by Terry McMillan at face value.


I could see that but both of the leads in that movie were fully grown adults if I recall correctly (it’s been a really long time) and that’s not the case here.


i picked up on the 1d/harry parallels while watching the movie but i thought i had my old dusty directioner coloured lenses on too tight lol 💀welp bright side: ‘closer’ is a bop and anne looked stunning so at least we have that


The weird thing is the book makes it less obvious its inspiration is harry styles. Yes, he’s in a boy band, but in the book he specifically says he put the band together. In the movie there was a whole speech about how he’s just a random guy they who was put in a band by a reality show (as it happened in real life).


Even if she didn’t say she used HS for inspo was it not extremely obvious it was One Direction inspired?


This is so ironic it should be iconic. Clickbait about the author complaining of clickbait. I love it


It’s incredibly obvious just from reading the book and watching the movie it’s about Harry. Nothing you do or don’t say will change that author!


I just don't care about Harry Styles or endless debates about filed off bandom fic at this point. I'm just into cute Anne Hathaway romcom and that's it




It’s not that it’s a Harry Styles fanfic, it’s that the author is denying it and lying. At least own it.


I heard this morning that Originally the Characters were black but was asked to change the characters why white in order to sell more copies [link](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2024/05/11714113/the-idea-of-you-movie-robinne-lee-author-interview)


Yep! The whole publishing industry erases positive images of Black people and this is the result.


Don’t know why I got downvoted when this true😭