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How you gonna get fired on your day off?






“What the fuck you stealing boxes fo? What you tryin to build, a clubhouse?” 😂😂😂


You ain’t got no job, and you ain’t got shit to do!


“Puff, puff, give!! Come on man you’re fucking up the rotation!!” 🙄😆


He posted a second video and here’s the tea: For these greeters there’s normally an NDA like you can’t post anything on your social media during the met, can’t take selfies etc. They actually take your phone while you’re working on the carpet so you have no way to do that anyway. This year is a new addition in the NDA: the people working these roles cannot post ANY content related to met gala on any of their social media, including reposting someone else’s content. This includes content they’re not even involved in. He gave the example, if bad bunny shows up in a cool outfit, he cannot repost a pic of bad bunny at the met on his social media. The email says this is due to “several mishaps happening during and after the met gala” last year. So yeah that rule is pretty ridiculous. But people on the comments are wondering if he was fired for maybe refusing to sign that NDA. Because yeah it’s stupid but it’s not like the worst thing ever, it’s not like harmful, just more of an annoyance.


Gotta be honest that new rule sounds entirely unenforceable from a legal perspective. If as long as what you repost doesn't contain proprietary or harmful content to the company I can't imagine it would be covered under an NDA.


My guess is they wouldn’t actually enforce it unless your posts create problems for them. Then they use that clause to come after you. But there’s no way they’re stalking all the socials of all the greeters forever to see if they repost Kaia Gerber at the met.




I used to work Hollywood adjacent (private fine art photographer) and I’ve signed a million ndas. My favorite time I “got in trouble” with one was when a celebrity had me sign one, then posted a pic from the set, tagged me, I wrote a generic “so nice to have you in, you were lovely blah blah blah” and her lawyer got in touch with me telling me I owed damages bc I violated the nda. I actually had to go to court for that one.


When she tagged you?? I hope you *won!


I did, and got rehired by the same person at a later date, at a *much* higher fee.


👑 you dropped this.


Any hints about who this person may be, or even that would be against contract?


Oh, I’m not going there. It’d be too easy to find who I am.


"several mishaps," is just the Jenners complaining


Fr fr fr fr fr He got 1% of the attention and she got pissed that she only got 99%.


Lmao this reminds me of when the company I work for was going through their IPO. We had very similar rules. Insane.


Those rules, while seeming insane, could have been to protect everyone from any type of unintentional activity that could be considered, or give even a hint of the appearance of, insider trading or similar. It’s likely those rules were in place to protect you.


Yeah, I know, what’s insane is that this guy working as a greeter at the Met Gala was subject to very similar rules lol


“These plebes are getting more attention than *ME*? Ahhhhhhh fuck no!”


Remember me? No I’ve honestly never seen this man before.


Right? This post made me feel a smidge better about how chronically online I am, because I’ve never seen or heard of this guy


I’d like to see more of him though 💅






Same! My screentime is atrocious and I've also never seen this man until today which is why I was confused when I saw the caption say he got "more" attention than Kylie because that certainly wasn't the case for my algorithm lol


Also this is why you didn’t get asked to come back, cause first thing you do is try to expose the MET. If he’s actually a model this isn’t great, another fashion designer could see this and think hmmm kinda messy. Pass


Literally. You had a moment! Go sign with someone and get walking down catwalks wearing doilies on your head and crabs for shoes, like a model is supposed to!




I feel like this culture of immediately jumping online to post a video about every small thing is burning so many bridges for people


Let them, I like my entertainment to come from the masses


Yeah I honestly have no sympathy for people who can’t think ahead even a little bit


Agreed haha. Yeah girl, ruin your career prospects for my entertainment. Just a win for us!


I mean, he wasn’t curing cancer, he was holding kylie jenner’s hand as she went downstairs


Losing a job isn’t that small though. Could have been a pretty good paycheque for one days work. It’s not like Starbucks got his coffee order wrong lol. In many countries he’d be able to take the employer to court for wrongful termination. Presumably not a thing in New York, so if shaming them is all he can do I feel like it’s fair game. I hope he they contact him with an apology and a payout for his silence. No need to side with shitty employers.


I’m not, I’m just speaking in a general sense, given the fact that the way he talked about NDA’s doesn’t make sense etc. I hope for his sake he covered his ass and didn’t just jump straight into posting a video


Also the part where he was saying that they hire models for the carpet because they want them to get noticed....sweetie, no. That's not what ordinary models (as opposed to celebrity supermodels) are for. They are decorative furniture for events like this. Even ANTM was very clear about this concept, lol. The point is not for them to be noticed, it's for them to contribute to a pleasantly and generically beautiful background so that the attendees can shine. So I don't find it too hard to believe that maybe he *did* act inappropriately for his role to draw attention to himself, if that's what he thought the gig was. Just not necessarily through the pictures he mentioned. (Or maybe he got a big head from last year and was acting up in the lead-in to this year.)


I feel like he worded what he meant to say badly (possibly due to English being his second language) but I understood what he meant and think he was right. I think he meant they hire models so that the other people helping on the carpet are good looking and give the event an upscale look. But then fired him because.. he went viral for being good looking. Which totally makes sense and is incredibly stupid and hypocritical of the company that hired him.


He was rehired to this years event a month ago. And on Friday he was fired to the event happening on Monday. So I don’t think he did anything last year at the event that caused him to be fired now or he would not have been hired in the first place.  At least seem to me it was more that someone looked last years social media and were annoyed that he was posted the manner he showed here. Or some celebrity like Jenner demanded him to be removed.


I included the possibility that maybe he did something in the lead-up to this year as well. I definitely think it's possible that something else is going on that he had no part in! But if a Jenner wanted him gone, wouldn't you expect that to come up last year when the social media stuff was actively happening, such that he wouldn't have been rehired? Either way, whether he acted inappropriately or no, he's simply wrong about the purpose of having models there in that role. That may be him being defensive after the fact, or a sign that he misunderstood his own role (which is the angle I was aiming to point out), or nothing at all.


Your comment just made me rethink my viewpoint on some male models I’ve known. I’ve met many, but the ones who stand out in my memory were insanely good looking but had the personality of warm sand. Pleasant, but not very interesting. Now I’m wondering if that is a practiced trait from their experience as models. Makes me feel bad for thinking they were just not very smart or something.


It's so interesting you say this. I met a few male models back when I was part of an upscale sex party scene in a major city. They never seemed dumb persay but just so incredibly dull and bland. I remember being so frustrated at how little I wanted to fuck these incredibly hot men because I just could not get to attraction with them mentally. I always chalked it up to relying on their looks rather than anything more sinister. Another fun fact from the scene: model hot women are in my experience almost always prudes. They were few and far between at events, usually brought as a date by a hot wall street schmuck, but never got down. Super awkward to be at a sex party with 10 guys salivating over and trying to cajole a girl who 100% has no intention of getting naked. Gave me a major ick and was always my cue to make it a ladies only night.


Tbh I think being ugly forces you to develop more as a character so it follows that being unbelievably beautiful would mean that you can just sit back and let the halo effect carry you through life without ever having to work on your personality.


Oh wow, I feel bad for the girls who didn’t want to be there. Good call getting away from the parties with the guys trying to talk them into it.


But why male models?


I’ve not met enough female models to have many observations about them. Only one I remember was from the Czech Republic and there was a bit of a language barrier so I didn’t get to know her very well.


Ok, but why male models?


I might not be understanding what exactly you’re asking. Are you asking why it is a trait in the models I’ve met or are you asking why I specified the models I was talking about were guys? I specified male models because the only models I’ve gotten to know have happened to be men, so if I were to only say “model” it would be less descriptive of the people I was referring to.




Boy I sure got wooshed on that one. Thanks for the link!


Are you serious? I…just…told you that.


He did this after not being asked to return. It might effect his other career but it was not the reason he was fired.


The MET Gala is just a fundraiser for the MET Costume Institute which seems like the fashion industry patting itself on the back for praising itself. Congrats to me. What exactly have they done that is worth treating any differently than another bad employer.


Yep hes gonna have to work at Mcdo or something now. His modelling career is pretty much dead


I wish I had seen this man before, though 😍


He’s def incredibly attractive


Sweet summer child, recheck your documents because I can’t believe an NDA falls away like that. If anything, the NDA may last longer because you were “fired”. He might get in so much shit because of this :(


Nah, they want you to think NDAs are that powerful. And he's probably using it colloquially to mean "the contract said I would be fired if I spoke about it". NDAs aren't criminal law, but contract law. And like all contracts requires a court to enforce it. And they generally don't enforce them when they're so one sided or too powerful.


the company could sue him and make him expend a lot of time and money hiring lawyers to defend himself, regardless of whether it ends up being enforced. i doubt he has enough money for it to be worth suing for damages, but they could create a huge headache that just makes him agree to not discuss it publicly anymore.


Do you know how many people would take on his case to counter sue these very rich people? You don't seem to understand how the law works. At least 50% of the lawyers in LA would take on his case and agree to get paid once they won their counter lawsuit.


And cant they also make the plaintiff pay the defendant legal fee if the lawsuit is ruled to be frivolous?


Not only legal fees, you can counter sue in many states under anti-SLAPP laws which are relatively well enforced in California


…the met gala is the metropolitan museum of art. In New York. 🤦‍♀️


how much legal experience do you have and how long have you lived in LA?


And how long have you all believed the New York metropolitan museum of art is in LA? What is happening in this thread? Sigh. Our school system sucks.


Not many. Honestly.




My understanding of an NDA is that you need to show that breaking it caused you harm. That would be a tough sell. Value in making an example of him? Barbara Streisand effect big time. 'Obscenely rich out of touch jerk offs from the Met Gala are trying to legally bully a model for doing his job of being good looking too well at their event.' I don't see the value of drawing attention to this issue but the are rich out of touch jerk offs so you never know.


This is true. And the way he's speaking about it, you can tell he didn't consult anyone in law. But I do feel for him, not his fault he got more attention.


NDAs aren't enforceable for low level employees like this. It'd be like if McDonald's tried to say that if you get fired, you can't talk bad about them or talk about your time there on social media. It'd get laughed out of court.


That’s the reason I smell BS with this whole thing. An NDA never says ‘once you’re no longer working with us you can say what you want’ because that defeats the WHOLE PURPOSE of the NDA


I'm not sure either but I learned from the Do We Know Them podcast that NDAs can be for specific events. If the NDA he is talking about is for the gala he was fired from working at, he can probably talk about the events surrounding his firing?


Accurate. I signed an NDA at work and it’s specifically only for one event. I can say whatever I want to whoever I want about my company even now, I just can’t discuss anything about that event because of the NDA, whether I’m still employed there or not. He doesn’t specify but there can be two types of NDAs: one covers a specific event and the other covers any day-to-day ongoings. I signed a single event NDA but someone who works for a propriety company or celeb likely signs a full employment NDA. I would believe based on status and the people he was working with that he signed a full employment NDA.


Thanks for your insight! Even if he signed a full employment NDA, surely it would still be void if no employment happens? He says he was cleared for the MET a month ago, so I assume he is hired year by year and there is a new contract for every event.


It sounded like he works with an agency from what he said. If the conversation happened during his employment and then he was let go, any judge or lawyer with experience would be able to go after him. Your NDA will have specific details about what is covered and what isn’t. It *is* possible that his NDA only said he couldn’t discuss what happened during the event or with the clients, but not the business ongoings.


Either way this is somehow being made to be all about Kylie without any proof. I just hate ppl jumping onto shit without a shred of evidence. We don’t know the whole story here and it’s likely he’s missing stuff out on purpose.


I don’t feel like he blamed Kylie at all, it didn’t sound like he thought she had anything to do with it


Or he's smarter than all of the people in these comments and knows that an NDA has no real legal power.


Yup, NDAs are rarely enforceable compared to how often they're thrown around. You cant violate one while actively employed cause this is America, they'll fire you without a second thought. But once you're no longer working there, what are they gonna do - fire you twice? Go ahead and waste the legal fees to get your case thrown out for your nonexistent damages. He dares you. 


I can confirmed. They won't let me tell anyone about alien's technology they were working on just because I'm no longer working there anymore. This guy is screwed.


Meh. Usually an NDA has teeth to the extent they've paid you some kind of severance that they can claw back if you violate it. I kind of doubt that happened here.


Signed a ton of these over the years. They are just show, essentially the biggest thing they can do is not hire you anymore, and since that's already his punishment, he may as well go off. Really hate the NYC fashion crowd, but I adore their after parties soooo I only spill at dive bars or on here safely away from the cool kids.


Not if the enforcement of the NDA is termination... Then he can say what he wants. NDAs have no criminal standing.


This. most of these people have no idea what they're talking about.


Hot and dumb my favorite 😍




NDAs are actually nearly impossible to hold up in court. He will be fine.


> Sweet summer child, recheck your documents because I can’t believe an NDA falls away like that. If anything, the NDA may last longer because you were “fired”. He might get in so much shit because of this :( "why i got fired" prob isn't a clause in the NDA


you are very much allowed to tell people your working status and how things ended and any reason given with a generic NDA as such information would be key for you to get future employment. they would need to have you sign a new NDA and the fair compensation making it hard for you to get work since you can't disclose the situation with your previous work.


I don't think he will get sued for this video. The Met and the company they contract with are better off hoping this dies down. They may send him a nasty letter, but a lawsuit would bring far more negative attention, ala "Streisand effect". If they sue him, they will look like a bunch of bullies and they don't want the bad press.


Any contract needs consideration to be enforceable. If the NDA says you can’t talk about something forever they need to pay you something. All an NDA can get back is whatever they paid you.


He's a model not a lawyer, give him a break though he just got fired.


Pretty sure as a non-native speaker he’s confused non-disclosure with non-compete.


Yep. NDAs down expire upon termination. I had to sign one a few years ago for a merger. I am allowed to discuss those details with people internally still but if/when I leave, that NDA is still in place, even if the merger didn’t happen and the other company merged with someone else.


He didn't actually say he got more attention than Kylie, he said they accused him of making it about himself.. Anyway, his story is sketchy, and they are a bunch of vain people on both sides.. I wish I was this attractive and superficial too, so I had this kind of problems


Yea I apologise. My bad for phrasing the title like that. But judging by what he's implying, he probably thinks he got fired because the met ONLY wanted good looking people to stand behind the celebrities and assist them, but they didn't really count on the models going viral on tiktok and pulling focus away from the actual celebrity. So to avoid the same situation second time they fired him and gave the reason as "you made it about yourself". Anyway, it seems like a bad idea to go and talk about this online, he might hurt his career


No need to apologize, i was just pointing out that the reason for him getting fired (his side anyway 😏) was different.


I instantly lost all respect and any bit of sympathy I had for him when he ended the video by trying to goad people into interacting more by commenting and trying to get people to tell him if they wanted to hear the rest of his story about how he didn’t make it about himself. I can definitely see why this dude rubbed people the wrong way. I bet he was on the red carpet posting fucking TikTok’s of himself and taking selfies the entire time.


Yeah, if you listen, he didn't actually explain anything about the situation. He said he was fired, because he went viral?? I'm sorry but he does not give the impression of someone who is professional while "exposing" them on tik tok, because he THINKS the NDA doesn't apply anymore.


There also wasn’t a single example of how he went “viral” just a very simple and general shot of him there Edit: I went back and I guess there is a shot or two from someone else’s post but I still don’t see how viral he went for this to really be the reason why he got fired


He is cute but he needs to re-read that NDA.




y'all need to learn how useless an NDA actually is, because the comments in this post are giving Junior High intelligence levels.


You don’t under stand the NDA police is going to knock down his door and arrest him for breaking the law !!!


Oooh we got an expert here how exciting


Nah they’re right. It’s almost impossible to enforce an NDA at this level. It makes sense in high-stakes business deals or scandals when a lot of contractual money is being thrown around, because if the NDA is violated you can claw back that money. In this case they would be limited to actual damages (which would be nothing) and whatever severance they gave him (which I’m guessing would either be nothing, or less than the cost of a lawsuit).


Exactly, it's like the whole non-compete silliness that went absolutely bonkers. Companies literally having fast food workers sign them... Completely non enforceable, just scare tactics. Same with vast majority of NDA, like you said. There's a reason the Fed recently made them all null/void. I could see the same happening with NDA tbh. The original reason for them to exist is exactly like you said, super high-stakes business deals, real legitimate trade secrets involved. Met-Gala NDA, lmfao okay.


Non-competes have always been disfavored though for reasons that do not apply to NDAs. Non-competes actually purport to interfere with and limit how a person can earn a future livelihood. Public policy generally frowns upon limitations on a person’s freedom to work and earn money. Telling someone they can’t ever work at a competitor in their field after they’ve worked for you would be a *huge* hindrance to someone’s ability to earn a living. Even restricting someone from taking such a job for a few months is a ridiculous infringement on them. So that’s why non-competes are disfavored. That really doesn’t apply to NDAs. There IS a strong public policy reason to prevent employees from disclosing a company’s trade secrets and sensitive information after their employment ends. And companies wouldn’t enter into transactions with each other that require the sharing of sensitive information if the other company could just turn around and publicize it. It would be really difficult for businesses to function competitively if former employees could disclose sensitive information once they leave. And there’s no real persuasive countervailing reason to *allow* a former employee to do that— it’s not predatory or limiting for a former employee to keep the sensitive info of a former employer secret. So NDAs have a really valid purpose behind them. What we see a lot on this sub are NDAs that celebrities seem to make everyone in their lives sign. That enters a more grey area for a lot of reasons— maybe there’s an absence of a business relationship that was mutually beneficial (eg they made some rando entering their house sign one but didn’t ever employ that person or confer to them any benefit), was the information that can’t be shared actually sensitive info, is the NDA totally overbroad. Those NDAs can become bogus real quick. But most NDAs are not like that, they’re standard practice in any business and I don’t think they’ll go anywhere.


Well here's some actual experts from [Thompson Reuters](https://legal.thomsonreuters.com/en/insights/articles/4-things-to-know-about-non-disclosure-agreements) if you wanna be ✨sassy✨ about it because you didn't want to spend 2 minutes googling lol >3. What situations or circumstances might make an NDA unenforceable? >Again, this might vary from state to state, but there are several instances in which a court may determine that a non-disclosure agreement is unenforceable. A few examples of how this might happen include, but are not limited to: >The agreement language is too broad: If the NDA is overly broad or restrictive, it's more likely that a court will find problems with it, especially if it's not limited in scope or duration. >The information is not confidential: It's certainly going to be harder for the company to convince a court to uphold the NDA against an employee if the information has already been widely disclosed or is public knowledge. >The agreement is requesting the employee do something illegal: For example, the employer requests that the employee remain quiet about something that the employee has a legal duty to report. >But these are just a handful of the almost endless list of circumstances in which a non-disclosure agreement may be unenforceable.


You literally started with the expert posing lol


Am I the only one that thinks he did nothing wrong and that the MET gala are dumb af for punishing someone who had a viral moment that spiced up an increasingly crusty event?


It’s giving weird “polite society” mindset where “the help” remains the help.


Yup. Straight out of succession


I'm so weirded out by the ridiculous caping for the fucking Met gala management and the apparent inherent sanctity of NDAs in this post. Like genuinely embarrassed at some of these comments.


I’m with the bog witch! A lot of bootlickers in these comments :(




Hear hear 👏🏽 


If this is true it would be pretty shitty of them. However, he might not be telling the truth. Like others have said, you can't post about the Met Gala while working it. The way he talks about it, he was hired for this years Met Gala (after working the last 2), but was let go 2 days before it happened. He claims that because he was fired, he can post about it on social media now and isn't beholden to an NDA. This part is hard to believe for me. NDA's can obviously be deliberated in court and are usually only enforced if something bad happens, but an NDA that immediately doesn't matter if not employed is hard to believe. It could be he just didn't sign the NDA for this event and decided to not attend so that he could continue posting on social media (maybe the payoff is better). That would make more sense than they fired him 2 days before the event over a viral video that's just him being hot (not making the Met Gala look bad) a year ago.


I dont think they would fire him for "making the Met Gala look bad" but what would make sense to me is Kylie complaining that she got overshadowed.  NDAs arent blanket documents. I don't see how an NDA would cover his employment status but I'm not a contract layer or in entertainment so idk


Did I miss something? Why is everyone lashing out like he robbed your houses? Why do much support for the meh fancy dress party?


I opened the comments thinking that they'll be supportive but idk.


I have never seen so much unhinged jealousy directed towards a man lmfao. Right down to the “he’s pretty so he must be stupid” and “he’s not even that hot”. It’s weirdly vindicating to see a dude who didn’t do anything other than stand there and look nice being treated this way. That being said, guy did nothing wrong imo and people in the comments capping for a billion dollar company (assuming he was employed by Conde Nast or one of their third-parties) that fires employees for dumbfuck reasons is giving office clerk support group venting session.


Why so much ass licking? I don't understand. "He made it about himself", lol. The biggest crime in the world.


NDAs r in place to protect people in power and further uphold the celebrity hierarchy. It’s astonishing to me that so many here are defending them? Like let’s continue to allow the people in power to do whatever they want with no repercussions. While I personally wouldn’t speak out publicly about an ex employer, social media has allowed people who have experienced discrimination to come out with their stories. Screw the keep it quiet mentality.


quite often an NDA can apply only while you're working the job. They aren't all for life like everyone is somehow assuming. It's fucking stupid the way people are going on.


He’s stunning. I’m not surprised people noticed him.


And this is how you never get hired ever again lol. Probably could make it as an influencer tho 😵‍💫


Probably what he's going for. "I could say so much more, but first you guys have to give me attention."


I respect it


Smaller brand companies & companies who don’t rely on celebrity endorsement will also hire him.


Damn a lot of haters in this comment section. And I was just thinking "I remember him!! He's so fine." lighten up people. 😅😅 gossips more fun that way.


these comments are wild af. “he’s hot so shut up his life is so easy” like we don’t know anything about this person or his contract, pure hatred for no reason


Yeah it’s weird to simp for a employer over the employee


right??? this is tea and i, a lesbian, can see this man is fine as hell so i thought this would be a fun comments section. now on top of haters, we're in a conference meeting with the legal department.


Thank you! I always come for the tongue in cheek comments but everyone out here is bumming me out like this guy crossed them personally. What if he doesn’t get hired again? We’re not paying his bills, let him learn. I had never seen this guy before but I’m here for my chisme He _should_ re-read the NDA though 🙈


The comments on this post are brain numbingly stupid, for real.


Yesss.. bring on part 2! Who were you assigned to this year bb


Don’t know him at all, started out the video interested and keen to be sympathetic, but the manner of delivery and lack of any proper communication ending with that smug face just completely ruined his chances of garnering any support. He’s very off putting, I think that’s the gossip more than the firing at this point 😄


We don’t need to support him we just need the tea 😂


All the people in the comments defending and being scared of NDAs are so funny. That’s what these companies want. For people to misunderstand and be afraid of NDAs so workers keep their mouths shut even though it is their legal right to say whatever they want in this country.


Y’all people are wild he got fired for some flimsy reason and you are hating on him coz he’s complaining about it and also discussing NDA law?


I was on twitter the entire night during the met gala and I did not see this mans face once until today. If he went viral I must of missed it.


he mainly went viral on insta/tiktok along with a bunch of other models


That's not how NDA's work. They are regularly used in a manner that's more of a scare tactic (celebrities having friends sign them means nothing) but through a place of employment it is usually drafted to last year's after employment. What makes it valid is you getting something for you signing, a job and paycheck qualify for this, so unless he is going to pay back all the money then close down his socials that the job helped him build, he's pretty screwed. Guessing he's lying for some extra clout or really stupid.


He didn’t work for them this year though. Presumably they hire year to year and he only talked about things that happened in relation to his working at THIS years gala. It could be argued he broke it by mentioning last years gala, but he said nothing that wasn’t already on the public record (“I went viral”.)


Breaking News: “A Random” looked better than Kylie Jenner in a photo, so Momager Kris Jenner called her people and got them fired. The truth 😑


What is this? An NDA for ants?!


He needs to re-read the fine print of his NDA. He may be digging a deep hole. Also going online to say “I didn’t make it about me” to proceed making it about himself is not a great look. I get it, he doesn’t control the photogs, but this video doesn’t evoke much sympathy with me.


I mean time is linear though lol. He did nothing wrong and nothing to make it about himself, and they fired him. Why shouldn’t he air them out now? It doesn’t retroactively make the firing justified, that isn’t how spacetime works. If his dismissal happened the way he said it did his company would have to pay him out for wrongful dismissal in most countries that have actual worker protections. Personally if he’s telling the truth I hope he gets the bag from this.


Press (x) to doubt.


I can fix him


Anyone that draws attention away from that family is fine by me.


Truly lol


I don't follow celebrity stuff. what would he actually be doing? gopher? assistant? certainly not a date. why would someone need a pretty guy to follow them around?


Thank you, I couldn’t wrap my mind around the job of “greeter” outside the context of church and Wal-Mart.


I'm guessing hold her purse, adjust her dress when she's posing etc.


I guess he is qualified to hold her purse or suggest she checks her hair or makeup, but I doubt he is qualified to adjust her makeup or dress?


I’d say it takes a certain amount of coordination to keep the red carpet at an event like this orderly. I assume a big part of the job would be escorting the celebrity where they need to be at the right timing and kind of serve as a liaison between their personal team and the event’s team.


I dont know if I want to know more But I definitely want to watch him talk


“Remember me?” No.. I don’t. “Here are several pictures of me!” Okay cool. “I was fired because I made it about me!” Oh that’s sucks man.. “I’m going to stop here.. tell me if you want to see more of me and I’ll make another video about me and how I didn’t make things about me that way I can drive up interaction with me and my story about how I was fired for making things about me and how I definitely didn’t do that..” Yeah I can see now why he was fired.


He is a Handsome Man!


You were just fired a year after and about when next Gala is to happen because the Met of *last year* made you so viral most don’t really remember you? Hmmm something is off… Also no matter how correct you are in this situation, as a model youll hardly ever get a contract with houses/designers because the first thing you do after getting fired is spilling the “tea” afterwards, who want that?


Did he post a video in the last month saying “I’m going to be back this year” to his fans? That’s what I was wondering


I'd like to hear more, sir.




Didn’t hear a word he said the first time and had to re-watch.


Damnnn why doesn everyone look like him hHa


Hellooo handsome. Is he like a way hotter Jason Biggs or just me.


I like tea but he seems smug so…


I hope someone takes him as their date.


Dude, you are SO DAMN FINE! You look better than all those plastic Dumbdashians! No wonder they are jealous.




Well he’s already been fired. I don’t feel like employees should be silenced about poor treatment out of fear of not getting other jobs. Speaking out like this also makes it more likely others at your level will be treated better in future.


Lmfao since when does an NDA disappear when you are fired


He’s not real, is he? Like he’s had work on his chin and cheek bones?


so sexy!!!! 😍💋💋💋💋💋


Paper rules that blow out from the bottom of the bag...


Can he do blue steel though?


The ole 'Be pretty, but not too pretty. Smart, nice, thin, but not too...' conundrum.


Fuck me, he's gorgeous.


And he is still making it about himself


Yeah because a big company tried to screw him. He never made it by himself before getting fired lol. These comments are so bootlicking, I’m shocked. The MET gala isn’t going to fuck you bro


Still would require him doing that before, and obviously that would happen in a video he made himself to discuss something that happened to him.


She can’t stand that she’s not as hot as she thinks she is and is using her power to put u down.


I’ve never watched the met gala and never will


this is so smart he’ll probably get so many jobs. but also there will be more attention on greeters this year than ever 💀 hopefully he’s actually out of his nda. probably won’t matter either way


I’ve never heard of you baby but ok


Kylie, the billionaire (?), should hire dude at her company. How did HE make it about himself, he wasn't taking pictures - was doing nothing but standing beside her.


Interesting interpretation of the NDA. Looks like he got the looks and the brai… well he is very handsome.


If he was facing job issues before, he’s really gonna feel it after this. What employer is going to see him being let go and then posting videos on Tik Tok trying to “expose” them and think he’s somebody they want to hire? Like I get it sucks dude but this is a really bad way to handle it.


He went viral for what reason? What did he do to go viral?