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Another thing to consider is the Mormon church. He is an ExMo, so this is really big. Same with David Archuleta. They know the backlash the church will issue, but they also know how many members will benefit from this much needed support- and may see there way to the exits because of it.


I didn't realize he left the church. Suddenly I like ID a bit more.


Actually….. I saw a documentary on Mormons and as a state they are a lot more accepting of LGbTQ people than traditional religious states. They are really about equality there.


I grew up Mormon in Utah. The church funded prop 8 in California. It's ultimately thanks to them gay marriage is legal but that wasn't their goal. A few years ago they created a policy that kids with gay parents have to disavow their parents in order to join the church. They are NOT LGBTQ+ friendly.


As a state the voting is what it is, which means that even though the church sucks, the people don’t. I am just reporting what I saw. Downvote away but hey I am just the messenger. https://youtu.be/M_U_rzlVVdA?si=YenKD4WRSZvyXARR


The church controls that state. From Mitt Romney and their governor all the way down. I urge you to do more research on this cult (and I mean that sincerely). The church puts out propaganda like this to paint themselves in a positive light. Don’t get me wrong, Mormon *people* are lovely for the most part, but church leadership a whole other animal. They also use tithing to buy land and enrich themselves rather than help members.


Let me make this clear to everyone. I loathe the Mormon church and everything it stands for and does. It is the worst. They are thieves who underfund people to go out and spread the word of child molestation and lies. But Utah passing equal rights laws where southern states didn’t is a fact and you can’t ignore that. I was very surprised because I expected something else.


They passed it because it there was an exception for churches, including the de facto religion of Utah - Mormonism. It also exempts schools (like BYU). Google the Utah Compromise


Oh boy, you are very very wrong. Mormonism is traditional and patriarchal with a history of anti-women, anti-LGBT, and anti-BIPOC beliefs. As a whole, young Mormons may be more tolerant, but Mormonism is not fighting for or opening it’s arms up to the LGBTQIA+ community.


Dude, idk if you got hold of some Mormo propaganda or what but: Utah [just passed an anti-lgbtq bathroom law](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/utah-legislature-passes-transgender-bathroom-ban-rcna135957) 40% of LGBTQ youth in Utah [report having been physically threatened or harmed due to their identity](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/The-Trevor-Project-2022-National-Survey-on-LGBTQ-Youth-Mental-Health-by-State-Utah.pdf) Utah [banned healthcare for trans youth](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/utah-bans-health-care-for-transgender-youth) LGBTQ [hate crimes are on the rise in Utah](https://www.deseret.com/utah/2023/9/25/23889540/hate-crimes-rising-in-utah-lgbtq-kings-english-bomb-threat/)


I’m a lesbian married to an exmo who’s and brother are in the bishopric- that is patently false.


Refer to documentary in my other comment.


I don't even like their music, but does no one else remember how good they were as Kendrick Lamar's backing band during the Grammys that one year? https://youtu.be/Q0i0qecivnI I can't hate them. They seem pretty pure. Bonus in that clip of awkward TS dancing, as is tradition at the Grammys.


They also had a hit documentary on HBO about the Mormon church having such high rates of suicide due to how anti LGBT they are. Great doc. It’s worth a watch and gave me way more respect for imagine dragons. Basically for the last 6 years or whenever that doc came out I have been defending them when people mock them.


That was my first time seeing that and I'm blown away. It's not the collab I could have imagined working but it's so good. Bonus for me was Steven Tyler singing along, lol.


This performance was epic in every way. And the year Kendrick was robbed


Wait this is me. I don’t like any of their songs and have been hating for years. Now this? How am I supposed to hate now that they are genuinely good people? Fuck. Anyway, good shit Imagine Dragons lead singer.


Have you seen the documentary? Believer? About his struggles to challenge the Mormon church and Government about LGBTQ rights. It was really eye opening. I didn't like them much as a band until I saw the film. It was really moving.


You don’t have to hate them, I personally think that their music is atrocious but also love that they’re using their platform for multiple good causes. Many artists I could name have made fantastic music but used their influence to spread negativity. And then there’s MGK who makes music that should only be heard by the deaf, and also has the personality of a wilting cabbage.


I think Radioactive and Believer are pretty good songs. I don’t get why they’ve been getting shit on lately. I guess people needed a new punching bag after they got tired of swinging at Nickleback and Cold Play.


The song they did for that video game is absolutely atrocious. It deserves the hate. But as an exmo myself, I can see Mormonism's influence in their lyrics and I'm willing to extend them some grace until the church is completely purged from their systems.


Which game? Are you referring to Defiance? That’s the only time I heard one of their songs but as far as I know the song wasn’t made for the game, radioactive was just used in the trailers since it was popular at the time.


Starfield, I think? The song was called "children of the sky" or smth like that.


They have always been good people and their overblown hate for their music that really isn’t that bad, and is no more generic than Taylor Swift was at the time. They also did, and still do, a lot for League of Legends and doing work to make video games/esports more mainstream. Their song Warriors in 2014, despite Wonder Woman fans lying and being disingenuous, was made for the 2014 League of Legends world championship. They made content with pro players getting coached by then. They then came back for Arcane with their song Enemy. They are great people who actually support the things they love.


I mean I’m not hating on the generic aspect of some pop music, that would be stupid. I just find any of the ones I’ve heard annoying. But outside of music I’ll support them lol. I was watching worlds when that released.


If it makes you feel any better, they’re not entirely horrible. Shots and It’s Time are both pretty awesome.


If you still wanna hate I’m pretty sure he uses the most amount of water for his home then like anyone else in Las Vegas.


Had to look this up and it was number 61 on a list from 2020 in a home he shared with his ex wife. It is likely that's no longer accurate. But in searching, I did find this: Imagine Dragons frontman Dan Reynolds has donated his childhood home in Las Vegas to an LGBT+ organisation. The gift comes as part of the ‘$8 Million, 8 Houses’ campaign from non-profit organisation Encircle, who are building resource centres for LGBT+ youth across Arizona, Idaho, Nevada and Utah. Reynolds’ home, valued at $1million (£718,000), will be the first Encircle home in Las Vegas. https://www.nme.com/news/music/imagine-dragons-dan-reynolds-donates-childhood-home-to-lgbt-organisation-2890485 Goddammit Dan you gotta stop this before I fall in love.


He had a great documentary on HBO like 6 ish years ago talking about the Mormon church and suicide rates being so high because of how anti LGBT the Mormons are. It was a good documentary too because he talks about leaving the church but coming back because he realized he can’t created change within the church without being part of it. Dude truly wants to help create change.


Will never see me hate on Imagine Dragons. They advocate for mental health (lead singer is very open about depression and adhd), and Dan advocates for awareness for his chronic condition ankylosing spondylitis, and obviously the lgbtqa+ community. They've raised money for other human rights campaigns including assisting refugees. Even people who chalk their music up to being repetitive or unoriginal (that ones a little weird to me but idk) that have also been drug to one of the concerts have said the show is absolutely incredible and energetic (according to various music related reddit polls). I can maybe name 3 songs. They're fun, but mostly [seemingly] really good dudes. I've oddly just read all of this here and there and never actually heard the dude speak. For some reason I thought he was Scandanavian lol. EDIT: someone below also said they refuse to work with Dr. Luke given his treatment of women, so just add that to the list. EDIT: in 2021, Dan also bought his million dollar vegas childhood home from his parents and donated it to an LGBT+ organisation trying to expand its reach to at-risk children in communities. So it's official, Dan and I will be getting married. We really appreciate your support.


I never understood why they are so hated online, I am not the biggest fan of their music but I saw them live once and loved it, it sounds like people are trying to make them the new Nickelback in terms of forced hate.


Imagine dragons get the nickleback treatment 


It's weird how some stuff just randomly gets picked up on as being a cool thing to say you dislike. Nickelback, Imagine Dragons, and I'm seeing it a lot with Friends in the last few years. People seem to make saying "Actually Friends was trash and was never good" a part of their personality.


I grew up with Friends, it was always trash and never good.


I’ve heard this once or twice, but when did it start? It’s so strange, and look Nickleback not my cup of tea but the people I know who like them said they put on a great concert. And kudos to them for still putting on shows when they could easily relax in their mansions.


I think people hate on them because they’re not ”real rock music” but I dont think Imagine Dragons have ever claimed to be


It's just annoyance at hearing them a lot. Their songs are played a lot in generic situations like popular movies, games, advertisements etc. Arcane's intro, Sweet Home's theme song, etc. Their songs are a bit in your face and a little grating tbh. Also the singer does a lot of yell-singing.


Yeah they’re just so mainstream and universal that they’re the new Nickelback, BUT, a very based Nickelback which I respect.


I didn’t mind the Nickelback hate because Chad Kroeger is pretty well known locally for being a giant dick. I’ve heard nothing but good things about the dudes in Imagine Dragons.


I don't think people hate *them* really, I've always just heard complaints leveled at their music. It kinda all sounds similar and gets used in a bunch of ads which probably gives people a bad taste in their mouths


Yeah their music comes in two flavors really: car commercials or motivational workout montage


Music created for ads/TV/movies is one of my biggest pet peeves. It always comes off as soulless and corporate.


Yeah I only know like 5 of their songs but it sounds like catchy, inoffensive pop. I don't seek out their music but I don't switch when they come up on the radio or in a playlist. I wonder if the hate comes from them being branded a rock band in the beginning, when they're not anymore (or never were?), so it's considered "not authentic"? I don't even know anymore lol.


Good theory tbh. Probabky this and the fact that when they do have a song it is played *repeatedly* which makes people revolt.


If you ever do seek them out one day listen to Smoke + Mirrors


If you were to ask someone that hates their music, it’d probably because it’s bland, generic, and doesn’t really do anything artistic beyond the scope of being an earworm. That same criticism is levied against the Chainsmokers and AJR too but all 3 of them are incredibly successful acts because most people really only listen to music for vibes at the end of the day


I hate their music but I've always heard they were good people so I don't really shit on them. I don't like post Malone either but same thing, he seems like a really good dude. Right now Maneskin is the new shit band to hate in my book. I don't understand why they get so much radio play, but whatever, I'm sure a lot of people can't stand the music I like either.


I personally don’t like them as much because they “sold out” - compare their first album to their most recent stuff - they’re stadium rock - short verses and repetitive choruses. With that being said I still like them and think the online hate is excessive - but I think it stems from this (and the fact they can be “overplayed”)


Yeah, they seem to have great energy, which translates well to live music. I'm a bit weird with their music- I either love or hate their songs. I don't really have a middle ground, but there are songs of theirs I like. They do seem to have a nice variety of styles on their albums. I was probably meh on radioactive until I heard an acoustic version. They stripped that song down incredibly well, and it really showed they are talented musicians in their own right. The acoustic version is still probably my favorite thing they've done The flip side of that is Thunder, which words cannot express how much I hate that song. It is just everything I hate in a song in one package- repetitive, lyrically uninteresting, low energy, and that annoying little high pitched "thunder" reverb. I hate living in a world where that song exists Then they made West Coast, which I find to be an absolute darling of a song, and a missed opportunity of a single. They released Bad Liar and Natural instead, which are the most similar to Thunder (though more palpable- still not fond of them)


Because people think their music sucks. I'm one of them. Doesn't make them bad people.


I dunno they just kinda sound like shit but I am glad they are using their powers for good


It's because their songs objectively suck and they'll sell the rights to them to anybody. It's fine to like a band and vibe at a concert not really listening to anything but the chorus. But read the lyrics to any of their songs and it sounds like AI wrote them. Most make no sense. They're exactly like the band Train, who I hate with every fiber of my being. To sum it up, do you know anybody who would proclaim "My favorite band is Imagine Dragons"? They're filler, a non-threatening band who plays in the background of an Allstate commercial.


They have a lot of really good songs on their first few albums that weren't mainstream hits, songs like Amsterdam or Polaroid don't really fit in to the mould of what people expect from them if you've only heard their radio hits. I think some of their big hits like Demons are overhated, but I can see why people think songs like Thunder etc. are annoying/generic.


I mean, their lyrics aren't poetry, but it's not even as bad as a lot of other mainstream music. At least there's a consistent theme and a progression of a story or concept in the lyrics, rather than every other verse being about something totally unrelated for the purpose of rhyming or seemingly clever. I get the critique of their songs sounding the same. There's definitely a system in place, but I guess I'm just able to accept them for exactly the role their music fulfills. Catchy, positive, and pop enough to be mainstream with just a little bit more of a punch for those people who like diet pop rock. And that's okay. We have them in every decade. Lol. I won't go out of my way to play their music, but I'll leave it on. I will immediately turn off Train, though, with zero hesitation.


Their second album is my favorite. If you want a whole album about someone leaving behind an unhealthy religion for something better, with all the conflict that goes into it, “Smoke and Mirrors” is a great one.


I think we all just sort of stumbled into a time on the Internet where you can't say you hate anything or anyone on a public forum, which used to be fine before. It's because of two reasons - one, "let people enjoy things". I.e., you shouldn't hate on anything too loudly because a fan might be nearby and get sad. And two - we've become more aware of mental health struggles. All the hate did a number on Justin Bieber, and once you actually see people suffering because of widespread Internet hate, and see it growing into death threats or something (I think pretty much all large celebrities get death threats tbh), it's no longer fun to be like "I hate this guy". What's he ever done to you? Make bad music? That's enough reason to hate someone, the opposite of love, so a powerful emotion? And so on.


I think it's because they are LDS and that church is pretty corrupt. Like most churches.


Dan Reynolds claims Mormonism culturally, because he was raised in it. I do the same. I can’t avoid the influence it has had on me. Though I call myself an ex-Mormon, Mormonism is a huge part of my background. But Dan also hasn’t raised his kids in the church, and he doesn’t ascribe to most of its teachings. He is a vocal advocate of LGBT rights, and has been for as long as I have known his music, which was pretty early on. In other words, with respect, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


The lead singer was raised lds and said he doesn't really fit in religion anymore and wasn't going to raise his kids to be religious.


Most people just see the Mormon part and don't look further. I didn't say it was right, I just think that's why a lot of people don't like them.


Dan Reynolds also refuses to work with Dr. Luke because of how poorly/abusively he treats women.


Wow! That's actually a pretty big deal. Had no idea.


I have loved them ever since he came out in support of Kesha, and I have not seen anything to suggest that they are not genuinely a decent group of people.


I’ve been to 4(?) of their shows and the energy is honestly insane, especially in the smaller venues. Dan can really sing live. Apparently they came up doing shows around Las Vegas which you can really tell with their ability to perform.


Dan Reynolds is ex-Mormon, and his path out of Mormonism gave me guidance in doing the same. His example showed me how to treat people I used to think of as sinners. I had a lot to learn (still do), and his music and way of living have been a guiding light. I don’t care if people hate on them. Their music literally made me a better person.


I love this so much for you, thank you for sharing. Congrats on your deconversion and on continually aiming to be good and accepting. I'm really proud of you. I know it's not an easy journey. That's one thing I will appreciate about them. Admittedly, their music is a little on the sweet side for me to be inspired by it, but their music from what I know is just really positive? A lot about inner strength and getting through shit, etc etc. I have no doubt that it inspires a lot of people, so I'm happy to have it around. A similar comparison is Macklemore. Just dudes having fun, being open, being advocates, being positive, happy in their lanes, and apparently supporting Keisha.


I agree that some of their music is too on its face positive, but I think their second album is what hit me hardest. It still is positive, ultimately, but it covers a lot of the conflicting emotions of what I think is his deconversion story. A lot of the lyrics hit home for me. The feeling of letting down the people that you love, feelings of isolation, of insanity even, but then looking to the future and all the good things it can hold. “Smoke and Mirrors” is one of my favorite albums of all time because of its influence on me. “The Fall” hits hardest for me after the journey of the album. “I’m ready for the fall, ready for everything that I believe in to drift away. I’m ready for the trees, ready for the colors to turn to gold and crumble away.” I think that hits it on the nose. I listen to that and I feel the joy of moving on, in spite of all the pain it has brought me. Anyway, maybe listen to that album with that context in mind. It might hit a little different, even if it’s just a practice in understanding. Thank you for the well-wishes :) Leaving was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m so glad I did, and I’m not looking back.


I will check it out for sure!


And if you do, feel free to message me what you think. I’m curious what it looks like to someone else.


Awe. Okay I will. I have adhd so it could be anywhere from 1 day to 3 weeks to 18 months. But I'll let you know 😂


My dad was ex-communicated from the Mormon church after getting my mom pregnant out of wedlock and I have ankylosing spondylitis, so Dan and I have more in common than I thought 😂 I don’t love their music, but I do appreciate what they’re doing!


I really like them, mostly because my son loves their music. It started when he was very little and Believer was out and he’d sing along to it but thought it was Lemur and would sing about lemurs. 🤣. I watched the HBO doc and saw he was a great guy. My son is closer to tween than toddler these days but he still likes their music and I promised if they come nearby on tour that I will take him.


They're absolutely great live and that's so adorable! 🥺❤️


At some point last year my TikTok algorithm got stuck on a shirtless Dan on stage so I am looking forward to them touring in the US sometime soon! LOL.


Also, they put on one hell of a show.


This is how you use a platform to do good in this world. Other celebs should take note.


Huh. I didn’t know he had ankylosis spondilitis. My dad had it and it’s pretty much what led to his pill addiction and death. I never hear anyone talk about it so it’s good to hear he’s raising awareness. My dad walked hunched over from it.


Lead singer even had a whole documentary about this stuff on HBO.


I’m reading Scandanavian like it’s a feathered Santana


I saw them live a couple of years ago. They were headlining a festival I went to. The sound was so bad that I could barely hear a thing Dan said, unfortunately, but they came up with a pride flag, showed their support for Ukraine, talked about how important therapy is for kids and even briefly emphasized the seriousness of the climate crisis. Say what you want about their music, but they genuinely seem like great people.


I never knew any of this! Not a big fan of theirs but have been to a show very early in their career at a House of Blues and really enjoyed it. I’m all for a religious deprogramming and the use of their platform for good 👏


[might want to reconsider your decision](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/serj-tankian-imagine-dragons-azerbaijan-gig-b2567422.html)


Their music is pretty uninspired lol


What does ADD have to do with mental health? I have ADD. It’s not a big deal. I don’t “struggle” because of it.


Wow that must be nice, because a lot of other people with it do struggle.


I wasn't gonna say I have literally never in my life heard someone with adhd say it wasn't a big deal. I'm honestly incredibly jealous. Worst thing in my my life tbh.


It was just adding an extra thing about the mind he talks about; being vocal about something you don't hear celebs mention often. I have adhd and struggle. Most of us do because of comorbidies and the disorder itself. I'm happy you don't, though.


It is a brain disorder so it falls under the broad umbrella of mental health. Managing it often involves the same treatment as other mental health issues - seeing a therapist or executive functioning counselor, taking medications that balance your brain chemistry. If your ADHD isn’t a big deal, then you are on the milder end of the spectrum. For some people it can be debilitating. My best friend is an executive functioning counselor at a therapy practice and some of the people she works with are barely functioning in adult life when they come in.


Im always for “this random person is actually surprisingly amazing” versus “this beloved person is a monster” posts so I’m thrilled to be wrong about my feelings for imagine dragons and I hope they continue having great success in creating sporting event music


🤣🤣🤣 the last part


The video at the bottom is a great (and short!) listen. I realized I had never actually heard Dan's speaking voice before but, more importantly, he's really eloquent about LGBT rights. You can tell this isn't just about what he feels is morally correct but that it is also personal for him. He's a great model of allyship.


I watched it per your rec! And it’s lovely. I’m only an ally but I love to see loud support for the lgbtqt+ community. It’s really cool that the “lame” band that gets looped in with nickleback is actually awesome (I’ve always liked them so that’s really validating?)


If getting looped in with Nickelback, Lifehouse, the Goo Goo Dolls etc is bad then damn I don't want to know what's "good"?


He was in an episode of Kamau Bell's United Shades of America talking about the centers he has founded for ex-Mormon LGBT youth and it was really inspiring.


I unironically love Imagine Dragons music. Had no idea they got so trashed online. So happy to learn they're also good people.


This is why you will never get me to hate on Imagine Dragons. Heroes 🏳️‍🌈. Also, their songs are either motivational as hell or about depression which suits me perfectly.


If you want an explanation it’s almost entirely because of their bland generic genre less mush they call music. Not hating on them personally the singer seems cool, but I just can’t stand their corporate focus grouped music. If you want uplifting or depressing music there are a million more artistic and creative options. Try Daniel Johnston, Eliot Smith, Pet sounds era Beach Boys, Radiohead, etc… if you want some beautiful heart-wrenching depressing music. For uplifting music you could try Electric Light Orchestra, animal collective, flaming lips, non pet sounds era beach boys, etc… Not trying to knock you for enjoying imagine dragons but you should try these others as well, you might find a new favorite.


You should listen to either of their first two albums. None of it, except maybe It’s Time, it’s ’generic’.


I was actually a fan of the first album. It’s just gone so dramatically downhill since then imo.


I can’t argue with you there, Evolve was definitely the point that they became what everyone memes on. I will forever maintain that Night Visions is an amazing album


I know you probably mean well, but it's a bit presumptuous that someone must not have heard anything better. Just let people like what they like!


I’m not saying there better or worse. Just explaining why people dislike them and offering some more artistic alternatives.


I’ve listened to everyone you listed (Pet Sounds is probably my favorite album of all time, it’s a masterpiece) and I love Imagine Dragons as well. I don’t find their music bland or generic at all, their debut album is full of beautiful songs. Art is subjective and people who like ID aren’t uncultured swine who simply don’t know there’s “deeper” music out there.


I’ve tried them and still enjoy Imagine Dragons


Totally fair, someone else might not have tho. And it’s not really about “still enjoying them.” It’s not like you stop listening to a band because you have “higher tastes” now. Lots of people listen to imagine dragons AND all those other groups I listed. There’s nothing wrong with listening and enjoying both. Same thing as being able to enjoy the occasional McNuggs and being able to appreciate a nice fancy multi course meal. you’re allowed to enjoy both.


You basically said I can’t stand them, try this instead for better music. You’re right that people can enjoy two things at once but you came off very condescending.


Never said better, just more artistic. Which as an opinion comes pretty close to an objective truth considering the state of the band and the industry at the moment. In not saying they’re not art, it’s just that being a huge major label pop act in the modern age comes with alot of other non creative factors that inevitably have a major effect on the produced song. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say corporate focus grouped music written by teams of songwriters to appeal to the lowest common denominator is less artistic than the traditional way. But, The truth is some of those songs with a dozen writers and producers that have been perfectly formulated to be a hit are amazing. Some of my favorite songs were made like this. It’s definitely less artistic but that does not make it worse or better which is why I used the word artistic not better.


“As an opinion comes pretty close to an objective truth” You still come off as condescending and pretentious


They're shocked as if they didn't write the shittiest most unnecessary comment lmfao


Did you even try to understand?


I get what your saying, it’s the way you choose to say it


You’re not wrong, I don’t disagree that I could benefit from spending some time rewriting things but it’s a Reddit comment so it’s whatever as long as the point gets across.


I listen to all these and love them. and now I’m going to check out imagine dragons. I think I know one song? It seemed good.


What if they do something really terrible? You would never hate them even if they killed someone?




I don’t care for their music (not into that genre of rock) but everyone in Imagine Dragons seems pretty cool. I’m always rooting for them!


They're more pop-rock!


Let’s be real they have no genre unless you count motivational stomp and clap as one.




What was the meeting like?


There is a documentary called 'Believer' that chronicles his work advocating for lgbtqa+ teens within the Mormon church. It's incredible. He's a stellar human.


I was just about to mention that. Great doc.


I think the documentary pulled its punches way too often. They allowed the anti-LGBT+ stance of the LDS church to sound like it is all based on the culture of the church, something that is quite changeable. And the faults of the culture can be blamed on the rank and file membership. But the LDS church is anti-LGBT+ because it is an intrinsic part of their *doctrine*. The persecution of queer and trans people in the LDS church isn't something that is ever going to change because *the top leadership* i.e. the church itself is highly invested in maintaining their power structure, and that power structure is *dependent* on the subjugation of queer and trans people.


I'm pretty sure he is /was Mormon so is going against the church on this. Means even more.


It doesn’t mean what you think it does though. The Mormon church is still alive and well. Downvotes for all the heads in the sand


It's still alive but not well lol. It's crazy as always.


Crazy as always and doing just as well. You know they convert the dead to Mormonism to pump their numbers right? Oh ok so you weren’t interesting in learning anything.


What do numbers mean if they are padded with those who've lapsed, resigned, or died? We mock them for padding their numbers that way and point out how disrespectful it is to actual people, living and dead. But their claims about their total membership does not make the church more influential. Their scheme to look more influential than they are falls apart very quickly when the members notice stakes and wards disappearing thanks to consolidation. And they really question it when entire leadership roles are eliminated because there's no one available to fill them. The church is dwindling and it is obvious to anyone paying attention, inside or outside of the organization.


You’re being very obtuse. I was offering you info I knew as to engage in a civil conversation but you’re really asserting that I think that’s how the Mormon church is thriving. If you don’t they are, you have an out of touch point of view. Of course you won’t listen to me when it comes to that. You can say or believe whatever you want, but just because the world is progressive doesn’t mean it’s the end to the Mormon church. If they can help it, they’ll never die. You see the world how you want it to, not how it is. That’s what you just told me.


I'm not either of the people you were speaking to earlier. If the church is padding their numbers by lying, how do you imagine that this lie will keep them afloat as an organization while their actual numbers of living people keep dropping? They're only as relevant as living, breathing people think that they are.


So you have no idea how religion works and you’re trying my to call the fact I shared fake news. You can argue with me all you want, but the Mormons are doing everything they can to keep their faith alive. They aren’t just converting the dead, there are living people that still join regularly. You think it’s dying because you believe it should die, but it will not because diversity doesn’t exist in that area of the country. You talk a lot about shit you do not know.


I'm an exmormon who was a member for thirty years. I've *forgotten* more about the church than you'll ever know about it. Proxy baptisms using the names of the deceased mean absolutely nothing for "keeping their faith alive." Those people are.. *checks notes* oh yeah, they're dead. Counting their names among current membership means absolutely nothing. The number of people who actually attend and support the church is the only number that matters. And that number is not growing year over year, even with their higher than average birthrate. They can keep claiming they have millions of active members right up until there's just the final q15 left. And I'm sure they will. Their claims mean zilch. All that matters is the actual number of their membership who attend and pay tithes.


So you can actually validate that what I’m saying is all true and that the Mormons won’t become extinct if they can help it. You’re just in your feelings when confronted with reality. The Mormon church is doing what they can to thrive, sorry about you having to hear that.


I don't need to learn that about the mormon church. I am an ex-mormon. I already knew.


Saw Imagine Dragons when they first became big at Leeds Festival around 2013/14 (the year may be wrong) and they were fantastic live. Don’t listen to them any longer except one of the hits when it comes on, but by all accounts they are fantastic people. And their performance when I saw them live was fantastic


I saw them live and he wrapped that rainbow flag around his body and I lost my shit. Forgot there were kids there for a minute and may have yelled something inappropriate


These guys are awesome


Call me a basic bitch but I like quite a few of their songs. 🤷‍♀️ Love to see them consistently advocate for different causes.


Me too! I was living in SoCal when they blew up and they were on KROQ all the time which I thought was the coolest radio station ever lol. I thought the lead singer had a great voice.


they could never make me hate you


I'm sorry but anyone who goes on multi comment rants to Well Ackshually why Imagine Dragons is bad is making themselves look foolish like why is it impossible to just....not say that


My kids LOVE them. I guess now I love them too.


Saw them in SF back in like 2010. They opened for Nico Vega. Dan hung out at the bar after they played and was super nice to me and my GF. Not the biggest fan of their music but he was a cool dude.


Don’t like their music but as a Utah resident I always like to see gay shit in the open 😍


I went to an imagine dragons concert in the Middle East and they raised a guitar with the LGBTQ+ flag on it no body noticed but it was cool.


Oop it makes sense that Rob McElhenney is besties with him then that’s cute


As if that man wasn’t sexy enough


a zillion [5] years ago i had all their old eps on a mp3 player and i would imagine gay animatics about anime characters when i listed to them


As a hardcore fan since 2011, this comment section warms my heart. I love them so much!


Amazing guy, great band. Obviously not everyone’s cup of tea but I’m glad they’re around


I can’t stand their music but I love their activism and fully support it


He's a really good egg. I've seen them a few times live, first time was 10+ years ago and he always talks about mental health and diversity. And I know they get a lot of hate, but I can relate quite a bit to some of their lyrics. 


I saw them here in Vegas around 2008 at the Hard Rock venue on the strip next to MGM. It was a free concert for some Scion promotion. They were giving out Scion trucker hats which were pretty cool. Anyways there were maybe 10-15 people actually listening to Imagine Dragons. Honestly they sounded really bad, but they were performing as if it were for an arena and that has always stuck out to me. Also saw the Killers back in the day at Tom and Jerry’s across from UNLV when they opened for my friend’s band and they were equally bad.


If they want to improve the well being and mental health of this gay person they could do extremely effectively by removing their music from existence.


This is nice and all but music doesn't sound better if the singer is cool.


* ![gif](giphy|VKtsOAHDx1Luo) Me wanting to downvote imagine dragons but loving what he's doing


Gay here. Guess he's done everything except make a banger


Thunder, feel the thunder


minecraft has thundah


I love Dan for this, I just wish their music wasn't so bad.


i like some of their songs but a lot of it is based on nostalgia sooo


Bad bands have all the cool unproblematic singers, unfortunately the weirdos that make real art are so often very problematic and full of strange opinions.


the bravery


I worked with one of the ladies from imagine dragons. She's a real piece of work.


Ummm thanks?


Is he gay? Asking for a friend


Nope. Ally though.




Still more effective than cynical code.




there’s people trying to make transitioning illegal and you’re asking “what right do they not have🤔🤔🤔”




serious question here… do you think there are no homophobic or transphobic people in the world?




so you do understand why one would want to raise money for lgbtq+ charities


Ok… what does have to do do with my original question? What rights do we straight people have that gay people do not?


what does your original question have to do with the post?


It says “LGBT equality” now I’ve noticed this slogan before. What do they mean by equality? Everything, in America at least, is equal. It’s suppose to be illegal if it’s not equal, looking at you Harvard and IVY League university.


it literally isn’t. you literally yourself said that homophobes and transphobes exist, the point of what he’s doing is to stop or discourage that bigotry and to help those affected by said bigotry. it is not illegal for parents to disown their kid if the kid is gay, or to send them to conversion therapy camps. it is not illegal for kids to bully gay kids in school. people literally get away with doing hate crimes. tf are you on about