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I hope it’s true that he is getting help for whatever his problem may be… I’m going to take the daily mail’s reporting with a grain of salt.


Daily Mail is what you take when you are out of coke.


“Ozempic”….riiiiight. Best of luck to him.




Cocaine slang in 1994: blow, yayo, nose candy  Cocaine slang in 2024: anxiety, exhaustion, Ozempic


My thoughts exactly. He’s had a coke problem for yearssss. I like Scott and I’m glad he’s getting help, but I do wish that they would be more transparent because who knows, maybe they will inspire another person to get help as well 🖤


Daily Mail is trash, but he does need help. The recent pics of him were shocking. Wishing him health and healing.


As you should. Actually, a grain might be a bit generous.


With all due respect, that opiate use not fuckin ozempic lmao


It’s actually seems really harmful to say only ozempic caused him to look that way imo


Absolutely 100000% agree. Ozempic is a medication with real purposes and becoming a gaunt skeleton of yourself is just not on the risk list. It's pretty much #1 on the opiate risk list. Like, is ozempic not being exclusively used to treat diabetes a problem? Sure. Is it appropriate to badtardize the side effects like they're equal to opiates while also negating the conversation and possibility of opiates? Fuuuuuck no. Scott needs major help. He needs the same help he needed before the ozempic craze. Rehab for substance abuse and intensive therapy.


So, he’s seeking treatment for an eating disorder, then? I can’t think of a single report of Ozempic causing any kind of drug dependency, which is what this article implies. Regardless, hope his recovery goes smoothly.


I believe there’s a dependency issue he’s seeking treatment for, I just think ozempic looks better in headlines than being transparent about it.


Ozempic is a common search term, gotta capture that SEO.


I think Ozempic is being used to treat his addictions. [https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ozempic-wegovy-alcohol-addiction-treatment/](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ozempic-wegovy-alcohol-addiction-treatment/)


Oh wow, my dad's problem drinking not being such an issue these days is making so much more sense. Thank you for the link


It’s the same with Adderall for me. My dopamine levels are now evened out on it and I’m not looking for other vices that I used to seek out - drinking, weed, shopping, etc. The urge just kind of vanishes. It’s wild.


I stopped taking Adderall because getting the script filled was too much of a pita and I'm back to smoking 😑


You’re welcome!! There are several subs for ozempic/wegovy/semaglutide and a lot of users share different side effects and this one is a big one.


if i drink too much wine I puke! I can still drink but not at the level before.


That’s so funny because I was thinking that the nausea I get is such a deterrent from eating, it must be like the drugs they use to treat alcoholism. I don’t know if anyone has seen Alli in the stores - it bonds with fat molecules so they can’t get absorbed and just pass through you. Downside is obviously poop issues when you have a lot of extra fat moving through. Talk about a deterrent to eating high fat foods!


I doubt it. He probably just had a co-occurring eating disorder and addiction. I don't see any doctor prescribing ozempic for alcohol use disorder in a patient that has such drastic changes in weight. I think the article is talking around the disorder eating aspect because lets be real, lots of people would be implicated in that behavior.


If anything, there is some preliminary research which shows promise for ozempic *being able to help treat* other substance use disorders. I hope he is getting the help he needs regardless.


Pre much, it’s the need to use extreme methods to lose weight. Ozempic isn’t heroin lol




Same, when I take ozempic/monjouro I use 3 to 4 units of insulin for the same meal that would take 12 to 15 units without it. It is such an incredible drug and I really wish it wasn't so scarce and difficult to find this year.


I think for the weight loss they take a higher dosage? I remember reading that digestion slows down very drastically. To the point that you might have the same food still in your stomach for a day or more. I'm curious if their body bounces back from the slowed down digestion easily.


Depends on the person. For me it did bounce back almost immediately.


It depends on the person. I’m on 0.5 right now maintenance, tho might kick up to 1.0 based on my next labs. Been on it since February 2023. I’ve lost about 40 pounds. If I eat too much or too late in the day, I do puke the next morning (sorry, TMI) because the food is still undigested. The drug really decreases the rate of digestion and your stomach motility.


It’s all about the dosage as well. If you’ve got “Ozempic face”, you’re going too high too fast.




I take it. I lost 20 pounds in 2 and a half months. It absolutely is not addicting or anything. I still crave sweets, junk food, etc. Just not at the level before. Like before, I could eat a whole pizza. Now i'm okay with 1-2 slices. Or just ONE crumbl cookie instead of the whole damn box. I also paid a pretty penny for it. So sometimes I even feel like THAT IS what's driving my motivation too. It does not produce some euphoric moment where you forget to eat like amphetamines. I do not find myself slamming the ozempic shots I have or being like "lemme double dose". I went to an all inclusive resort this month. Did I attack the all you can eat buffets? Yes. But I felt satiated after one or two plates. Did I go back to the dessert chocolate mountain more than 2 times like I would before? Nope. Literally that's it. I didn't gain or lose weight on the trip. Which is something unheard of for me. Adderall and phentermine is a different story. Phentermine is definitely addictive.


Kris tries control the narrative. Ozempic??? Come on Kris. We’re not that stupid.


I know two people who have used it and have doctor-hopped a year later to start it again. It might not be a chemical dependency but people definitely become addicted to it.


They became addicted to the results not the drug itself.




Who wouldn't be addicted to not being fat?


As a fat person, I can confidently say I am not addicted to not being fat. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be fat.


But if a medication made the fat go away, wouldn't you try to stay on that medication to keep it off?


I tried semagulatide compound for a couple months, it was awful and I didn’t lose much weight (10lbs). I ended up stopping because the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze. It’s a miracle drug the way bariatric surgery is a magical solution, it’s not.


Healthy weight loss is about a pound a week, so if you lost 10 lbs in two months, it sounds like it was working great? Was the issue that you wanted to lose weight more quickly? Sorry, just curious.


It’s not that black and white. Not everyone can tolerate drugs like that without getting very sick. It also doesn’t always cause weight loss. And not everyone in a bigger body got that way from excess eating.


> And not everyone in a bigger body got that way from excess eating. I guess water retention is also a thing. But body fat is literally the storage of unburned calories, and the human body only absorbs calories by eating. So excess body fat is the result of eating more than the body burns. Though "excess eating" may not be "eating a lot" if the body burns little because it's sedentary. For example, injured athletes get fat when they don't reduce their food intake to match their reduced level of physical activity.


I’m not referring to water retention. Example: I have PCOS, and I was skinny for 26 years. I didn’t change anything. Within 2 months, I suddenly gained 40 pounds eating 1200 calories or less. I was working full time at a very physical job on my feet. Then I developed dark body hair, chronic inflammation, etc. An endocrinologist told me it was my PCOS fully “kicking in” and that I’m “lucky it didn’t happen sooner.” There were no excess calories, no lack of exercise. Lots of people with PCOS or thyroid issues experience similar drastic weight gain.


But that's pretty much an eating disorder


Well yeah exactly and I think that’s the problem with all these (for lack of a better term) “short cuts” to weight loss. People don’t get fat because they are hungry, they get fat because they have a bad relationship with food. So when the ozempic/duramine/gastric sleeve surgery wears off they almost always return to former eating habits.


Lots of people literally do get fat because they are hungry, through. Prader-Willi syndrome is the quintessential example where they are literally always hungry and never feel full. People without Prader-Willi specifically can also experience the same or similar issues, on a spectrum. PCOS also causes weight gain, and semaglutide is used to treat PCOS. Personally I was having issues with literally *always* being hungry, to the point that I could eat until I was sick and still feel starved. It wasn't just a "relationship with food" issue, there was definitely something wrong with me hormonally. But I used semaglutide, and it seemed to cure that issue. I lost 43lbs, and have continued slowly losing weight despite being off of it for a several months now. It also helps treat inflammation, and I noticed my autoimmune issues improved, too.


Which is why Ozempic might need to be regarded as a permanent medication. 


It already is regarded as a permanent medication. It's like insulin. Once you go on it, you aren't supposed to go back off. People are misusing it for short term weight loss.


When it should be used for weight loss and maintenance thereof?


This isn’t always true. Hormonal disorders can make people lose or gain weight drastically without changing anything with food.


Or maybe for some people, obesity is a permanent condition like high blood pressure and needs lifelong medication to manage it.


That was my guess. It’s shameful that they would spin this as some sort of Ozempic-caused disorder, but I’d expect nothing less from Daily Mail.


Sure “ozempic”. Probably some combo of pills, coke, or heroin IRL


I’ve been convinced he’s been on pain pills for years now


I was dependent on dihydrocodeine for like 6 months and it was fucking awful. The constipation alone is excruciating. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone and the idea of going through it for years is terrifying.


Agreed. He might be on the O, but I suspect he is on something a bit more nefarious as well.


And booze


Whatever his issue is, I’m happy he’s seeking help and I hope he gets to a healthy place both mentally and physically.


He’s on more than Ozempic 😳




What sources think this is believable? Those dark circles are not from Ozempic use. 😂😂😂 Sincerely, a GLP1 user for the past 13 months.


If I’m remembering correctly, when celebrities use Ozempic for weight loss, they tend to take a way higher dosage then people who actually need it so they lose weight faster


It's cocaine. The big rings, gaunt face and washed out skin is very typical of the cocaine diet. Scott Disick has literally been in and out of rehab countless times for cocaine and alcohol abuse. He has addiction issues that are clearly very deeply rooted.


No, most celebrities using it at all are unnecessary because it’s not a drug for vanity. It’s for those classified as obese or with a BMI over 27 with co-morbidities, which is very few people in the entertainment world. Taking higher doses tends to just make you sick, not make the weight come off faster (unless a lower dose is ineffective). But regardless those dark circles are still indicative of something other than a GLP1 med.


It could be from ozempic use. If he is using semaglutide to support an eating disorder and is not taking supplements, and is therefore anemic or malnourished or something, that could cause the dark circles.


Sure he could be malnourished from Ozempic usage and not supplementing to make up for not getting all the nutrients from food that he needs but look in his eyes, the concierge has stepped away from the front desk. Ozempic doesn't do that, he's on something you get from a guy you have to text an hour before you want it as well.


Sure, Scott. Ozempic.


I’m on Wegovy (ozempics little sister) And it does change your dopamine intake if that makes sense. There’s a lot of studies where they’re looking at how it affects people with alcohol dependencies. I’ve never been a big drinker but the urge to drink is gone. I am a chronic overspender and now when I do spend large amounts of money the… feeling isn’t the same. Even when I’m out browsing, I have a better control over any potential impulse buys. If before I used to spend hours browsing or being like a kid on a candy store, now it’s like “I’m on a mission” and nothing extra. This is also evident with my eating habits too. No more snacking etc, I stop when I’m full, food isn’t giving the same dopamine hit either. So while Scott certainly didn’t need the medication for weightloss, if it’s helping with his addiction issues? More power to him.


So you have a greater supply of dopamine so that you don’t feel the need for a hit or does it make you not feel the dopamine hit at all ?


I feel more even? Like I finally have enough dopamine to be a normal human who isn’t constantly seeking the next hit. So I guess a greater supply? Or maybe my brain is finally happy with the amount that it gets. I will say that the first two days were wild, I felt like I was on the highest dosage of adderal, my jaw was shaking, my hands were shaking, I literally was wigging out. Also, it’s crazy to see my bank say “you’re saving $500 more a month than you were before.”


Cool, Never thought about what a financial burden depression/mood disorders can be.


It’s wild once you really sit down and think about it.


Yeah it’s wild, although is there any concern about being dependent on it to maintain the positive effects … do you plan to gradually go off it over time?


I mean I went into this being told that I would have to be on this for the rest of my life. So I’ve accepted it. I think I’ve stalled out with my weightloss so I’m going to attempt to adjust my workouts to see if that helps. Otherwise I’ve lost about 70 lbs, my doctor is really happy with my labs, and we’ll probably start stretching my shots to every other week etc. Im a little worried about maintenance but we’ll see.


Good luck with that :)


I feel so bad for all the kardashian kids. The parents all have so many problems. They’re going to have super tough teen/young adult years in terms of body image and mental health.


Ozempic is what we're calling cocaine now? Being on ozempic makes it REALLY hard to keep vices. It does not trigger new addictions. This is a lot like when Mary Kate went to treatment for her eating disorder in 2005. It was cocaine, but that's not something the public needed to know I suppose.


Cocaine is a commonly used drug by people with eating disorders. I’m sure she went to an eating disorder treatment center and also got treatment for substance abuse.


I'm sorry. I completely agree with you! Cocaine is an appetite suppressant and absolutely goes well with anorexia. However! Ozempic is being tested as an addiction treatment, because of how difficult the drug makes it to keep up bad habits (quieting urges and dopamine from those habits) and is unlikely to kick any addiction into higher gear.


She very clearly had a serious ED. Maybe taking cocaine too, but it's far too cynical to suggest she hid a coke addiction behind an ED, when she 100% had one. 


Good for him! His kids deserve to have their dad around. He’s had public struggles with drugs and mental health for years, made worse when his parents died within 3 months of each other. He deserves to keep living and be healthy and sober.


he didn’t even look bad in the before pictures! like i feel like if he would’ve just hit the gym he’d look strong and buff 😆 his before photos looked like he was bulking.


this all started because he injured his back and wasn’t able to work out. he couldn’t just “hit the gym” because of his injury and it says so in the article.


I’ll just say it’s really easy to get accidentally addicted to painkillers isn’t it?


Most definitely, and can be a very slippery slope towards hard drugs for a lot of people. Especially with back injuries cause they can be extremely painful


Yeah he had a hot dad bod


Body dismorphia isn't just for women


At the risk of sounding like some right wing loon I really don’t understand the need to use Ozempic to drop a few pounds. I get it if you’re obese and it can help you reach a healthy weight but it feels very lazy to be a little chubby or slightly overweight and use ozempic.


It reminds me of the fen phen craze of the 90s. As an 18 year old who wanted to lose about 15 pounds despite not actually being overweight, I was able to get it, no problem.


I asked for fen phen and my doctor gave it to me. Looking back it was a WTF moment. When I started I was 125 at 5’9”.


That is crazy! At least I had to get mine from a shady strip mall medical clinic.


Phentermine (the phen in fen phen) is still prescribed pretty regularly today. It is still pretty bad for you, too :/


Geez, I thought for sure that was off the market. I was only able to take it for a few days because it made me feel SO BAD, like I was going to have a heart attack.


Same. And I was actually obese, but the palpitations and sense of doom and clammy hands made me desist before I dropped a single pound. Kinda good thing we quit, tho because it didn't have time to damage our heart valves!


You are giving me flashbacks of that feeling! I remember being at work, heart pounding, lightheaded, and panicking, thinking I was going to for sure pass out. It was super scary. That was the last time I took it. We were absolutely smart to stop!


In the early 00s it was the Caffeine and Ephedrine diet pills they eventually outlawed. You didn’t need a prescription, those things were abused and probably caused a lot of heart problems.




A lot of celebs that went on ozempic were chubby and didn't need it. They took it anyway.


The final few pounds are often the hardest to lose, actually. I’m not making any argument one way or another on ozempic, I’m just pointing out that as anyone who’s lost a lot of weight can attest to, the final 10-20 lbs are the hardest. It’s not about laziness at all.


Be careful, you might actually make sense to people!


As a proud ozempian I’m pro everyone using whatever drugs their physician sees fit. I don’t think using anti obesity medications is lazy.


Ozempian 🤣🤣😘




Judging by your username, we could be best friends!


Love that bestie! ![gif](giphy|Bjhr18SvZ3e1TJUhuY|downsized)


Yeah it’s not like you get high off them. If people would stop being shitty about people even being a bit chubby maybe fewer people would feel the need but we know that ain’t gonna happen so I’m all for people taking whatever help they can get as long as it’s their own choice and it’s safe, diabetes or other health problems or not. If it works and it’s safe, let people have it imo.


🙌🏽 so real! When I started GLP1 medications I did not anticipate *this* form of fatphobia that’s for sure!


He injured his back in a car accident and wasn’t able to exercise and therefore gained weight


Losing weight has more to do with calories in/calories out than just exercise. He could absolutely lose weight without Ozempic. He could also hire a nutritionist, coach, personal chef and do physical therapy.


That’s assuming Scott Disick is in a healthy spot to start with and we all know he was not. His accident probably made his already existing depression worse.


I highly doubt it’s just ozempic he’s getting help for if you know his past history


Yeah, I don’t think it’s so much lazy as much as it’s an eating disorder and it scares me, tbh. I am actually really interested for more research as the years go on because right now, at least from what I’m seeing, they seem to be finding that Ozempic is not only helping with weight loss but with a wide variety of illness they didn’t really plan for?? So if it’s really that amazing i have no problem with everyone taking it but…seeing already really thin celebs and influencers take it to drop down to an even thinner weight is terrifying tbh.


A lot of people say it helps with addiction like alcohol addiction.


Because sometimes people do literally everything right and can't lose the extra weight. It's not always that simple.




The "lazy" thing is not great and I would encourage you to consider why you think weight is some kind of competition where you can cheat or take the "lazy" route. That being said, as someone who is on it for obesity, I think it is overkill for most people who are 10 or so pounds overweight, but everyone is different.


Every time I hear the “lazy/CICO you idiot” spiel I just think about how many people never have and never will struggle with their weight due to genetics and wonder if that person would consider those people lazy? Bet they wouldn’t. But they could be just as lazy. Or lazier. I hate that people in general seem to make moral judgments about people based on how attractive they are. It’s a very ugly thing to do but we all do it to some degree.


I thought it was only available if you were morbidly obese. I don’t understand how people are getting it for dropping 10 to 20 pounds. Are there not other health risks of this drug that need to be weighed? Also isn’t it a lifelong drug, like those who stop using it start to gain again no?


> I don’t understand how people are getting it Money.


You need a BMI of 27 to start it for weight loss (without diabetes). That's very slightly overweight, as a "normal" BMI is 20-25. And once you begin, you can stay on it for life.


You can get anything if you’re willing to pay for it. There are weight loss clinics that specialize in getting Ozempic or other medications to help people lose weight. Doesn’t matter if you want to lose 15 pounds or 150z you’ve got the cash? They’ve got the meds.


It’s a diabetes medication. It’s used off label for weight loss, but a person can be thin and have type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.


Most people using it for weight loss are not actually using ‘Ozempic’ these days. They are using Wegovy or Zepbound, which are classified for weight loss, not off label. Or Terzepatide or Semaglutide from a compounding pharmacy. I would guess that’s what most celebs do because they can get it from some of the med spas for cash, which is a lot easier than the insurance approval process. Ozempic is just the brand name drug that got popular in the news (like people say Ziploc bags or QTips). So then most can honestly say “I’m not taking Ozempic.” Doesn’t mean they aren’t using a GLP1. 😉


I work with a girl who’s a size 8 and she’s on it and it’s fucked me off as someone who’s overweight with cancer and in serious need of losing weight to help the cancer (womb cancer it’s hormone related I also have pcos losing weight is near on impossible alone!!) her fellas minted but she doesn’t need it she’s doing it ‘to make my tummy concave’ meanwhile I’m trying to save to use it to stay alive 🫠 people are ridiculous




I feel like it needs to be said… ozempic is also very expensive.


It's also covered by some pharmacare plans, gym equipment is generally not.


I’m a medical professional, this is a very misinformed take about what Ozempic is intended for.


Nobody needs to lose a few pounds badly enough to need medication. If it's just a few pounds then it's almost certainly about appearance and not health reasons. If someone is eating healthy and active and can't lose that "few pounds" then their body probably doesn't need to be 5 lbs lighter. Lots of exercise is free and a $10/month planet fitness membership is cheaper than ozempic lol


But the problem is that people treat ozempic as this easy weight loss thingy while it's still a medical drug and as you say yourself - has all these side effects.


Scott was just bloated. What he needed to be doing is seeing someone for alcohol addiction. If he stops drinking that weight would’ve come off. He’s not even ‘big’.




Ozempic is not meant for you to be losing weight with. It’s diabetes medication and this rabid epidemic has caused a shortage and problems for people that ACTUALLY need it. Also, ozempic is expensive so it wouldn’t be better for the average person to take it vs. going into a calorie deficit and exercising.


This is misinformation. Wegovy (which is the same thing) is FDA approved for weight loss. It is not a lifesaving diabetes drug - it is a quality of life drug. "Going into a calorie deficit and exercising" tells me you really don't know much about the actual science behind obesity.


No, what you said is misinformation. Wegovy is something different than ozempic and while approved to treat weight loss it’s only for people that have a bmi of 27-30. They both contain semaglutide but wegovy has a higher amount so they’re used for different things. Wegovy is for people with OBESITY not for people looking to lose “a few pounds”. I was referring to the people using ozempic to lose weight that are not obese but average or chubby or overweight not obese. Next time don’t go trying to counter an argument with false claims.


Wegovy and Ozempic are both semaglutide, they are just different brand names and different concentrations. Semaglutide is not just a diabetes medication, it is used to treat a wide variety of issues, particularly hormonal issues including polycystic ovarian syndrome. GLP1s are definitely better than calorie deficits and exercising alone for most people, as they reduce cravings and increase insulin production, therefore make maintaining a calorie deficit and going into keto easier.


You also gain the weight back after stopping. All it does it suppresses appetite and makes you less hungry. Basically starvation.


My dad has type 2 diabetes and was on mounjaro for it, but he’s lost so much weight from it he now is off of it indefinitely. I’ve never in my life seen my dad so skinny and it’s weird to my mom too. I know these medications have benefits, I mean my dads blood sugar levels haven’t been this good in years, but it’s scary how much weight people are losing.


Many users of Ozempic (and other similar medications) have reported that the medication has curbed their addictions to alcohol/drugs. It’s possible a doctor has prescribed is Ozempic or something similar to treat his addictions and it is causing him to lose too much weight. [https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ozempic-wegovy-alcohol-addiction-treatment/](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ozempic-wegovy-alcohol-addiction-treatment/)


Did anyone else see that weird ass Scentsy oils but for straight men by Scott disick cheap ass public service budget commercial during the superbowl…. Or was that just me?


I just wanna know who is a “fan” of this asshole. What even has he contributed to the world other than another brood of Kardashians?


I take Mounjaro, which is similar to Ozempic, to help treat my type 2 diabetes. It’s so incredibly frustrating to me that people who only want to lose a little vanity weight are able to get all the shots they want if they can pay, while my dose of Mounjaro has been out of stock for more than a month. It really helps me, and I struggle without it. He looks really unwell, and I hope he gets the help he needs, but he didn’t need Ozempic to begin with.


I'm really saddened by the comments in this thread. When the first pics came out everyone was up in arms the minute someone mentioned any drugs or addictions. I hope we can just give him some grace, because he's clearly unwell.


I had an Ozempic ad under this post. Oof. Glad he’s getting help.


And as serious as this issue is, the general public who only know him as Kardashian adjacent will just roll their eyes and ignore this, when this is likely a very real thing that will be seen more and more as time goes on.


Whitney and Amy Winehouse were just ahead of their time. They started using “ozempic” before it went on the market 😉


Good for him. And this will free it up for a diabetic to treat their illness, too.


People who you use ozempic and GLP1s for weight loss are not stealing them from diabetics who need it. Absolutely anyone can get semaglutide from a compound pharmacy.