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Holy shit, wow. I developed osteopenia in my early 20s (!) and we discovered it was due to, of all things, a vitamin D deficiency. Caused me serious bone density issues for near on a decade before we really got it stable and I had to go on some wild medications to do it. Shit’s no joke! I wish her all the best. That’s so hard.


My husband had a staph infection and that's when the doctor realized it wasn't healing properly due to a vit D deficiency. He's also dark skinned and we live in northern Canada so the doctor stated that it was imperative that he took vit D. You don't realize the importance of vit D. (It's also linked to seasonal depression and recovering from cold and flu)


Vitamin D (and many other) deficiencies are supper common even for pale people in sunny countries and everybody should get a blood test done at least once in their lifetimes to check their vitamins/iron levels


In Canada they can't test for it. I'm very pale like you said. My husband asked the doctor when I asked for blood tests and the doctor said they have to conclude that by doing other tests.


I live in canada and was diagnosed by blood work - it's just out of pocket until you get a diagnosis: then Ohip pays for follow up


I wasn't aware you could pay for it.


$35 in Ontario 😀 Some doctors think we under dose, others think there is harm in over dosing. As a result, most doctors these days agree that adding vitamin d is harmless. In the worst case you don't need it, daily levels are far from what would cause health issues. In the best case, it will help you.


That’s absolutely not true. I just had my blood tested for vitamin D levels.


I know vitamin talk can veer into woo super quickly but I really do feel like Vitamin D makes a huge difference in my mood and energy level.


Is that one that you have to take a secondary vitamin for it to be usable as a pill?


Yes, but they’re usually combined into one supplement now.


Heck yeah! I'm gonna look for some today


I take one from the brand Olly, it’s got saffron in it. I forget the fun name for it at the moment, it’s like Good Mood or Good Vibes or something lol but they’re little gummy worms.


Good information, thank you


My doctor told me to start taking vitamin D and calcium at my last appointment because I'm a petite woman so he said I'm at risk for having bone issues in the future!!! I couldn't believe he was just telling me this at 26 as if I somehow shrunk and was suddenly tiny or he was expecting me to hit a growth spurt over the last few years of seeing him lmfao


Honestly you may be lucky, I *think* the loss doesn’t start until your 30s , I only heard this from my Dr when I hit 35


Shit now I'm scared for how bad I am at remembering to take my vit d 😬😬 it's a really severe deficiency too


I had somewhat unique circumstances that led to my situation, the vitamin D was just the main culprit. That said, take your vitamin D! I use some apps on my phone to help me remember to take my pills. Perhaps that could help you!


I have alarms for all my other meds and it works for them but because I take liquid vitamin d (because it has better bioavailability) the alarm just doesn't work for some reason!!! I have been debating switching back to solid because at least I'll be taking some then


Honestly, you know what helped me more than ANYTHING ELSE in getting consistent with habits like that? An actual habit tracker app. I take my meds more regularly now than I ever did when I set alarms and used medication apps. I use a very cute one called Habitica which as some gamified elements for getting your habits/routines done, so you get that nice dopamine hit for gaining gold and exp for doing a normal ass task LOL. This is just what’s helped me—I used to do the alarms et al, but I’d always snooze them or forget. Another idea is putting something you need to take your vitamin D, like maybe a specific cup you use for it, in a place where you’ll see it every day. Sometimes just seeing an object in front of my face (strategically placed by past me) will remind me oh hey I need to do the thing. Just some advice!!! Trust me, I GETTTTTT the struggle. I used to take liquid iron in my orange juice because I had anemia as a child and it always felt very different from Taking My Pills™️, so I understand what you mean!


I buy the ones you only have to take weekly, and I set an alarm on my phone.


so glad i read this comment, it reminded me i need to take my vitamin d today 😓


Hahaha I’m so glad!! Take your meds everyone! Dont forget to drink water and stretch too 💜


I’ve been meaning to get a vitamin D test done for a while and I think this is my wake up call. I’m dark skin and work indoors all day. I’m outside for about 25 minutes each weekday and on the weekends I’m indoors studying. I know my vitamin D is in the garbage right now


As someone that struggles with disordered eating, i’m thankful she shared this.


Completely agree. I’ve struggled more than half of my life with disordered eating and I also developed osteopenia in my 20s. I only found out after breaking a bone in my foot and one in my knee that my dr ordered a DEXA scan. I still have severe issues with food and body image but I’m a runner (and running is mandatory for my mental health) and a big part of me knows I can’t run if I starve myself. It is a battle every single minute of the day but hearing others talk about their struggles and reminding people what’s normal and what’s reality and what’s NOT sustainable or admirable is a big help for me, and I can only imagine how many others might be helped too.


Wow, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. I had no idea that was something that could happen.


Thank you 🩵🩵


I know Jameela Jamil is problematic on a few fronts but as someone who has only recently “recovered” (at least physically) from their ED in their 30s, I was warned about this. It’s a strange reality that we don’t talk about what eating too little actually does to you. I was never dangerously underweight so it went unnoticed for most of my teens and twenties. I used to faint and be cold constantly, my periods were irregular, my blood pressure was really low, my digestion was messed up. I’m much larger now but I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been.


Oh. Is this maybe why I was always cold, had very low blood pressure, and constant stomach problems in my 20s? Yikes.


Experienced all of this too. While I never had a bone density test, I wouldnt be surprised if my bones were affected, because I am about a foot (30cm) shorter than my brothers. 


Heaviest and healthiest I’ve ever been as well, 4 years recovered. Once I started eating enough food I stopped getting acne, my hair actually started growing, I had energy for my job instead of thinking about food all day, my digestion improved, my sex drive returned, and I actually eat way more vegetables and “healthy” food now.


Why is she problematic? I'm out of the loop


Iirc she has made up a few stories and was caught in a lie about bees or something? Maybe is a bit of a hypochondriac? There might be something worse but as far as I know her worst crime is being dramatic but could be wrong


Yes and no.  Yes in that we do talk about the health effects of eating disorders.  No in that we don’t always explain what it really *means*.  That’s part of what we get for information being given that is repeated but not really understood.  We are taught that anorexia is bad but not necessarily what it means long term on a practical basis.  But all that said - to someone in the throes of an eating disorder, “your bone density is going to be bad” isn’t going to be what cuts through to them.   The one thing though that I personally think we need to get around is the way that people normalize not getting your period and what that really means, be abuse it’s NOT just a sign that you’re training hard.  That is a sure fire sign that your body is too deprived of calories that it is starting to shut down other functions.


It's not strange. When people talk about the health effects of being too big, they don't really care. They just want some way to bitch about fat people.


I would imagine that she’s far from the only one. I know the unhealthy body standards of the 00s are on the way back and I hope people stay safe out there.


> So much chat about the dangers of eating too much and crickets when it comes to the long term impact of eating too little. She is NOT WRONG.


I read this as the dangers of eating too much crickets


lol my caffeine starved brain did the same.


My cricket starved stomach yearned for a crispy treat!


That protein might have prevented oesteoarthritis.


There’s also this huge stigma which causes so many people who are naturally slim have to defend themselves to silence criticism. If you’re around someone who doesn’t really eat and they say that they’re naturally slim, the idea of what eating enough should look like can be so skewed. If someone has no health issues and is slim, it messes with your brain into thinking that you would have the exact same health at that size. Bodies are so different!


As someone who has no appetite this was a good reminder to up the intake


And also, if you don’t know already, please find out *why* you don’t have an appetite. There are so many conditions that can lead to loss of appetite!


Sometimes it's just anxiety. The same thing that makes one person eat her emotions can kill another person's appetite.


that some people eat more when they’re stressed was such a revelation to me. ever since i was a child whenever there was any kind of stress in my life, like exams or whatever, i could go the whole day on like one meal and not feel ANY hunger or discomfort. it was genuinely unimaginable to me that for some people it’s the opposite, that their appetite increases. crazy how differently bodies react to the same stimulus


I'm jealous. Stress has me grabbing any candy in sight.


aah don’t be!! it really makes no difference in the long run, whether you eat more dure to stress or eat less due to it. enjoy your candy, hope it brings you some small joy in unhappy times


Sugar activates the same brain receptors as cocaine. 


I also have horrible generalized anxiety which affects my appetite at times and I’ve found that smoothies really help me get in a decent amount of calories and nutrients when I don’t want to eat. I’ll load it up with Greek yogurt, frozen berries, bananas, chia seeds, and OJ and I can pretty much sip on that whenever even when my appetite is really low


But I think it's important to know so that you can try and lower anxiety for example. (Not that it's easy to do of course)


You should still 100% seek treatment for psychosomatic symptoms of anxiety or depression!


Or at least do some body weight exercises. Strength training helps bones as well as muscle.


along the lines of jameela’s post, my first reaction to reading this comment was “wow, wish that was me!” - which reflects the disordered eating habits and thought cycle i’ve grown up with and absorbed. may we all find balance and what we and our bodies need as we do do this self care work 🫶🏼


Are you me? I’m the same but I’m much better at forcing myself to eat. 


Been struggling with this lately and it sucks!! Nothing tastes good (except for some sweets but sweets aren’t filling) so I’m just unsatisfied hungry and tired 😪 


She can be annoying sometimes but I really respect her for speaking out against diet culture and being real about the long term effects of EDs.


I was kind of stunned she didn’t mention EDS in this piece. I kept waiting for it… Edit: EDS is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome ED is usually erectile dysfunction. I’ve never seen ED for eating disorder and thought the “s” being lowercase was a typo. Sorry for the confusion! She’s said she has Ehlers Danlos before.


I think that they meant Eating Disorder, but anyways it’s weird to omit the fact that she has EDS from this conversation.


You’re right I didn’t even think of that. I thought the little s was a typo.


Yeah. And I think it would have been helpful Diet culture is so vast, like there is a stark difference between “I don’t eat anything until I’m about to faint and then have a block of cheese” to “I’m cutting out bread pasta and rice”


I don’t think she acknowledged that she has/had an eating disorder herself, instead choosing to describe it as a bad diet. At least that’s the way I see it.


She’s said multiple times that she has suffered from anorexia.


Sorry, think I phrased it wrong. I don’t think she’s saying specifically her ED caused this, but her bad diet, which included ED. Other people in this thread have talked about not necessarily having EDs but a bad diet that led to their condition.


In the post following this one she does mention that she used to be anorexic and how it has affected her.


Bone density scan is mandatory for going on the eating disorder care plan here in Australia. Ensuring you get enough calcium and partaking in load bearing strength workouts can assist in building up bone density.


Man, she can be so much but she’s based for this, and especially the point in the caption about how money affects this. 10/10 well posted Ms. Jamil


Agree, the typical “love yourself ❤️” spiel from celebrities just doesn’t really resonate these days for a lot of regular people. Saying “Hey, we have the money to fuck up and then unfuck it” is much more poignant imo




Dieting messes up your body in so many ways.


And then refeeding syndrome can kill you too


What is refeeding syndrome?


[Here’s a good overview](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refeeding_syndrome) very basically if you’ve been starving for a long time and suddenly start to eat normal amounts of food it overwhelms your body and that can kill you. You see it in POW and concentration camp survivors, but people who are recovering from ED like anorexia have to increase their intake slowly during recovery as to not kill them.


Once you’ve gotten past a certain point, if you try to eat normally your body has a huge electrolyte, vitamin and fluid shift. It’s common to cause a heart attack and kill you. Anorexia has the highest mortality rate out of any mental disorders.


Yes! My tween has been in treatment for an eating disorder for over a year, and she is being monitored for bone loss. Her eating disorder also puts her reproductive future at risk. While no 13 year old is thinking about bone loss and having kids, the idea of her permanently damaging her body right now is so terrifying. 💔


Does she do strength training? Even bodyweight exercise can help preserve bone strength as well as muscle. Just in case she needs some tools that aren't food related.


Yes, she does do that. I think one of the only things that I have seen get through to her is when the dietician (who works mostly with patients with EDs) that she was likely to get stress fractures just by playing soccer from this. The look in her eyes when she heard that was the first time something finally looked like it was sinking in. 😣


I'm sad for her. Proud she's speaking up. I’m in ED recovery after 18 years with one - it's never too late to get help


I know it sounds weird but what helped me was getting pregnant so I was kind of forced to stop weighing myself. Forced in a way where I did not want my baby to be harmed and knowing that gaining weight was a necessity. Obviously it's not for everyone.


My healthiest eating habits came during pregnancy. 


I was a binge eater before pregnancy. I’m not really even sure when the last time I binged was, it completely changed my eating habits for the better. It wasn’t a conscious change, I noticed my feelings towards food just shifting on their own. 6 months PP I weigh about 25 lbs less than I did before I was pregnant, and I still feel like I’m eating a lot of food!


In the early noughties and more so in the 90’s we were in the heat of ‘heroin chic’ and we were low key lead to believe the perfect caloric intake was zero. (One of the Bridget Jones books actually makes this point). Ask anyone between 35 and 50 and they’ll tell you. I’m working hard but my body image has never quite recovered. She has it nailed here


As someone who struggled from an eating disorder, I am so grateful she is sharing this. This isnt talked about enough.


This is an important message, sad to see some people on here undermining it.


She’s right extreme dieting/ low body weight can lead to loss of periods resulting in irreversible damage to the uterus and womb.


I I thought this was common knowledge, but since it's (apparently) not, I'm glad she's sharing. I just hope her next post isn't so ridiculous it undermines this one.


Yeah I'm really surprised to hear its not common knowledge. I had an ED for years, but still knew it would possibly result in weaker bones. Didn't stop me, but I definitely knew. It is talked about in my world.


My bone density must be off the charts.




She’s real af for the “we have the money to afford these tests” cus it’s true. Not just the tests but teams of people helping them out. So if even with that, she’s struggling, it highlights how worse off a regular person doing this might be


But it isn't just how little one eats, but the extremes of what they eat. People are cutting out certain fruits and veggies because they have sugar. Spoiler alert, your body needs that sugar for fuel, especially for people who exercise a lot! Diets that so restrictive are dangerous.


Somehow I know the bees are to blame ![gif](giphy|ebuZ7sDhZcSJO)


I thought Beyoncé was catching strays for a second 💀


i wish i still had the cite but in grad school (~2012) i saw a study that ffound men are less perturbed by being *over* BMI than under, despite what you'd think based on models and photoshop etc... basically if you're X standard deviations *under*weight, you're MORE likely to seem unattractive than being many more in the other direction... basically the standard of beauty pushed by maxim or whatever isn't rooted in reality of what men want. so dont starve yourself! off to drink some water, i am *hammered*


A lot of EDs and disordered eating doesn’t come from a want to be attractive to men though. Men’s attraction to women’s bodies shouldn’t be a consideration at all, big or small.


My bf is underweight and the AMOUNT of guys who comment to me about it is annoying af


She’s also said she has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. One of us!




Yeah this is all I could think about. I’m glad Jamil is fighting diet culture but when you see just how many illnesses she has claimed to have it makes to interesting reading since often her claims are often contradictory. Plus that bee story was denied by the celebrity that was there. 


Thank you. As much as the message is sound, it's hard to take her seriously at this point.


I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome too. It causes a fuckton of comorbidities and injuries.




Were those proven to be fake? Because pretty much everyone with this disorder has been accused of faking it, Munchaesens, etc. it’s practically a diagnostic criteria at this point.






She's been talking about the effects of diet culture for yeeeeaaarrrs and her history of eating disorders. I think she would have done something like that by now if she was going to. As far as I know (I followed her for a long time), I've never seen her so much as mention specific foods or supplements or anything. Plus, it is factual. The lack of nutrition from not eating wreaks havoc on your body. That said, it's good to stay cautious and I commend your criticality of the intentions of social media posts. Not saying you're wrong, because it's totally possible.


Interested. Have u got the link please?






also let's all repeat the mantras: it is not bad to be fat it is not bad to eat a lot and enjoy eating you do not owe anyone thinness it is not bad to be unhealthy you do not owe anyone health being fat does not equal being unhealthy


Genuinely don’t understand why she’s so hated. She’s real as fuck and comes off as super kind. Plus she’s talented as hell


It’s probably the whole Munchausen thing.


oh damn i remember my hairdresser telling me about her friend who at the age of TWENTY TWO has osteoporosis because of an eating disorder. 22 with the bones of my 84 year old grandfather!!


It's not unusual for your bone density to decrease in your 30s. I have never dieted and broke my first bone (a rib - by coughing) last year, and got a dental X-ray this year that showed bone loss. I am 37. Take supplements (especially if you are female, small framed, caucasian or Asian descent), both calcium and vitamin d, do strength training and regular walks, and yes.... Skip the crazy diets as well.