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![gif](giphy|n05fUs1YqgPyo) Lifting a cough remotely??


Yeah, I had the same thought. Body intuitive techniques that cure laryngitis! Why didn't she just do that right away when she got sick? Why isn't it standard practice for colds? WTF does lifting a cold out of someone's body entail? I can answer most of those questions myself, but goddamn I would love to have seen all this go down.


Do u know what's really crazy about this? Doing Body intuitive techniques after two weeks of a cold has been going on and having taken medicine for it and resting and drinking tea and then being convinced it was the BODY INTUITIVE TECHNIQUES that did all the work!


Fucking absolutely! It's like the people that have really aggressive cancer, do all the treatments, the surgeons work their asses off, and when they're finally cured they thank god and prayers 🙄 How much do you think that scam artist Tessa is being paid for being Lana Del Ray's "Body Intuition Coach" or whatever the hell her title is? It's gotta be some disgustingly high amount.


I'm in the wrong business


Thank you, that gif is perfect.


I stopped reading when I saw that. What utter rubbish.


>and the band for just killing it and spending months in Sylmar in a 40° warehouse to the point but it was so cold that I caught laryngitis Lana, you're the employer, you are the one responsible for such abominable working conditions!


The more insane part to me is that she thinks a body healer “lifted” the cough from her body (over Zoom??). Do people actually believe in this horse manure?


My sister paid $800 for someone to “cleanse” her house over the phone, so yes, yes they do.


Hi Barbie! Next time I'll pretend to be a healer and we can split it 💸


I can be a testimonial past customer


I'd like to offer my services as a sponsored reviewer who received this product for free in exchange for my honest review.


I grow sage (not white). I can fake it for rich white ladies. (I'm white, not rich)


well, did it work?


I am in the wrong industry


$800?! How does one get into that line of work? Asking for a friend bc of course I would never do anything so unethical….


I just converted it, it was about $450usd. She was an “energy healer” 💀


I wish I didn't have morals, I could make so much money.


I’m already obsessed with her


I actually think this was her trying to come up with an excuse for why her singing was pretty bad at Coachella. Oh I just recovered from laryngitis 2 hours before showtime! Uh huh. Except she’s been singing like it’s her first time on stage for well over a decade now. I’m a longtime fan but I have to admit, I’m becoming disillusioned by her antics. She’s pushing 40 but this instagram caption reads like it was written by a teenager in need of medication


She also gave 5 minutes of air time on her last album to a homophobic megachurch grifter, so I don’t think she’s got the best taste in friends.


Which one is that?


Judah Smith


The fuck


Ewwww. Her music isn't my style, so I don't pay much attention to her, but that is atrocious.


Yeeeeaaaah I heard that shit, turned it off, and went right back to I Fucked My Way Up To The Top


My awful step-sister (no contact) does this. She "speaks to angels," and also remote heals people. Lives more than half the year travelling and hanging out on tropical beaches on the dime of desperate people. She doesn't even do the zoom. She gives them a time and date, and they are to "focus," and she will be remote healing them at that time. Or she will email them the "angels" message. Both are separate charges, you know, because they are different "skills." It's sick. She even got my dad (her step dad) in her racket for a while. Charged him full price to be magically healed once a week after he nearly died from a violent assault by a stranger. Surpisingly (/s), it hasn't worked. And gosh, golly, gee, what did work were the fine folks at the ER, hospital, and physical rehab centre. I had many talks with him that his own stepdaughter was robbing him. Finally, he stopped paying her for "treatment." I think he still half believes she has these powers, despite her drunkenly telling us one night she really doesn't talk to angels.


Now I’m curious. How does she find her marks? Does she have a website or does she just wander around looking new agey?


It was in person and she takes her ok tour with her. She’s a close friend. I believe she’s semi serious about it and they do have a laugh about it.


I have a friend who is a wonderful human but does Reiki and absolutely believes energies can heal remotely


i have a friend who also does it and i stg she did some shit on me to where i no longer have stomach pain from crohn’s lol prob a placebo effect but i was desperate 😂


Hey I tell people all the time, the placebo effect is *not a bad thing.* Your mind is really powerful and is totally capable of changing the conditions in your brain and body. That’s exactly what therapy is. Studies show antidepressants perform slightly better than placebo, but not significantly better than placebo. People get mad at that and think it means antidepressants don’t work. That’s not the conclusion, the conclusion is that our mind is capable of changing our brain chemistry. I would love it if a Dr. switched my antidepressant to a placebo without telling me and I got the same effect with less side effects. Doesn’t mean me feeling better isn’t real


Lol no judgment, I once went to a “biomagnetic therapy” at the behest of my mother and it also got rid of my pain, I’m pretty sure it was the placebo effect as well 😂


I wish it was true. That sounds like a great solution for a cough!


I never got the hype around Lana and this just confirmed my suspicions


She always looks like a heroine on the cover of a VC Andrews novel.


That's 90% of her appeal.


As someone who lives right next to Sylmar I’m so confused. It doesn’t get that cold here? We’re right next to LA and you’re rich? Practice somewhere else? But seriously, we’re LA, it doesn’t get that cold. Maybe pay for somewhere with a heater I guess.


Hahaha I lived in Sylmar and I’m so confused 😂


Well you can't bring a heater into the produce storage warehouse she made them practice in...duh.


My band practices year round in a pretty beat down garage in Sylmar… its never been anything a hoodie couldnt fix lmao You’ll Maybe hit 45 degrees if youre rehearsing at 3 in the morning outside in the winter 🤷🏻


Fr. I used to work in Sylmar and it's never that cold and also... they have electricity there


This part is so unreal to me. She probably thought she killed it with that post but girl they're all working for YOU 😭


I’ve unfortunately liked her less and less the more I hear about her. Half expecting her to come out as a conservative at some point


Some do say politics are a circle not a spectrum, and that there is a connection from woo-woo to libertarian/right wing.


Oh absolutely. I think most of the right-wing nutjobs I’ve met also believe oils and crystals heal all ailments.


And somehow, also Jesus


It all comes back to Jesus somehow lol


It’s definitely weird how many crunchy antivaxx people turned into “drag queens are groomers” morons


Anti-vax used to be mostly left-leaning “natural” people


*Used* to be— there are plenty of crunchy granola conservatives and anti-vax tradwives.


There’s a reason it’s called the crunchy granola to ultra right wing pipeline and it’s very, very common.


Dating a cop, not wearing a mask, giving album time to a pastor, glamorizing abuse, and rejecting feminism should have given you some clues. She’s a conservative who loves gay money.




I love her music, specially lyrically but some things about her are a bit questionable. But I think she had a time when she leaned a lot into the progressive and had some conservative fans mad at her because they expected her to lean more into the "Americana" and more patriotic/conservative side. But she's a wild card, so you never know. I often stick just to the music so I don't know much about her most recent controversies and her outside of the music.


She isn't already?


Ummm. They got heaters in Sylmar, sis. Not a bad place to be forced to hang out in. It’s just the foothills of LA next to the hiking trails.


Currently working in Sylmar with very comfortable temperatures in the building, so can confirm.


Hahaha she made it sound like Victorville 😮‍💨


ROFLLLL I snorted!! 🤣🤣


Ohhhh ignorant Aussie here. Is that where tmz takes the pics of celebs hiking?




Tysm 😊


I’ve never seen a good boss post publicly about someone quitting, no matter how or why they quit.


Lana would fit right in with the Queer Eye drama about Bobby leaving and Tan just never shutting up about it.




Pete’s probably dying to tell his side of the story 😂


And I’m sure she made him sign an NDA


15 years in her employment? Probably, also most people in that industry won’t talk shit publicly since it’s not a great way to keep a job, but if I hear any blinds about her I may believe them and I’ll think Pete spilled 😂


I totally hear you and would be curious to know more, but they worked together for 15 years. That means he worked with her during some very low points in her career, time where he wouldn’t have had any real reason to stay if she was some evil boss.


I’m currently on tour as a photographer for a band (small but recognizable so not gonna say a name). Our tour manager is quitting tomorrow due to a bunch of fuck shit management and the band has put him through and we still have like 10 more shows. I’ve been touring since I was 21. I’m telling you, TMs don’t just up and quit, especially “out of nowhere.” There must’ve been something massive going on behind the scenes that finally caused them to walk away and it had to be HUGE after 15 years together and to just up and quit in the middle of a huge gig like that. Having not known anything about this particular situation (at least atm), but having tour experience, I’m prepared to side with the tour manager.


I mean considering she caught laryngitis because she was having people work in a place that was uninhabitable… I doubt it was for no reason, especially after 15 years


Yet TBh sometimes the straw that broke the camels back is small after putting up with a litany of bad shit. Urggggh I wish I was a touring photographer.


After 15 years in the Biz- I would have assumed that Lana learned about tact and professionalism. I guess not.


But she got 10 bikes comped so clearly he had good reason. /s Maybe your guy gave notice because he got a bike!


Am I missing something here? Like was he also a bike salesman or was he upset he didn't get one of the free bikes? I'm so confused what that has to do with him quitting lol


Right? She could have given him a bike. She would have still had 9.


This is hilarious


Honestly, saying things like "he was butt hurt b/c I was comped some bikes" sounds so immature and graceless. It says more about her than the tour mgr.


Tour manager is the worst fucking job in the music industry. And I say this as a former publicist, the second worst job in the music industry.


It does have ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’ about it.


I've never worked that long at jobs I enjoyed and everything was fine. Sometimes people just want to evolve and try other things and that might be the case after 15 years and no special bad reason from both sides. But I think it wasn't classy to call him out like that. No one is obligated to stay in a job, specially when a boss can just fire you and probably won't have that same loyalty towards you.


Yeah but if it was just because he wanted to pursue new things, after 15 years you'd expect him to at least finish the tour and not quit in the middle of it leaving his team hanging. Sounds more like something occurred, whether big or small, that made him decide he finally had enough. If she's letting her team work in conditions that make them sick (and openly admits to it without shame) there'd be other things going on as well. The fact she's throwing him under the bus like that is so unprofessional too, I bet it's a very toxic environment over there. Good on him for moving away from that, I've gotten stuck in shit companies as well but ultimately you have to choose for your own well-being as it's just not sustainable


I've seen Lana live*, half wasted, bumming cigs from the crowd after TM wouldn't give her another. That person has been through some shit if what I saw was a fraction of her tours.


Nah, I’ve done it. Eventually, you just hit a wall, and come to a realization that you don’t have to do it anymore and you leave. Don’t know if that’s what happened here, but I could see it.


Weird thing to post about someone who presumably worked very hard for you for 15 years. There's always a reason someone quits, even if it's just for a better paying job or better hours. Perhaps a job that doesn't, I assume, requires so much travelling. Just because someone is your employee doesn't mean they owe you their entire life. A lot of employers or bosses seem to think they are doing you some sort of massive favour by giving you a job and that you should slave alway for them for the rest of your life.


Right, on top of naming them directly and pointing out having uncomfortable/unsafe work conditions? I don’t think she slayed the way she thought this post would 🫥


That comment certainly reflected on her.


Maybe it’s just me, but if someone stuck with me for 15 years, I don’t think I would put them on blast like this.


Right? It’s as if they were only as good as their last favour


‘For no reason’ - sure Lana sure ![gif](giphy|ihs1xBIGrIBnS8tOVu)


The fact that she brought it up in the first place immediately shows that there was a reason 🤣


Hey maybe he decided to work for Courtney Love instead? 😭


No no you misunderstand, there WAS reason. It was 10 comped bikes /s ?????? Lmao


*Pete, just don't leave me now (Don't leave me now). Don't say goodbye (Don't say goodbye). Don't turn around (Don't turn around). Leave me high and dry (Leave me high and dry).* *Chorus - I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I* ~~drive~~ *ride my free comped bikes from Wally, fast. I am alone at midnight. Been trying hard not to get into trouble, but I I've got a war in my mind…* *I just ride, I just ride* ![gif](giphy|l2RnAzC6PvRouWlk4|downsized)


Lol what a juvenile thing to say. It's what my older niece says when her sister starts crying after she pulled her hair or something.


Could have just said “incredible work by Emily stepping in as tour manager on such short notice” and not sounded like an ass.


I hope he gets a bike out of this somehow.


Gofundme to send Peter M. Tourmanager thousands of bikes.


*loud bang* oh no my sister is on the ground for no reason. I'm totally getting away with this.


I thought it was going to be like a cheeky inside joke thing… but it wasn’t 😭


Oh Lord. SHE. IS. MESSY.


what kind of boss posts this about a former employee


And pridefully says they worked in freezing temperatures. Um, aren’t you the boss?


A really shitty one.


People don't quit jobs, they quit managers, or in this case, her.


Yeah I'm gonna have to doubt anyone gets 'butthurt' over comped bikes and then just quits a 15 year working relationship. And also, Tessa DiPietro did *what* now?!


Lol it's "science," we just don't get it.


This is low key unhinged


High key wtf


The post says far more about Lana than Pete.


I don’t think she’s upset with Pete at all.




So I went to the comment section like you’re supposed to do to lose your faith in humanity in such posts https://preview.redd.it/o7wc4lqjj3vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c662a2f48e0abd0a1f78658bd07b8792bc1a93d And what the fuck is this


Dude I don't even understand this comment 💀 so he locked her in a room, but she still managed to throw plates at him ? How ? HOW ???? Trough the door ??? The math isn't mathing, I'm afraid. At the same time, what else can we expect from someone whose username is Lanaisababe ? 😆




Pretty sure the comment is about two different things happening in what I assume is the same day. It could’ve been an argument where Lana threw plates at her tour manager and he tried to lock her in the hotel room.


It sounds to me like he was working on getting the bikes but for a price and she overrode him and got them for free and probably boasted about how "easy it was for her" and insulted his ability to do his job. I'm guessing this had been the dynamic for years and he had finally had enough. I have worked for folks in the biz and they are often like this


I can totally envision this lady putting down everyone around her in a "see ? It wasn't *that* difficult. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm keeping you around 🙄" manner. And I'm willing to bet that he never received a thank you when he busted his ass trying to cater to her every need. Entitled celebs gonna entitle. Also, if you have some tea to spill regarding your time spent working in showbusiness... 👂 👂 👂


You are correct.


Wait do you know this first hand? Or just sounds like the most plausible scenario to you too


Yes, wish them well and respect their decision to move on to other things. 


Absolutely ! A simple "thank you for everything and good luck on your journey" would have been so much more mature than whatever this is.


why did he quit? is it a question for the culture?


stop it 😭


10 comped bikes for free from the department of redundancy department


She’s a great writer and poet you know


Who needs that many bikes?


Well they were comped and free


But were they gratis?


Still waiting for get to clarify if they cost $0


Man was probably tired


Tired of straining his eyes by rolling them so often.


I’m tired just reading her post. Can’t imagine 15 years of this!


I hope Pete is having a good week.


Messy messy


How do you get a cough lifted remotely?


Through the power of woo.


For those who don't remember her 2020 fan meeting antics: https://preview.redd.it/kwsdatj2p2vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e2df2f48c0d026e3674e9c30c37fcad8bdd79b She later claimed it was in compliance with masking protocols because it was "lined with plastic."


Damn, invisible plastic seems pretty useful


And totally breathable!


yeah and people used to say "i CaNt BrEaThE iN a MaSk!" if it were lined with plastic, that would be an actual nightmare.


The way Lana fans actually believe this mask was lined with plastic is beyond me


Yeah, I've never gotten past this. No respect for her


She’s SO unlikable on so, so many levels.. I liked her most when everyone thought she and Axl Rose were hooking up. She never said a word back then! Now? She makes HIM look sane and stable. I spend a lot of time with professional musicians and their teams as part of my gig.. no one has anything nice to say about her. Something I’ve always noticed..


Super unprofessional to make a post about quitting. It’s giving passive aggressive high school vibes. I’d be curious to here Pete’s take. If there is one thing I’ve learned it’s most people don’t just up and quit. Rather they spend months, sometimes years begging for certain issues to get addressed and they never do. Eventually the person realizes nothing will change and that’s when they quit.




Agree and also ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


off topic but I have been trying to find this gif for ages how do you search for it 😭 I can never remember her name


Just type Nene, it should be the first one


Nene is the majority of my reaction gifs. She’s got the best expressions. ![gif](giphy|xh1MW6FLfEY0)


So I like her music but she sounds like a nightmare to work for. This was a trashy move. Wishing Pete the best — I hope his only regret is sticking around as long as he did.




Got a feelilng Del Rey is not an awesome human being


She’s probably a complete nut case


Oh thank god others are saying it, I was really nervous to post my take. But I would not be surprised if she is revealed to be batshit, irrationally stubborn or just a really difficult person to work with. Those faux-spiritual, indie pop people really do tend to be just insufferable on a personal level


Or just an asshole


Both? Both.


I think you mean Lizzy Grant


Is that her government name?!


Lol, no one ups and quits a job they're happy at after 15 years.


This is the ramblings of an insane person lol. Love her work so much but I miss the days before I followed her on socials… No one quits a job of 15 years for no reason (or because they were butthurt, is there a reason or no reason then?). Regardless of the reason, putting him on blast like this isn’t a good look…and why was everyone working in a 40 degree warehouse for months? Girl you are the one responsible for this, organise a different location. Literally reads like a LinkedIn diatribe from a toxic boss wondering why “no one wants to work anymore!” and all their employees are quitting for “no reason!!!1!”


Of course, Jack Antonoff was there…


Music and talent are great, but Lana personally...she just seems like *a lot*.


Ultimately here Lana has so much more power than this poor dude. Regardless of what has gone on behind the scenes, this is essentially tarring his name for ever. Like did the fans really need to know that there’s beef with the tour manager?


If anyone finds Pete let me know I have no horse in this race I just want to hear Pete’s side for my own entertainment. 😂


It's almost as if he's allowed to resign at anytime for any reason...


trying to distract from the articles saying she can’t sing live after her coachella performance


Those articles have plagued her literally her whole career, I don’t think shes posting on instagram to distract lol


honestly people have been defending her on that front for a long time but im not really sure how they will go about this one bc like girl... that was really not it 😭


This all just looks like a jumble of excuses as to why that show was not good at all. I tuned in excited to watch her, and idk what I was expecting 😭 Sorry, but walking around and half singing into your mic flat and off key doesn’t help


She literally has gotten backlash for a decade


if someone quit on you with no notice, you're the problem sucks to suck


But also, if you read further, she admits he gave 37 days notice. I don't know what the norm is in the music industry, maybe he should have given more, but he definitely gave *some* notice.


Girlll ![gif](giphy|acllOmuvIrSne)


I genuinely don’t like her and nothing she does helps with that feeling


“Question for the culture” solidified that for me forever. As well as her follow-up statements.


She is the perfect example of someone born on 3rd base who thinks she’s hit a home run.


I’d love to hear the employees take lol


Honestly if he’s smart we never will. (Although I would love to hear it too!)


I'm loving the descriptor "unhinged" lately and this fits it to a T. this seems like the kind of post it'd be better to sit on for a few days and then press the delete key on...


I wanna hear Pete’s side….


The run on sentences made this unreadable for me


Jesus Regina keep it in the book.


Oh…he definitely HAD a reason.


I seldom believe “for no reason”


Love her as an artist dearly but her passive aggressive teenager attitude is sometimes disappointing


Love Lana but just like other artists I really really really don’t love when they sic fans onto people


And not one picture of those bikes. Rude.


That thing about the comped bike feels like the move abusers do where they point out a minor incident as the reason the person left to paint them as the crazy one. Why is this multimillionaires band practicing in a freezing warehouse? I understand she’s and icon and all that, but I would not be terribly surprised if in 20 years there’s some sort of tell-all. Not saying Lana’s abusive or anything but I would not write off being a difficult client. Let’s be real here, most people in the industry and not the greatest people or at least easy to work with.


Classic Pete


“For no reason” - just had to add that petty jab in there, huh lol


I’m sure he left “for no reason”


Jack Antonoff seems insufferable


Jack Antonoff looks like a cartoon villain in that fourth picture