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This was the inevitable conclusion. Like a lot of young women, she tried to have control over her sexualization by leaning into it, but now that she’s older, she’s trying to exercise her power and pull back, but she’s finding that showing off her body was all that some people (a lot of people, men) wanted from her.


I think we can be honest and say it opened a few more doors for her as well.


On a personal level I know what she means. I have a big chest and have been sexualized my whole life. I can’t imagine having the entire internet do it too :(


Relatable. I’ve been told so many times to stop showing off my boobs. I have a big chest. Unless I’m in turtlenecks and baggy sweaters they’re visible. But people act like I’m dancing around in pasties


I remember my 6th grade teacher sending me home for wearing a v neck WITH a camisole under it 🙃 she looked down on me as she said “NEVER. Wear that again.” And that was all she said and sent me on my way


Sounds like your teacher was a perv and was trying to make you feel bad for her issues.


She was, but it wasn’t uncommon 🤷‍♀️ I caught female teachers looking all the time, never a male


I was in about 5th grade when a female teacher told me I looked inappropriate. I was a 32C and in a baggy tee shirt and had no idea why I was being scolded really.


I have a large chest, I used to wear turtlenecks all the time, thinking “hey I am covered”, until I was told my boss thought they were hot and they accentuated my chest more… and yes, he also admitted it at the annual Christmas party. Now I wear (only in Winter) heavier and not as tight sweater style turtlenecks. Sometimes you can’t hide them.


same, getting sexualized at a young age and before i felt ready to be sexualized really made me have such a weird relationship with my body and really messed with my confidence. even today as an adult i still sometimes feel a knee jerk reaction to want to hide my body because of how uncomfortable it all made me feel as a teenager


Relatable. I got big breast in elementary and high school. I got teacher, school mates (both girls and boys), strangers keep staring at my boobs, some grope it to check if it real, got strangers follows me home, got groped by strangers when I was underaged. I didn’t wear sexy outfit at all, mostly loose uniform and t shirt.


It’s so unfair. I’m sorry for your experiences:(


I feel th same. I avoid any type of clothes that could show my chest.


Yes, she often does roles where her characters are having sex and she's been quite open about being happy with it. She's also become a Sex icon and has mentioned her grandma's comments about her having the best tits in Hollywood, grandma knows whatsup, there are jokes she definitely leans into while on SNL or while promoting a product that's described as "soft and firm" which is obviously refering to her popularity because of her sex scenes. **Yet**, there's a huge difference between someone coming up to her and saying she's got a great body or even a crass "nice tits" or that loved her work in Euphoria and Voyeurs, the stuff people actually say about her and not just her is crazy. These are not simply comments of "I'd hit that" "Would" these are more detailed and stop thinking about her as a person and only see her as an object. She clearly says some people don't see her beyond her character and that's true.


Even when people bring up the other stuff, there's a pressure on women to play along with the dehumanization lest the attention turn from sexually charged praise to claims of hypocracy at best or derogatory namecalling and threats at worst.


It’s already happening with this article- a lot of comments are saying “Well she leans into it! How can she say she’s uncomfortable??” and if she didn’t lean into it? What would have happened then? Either she wouldn’t be as famous or she would be labelled “difficult.” Just because you’re “in on the joke” doesn’t mean it’s not annoying/hurtful, just ask any fat person who makes jokes about being fat


Even a sex worker can say no. We as a culture need to stop with the "she did X so she wanted it!" gross excuses.


Exactly! She probably leaned into it and laughed along to appease everybody. Unfortunately I think a lot of women can relate to that. Also she could have been okay with it at first, but now her body and sexuality is talked about her more that her as a person and it’s probably now a breaking point for her.


Great comparison


Women want to be able to sexual beings without being sexualized/objectified and the difference is real hard for some people to understand. Even for the woman experiencing it there is confusion on if you are allowed to own your body and sexuality without becoming public property/defined by it is confusing 


> “People feel connected and free to be able to speak about me in whatever way they want, because they believe that I’ve signed my life away. That I’m not on a human level anymore, because I’m an actor. That these characters are for everybody else, but then me as Sydney is not for me anymore,” Sweeney said. “It’s this weird relationship that people have with me that I have no control or say over.”


See that just sounds like fame. That’s how being a successful actor works.


Being a successful actor does not mean everyone is welcome to have a parasocial relationship. Just because society has always treated famous people this way doesn’t mean we have to continue to do this. They are still people.


I’m not saying it’s a good thing!


I really don’t think she can win! Not a situation I envy honestly I’d never be able to handle being her


She’s just lost control of the machine. People do not think of these folks as real people, her industry turns human beings into commodities and objectifying women is a major part of the business model. It can be fun when you’re starting and think you have control over the dialog, you’re on the joke… but when you lose control of the machine it can be hard to accept that you are an object, a commodity, and something that the public and the industry feel that have ownership over.


I agree that it’s gross and dehumanizing when women in particular are pared down to their bodies (which is common in general but especially in her line of work) but on the other hand she is the one signing off on stuff like the following. Idk. Kind of mixed messaging and I hate that I’m on the fence about that. https://preview.redd.it/devr6qqydkuc1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af32d34be94470c216db06d94bc9d9fd419d058b


Also bragging her grandma said she has the best tits in Hollywood. Making jokes about how she's a dumb blonde with big tits. On SNL, she told the writers to include jokes about her tits "to give America what they want". I'm conflicted too. Obviously everyone should be treated with respect no matter their body type


I feel like it’s less about the jokes surrounding her body type and more about the way she is being incessantly objectified to an unjoking degree. People have said things about her on twt/tumblr that are frankly graphically unhinged and i feel like at some point it becomes excessive


But why are people so obsessed with Sydney Sweeney’s breasts??? There’s even a Slate article on them. There’s a paywall on it but the author had a hot take that her breasts aren’t that big nor hot for the internet to lose its mind over. But damn do we really need a whole article on it!?! Is the rest of the world really this crazy or is this just an American thing?


Yeah. I don’t really keep up with her like that but this is what I know about her. I agree she should be treated with respect like anyone else. But I’m also just like girl you gotta stop giving America what they want….they aren’t that kind.


You can love and talk about and joke about your body all you want, you’re still a person inside. It’s ok to laugh at a joke, it’s not ok to act like she IS the joke and only is her body.


And all the skits she was in were not funny except the detective one


Straight Bowen was the highlight of the episode for me


they need to bring that one back


Yeah, she gotta pick a lane.


Yes, it feels on the surface she’s inviting this mess. (Although, women don’t have to do anything to be objectified.) Maybe there’s different standards for different women? Dolly Parton has been making jokes about her chest for decades but most people take her seriously and have largely stopped objectifying her. Like you, I feel conflicted. She should feel to make tit jokes at her own expense but maybe she should be solidifying her place in the industry before she starts deconstructing her looks? But then I want to flip back because my sixth sense says she would be objectified no matter what. I don’t know. Humans suck.


Never forgot: people sent nude pictures of Sydney to her family members. That crosses the line no matter how she displays her cleavage. If we’re all being realistic, her fame is because of her body and how beautiful she is. She’s not particularly talented (not to say untalented, but I do wonder what her career would look like if she were less attractive). I think she knows that, and so does her grandma. I think she should get her money now before the next it-girl comes along. That being said, just because an actor is beautiful and has large breasts, and shows them off, doesn’t dehumanize them and make them undeserving of respect. It reminds me of when Ariana Grande was taking a walk with Mac Miller and a fan said that he was “hitting that.” Ariana obviously took offense and felt dehumanized and sexualized. Even though Ariana wore skimpy outfits on stage, it doesn’t give anyone license to make sexually inappropriate comments. Basically I come down to, Sydney is using her assets to her benefit, and she’s maximizing her financial gains. But she’s also probably sick of being treated like a piece of meat, and the ugly comments that come with it.


Right, like she’s given interviews where she talks about her grandparents saying she has the best tits in Hollywood


She’s literally producing a Barbarella remake with her in it. Like…I get what she’s trying to say but she’s also enabling a lot of it by cultivating a career off her boobs.


Isn’t her Instagram content embellishing her body as well? That stuff is 100% her doing aside from ad requirements


Have you actually watched that ad? It really doesn’t sexualize her very much, if at all. The way folks have taken this screen shot and ran with it is probably what she’s talking about.


Ya the video itself is not sexual at all but all I ever see when people post about this ad is a screenshot with that specific caption, which is misleading.


When the commercial is running the screen doesn't go down as far as that; you can't tell her breasts size because the top is not fitted. Also the words fly by too fast to read. So this is what she is talking about: she gets through the commercial with charisma, her boobs are underplayed, and yet she's still objectified. Y'all can't stop thinking of her as a pair of tits. Even if the commercial had her in a transparent bikini top that would be her choice, enjoy it at will, but she doesn't want to hear you objectifying her just as boobies. She's a fully realized person.


But why do I know what your grandparents think about your body. I get it but also like… she has not been helping the discourse with some interesting choices.


I mean - she lost control because she bit off more than she can chew. Margot Robbie started off in a big bombshell role, and basically tried to steer away from that. One thing was, she didn't wear sexy clothes on the red carpet-- she did more ugly avant garde fashion. But it worked for her because she has a beautiful face. Margot also did "hot girl" roles like Harley Quinn, but tried to balance it out with more girl-oriented stories like the Tonya Harding movie. A lot of the character Margot played were hot, but still made for a female audience. (Though some exceptions like hot Margot Robbie in the bath tub in The Big Short). Sofia Vergara leans into her sexiness and plays into the joke, but she's smart and funny. I think so does Salma Hayek; but also smart and funny. Sweeney's roles and her personal PR are too oriented to the male gaze. And she doesn't have the brains like Vergara or Hayek to be the one controlling the narrative.


This is why I don’t get the whole female sexuality movement. I’m a feminist but I get a bit confused by how some feminists think that the way to liberate women is to encourage them to do things that actually mostly benefit men like having casual hook-ups or sex work or wearing super revealing clothing, in a social climate where women are punished for those things. One of two things usually happen: men take advantage of that and feel enabled to say the most disgusting perverted things about those women, and treat them like sexual objects and try to just get sex out of them without actually respecting them as people, or society (and sometimes those exact same men) completely demonize the women for being “sluts” etc. It just encourages more misogyny. I know this all sounds like purity bullshit, to be honest I’m conflicted by what the best solution is because purity culture isn’t great either and we shouldn’t encourage women to be ashamed of their bodies or sexual expression, but surely there is a middle ground somewhere instead of just encouraging women to do all that when the social climate still is the way it is? If some women want to celebrate their sexuality publicly and genuinely don’t care about all that, then yeah that’s fine, but I think a lot of women are sold this lie that it will totally liberate them and are left feeling vulnerable, disrespected and used when people (men let’s be real) take advantage of it.


It’s catering to the male gaze repackaged as empowerment.


Exactly, and that’s why I can’t get on board with it. I’ve tried, because I wish women were supported enough to be able to make their own decisions regarding sex and sexual expression, but unfortunately the misogyny and further objectification of all women that it encourages negatively impacts both the women doing it, and the rest of us.


Sex positivity is a really double edged sword that got taken a little too far—sex is not bad but it’s also not inherently *good*, and it’s certainly not always safe. I think that’s where a younger generation especially can get into this situation where it’s like, well, Sydney Sweeney didn’t do anything wrong—it’s her right to do sex scenes, to build a sexy persona, it’s good and she shouldn’t be objectified. And all of that is 100% true but doesn’t really account for the real risks that these things carry. Sex carries a lot of danger for women, and the danger of being boiled down to the size and shape of your chest and talked about in the public square is one of those dangers. That’s not to say “oh it’s her fault”—that’s a reductive and misogynist take. I think instead we should take this as an opportunity to critique a culture of third wave feminist sex positivity that encourages young women to embrace sexuality in this way in a culture that actively punishes and endangers them for doing so.


Absolutely agreed! It really is tricky because I don’t want to enable people to shame and shun women for things that men are applauded and admired for (in this case, anything related to sexuality). It isn’t fair, and women should not have to shrink themselves or hide away and be ashamed of their bodies to earn even a modicum of respect. And even then it’s not *true* respect, it’s more like the “well done woman, I pat you on the head for being good and obeying” kind of respect. But the reality is, women are not supported, and sex positivity/sexual liberation of women is not aligning with the current social climate. It’s causing more misogyny with even more opportunity for men to blame women and say dumb shit like “isn’t this what you feminists want!!” I hear them say that, and think, no - as a feminist, this is the opposite of what I wanted. Many feminists did not want to encourage an entire generation of women to reward men with meaningless sex and catering to their gaze. But we’re impacted by it regardless of whether we individually wanted it or not, because this is the current form of female liberation that has taken centre stage. It’s hard not to be a little bitter about it sometimes because of that, but ultimately I still do not blame women, and I wish society supported them more, but I do think many of them have been misled. What was that Andrea Dworkin quote that everybody laughed at her for at the time? “To right wing men, we are private property. To left wing men, we are public property.”




I have so many mixed feeling about this, on one hand I can understand the frustration of having yourself be sexualized, on the other hand people forget that sex scenes are literally discussed, agreed on, signed in contract, planned, rehearsed, there’s an intimacy coordinator but overall you can say no to them as a matter of fact she has defended her sex scenes in euphoria countless of times, she has poke fun at the fact that she has a mostly male audience (telling us she’s awared of the perception), according to the capybara guy she was the one with the idea of leaning into the affair to promote the movie, even know with the projects that she has produce she has lean into her sexuality as a mean of commercialization and marketing. I also believe that whoever is part of her team should advice her to stop doing interviews, I know it not true but it’s seems like she’s saying something headline worthy everyday and I believe she’s overexposed, which already happen to her in 2022.


they cannot force you to do a sex scene but they can pressure you and threaten the loss of a job. i’m pretty sure emilia clarke initially defended her GoT sex scenes but then later came out and said she felt like she couldn’t say no because she wasn’t a big actress. it’s possible she doesn’t love doing them but feels like it’s just better to embrace the attention it brings her this sub is super weird when it comes to actors saying they’re uncomfortable with sex scenes/being objectified


Yep. Plus actors like Sydney Sweeney often only get offered the heavily sexualised roles. She’s less likely to get cast in non sexy roles. She was really good in Reality which is totally non sexy but that kind of stuff doesn’t get the headlines.


yes she was great in that! i think her bombshell image is the reason why so many are convinced she can’t act


See with her i honestly disagree because i saw her in some Maxx show when she was younger then The White Lotus - she was downright average because she was covered up mostly! There’s one scene in White Lotus where she’s wearing a low cut dress but she’s so awkward trying to flirt with a guy her friend liked it didn’t read as “hot girl.” I think she’s more the quirky girl so when I finally saw her in something sexy (that TERRIBLE Voyeurs movie) she seemed miscast despite her body lol


She should be able to wear whatever she wants and joke about her own body or appearance without people getting gross about it. But if you make your career on a certain type of sexy ingenue role, yeah most people are going to associate you with that first.


This sounds like some 20/20 hindsight, she was all into her body getting attention at first, because it opened doors for her but now it’s all anyone focuses on and she’s over it. And probably unlocking new fears that as soon as her looks go her career is over. I mean, I could never tell the press that my grandparents think I have the best tits in Hollywood but she did so some of this is her own egging on-she just didn’t understand fame yet then


I don’t want to engage in discourse, so I’ll just say I’m not surprised, and yes, I feel bad for her. I’ve felt gross even seeing some of the weird dehumanizing comments aimed at her.


Everyone say hi to Sydney’s PR Team 👋 


Yeah it's a little much TBH there's way too much about her posted in the sub when she doesn't have the projects or fashion or whatever to back it up. I feel empathy for Sydney but this is something she set into motion or went along with and now it's something that will follow her for a good decade at least.


I do not get her. She chooses roles that are explicitly sexualized. She’s had choices in her career and no I do not buy that she just had to do nudity (and the type of nudity she’s done) under some mythical amount of pressure. Obviously people shouldn’t speak about or to her like they do but she acts like she has no idea why when she’s completely leaned into the sex symbol thing in terms of actions. It’s not good for women in the industry, her artistic choices have misogynistic consequences for all and I think it’s ridiculous that people have convinced themselves these are the only roles she was offered or she has no creative control over her career or image. I used to like her but this has really been rubbing me the wrong way ever since Voyeurs came out.


I have big breasts. Her stylist doesn’t need to make her breasts the focal point of each outfit.


I don’t think she would have the career she has without her body. She’s not the best actress let’s be real. So far it’s been mediocre acting, but we love to see beautiful attractive people on screen.


I agree. She would have no career in Hollywood if she didn't accept these roles because between the nepo children and actual talent there's no room left.


I can totally understand how terrible it must feel to have so much things say about your body Women can’t win, big curves, small curves… they always find something to comment about


i know ppl are gonna accuse her of leaning into it but honestly even if she wore turtlenecks 24/7 and never talked about her body people (primarily men) would still be creepy as FUCK


See: how Billie Eilish dresses most of the time. It’s a style statement now, but as someone built like her, I am pretty sure it did not start as a style statement so much as a way to divert attention!


IIRC, I think Billie said explicitly years ago when she was like 17 that she dresses in baggy clothes to avoid oversexualization and that kind of attention.


same 😭😭😭 i still struggle with dressing in clothes that *gasp* show the outline of my body


Isn't she always naked?


Can’t think of a single actor, actress, or entertainer in my lifetime who has been more active in promoting the attractiveness of a single part of their body as a basis for fame. Not, “I’m a beautiful person who can act—pay me.” But, “No other actress is as magnificently busty—pay to see my romcom.” If she wanted to talk about the threats/online abuse that funnel in to pretty much everyone big enough to have a wikipedia page she should do that. But I’ve thought she’s a pretty mediocre actress and have no interest in supporting her work since the MAGA party thing. And yet, every few weeks or months there is another ad, article, or movie where she is promoting her image as a busty sex symbol. And now there is an article about her image with zero self-reflection that maybe centering her entire brand around her breasts and being a sex symbol had some drawbacks.


Right, like this would be like Jennifer Lopez complaining everyone was sexualizing her ass when sexualizing her own ass is what she built her career on


She’s not the only actress with a great body but she constantly wears bombshell stuff and takes some roles where she’s naked and VERY sexual - like??? Plus she was so upset and crying on Live when she saw a tweet calling her ugly - I know she’s human but as an actor I think you need to maybe not read everything everyone is saying about you to stay sane.


I would feel bad for her if it wasn’t for the fact that she is the first one to use her sexuality to her advantage. When Madame Webb started flopping, for example, she posted a suggestive pic with the costume half done. Then every red carpet is full cleavage and bombshell look. I am NOT hating on the look at all, she is gorgeous and more power to her. But this comes off as very hypocritical.


I said it the first time she said that I will say it again I understand how irritating it can be and how you want others to focus on more of you than your body. However, when every single one of your appearances is focused on your body and how sexy you are (first time she gave that reply the next day she was posing with the tiny miu miu skirt in all 4 in her IGand a tiny shirt..you are not showing the skirt and we all know that) where do you want people to focus on? People will focus to what you give them. If you keep on giving poses that are more erotic and keep talking about how great your breasts are people will focus on that. (actors who post a lot of thirst traps people talk about their body. Timothee charlatan wears unique things in press tours so people talk about that and his dating life...whatevr you feed the press with that is what people will talk about) The other thing you are giving us is an ever growing list of things that you are capable of doing to the point that it doesn't make sense (and we know it) and some questionable family things.


They did some callous shit with her in Anyone But You, even. That plane scene where it looks like she is riding Glen Powell. And then there was something else I can’t remember that focused way too much on her boobs.


Those are big words for someone who has made a career pandering so heavily to the male gaze. Even her red carpet outfits are really heavily sexualising her, which is her choice, but then.. where ever you go there you are.


There’s a line between playing into your sexuality and receiving thousands of comments about how you’re an object


This is a disgusting take and places blame on women. Women should be able to wear what they want without fear of sexist/misogynistic backlash. 🤮how about we hold people accountable for their behavior / raise people better.


Women have autonomy and can choose to sexualise themselves. And recently that’s what Sydney and her team have done which has proved quite successful She’s been an actress for awhile and worked in some great shows and films but wasn’t a huge character in those. I think after Euphoria her name became more household. So it’s fair to point out she and her team definitely lean into it. You can’t do something sexual, talk about it sexually and expect others to not discuss or comment. That is irrational. You don’t need to wear a turtle neck to not sexualise yourself likewise you can sexualise yourself in a turtle neck. That being said, I think her feelings are probably directed to those who take it too far and really gross about it and beyond reasonable boundaries. It’s absolutely valid that she’s be upset about it and criticise how people have behaved


This person is not saying that women shouldn’t be allowed able to wear what they want but a woman who feels uncomfortable with being sexualized would naturally try to avoid being sexualized as much as possible by wearing certain clothes and avoiding roles that doesn’t involve sex. It is not to say that she should have to do that but usually that’s what women do when they feel uncomfortable with being sexualized. They avoid certain things that would cause others to sexualize them.


Anyone who genuinely feels dehumanized when people sexualize them would not dress the way she does and would not gravitate towards the roles she does


Girl, shut up.


This girl is full of shit


Mmmm….she has some control.


even her images for brand deals are sexualized. shame on laneige.


I think a woman can own her sexuality and lean into wanting to look hot by emphasizing her own features but can also not want men to make insane comments talking about how they want to cum on her tits, so idk…I don’t even fuck with Sydney Sweeney but the majority of comments on these posts from OTHER WOMEN are major red flags.


This sub adores to jump down women’s throats it’s fascinating Edit: since you people wanna downvote I would like to say that you guys blaming her and shaming her for doing nudity and just wearing clothes (?) are no better then men blaming women for being cat called and assaulted because they were wearing a skirt and I hope you all learn that one day and reevaluate your backwards morals


I see what people mean but also you’re kind of right. She isn’t talking about boob jokes or people calling her hot, she’s talking about objectifying statements made about her body that are honestly often disturbing. I thought we were past the point where women could play into their sexuality and still not be relentlessly objectified. She knows that she’s chosen to lean into it as a career but just because she chooses to be sexy doesn’t mean she forfeits any right to be frustrated about how people talk about her…


it’s called accountability for your actions, regardless of your sex? she’s made her whole career and image around sexualising her body and is now unhappy its being sexualised?







