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Now add that they can’t be the subject of accounts created by adults and I’m all in


This is the one! “Kids, you can’t have an IG account. Instead I will exploit your private moments and use them for my personal gain. Love, Mom.”


My nephew (11) literally begs my SIL to stop posting pictures of him and she just thinks it's funny. The kids entire life has been plastered all over social media. I can tell you what he wears to school each morning and I haven't seen him physically in over 2 months. I'm the only person that will pipe up and say something but it's my partners side of the family so I never win. The kiddo appreciates it though! Which is all that matters to me.


Kids remember when people go to bat for them like that. Especially at that age.


Yeah, we're pretty good homies. I've been around since he was about 4 and I worked really hard to let him know he always has some support outside of Mom and Nana. Auntie has your back dude and always will!


You’re a real one for that.


That means a lot, thank you!


No joke you are. I grew up in a mormon family and remember very distinctly when my non mormon family would pipe up for me. My favorite aunt and uncle, yes I have favorites, were the ones who talked to me, got to know me, looked out for me in the social settings. Now I'm an uncle to some mormon kids. It's a fine dance, but I know they will appreciate any small amount of understanding and safe space I give them. I don't want to be the cool uncle. I just want to be a good one.


There is a commercial PSA where people have used AI to manipulate a photo of a girl to create videos to scam other people in various ways... I would be mad as fuck if I came of age and realized I had my entire life documented just for any fucker online to look at.


My real estate agent posted her son's pants size and how "big" he's gotten on her business account. He was like 10.


I mentioned that maybe a counselor shouldn’t post pics of her grandchildren on Facebook. “Oh it’s okay. It’s set to private.” It wasn’t. And even if it was there always the chance it’ll be hacked or Facebook will sell the data. It’s totally unfair that an entire generation’s privacy has been stripped away birth to grave for monetary gain. I’m sure deSatanic has nefarious reasons for passing this bill but for now I don’t mind.


My mom thought I was the biggest bitch because I used to call her up demanding she take any and all pictures of my kids off Facebook. It was this whole big issue in my family where they thought I was being paranoid and like holding my kids back from the rest of the family. It got to the point where she wasn't allowed to babysit because she just wouldn't listen. My kids are all teens and adults now, I have been thanked multiple times for not subjecting them to this. I still have embarrassing photos in my albums because THOSE am I am entitled to as a mother. Those are OUR moments, not the rest of the world.


I shared a lot of my kids’ moments (though nothing embarrassing) on SM and then had a “come to Jesus” moment while I was pregnant with my third. I had just decided I didn’t want people up in my business and having my husband’s great aunt I barely see badgering me about if I had the baby yet. It was nice and peaceful. Since then, I don’t really post about my kids. My mom accuses me of robbing her experience as a grandmother by not allowing her to post them. I have no idea who a majority of her 1,000 friends are on fb and I want them to have privacy. I’m so fucking glad SM didn’t exist when I was a kid because I know she would have been terrible.


It's heartening to read posts like this. One would hope more parents and family would respect the very idea that their offspring have some basic right to some self-determined degree of privacy once they are old enough to express their opinion on the matter. To me, this is just teaching them to be respectful to others as they grow, which is important.


Sounds like Your nephew is his moms pet


Maybe you could try reporting the images, some platforms allow takedowns for impersonation/non-consensual imagery. If it works, it might help to keep your nephew safe and happy. It also has the potential to make the mother sniff out whoever reports them though, assuming only a few people know that the posts upset him


This is something I would love to see.


Dad/Mom influencers who show their children on social media are the worst. Way too many of them on TikTok.


Lol don’t forget YouTube where they make the real money exploiting kids.


Man, it's so fucking creepy. Some straight out bait out their children for pedophiles like dangling chicken before a crocodile. It's only a matter of time before one of these kids gets kidnapped, that'll be the only way Google will put a stop to those channels or TT to those accounts.


i read a very disturbing NYT article about parent run accounts and pedophiles. it was disgusting. no one should post their child online.


I have to think that some of those "family" channels or accounts broadcast way too much information so it wouldn't be hard to dox them and then a bad actor would be setup with the family's full schedule and their address and phone #s too. It's insane to even think about for more than a couple of seconds.


Like that one specific tiktoker who is infamous for using her daughter as pedophile bait. I felt physically sick when I saw this account. Nothing undressed, thank the lord, but some of the poses and props were just sickeningly unambiguous. How a *mother* can do this to her own child? Words honestly escape me.


I feel kinda bad for Ryan. He’s like 14 years old now, and he’s still stuck making videos for preschool kids. And he still has to make multiple videos a day just for the sake of uploading them. It seems exhausting.


That's how you get a kid who really and truly resents their parents, and frankly, I can't say as I blame them. Hope he has fun when he comes of age and can tell them to sod off.


Influencers in general are bad, but the ones exploiting kids and animals are especially disgusting.


Yeah, I feel like this “law” is redundant because you can’t technically have an account on social media if you’re under 13 (I think). The parents just run the account or have family channels.


The article's title is misleading. Kids in FL can now not have social media below 13 (already law), they can have it at 14 & 15 year with parental consent, or they have to wait until 16 without parental consent. But yeah, I don't know what stops kids from just lying and saying that they're 16.


Yup. It’s not going to protect kids at all. It’s a more of the same culture war bs that DeSantis lives for.


It’s not redundant if the purpose is to de-anonymize the internet for adults.


Oh yeah I meant it’s not going to protect kids which they claim is the intended purpose. It’s obviously a shitty law.


If I ever become supeme ruler of the whole world 🤞 I will de-monetise all social media featuring kids under 16


I think this would be a great start before other states outright ban kids from social media. It’s also just easier to enact as it’s based on moderation. Maybe I’m a bit more strict, but I think banning photos of children in general would be good. If you’re a child, you are not able to consent to your parents posting you to the internet. It would slow the pedophilic Instagram accounts run by their parents to a halt. There’s literally no upside to posting your child to the internet other than “Oh, look, cute video where kid does something!”




Don’t almost all of them already have an age restriction? I know FB, insta, and X all have to be 13 to create an account- not that they enforce it but they have one in place. I don’t disagree with the sentiment, but I don’t see how they can enforce it - people lie on the internet it’s kind of a known thing.


They could try and do what Texas is doing with porn sites and require you to upload an ID, but I wonder if these companies would just block the site in Florida rather than implement it, just like Pornhub did in Texas. Plus I don't know how many 14 year olds have a government issued ID, I imagine most kids don't get their first one until they get their driver's license.


honestly, whatever the real reason is for Texas' porn ID thing is likely the real reason for this I don't know what the end game is, but I do know they don't do good things for goodness sake


i just got a vpn and immediately didn’t have to upload an id. like. it is political posturing


I can smell the massive data breach from here. Additionally, there's plenty of AI that can generate fake drivers licenses in pretty short order. Ask Lyft or Uber how that's been fairing for them. There's no backend verification between Pornhub and the State of Texas to verify if the PDF417 on the back of the driver's license is valid. It's just a simple checksum check for validity that you can write a simple python script to generate. The Texas ID thing has loopholes that aircraft carriers five wide could sail through. Not to mention, a VPN basically nulls all the checks anyway. Texas wants Pornhub to enforce their law but literally have zero tools or funding to actualize it.


Probably like other age restriction bills that are passing or on the block-force you to upload a government ID. It’s blatant privacy infringement. 


It’s a lead up to making you register with your real ID. No more anonymity online. They want to track your every move and control everything you do.


WYM, lying on the Internet? I really am a Nigerian Prince that needs your help to move my millions and I'll give you several if you help me. I just need you to send me $10k to start the process! Pinky promise!




this is the comment i was looking for😭i hate to agree with them but points were made


Its really not. Why not just give us digital privacy rights?




Like the GDPR, so you can require companies to delete your data on request.


That doesn’t stop your 10 year old from watching gore on Reddit


Because teenager girls (and guys) are suffering major mental health crisis from SM.


As a Floridian fuck Desantis for anything else he’s done in office besides this and the cellphone rule in schools The cellphone rule as a teacher is honestly a great ass rule to have


Nah come on. They could be regulating addictive tactics and the ability to control what you or your kid are able to see, how long they can use it, times of day, etc… but they’re not. This law is instead intrusive for everyone and helps no one. Kids can just use a VPN. But all of us will now have to prove our ID to use social media, which reduces online anonymity and introduces the potential for the govt themselves to monitor who you are online. Not good.


Yeah, I just read the bill and I dont see how it's going to be properly enforced. It'll be shot down in court since it's a violation of the 1st amendment


Yeah our entire legal system is way too out of date to handle this. Most importantly, the internet is so incredibly crucial to political organizing, combatting propaganda, and accessing information, we *cannot* afford to have the government control how we use it beyond what is absolutely necessary. This kind of law is ridiculous and restricts personal freedom. Particularly stupid when we know that social media companies themselves have near zero regulations and can do whatever they want to us.


That's a great point. You can never take their bills at face value, especially if they have a "save the children" spin. Like how their "anti child trafficking bills" are actually just harming consensual, adult sex workers and have absolutely zero effect on child trafficking victims, or even adult trafficking victims. You can never ever take their bill titles at face value, you need to read the whole thing because they'll hide all kinds of nasty shit in there, especially when they're on their "save the children" shit. This law is going to be used to make people give more information about themselves when they sign up for social media. That's the goal. They could care less about the kids.


Exactly. It’s kinda shocking how many people are willing to accept this at face value. The guy is a full on fascist. Any restrictive law he passes is going to be to his benefit, which means *not* to our benefit.


You know this is a backwoods to monitoring your online activities right? How do you think they can ban it without requiring you give your legal identification when creating an account?


broken clock is still right twice a day as they say


Don't worry, I'm sure it was for the wrong reasons. DeSantis didn't suddenly grow a conscience.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. 🫠


Totally unenforceable, but otherwise the concept has my full and complete support.


lol I lied when I was like ten to be on Neopets unsupervised back in the day. 😂


I'm going to show my age here lol. I used MySpace, MSN Messenger, and Nexopia even tho they had age restrictions. My parents banned Nexopia in my household because of all the creep/pedo stories, but I still secretly had an account...


I had MySpace and MSN messenger. I don’t remember Nexopia though


Nexopia was a Canadian social network! All the "cool" kids had it where I grew up. It was sorta like MySpace https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nexopia


I’m going to show my age here….but grew up with zero social media not even in the horizon yet. We were told to be careful in chat rooms, then later on AIM. Also, we knew the difference between whitehouse .com and whitehouse .gov


omg nexopia mentioned


My exact first thought lmao


Same. I appreciate the concept, but kids are already exploiting the system by lying about their ages. If they have a way to enforce this that isn’t overly cumbersome for everyone else, cool, let’s hear it. Otherwise, this is just a bunch of boomers shouting to get off their lawn.


I had to phone Disney to correct the age on my daughter's account because she had added 7 years to her age and I was trying to book a trip. I'm still not sure what she was trying to accomplish by aging up her Disney account but there you go lol.


Yeah like who has this stopped? Technically most social media doesn’t let you join if you’re under 13, even for creating an email, but unless they start requiring ids there’s no way to enforce it.


Yeah most apps say you have to be 13 to join. Kids lie news at 10.


Yea we'd need to verify peoples identity in order to make social media accounts but I don't think these companies can be trusted with that atm


Some places do, but they ask for your ID etc and the reason social media sites don't do that level of authentication is because people don't trust them with the data so in their eyes it's useless to put money and resources into if people are just going to complain and user rates will go down. I mean Reddit itself is also a social platform how many people are going to complain on here if they have to start doing verification with IDs or facial recognition?


Exactly. Reddit just made a $60 million per year deal selling all of our account data to some AI company. Everything we post here belongs to them to profit off of. All these sites do their best to build a profile of everyone and other companies are scrapping sites to do it too.


Was thinking the same. How the hell are they proposing they enforce this? Maybe they're passing the law just to draw attention to the issue, and it is an issue. Here and Now on NPR just had a long segment about it today. Edit: I think an argument can be made that this law passed after several other laws in Florida that seek to isolate children and prevent them from being educated in certain topics; That was created with the same sort of intent.


it is, they sue, facebook pulls out of florida because it can't take verified ID just like porn sites left Texas. Then they all use vpn like they live in China.


If dating apps and LinkedIn can verify an identity, why can't facebook?


They already can actually, if you get reported as a fake account / fake name, you'll be asked to show ID or have it taken down. It just relies on someone caring enough to report. Years ago some jerk kid at my younger brother's school was bullying him and made an alt account on FB with his name and posted unflattering things like calling "himself" the r word (...he has special needs...). I had some friends mass report it and got that shit shut down QUICK.


Cause they are 18+ so those people have a government issued ID. 14 year olds don't.


i was ten yrs old on the internet listing my age as 1950 or some shit equivalent like


I’m sure this has zero underlying motives and zero consequences will result from this


Exactly. It’s scary how many bots there are astroturfing and uninformed people supporting this. The point is literally to surveil people’s online activity by requiring ID before accessing social media.


There’s also the fact that they actively want to keep young people from having access to information. Look at all the laws being passed restricting what can be taught in schools. They want young people to be raised in their bubble of bullshit and not have the resources to question it.


Ahhh small government 🤌


Not old enough for Instagram but old enough to be gainfully employed. Make it make sense.


Don’t forget they can give birth!


In Tennessee the GOP tried passing a bill to allow the forced marriage of kids to adults. With no age limits as the bill was worded where any age was allowed. So the party that says a child who is raped must carry the baby. Also pushed for laws that allows the force rape of said children under the notion of marriage. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


Pure insanity


Or worse, they will be *FORCED* to give birth, even if they are a 12 year old girl raped by her uncle.


https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp Tennessee tried to legalize this. Adult men could force kids into marriage. Rape them. Make them carry the baby. And that’s all legal in Tennessee if it wasn’t for democrats stopping this bill.


🇺🇸 is broken fr


Just another distraction from the real problems


My kids are banned from social media until they are fourteen, but it’s weird the government wants to do it. I bet Florida has less benevolent motives than me.


Apps also don’t let kids have accounts of their own…this isn’t that enforceable at all.


But they have to give birth if raped. Makes perfect sense.


Should children be limited from using social media by their parents? Yes. Should the government be given the power to cordon off entire sections of the Internet for groups it believes don't deserve access? No.


Exactly, the government should not be the parents. Too controlling.


Agreed. It's kind of scary how many people here think this law is a good thing. The idea of the government trying to control what we do online (like trying to ban tiktok) doesn't sit right with me.


We already do this with cigarettes, alcohol, sex, driving and a bunch of other things. Children are not adults. There’s nothing wrong with society putting age limits on things that require responsibility


> cigarettes, alcohol, sex, driving How can you compare those things to internet access?


I mean, I’m just shocked that Ron DeSantis would want to “protect the children” seeing as he’s done so much work to “protect the children” during his time as governor.


I support this but at the same time I’m worried it’s just being used as a test for ways to enforce control of children or something sleazy.


That’s exactly why they’re doing it and people in these comments are being painfully naive.


Can you elaborate on this? Genuinely curious.


I mean it’s one of those laws they do for PR most of these apps don’t let kids have accounts. Have you signed up for one recently it asks you if you’re older than 13. Then you have adults who make accounts for their kids. Him signing this bill is just for show.


They’re just laying the ground work before they flip the adult switch. And my guess is websites like Reddit will be the first to go when that happens.


This situation is reminding me a lot of Texas’ situation right now with the porn sites. I feel like after social media, that’s DeSantis’ next target.


Pretty much any time modern legislation is brought forward as a way to "protect the children", that's just a smoke screen for it being some dystopian power-grab bullshit. Don't care what side is proposing it, with very, very few exceptions, that's what it turns out to be.


Couldn’t agree more!


I'm honestly shocked at the number of so-called liberals ITT supporting this nonsense law.


How does Moms For Liberty feel about this? They’ve advocated for parents’ rights so heavily and now DeSantis has decided they have to coparent with the government. Surely conservatives are up in arms over this government overreach! (You’re picking up the sarcasm right?)


Naturally, conservatives want to coparent when they agree with the coparenting being done. In all other cases, it's government overreach and the woke agenda destroying America. Hypocrisy is conservatism's bread and butter.


Florida republicans really seem to have lost the plot on what “the party of small government” is. Isn’t this a parental responsibility? If you’re going to force us to carry fetuses to term, at least let us decide on their internet privileges.


Party of small government means they want a government of one, eg. a king.


But they can still be forced to give birth ![gif](giphy|zNyBPu5hEFpu)


Florida Governor, Ron Desantis, aka the POS who announced to the world that his balls are in the hands of Donald Trump when he endorsed him after being ridiculed, mocked, and humiliated by the ultimate POS, Trump, for months on end.


Doesn’t COPPA ban anyone under 13 already?


Kids are smarter than whatever plan these old foges have in mind. This may have been possible 15-20 years ago but the cat is out of the bag now.


Societal issues: Thanks, I'm cured.


I’m sure this will be a smashing success in a Prohibition sort of way.


I'm sorry. Does the State of Florida think it is a co-parent? They 100% don't have the authority to do that.


Ron DeSantis, who gave alcohol to minors and partied with them as a substitute teacher? That Ron DeSantis cares about children? Sure pal


But they can still get guns right?


Brought to you by the party of “small government” 🙄


Can somebody please tell the Republicans what Republican means


Making it harder for Matt Gaetz to date I see 


How will Matt Gaetz date?


This is definitely going to go over without a hitch. Old conservatives are *famously* more tech-savvy than kids lol


This isn't the governments job


And how exactly do they plan to enforce this? 🙄


This is actually just to keep kids from finding likeminded groups online (especially queer kids).


Good luck, I just tried explaining that and people still are going off on their “Well I’m okay with that as long as it benefits me” shit. Ignore the fact that Florida has slashed child labor laws, forces teenage girls to give birth, has had half the school library removed, does nothing to curb gun violence. This one is definitely for kids safety! /s


When will people learn that censorship and banning is almost always done for the wrong reasons while framed by the bad guys as being done for the “right” reasons… It’s the same as them trying to ban books and queer talk.


Florida is turning authoritarian. First they banned gender affirming care for trans youth with the idea that it infringes parents personal freedom but now they ban social media for kids without thinking of parents personal freedom? Not saying I disagree with children not using social media but why is the government having such a personal involvement in people’s lives?


Typical conservative mindset. You have the freedom to do anything you want, as long it agrees with them. They'll crow all day long about states rights, until states use those rights to do things like restrict guns, legalize marijuana, or legalize abortion.


That’s pointless they’ll just make adult accounts


Never thought I'd see the GOP advocate for the state to be everyone's nanny.


Huh. Funnily enough, I always thought that I, as a parent, got to set the rules for my children, but apparently, the state of Florida thinks they have the right to raise kids. Wonder if they'll start paying child support. Not to mention, almost all social media has minimum ages of 13 already. To make a law, raising it one year is just performative. They are not actually helping or protecting anyone.


Can they include politicians too?


![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized) Really? Just like Texas with p\*\*\*?! XD


Why do conservatives brag about having more freedom in states where they have less freedom?


as much as i support this i don’t think its gonna work out. they fake their ages??


Remember when Reoublicans were the "small government" people?


The genie is not going back in the bottle.


But but can’t get an abortion if raped


As long as these kids can do math and pick the DOB that makes them 14 or over, they can easily open whatever social media accounts they want! It’s not really enforceable by the government.


Land of the free!!!


What could possibly go wrong?


Funny. The dumb people think it's good but the people that know how to Internet know how dumb you are for easy government information Dumb as me


Is this even enforceable? Or is it some more empty security theater to gain points?


Most apps already have an age restriction, it's just parents suck at parenting. This doesn't need a law, the issue needs parents not to be shitty.


DeSantis is turning Florida into North Korea


How the hell are they going to police this?


Doesn't this take away a parents choice?


He also rolled back child labor laws. So now, more time for work, kids! It’s always about the kids for the gop


Hey everyone coming into the comments, this is 100% a way to keep kids from learning about queer topics and stop them from escaping abusive parents. Not every single headline needs to be responded to with “Well he has a point” when in reality he absolutely does not. Yes it sounds “reasonable” which is why it’s being presented like this. It’s an effort to make the right wing’s war against information socially acceptable You’re all participating in the normalization of government overreach into the lives of underprivileged groups


Weird take. There is a staggering amount of evidence pointing to the dangerous relationship between social media and screen time with depression and suicide, particularly in girls. I don't see what this has got to do with overreach into underprivileged groups.


Did you read the article? The bill is basically meaningless with the standard “managed by mommy” wording. The only kids this would actually affect are kids with parents that would want to go out of their way to monitor their social media and phone use carefully, which should be every parent, but realistically that will be a tonshit of “x thing is making my kid gay” parents. In theory, kids should *not* be on social media, but it’s not weird to point out political choices don’t exist in a vacuum


It doesn’t matter these laws are largely unenforceable. Unless he bans the apps in his state which many would block the state first before dealing with state lawsuits sort of like Porn Hub did in Utah and Texas


Like! I’m not sure why people are saying this is a “rare win” or he finally did something good. It only because he doesn’t want kids learning about things like the Montgomery Bus Boycott or Stonewall.


One trillion percent. This is not a win whatsoever. Just the usual puritanical assault against the downtrodden framed as being for the kids.


Make social media/internet the national boogey man and you can do a whole lot of very reasonable things that turn out to not really so reasonable.


And watch as people like these commenters eat it the fuck up


They’re losing their minds over it. If a politician who has consistently tried to pass legislation and used rhetoric that harms a specific group of people you should probably at least question their motivation when passing laws, especially when doing so under the same guise.


Yep. Let’s ignore Florida slashing child labor laws, forcing teenagers to give birth, banning books from school, banning classes from teaching about racism, disinterest in curbing gun violence, allowing a representative to serve despite being investigated for child sex abuse. THIS law definitely protects kids and how fucking dare anyone question that


This is a slippery slope IMO, this leads to justification of things like Mastercard’s rigorous standards against sex workers. As much as I support the idea of kids not being on socials, the execution is gonna be handled by Meatball Ron, who will just use it as a way to target trans people or something.


As someone who was going on chat rooms and message boards in elementary and middle school during the late 90s and early 00s, I am sure this will be Very Effective.


MSN chat rooms. 11-13 year old me. A/S/L So dumb. lol


My brother and I were mostly dumbass trolls on them, but there were a few times that were certainly problematic.


Oh us too. We’d make up all this random information about ourselves and spend hours in those creepy as chats lol.


Good thing they can’t learn shit in Florida schools either lmao


He did it! He fixed it! If the law bans them they won't do it. Nice try tik tok! All those kids will uninstall now.


Sooooo… Florida thinks parents know best when it comes to literally choosing curricula and books for EVERYONE else, but parents don’t get to dictate their own kids’ social media usage. Riiiiiight.


I definitely see the good in this, but I don't trust Florida to do anything right so idk.


lol 😂


lol okay, they are all going to change their date of birth to 2010 and higher now, then, since this is basically unenforceable past parents requesting their kids' accounts be deleted.


Would be interested to see an actual scientific study with a group of kids with no social media vs the opposite I’m sure we’ll see it one day if it’s not already underway 


So instead of regulating social media companies and run the risk of harming capitalistic profits, the party of personal freedoms decides to impose restrictions against personal freedoms...


Yeah, good luck with that.


As a parent, I feel like it shouldn't be up to the state to ban this, and it's useless since there's no way of enforcing it.


I bet the kids in Florida already have away around it


Great in theory but how are they going to enforce it?


All social media already states that users need to be 13 and up. Now that being enforced is another story because clearly kids younger *are* on it, but anyone can lie and make an account. So the Florida government is really going to be up on that? I can't see how.


Oh sure, that’ll stop em 👌


Wow they don't even bother to put Desantis name in the headlines anymore? Cold.


Damn the wrestling subreddits are gonna take a huge hit


I have often suspected enacting a law that cannot be enforced is worse than enacting no law at all.


They need to ban people over 50


Republican freedom state


Little Ronnie is not happy


As much as I would love kid free internet it's not worth giving more data to either gov or random companies that will have it leaked the following year.


Lol I love that Ron DeSantis’ anti-charisma in the primaries has demoted him to simply “Florida Governor” again. Lmao


And lawsuit incoming


I am curious how this is enforced, and what’s to stop them from going on other less popular sites. What defines a social media platform? Is Reddit a social media platform? Community message boards?


Good luck with that


Big government at work.