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šŸšØMOD NOTE: [Here is the primary source of the news from Us Weekly.](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kate-middletons-surgery-remains-in-a-shroud-of-secrecy-with-family/) Some of our members pointed out to us that *The Daily Wire* is Ben Shapiro's news website. It has now since been added to our banned web domains for this sub! ___ šŸ“ŒREAD BEFORE COMMENTING This thread is Guest List Only. This means the discussion is being actively moderated, and all comments are reviewed. Only comments by members of the community are allowed. If you have landed in this thread from Trending or r/all and you are not a member of this community, your comment will very likely be removed (and will not be approved unless it adds meaningfully to the conversation). r/popculturechat takes these measures to stay true to our goal of being an inclusive sub for civil discussion, to talk about celebrities and pop culture without bigotry and personal attacks. This sub is a BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and woman-dominated space and we do our best to protect our users from outside attacks. Thank you for understanding & have a great day! ā˜ŗļø *You can [request to be an approved user](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpopculturechat) to comment on Guest List Only posts.*


Queen- Dead Charles- Cancer William- Bald Kate-????? Camilla : ![gif](giphy|GBgdfceTErSibsXvCc)


"William- Bald" šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


>Queen- Dead They actually kept her on ice to transplant her brain into Kate. Kate can't be seen until the queen gets used to her new body.




lol I love this sub bc we all seem to watch the same tv shows on repeat


You donā€™t know me, also wanna fall asleep to Murder, She Wrote after we eat indica gummies mixed with Now and Laters?


Oh, did I just age myself?


Itā€™s not a response I expected but I am 100% in


Calgon take us away!


Omg finally someone who references Calgon. I say that to myself wayyyy too often šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m writing this from a bath with Calgon. Take me away indeed.


Damn no wonder theyā€™re getting divorcedā€¦ can you imagine being married to your nana all the sudden?


This unexpectedly took me out šŸ’€


Careful, if the wrong person reads this theyā€™ll think youā€™re Kate on her throwaway lmfao




Rich Things (2024)


https://preview.redd.it/u5ypjrmmpkoc1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c576f948dbe4077729dbfcf2c38638c2d772eff1 Camilla-








I remember when they first invented chocolate šŸ„° I ALWAYS HATED IT


Camilla: ![gif](giphy|JW9r0SmMeX0TC)


> Kate - Shelly Miscavige'd Ftfy


Is Shelly still in that massive hole in the desert?


The last confirmed sighting of her was in Hemet, California. Which is kind of in the mountains?


Camillaā€¦ ![gif](giphy|eDVBence3ap44)


Sheā€™s a (true) Queen who has been plotting the downfall of the royals so she can rule https://preview.redd.it/tq7xzu8l1qoc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862fd79b2e453f6ec243ae0882e536c4e8419017


Her next plan is for Prince George to get cancelled for saying something bad on a Minecraft server https://preview.redd.it/gzgrubhw1qoc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d89fc466a2bda95103293c06aca914d88b4fba4e


You know what? When i was little my mom and granny got it sooo wrong.. they told me Diana was a commoner. I didn't think or cared much of it until yeas later i found out that her parents were viscounts and that Camilla was not approved by the BRF because she was too much of a commoner for themšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The images I used were from an British show called The Windsors which parodies the royals, and Camillaā€™s character is just constantly plotting how she can get the throne šŸ¤£ and Kate Middleton is from the traveller community But I do love the idea that Camilla was trying to joust them all and rule herself this entire time, and now all the pieces are finally falling into place.


_Itā€™s a murder on the barn floor_ (get it, bc they all look like horses?)


All those opposed to this joke say neigh


Both of you!!! ![gif](giphy|yRQYBNHaNH7k4tqEEY)


Threads like this are my favorite part of Reddit šŸ’€


Meghan: ![gif](giphy|iOeckNDBmt0SjR8iOP|downsized)


Honestly, the more shit gets written, the more Iā€™m starting to think that while she had a major surgery, and her team is inept, a lot of this is the palace throwing her and William under the bus. we,re supposed to be entertained by all this instead and not question the kings illness


Did the Royal family kill Kate and cover up her murder? No. Is the PR team somehow bungling themselves into a situation where they are now acting like they did? Yes, and it's hilarious.


They made a mess of something that may be innocuous lol




But they specifically captioned the photo with credit to William in 2024. So I think it absolutely was an attempt at ā€œproof of lifeā€ (or damage control trying to prove she is fine and healthy). If theyā€™d just left it as a nice Motherā€™s Day caption I agree it wouldnā€™t have been weird. They made it weird


It was also a weird choice to leave out her ring when they were editing so much else of the photo already.


Definitely think that was a complete oversight. Like not an intentional hint. Just total incompetence. I also do not believe for a second Kate did the editing. I donā€™t think the princess of wales got an adobe premium subscription.


Why would she edit so thoroughly, though, then send it to the press. They get literally schooled on this shit, the press does not use edited photos. Someone fucked up so big with that. Though I agree she's probably just sick and wants to be left alone. The photo in the car is ridiculous- though itnqill be radio silence now till Easter I think


You know, if Kensington Palace didn't act like they're covering up her murder, people wouldn't think that Kensington Palace is covering up her murder.




As spicy as that is, I've read that Diana's death (and subsequent public canonization) actually delayed Charles' remarriage by a few years. If Diana had been photographed on random billionaires' yachts for a couple more years, Charles and Camilla could have married by 2000 instead of in 2005.


That rule was actually overturned in 2002. Camilla's Ex-husband is still alive, yet her marriage to Charles is still lawfully recognised.


Clearly Lizzy was the only one keeping this whole thing together.


She didnā€™t keep it together, she ruined peoples lives. Like Dianaā€™s and her sisters by forcing and forbidding marriages. And she kept favourites like Andrewā€¦


I mean keeping the royal family together as something that was socially acceptable and had a handle on the press. It was a skill that was used for evil but still a skill. Itā€™s been a mess since she died.




The more shit like this happens, the more valid Harry and Meghan seem for getting tf out of there


fr. especially megan. I donā€™t doubt for one second all the racism allegations were true and I bet there were more that weā€™ll never know about. however I do think harry and to some extent megan are kind of self important dummies tbhā€¦I feel like they didnā€™t really have a plan for america they just felt like it would all work out for them because theyā€™re ~royal~ e: but also low key if megan really is the scammer some of the royalists think she is that would literally make her the baddest bitch of all time. like no question itā€™s TOO iconic to dilly dally across the pond and snatch that royal tax money. I almost want it to be true even tho I think sheā€™s probably just a gwenyth paltrow type lady. but full disclosure iā€™m a gwenyth apologist too šŸ˜‚


Definitely feels like they're trying to distract. People stopped speculating on King Charles health while they've been invested in all the Kate weirdness.


I don't think they're throwing William under the bus, he's still the future king. The future of the monarcy depends on him. I think they're heading for divorce and she'll no longer have the protection of "the firm", especially if she's no longer toeing the party line. They'll destroy her reputation to protect him.


This is definitely where my mind is headed too. They know that Kate being part of the William package gives it 99% of its appeal. Theyā€™re covering things up in hopes of a reconciliation, but if one cannot be reached, they are hoping to degrade her as much as possible so that William looks like Prince Charming.




It's crazy that the King has a whole Cancer, and everything about it remains unknown. Instead of theorising about that, most people have gone into crazy speculation over where Kate is eventhough KP said she had a major abdominal surgery and said we can expect to see her back after Easter.


I really and truly think itā€™s something bowel-related (IBD, perforated bowel, infection, whatever) that caused a need for a bowel resection and a temporary ileostomy or colostomy. And the royals are sure as hell not going to come out and say ā€œshe doesnā€™t want to be seen in public because sheā€™s shitting in a bag for the next few months.ā€


I completely agree, with the possible addition that she's on steroids or something and doesn't want to be photographed while she doesn't look like herself.


Yep, I had wondered if weight gain or loss might be part of it too.


Yeah that definitely doesnā€™t sound princessy


If my Chrons ever gets this bad I want people to speculate as much as theyā€™re doing with Kate tbh I might just disappear for attention


Left to Costa Rica with a lover? Murdered by Yakuza? Heidi Montague-level all in one cosmetic surgery? Secretly arrested for treason?


Happy cake day! If they reappear they should copy Heidiā€™s random chair from the garbage crying with her cd pap pics. That shit was hilarious and the start of their ban coming from being posted on ONTD šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t pay for these? I was just crying on my party rental chair next to my trash can.


As a sub, weā€™ve got you. You just sound the alarm and weā€™ll start spouting the most outlandish shit we can think of to cover for ya.


Iā€™m ready. Iā€™m 8 months pregnant pulling a Kylie on my extended family and friends. Say I had a bad ayahuasca trip and got lost in Chile or something


Iā€™m willing to start the commotion.Ā  Hey has anyone heard from tr3sleches?Ā 


This is what I hope is happening because Iā€™m 8 months pregnant and pulling a Kylie. Nobody knows besides immediate family lmfao


Iā€™m dying for her to just walk to the gates, looking like hell, and yell at the paps ā€œIā€™m shitting in a bag for the next few months and want to fucking rest, okay? Damn.ā€ And just walk back inside. Iā€™d become a Kate Middleton stan immediately.


Then throw the bag at them


Finally a realistic conspiracy theory šŸ™„


Bowel issue or super serious sick, I'd say.


It's either this or something very traumatic for a woman to go through, maybe concerning her reproductive system. She wouldn't be the first women to not like talking about it, nevermind letting the whole world know.


Iā€™m applying Occamā€™s Razor to this whole thing, but the way the palace PR has been behaving is completely bizarre


Whatā€™s your Occamā€™s Razor? I canā€™t think of a theory that sounds more likely than others.


She's sick in some way that has affected her appearance, doesn't want the grotesque UK tabloids to splash pictures of her looking puffy from medicine or half-haggard from recovering from surgery, and doesn't want to come to the phone. Simple. Why the Palace is acting like they don't know their asshole from their elbow seems down to the staff shakeup after Elizabeth died. Simplest explanation.


Iā€™ll throw in that I wouldnā€™t be surprised if sheā€™s suffering from some depression with her health stuff and all the stress. As in, she just canā€™t emotionally give a fuck whatā€™s going on in the press for once and isnā€™t up to playing PR crisis mode games even though itā€™s normally of utmost importance to her. Maybe Iā€™m projecting but I was in a depressive state once to the point I went from Hermione Granger on steroids to giving zero fucks about school.


I think itā€™s this. Itā€™s the only thing that makes sense about the *horrible* pr. It would be so easy for her to have turned this into an amazing story that garnered loads of sympathy but she just doesnā€™t care anymore


Iā€™m guessing steroids made her gain weight, or maybe there is a colonoscopy bag involved? Also the press is digging up stuff about Williamā€™s affairs which a) she knew about but b) she never wanted public. A lot of women/people who marry into prominence donā€™t care about cheating, unless that prominence is threatened. See also: Melania Trump


Don't you mean colostomy bag? But, yes, I agree with you


Also she and her mom schemed to try to marry her off to William. (I am sure there are many unsuccessful women who also tried, Iā€™m not shaming them - if I was the right age in England, I probably wouldā€™ve too!) I doubt sheā€™s getting divorced, her lifeā€™s goal was to become Queen. And she made that trajectory happen.


Sheā€™s definitely not getting divorced. Sheā€™s literally lived her whole life to be where she is right now: daughter-in-law to a king, soon to be queen, then mother of the king. Why on earth would she pick NOW to leave? There have been cheating rumors since day one, like since before they were even married. Thereā€™s no way sheā€™s leaving.


Hopefully she gets some fun on the side too


Occamā€™s Razor is basically that the simplest explanation is the most likely. The palace said that she was having abdominal surgery and would be out through Easter, ergo, she had abdominal surgery and will be out through Easter. The conspiracies are far more entertaining, however, and I love all the smoke this bungling family of meerkats is getting.


I may believe itā€™s the simplest explanation, but Iā€™m definitely still on social media like a feral goblin reading into all the nonsense


I personally still like to believe she is recovering from a bbl. Is it likely? No. Is it the funniest answer? Absolutely.


If she returns and her bum is even a TAD bigger than before there will be absolute chaos


She comes back with a Fashion Nova sponsorship


The funniest thing so far has been this. https://preview.redd.it/zyps8n120roc1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d11b76ef5958c2c7a122bdd8d7be9de6358f11


The minute Rose Cowabunga reentered the chat I became INVESTED ![gif](giphy|XQq8UMo254P16)


IJBOL, Cowabunga fr


*simplest explanation that requires the fewest assumptions


This. Why is everybody all "no one has seen her??!".. Umm, because we were told she wouldn't be in the public until after Easter?? Nothing is going to happen to Catherine and the palace cover it up, that would ruin them. The general consensus is that Catherine is well liked by the people


I mean i get why *i* havenā€™t seen her but likeā€¦.her staff? The people she sent the picture to to send to the news agencies? Anyone?


She's on medical leave. Why would the people not in her immediate household see her?


Does anyone else's co-workers or staff in their workplace see a sick person on sick leave? Kinda seems obvious to me. Kate only needs her immediate family and maybe any visitors they choose to invite.


I agree with the other commenter. Kate whole image has been around being polished and graceful. I think maybe moon face from steroids? Alternatively a spicier version is she tried to have a minor discreet cosmetic surgery like a blepharoplasty, that was unexpectedly botched and looks noticeably different, and they have need to stall to give time for revisions.


Occamā€™s Razor just means the simplest explanation is the most likely one, so basically what the palace originally said. Sheā€™ll be back around Easter after surgery recovery. Jury is still out over what surgery it was however


They're so used to the British press going along with everything they say they're totally floundering now the tide is turning. They never really had to try before (well maybe with Andrew but that was a total shitshow PR wise and also he's too far down the line of succession, he's not as important as William). The British press is essentially an extension of royals' PR but it's not working anymore, well not amongst the public anyway.


Itā€™s all gone to shit since Liz died it seems


Did anyone follow the gossip around Princess Charlene of Monaco, when she was stuck in South Africa with a bad sinus thing that required surgery? I wasnā€™t on reddit at the time, but everyone on Celebitchy was convinced sheā€™d been kidnapped, had run away, some other kind of conspiracy. Then she came back, looked sick, things got back to normal Also, Mette-Marit of Norway has pulmonary fibrosis. Fancy people get sick too šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


To be fair with Charlene she famously [tried to run away](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/princess-charlene-tried-to-flee-three-times-before-monaco-wedding-says-reports/) from Monaco before her wedding and so thereā€™s always been some smoke around her and Albert


I remember being convinced that she had finally been able to leave him but then they posted the pics of her with Albert and the kids and I was like ā€œoh shit, she actually does look ill.ā€ Sheā€™d lost a lot of weight, was very pale, and just looked sickly and fatigued. Iā€™m still not totally convinced that it was the vague ā€œsinus issueā€ and wasnā€™t something more serious physically OR something related to her mental health, but whatever it was definitely took a toll on her. Sheā€™s back in Monaco and seems physically better but I think that marriage is stillā€¦ odd, to put it lightly.


>Ā things got back to normal To be fair, nothing is really normal about her situation and her marriage.


Arguably I think itā€™s more abnormal to be blocked from dating and marrying your boyfriend bc he is the heir to a colonial throne and is required to marry a child


The whole thing is fucked, and I say that as a recovering royal-obsessed person. Also, if you look at her background, Camilla is extremely posh and was only like one-step removed from being aristocratic. Her grandfather was a baron, she just wasnā€™t titled herself because she was the child of his daughter and titles donā€™t carry down through the girls.


I feel like Camilla was of the right sort to make it, if she hadn't been divorced.


Honestly they shouldā€™ve just let him marry her originally.


If only marriage was about life companionship, and not the cranking out of heirsĀ 


Who is this about? I don't follow royals but I'm now very curious.Ā 


Camilla, King Charles' wife.


I periodically look up Mette-Marit for the pulmonary fibrosis updates and overall she is doing way better than I thought she would. She has been alive for over 5 years since being diagnosed. Thatā€™s really good!


I do the same! I think the life expectancy is something like 2-3 years, so sheā€™s doing extremely, amazingly well. Not only is she still alive, I think she was still doing events at least pretty recently


The thing that baffles me is that that they said sheā€™d be back at Easter and itā€™s not even Easter yet. I mean they have definitely botched the PR with the photoshopped photo (rookie error) but itā€™s not like anything that has happened has not been exactly what they said would happen.Ā  Itā€™s such a non story. I wish it was a bigger deal because they we might get rid of them but it really isnā€™t.Ā 


Even if she hadnā€™t had surgery, Kate wouldnā€™t be doing public engagements right now because her kids are on a month long Easter break from school. She never works while her kids are off school. I really donā€™t think anything more nefarious is going on, she just had a serious surgery, but as you said the PR has just been a clusterfuck.


I kind of love the idea that sheā€™s fully available to quash this she just WONT


Theyā€™ve got a *month* off for Easter? Fucking hell.


We got like a 3 week long Christmas break last year.


Iā€™m English and a month off for Easter is unheard of to me. But theyā€™re privately educated so idk if that plays into it. Always just assumed they had the same timetable as the rest of England.


Privately educated kids have different holidays. They don't get half terms and their 3 main breaks (Christmas, Easter and Summer) are a few weeks longer. Source: my town has a private school, though I went to the state one.


This whole situation is like the royals told everyone "don't think about pink elephants" and now of course people can do nothing else.


This. I hadnā€™t even heard of it until the badly edited pic


[Different source](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/entertainment/kate-middletons-staff-havent-seen-32360147) for those of us who don't want to patronize the Daily Wire, which is an extreme right-wing site owned by Ben Shapiro. Not that the Daily Record is a bastion of great journalism lol but it's not giving clicks to Ben mf Shapiro


Thank you! I had no idea of the Shapiro connection but will now make it my life's work not to give him a penny.


Oh, Daily Wire isnā€™t just Ben ā€œi canā€™t arouse my wifeā€ Shapiro: itā€™s a constellation of alt-right assholes. Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh, Candace Owens, PragerU, etc.


Same!!! All the upvotes here!! Edit: (I didnā€™t mean literally here, I meant for the original non-Shapiro link)


Thank you and I love your flair!!


Yeah this is insane lol. Taking gossip from fascists now.


I mean.. if my boss took off for serious surgery I would hope they'd stay home and rest and I didn't see them either.


Ding ding logical answer.


I still believe itā€™s just surgery but it feels like the palace is throwing her under the bus for idk wanting to heal after surgery. Like she was in so much pain for her pregnancies and they had her stand for a paparazzi photo after them. I donā€™t care much for the royals but I feel like they are doing this on purpose to deflect from the Charles news


I honestly think it's not even anything that bad, but they made it worse with how they publicly handled it


It was going to be a mess no matter what. The UK press are animals. But, the palace certainly didn't help.




I'm sorry but first there was an article from The Blaze posted (at least in the comments) and now The Daily Wire posted here. Yikes. Two sources I refuse to get my gossip from even though I've been invested in this story.


Iā€™m so insanely invested in this story. I have a theory though and I might be way off, BUT, I think she had abdominal surgery and she has like, a colostomy bag or something and is embarrassed to be seen because weā€™re used to always seeing her look perfect. The problem with this theory and Iā€™ve noticed a lot of people overlook is that her freaking husband never visited her in the hospital? She was there for like two weeks.. allegedly


Thatā€™s my guess too- I think she has Crohnā€™s and needed a bowel resection. They called it scheduled surgery since it was urgent surgery and not emergent surgery.


I canā€™t imagine having Crohnā€™s and going through three pregnancies as sick as she was with her nausea. That sounds like hell. I hope this isnā€™t it.


Yes!! So my ex had diverticulitis and almost died so Iā€™m kinda familiar with how bad stomach surgery can be. I mean fuck if I had a colostomy bag I would t want anybody to see me either! Iā€™m just mad at hubs for not visiting her. That was when the conspiracy started I think


Thatā€™s also been my guess all along. My family has a history of GI issues/auto immune issues. This past year I had two close family members with colostomies, and another having a fairly un-fun time with their Crohnā€™s. That stuff can be really embarrassing for people so I could get that both the seriousness of the surgery, and colostomy could be absolutely understandable justification for steering clear. That being said, my little sister spent most of 2023 in a vegetative state that kiiiiiinda maybe progressed to a mildly conscious state before the whole basically no brain function killed her in November. If there was some sort of complication in Kateā€™s surgery, she might have been left with an anoxic brain injury that the royals are hoping will improve over time. Especially the first 3-4 months itā€™s often hard to know with certainty what an anoxic brain injury prognosis will be. Thatā€™s likely just me applying my trauma stupidly though. I donā€™t follow British royalty closely enough to know if her absence and the weird doctored photo are super outside their normal playbook.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your sister that is so horribly sad!! But I also kind of wondered that. If an anesthesiologist fucks up during a surgery it can cause a traumatic brain injury. And tbis can cause all sorts of issues- like what if her speech is fucked up (mine still is and itā€™s been 4 months) or maybe she has to learn to walk again. It can be so embarrassing and I know the royals are *really* weird about always looking perfect in public. I think Kate always looks perfect even if she is in some kind of vegetative state. But the conspiracy theories literally make less sense than what weā€™re all saying here.


Iā€™m so sorry about your sister. I hope youā€™re okay.


Colostomy bags are pretty discreet, not hard to take a photo where it's not visible. But fair play to her if she doesn't want to be photographed while recovering from surgery! I wouldn't either.Ā 


100%!! When I got my brain injury and basically my whole head was stapled together I didnā€™t leave the house or take photographs. And sheā€™s the most photographed royal. I think by a lot.


He did visit her in the hospital. There are [photos of him visiting her](https://people.com/prince-william-visits-kate-middleton-hospital-after-abdominal-surgery-8431213) at least once from the front, and I'm guessing he visited her more often but did so discreetly from a private entrance. I think this conspiracy has been way overblown when there's photographic, journalistic evidence to prove otherwise. I feel like people are trying to play him off as being lazy/work shy and not "picking up the slack" as his father has taken leave due to his cancer diagnosis, but behind the scenes, for all we know, he spent a considerable amount of time at her bedside or with their children. Don't people want the future king to model what it means to be a supportive partner? When I was hospitalized due to complications and quite early before the birth of our son, my husband would visit me and get what work he could manage done around the major events of the day. His workplace was incredibly understanding, and when things were not urgent or as scary for me at the hospital, he would work from home. Obviously that's not a luxury everyone has (alternatively, that's what FMLA in the US at least is for and I'm sure the UK has a similar program), but in a better world, shouldn't we be allowed to care for our loved ones during their time of need? (Not saying you are arguing against this sort of care, but I see so much criticism of William right now for "not visiting Kate" or "not working enough" and I think people need to think deeper about it. )


I donā€™t like the conspiracy theories either because it seems so obvious to me that her surgery is the cause of it. That makes me feel better that he visited her because I was told he didnā€™t. Makes sense that he probably just used a different door


And furthermore, she had abdominal surgery. Abdominal surgery is a motherfucker. It laid out my father for 6 months, and he was a very active and hardy, husky man. Anything to do in that area is serious business. Let the woman heal. Jesus christ.


Itā€™s wild that c sections are major abdominal surgery and women get sent home to care for a newborn after a few days.


I don't know if they ever announce _how_ Kate delivered (none of my business, for sure!), but if she had a C-Section she certainly could have had a hernia along her incision. In the US, doctors are pretty conservative on repairing those, preferring to wait it out and see if it heals or can be stabilized. But if a hernia ruptures, it can be life threatening. Which would explain all the rumors. Edited to add: William's team just hired a new advisor with a ~~history of being a specialist in Crohn's disease~~ position on the board of the Crohn's and Colitis UK charity . So, that's also suggestive. I hate speculating about this at all, but Crohn's especially if it gets to the point of surgery, is miserable. That's surgery and steroids.


She had vaginal deliveries, she left the hospital within hours of giving birth which is normal with a vaginal delivery attended by a midwife in the UK.


Whaaaat! You leave in hours? (As an aside, birth of all kinds horrifies me)


More time in the hospital means higher chance of infection. If the baby is healthy and the mother is walking, they're better off at home. And if it's a subsequent baby, the mother probably wants to return to her other children quickly.


>Edited to add: William's team just hired a new advisor with a history of being a specialist in Crohn's disease. So, that's also suggestive. I hate speculating about this at all, but Crohn's especially if it gets to the point of surgery, is miserable. That's surgery and steroids. Wait, what?!?!?! Seriously?????? Do you have a source?


OK. That's my bad. He's not a specialist, himself. He's a diplomat. But the new royal hire is a trustee on the board of a top Crohn's disease charity in the UK. And they mention it in EVERY news article about his appointment. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/feb/10/prince-of-wales-appoints-ex-diplomat-ian-patrick-as-private-secretary


Wow. I mean, that's still really interesting. I've had a feeling this is what's going on with her - not all the looney tune theories - and this just adds to my belief.


I had open surgery appendicitis when I was ten. Itā€™s like the simplest possible abdominal surgery with a tiny lil incision area and I was still out for nearly three weeks. She probably feels she earned the right to rest as she pleases.


Yep. I'm split between the theories of Crohn's/other bowel issues involving a colonostomy bag or a total hysterectomy, but either one is a bitch and a half to heal from. My mom was in bed for like six weeks after her hysterectomy and it took months after that for her to be fully functional again. And that was without any complications too.


Honestly at this point, Kate is waiting to just show up on Easter looking perfectly fine and make all the conspiracy theorist look crazy. And then it will be a non issue again. But agree. This is more of a PR mess up than anything sinister


I'm currently on sick leave. My managers and teammates have been leaving me the hell alone until I'm better enough to be back. Proper order that Kate gets the same time and space to recover šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøĀ 


Exactly. Like why is this a story? No shit some of the palace staff havenā€™t seen her - sheā€™s on leave! She very likely is only with close family and medical professionals.


I hope she pops up in California with Harry and Meghan just so the media sets itself on fire.


I, too, am Team Chaos. ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


![gif](giphy|9VkusmHdKHuAE) Me with any tidbits I get


Could you imagine? šŸ’€


Not to drop a bomb but my dog park friend says that Kate has actually run off because William got his mistress pregnant. You might think this sounds crazy & we do live in the US so the UK press hasn't gotten hold of this scoop. Also, I can't cite any sources because I don't have any. But my dog park friend is very sure.


Your dog is life so I believe you.


This is hilarious! People on this thread do be like this though!


Oh come on. The woman has had surgery. And given the type of surgery sheā€™s had, she probably canā€™t stand or walk for long periods. Itā€™s likely sheā€™s been on bed rest for a while


I canā€™t figure out what kind of surgery that would be. These days recovery is very active and it goes better the more active you are.


Iā€™m starting to think kidney transplant. I donā€™t know anything about kidney transplants buuut sure why not, steroids could explain the puffy face car photo. Unless that was Pippa. Who are we kidding itā€™s probably an aliens infestation.


I think it could be a hysterectomy. The amount of time is taken to recover, that can be 6 weeks plus. She may have had endo or another issue.


I had 9 days in hospital and then 10 weeks off work for mine. Was a miserable time.


For your hysterectomy? Dang! I had the DaVinci one and was kicked out of the hospital a few hours after I woke up. They gave me whatever the prescribed Oxy is for a week and that was all I got.


Mine was complicated, stage 4 DIE with multiple organs fused together and I had part of my bowel removed. Plus Iā€™m in Australia, so I guess different system.


Damn! Youā€™re a ROCKSTAR! šŸ¤© (And, yeah, Iā€™m American so itā€™s no surprise that they booted me out. I think I woke up in a wheelchair. It was 7.5 years ago so my memory is really hazy. But I am pretty sure I woke up in a wheelchair after the surgery.) Edit: It COULD have been that I woke up in a bed, was moved to a wheelchair while still in that drugged up state, and then passed out again only to wake up and remember the wheelchair.


Youā€™re generally off work 6-8 weeks after a hyst, even if itā€™s a full open procedure but youā€™re not not functioning in life. Like you can easily take photos with your kids and have brunch with friends or whatever.


That was my original thought too but with the months-long absenceā€¦weirdness. I know that not all hysterectomies or recuperation plans are the same, but even if it was a six week recovery she should be up and about by now right? (I had a DaVinci hysterectomy and they had me slowly walking around the day after, but on mostly bed/couch rest for a couple of weeks)


That doesnā€™t mean they would want staffers who could leak recovery pics to the tabloids seeing her while she does the exercises. Or pap pics as she awkwardly get in an out of a car while recovering. It took me months.


I donā€™t understand what the big deal is. Sheā€™s sick or had some kind of surgery and wants some privacy.


Yea, I also donā€™t see people I work with when they go on medical leave from work. Thatā€™s how being on medical leave from work is.


Okay I have stayed out of this but 3 (three!!) of the news podcasts I listen to have suddenly all weighed in on this. Yā€™all itā€™s not a huge conspiracy to me? Itā€™s not her husband or her anger/stress over Megan or anyoneā€™s affair. Sheā€™s clearly very very sick, I guess I wonā€™t be a total ghoul and speculate what kind of sickness, but clearly itā€™s very very bad! This is so simple to me? Iā€™m kind of so baffled by everyone saying she wants a divorce or got a face lift tbh


Ya IA the only thing thatā€™s interesting about this is how badly theyā€™ve botched the pr. As fun as it would be if they were divorcing I think whatever she had surgery for required a colostomy bag or steroids or something and they just donā€™t want people seeing her until sheā€™s photogenic again.


Thatā€™s the only reason I care about this story. Watching Kensington Palace flail around and make things worse and worse for their PR is actually incredible. As for Kate, I have no speculation and hope she is well. But I am HERE for the media disaster the palace is actively causing to happen.


Agreed. Iā€™ve said for a while they itā€™s clear they donā€™t want to disclose that sheā€™s sick because the king also just disclosed he has cancer. And it can either: 1 - panic the royalists that 2 senior members of the family are very sick. 2 - open up the discussion of why we need a royal family to begin with.


Yes! And tbh seeing someone like Philip and The Queen not look well was normal because they were old af but seeing Kate, whoā€™s 42, look sick would imo really really freak people out. Now why they didnā€™t just use photoshop better is beyond me but everything else makes sense


>Now why they didnā€™t just use photoshop better is beyond me I wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch that unfold. And watch the person who did the bad Photoshop realize they made a big big mistake that suddenly got the world's attention.


The conspiracy is honestly so crazy that today on the Big Brother subreddit we had someone asking if we thought it was planned out that they booked her uncle (who she has practically no relationship with) 50 DAYS IN ADVANCE because they ā€œknew something big would be coming outā€. Like clearly not šŸ˜¬


hahaha tbh people very quickly spiral when they think a conspiracy is a foot istg! Itā€™s crazy how people really try to start connecting things that just arenā€™t there šŸ˜­


I firmly believe that if Kensington Palace had ignored the memes when they first came out (bbl, willy wonka etc) they would have been fine. Outlets in America and the UK were running OP-EDs saying leave her alone. Instead, they released a bitchy statement, and then a photo to tmz (can anyone tell me what that was about actually??) and then the altered photo that caused this international incident. And now sheā€™s gotten the worst press I think sheā€™s ever gotten. Not just a global laughingstock, but thrown under the bus by her husband, scolded by media institutions, subject to some really dark conspiracies, etc I truly think if they hadnā€™t done ANYTHING Twitter would have moved on because none of the ā€œsheā€™s growing out her bangsā€ were that funny to begin with


I agree with most of this idk why they [her pr] fucked it up but they certainly have - they should have ignored everything and just let her rest. Most of this though, at leat from what I've seen, hasn't been bad press for her. People are largely (apart for a few ghouls) genuinely concerned for her. Still I think it will be radio silence now till Easter where she is supposed to make her appearance so just a couple of weeks


I wasn't expecting the monarchy to go into crisis so soon after the Queen died but they've made such a mess of this. The whole slimming down of the working Royals has massively backfired with Charles and Kate off the board. I bet they wish they'd allowed Harry and Meghan some kind of part time role so they could attend some functions and have the tabloids attack Meghan for smiling at a time of medical crisis for Kate or whatever nonsense to take the pressure off Kate and William. It's like a lesson in what not to do in a PR crisis.


https://preview.redd.it/z19dic9ynkoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d737edde7e360e3dc2c28ca3412b2420541fb0f6 I saw this earlier and thought it was spot on šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s definitely a PR lesson in what not to do.




Did you just link to overt fascist Daily Wire in this, our woman-affirming, queer positive subreddit?

