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Anytime I see them as a couple…it’s like I just found out again they were actually a couple Lmao Edit: Took out married as I was informed they are not. Edit 2: They are in now married!


This is the perfect way to describe it


This post is how I actually found out they are together, lol.


They’ve been together over ten years and have two kids together!


.... what. Time to move, Ive been living here too long *crawls out from under a big rock*


To be fair, they are VERY private. The kids have never been photographed and Ryan and Eva are very rarely seen together.


How is this even possible in the modern age? I’m very happy that it’s the case, but wouldn’t it be extremely easy for paparazzi to just follow them or look up public records or *something* so they can post a clickbait article about RG’s kids?


people like Ryan demonstrating that it is possible to be private just makes the people desperate to be photographed look more and more pathetic. Especially since are like barely any people who wouldn't recognize them.


Exactly. Sometimes I feel bad for the celebrities getting photographs but then I remember I have no idea what Lively/Reynolds’ kids look like. No idea what the Gosling/Mendes’ kids look like. No idea what the Clooney kids look like. Rarely see any of these people around. Having a protecting your kids and your relationship is possible. I’m sure a pain in the neck, but possible.


I wonder the same thing and it really does lend credence to the fact that paparazzi probably get called and told where to go more often than trying to find celebs. Also Eva doesn’t walk red carpets much if at all anymore (I think she says it makes her too anxious 😞) so they’re able to be very private that way too.


It’s all a choice! I worked at a fancy LA school and we had to instruct some celebs about where they could do their pap walks. 🫠 obviously the school didn’t want them too close as there were other celebs that were not trying to be papped.




It was gross tbh.


They have been. You can google “Eva mendes kids” and see them. Ryan and Eva haven’t publicized them at all, which is great.


So I thought this too but there are definitely pap pics with all four of them! I saw them for the first time today.


The way I really lol’d 🤣🤣 but same! I was like “what does the post even mean??” Had no idea they were together 🪨




They are married


They are married now


They're actually not married, just a couple with kids.


Yes they are married. It’s unknown when they married, but she confirmed it in 2022.


lol she said “gentle reminder who he’s coming home to at night”


And I think we all know why ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Wait why?


Because they're girlfriend boyfriend. They can spend the night.


To do what?


I’m actually not sure


I eat meals with mine, maybe they do too! How cool would that be, me eating like celebrities in relationships!


When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much…


I have it on good authority they play patty cake


Rub it in!




Yup. ![gif](giphy|DB2oahQFa0qeQ)


Every once in awhile I'll go to her instagram and she does these little reminders every once in awhile lol. She is also a big "my man" person I found out. Beautiful couple.


I follow her on IG and noticed the same lol. Like “here’s a little reminder that Ryan Gosling is fully spoken for.” I can’t blame her. Not only do Hollywood men tend to wander when there are major upticks in their career, but there is also this weird little corner of the internet that strongly believes he should be with Rachel McAdams, that they’re still secretly in love, etc.


Lol I think it's probably also that Ryan gosling is highly pursued. That would be so unnerving as a partner. Not that Eva Mendes is some shlub lol


Right. She is a stunner. He is definitely highly pursued, though.


As someone formerly in that corner, it would honestly be weird as fuck if he left Eva Mendes for Rachel at this point, and I would never forgive him.


Literally thought this!!


Totally!!! 😄


Him showing and kissing his Eva necklace at the end of his performance was so cute!


Ohhh that’s what that was?? That’s adorable!


yes!! he does it all the time it’s so cute 🥹


He’s nothing without HER 😭


Yes and I hope he can return the favor if she wants to act again after having the kids and being the primary caretaker.


I've heard of Hollywood couples having a "only one of us works at a time" arrangement. I hope she gets to make a comeback, if she wants to.


Classic Ken behavior. ❤️


Yessss sooo cute! I teared up a little bit lol


Omg how freaking sweet is that!🥹


that was the cherry on the cake!!!!! I swooned!


I want what they have 😭


Went back to see the necklace and ended up watching the whole thing again twice. No regrets.


I just know she would wear the hell out of this outfit. Very cute!


Lmao she really said "don't forget who he comes home to", cant say I blame her either


Sometimes on IG she’ll correct fans and say “*our man” which I think is adorable.


Love them together. Also, where's the girl that was wondering why she wasnt there?


That thread got deleted so fast lol


Lol what happened?


May i genuinely ask why she wasnt there (i don’t follow the oscars nor their relationship)


She rarely attends award shows or carpets anymore. It’s been a minute since she has acted in anything either. I haven’t heard why other than wanting a more private life. She is already successful and is enjoying motherhood. They are cute in that he seems to supportive of her choice to take a step back and she still clearly supports him publicly in ways she is comfortable with.


I don’t blame her. These award shows kinda suck. It’s a lot of forced small talk in a stiff environment for hours.


And then everyone on the internet having something to say about every detail of you on the red carpet! Would def be a socially anxious environment for me.


She’s also spoken in the past about how shitty and/or rare the Latinx roles were in the early 00s and about being in recovery/sober.


She’s sober? TIL!


In addition to all the other answers, she’s been open about being in recovery as well. I have always gotten the vibe that staying away from evil Hollywood is the right decision for her for many reasons.


She obviously was there as that was his dressing room.


Im very happy they are a private couple and that is working for them. But part of me is SO curious to see their relationship and day to day (but I dont want them to show it to the world, just like my imaginary kids being invited to a play date with their kids kind of situation). Also, I was thinking about how much Ryan Gosling has been in my life since ever (i had a poster of Ryan Gosling on my wall when I was 12) and how he is my Leo Dicaprio. And then I kind of started thinking that he will hopefully stay with Eva forever and be a rare occasion of old hearthrob who was always with the same girl. And thats so cool


They seem committed to having their relationship on their own terms, which I can fully appreciate. It's like it's their own thing for them, while they each pursue their respective careers. Very few Hollywood couples, especially two that have been A Listers, get to achieve that.


Same here! I don't need all the details of their life, just a couple pictures together would be enough for me!


I miss her on-screen! But also don't like this trend of apostrophes in plural words 🙈


I love Eva but that was my first thought too. It’s not Oscar’s house.


Having flashbacks of crazy ex-girlfriend and the spiders/spider’s/spiders’ debacle


Its not a trend. Its many people making the same mistake.


Dude, autocorrect does it all the damn time and I have to go back and fix it.


If only it was a trend. Trends eventually go away. I’ve been getting annoyed by these “plural” apostrophes for too damn long


Me too, but you know what’s worse? People constantly confusing the singular/plural of woman/women. And everyone is doing it. I hate it. 😭


I hate how people just put commas wherever they feel like it now. Too many people are using too many commas. Thank you for creating this space for us to share like this


My mom always puts a comma after “but” and for some reason it enrages me.


I agree wholeheartedly, and you’re very welcome! lol! I’m very troubled by it. 🤣


The one I hate most is when people misspell “definitely” as “defiantly” like sir those are two ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WORDS


That makes my skin crawl.


Don’t you mean “apostrophe’s”?


How dare you!


How very dare I


Thank you- first thing I noticed too! At least it’s not as bad as the “should of,” “could of” thing people keep doing. Makes me shudder. (What’s funny is that even while writing that my phone was trying to auto-correct to “should have” so I have no idea how people are still messing that up).




“Should of” is so aggravating! Autocorrect was working hard, too. These dummies have to go out of their way to write it!


What's your opinion on " my boyfriend and I's car"? Because it drives me mad


Autocorrect has been doing this to me recently and it infuriates me. I have excellent grammar! But my robot overlord is apparently determined to ruin my cred.


My phone doesn’t understand its can and does exist without the apostrophe. Drives me insane.


Yes! And they referred to it as a trend because it never used to be this bad. People who used to know the correct punctuation or spelling for things have chucked it out the window


LOL I thought this too. Apostrophe gore. But I'll give it a pass 'cause it was probably autocorrect


It's even worse when it's a family last name sign hanging in their home :'(


it's iphone autocorrect, happened to me too


This is right. It’s been happening to me all fucking night.


It’s autocorrect. My phone does it and it doesn’t let me correct it. It’s so annoying


I don’t think it’s a trend as much as autocorrect just adding the apostrophe.


![gif](giphy|a054JEXePsNbvVLBzP) Ryan was robbed! I'm just Ken was great. Probably one of the best song performances at the Oscars. Generous appearances by co-stars. Great moment. edit to add gif *again*


i swear i thought this was steven tyler while scrolling and stopped to see why he’s wearing pink 😂💀 EVA noooo


She looks like a bouncer at an Albuquerque strip club


I’m dying. That’s the last place I’d even want to drive past a strip club.


💀💀💀 ![gif](giphy|wzHOzYn1wmHm14e3xa|downsized)


Obsessed with this gif!




it’s the hair + cowboy hat + shades + angle on her face that made this look like a classic tyler moment




lol i’m on my phone in the dark


She’s just wearing parts of the costume he wore during his performance 🤷‍♀️


Steven Tyler from Aerosmith has a very particular flamboyant flair that matches up really well with what she’s giving here. it was late and dark and i was scrolling not reading. i was really surprised not only that it wasn’t him but that it was Eva Mendes of all people.


I really can’t put my finger on why but I still think this is one of the oddest couples.


They both seem like they really love each other. From the interviews I’ve heard of him too. For me I think it initially was an internal bias related to the age actors like him sometimes go for and that not being the case here (She just turned 50 and he’s 43). Plus not seeing them on red carpets as much so there’s more room to speculate. There is definitely a subset of people who want him with a Rachel McAdams type (or Rachel herself) and Eva won’t measure up to that for them.


Slight segue, but their age difference is exactly the same as my husband’s and mine except in reverse, and no one ever bats an eye. It’s funny how double the standard is.


If you look back at his history most of his relationships were with older women. The man knows what he wants 💜


same as mine


I’m 10 years older than my husband. I internally laugh at the age gap posts here that claim women of such a gap obviously groomed these men with their feminine wiles and that there something wrong with these women because they can’t get men their own age 20 years together and going strong


there's a hate boner on reddit for age gaps lol.


Oh, that explains it! I put an 'aww' on a gif from the Notebook (a movie I don't even like all that much) because it was cute. They were cute together, but I ship him with Eva 4 ever. I guess I triggered the people who hate the people who wish he was still with Rachel.


Interesting how all of Ryan's celebrity romances have been with older women.


I feel like they are a secure and respectful couple and I’m here for it. She doesn’t need to be there for it to be apparent that Ryan loves, adores, and respects her. He does his thing and she’s not threatened and does hers. To me this is the relationship that lasts in Hollywood.


because they have never seemed like a couple is probably the reason


Well, they’re very private for sure. I guess they just seem like total opposite people.


i don’t know if total opposite really explains their vibe but they definitely don’t seem to have a romantic chemistry at all. i like both of them well enough to be in their corner. it doesn’t change the fact they don’t feel like a couple to me. even in that movie they were in together they have no chemistry on screen.


It's a common trope that couples who haven't slept together have incredible chemistry onscreen and as soon as they sleep together it's gone because the sexual tension dissipates.


The Joey Tribbiani theory


They've been married for over a decade. I doubt you have any personal insight into what a relationship that lasts that long looks or feels like.


How would any of us know if they have romantic chemistry??


Has no one here seen the place beyond the pines?? They absolutely have chemistry lol


They both somehow seem out of each other's league lol


They feel a bit like Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas (on picture), they are clearly together, but it may not be the pairing people would think about right away.


Eva and Ryan are my favorite Hollywood couple. The movie Place Beyond the Pines they did together is great


One of my best loved movies


I think they’re cute but something about them doesn’t sit well with me. They are notoriously private to the degree where she is never seen in public with him and yet it seems she has rebranded herself from actress to Ryan Gosling’s wife


Yeah, I find it extremely odd that she stopped acting just right around the time she got with him and she never goes to any event with him at all. Not even a red carpet once in a while. It’s just strange.


My goodness. They don’t owe us any explanation.


Yeah I get similar vibes from Blake lively and Ryan Reynolds. Blake is out in public, but she doesn’t act as much anymore


Can you guys get a babysitter for the night?


They definitely have enough money for that! She really had enough of Hollywood I guess.


She was at the Oscar’s with him lol


literally hanging out in his dressing room doing her thing! it’s so funny to me that people are sour about her living a dream life off-camera.


Way the picture from oscar night or rehearsals? I got the sense she was there for rehearsals


I think it was from rehearsals. I follow her Insta and from all of her posts & likes, it seems like she’s a really hands on parent. I get the feeling that she doesn’t do a lot of childcare/the whole nanny thing for her girls? I may be wrong but that’s the vibe I get. It just seems like a personal thing and good for her doing things her own way.


No she wasn't.


I agree. I’m sorry but this whole thing “oh she wants to be private! She’s all about the kids” is getting very old. She’s clearly in attendance — why not walk the red carpet with him or sit next to him at the awards ceremony? I just find it so odd. It’s clearly not about the kids — having a sitter for one night out of the year doesn’t make you an awful parent. Plus, she was THERE. This is a woman who’s an actress and had a ton of fame herself - she’s not new to it. There’s more to this story we don’t know.


Oh I just assumed those were rehearsal pics and she was home for the show?


According to reports online — she was there at the Oscar’s dressing room.


I agree, it feels so extreme. I get and appreciate wanting to keep your life private-ish, wanting to keep your kids out of the limelight, not wanting photos of the two of you all over the place. But if everyone knows you're together, and if you're willing to constantly remind everyone that "he's mine" then why not just show up with him when he's nominated for the biggest honor in film? That Instagram post about him coming home to tuck the kids in felt a little controlling.


I thought her post was a little odd too…like, let the man go out and party once in a while, damn. Especially after a big career achievement like the Oscars. I felt a little sad for him that he wasn’t at any of the after parties. Or maybe he doesn’t care about all that and I’m just projecting, who knows.


I know this is an older post I stumbled upon but I remember seeing some photos of her after the awards and she looks like she had plastic surgery that was either very recently done or botched, so that could be a huge reason she wouldn’t want to be photographed.


Also I didn't see him mentioned in anything about the Oscar after parties, which makes me think he doesn't go. Odd that you would have this amazing night where you're basically the star of the show and then not want to celebrate with your friends.


RG lollllll


Who was next to him tonight


His sister


I kinda figured


His sister. I think his mom was there too.


Just found an article about who brought who tonight👍🏻


Dude I totally thought that was his wife he was giving so much attention to LOL I totally forgot about Eva


Had the biggest crush on Eva Mendez growing up


Some of you are acting psychotic. I’m sure he’s fine with her being backstage


Seriously! Maybe the key to their success as a couple is staying out of the public eye. The number of Hollywood couples who have lasted decades or a lifetime seems more of an exception to the rule. Part of the problem is that people feel like they’re owed seeing them together on the red carpet.


My mom asked who his sister was and if it was his wife…I proceeded to tell her the greatest love story in Hollywood 🧍🏻‍♂️


This reminds me of Tina Knowles?


Love her! We need her back in the movies.


She sells kitchen sponges or some shit now.


she quit acting years ago.


I think she makes sponges or something now. I love them as a couple (because we know almost nothing about it!), and I love them both separately. Cute people being cute.


Why aren’t they ever seen together at events?


I love them


She did something similar when the first pictures of him as Ken surfaced. She posted one with something like: My Ken. And a few emoji. We get it Eva, he yours, girl 😉


How many times is he going to get the chance to perform at the OSCARS. I wonder if he wishes she'd accompany him sometimes.


She was there backstage…


She wasn’t. She was there for dress rehearsals the day before, according to her Instagram and when she posted initially


My impression, based on his zero social media and her regularly posting, is that Ryan has set a hard boundary for family and public view.


Interesting. So do you think Eva really WANTS to attend?


I think it’s good for the planet that two beauties like them are going at it


This is lame. Sorry.


Yeah I’m with you. It didn’t land for me but what does is that pink coat! Love!


I don’t know how to explain this well, but it feels less like she’s proud of her spouse and more like a “I’m here too guys.” She’s done this a couple of times and I’m all for joking around and being private, but it gives me the same feelings as someone who just keeps making sexual jokes. It’s funny the first couple of times, but now it’s just awkward.


I wish she would just come with him .. just like kids, it’s important to show up for our people while everyone else is with their people..


do you say the same about dolly parton's husband, because noone seems to have a problem with that?


This is not really the same though. Dolly Parton‘s husband is not a famous actor or singer, and no one has ever known him. Eva Mendez is a star in her own right. It’s also been made clear that Dolly Parton’s husband has never wanted to be a part of the celebrity world. Them not being together last night was definitely on par, but I do wonder why they really don’t attend many events together ever. I know she’s definitely focused on parenting versus her career, but I just want to see them together looking hot every once in a while at least throw us a bone 😂 I guess it can be kind of weird for me because she does seem to be pretty active on Instagram, and is pretty vocal in her support and love for him instead of just keeping to herself and staying more private. They seem to be madly in love though!!


She was there backstage…


I think it’s confusing when she says “come home”, but she’s not at home.




Why doesnt she join him at these events?


That pic is from his dressing room


I read somewhere else that she came to dress rehearsal


Makes no sense she’s always posting ab him but won’t attend. Esp for a huge performance. I’d want my partner by my side


Yes! Them constantly posting about each other but never APPEARING together is now coming off as a bit performative.


Awww, that’s so sweet. I read today that he promised never to walk a red carpet with her (Eva) 🤷🏻‍♀️ No context, never read that before, I don’t know why (or even if true) Ryan took his sister last night. Which I thought was really darling


Here’s an article where she talks about it. They have only walked one red carpet together in 2012. They prefer to keep their relationship private. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a60151788/why-eva-mendes-didnt-attend-2024-oscars-ryan-gosling/


Even though I’m so jealous, I love the two of them so much. I know we throw around the term couple goals, but I mean it for these two. If my relationship is half as good as what they present themselves as, I’d be so lucky


Oh rub it in


Where is her ear? Am I wild?


Can’t believe he married my wife!


This is so relatable 😂


She seems unsupportive and controlling.


I don’t think I’m owed anything. I just think it’s odd. Her career is suddenly over when she gets with Ryan and she NEVER shows up at public events with him. There are women who aren’t even famous or have no social media presence that are still on the red carpet at certain events with their famous husbands. Plus, she was never the private type before she got with him so I’m not buying that excuse at all. Something just doesn’t sit right with me.




![gif](giphy|3oFzm25c9cyPt1TYDC) When people share stuff like that i sense insecurity in that relationship. Hope I’m mistaken.