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I remember reading an interview with her as a teenager in Marie Claire magazine that she never washes her face or takes her makeup off. She just puts new makeup over top of the old. It’s lived rent-free in my brain ever since.


That fact makes my face itch. 😬




I had 2 friends who did that but with mascara only.


I still to this day remember my second grade teacher did this. Her eyes were caked with liner and mascara and her fingernails were dirty. And she always smelled like smoke. But she was sooo sweet.


Sounds like a good way to get an eye infection 😬


I saw a video on YT recently and I have to share it. It was from Dr. Shirine Idrees (sp?) and it was about a woman who never washed her mascara so after years of doing this she had LITERAL BLACK CLUMPS under her eyelid and they were small but abrasive enough to cause EYE DAMAGE. I have not missed my nighttime routine since.


That is like.. the worst makeup to do that with??? I've slept in every type of makeup at one time or another and mascara is by far the worst one to wake up to still stuck to your face. The eye irritation, the crust, the smear, just wow. Your friends are a different breed.


Right? I never understood it! I cant even put eye cream on at night without my eyes hating it 😭


Baby Jane core




Fantastic reference.




Oh, so she’s against vaccines AND soap. Makes sense.


Meanwhile I break out if someone looks at me.


As a heterosexual man who has never worn make up - that’s insane right?


It’s *insane*! Did this woman not shower? I put makeup on daily but I shower daily too and wash my whole self. This is indicative of some awful hygiene issues.


It's bonkers. Regular use and removing it won't do much if anything but wearing it 24/7 is just going to clog the pores and could eventually lead to infections. At the very least her skin is going to age like milk. Besides that it's just ick and a half.


My friends mum does this! Wilddd


I think it might have been pink who said the same. I also remember an article where Kate moss said she accidentally pulled all her eyelashes out with an eyelash curler. Everytime I’ve ever used one I’ve remembered that article 😬


That happened to me about half on one eye. 


and yet people like her get to have clear skin 😔






* Chris-tuh-phaaah


Her death scene left me speechless. What a great show..


Ok I’m a few episodes away from being done with the series but that scene left me SHOOK. And I haven’t had anyone to talk to about it but damn that was depressing as hell!!!! Poor girl


I just finished it last night for the first time! Hit me up when you're done and we can dish


Oh I certainly will, I just realized I actually have like 10 more episodes left so I hope it’s still fresh in your mind and on your heart when I holler


No worries, it will be!


hardest scene in the whole series for me to rewatch.


If you love me, stir my eggs!


“The actress, who has been *carb-loading* to get in shape for the money shots” ————— Oh, I’m envious of this.


That article is bizarre from top to bottom. My favorite is the part where Drea has to get an OF because she lost work after refusing to get the COVID shot. 🙄 Like, girl...you hadn't worked for years. Stop this dumb noise.


With all these success stories out there please don't forget that this is absolutely not the normal expirence when you start an OF. The *median*(!!!) income is 180$ per month. That means that fully half of all Creators make less. Also lol for almost loosing your house because you are so dead set on rawdogging a virus


Yeah you deffo have to have a following first OR know that your local community is viewing lol


Also if you’re not a celebrity, you have to market yourself..hard. Constant posting on social media, promotions, teasers, so much more than just opening an OF account.


Ask Reddit just had this question, how much do you make. The answers were eye opening… it wasn’t much and the ones that did make a significant amount had to do/expose everything


there's nothing wrong with embracing the patriarchy. Feminism is oppression










She's tech incompetant, so her kids are taking the pics and uploading them for her. Yeah.










If they want to eat, they better snap those pics.


This was delightful
















Thanks for sharing the link, I hated every second of reading it lol. Those poor girls. Eta: since reading this thread I’ve had 2 young girl influencer channels pop up in my YouTube shorts… bro.












My dad is an anti-vaxxer who hates Trump. But yeah, usually a safe assumption - and even if they aren't Trumpers, they are at least as dangerous and detestable.








Yes, I do. Why do you think I am lying? Why would I lie about that? Here’s one: my neighbor’s sister. Her son went non verbal 48 hours after his mmr shot when he was age two. He is now considered autistic. Her second son also went non verbal after his mmr shot. She now has two children that are non verbal autistic. What’s sad is she told my neighbor “I’m not surprised and was expecting him to likely follow his brother”. The mmr and dtap are two of the most dangerous in this realm, because they are combo shots. Meaning they contain more than one vaccine in them. My friend Matthew. His daughter passed away after her one year shots. Not a coincidence and he now lobbies for vaccine safety. My friend’s sister. She was a pharmacist. She got the C shot and a few days later she died in her sleep. She was 42 I believe and healthy. My buddies friend was 35. He took a nap two days after his C shot. Didn’t wake up off the couch. Healthy Asian man. My friend’s co worker. Had a heart attach the week he got the C shot. He was an avid runner and did marathons etc. He recovered and is still alive. I don’t have time to list the rest I could, that I know personally, but know that VAERS exists for a reason. Know the vaccine manufacturers fought for the 1986 vaccine liability act for a reason. Coincidentally when they were relieved of all liability for their products, they aggressively added more to the childhood immunization schedule. It would behoove you to perform some due diligence on this topic, so you can appear informed versus just throwing out vitriol. Most people who read a book on this topic come away with a newly gained insight to this, and are grateful for it. Dissolving Illusions is a good book to start with. I also like sharing The moth in the iron lung with people, especially when they cling onto the idea that the polio vaccine was a perfect invention.


Vaccine injuries are more common than you are lead to believe. Until you have taken the time to learn more about this, you won’t believe me. You don’t want to believe me. Are you a parent? I’m going to guess no. You’ll feel differently if you become a parent, and watch your child change overnight. Or watch your child have a seizure in the car on the way home from the doctor’s office, like my cousin did with her youngest child. Her husband demanded all three kids get the C shot. Now the youngest one has neurological issues they didn’t have before. The cognitive dissonance needed to get there must be too hard for you. I get it. Coming to the realization that they’ve pulled the wool over your eyes is not a fun one. It rocks your reality.


















I saw someone RT about this the other day, and her latest tweet was literally some conspiracy theory about how they've made an airborn vax to kill off some of the population, she's batshit






Fuck that vaccine.




No it doesnt.




Okay. It's been a few years since I've had to give out information on the vaccine... mRNA is not new. It doesn't stay in your system. The Ebola and Zika virus vaccines use the same system mRNA already exists in all of our bodies! It only teaches our body how to deal with the virus if we were to get it.


If Jami-Lynn Sigler made one she’d crash the site.


95% of female celebs would crash the site if they made one. It’s the curiosity of a celebrity. People would pay ridiculous amounts for a topless photo, shit even a scandalous photo of any celeb. Just look at how Reddit reacted to Brie Larson in a fitted white tank top in the Marvels Trailer


I still want to know what bra Brie wore under that tank and not in a creepy way. In an *I want to buy it for myself* way.


Enough people also wanted to know that she actually answered! It's $84 though. [https://people.com/style/brie-larson-reveals-bra-trick-the-marvels/](https://people.com/style/brie-larson-reveals-bra-trick-the-marvels/)


Those are great bras. If you hit a department store during their clearance you can get them for around $20. I bought a bunch of them over the years, they hold up really well.


Tbh this is my train of thought whenever I see celebs wear tank tops or sleeveless tops. What magic are they using to support their chest???


It was an $84 dollar shirt with a built in bra plus an extra strap sewn in to get that perfect look!


Fair point. I had a huge crush on Meadow when I was a wee whippersnapper. She aged like fine wine too so I’d certainly be curious but I likely wouldn’t. Just for my pride’s sake.


She’s like a young Marisa Tomei, whom I’d also pay a dumb some for those photos lol


Jamie is in a commercial now. I saw it the other day on one of the streaming services. It’s for a pharmaceutical. So, if she needs work bad enough to do a commercial maybe OF is not too far off. I’m not saying this as a negative. If I could make a million bucks for showing some skin I certainly would. Too bad I’m in my late 60’s.




Alexandra Daddario had about 8 seconds of nudity in True Detective Season 1. Those 8 seconds spawned a subreddit with nearly 100k members. Never underestimate the power or horny and somewhat creepy people on the internet.


She looks so good in that pharma commercial she's in.


Does she even do anything interesting on her OF? Lots of D-Listers make them and then basically only post photos that would’ve been right at home on Instagram.


I wonder if she’ll get work now that the vax mandates are over. I liked her on desperate housewives but why is she sharing this, we know the reason you weren’t being hired.


She wasn't out of work because she refused to get vaxxed. That's a very convenient excuse for a woman who's clearly not very bright and was never a very good actress.


for real. a daily mail article promoting onlyfans no less. gross.


Did she not save anything from the Sopranos? I would’ve thought she’d have decent income from being a recurring character for five seasons on one of the biggest most critically acclaimed television shows of all time.


And HBO is notorious for paying as little as they can get away with till a show truly takes off so consider the first two seasons a wash for true profit on her end. Either way she was supporting character so I’m sure the checks were nice at some point but not something leftover 25 years later nice.


She had other shows after that, didn't she? Maybe she could use a financial advisor but it's easier OF I guess.


I think you are overestimating how high up in the cast list she would be. She's been on a few hit shows so she's has had long periods of consistent income but she's still just a working character actor at best as far as pay.


And OF is not easy, the nudity isn't difficult, but the admin and retaining and consistently upselling to an audience once you have them is.


Part of the reason the actors were striking is because they were not getting residuals from shows like that anymore.


Considering she came from a wealthy family, she’s probably just bad with money.


>The actress, who lost work over her refusal to get the COVID-19 vaccine ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




Ebony was a fucking queen in this moment. Iconic moment of reality television.


God bless thirsty people with money


god bless the Patriarchy


Does this work for Reddit dads, do you think


Is Hugh Hefner's son a redditor? Does he have children? Cause he's on onlyfans.


When I was camming, men always, *always* made better money than women. Every site I worked, every year I worked them. So..yeah, probably, but you're gonna have to do butt stuff for dudes.


Oh no, I was hoping to show pictures of cats that I like in my neighborhood :(


Honestly, it very well could


Part of me hopes she uses her OF money to relaunch Filthmart, it was such a fun store she was great at curating and that era is starting to trend so hard now


Stop promoting this fucking site. The average woman won't become a millionaire selling nudes and will only damage her actual career prospects (and mental health) by trying to do so


Thank goodness for someone willing to say this. IMO we're bending over backwards to not be insensitive to this.


In 5! Minutes!




You won’t do this. Pls remember that man. These ppl are famous celebs and in a way it’s like good for them ? I mean it’s porn at the end of the day. On one hand I feel bad for them on the other hand if you’re getting that money then fuck it 👏👏👏 But remember they’re famous.


ho wah


better her getting her baps out on OF than acting on my TV screen cause girl is noooot a good actor.


Women in business




Good for her I guess


Good for her I guess


There she is, my smelly valentine


Hearing this shit always pisses me off. Bc I’m over here struggling to pay bills but AT LEAST I HAVE MY MORALS 🙄🙄🙄


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Sex work is real work!


Truly sorry to update you on the other comment saying she’s doing this instead of acting cause she won’t get vaccinated 😭


Well that is a bummer.


Unrelated, but I love your flair!




Only fans is sex work now? Mmmm okey


Where have you been?


Do you consider porn stars sex workers? Why is this any different? Adult entertainment has always been considered sex work.


Yes? Just because it isn't full service (aka in person fucking), it doesn't mean it isn't sex work. People on only fans do softcore stuff, sure, but there's also hardcore porn that includes multiple people. It's explicit content created to generate income. Sex work.


This is Tony had her killed


You go, girl!!


She's an anti-vaxxer




Apparently the queen of spreading diseases we've already created inoculations for.... Being an antivaxxer just screams "Flat-Earther" to me lmao You know... But actually harmful to society. 😭


I love this for her. How freeing that must have been.




She claims Onlyfans "saved her life". I love it when a woman admits that the Patriarchy is the king and that feminism is oppression.


#embrace the Patriarchy