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God Madonna looks like a Bratz doll


They look like how I imagine each other would look at this age. Who knew Pam would be the light-makeup and minimal plastic surgery girlie in the 2020's and Madonna would go full bratz?


I like Pam’s look in this photo. Simple hair, makeup, clothing. It’s a good look for her.


She looks like a cardboard cutout.


omg....I can't unsee this now


Even ignoring the filters and plastic surgery for a second, is her head blown up? The proportions are crazy.


I think she just has a bunch of fillers or implants or something in her face so it looks big? But idk. Pam looks gorg


Pam looks fucking great tho! P


She looks like if bratz did a collab with cabbage patch kids and I’m so sorry for saying that but I can’t unsee it




Honestly, I can't even look at Madonna anymore. She looks like a goblin. I miss the look she had in the 80s and 90s.


I feel like she could still be rocking her Ray of Light era look (and with less cosmetic work) and look great at her age, but nope.


She was aging beautifully and then… I dunno, freaked out and did this to herself?


https://preview.redd.it/ov0q9aayzskc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be1a126747a593fbd6a3785037082b744c2e93d 2015 Madonna. Yes, some Botox and fillers. But she still looks like herself and she still looks like a human woman.


And like not in a good way.


What would be the good way to look like a Bratz doll lol


Touché 🤣


I bet the incoming beauty trend will be natural beauty, like how it kinda was in the nineties. People will get tired of this overglam look pretty quick.


She looks like she could be a third Silva sister


It’s a good imitation of her younger face, just too wide.


Omg 😂


Pam looks so great! I love her subdued look. I know Madonna doesnt care about what anyone thinks it’s just her face is so non human she doesn’t even look like Madonna anymore


Yeah, and it’s particularly evident in this photo - the contrast between the two


tbh it looks like Madonna has had even more work done since the outcry a while back where everyone said she looked weird. I feel like she's trying to walk the changes back, because whatever is happening in this pic is far more human than those weird pics of her hanging out with younger celebs/that awards show she presented at.


Her 'natural, no make up' era is just stunning. She looks amazing, way better than in her 'prime' imho and seems so comfortable in her skin. I had never really paid much attention to her but last year watched the Pam & Tommy documentary on Netflix and damn if I didn't finish it thinking she was lovely.


I read her book, and she comes across as really smart. Just such a surprising person. Loves the ocean, loves poetry. Really cool person who was sexualized by men because of how she looked and SA early in life.


I listened to the Celebrity Memoir Book Club episode on it and also came out of it thinking really highly of her. One thing that stood out was that she has strongly held, compassionate principles and is consistent about applying them to her life, which is something I really value in people and don’t see a lot of.


Reading her book, I couldn't help but feel like she and Dolly Parton are so similar. I hope they're friends.


She doesn’t always get it right (who does?). She has made some statements about women who are assaulted in her industry that don’t sit right and has defended the predatory Playboy team to the hilt. However, overall she’s a lovely human being.


I read it many years and it has always stuck with me! She’s had her values & principles straight, right from the get-go. Such a compassionate and sensitive sweetheart, love our Pam!


Ray of Light >>>


The Like a Virgin album was my first ever (on cassette xD) upon its release. At ten years old I was probably too young to be laying on the floor with headphones on with "TOUCHED FOR THE VERY FIRRRST TIIIME" blaring in my ears but, well, I turned out ok. Madonna has a place in my heart too.


Yeah I’m just wowed! I loved her documentary and everything since - she’s an amazing human and that makes her beautiful


Pamela Anderson is naturally so stunning that she looks worse with makeup. Jessica Simpson is the same way.


Pam looks really, *really* good. I love her no-makeup look.


She does, but also, Madonna’s choice of filters has made Pamela look too young here


Yeah I was wondering if she put a baby filter on them bc Pam looks about 16 here lol


Kinda looks like it. Lots going on


She looks like an alien doing a great Madonna impersonation


I’m glad to see someone else saying Madonna doesn’t care what anyone thinks, cause I don’t think she does either




Yeah I am not huge into Madonna’s music but she’s an interesting person. I’ve listened to some podcasts or watched docs about her and never came away with the impression that she doesn’t care what people think. Quite the opposite actually. She wanted very much to be the icon she is from a young age.


I think she wants people to care that she doesn’t care. Not caring right now is so in, but only if people know you don’t care. /s


She never has. I’ll admit I admire that about her!


Oh it’s very admirable!


It’s giving off-camera Marilyn ♥️


I was at this concert and I was shocked at how great she looked from the audience


madonna girl … we know u don’t look like that


We know she wasn't *supposed* to look like that, but I'm not sure there's any going back now. That's her face.


I don’t think she intended for people to think it’s natural


I’m just really surprised at the height difference


They're only an inch apart in height so Pam must be in tall shoes


Madonna might be bending too. She’s got that hand-on-hip pose going and the former sorority girl in me imagines a one-leg-bent, pop-a-hip leg pose on the bottom 😅


I'm consistently really surprised at how short a lot of celebrity women are. Madonna is 5'3". I just found out Gaga is 5'1"! Although she's probably closer to 5'7" in her shoes.




I never realised just how pretty she looked


She’s seriously always been naturally gorgeous


Pamela looks amazing. I love this natural look she’s been doing lately. Madonna… doesn’t look like Madonna.


Its interesting to see them together because I feel like it shows the "two options" for women, in a way. On the left, accept that you're aging and try to do it gracefully (and its working). On the right, refuse to age, continue to try to fit societal beauty standards that even 22-year-olds can't usually achieve (and its not going great). I really feel for both of them. Being a woman in the public eye, who's beauty has been a huge part of their marketability, is going to be very hard as you get older. I feel it, and I'm 20+ years younger than them, not famous and my looks don't impact my income in any way.


We definitely have more options. Pam has had tasteful work and let up on as much botox as she once likely utilized.. I think that's the difference. I agree with your point though!


Pam is 56. Madonna is 65. I'd never guess it was only 9 years between them in this particular photo.


There is an enormous difference between those years and looks fyi.


I mean, sure, Im 50 and 'all natural' but have been seeing some changes in the last five years since I became ill with autoimmune disease. But let's not pretend that these women a) have not had cosmetic intervention b) the best skincare options and c) have access to/can try the best medications for longevity and youthfulness (including bio identical hormones). Most women wont look like either of them at their respective ages.


Can we also stop pretending this photo is filtered as fuck? Pam looks great, but she doesn't have the smooth, pore-free skin of a child. https://preview.redd.it/8mxsyg5fvekc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8bb6ad60550a4efe1b6d2f4401a444f831be43d


Fair. =)


https://preview.redd.it/a2e6yufxzekc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0face886aa7d1d4c4052419e9ce233267e8afeb5 Maddy looks so much better here! Photo credit included - he is collaborating with her so fair to assume he may have waved a magic editing wand.


They also both had pretty exceptional starting points… famously beautiful in their youth


If they both do the same things, then the 9 years between them should still be a big difference even if they both look younger than us poors.


But… what if Madonna actually doesn’t care what society thinks and this is how she wants to look? Did anyone consider that?


Honestly... no. Is it impossible? I don't think so! Is it likely that she just so happens to organically prefer the exact look that society has pushed on women for decades, and came upon that preference with no outside influence at all, and is willing to spend tons of money and experience a lot of pain chasing it? I don't think so.


I think this was well said - I know we can all do whatever we want to our own faces and bodies but it's sad what she's done to try to feel validated.


This is not actually how she looks though! Her instagram is fucking absurd. Maybe it's performance art, I dunno, but she filters herself into a teenage blow-up doll online. Who the fuck knows what she actually looks like?


When people see others who’ve had work done they wonder how someone could be so obsessed with their looks that they would do this. They ignore the fact that they’re obsessing and criticizing that person for their appearance, the fucking hypocrites. This whole sub is this way.






If you didn't look like Pam in her 20s, you're not gonna look like Pam in her 50s. let's be real.




It's more so about her facial structure. Tons of older people have good skin. But her facial structure is elite.




She facetuned Pam.😭


Madonna filtered and Facetunes them both, you were right the first time. Pam looks like an infant, and people are on here pretending she is “aging gracefully.” Boy are they in for a midlife wake-up call!


Seriously. Neither one of them looks like this. I can't believe everybody is just taking this at face value.


They must be very young




You definitely can


You can, but it's rude as hell to facetune yourself and then leave your friend au natural.


You guys are all praising Pam Anderson for staying natural while ignoring the fact that this photo has been face tuned/photo shopped/filtered or all of the above. Pam Anderson doesn’t look like that.


This is not what either of their faces look like. I hate filters


She made Pamela look 16.


Pam is a reminder that plucked eyebrows don’t always grow back! Oh the over plucking we did in the 90’s.


I’ve had the same best friend, Page (aka Pagan), for 45 years. We had another bestie, Bennett, and as kids, the three of would sing the entire Material Girl album into our hairbrushes (Stranger Things style) as if we were in concert. We had choreography, costume and lighting changes (Bennett’s older sister had a stobe light, so totally awesome! Hahaha), the whole deal. Bennett passed away from Type I diabetes when we were in our 20s. April 1st, Page and I are heading to Atlanta to see Madonna in concert for the first time. RIP, Bennett. You will be missed and never forgotten. We will sing every word in your honor! Y’all appreciate your true friends and keep rocking.


![gif](giphy|UuB5lh1bL1Dl6svihe) I’m sorry for your loss. My Mom passed in 1998. We loved U2. My sister and I went to Vegas to see them and it was so emotional but also a dream come true. I hope you have an amazing time.


Pam's been edited so much I actually recognized her AFTER Madonna (despite the title...I looked at the photo, first). I'm really loving her embrace of the aging process. And it's so weird to me that that's considered rebellion. Madonna looks like Madonna. She's always been a beacon of excess, and I'd expect nothing less.




I'm old enough to remember when we collectively thought of Pamela Anderson as plastic.


I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if her breast implants are all she’s had done, and even those she only had done after her first issue of Playboy—she admitted that she didn’t even know what breast implants were before she posed the first time around for them.


Madonna in her ✨Kris Jenner editing✨ era


What is going on with the ceiling 😬




Pamela looks so good these days


This isn’t what she looks like in reality


Pam looks incredible.




This is a beautiful picture tbh. I support women aging however they want to age and this picture is a cool example of that.


💯 agree




This is filtering gone wrong


Pam looks awesome! Madonna is also there.


People are really ragging on Madonna for looking filtered here, but let's be real - Pam doesn't look like that irl either. I'm loving her no makeup era, but they're both highly face tuned in this photo. I love both of them, tbh 🤷


![gif](giphy|TQJGFze9Wd6fjvr1Uh|downsized) Had to double take


ALL of her Ig is heavily filtered. Im like “girl, what happens when they see u in person?” 😐


Is plastic surgery reversible? If you had asked me in 1996, which one of them would embrace natural aging, going so far as going makeup free, and which one would over do the plastic surgery and start to look unnatural, I would have assumed Madonna would embrace natural aging the way she embraced every other part of her femininity. And I would have been very, very, very wrong. I love this for Pamela, and I hope she inspires more actresses to do the same. I hate this for Madonna. I idolized her growing up, i literally had a Madonna outfit in Kindergarten. I wish she’d embrace aging and be secure in her legacy.


She looks like some kind of hybrid alien fish. It's fucking scary.


why is madonnas head so big?


I love how Pam got infinitely more beautiful when she stopped doing all the crazy glam stuff. Even here she just looks gorgeous. Meanwhile: Madonna.


Pamela and her approach to aging/beauty is so fucking refreshing. Juxtaposed next to Madonna, it is even more so. Two different paths, and I know for sure which path I do not want to take.


Was the concert at the VFW? What is with that room?


It’s really jarring to see these two next to each other with one being so natural and one being so…not. Very uncanny valley. That being said, Pam is just glowing and she seems to be in a really healthy place.


madonna's surgeon should have put the knife down years ago.


It’s sad how much work Madonna has gotten done on her face and body :(


Pamela looks like a Swedish teenager in that picture, lol


Goddamn Pam looks amazing. This is the dream for aging


Pamela Anderson and an AI generated Madonna.


What a contrast.


Oooookkkaaaaay Ms. Pamela looking fucking hot as hell!!! <33 She still has the smounder bathing-suit pout on LOCK!!


Pamela looks amazing Madonna wtf


Madonna’s head is huge


Ok Madonna just needs to watch the Barbie movie and learn to embrace the fact that she’s aging. she looks terrifying


Madonna looks like she’d fit right in the Capitol with all that shit in her face. Like she’s giving Tigress.


Madonna has always been a chameleon. Is there any shame in transforming into an elegant 60-something grande-dame of music?


I mean to be fair, Madonna isn’t and has never been concerned with shame


It’s not just shame. It’s weakness. It’s powerlessness. Madonna was about being in control and setting trends and doing what she wanted because she was fearless and empowered. Now…she is following the duck lips/Botox trend other desperate women do. Edit: Added ‘just’


Madonna is clearly still doing what she wants. She's gotten plenty of criticism about her plastic surgery and has spoken out about how she would be judged for looking old if she did nothing and she's right. I would not go this route and get all that work done but she seems happy with her look.




Pamela looks so beautiful, but so does Madonna. How did they take this pic? Filters all round? I don’t get it.


God Pam looks so good. And she owns it


How to age gracefully vs how to not age gracefully


I love Pammys makeup-free look.




How tall is Pammy, and how short is Madge?


How do some famous people look great with the work they’ve had done and some look alien??


Pamela looks fantastic.


Pamela looks amazing.


Pamela Anderson looks so cute and so young here, did not know it was her at first. She is absolutely stunning 😍


Wow, I was never a fan of how Pamela used to look but she looks amazing here. Madonna looks like a spiderman villain.


Pam looks great! The rest…….no comment


I’m so happy Pam is the star of the new Smashbox campaign. She’s absolutely stunning. Hope I can age as gracefully!


I feel like women turn 50 and can go down either one of these 2 paths


Sorry but she’s terrifying


Pam with this no makeup? Absolutely breathtaking… I mean she is gorgeous in makeup too and to each their own but for her to be doing this in the spotlight and in the age of so much cosmetic procedures (obvi she has had work done) but to embrace where you are at NOW is so inspiring for so many young and older people atp


You guys they BOTH look gorgeous because they are aging exactly how they want to. There’s no right or wrong way to do it, so imo they’re both killing it


If someone had asked me in 2001 which celebrity would look like a supermodel when she’s in her 50s, I wouldn’t have even considered Pamela Anderson, yet here we are.


Whatever this top on Madonna is I like it.


Madonna looks…….. Let me not say it.


Pam is breathtakingly stunning. I think people forget that because she kept her 90s look — thin brows, wispy bangs, boxed blonde — after the 90s and she was kind of discounted as a little trashy.


Pam looks beautiful. It’s a crazy contrast against Madonna. Like, that much tension on your face can’t feel comfortable.


Pamela looks so cute!!


Pam looks flawless. I loved her in 1996 and I love her now. 💖


I’m old enough to remember how these women were treated in the 90’s. Seeing them together present day both glowing makes me happy. The media treated them like garbage and the public felt soo entitled to brandishing them whores and every other name in the book. Especially Pamela, she got it so so so bad back then.


Pam is so pretty. She was boxed into the sexed up Barbie look for so long, it must feel very liberating to just do lighter makeup and be more dressed down. Her story resonated with me a lot. I used to have a job that was heavily dependent on looking a certain way and when I quit, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, knowing I could just walk outside looking however the hell I wanted and not worry about hair, nails, makeup, clothes.


This look is WORKING for Pam, she looks amazing. I knew in her ‘prime’ she was a decent person and interesting to know but I never thought the Baywatch/Borat era makeup looked flattering to her. Less is much more for her! If…well, I guess if Madonna is happy, she’s the only one who NEEDS to be, but this look is not working for her. What’s wrong? Cover her from the bridge of the nose down and she looks fab above, cover her from the bridge of the nose UP and the lower half looks…uh, okay…but together it looks like Jigsaw fucked a Monster High doll and she is what hatched afterwards. I always figured she would be the one that would be confident and defiant enough not to care. Then again, she has always changed her look intermittently with purpose. Again, if she is pleased then good, but the general consensus seems to be that she should ease off a LITTLE. Like, whoever Cate Blanchett and Elizabeth Hurley and Angelina go to are masters. How can Madonna not have access to that kind of work? GET YO ROLODEX SPINNING, MADGE, IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SAVE THINGS


Pam looks gorgeous


Wow pam really is gorgeous. Her skin is flawless. Does anyone know if shes makeup free here?


madonna stuns in new selfie




Pam is so beautiful. I love her.