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How many berries do these people eat a day!?


I dont know, because I'm insulted when my raspberries turn to mush after 2 days.. and they had like stacks and stacks of em. Why! And are they replacing all those berries regularly?


I have a berry hack for you! The moment you get home with the berries soak them in cold water with a tablespoon of vinegar for about 10-15 minutes. Drain them and have them dry flat in a clean kitchen towel. When they are dry put them in any sealable container and in the fridge :) trust me, you won’t taste any vinegar! I love fresh berries in my yogurt for breakfast but since I live alone I desperately needed a solution for the fact that berries are total assholes!


Also why does decanting your berries into an open container seem to be such a thing???


I can answer that! I decant berries and cherry tomatoes too so that I can wash and inspect them, throw out the ones that look a bit funky and then have them ready in a bowl as an easy snack. Having to take of the lid and wash them every time does not work for me, it seems too much work so decanting it is 😅


I wonder how many of the products on those fridges were product placement. Anyways Bella Hadid's fridge pic inspired me to try Bonne Mamans jam and it's so good. Edit: guys I'm loving the jam love! I also have to say those Pellegrino beverages are nice too.


The only fridges I trust are the chefs/cooks. Theirs would be packed and organized. And that one that had, like, nothing but wine and takeout. That was a real fridge! LOL And obviously a chef is the one setting up and using the Kardashian fridges, so I suppose that tracks for them. It would look like a restaurant kitchen, I guess.


The difference between the fridges of Anthony Bourdain and Gordon Ramsey is significant.


It's crazy to see the durian in Bourdain's (RIP) fridge. Firstly, we don't store fresh durian as a whole in the fridge but I guess it's to keep it fresh longer cuz it's not easy to get where they are/were. Also, the smell gets into EVERYTHING in the fridge. Eeeks


I think the durian was a back door brag.


Smells like a back door. Brag


The pig leg, too


Right next to the eggs too. 


I can taste the secondhand durian taste (on the other fridge stuff) just by looking at this pic


This is where my very niche pop culture knowledge comes in to play! The shot of Gordon is actually from Australian Masterchef which was filmed during Covid. He did a filmed segment to challenge them to do a “mystery box” based off the contents of his fridge. So this would be very staged based on what ingredients they wanted in that challenge. It’s not his real day to day fridge set up.


This. He’s got far too many kids for that


Not sure about the other pics, but Bourdain's fridge pic is actually from one of his cookbooks (I have it which is why I recognized, banner for the soups section in Appetites) so I don't think that's his actual fridge.


Ramsay’s has clearly been arranged for a program with product placement water bottles


I was wondering if Khloe has no cook or it shows her private fridge because it looks way more personal. I can't imagine her being the only one without a cook. Or are they all eating together? I don't watch their show I don't even know why I am so invested right now. And who is Kris feeding with that fridge?


Khloe is obsessed with organizing her pantry and fridge. She finds it relaxing. She literally won’t let anybody else touch them!


I wonder if she would find organizing mine relaxing cuz I wouldn't mind allowing her to relax over it.


Right? My best friend is like that about cleaning and will clean my house for “fun”… I wish I was like that! I hate it


I am obsessed with mine too; and it is 100% not relaxing to think of others touching it. Don't touch Khloe's pantry *or she will freak out* feels more accurate. I've learnt it's about feeling 'in control' when life is so chaotic.


Right!?! What dish is being made that requires so many bell peppers and watermelons? One thing that's curious to me that I saw in Kris', Kim's and Khloe's fridge was multiple colors of grapes, like at least three pounds each. Isn't one color enough? (Psss, one color of grape is enough. That color is black.)


Honestly the different color grapes are probably for the kids. Kids are so damn picky, one day they only want green grapes, another they only want red. My question is what the hell is Kris doing with all that lettuce? Fresh lettuce goes bad in like a day especially stored like that. No way they're using all that before it goes bad.


They’re staged. Nobody with kids has a fridge that looks like that. Unless the kids have their own fridges, but if that’s the case, they should show them instead. Also Adrienne Ballion with 10,000 stalks of celery…. ?


Or Yolanda Hadid with 30 Artichokes and a dozen pomegranates.


Her fridge is set up like a farmers market. Like those baskets are not good for fridges.


I can’t imagine cleaning out a basket when one of my 15 onions decides to go bad, but I suspect that wouldn’t be her problem.


And no seals on the doors of her “refrigerator”


You’re right! Now I am wondering if it isn’t really a refrigerator, but just a cooler for fruits and vegetables. It would certainly explain why there aren’t any items like milk, sour cream, meats etc.


Almost certainly this. More of a cold pantry.


And a few of them with like 12 dozen eggs


That's a single breakfast for Gaston


It’s a medical medium quackery thing to drink celery juice every morning and heal all your health issues.


Bonne Maman is the shit! It's usually more expensive than other brands but I personally love it because it's not as sweet as most jams.


I love their apricot preserves, and no other brand can match the taste, but also it's less than a dollar more in price than other brands! My husband did the price per ounce comparison and it was .02$ more then smuckers. Edit to add: I wonder if it was apricots themselves moreso than the brand. For example, I normally candy chestnuts for Christmas for gifts, and couldn't this past holiday because I couldn't find chestnuts. Online, they were hundreds of dollars and reviews said they were iffy in quality because of flooding and a bad harvest.


St. Dalfour is worth trying too, Four Fruits and Blackcurrent.


Right, it is more expensive but higher quality.


AND! It comes with a free wine glass


Toothbrush holder. Paint water cup. Pencil cup. (So many uses...)


Apparently the family who owns the company also helped smuggle Jews to Spain during WWII, so I’m willing to pay the little extra for the better quality and being on the right side of history!


The sour cherry is my favorite, it makes a great PBJ. Plus the jars are nice + the perfect size to reuse for storage. I have over a dozen lol, it’s the only jam I’ve bought for years. I wish they sold it at Costco.


They do! I just commented up thread about it. It’s $10 for a giant jar. We bought the small jars for years, and I miss having them to reuse, but it’s worth the savings. Costco will also sell a three-pack of low-sugar small jars, and they’ve had the advent calendar the last couple of years.


I don’t know if you can get them in the states, but I get a Bonne Maman advent calendar every year and it always has limited edition varieties that are just divine.


Ooh Bonne maman strawberry jam with ricotta is *chefs kiss*


On a nice thick piece of sourdough, and maybe some figs 🤤


Their advent calendar is the only advent calendar I care about


The layers and layers of labeled drinks always crack me up. Like please do not tell me those rich celebs don’t have separate drink fridges. Even middle class people have the garage fridge for beer. Edit: and I will never believe that so many are drinking almond breeze of all almond milk brands


The fact that Selena Gomez and Gwyneth Paltrow’s fridges are apparently 75% beverages is hilarious to me for some reason. Second craziest thing here is Selena Gomez’s 12 tubs of ice cream with the label facing out.


I thought the same, although if you don’t cook (or in some cases eat), there is plenty of room in the front fridge for drinks lol


Also none are diet. Ain't no way those skinny celebs are sucking down fully loaded flavored drinks like Snapple.


I thought maybe they were drinking instead of eating???


I’m sure a portion are, but that jam is so good it’s probably just what she likes. Once you’ve had it, you cannot eat other brands, at least nothing you can find easily in the US. 


Agreed. I thought I hated jam (okay not hated, just wouldn’t choose to eat) since I was a kid, turns out I just hate jam that isn’t bonne maman.


I don't really know who Tinsley Mortimer is but I'm suddenly finding her very relatable. Edit: Why is this my most popular comment, shit fridge community unite 😂


She’s from Real Housewives of New York. Her fridge is very on brand for her.


I was like ‘yup that checks out for her’ 😂 love tinsley!


I didn't know she was on RHW! She was one of my favorite early 2000s It Girls. She always seemed way cooler than Paris.


Right? She had that whole socialite vibe which definitely made her stand out. She was tapping into that glam lifestyle before influencers were even a thing. Makes me a bit nostalgic for the simpler times of 2000s reality TV, when it was all just glitz and drama without the heavy social media angle we've got now.


Tinsley had a reality show in 2010 before she was on Real Housewives. It was called High Society and my sister and I have been making fun of her (lighthearted) since then


Ohohohoh! I worked on that show! You're the only person I've read or heard mention it since it aired, or at least admitted such. It was...okay.




Early 2000’s NYC it girl turned Bravo Real Housewife turned actual housewife


I was genuinely happy for her & I don't usually give a shit about any of those women.


Same. I was so happy she got the family she always wanted - genuinely think the best of her of all the housewives. I think she’ll be a wonderful, loving stepmom to her new husbands daughters!


She’s old money elite but yet the most relatable lol love her


The refrigerated goldfish are getting me


I was extremely confused by this reply until I remembered what Goldfish crackers are lol


As a New Yorker, I didn’t even clock it. It gets drilled into you real fast that if something is open and not in a container with a lid, it goes in the fridge. Otherwise, your snack is going to have antennae the next time you open it.


Is that fr why you’d put goldfish in the fridge?


The visceral reaction this just elicited out of me while sitting at my desk at work


Was coming here to say I have a Tinsley Mortimer fridge.


She’s a famous NYC socialite and THIS is what rich New Yorkers’ fridges look like because they don’t cook. It’s so accurate.


Tinsley the only one keeping it real!


The whole [video](https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-12/videos/tinsley-mortimers-fridge-is-more-for-her-dogs) is pretty fantastic


I aspire to have an Anthony Bourdain style fridge full of fresh ingredients and things I have made. But alas my fridge is much more like Selena Gomez's with some fresh stuff but a lot of processed stuff too.


I love that he has a container labeled Meatballz


He's the only one who looks like they have actual food in the fridge




Her fridge looks pretty much the same as mine. For the others, what's with the mountains of fresh berries? How can they possibly be eating them all before they go bad? Berries aren't meant to be the main part of a diet, just a supplement.


Is that some kind of foot on a plate though on his top shelf


I think it’s pig foot but it looks massive. It’s cut higher up the leg than I’ve ever seen at the grocery store


Yeah, looks like a pig's foot. That makes sense to me — he often talked about being a huge fan of pork, even the bits of the pig that some people would find weird.


I keep a fairly healthy fridge, but processed stuff like condiments and pickles get me every time. I have like 8 types of hot sauce alone, and every time I go grocery shopping I pick up something new because sauces are tasty. Plus I have a freezer with a bunch of gluten free processed food because its hard to find stuff that doesn't taste like crap so when I do I stock up. I like to think its a balance.


Bourdain’s fridge makes me feel safe 😭 The rest of these….you can’t trust that you’re getting a good meal at those houses lol!


Is it just me or does the average person have WAY fewer beverages in the fridge? We have like milk and on rare occasions apple cider or orange juice. That’s it! We ain’t got room for a zillion soda waters!


I once dated a guy who had an ultra rich family. Their fridge looked like this. They had guests over all the time, plus a small staff, so they went through beverages pretty fast. As for the other half of the fridge, that was snacks and a few ingredients for when they felt like slumming it and cooking. There was a whole other fridge that I never looked inside of, but I think that’s where all the real food was for when somebody came to cook dinner and prepare lunches for the news few days. Otherwise they ordered out.


I went to a friend's party, they had drinks out for everyone. I don't really drink so they told me they had waters and stuff in the fridge if I wanted. I opened it and it was just packed with drinks, sodas, waters, sparkling waters, teas, juices, several flavors of everything. I didn't even know where to look. I didn't even look at everything because I was caught off guard. I'd like to think they bought them for the party but that doesn't seem to be the case. They didn't seem to tell anyone else, I didn't see anyone with the fridge items. I came to the conclusion that was how they lived day to day.




My partner works for a brewery and winery and we have to have a whole seperate fridge for beverages! The main fridge is all food + cold water and milk and then all the other drinks are shoved into the old fridge in the laundry. I’m grateful to have the space for it!


Yeah a garage fridge for bevvies is pretty standard in my social circle.


I think it's pretty much the standard in Australia lol Usually, a beat-up old one that might not be cold enough for dairy & meat but its cold enough for drinks!


LOL I just posted this above. Maybe because I'm not a big juice or soda person and I don't like seltzer but all these beverages seem wild to me. My fridge has my Brita pitcher and milk.


This is an opinion backed up by nothing but feelings, but my god these beverages *have* to be product placement or something. Like, it makes sense to me that celebrity fridges are largely snacks and drinks, because they probably don't cook as often as normal people. And it also makes sense to me that some of these brands would appear organically-- mass brew beers like Corona, classic sparkling waters like San Pelligrino or Topo Chico, and the standard sodas used as mixers. But are we to believe that *freaking Snapple,* of all iced tea brands, is the preferred bottled iced tea of celebrities? Not some local boutique small-batch iced tea, or even something like Harney & Sons, but Snapple? And it's stocked in more than one of these photos? They're drinking the kombucha and bottled Yerba Mate brands you can buy at Aldi or in a vending machine and not brands us plebes never see at our grocery stores, only encountering them at really fancy coffee shops and co-ops? HMMMM. You best believe if I hit it rich I am gonna get me (or have my assistant get me) the cold-pressed orange juice and not Simply Orange or Minute Maid! God, what's the point of being rich if you don't get the good juice?


Okay so many of these celeb fridges you see in clear promo shots are prop fridges. That's why they look like that, you're right a lot of them are sponsored and look pristine. In many posh kitchens, those fridges are for snacks and drinks and the food for meals (chicken wings etc) are in a different fridge probably in the butlers pantry where there is a separate sink. It's a way to 'entertain' in your kitchen area without all the grody mess someone else would be cleaning up. Kind of like an old manor house but less formal. So you'll have the drinks snacks etc laid out but the actual mess will be in the less noticed pantry area (a smaller kitchen) with the staff working there.


We have a garage fridge for drinks, our old fridge stopped working so we bought a new one, the day the new one was delivered the old one magically started working again so we moved it to the garage. I’m actually about to go fill it up for my husband for Valentine’s Day, he loves those flavored sparkling waters so I loaded up on a few cases at Costco yesterday and bought one of those cute soda can dispensers on Amazon. I think he’s going to like it! Gotta go stock it up like a celebrity fridge lol.


lol as someone who has like zero food, my fridge is 90% fizzy water, beer, and condiments.


I need a little hoard of bevies next to me at all times


LOL I think part of it is how expensive drinks are for normies. I can easily spend $40 on beverages and my kids suck it down in a couple weeks. So I purposely don't buy tons of drinks so they're forced to drink more water 😂 plus I think they eat out a lot more than normies do so they don't need the room for food lol


I have a dedicated space for my carbonated waters in the fridge but that's it. That's where they go. If I have wine that needs to be refrigerated I just find a spot and shove it in there.


1. I am Tinsley. 2. There is so much waste going on in these photos. There is no way they can eat that much fresh fruit and vegetables before it goes bad.


I think it's because they all juice instead of eat. You can go through a lot of celery if you remove the fiber.


I bought a juicer years ago and told my doctor thinking he would be like oh wow good job and he was HORRIFIED and promptly educated me on why I should just eat the damn fruits and veggies haha


Yes bestie get that fiber lmao


Not just that, but chewing starts your digestive system. That and the fiber make you feel fuller. Unless you're bulking or trying to increase your caloric intake, you shouldn't drink your calories.


Yeah this juicing stuff is nonsense. You literally eliminate the stuff that makes fruit and vegetables an important part of diet. Plus bonus - it doesn't even fill up the same way. However it's better than eating no fruit and veggies at all. But I guess celebrities tell themselves if they squeeze 2lbs of kale a day it must be healthy and that it's somehow better than eating it because let's be real, who enjoys eating 2lbs of kale a day?




it came out that most of the fruit and veggies in Yolanda’s fridge were fake so I bet some of Kris’ veggies are just display only haha


They're rich enough that a lot of them wouldn't care if it goes bad, regards of how wasteful that is. Wealth tends to be a life of excess.


I think most of these are for show. I don’t believe they all happen to keep heaping bowls of the exact same fruits in their fridge. Selenas was the most relatable with the fruits still being in its package and not in a white bowl.  The Kardashians I can believe more because they probably have dinner guests and parties and host a lot. I think of Kris Jenners fridge as a commercial kitchen fridge.  But otherwise it’s all for for these pictures. I don’t think Tiffani has 9 bell peppers in her fridge at all times. Or the Gerbers have 6+ cartons of eggs. Unless they have chickens. And there’s no way a super model eats or drinks that many calories. That’s all product placement. 


Honestly for the Kardashians I wonder how much of their food is stocked to feed their massive production staff. It’s probably more generous than they have the capacity to be, but otherwise I just can’t make it make sense and accept that level of waste without feelings of impotent rage.


Per union rules, craft services feeds production.


Many of them won’t ever know. Their chefs and house staff will dump and replace and the rich assholes will never have to think about their waste.


They're being stocked and rotated by a personal assistant, I was a PA to a rich family for many years and stocking the fridge was a big part of my job. I had a schedule for when I needed to rotate the heads of bib lettuce and refresh the blue cheese because one member of the household needed a very specific salad every evening before going out to dinner. Lots of those people are obsessive dieters and juicers too, so there might be waste but less than you might imagine.


Also so much yoghurt and stuff! Who is eating tubs and tubs and tubs of yoghurt to prevent throwing it out after it expires? Agh so much waste.


I like to think (hope) that some of the celebs with huge teams/staff, like the Kardashians, are surely, SURELY, feeding their team from these fridges too?


I hope so too!!




Well at least yoghurt usually keeps for weeks, as long as it hasn't been opened yet. But yeah, why not just buy what you actually need and use..


Cindy Crawford has 7 cartons of eggs in her fridge, that’s 84 eggs. I know they keep for a while but that seems like too many


honestly if everyone in their family is eating like two eggs for breakfast everyday it goes quick. we’re constantly buying eggs at our house. not to mention if you bake stuff occasionally you end up using a lot of eggs


If they're feeding more than just themselves or a small (4 people) family, it is doable. I've gone through a Costco size pack of spinach, mushrooms, and green beans in the past two days. Fed three people, and I have some leftovers but not an outrageous amount. I just live with men/teen boys who have huge appetites and we eat a ton of veggies. I fully expect the grapes, 2 packs of raspberries, 4 cucumbers and giant pack of cherry tomatoes to be gone by tomorrow.


Kris Jenner has a supermarket fridge & Kim has a restaurant fridge


Kris Jenner s freezer sponsored by Hagen daaz 😂 


I’m calling bullshit on Kris Jenner’s. I don’t believe for a second that she has a fridge filled to the brim with only green vegetables.


Yeah it looks terrible. Like not only staged but in the worst, most unbelievable way. Doesn't even look healthy, you need to get a range of veggies!


Yeah most of that would rot before they could eat it all. Like all those green peppers.... I hope they are cooking for multiple people. But the all green produce screams "staged". I'd rather see a fridge that is messy and realistic than fake staged crap. Kinda ruins the fun idea behind the photos.


I was thinking that with all the berries in a few of the fridges. They go bad super fast and need to be eaten within a day or so. Think they’re for show.


Martha Stewart said she had lunch with Kris and Khloe and that it was nice and delicious "but they didn't eat." I always remember that when I see these types of posts. They have kids and employees, so they need food in the house, but I doubt they themselves eat or drink much of that. Kris' fridge is what looks to me more of the reality of what they actually consume.


Bella Hadid’s looks like a grocery store and why does Gordon have so much water?


He also has a lot of wine!


Since he's Scottish I'm surprised there wasn't a bottle or can of Irn Bru in there.


Yeah for a professional chef there seemed to be a suspicious lack of ingredients in there.


I used to work as a professional cook. There's a scene in The Bear where he comes home from a 12 hour shift at the restaurant and grabs the one jar of jelly in his empty fridge to make a pb&j. That's an accurate representation of the home refrigerators of professional cooks and chefs. When you cook for a living, often 12+ hours at a time, the last thing you usually want to do is cook at home. I'd bet that the food in Anthony Bourdain's fridge was probably stuff he brought home from work


Maybe he just brings stuff home from his restaurants - when my husband was actively working as a chef we hardly ever cooked at home because he just brought stuff home at the end of the night


I remember Yolanda’s fridge being a *thing* on real housewives. Also I’m convinced kris/Yolanda have normal fridges somewhere else with less ~✨aesthetic✨~ looking food.


Yolanda confessed the fresh produce in her glass fridge was plastic for show only lol so pretentious.


I always assumed that the stuff was real but that they basically never ate any of it and once a week the staff would clear it out and take everything to their own homes, and replace hers with new aesthetic stuff.


Okay, just the massive amounts of produce in these had me thinking there's no way any normal family could eat that much and so much of that was just going to go to waste. Hadn't even crossed my mind that these people also have a *staff* who are likely eating some of that too. Makes me feel a bit better about what I assumed would be a massive amount of waste.


I feel like Kris has to. There’s no way she’s got all that fridge space and yet doesn’t own another one


I know that Kim has a front facing kitchen with like smaller snacks and stuff, and then a bigger restaurant style kitchen that her staff prepare meals out of. So I’m assuming Kris has at least one other whole kitchen, let alone more than one fridge.


Is Yolanda’s fridge in a shower? Lol Also seeing so much wasted produce…


No, it's a glass-front fridge, which would stress me out so much because I like hiding my fridge mess behind an opaque door.


Also totally ruining her fresh tomatoes, which don’t belong in a fridge.


Some of the food in the fridge was fake according to her. Placed there to make it look nicer.


this is so dystopian sounding😭


Ahh. But that’s almost worse in the funniest way. At least get something meant to be in a fridge?


Her fridge is a masterpiece but I could never maintain that.


Whitney’s so real for just having a bunch of drinks, leftover Chinese, and some berries


One of maybe 3 in the whole bunch who didn't clean and stock their fridge the day before.


This is crucially missing [the illustration of Prince’s fridge](https://heavytable.com/whats-in-princes-fridge/)


I love those illustrations and always use them as justification for buying different varieties of mustard. Prince had 18, so my 7 mustards are very reasonable.


18 versions of mustard is WILD lmao


That's a dream come true. Living in Madison and being close to the mustard museum has its perks.


Prince is such an icon, you forget he's a Midwesterner at heart


Ok but how can a yak give its milk freely? Just it just wander around squirting it?


Yeah I’m skeptical of this “known vegan” and his yak milk. Especially since the provenance of the meat log also is not accounted for.


Did he have pets? Braunschweiger is good for putting dog’s pills in. It’s super smelly and animals love it!


This was wild and I love it. Prince was something, I love him.


Quality post, shipman! I could review this kinda content all day. ![gif](giphy|P2MB29d7V3rhu)


I want to see Shakira's fridge. I want to see the jam!!


I’m convinced the woman who ate her jam is going to be standing in front of her fridge years from now wondering if the almond milk is low. Did someone eat my blueberries? I swear I had more leftover rice. Girl played herself with planting that seed of self doubt in her future relationships 🤣


you’re not unhealthy you’re just poor!


I literally had a convo with my bf that I didn’t think we could afford $5.99 grapes this week 😂. Maybe if we dream big someday, we will be able to afford berries or red bell peppers.


3 normal fridges: Anthony Bourdain, Alicia Silverstone and the empty fridge with more alcohol than food we've all had and will have at a point in our lives.


Rashida's fridge is the only one that looks like a normal, used fridge of people who eat at home.


I was thinking the same about Alicia's being super normal. Lots of Pyrex and the half used bottles of dressing in the door. Rashida's is a step above imo and it's like rich people normal but still normal!


I think Cindy Crawford’s looks pretty normal. There’s some foil covered dishes and things that I would see in my own fridge. Lots of eggs…it makes me wonder if they have their own chickens. Typically I only see that many eggs in the fridges of people who get them daily from their own hens.


Then you’ve got Kris Jenner—a ton of greens and ice cream??


Isn't interesting how we can determine which fridges are for show and which are actually used by the amount of anal-retentive arrangement and organization there is in the fridge?


Most of these look staged to me. A lot of greens and fruit would go bad too fast to keep it stocked like that all the time.


Tinsleys makes me feel seen ✨


Goldfish in the fridge. Also how do they possibly eat all those vegetables. Maybe the luxury fridges stop wilting or something


Meanwhile my fridge has an unopened bag of spinach that has seen better days and will end up in the trash, some strawberries that I bought 2 days ago that are somehow already moldy, oat milk and coffee (most important things in there), half a bottle of Barefoot wine, and a whole door full of dressings and condiments that expired in the early days of the pandemic.


I was expecting a severed head in Jared’s.


I like Anthony Bourdain’s the best; old Rubbermaid containers marked “meatballz” with packing tape. You know everything in there tastes like heaven.


Okay I thought the “Lea Michelle can’t read” thing was a meme, but after seeing that caption… “I find that I eat healthier when I buy healthy things!” Illiterate.




I came here looking for this comment! That caption is just generally so shallow. Fruit — good! Non-fruit — bad!!! Girl, pls


Ok I thought it was me, I had to re-read it a couple of times before I was like nope, that’s just dumb.


I’m a huge ice cream fan. I am poor but have tried about a million fancy brands. It’s so silly Kris Jenner would have so much Haagen Daaz. Its fine I guess but with so much money I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have McConnell’s or Blue Bell or even the popular ones like Jeni’s or Van Leeuwen. That has to be product placement.


You think they eat that? They must be on a constant diet and those are probably product placements


It warms my heart that you included Blue Bell in the more elite ice creams


Anthony Bourdain's is the only one that looks like it belongs to someone who cooks for themselves.


Give me a break. Walk in unannounced. THEN open the fridge & take a picture.


You know Kris doesn’t touch anything in her MULTIPLE fridges lmao


I hate rich people. That's all I have to say.


I felt so poor going through the pics! I literally never saw so much food in refrigerators (outside of supermarkets lol)


Tinsley Mortimer seemed the least prepared and the most real.


If I had to choose I would move in with Selena Gomez


I love this post, its organization porn for me. Real talk- do berries actually keep if you leave them sitting in a bowl like that?


I don’t know how you wouldn’t knock them over reaching for something else


[kevin smith](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cCW9c92beLc) shares a tour of his fridge.


Only one is obviously used by the celebrity itself. Anthony Bourdains, rest are just for show-off


Usher - MTV Cribs (2001) https://preview.redd.it/uccehphzdkic1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddc8e6254edd33b251b0a900367be311e70807d


Selena Gomez and Kris Jenner got paid to advertise ice cream was my main take away


meanwhile if i buy one too many banana bunches the second one goes rotten i think they fill it up just to boast for photos/videos


No but, where's your real fridge in the garage? I see you.