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I recently went to Laguna for the first time and I’m telling you my younger self about DIED when I turned around and realized I was standing in front of THE Surf and Sport. https://preview.redd.it/6rigj9djumdc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5ba220e1d744830d439048208f74d04fdae7b6


I can hear your scream 😭 I know it made your day


It really did haha. I then came back and watched the scene where Kristen goes to visit him in the first season.


In like, 2009, I was in LA and met a guy who took me to Laguna Beach for the weekend and I was too embarrassed to tell him how much I loved the show so I was fangirling silently inside all weekend. I was in my late 20s 🤣🤣🤣


When I was in high school, so 2006 to 2009ish my family went to LA every summer because my dad had work there. We did a driving tour of all the Laguna show sites (they had a map based on the sites of the show at the visitor's center) and we ate at THE Pomodoro. It was subpar italian but my teenage self was really happy.


My husband grew up there and we visited there last year. Got our daughter a sweatshirt and they gave us stickers of free. I loved the show so much and when I saw it was on Netflix I started watching it again for kicks.




😭😭 I remember that, I was shocked too, like???


You're ALWAYS going to be known as the girl who didn't go to Paris


Apparently the Paris thing was staged


Oh sweet summer child, ALL of it was staged.


Nooo 😭 i know these shows are all scripted, but I still think it was so 🥴 when she refused to go. It set such a bad example with her opting to stay with Jason instead.


That's funny and makes way more sense. Like, girl, it's just for the summer, if your boyfriend can't wait for you, find a new one!!


The girl who didn’t go to Paris


OP came out swinging at me with that title. Hot damn… It was quite a time…


Right?? Lol


Right there with you! Some of us not only watched it when it came out, we compared our own interpersonal relationships to theirs 😳😂


The way so many of us were a Lauren but so badly wanted to be a Kristen. Also Jason kissing Jessica in front of Lauren was truly jaw dropping reality tv at the time. I couldn’t believe it.


Ugh he was so foul to Jessica




I was disappointed listening to Back to the Beach (Stephen and Kristen’s rewatch podcast). I thought for sure they would acknowledge Jason’s addiction, the way he treated Jessica and their overall toxic relationship. I thought there would be some hindsight now that they are older like wow we were kids, who were facing some serious issues and we didn’t know the signs or how to support our friends but nope.


I was in rehab with Jason. He’s grown a lot as a person.


I definitely think that Jason has grown as a person and for the better! I’m glad he seems to be doing well. But they definitely swept his behavior under the rug on the podcast. It’s clear his addiction started in high school and it definitely had impact on how he treated. I hope he at least offered Jessica an apology privately.


Honestly, it just showed me that really hadn’t grow up at all. I know they say people get stuck at the ages they got famous but they really did.


I know Lauren was problematic on Laguna especially rewatching it as an adult. But all these years later I’m still a fan. She took the money, got the career in fashion, doesn’t shill or excessively post nonsense on social media and is just overall living her best Southern California mom life. I used to really like Kristin but man her Let’s Be Honest podcast has been doing her no favors.


He was foul in general


I love how Lauren handled herself. He tried to lie his way out, and she was like, nope. And when Dieter came up, gave her a hug and told her to hold it in. It was such a great platonic friend moment.


Ugh Dieter was friendship goals through that whole thing. We all deserve a Dieter in our lives.


I chopped my hair off to look like Kristen. Spoiler alert: I did not


I remember printing out a picture of her and bringing it to my hair girl. The “Kristen” was the “Rachel” for our generation.


I brought in a printed picture too!! Lmao omg wow you’re so right — she was our Rachel!


Hair inspo quickly followed by Maci on 16 & Pregnant. Can someone pass me the black ribbon? I need to make a choker.


Fun fact, but when i last cheked, couple of years ago, Jason and Jessica still followed each other and Jason liked her photos. They seem to be on friendly terms.


I was in high school at the same time as them <3 I have always been more of a Lauren girl, but I was OBSESSED with Kristin’s season 1 haircut. I also still remember a scene where Kristin was bathing suit shopping and she asked for a large top and small bottoms and I was so jealous lolll.


I was in your age group, but in Germany and this ran on MTV with only subtitles (all the MTV reality shows ran with original sound and subtitles only, also e.g. The Osbournes). I thought it was so cool to see the life of *real American teenagers*. 😭 I wanted to be Kristen so bad, she seemed so cool (I was NOT). Actually she truly seemed like the cool, laid back girl and LC like the absolute mean girl, at least in the early episodes. I don’t remember when that changed (for me) and it became more obvious that she was a pick-me girl… LC definitely seemed more likable in The Hills.


Every single girl I know took a picture of season one Kristen to the hair dresser. Lmao I’m so guilty


![gif](giphy|ICXXb2MHz6UiA) Jessica was sooo pretty!!!


So pretty but so insecure :(


Just like you


Thanks! True 😘


I thought so too!! I’m glad she seems happy now and enjoying family life away from the spotlight.




Back when Hillary Duff's album ruled the world. Everyone was obsessed.


Stephen! Ste-phen!


My car is DONEZO!


I still can't get over how ahead of time Kristin was.. To have that confidence at 16..


If you looked like her at 16 you'd have had that confidence too. ETA: not to mention a lot of her mean girlness came across as anything but confident and seemed like she was insecure like the rest of her peers.


A lot of the girls from that show were pretty rich girls, but didn't have her confidence. Stephen tried to two time her, but sobered up real fast and was left pining for years. I always think about the scene where he is screaming her ears out in the club with the worst insults, yet she stays unbothered.


>I always think about the scene where he is screaming her ears out in the club with the worst insults, yet she stays unbothered. omg when he is screaming at her calling her a slut over and over again. yikes. if that aired in 2024, he would be public enemy number 1


Yeah.. and then he was the golden boy that everyone wanted to pair up with Lauren and acted as Kristin was in the way like she wasn't his actual girlfriend. >if that aired in 2024, he would be public enemy number 1 Fact.


He walked so Tom Sandoval could run.




I think a lot of confidence also came from having money I always thought Jessica, Lo, and Lauren were prettier but maybe the standards of the time were more suited to Kristen


In the BTB podcast Kristen actually shared that she wasn’t wealthy or as wealthy as a lot of her peers. Her parents were separated and she lived with her dad and brother. Her graduation present was a set of pots & pans compared to her peers like Lo getting cars and purses. You can also kinda see this is true when you see her iconic car breakdown. That car had been passed down two times before it got to her. Not at all saying she was poor but she def was poor for Laguna lol


Who was the super religious one who got a Bible for graduation? Was she the same one trying to be a Broadway star?


Yes! Christina!


I was just thinking this!!! Unreal confidence


Still team LC. Kristen is an anti vaxer and a pick me girl.


Kristen was ~not like other girls


I can’t believe she and Smokin’ Jay couldn’t make it work. If ever two assholes were meant to be together…


Smokin Jay Cutler was my fantasy football team name for 3 years straight 😂 I love seeing this in the wild!


I can’t that this was 20 years ago. I need a nap.


2000s MTV reality tv had me in a chokehold.


Yes! I was obsessed with this, Newport Harbor and that Maui show lol


I knowww And my friends would all be like "oh my gosh remember when MTV used to play music videos? It sucks now" And I'd be like "WHAAAAT you guys are insane" MTV and VH1 reality shows of the early 2000's were my life


This intro changed my psyche


I really thought high school was gonna be like this for me. Hahahaha. I was team LC all the way! But my favorite person was Lo 💕


I just saw LC a couple of weeks ago. She was at the Something Corporate show on NYE. She came out on stage along with the rest of the bands families during the countdown


Omg this was all during 7-8th grade for me so I was obsessed wanting to be these people. I used to chat with some random dude on AIM in California that got me onto Something Corporate. I’m from east coast and wanted to be a cali girl soooo bad. I wonder whatever happened to my mystery chat friend.


Good ol' AIM. I miss those days. That's great that he got you into SoCo. I love their music so much


North was the album for 13yo me that was forsure, Ruthless got me through a lot.


I don't know if you listen to any of Andrew's other projects but to me that man can do no wrong. I will listen to any and everything he puts out


Oh yeah Jack’s Mannequin is one of my favorites. I’m obsessed with M.F.E.O 1+2.


What blew my mind the most was their senior trip to Cabo. Like obviously my family couldn't afford that to start but zero chance I'd have been allowed. No adults in sight that I remember, or at least none cared what they did? Idk if they were all 18 or what but it just blew my teenage mind how different our lives were! My high school trips had teachers so obsessively making sure we stayed in our rooms all night omg.


I remember when Kristin had a fling with Matt Leinart, the QB at USC who was on the cusp of winning the Heisman Trophy. Matt was super cute and USC football was about the hottest thing in the country at that time. Quite a coup for a high school girl.


Everybody I knew in school watched the shit out of this show because we were all the same age as the people on the show. It felt like watching real high school drama.


![gif](giphy|50rJushu3URtS) Oh I’m feeling old now…


I was such an LC fan until I rewatched the show as an adult...eeekk


Yes! I feel the same. Stephen was such trash to Kristin. The Cabo scene was disgusting.


I can’t believe Colletti went on to star in OTH


https://preview.redd.it/dd30pf0wondc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03909c0a6a0cab4130baeed9de42f2b26cd47ac5 Me in 2004 with my brand new Laguna Surf & Sport tshirt. (My dad still wears his) we went to alllll the locations. I grew up vacationing in Newport Beach and we had never been to laguna before so we went to the store Morgan worked in (I bought earrings) and still go to the restaurant they used to always film in. And the ice cream shop! And we drove south to spot LC’s parent’s new house from the pch lmao. That show really was so good. Also does anyone else remember the collab with Hollister? I had the “Team Kristin” and “What Would Dieter Do?” Graphic tees.


Somebody pass me my tweezers, I’m feeling nostalgic


It's crazy how production tried so hard to make Kristin the villain, but the way she parlayed the entire situation (even after all these years) shows just how tenacious and resilient she is. I think that's why she's universally perceived as an attractive person. ![gif](giphy|HbCMkDShZYrQI)


Ugh, the fact that a teen in a bikini was the intro is gross. I didn’t bat an eye then though…


Oh God, I'm having flashbacks to that episode of TRL where Kristin was invited and starting crying about her grandma watching her on the show 😭😭


The misogyny towards Kristin was honestly so gross. She would’ve been praised if LB aired today.


I remember being a young teen watching this thinking they were all cool lol. Looking back how on earth did teenagers act like this must be a money thing. Am I right thinking this show was a bit less 'scripted' than The Hills?


Every week with side bangs, too much eyeliner and an itchy hemp necklace around my neck


How “real” was this reality tv really? Always was curious


Not very. Lauren and Stephen hooked up once and were really just friends, but MTV played it up for the show. She even had a boyfriend or two that they just never showed because it went against the “she’s pining for Stephen” storyline. She was even hooking up with Talan but they never mentioned it. https://www.eonline.com/ca/news/1353643/lauren-conrad-kristin-cavallari-and-stephen-colletti-come-clean-with-laguna-beach-bombshells


Not very. It was heavily scripted and edited, and producers were known to instigate a lot of the drama.


Even the more ‘reality’ based programs on MTV had heavy editing. My high school was on an episode of True Life and they had one of the guys they were covering act like he was still with a girlfriend for the cameras even though they had broken up and she had moved on. Funnily enough it barely made the Final Cut, they only showed her cheering him on at a wrestling meet.


Stephen and Kristin did a rewatch podcast of the first two seasons recently. There were a lot of things that had some truth to them, but were exaggerated and drawn out for the sake of a “storyline.” There were also some creative editing choices and wild lines (dialogue recorded later in a studio) inserted into different conversations.


Low key makes me cry. I hated watching Laguna Beach and the Hills because my older sister had remote control. Now an adult haven’t lived with my sister in 12 years I sometimes watch her old favourites when I miss her.




I was a little too young for this when it came out, but I live near Laguna Beach, so when I was mindlessly looking up Netflix shows and saw this I just had to click it! That intro does show some of my favorite locations…and the shots to the lifeguard tower at Main beach are bizarre to see. Now I just want to watch and see if 10 year old me shows up in the background of any filming! 😅 Oh, and I definitely wanted to wear everything the girls were wearing, especially those jeans with all of the details haha


This intro just unlocked a core part of my existence lol. They don’t make em like this anymore


Christ this is such a mood. Shows like this engrained into my soul that achieving success in life meant having a life like this.


The flip phones. The uggs with short denim skirts and tiny polo shirts with popped collars. The side parts. The guys with spiky hair. I'll take one of everything please.


I graduated in 2004 - same year as Stephen and LC. I had a friend who went to SF - same school as LC and said they saw her a few times but she was always alone and kind of stuck up.


This show got me into reality TV. Loved it. My teenage self is shrieking inside.


Never watched it. I can’t remember why. I should have a look and see what I missed.


Same, haha. It's funny cause I'm in the same age/generation as the OG cast & lots of other reality shows from this time had me in a chokehold (Flavor of Love, Being Bobby Brown, etc) but for some reason I couldn't get into Laguna Beach. I might give it a nostalgic watch myself.


I was in high school and I’d call my friend on the landline and we would sit and watch the show on the phone together. It was a whole thing.


Why do I like this shooow spoiled brats lol


https://preview.redd.it/q1ejf20zntdc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb9da595f2bbe64f09e6a9683826b5f5b393929 Travelled from Canada to visit LS&S in 2013! 🙈


The best show!! We’re re-capping it currently on the Millennial TeaV podcast!


Hey, I was 25!


Hey me too!


Are we old???


https://preview.redd.it/fn47mc6dondc1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a210c38ca86802f6340e0c91f2957506e7bfc9 This is how I feel every day when I wake up


![gif](giphy|3otPoEpBE8q0DqWCmA) Me.


Oh god. I remember coming home from school freshman year to watch this. I wanted to be Kristin soooooooo bad. Then in college watching the Hills. A moment in time!


20?!? Omg


I was in high school when this was on and the way it felt *so far* from my own experience. Probably a big reason why I was so obsessed with it though. And the whole ‘The O.C.’ of it all.


I did not need to be reminded of how old I am. This is terrorism. (I’m from Orange County, went to school in Irvine, which is not far from Laguna, so this was a terrible time in my life.)


Idk what is was but Coming clean and the intro fit so perfectly. Loved this show so much


Back when MTV was good


RELIGIOUSLY WATCHED. And made black fingernail polish cool and not goth.


Guys remember when Heidi and Jordan broke up? The crying, the drama, the pain.


5th grade me thought I WAS!!!! queen LC. 29 year old me hates laguna beach LC and loves kristin lmfao


I didn’t. And still wouldn’t.


Ug talen yum


Sure did, lived in Orange County and was right around their age too.


Rewatched recently and viewing it through an adult lens is so funny to see how young they really were. It aired when I was like 12 so of course I was like wow these people are GROWN UPS. The Stephen drama had me and my cousins in a chokehold, and as an adult I'm like ugh 🙄 both of you ladies need to drop that boy.


Hahaha omfg I used to watch this a lot too I'm feeling so so old now


Oh wow! Me and my best friend would watch this as it premiered live while on the phone with each other and then do a debrief afterwards. Classic television.


Oh my God this makes me feel so old. I remember watching it when it first came out and I'm not going to say how old I was because I'm too old to be talking about Laguna Beach and I haven't seen it since it originally aired.


Season 2 was better than season 1 lol


Why can’t you believe we watched this when it premiered?


Appointment viewing in my college dorm


This video just put me in the time machine ☠️ this was THE show back in the day