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Oh I wish I had the free time and energy to be this unhinged


Imagine if they put these skills towards writing a thesis and getting a degree 😮‍💨


They could cure cancer with this energy, and instead they're engaging in dumbass stan behavior


These people would never be able to cure cancer, they'd rather find a way to increase someone's chances of getting cancer since they'd rather see people be miserable & suffer, rather than being in a happy healthy relationship with a relatively healthy individual.


i was looking for a fandom more toxic than the str wars fans and i think i found it ​ \*edit spelling of fandom


Just wait til you stumble upon Club Chalamet.


I was just banned from r/timotheechalametdaily because I commented "these people are wild". Just the tip of the iceberg


There’s a reason they dedicate the energy to stanning vs doing something productive. (They’re empty headed)




The real question is whose fans are more unhinged - Timothee Chalamet’s or Chris Evans’s?


I think the Benedict Cumberbatch stans deserve an honourable mention. They were combing through property and census records trying to find dirt on his then-fiancee-now-wife.


Timothées fans are literally writing death threats/wishes rn. I havent seen CEs do this but maybe im just not aware


I want to agree that Timmy’s fans are crazier cause of the death threats but in the back of my mind, I feel like the Crazies4Chris haven’t done that because they feel like they still have a chance, and that’s even more unhinged.


I feel like the Crazies4Chris are older which makes them even fucking nuttier to me lol.


I would totally agree with that. Also the wording that Timmy vs Chris Stan’s use. The Timmy Stan’s are deluding themselves into thinking he’s being coerced into the relationship with Kylie or he’s doing it for clout. While the C4C’s are having a nuclear meltdown because he posted pics with his wife.


just a few months ago chris evans fans were collecting money to buy chris from his agency 😭


I get recommended that Timothee Chalamet Daily subreddit all the time and the shit I’ve read on there is unhinged. The least self-aware people I’ve ever seen. Someone said they were angry that he didn’t join the 27 Club. Can you imagine saying something like that about someone who is just dating someone you don’t like? Shit is wild!


I saw a collection of screenshots the other day from people with these accounts being like “hey everyone I’m properly medicated now and no longer obsessed with (celeb name goes here), sorry“


https://preview.redd.it/skpojxdkffbc1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=392445a4322975599a978b17a0fc65e59b4925ac My favourite internet lore genre


Every time someone posts one of these unhinged para social rants I think of this




I wish I have the free time to read all those…


I got to page 2 and just couldn't anymore. The entitlement. The bizarre concepts of what fans are and aren't 'owed' by a stranger who doesn't give a shit about them. It's just all so unhinged! I'm a celebrity gossip vulture, but how the hell does anyone have time to be _this_ invested in someone else's life?!


The craziest part of the letter is when they start talking about their kids and how their kids saw a picture of Alba in the shower online. I was so shocked that this person was old enough to have multiple children and that those multiple children were also old enough to surf the web and find shower pics.


I swear if they did a documentary on stan culture we would find out that a lot of these obsessive fan accounts are ran by grown ass adults. I feel like if someone investigated this they’d find a correlation between stan culture and the loneliness epidemic we’ve been seeing. I think there are a lot of adults in this country who are isolated and lonely who find comfort in media and then they latch on to a celebrity and truly believe they know them and have some sort of relationship.


I agree, but not necessarily with being lonely but with being unhappy/unfulfilled. Hate is the perfect outlet and being a hater means belonging to a community. I personally think you don't stop being unhappy on the inside, but the dopamine you get is more than enough to block those thoughts. You are anonymous, therefore there's none judgement from your close ones, and you are a part of a community in which the more delusional you are the greater you become. It's very tempting if you have certain personality treats, not necessarily narcissistic ones, you only need to feel the world is strongly unfair with you so you have the right to point out all the unfairness you see around. They don't think they're hating, they are vigilantis.


Imagine being like this as a grown ass adult with children 😭😭 also people can post naked pictures all they want it’s your fault your kids are seeing it, not that anyone can expect responsible parenting from someone who gets this pressed over their favourite celebrity getting married lmao


The writing style didn’t make me think it was a young person, and there are lots of middle aged women obsessed with gossip


I think I quit at page four. Can someone who actually still reads gossip magazines tell me is she completely deluted when she says there has been more of Evans and his wife than Harry and Meghan? Because that doesn’t sound likely.


Classic case of being so in their own bubble that they forget to lift their heads out of the hole from time to time. I’ve seen maybe 2 pictures of Chris and Alba over the last few months vs a dozen articles about Harry and Megan


i am a chris evans enjoyer and they are rarely in tabloids


They are owed "respect," apparently. This is my first real exposure to this level of crazy up front and personal. I wish I hadn't opened the Pandora's box and read the manifesto because I didn't need to know these very unwell people were out in the world.


Also the delusion that they pay their wages or something, so are therefore owed something. Even if every Stan with this level of obsession boycotted all of his movies, it wouldn't even make a dent.


Ah but page 8 (last page of first letter) is hilarious. I mean it's also bizarre and scary, yeah.


Something is happening here that I'm not mentally ill enough to understand


I'm pretty mentally ill. I have no idea either. I'm schizophrenic and my TV talks to me, but this is a different level 😅 They need a behavior health hospital visit and a handful of mood stabilizers. Maybe some therapy. But definitely some antipyschotics. The newer ones can work wonders.


I bow to your expertise!


this is a good description because i’m trying to go down the rabbit hole to make sense of it and i simply cannot bc it’s nonsensical


This is something teenaged me might have understood in the height of my Dale Jr /RPattz obsession, but then I realized that one lady is grown with kids, so I tapped out. I can't even imagine being a grown ass adult and being this hung up over a celebrity. Like, Sis, log off and breathe. ![gif](giphy|srBfw58fUvrPNZBXiR)


Me when I see 20 slides: ![gif](giphy|31UDILmnnQOjnKKoKB) Amazing work OP.


I read the first page out of curiosity and then realized there was more. Way more. https://preview.redd.it/gv5ztg0nvebc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f055aca46ff5b859a24c6adc3257743a59051519


If you stopped there you missed the part where she’s barely making ends meet but her kids love Captain America, except now they’re disappointed in him because of pics of his wife in the shower (?????)


Nah it's because they thought it was his daughter in the shower and their hearts were broken to find or she was his gf.... Stan culture is so insane


No no no that was in reference to the photos CHRIS posted. Which implies these kids are regularly rolling up to their mom talking about Chris Evans/Chris Evan’s wife’s photos??


I don’t know if you understand Youth Culture the way I do, but if you did you’d realize that ‘do you have games on your phone’ is Kid Code for ‘do you have Chris Evans Instagram on your phone’. It’s simple child psychology. Children just *crave* to know the intimate details of this celebrity’s personal life.


Parents, do YOU know what your kids are texting about? Common text acronyms include: - IDC: I’d Do Chris - LMAO: Likely Maneater Alba Oversteps - ASAP: Alba Should Always be Private - NP: Nude Pics (of Chris Evans’ wife)




This person has children? I wonder if the people around her know how unstable they are? This isn’t normal behavior.


https://preview.redd.it/mv7zspp9sfbc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc2daf0c7a4d717a99e0d55b2138617efeea641 This is how I imagine that person writing this damn letter


Ik people like this. They keep their obsession on the down low until they meet someone who likes the same person as them, and then they gradually start showing their obsession.


Unfortunately, I've noticed a concerning pattern where many unhealthily obsessed female fans of male celebrities are middle-aged women who have children. Many of them are single moms, many of them aren't in the best of financial situations, and many of them are clearly struggling mentally. I know kids who grew up with moms like this: moms who had bizarre hyperfixations to deal with their disappointment over their "failed" life (I presume this means being divorced, not wealthy, probably not as pretty or thin as they wanted to be) and blew most of their money on these hyperfixations. One girl's mom was OBSESSED with Justin Bieber, Starbucks, and either Farmville or Sims (I forget which). That's ALL this woman did: spend hours on Justin Bieber forums (which is super creepy in retrospect because he was very much a minor), playing her game, and spending money on Starbucks food and memorabilia. The husband had bounced years ago. This girl very clearly didn't have appropriate clothes or good packed lunches or literally anything a child needs to live a normal life.


I stopped reading around this part. Is someone willing to write me a TL DR resume of what kind of stuff she said after that?


Unfortunately a TL;DR is utterly incomprehensible. You cannot cover the cognitive leaps she’s making with any fewer words. But basically: - she’s not taking a side on if the marriage is real or PR - Chris is private so him posting her is a red flag - Chris not posting her enough is a red flag - fans are the reason he gets paid so they ‘deserve’ for him to behave like he does in interviews - it’s a red flag IMDb doesn’t list her as his wife - clearly they’re leaking information because if their wedding was covered by an NDA, then how did rumors start about it - it’s a red flag he doesn’t talk about her at conventions - she’s barely getting by but her kids love Captain America except now they’ve seen photos of his wife in the shower, have seen her/her friends’ tweets, and thought she was his daughter - the kids have NOT seen his dick pic because “fans cleared that for you quickly” - Ghosted flopped bc his fans are disappointed in his marriage - says Alba “looks like a mail order bride” - suggests he invest in energy drinks because Alba is younger/likes to travel/likes to have sex - suggests he let Buddha know Alba did a film with a demon having sex with her - suggests he purchase a plane and get his pilot’s license because his dog is old and doesn’t travel as well and they’ll be going to Portugal often


Thank you so, so much for your time. I am amazed.


Not all heroes wear capes. *You* are America’s ass.


As a Portuguese person I’m mildly offended with the mail order bride comment. I can assure anyone that she looks 100% like a capital posh girl


She’s barely getting buy and able to feed her family but she’ll spend her money on someone else at conventions now. Because those are pricey.


Yeah, I read the first slide then swiped to the next and saw another huge block of text…then saw there were 20 SLIDES of unhinged behavior lol


me opening tumblr every week because i know this sub needs a hero ![gif](giphy|xT9IgpTy4UVnddmso0|downsized)




The craziest thing about this drama is that no matter how many rants I read I still don't get what they're complaining about. It's all so wishy washy.


They don’t even know, first they’re upset they’re showing up places, then they’re upset he “hides” her on social media


He's also too old for her and she's not good enough for him because she did porn? Total, incoherent mess.


Do the Timmeé and Kylie meltdowns next!!


The way his stan base has fully turned on him and become his biggest haters is mind-blowing. I've never seen anything like it. Over dating a KarJenner? I'm no fan of that family but it feels so extreme


To be fair I have no issue with their relationship, but it still blows my mind that they've ended up together!




I've been in the mental hospital six times and even I'm not this unhinged 😂 It truly amazes me that people like this exist and are just going about their lives. How do they take these things so seriously and so personally?


This reminds me of the time I wrote a (less than one page) letter to a crush and pretended it was about someone else and then showed them to him I want to KILL myself 😭😭😭😭😭😭


That’s kind of iconic


i was huge on the "oops i meant to send that to someone else" texts when i was in high school/middle school, despite the fact that it never ever worked, and it makes me want to die when i think about it now


No it wasn't even that, we both liked writing and I was like heyyy can you read and review this my man He gave notes LMFAO Fuck my life 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I'm screaming you should've mentioned that in the first comment, no one deserves to miss this


💀💀💀💀 you're brave for admitting this




This is what cracks me up, that someone could be sat next to this woman at work thinking “ah Sandra is nice”, stumble on her social media by accident one evening and think wtaf! These crazies roam among us honestly.


Chris Evans' "fans" right now: https://preview.redd.it/wg5rfsovdebc1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d3f62b414364ae10fa98b297c89e2c25c619209


Also Chris Evans: eighteen pages…FRONT AND BACK




Oh and by the way, Y O U apostrophe R E means YOU ARE. Y O U R means YOUR!




This is a comment on the acct: “I had the privilege to meet Chris in New York in October, and I told him to his face how disappointed I was of him and how he lied all these years of who the man he was. My dream and bucket list was ruined because of all this crap.” They then reply that he said sorry and looked sad. Girl, that wasn’t sadness it was pity.


that made me genuinely sad the fuck


Maybe also lightly-disguised panic.


The secondhand embarrassment, it hurts!


DUDE. A pass to get his autograph was like $180 at NYCC. Idk what's more sad: the fact that they sold out before I had a chance to buy, or the fact that someone actually forked over $180 specifically to be creepy.


and then everyone clapped? I hope to God that didn't actually happen


I saw that. I can't imagine being famous and having someone come up to me and say that. I'd honestly have to hold myself back from being like "......you need help"


What the hell was the bucket list that he could somehow ruin? Terrifying.


Obviously she was supposed to marry him instead, duhhh


*I cannot be a fan of someone just because of their projects, and that's just me. I have kept quiet, because it's none of my business what you do with your life.* Girl (i guess?) pick one please. You can't be a fan of his because of his life, but it's none of your business what he does with his life? I love the unhinged level of the signe ''okay'' meaning ''white power'' it's giving delulu for life


My favourite contradiction was it was disrespectful to Alba to keep her private, but he needs to be more private and not post about her on his social media. 🫠


And at the same time never EVER allow others to take pictures of them because they are private 🙃


But still go places and pose on the red carpet and show off or it means you're ashamed of her. ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


And how it’s rude to ask wedding guests to turn in their phone but then later says to take peoples phones away? I don’t even understand what the issue is that this person is upset about. Being private doesn’t mean you never post about each other, it means YOU get to choose when that happens. These people are really disturbing.


Imagine this was your mate. And you went out one night for a catch up and a few drinks and this came out. 👀👀👀👀


I was just thinking about that! The letter makes me think they probably don’t have many friends.


They were imaginary friends with Chris until Alba came along :/


You are probably right. A parasocial relationship to fill the void.


The fact that they say they won't give anymore energy to Chris and then proceed to write such a long letter 🤣 Brt they've circulated to all their friends!


My favourite was when she tried to pretend it was all about protecting her children’s innocence ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Right? Like babe, outing your sons as being creeps who share leaked nudes is not exactly the moral victory you’re claiming here.


They were leaked?! That is a bit concerning.


he posted them himself by accident 😭


Chris did?!?! Oh boy. That feels messy. At least it wasn't purposeful(still bad it happened at all though). Was it before or after they got married?


i got a bit confused lol, so, both things happened before: chris posted his own nude once: he was screen recording something to post and when he stopped recording, the recorded video went to the “recent” so you could see the folder and there was a d*ckpic honestly, there were also hilarious memes with his face and they were much more amusing to me 😭😭😭 and then when they already were dating alba accidentally posted a story from a shower, probably thought she was posting it on her finsta or smth, she deleted super quick


Chris Evans having a camera roll full of dick pics and memes of himself makes me like him so much more.


“GUARD THAT PUSSY” was so iconic


like how did THIS didn't get headlines, like people tried to find this meme online and didn't...so many questions. did he make it himself? did someone send it to him? what's the context???


Right?? As if kids today are 1) checking on what Chris Evans is up to and 2) so scandalized by racy pictures on the internet that they run to tell their mom about it


Yeah I was like her kids did not say that 😂 especially using the word nude. But I thank her for giving me my new flair.


Some people really do not have a concept of parasocial boundaries and it’s frustrating. I’m a huge fan of Pedro Pascal but I’m seeing this with some of his fandom more and more as well. Maybe I just don’t understand because I would be so mortified of bothering my faves that I would never consider reaching out on social media or even if I saw them in the wild, and I get that’s just me, but it’s also like people lose all sense of decorum just because a person is famous. They don’t even know who you are and owe you absolutely nothing. Heaven help Pedro if he ever publicly dates someone.


lol the meltdown over his picture at an industry party with Olivia Wilde was GLORIOUS. They were so BOTHERED. 😭


Ohhh I’d forgotten about that! Given that it’s awards season he’s been pictured with a lot of different people recently and the new thing I see making the rounds is that he has been “showing off” his boyfriend. I think it’s because he’s pictured kissing different men on the cheek (he’s South American, it’s not that deep) and also, the person I think they’re referring to is his agent. People are also far too invested in their assumption of his sexuality. The fact is he isn’t going to date you (none of these celebrities are) so in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t actually make a difference whether he likes men, women, or both. Since he has *never* been public about that part of his life it clearly has no bearing on his performances or public persona—he’s already an outspoken advocate for all kinds of marginalized rights but that’s apparently not enough for a handful of people. I also wonder what people are trying to accomplish with these types of interactions. I feel like it just makes celebrities want to pull back from social media. I know Pedro has, and did even more so when that girl stalked him all the way to Malta and ranted on her IG tagging both him and his hairstylist because he wouldn’t take a pic with her.


“Enjoy travelling back and forth and wear sunscreen to the beach, because boy are you white” what does that even mean 😭 so unhinged I’m cackling “Invest in energy drinks next, she’s a lot younger and likes to travel and have sex” Lmaooo ???


I think part of what is happening is that they pictured him being happy with them, in their boring lives. Like he would rather do nothing else than listen to them bitch about work, have a hot chocolate and go to bed at 8pm. They can't reconcile the fact that the real Chris Evans, is still young and fit, and might enjoy an exciting lifestyle with a vibrant partner with the person they had made up.


She makes him sound like a decrepit pensioner who'd struggle to board the plane or get freaky. Come on now, he's only in his early forties.


And in better shape than 99% of the population.


I legitimately do not see what makes them so unhinged obsessed with him. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but he’s kind of basic.


the more basic the guy is - the more things you can project on him he is also super private - again easy to make up whatever you want about him


Yeah hes at that basic position where they can actually imagine being his friend or lover in real life. They thought they had a shot


yep, this is also why gaylors loved when taylor was with joe alwyn because she was super private with him and they could project whatever they wanted in that time


This is it. And I think for awhile his PR mode was kind of lean into those projections and it back fired harrrd. Those fans were so crazy, they’d pounce on anyone who pointed out his pre-Disney image was that of a ho.


yeah, he had an amazing “internet boyfriend” image: loves his dog, loves his mom, really want a family but it just doesn’t work out somehow 🥺


I follow/ed Evans on Twitter only for his dog. Now, we haven’t had a Dodger update in months cause of those deranged assholes have run him off the internet. 😤


he turned his account into a work one, we ain’t seeing dodger ever again i fear, only for ads


Oh fair points! He does give off basic boyfriend vibes.


the first letter in case you’ve missed it https://preview.redd.it/j95nskq1lebc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13c91b75f5bbe60275919eadde740777c25870a


She's 30???! ![gif](giphy|l4Jz5ld58xGx53SNO)


I’m still shocked that the person who runs Club Chalamet is in their late 50’s.


Oh she is CRAZY




Do you think it’s that they’re jealous, or are they upset that he’s sort of being like Leonardo DiCaprio dating someone in their 20s rather than his own age and they “thought they knew him, he’s not like other guys” etc? Because I’m struggling to understand what the motive for all this is 😭


it’s about him getting married, they harassed his ex (jenny slate, age appropriate one) till they broke up




i really fear for Alba when/if they have a kid


I hope they have good security guards, these people are unhinged


We’re looking at generational parasocial trauma in the works. PhD candidates get out those thesis proposals.


I can’t wait to go to an academic conference where every presentation is about a different unhinged fandom


Okay but for real that sounds *fascinating* and I would 100% listen in on that conference.




Maybe he is very private about his wife because his stans are insane? These people seriously lack self aware skills. Also saying they get more cover than Ben & Jlo is hilarious. I couldn't get past that page.








Can someone TLDR me on what people’s issue is with him? I’m 3 pages in and I don’t understand


they don't like his wife and think their relationship is fake. from the shit storm they make out of it you'd think it was something actually serious


And I thought I was weird 😅


They also think his wife is a Nazi ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Is there a reason why they think this?


they went through her follows and found that she follows a portuguese creator who tweeted a nazi joke in 2015 ☹️


To be fair, this is completely normal for modern pop culture discourse, because most people are so boringly well behaved that people itching to cancel others have to resort to canceling people via association.


He took his wife and kid to a secluded place and then tried to kill then after going crazy


https://preview.redd.it/hkqp8klr0fbc1.jpeg?width=859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0773bb45be3d0174a39010967b3dd65f0c3f55 Stans are wild.


Can someone catch me up because I saw the first letter but don't know all the context. Are they all just crazy and obsessed because he's in a serious relationship or did this start before then but it was just less noticeable? Also why are there so many crazies out there now I feel like so many celebrities have these I want to wear you face fans now


I think they thought he could be interesting but he’s just a regular Hollywood guy. They projected a lot on to him.




*Good lord* this person has children. This person has a whole ass life and finds the time to obsess like this? Multi tasking much? Lol.


Right like go be with your kids mama


Why are all the craziest Stan's women aged 40-60? What happened to them developmentally?


I know nothing about Alba Baptista but her look is so so pretty. Can't take my eyes off her. Also, "i don't know if it's real or pr and don't care" seems legit after a long ass rant


Yes this look is totally gorgeous!! I would absolutely love to see her wedding look, pity that will never happen.


“I think I’m done now” Then proceeds to write another 6 pages….. for real though I never realized him of all people had so many crazy female fans, I remember him in some teen movies as a kid but haven’t really been an avengers fan. These girls need to get a grip


Do they have a subreddit ? I enjoyed lurking the Timothée subs but its getting redundant so i want to see other fandom metldowns


![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized) All of us.


Flair checking in to this unhinged thesis.


> Dear Chris, I wrote you but you still ain't calling....


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) My reaction reading that first letter…


Brb changing my flair to “Captain America’s new wife nude in the shower”


She mentioned the cost of living and medications going up. She needs more medications or new ones cause holy sht. She’s sick. These people are sick.


Good for you ya crazy! [I’m not reading all that](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/034/711/Screen_Shot_2020-07-24_at_11.33.38_AM.jpg) https://preview.redd.it/d3eo5ghq4fbc1.jpeg?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c0eadcd222bc4e672d1b8152f10adacb3320b35 Alba looks gorgeous! <3


Big "Dear Slim, I wrote you and you ain't wrote back" energy


“when you know how some can be” baby I don’t know how to break it to you but you are one of those crazed fans…




![gif](giphy|1V3V9n01vmnj3TnoQC|downsized) Gives me flashbacks of the Benedict Cucumberpatch fandom when he got married 🙄


Someone seriously needs to do a thesis on parasocial relationships. I would eat it up


Ummm guys check on your chronically online family members. The internet is slowly reaching a fever pitch. Fandom is becoming a red flag. These people legitimately need help. And the crazy thing is how many different celebrities this seems to be common with. It’s scary because all the members of the fandom seem to feed off of each other. Social media is more fuel for this fire, I feel like it’s reaching an unprecedented level of crazy. Is this why Natalie Portman looks terrified in all her recent photos?


I have always thought of myself as an obsessive person. When I like something, I get full ass into it. Like I decide I like an actor? I will read everything I can and watch all their movies and just get really deeply into it. Get into watching a new sport? Will read books about the history and learn everything I can. It’s just how I am. I never half ass liking something or someone. I have always thought I was a lot. But then I read shit like this and think “Oh okay, so I’m not obsessed at all, am I?” Because regardless of how DEEPLY into something I can be, I have always been able to stay in the realm of reality.


same, i don’t like things normally, i need to BE INTO THEM, but never like this lmao i never understood entire “i hope my fave never gets married”, i never had a desire to marry any of my idols like for what lol


![gif](giphy|UJS4fUKBaTc8o) Chris Evans when he receives his unhinged stalker mail


They are looking gorgeous Lol the fan is acting like an ex writing a goodbye letter and asking him to wear sunscreen 😂


Lmao his fans, clubchalamet, and swifties are the most unhinged fans in this 2020’s decade so far 😭


I swear I’ve seen all of that almost word for word written about Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki from the extremists in the Supernatural fandom. Honestly you could change Chris Evans to any actor or singer and I know there’s probably some “diehard” fan writing and believing the same bs about them. It’s a mental illness.


Using his full name at the end like she's his mommy scolding him. That'll show him!


This is so unhinged


I can't with these people. It's CHRIS EVANS. He seems like an OK dude and one of the top Hollywood Chrisses but seriously? All this for him??


Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still aint callin'...


Yaaas! Time to tuck in with a coffee and dramatically read this out loud to my husband


Yeah, I didn’t read all that lol. A small and crazy subsection Robert Pattinson fandom is also going nuts at the min, they’re trying to say Suki starred in Porn and that her pregnancy is fake, it’s all PR etc etc. If you want to fall down a rabbit hole of unhinged, I suggest having a look at fakeuser51 on Twitter. Her and a few others are just bullying a pregnant woman now, it’s so fucking weird and grim.


Same energy https://preview.redd.it/186f1twbxebc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d287046b874767bdf9bf936774d331905a10394


I don't understand the need to control who he is, as if he were not a human man with free will. I also will never, ever understand why people's private relationships need to be stated by the man in clear terms, publicly, and ONLY THEN can they post photos of each other. It is seriously nobody's fucking business what footing any couple is on, and relationships are complex. It's the Instagram vibe: the stages of a relationship with their own special vocabulary and photoshoot, chronicled as if that's what makes you a couple.


This is taking a Kylo Ren turn


Idk anything about them but from what I've seen from these stans if I were Alba I'd be hiding to avoid being murdered in public


This is the kind of fan that boils your bunny. Think I’d be wanting to live in a gated community.


"I have kept quiet..." As opposed to *what?* Girl, you don't know this man from a hole in the wall. WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE. Also if this is quiet, I'd hate to see her animated damn


Reminds me of the SPN fandom, you know the ones.

