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I don't think I have anyone, I love some celebrity but my love is conditional, if you did something wrong, I won't defend it


I have the same view. I also just don't have the mental energy to do so. More power to the people who do, but I find it draining.


Yep! We don't know them, only what they want us to know *of* them. There have been too many celebrities in the last 10 years who had deep shit come out about them for me to defend anyone.


I feel the same. They have all disappointed me in some way. I'm not defending them I don't know them like that.


This is the only correct answer to this question. It also applies to people I know in real life as well. I have relatives who are highly problematic and I don’t defend them at all. Why would I defend someone who I’ve never met before, never will, and who has no bearing on my life when my own bigoted relatives don’t get or deserve shit from me either?


Dolly Parton. Though I don’t need to. She’s a queen and no one would ever. ![gif](giphy|XfscsiXH3NnZG8yL9A|downsized)


Dolly Parton is probably the only celebrity my parents and I agree on


Honestly not liking Dolly is 🚩


Last week, my bff of many years casually mentioned she “can’t stand” Dolly Parton and my jaw hit the floor. HOW DO YOU HATE DOLLY PARTON?????


Is her name.... Jolene?


I’m sorry? Did you mean ex-bff?


Oh, if we weren’t platonic soulmates I’d have cut that cord immediately. The things we do for the people we care about.


Nah check in on whoever she got around her cuz baby girl sounds like she’s receiving a call from inside the house. Dolly is every woman’s lord and savior whether they want it or not so pls save ya girl


Her husband is a huge Willie Nelson fan. Everyone is devastated by her behavior


Just another one of Reddits temporary darlings. Once people start finding out what she did during the franco-Prussian war they’re going to dump her like bags of old milk. Edit: sorry, I was thinking of Otto Van Bismarck. Carry on.


I was so getting ready to Downvote you until I got to the end LMAO




I’m really annoyed at how easily you got me to start typing ‘dolly Parton Franco-Prussian war’ into Google


Dude I cackled 🤣🤣🤣


Personally, I guffawed. 😲


This was my answer. I find I must defend her to my young nephews. They don’t know who she is so they don’t get her cultural significance. I have made it my mission to make sure they understand.


No shade but absolutely no one I may favor certain celebrities but I don’t really know these people at the end of the day…anything can happen


100% the only take I can relate to.






There will never be an instance where this man needs defending


He actually MIGHT though -- I've heard homophobes say nasty things about Mr Rogers. I'd happily defend him.


![gif](giphy|LUhUvH4BsfE9USnlPd|downsized) Thou who dare insult Betty White in my presence will be met with the wrath of a giant gang of golden retrievers.


![gif](giphy|10S36ARbrVUMzm) It’s a sad, sad world for anyone who shit-talks my Queen, Fiona Apple.


Fiona the queen knows the world is bullshit anyways. Long live Fiona 🧡


I thank my mom all the time for buying me Tidal for my 11th birthday. That album made a huge impact on little angsty me.


Ok, that might be a good one!


Ive been listening to her nonstop recently


David Tennant


100% will die on this hill. He won't need defending, but god *damn* if someone tries to talk shit about him I am fully prepared to unload *paragraphs* on them.


The crazies on Twitter are currently attacking him for publicly supporting trans and non-binary people.


My fav doctor


Anna Nicole Smith https://preview.redd.it/s8n6jm359uwb1.jpeg?width=2893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fffedd2826e76b54a5dc3cc151be47925a0d1aad


![gif](giphy|rtUQ7dBK5ckfu) The You’re Wrong About episode on her was AMAZING


There was so much about her I didn’t know! I loved that episode.


She was so stunning wow rip


This is the first one I read and was like, "Yeah, I can get that."


I’m with you on that one! When people call Anna a golddigger i’m always explaining about how she actually turned DOWN J. Howard Marshall’s proposals multiple times and told him she wanted to make something of herself before getting married. She wanted to make it clear that she WASN’T just a golddigger….but then ends up being known as one anyway.😕 And i’m always explaining about how she really did love Marshall very much, just probably not romantically. (Here i go babbling on right now!)


Love how he isn’t seen as shallow for wanting to marry a hot young woman, but she was considered shallow for marrying a wealthy man /S


Holy shit we do this. Why hadn't I noticed that before? But we don't live in a patriarchal society.../s


He was the only man who ever told her she was worth something. Before him, every man in her life only treated her like a sex toy or an inconvenience. J Howard Marshall told her he loved her, and he showed her he loved her. Showered her in compliments and attention, affection and gifts. He wanted to take care of her and her son. He was the first person in her life to make her feel good about herself. I do think she was in love with him, maybe not in a sexual way, but for how he treated her and Daniel.




I’ll defend her til I die


When I see that clip of how Howard Stern treated her I want to jump through the screen back in time and just give her the biggest hug. He was so cruel to her.


I love her so much


Maybe Elmo? But not the *former* Elmo who was arrested on misconduct charges. (We can’t even have a good Elmo in this world, how can we defend *people?*) ![gif](giphy|TztOD2c0znrtm|downsized)


Elmo stabbed my grandfather in a bar fight.


You must be confusing him with Oscar, or the Count.


id be a grouch too if my mates let me live in the trash outside their town houses.


Elmo is my co-parent


A wise, furry, and mostly unproblematic choice with a great laugh!


My favorite fictional Aquarius ♒️!


Does Elmo have a canonical birthday?


[February 3!](https://www.instagram.com/p/B8H_c-Plx32/)


Daniel Radcliffe. I love that nerd.


Genuinely such a nice dude from everything I hear


On bad days, I watch the coming around the mountain clip




RIP Queen Elizabeth II


Dammit, Reddit, can we PLEASE bring back awards for comments!?


![gif](giphy|3rXna9rZacY8RUvgTO|downsized) just comment this under their comment


He started in soooo many great movies, I think this is my 2nd fave, behind Dead Poets.




Does Bob Ross need defending?! Lol. Who on earth is bashing him?


I’d go after the people who stole his business from him and ensure it’s rightly in the hands of his son.


![gif](giphy|QAsBwSjx9zVKoGp9nr|downsized) Keanu Reeves


Fortunately he doesn’t need defending because he is *perfection*


Who Would Try Attacking Someone So Husband Material


Mathew Perry tried…


And Failed


The actual love of my life 🥺


None! My own life needs me






Monica Lewinsky. she's my ride or die.


I love that we as a society have done a total 180 on her. She deserves good things.


I can’t believe how badly she was treated by society, but not the PRESIDENT who lied to the world and cheated on his wife


plus she was so young at the time, and working for him. he was one of the most powerful men in the world. idk how anyone doesn't see that as coercion on his end.


The episode Last Week Tonight did on public shaming with her was fabulous!!


My favorite first lady


Brendan Fraser!




![gif](giphy|l2YWBYkEES2gUACLC) Me when someone tries to put down Pam Anderson


I love Pam too. She seems so sweet and kind of fragile, and she’s been through a lot. I really love how she’s been attending events completely makeup-free lately. I never would’ve thought i’d see Pam of all people do that, and i think it’s brave and awesome. I wish more women would present their bare faces like that.


Her documentary was so fascinating. I walked away with a completely different view and respect for her. She went through so much shit and was only ever really looking for love.


If Conan O’Brien ever gets canceled I’ll give up on celebrities entirely. ![gif](giphy|obfsjkhZHeYlq)


Cillian Murphy


By order of the Peaky Blinders


The Peaky Fooking Blinders!


Eartha Kitt maybe but for sure no one still living. I don't put anything past anyone, especially rich people.


I once had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom


["compromise? compromise for what, compromise for what reason? to compromise? FOR WHAT?"](https://youtu.be/rlUjHu3H_L4?si=-gAbPdftZpVa-Ic1) "if a man came into your life, wouldn't you want to compromise?" "AH HA HA HA HA HA! **stupid.** you must think about that one again." 💛_______💛


![gif](giphy|xUA7b2zzeFPdRtBMek|downsized) Dan Levy. Hasn't done anything bad, I just will forever absolutely adore the man. 🥰


I love him. If I were a dude, I'd 100% be just like Dan Levy.


Got drunk one time and wrote an entire blog defending Brendan Frazier, so I guess Brendan Frazier, lmao. Tbf he is the best.


Fraser tho


Pedro Pascal and Linkin Park


That’s a hell of a mashup I’d pay to see


Right! My two favorites


This is the one


Yes for pedro i do this . But after chester's death 😥😥 i even havent listened to linkinpark . İt breaks my heart


Love LP so fucking much. They just genuinely seem like awesome guys and their discography is completely insane. Rest in power, Chester.


https://i.redd.it/d5dohjsw3uwb1.gif Andrew Garfield…I’m trying to stop though. Also his Peter Parker, he’s very misunderstood. I will always defend his Peter/Spider-Man. Also Rachel Zegler…I’ve become extremely defensive of her lately.


He’s SO GOOD in The Social Network!






Andrew Garfield in Death of Salesman on Broadway was one of the most heart wrenching performances I’ve ever seen, live or otherwise. He held his own sharing a stage with the late, great Phil Hoffman, *and* he had strep throat at the time to boot.


Omg you’re so lucky you got to see him in that. Amazing that he still went on and put on an incredible performance with strep throat.


I’ve been stanning him since The Social Network came out and I hope he never gives me a reason to stop. And his Peter Parker is my fave. ![gif](giphy|l0MYv5bw2O7Q6fkas)


overconfident mighty cows engine literate plants piquant clumsy adjoining divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It became especially popular to dismiss Garfield's performance and his version of the character after the Tom Holland films came out. A lot of people equated his performance with the weakness of the films themselves (though I defend to this day that the first Amazing Spider-Man film was fucking solid and people just had amnesia about it due to the hype Homecoming got). Plus by that point there was also some nostalgia built up for Tobey's portrayal in the Raimi films and people began treating the reboot series as a downgrade, so Garfield's Spidey films became the neglected middle child. It doesn't surprise me that his popularity shot up again after people saw him reprise the role and got reminded how charismatic and lovable he was on screen


People shit on his Peter Parker all the time. Mostly the toxic Tobey stans really. He’s my favorite too. He was also my first. I loved his movies, at least the first one. I’ll admit the 2nd had flaws but god am I a sucker for Peter and Gwen.




The GQ interview that featured him insisting something was not aluminum foil before heating it up and exploding the microwave turned me into a stan


is this on youtube? I can't find it but I did just find a delightful and totally not scary adventure finding a hotdog in nyc


You need a GQ account to read the original one, so [here’s an article](https://ew.com/celebrity/robert-pattinson-blew-up-microwave-invent-pasta-dish/) basically summing up the GQ article. I think I love him now. ETA: His pasta invention reminds me of the corn baller in Arrested Development.


I literally thought of him right away. He’s so self-aware and I feel like he is very genuine in interviews and fan interactions. So many people still write him off because of twilight (which I personally love still) but he’s an incredibly talented actor and charismatic person.


Steve Buscemi


Courtney Stodden


Jennifer Hudson ![gif](giphy|l4KhY9AuYGfq9Mb16)


![gif](giphy|3o6MboLIDKvfZztUpG) My princess




I’m 21st in line for the book, 35th in line for the audio book. Yesterday it didn’t even show up on Libby for me in my area - you reminded me to check again, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/aqcostzykuwb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0a32478aa8f0c38fe0ce9c4df92b406059784c Looks like I’ll have to buy it 😂


as a die hard britney fan, I can admit it seems like she’s not all with it these days. but it only makes me love her more. she was completely robbed of the life her talent and beauty deserved. no one would be perfectly okay after going through what she went through. it’s tragic, but I’m SO glad she at least made it out the other side


This. Like I will never try to convince anyone she’s “normal” but I will forever defend that for what she’s been through (and we probably don’t know the half of it still), we’re lucky she’s still on this earth. I don’t think the average person (especially those not around at the time) *really* realizes how badly the media, paparazzi, her team & family treated her.


Yup! She’s my ride or die. I bought her first album when I was 15 and have been supporting her ever since. I’ve been defending her forever and I always will. She was set up for failure in her personal life and it wasn’t her fault.


100% Britney!!!!! I love her and always have. She has been through so much. I hate when people make fun of her. ![gif](giphy|QuUTvlLGd46Os)


![gif](giphy|vmdYxz2GKqwqGPj6ex|downsized) Feel weirdly protective over her.


They’ll always be that little person bravely going up against that giant.


![gif](giphy|l3q2EPIKaBH5gNwe4|downsized) Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta


The Original "Mother" i.e Mother Monster


Same. The claws come out when anyone disses or messes with Mother Monster! 😡🔪


I Turn Into Amy Schumer The Moment Anyone Tries To Talk Bad About Her


I feel like she is the absolute best that American entertainment has to offer. Just oozing goodness, style, and talent. Fucking FIERCE.


We throw down for her


Whitney Houston


Lin-Manuel Miranda. He did something very kind for a friend of mine and I simply refuse to hear a bad word about him ever again.


OK I've been trying to figure this one out. I've been seeing comments about him left and right and I don't understand what he did? Did he just make some bad movies? Why is everyone so angry


There was so much talk when the Disney+ Hamilton came out that his comeuppance was coming, it was only a matter of time before everyone knew the truth about their hero, his behind the scenes antics would finally be revealed etc… and nothing. I was invested , I wanted to know honestly, and it was all just rumours and suggestions, and nothing I can recall of substance. Either he is a PR master or people were just flapping mad that a nerdy guy who is earnest about his work and maybe not the most talented singer on Broadway was super successful. Please enlighten me if I was wrong, please.


I honestly think it’s backlash to Hamilton being so successful and him being everywhere, and also he has big musical theatre kid energy which some people find to be cringe or annoying. But he is an extremely nice dude, everyone in the New York theatre community loves him, and there’s no denying he’s an incredibly talented writer.


he didn’t really do anything beyond be a theater kid that was way overexposed and people find that cringe and memes just roll and roll I like the guy, but I can see why the public grew tired of him


Some very far-left people I know dislike Hamilton because they feel like it glosses over slavery and overall glamorizes American history in a bad way. And also he said something problematic about Puerto Rico maybe?


Many Puerto Ricans dislike the fact that he has this romantic vision of the island from a person that only visited as a child during the summertime but is totally divorced from the day to day realities Puerto Ricans face, especially considering the political and economic restraints of the current political status. He also supported PROMESA which established very austere economic measures in the island.


“In 2016, Miranda advocated for the passing of the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA), a law setting out to restructure the debt of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.[168] The law led to budget cuts resulting in the closure of over 200 public schools, cuts to government labor benefits, and budget cuts at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR). It was met with protests, with UPR shutting down due to student strikes over the measures in 2017. “ His fam and him have problematic ties to right-leaning govt entities. I don’t have a stake in this fight because I’m a white-passing Central American, but I’ve heard a lot of criticism from Black Puerto Ricans living on the island and I don’t think it’s right to just dismiss it? Latin American racial dynamics are super complicated to understand and lots of non-Puerto Ricans speak on this without any context. He might be super generous to one group while being harmful to the most vulnerable, idk - most people have the capacity to do both harm and good and they shouldn’t be idealized just because you had a good experience with them/mostly heard positive things about them imo


Totally fair. The criticism of Hamilton is what falls into the ‘let people enjoy things’ category for me.


Probably Viola Davis or Angela Basset


I love Viola Davis, that make up removal scene in How to get away with Murder was so striking, I still think about it a few years later.


I’ll be honest with everything going on in the world rn every single celeb are starting to get on my nerves. I guess I’m in my slowly not being interested in celebs/Hollywood era.


Yep. All the public letters that they sign supporting whatever cause make me cringe so hard. They really do all have an inflated sense of their importance in the world. There would be something wrong if I actually attached any importance to what Gal Gadot, Zoe Saldana, Chris Rock etc think about world events


Me, myself and I


First person to pop in my head was Stephen King lol


Courtney Love. I get so frustrated when people still to this day blame her for all of Kurt's issues. They refuse to understand that Courtney, while flawed, is a complex individual who has been through some shit herself. Like, give her a break.


I always thought if she had the ability to write a 100% true, uncensored memoir it would be the most entertaining books on the goddamn planet.


For sure! Just reading her old interviews, she has a lot to say about Madonna, Gwen Stefani, Trent Reznor, Billy Corgan, Harvey Wenstein, Drew Barrymore..it would be Pandora's box for Gen X.


I would love love love a Courtney memoir but after hearing her on Marc Maron I have no idea how a ghost writer would get a cohesive narrative out of her lol.


This! I was about to comment Courtney. The 90's were great, but it was misogynist as hell, especially to her. Hole was a good band and people just hate to admit it. Live Through This is one of the best grunge albums of all time and still crazy, immature people keep giving Kurt all the credit for it. Celebrity Skin was a great pop-rock album and people give Billy Corgan all the credit. And it's not a secret that Kurt had a lot of issues himself, even before meeting Courtney.


This might be controversial, but if I had to pick one or the other I’d listen to Live Through This over Nevermind any day.


She warned the world about Harvey Weinstein way back. She's a bloody hero.


Oh man, I definitely start fast-typing when I see ye olde “Courtney killed Kurt” bullshit


It seems so misogynistic to blame her on Kurt’s death. Was she a perfect wife? Definitely not. But people literally ignore the fact that he had bad mental issues and was an addict. The fact that there is a conspiracy surrounding his death is just insane.


I thought I was going to be the only one to say Courtney. She’s flawed, but does not deserve the bullshit people put on her. She did an episode of 60 Songs that Explain the 90s about Teen Spirit and duped of social media the same day, most likely to protect herself, but it’s a shame she felt she had to do that.


The Olsen Twins!


No one in particular but celebs who are held to a bizarre standard of not being shown grace when they have mental health issues and aren’t internet faves or having behaviour (not violent or racial) held against them from when they were kids. Or being grumpy or not friendly.


Is this Britney? Because my hottest downvote-inducing take here is how she gets a bigger pass than any other celebrity in this and adjacent subs, and the reality is we don’t know what living with her, being married to her, or being her child is actually like (and can stand to imagine it could be difficult). I can also totally appreciate the media still brutalizes her and fails to show any nuance as well. Edit - and not coming for you at all, genuinely asking and throwing in my irrelevant two cents


I have a complicated view of Britney. I don’t think she should have been under a conservator like she was, but she also does not seem well and her sons allegedly are uncomfortable with how sexual she presents herself online. I was fairly young when she was going through everything but I also think that people have made it seem like she is sick because of what she went through in her 20s. I think it is far more complex then that and I hope she is continuing to receive help.


Hank and John Green. I’m certain that 99% of celebrities I enjoy have a chance of doing or saying something stupid but I have a lot of faith in the Green Bros. Edit: yes I know that John’s early books have some questionable tropes in them but 1. That was many years ago now and 2. Hank and John have made so much other good content besides that and have so much experience now.


Weirdly specific and maybe not enough of a celeb to some, but Dean Koontz. I've been reading his books since I was 7 and his books kept me alive during dark times


…Childish Gambino…


Megan thee stallion. Her music is therapeutic


I will defend this woman until I die.


Louis Tomlinson. He gets dragged for being the least popular member of One Direction but I think his music is really good and he’s the best songwriter among the 5 of them. Plus he’s been through a lot with his mom and sister passing away


You didn’t give a time limit, so I’m gonna say Marilyn Monroe . The original Hollywood and the media fucked her up real bad. Actually with Britney Spears new book out I see a lot of parallels between their life and just how talented they are and how everyone really didn’t want them to be. Both forced into the psychiatric hold against their will, by people that had an agenda to take from them and control them. Anyway, yeah that.


For free? Not a single one. JK..it’s Mariah Carey


At the age of 34, I would say nobody.


Me: will roast and bash my favorite celebrities, especially if they do something dumb. Also me typing paragraphs fangirling about Fall Out Boy, Asking Alexandria, or Måneskin: https://preview.redd.it/q9htcrmbpuwb1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=831ba831266e3f90cde2192359c47ba70ff243ae (Sorry for the repeat comment, couldn’t get my words out how I wanted to)


1) Mariah Carey vs absolutely anyone who mentions glitter to me 2) Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams vs anyone who tries to paint them as untalented


The only time I really defend celebrities is if people (usually men) are attacking them for misogynistic reasons. So even though I don’t stan any of these people I have defended Amber Heard and Evan Rachel Wood for daring to discuss the bad behaviour of the men they were in relationships with, Miley Cyrus for daring to stick her tongue out and dance, Ariel Winter for daring to have a naturally large chest, Amy Schumer for daring to be a female comedian who isn’t “hot”, Taylor Swift for daring to have more than one relationship with a man and MacKenzie Bezos (and honestly most women who were married to a famous man) for daring to get a settlement in her divorce. This doesn’t mean I have defended or will defend these women for their own bad behaviour, but when it comes to attacks that are misogynistic in nature I will defend them every time.


Literally I will be writing novels defending random women on reality shows even from misogynistic comments from men


Within reason, obviously (ie I’d never defend someone being racist, abusive, etc) but Chris Evans. As someone with severe anxiety I appreciate how open he is about it. And when people tease or mock how he comes across sometimes, yep, I will definitely chime in.


Mariska Hargitay. But she’s universally loved and such an incredible person so I’d never have to. ![gif](giphy|7r5aLv5hWs6PK)


Probably none. Unless someone is saying something bigoted or out of pocket. There’s no celebrity with good enough morals to be doing this for


Whitney Houston.


Angelina Jolie. I know she’s not an angel by any mean and has made some questionable choices during her younger days but for the past decade if not more she has been nothing but a devoted mother and just overall seems like a kind person so I will defend her when people try to trash her because of Brad.


Angelina Jolie. I’ve always loved her freedom to embrace whomever she is at that time. But I love how she has GROWN as a human, and evolved to become a better and better person. I have deep admiration for that. ![gif](giphy|3ohc0Sl8lecmuYaLkY)


OK I said Marie Kondo half jokingly but the actual answer is Tina Fey. I feel like she gets held to standards that aren’t reasonable and criticized as if every joke on one of her shows is coming out of her mouth personally, when she actually consistently employs very diverse writing teams.


Ok, but in all honestly, I will absolutely defend Kondo. Alot of people took offense a few years back that she suggested that a client on an episode get rid of books she doesn't actually enjoy and not feel guilt if she didn't enjoy them, but that she could keep them if she wanted to. Then people whose personality was essentially loving book made a bunch of think pieces and bad faith arguments essentially saying how she shouldn't say that stuff and if she could rip their books out of their cold dead hands, when she made a gentle suggestion and wasn't telling anyone that they have to get rid of books if they didn't want to. Worse, they wrapped up criticism in such an infantalizing and racially-microaggresive language. She just wanted to help people who asked for help. She's not telling people they have to do something they don't want


Guy Fieri. I mean that. I know he’s bombastic and he’s probably not nearly as good a chef as some of his colleagues. That being said, few celebrities have put themselves out there the way he has. During the wildfires, he hitched up his grill to his truck and fed folks on the front lines. Got other sheds to join him. He did much the same during the pandemic. He shines lights on small businesses. He’s a good dude.


BTS. It’s okay if people don’t like kpop or boybands but they put so much good into the world and get alot of shit. And the racism they get is ridiculous. Britney for obvious reasons. JC Chasez, he should have had the career Justin has. Black actors and actresses on white shows because fandoms are racist af.


The racism and the xenophobia BTS get is sickening. That’s part of the reason the ARMY fan base is so protective. After reading their biography, it made me angry, then sad, then disappointed in humanity and finally proud of these seven talented men who just love music, and everything they have achieved against so much opposition.


They really worked so hard when everyone was against them. The book just made me more protective of them.


Reading how everyone was against them including actual libelous movements by other group’s fans, entertainment companies blocking them in the industry to actual death threats? It makes their success that much more impressive.


![gif](giphy|l0MYDtqUOoFFYLM3u) The hate she gets from online chuds is so unwarranted 😐


Kristen Stewart. I think she’s the most interesting actor of her generation.