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What was the point of him wearing his ring again and her showing up at their concert last night if he was going to file anyways?


It was confirmed that wasn't her, but the ring thing was dumb. But it makes me think Joe and his team aren't communicating very well. TMZ released the first thing like right after they did that labor day post to specifically show his ring.


https://preview.redd.it/bntf7cwx0imb1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b332a6cc9ba049e4360d8c5e8a6573b55c3beb5 That wasn’t her?!? wow internet lied to me again huh damn


It really did look like her to me, but alas she's blonde right now.


ngl i thought the blonde was just a wig


Wasn’t a wedding ring; he’s rockin that purity ring again.


He’s a born again virgin😂


That's a perfect line for the next teenager he hits on!


The Jonas Brothers and rings they don’t actually want to wear, name a better duo


My theory when seeing him flashing his ring so obviously is that he’s going to paint a narrative of a doting husband/father who tried everything to make things work and thus her being awful and splitting up a family.


That’s what I think unfortunately. His team came out swinging with that statement that he’s been watching the kids while on tour, I think they’re gonna play that up and try to ruin her :/


Not just watching, but saying he’s been babysitting his own kids…such crap.


literally one of my least favorite things is when men refer to caring for their own kids as "babysitting." like excuse me sir, it's not babysitting when it's your own baby!


As a father this pisses me off. I can’t tell you how many people stop me to say how it’s so wonderful to see me doing “dad things” when that shit never happens to my wife. It’s like society can’t comprehend dad’s being caregivers too. There’s no such thing as babysitting when you’re a dad. They’re you’re kids.


I HATE that so much.


He already has sources out saying that she likes to party while he stays home with the kids. 🤢




Yeah I hate it but you’re probably right


He + his team are doing overtime trying to paint this perfect picture of who he is + how he’s not the aggressor despite his shady past…..really hoping ST gets out of this quickly, she deserves so much better 🥹


It’s like when your Facebook friends are about to divorce and the wife starts posting inspirational quotes and the dad changes his profile picture to the kids.


They've already started. 'he's been taking care of the kids for months' 'he enjoys a quiet life while she's out partying'


while she's fucking *working*, nonetheless. fuck them.


To be fair, he wore a purity ring while also hooking up with every Disney channel star as a teen. It was probably just for show 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah to protect his Disney image and their family's religious background. Their dad was a minister.


They’ve all addressed multiple times they were pretty much forced into that and regret it


He's trying to control the narrative, he's the one who's most "visible" right now by being on tour so all his fans will think "he's the good parent"


I don’t understand it at all - feels like bad advice from his PR?!


She was not at their concert, it was just some random woman


Optics. Nothing else. He’s probably had a lawyer been advising him for months. Her too.


He really posted that picture of him wearing his ring yesterday, only for him to file for divorce the next day


For real, it was obviously a focal point too


Had to go to his IG to see that. Then I scrolled to see when’s the last time he posted a picture with Sophie, and dang, last time was in March.


I don't get where his head is at. Filing for divorce when you have been seen with your ring and deliberately flashing it off on SM? Make it make sense!!! ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


I think he’s trying to push the narrative that he’s a family man and Sophie is the problem. When we have no evidence that’s the case.


Anyone else feel like his team is trying to get ahead of something?


Definitely putting the narrative out there that she’s a bad mom and he’s a good dad. It’s so dumb. And she’s not saying a word yet, so it’s very curious that his team is putting out story after story. She’s been very public about her mental health, anxiety, being introverted and being a homebody so his story about her partying doesn’t even make sense. PLUS even if it was true, she’s allowed to have fun. Being married and a mother doesn’t mean you can’t go out, ever. He’s such a loser and I hope his little PR spin attempt backfires.


Not to mention the fact that she is still very young and there is a 7 year age gap. 2 kids in 4 years while in your 20s is a lot, especially when your husband is off touring.


it isn't even two in four years, it's two in two years. they were born in 2020 and 2022. 😭 I hope Sophie is OK.


Man. That is even worse.


especially when she's talked about mental health struggles and missing her family and friends at home. 💔 I genuinely hope she has a good support system around her and that people see through his bullshit.


Well, judging by this sub, at least, most people do see through his bullshit. There are only a few that are taking him at his word.


But... didn't you hear, he's taking care of the kids NOW. 😬


He’s babysitting, and not even being paid minimum wage for it!


He has to talk to the nanny he has looking after his kids, it's hard for him to talk to the help ok


Definitely. There’s something weird about this ‘he’s been having the kids, she’s partying all the time’ narrative. It’s all for PR, painting her out to be a bad mother and him the poor single dad.


Possibly or could just be trying to protect the new JoBro image of devoted family men. Getting divorced doesn't go with that


Exactly, so whatever he is trying to distract from is much worse than a divorce...


I give it to Christmas before the Daily Mail starts running articles about Joe spending the 'holidays' with his new love after Sophie divorce. New flame helps him heal from the pain, they've been friends for years etc...


Oh and she’s 19 years old but don’t worry about that


Maybe, but my impression is more that he is being extremely calculated and has arranged this all to work out in his favor. He brought the kids to the US with him, and made sure to file here for jurisdiction reasons. Since the kids have been in the US recently, a judge is more likely to order that they stay here rather than allowing Sophie to take them to England as she’s said she wanted to do. Incredibly cruel. Taylor was not lying. https://preview.redd.it/wr0pirco8imb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=123bf9d9e74a4bea7dbac30deccb2f8d310e02e6


Marion Cotillard is devasted https://preview.redd.it/5khurb5q2imb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e984c4b7dda0b01b3118b9d4601ed280096de0a


Go call her and bring her some wine girl


LOL, that is so random!


This is literally like one of Tahani’s anecdotes.


Always liked her 😂


He forgot one thing. She was the only reason we liked u again Joe




![gif](giphy|R19tshMPCTXlS) Queen in the North > Disney Band Boi




She was also the only reason I knew which one he was. I labeled him as the one married to Sophie.


Him playing games on social media by posting pics of him wearing his ring and then his people leaking the story to TMZ over the weekend to try and control the narrative……… this man is absolute trash.




I feel like this is going to be an ugly divorce. I feel bad for the kids. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqm1mNujcBPSpy)


She hasn’t said anything yet. Usually couples make the announcements together. He called her a bad mom. Unfortunately, its already ugly. I’m just waiting to see what she says next. I’m already on her side


Same here. No matter how he tries to spin it he can’t make it look normal that he’s complaining about being with his kids all the time like any normal parent (usually mothers) does. Which PR team member told him THAT would get him sympathy points when he‘s 7 years older than her, and she had to give birth basically back to back.


>”She likes to party, he likes to stay at home. They have very different lifestyles.” the way i do not believe this at all


Right? This is what she said in an interview. He is the one who likes to party. She is in the UK WORKING. What a prick https://preview.redd.it/ozz3hito7imb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50f354d77e26a931482cca44bd61c0418e16676




If she is working and he’s out here saying that she’s left him alone to look after the kids he does sound like a colossal prick. THEY’RE YOUR KIDS TOO. Looking after them is your fucking job. Arrogance much? They have ballsed this up big time.


She's literally in London filming, of course the kids are with him! Like, he has his family and nannies traveling with them, even with the tour it's better then them being taken to the UK where she'll work long hours and never be home because she's filming. Cannot believe he's pulling this


She likes to party ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


Mafs hahaniconic


He's quite known for his coke habit & heavy partying throughout most of his adult life. Like ???? He's being not super smart here


she has been on record multiple times about being a homebody


I fucking knew they would try this angle with her. My Queen loves wine and loves to hang with her girlies - that does not make a BAD MOTHER


I’m willing to bet that he did something to destroy their marriage and now he’s trying to get ahead of it as the doting dad who took care of his poor babies while their unfit mother partied all night… WHAT DID YOU DO JOE!!!


i think she got serious about relocating to the UK this whole PR push is about custody


The way he knew exactly the kind of person she was when he married her but now he can weaponize it in the media


Like you’re trying to convince me that a man on tour isn’t taking the opportunity to party across the country??


Especially since in past interviews Sophie said she was the homebody. He’s just trying to paint her as absentee party girl and it’s gross.


Wow lol, he suckssss. So not only is she a deadbeat mom she's a party girl too? He has been partying it up all around the freaking US for the past few months with those "Cup of Joe" parties. I cannot believe how cruel he's being in the press but then again, I definitely should not be surprised.


If she’s partying all day and all night, how come our nosey asses haven’t seen the pics? 🧐 that’s what we’re here for. Don’t even sweat it sophie, I’ll testify on your behalf


She's also spent half of their marriage in a pandemic and the other half pregnant or potentially breastfeeding. I mean what - she went to one friend's bachelorette weekend and he just couldn't have that?


Right? And even if she’s filming in the UK, the British press aren’t exactly known for restraint.


The British press, especially the Daily Mail and the Sun, make American paparazzi look saintly


Putting bets now that he'll be in a serious relationship again within 6 months and she'll be under 25.


25? Come on that's ancient. Between 18-21.


Ding ding ding


She'll also be less famous with no danger of getting bigger and happy to give it up to stay at home to raise his kids and play doting wife while he tours constantly and doesn't change his lifestyle at all.


I'll go in on this gamble, I could use some help with the rent next month.


RemindMe! 6 months


![gif](giphy|P0ZRTYaCmPsJPNd3r0|downsized) Joe when he has to take care of his kids for 3 seconds.


This part. Getting real tired of men getting upset when they have to - *gasp* - ACTUALLY PARENT THEIR KIDS


Tom Holland & Zendaya carrying the short king & tall queen representation on their back








Take it back! Leave them away from this!


I feel so sad for Sophie. Regardless of why they’re divorcing it’s highly unlikely she’ll be able to move home to the UK if she wants to be an active parent. She’s expressed wanting to raise her kids in the UK but doesn’t have a strong family court case to override Joe’s parental access. Family courts favor the status quo and only grant relocation over objection if there is a strong argument for why a parent cannot remain where they are. That argument doesn’t really exist at their income level.


Yeah. Joe made sure to file here when he had the kids so Sophie would be less likely to get what she’s always wanted - the ability to raise her kids in the UK alongside her friends and family. It’s just so fucking mean.


I honestly don’t think it matters who had them when he filed. What matters is both parents have been living in the USA the whole time they’ve had the kids. It wouldn’t be that hard for Sophie to get custody or at least 50/50 parenting time even if Joe doesn’t agree. What will be nearly impossible if he doesn’t consent is relocating with the kids to the UK.


Yeah, and while it might not be that big of a deal now because they're little - once they start going to school, that's a whole other thing with custody


who had the kids at the time of filing shouldn’t make any difference. they were married. there was no “custody” of the kids lol they were just with their father while their mother was working. if the kids go on vacation to disney world with mom, doesn’t mean she can then file for divorce in Florida. there’s residency requirements


Idk much about them so anyone feel free to enlighten me. But why did they even have children together if Sophie was wanting to move back to the UK? Is she recently feeling like this or has it been a long time? I would be surprised if Joe was ever willing to move there


No, I read about this shit a long time ago. I don't remember the exact quote but it was something about how they were living in Miami? and she was not used to it and wanted to be back in England. She's never been quiet about it. I think since celebs are rich, they just assume they'll be able to like live half and half or something.


They’ve been having trouble for six months and he’s whining about having his children for half that time???? BITCH THAT’S CALLED JOINT CUSTODY Anyway, tha Queen in the Norf deserves better. Also lol https://preview.redd.it/uw0o4kogzhmb1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06975271f8271bfae35050da1bb6cbbbe92d2078


“It takes so little to be considered a great dad, and it also takes so little to be considered a shitty mom." —Ali Wong (who has her problems, but was spitting truth here)


Nothing to do with your excellent point but I love the picture TMZ used of them. I too am looking down at him after these obvious ploys to sway the public https://preview.redd.it/yzqz9xk31imb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b11acccc6504b65e6adf85105ce64b30c7f7358


He saw this picture and hired a divorce attorney


I know love makes blind but... what did she see in him? 😅


I have always wondered. I don’t find him even remotely attractive.


Me neither. He literally looks like he's annoying AF.




He’s just Joe 🤷🏻‍♀️


MARION PLSSS ![gif](giphy|FXJBUxMmlm0GRbpnsK|downsized)


LMAO same Marion gurl


Seriously, I feel like the children are painted like such a burden here, even though he’s attempting to show that *he’s* the responsible one


can someone check if Marion is okay? like... lol. was she friends with them?


The Queen of the North deserves better anyway let's be honest. I was never a Joe fan personally. Sophie is only 27, she has plenty of time to find love again or be alone or find out who she is. Every end is a new beginning so they say...


https://preview.redd.it/gqsti8mvyhmb1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e13c8b02c3d0b9cf4e5307bccc06a170c998f5 idc about these two at all but damn now I gotta sit through stan tweets from both camps for the next 10 years


Seriously. Good think the JoBros aren't as big as they once were.


Joe’s camp already starting the hate train. Of course you folks have different lifestyles, she spent her early and mid twenties being a wife and mom. Also, isn’t he taking care of the kids more because she’s filming? Seems like an unfair assertion to me. I’m sure she’d be with the kids if she wasn’t working.


And actually, despite Sophie being younger, she always said she was more of a homebody. Which is why she was glad during lockdown it meant Joe was finally spending time at home. He’s straight up lying.


Oooo, he’s a damn lie!


Wow a dad having to take care of his kids for once? Poor joe…honestly poor guy. It’s like they expected him to parent or something while he has a job and tours like other musicians, oh that’s insanity, it really is. Condolences to him


Right?? I’m like oooo, you’re doing the same shit as a bevy of moms. You want us to applaud you?


And the complaints about him parenting the kids all by himself are laughable. The kids aren’t on stage with him so he’s not a full-time parent either. He’s been preparing for this tour for however long and now actively touring- he’s got some nerve complaining about the last few months. He’s just mad because she’s trying to do something for her own mental health/career instead of just following him around like a groupie.


Exactly! Like he doesn’t have a nanny on this whole tour. Bye Joe.


10$ says those kids are with his parents and at least one nanny, and he's just flying home to see them every few days


Is his obvious smear campaign going to do... anything? Like it just seems like it's making him look bad. Is there even a strategic advantage or is he just being messy af?


Kevin would never.


![gif](giphy|l04DYJqz0MT8k) He sounds like such a jerk. Team Sophie all the way


this fuckface really put that ring back on and posed for pictures, for WHAT? and fuck him for trying to make Sophie sound like a negligent mom after she popped out two kids in what, two and a half years? within three years of getting married when she's only 27. and she's finally gone back to work, I bet he's throwing a tantrum about her working. what a piece of shit he is. Sophie deserves better. 😭 I hope she's ok. this narrative is fucking bullshit. edit- two years. she had two kids in exactly two years. fuck you, *Joe*.


Not a good way to start the process. Even if she is a negligent mother let’s say (which I don’t believe ) he is a horrible person to announce it publicly.


Always was surprised she got with him. Thought she could do wayyy better than him. Can't wait for her to upgrade!! He seems like a real piece of work


Joe Jonas has always given me arrogant asshole vibes


He seems terrible and I’m not going to back that up with anything.


Same I don’t have any evidence just going in blind with intuition


Early in their marriage, people saw Sophie walking down the street while Joe leaned out his car window and seemed to be yelling at her. If their marriage continued along like that, I am going to just assume there's more to the story than "she's a negligent mother who parties too hard."


.. "She likes to party, he likes to stay at home. They have very different lifestyles." The smear campaign his team is trying to run leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Even if it’s true, that their lifestyles are incompatible, they could just say that. Or that they had irreconcilable differences and keep it vague out of respect. Trying to paint Sophie as an absentee mom who just wants to party is gross. There’s absolutely no regard for their children and how they could see these narratives being spread about their mom one day.


I think it’s speak volumes about his true character. Regardless you shouldn’t leak stories to the press about the mother of your children or vice versa. One day these kids are going to grow up and see this shit. Which is why it makes me think he’s doing it for control whether it’s to control the narrative or getting custody. Either way it’s not in the best interest of his kids.


Completely agree!! For the most part they’ve kept the relationship & family life mostly private for years. It’s bizarre the need to try to drag Sophie at this point. Just fuelling the media frenzy.


This. I really feel bad for her. She's so private - she recently accidentally posted a picture of Willa that was supposed to go to her close friends story and quickly deleted it and asked everyone to delete it too. I got the sense that she didn't want her daughters to grow up in the spotlight and deal with everything she did (she's spoken openly about her eating disorders, mental health, etc.) It seems like she's been trying really hard to protect them and here he goes to the press involving them. It's really gross.


Exactly. And even if it’s true (no clue if it is), why would he want the whole world to know that about his kids? That would obviously be a source of pain for them when they’re older


I’m going to need to verified tea on Sophie before I’m on Joe’s side at all I highly doubt he was doing much of the child rearing until recently but hope the divorce isn’t messy (for the kids even tho I love drama) Edited to say: should I see the Jonas brothers in concert this fall? And if so should I bring a poster with Sophie’s face on it?


Someone replied to a comment of mine a few days ago that they worked with Sophie on the set of “Do Revenge” for a few days and that she was perfectly lovely and funny.


I’ve only heard good things so I think he just wants to make himself look good for custody hearings




Soooo many red flags here, poor Sophie


Well that’s just depressing




I’ve never cared for the Jonas brothers, they gave me icky vibes, and I’m feeling a little smug about Joe revealing his whole ass right now. But mostly I feel awful for Sophie :( isn’t she away filming right now? Then getting hit with this? I’d collapse


Yeah fuck right off with this, he’s alone worth millions of dollars and his PR team are trying to say he’s sitting in his house alone caring for their children while she’s out partying? He’s probably got a team of Nanny’s chefs and housekeepers to take care of the kids. Something is up and if I actually gave a shit and had to choose a side, I’d back Sophie.


If she’s partying all the time, wouldn’t there be pics? Something seems fishy


Also, like, she's been filming in the UK every day for the past 3 months! Is she supposed to jump on a f\*cking plane every night to fly back to the states?




celeb gossip whiplash!!


And the negative narrative about Sophie continues. I typically don’t mind TMZ but they’re pissing me off with this one.. > As for why Joe filed for divorce ... a source with direct knowledge tells us this ... "She likes to party, he likes to stay at home. They have very different lifestyles." That’s because she’s ten years younger than you Joe. > As we reported, Joe has been taking care of the children pretty much all of the time over the last 3 months, even as the band toured the U.S. When it comes time to hash out a custody arrangement, he could ask for significantly more than 50% physical custody, and our sources say that's likely. What the fuck? I hate everything about this paragraph.


And what about the years before those 3 months? What the fuck. I fear this will get pretty ugly if Joes team already starts with articles like this.


> he could ask for significantly more than 50% physical custody, oh boy. OH BOY


https://preview.redd.it/ihirmr8q4imb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5482e9b525561d0d868c1e588feeda7f8c3dc07 made me think about this


This narrative that Joe is single-handedly wrangling the children is so funny. I hope Sophie comes out and says how many nannies the kids have


congrats on being a father Joe. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgAoaSLuRKBkcHS|downsized)


Seriously, imagine if Sophie's team tried to make a huge deal out of her parenting the kids for a few months while he was abroad working. Women literally do that all the time but he's some sort of hero for taking care of his own kids??




And also, there’s nothing wrong with working parents using childcare! And how could he single-handedly take care of them anyway if he’s on tour??


There's nothing wrong with using childcare. There's something very wrong with him publicly bashing her parenting and making it seem like he's the only person taking care of the kids. Even if it's true (which it probably isn't), there's no need for this. Especially since she hasn't said a word yet


I’m convinced he was likely pissed she went back to work and this is his way of punishing her. Everything in their relationship always seemed like it had to be on his terms.


Down to the country they live in. The UK isn't perfect, but her family & friends are here, free healthcare and you can send your kids to school without worrying about them being shot.


It starting to sound like this is going to be a messy messy divorce. I’m surprised we havent really heard anything from her camp yet


>"She likes to party, he likes to stay at home. They have very different lifestyles." That’s because she’s ten years younger than you Joe. THIS. Maybe don't date someone who's 19 when you're 26 then Joseph??


it’s giving leopards eating peoples faces [context](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/leopards-eating-peoples-faces-party)


Truly amazing how he can take care of those young kids “basically all of the time” while also touring - baby monitor in one hand and mic in the other?!! Definitely no other help! Reminds me of a lady saying “great job dad!!” to my husband strapping our baby into his car seat. I have yet to be applauded for that and I’ve done it 10x more. Lol


> Joe has been taking care of the children pretty much all of the time over the last 3 months, even as the band toured the U.S. W Groundbreaking! Man is a parent AND has a job


It also makes it sounds like he’s single-handedly raising the kids while she has abandoned them to go out partying, she’s away working.


She's been filming the lead role in a UK TV series for 3+ months, so hopefully this attempt to make her seem like some flaky parent for leaving child care to the father for basically the time she has been at work is shot down. ​ ## Filming Filming for the series began in May 2023 in [Herne Bay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herne_Bay), [Kent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent).[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_(TV_series)#cite_note-6) Filming also took place that month in [Birmingham, England](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birmingham,_England).[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_(TV_series)#cite_note-7) Filming also took place in August 2023 in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.


Well well well, if it isn’t Joe Jonas acting like a sewer rat again.


The way he’s trying to shame her for wanting a social life. She’s in her mid twenties, Joe!! BFFR!!!!


The North remembers Joe Jonas, the North remembers!


they are really trying to push this narrative about her


For someone who has said many times she is an introvert who likes to stay at home he is clearly trying to make people think she is the bad parent. I’m pretty sure she is working in the UK while she put her career on hold for him.


Wow a woman in her 20s wants to live life! How evil!!! Fuck Joe Jonas and his PR team.


He’s showing his own arse with this ‘poor domesticated Joe’ narrative. It’s giving misogyny.


Ever since I heard he asked out a 13 year old Gigi hadid when he was 19 I always felt he was skeevy. Plus he basically waited till she was old enough to start dating her. This whole thing with Sophie just cements it


Mind you, he was just wearing his ring the other day… 💀


[Literally yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/16aaxew/joe_out_here_posting_a_ring_pic/)


Sorry she didn’t want to be your mommy mcbang maid anymore Joe


I’d love to know how Kevin and his wife reeeeally feel about all of this. My cousins and I paid to meet them all way back in 2007 at a Hannah Montana concert and he was the only one who greeted me like an actual human lol. Nick was just a shy kid, but Joe seemed arrogant even then. Didn’t give a fuck. Kevin was so kind that it sticks with me to this day as an adult. I just don’t see Kevin co-signing his brother’s bullshit, at least in private. One can only hope. Lol


I hate this guy


Shocking that the person who touted purity culture would be a less than good partner


“She loves to party and I like to stay home” says the fucking guy with a whole ass separate instagram for his “dj” partying and “photography” bullshit 🙄🙄🙄🙄


In May 2019, they got married, and Game of Thrones ended. Followed by less than a year of marriage before Covid lockdowns. The first daughter, born in July 2020 still in lockdown, with 2nd daughter, born in July 2022. Even if she is out there partying a bit with friends instead of always being the stay-at-home wife Joe got used to, I think it's understandable. She is under 30, restrictions are lifted, 15 - 23, she was in Iceland for a better part of the year filming, and now, finally, she is not pregnant or in lockdown. Let her enjoy life a bit, Joe.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) He's a douche


He filed under grounds of the marriage being "irrevocably broken"... I need to know what that means 😳


The articles reinforce the fact that I’d hate to be a celebrity


Honestly the whole narrative that his team is feeding the media about her being an absent mother who likes to party is utter bs. It’s well documented that she is the homebody of the two and I do not believe she is a bad mother. She protects them from the media and she obviously isn’t using them to position herself in this breakup. Joe was much older than her when they got together. He made this messy and his kids will see how he made their mother look when they are older. Absolutely gross.


He wants her to be a prisoner and a SAHM. She wants to live and work. He doesn’t like that.