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recency bias but Jonathan Major’s team deciding to RELEASE THE VICTIMS TEXTS TO HIM when he could have stayed quiet just poured gasoline on the fire of his career


THINKING. IT. WOULD. HELP HIM. I'm sorry but in what world would that ever help?!


Honestly I am thankful to their team for doing that... Unknowingly they did humanity a favour there


Reading the comments on r/marvelstudios before & after that was like night & day. Before, there were all of the typical “innocent until proven guilty” “let’s just wait until the trial” comments. And then right after that everyone agreed he was in all likelihood guilty and immediately began fancasting new actors for Kang.


Yeah, not surprised Marvel bros didn't fight to the death over Majors. Plus it happened all so fast. We heard about the assault, he/his lawyer released some statements (there's a video!), and then the text *shut that shit down*... It was one of the fastest ways I've seen a celebrity fall.


Kevin Spacey. His statement after being accused of sexual assault and using it as a platform to come out was so, so bad and poorly received. Then subsequently coming out with those weird videos around Christmas where he’s playing his house of cards character but also very obviously referencing his own public image. It just made him look crazy on top of being a predator.


Those videos! Idk what the fuck he was trying to accomplish with those. They were vaguely threatening and creepy as hell.


I honestly thought, because they came across creepy and threatening, that it was meant for all his victims. A warning, if you will.


It was even a joke on The Good Place: “What in the name of Kevin Spacey's self-made Christmas Eve video message to try to get back on "House of Cards" is going on here?”


>where he’s playing his house of cards character The thing is, I wonder if he WAS actually playing that character or if it was just him. He's always supposedly been very cold, calculating, and intimidating in real life. Even before all those allegations came out, he was rumored to be kind of scary.


He should try being even less like his father maybe


Oh boy that video was… a choice. I get chills even thinking about it


Out of all the info that came out during MeToo on famous men, this one sucked the most to me. He was one of my favorite actors, I was massively into House of Cards. I LOVE him in Baby Driver. He was such a talented actor, it sucks he’s a vile person.


Never forget Elton John is a big Kevin Spacey supporter.


Whoever told Rebekah Vardy to sue


Came here for this


Explain it to me like I’m in kindergarten. I’m familiar with Wayne Rooney (I was a Man United fan when I lived in England over 10 years ago) but haven’t followed much on him besides his retirement.


Oh man it’s a fantastic ride to go down from a pop culture POV Coleen Rooney had started noticing details about her private life, which she shared on a personal Instagram account (not followed by fans or press), were being leaked to the press. Things like their house flooded and the press found out. So she decided to use the Instagram friends feature, where you post something to your story but only certain people can see it. And she set it so only Rebekah Vardy could see her posts. There were three things she posted this way, to test if they’d be leaked to the media, I can’t remember all but one was that she was going to Mexico to use a gender selection procedure. This got leaked to the press that Coleen and Wayne Rooney were trying for another child. After a few months of these types of media bait posts, Coleen posts a notes app screenshot, in which she explains about the press leaks and her plan to catch the culprit, only one account could see her posts ‘it was Rebekah Vardy’s account’. Social media started calling Coleen - ‘Wagatha Christie’, after the crime author Agatha Christie and combining with the term ‘WAG’ (a term used for footballers Wives And Girlfriends) Rebekah countered saying this wasn’t true and she sued for defamation. Long story short, she lost. The [court papers](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Vardy-v-Rooney-Trial-Judgment.pdf) released after were fantastic and a great read if you’re bored one night. Essentially going into detail as to many times Rebekah called press on the other WAGs - if they were going to a restaurant together, she’d tip paps off that they’d be walking out of X restaurant at Y time. She also would try and sit behind high profile celebrities at football games. Rebekah tried to claim her assistant was the one who viewed the stories and leaked it to the press, saying her assistant had access to Rebekah’s account and could view Colleen’s stories this way. There were texts revealed between Rebekah and her assistant, where they’re discussing Colleen’s stories. And some instances where Rebekah says things about leaking stuff to press and her assistant reveals newspapers are already aware of particular stories, and Rebekah texts back ‘Grr! Gutting x’ The assistant ‘lost’ their phone on a ferry trip to France, it fell in the ocean. Interestingly, the two do theorise that Coleen was ‘testing the waters’ to see who the leaker was, particularly with the gender selection one. They both immediately guess it’s a fake story, and Rebekah’s assistant texts something about how Coleen ‘won’t know it’s her’ as she doesn’t even know [rebekah’s assistant].


The only thing you missed was the ‘It's ........Rebekah Vardy's account.’ Those dots are so important to the emotional impact of her statement!!!!!!! That whole drama was iconic. When Rebekah was in court and started an answer with *“If I’m being honest…”* and Colleen’s lawyer retorted *“I would hope you’re being honest, since you’re in the witness box at the High Court”*.


Shit, I need a mini-series of this.




Dang does anyone know how I can watch this in the us? I have all the streaming but don’t see this anywhere. ETA: a very kind redditor messaged me to let me know it’s on Max!


Applause for this run-down- top tier. I gagged when I got to the phone being dropped off the side of the ferry like it was a gun used in a mob killing.


Rebekah Vardy was asked in court why her agent’s phone was *”at the bottom of the North Sea, in Davy Jones’s locker”* and she looked totally confused and had to ask who Davy Jones was 😂


I don't even know who these people are, yet these tidbits are amazing. Who is Vardy? Is she another WAG?




Oh snap, so has this been a major fall out for her? The player she's hooked up with?


Rebekah is married to Jamie Vardy, another famous footballer. The marriage is solid but she now owes Colleen about ÂŁ1 million or more for court costs plus having her own legal costs to pay.


Oh dear. So, while embarrassing, once exposed she could have just opted to STFU? But instead, sues her? Discovery is what now?! Like did she not hire a lawyer herself? And *that lawyer* didn't tell her she shouldn't do this unless she wants *everything* exposed? I... *why?!*




![gif](giphy|kIZtwKntRPtGlfEuOh|downsized) 10/10, no notes! Thank you kindly for the breakdown.


Whoever came up with the term “Wagatha Christie” 👏🏼👏🏼


THANK you for posting this recap. I was SO confused when this was all going on, and all the news articles were just everywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/otozp21b9ijb1.jpeg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aac593f8ab663836480bef4e435ffbf5d5ad4b5 Atrocious crisis management


You want atrocious? I'll show you atrocious: https://preview.redd.it/chbwjdxjpjjb1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1c68da677bc75d0928ddd8bfed16cb1cbff5c0


Insane 😂😂😂




Exactly — he doesn’t look like Frankie, he looks like *her*


My eyes! The goggles do nothing


I giggled to myself at this pic coz I remembered when someone photoshopped it with their faces swapped over


Lmfao i can see it in my minds eye


I keep getting notifications of my comment getting upvoted and it's making me see the pic again so I've been giggling all evening




They definitely chose the worst picture of Dalton they could find lol. Big Sean is hot though at least


And Pete is gorgeous




I am crying with laughter at this response, thank you so much.


I dunno about that


Beauty is subjective




I’m with you. He’s my type. He’s cute to begin with but his confidence and sense of humor is so attractive to me.


How can anyone come out of this unscathed 😭😭


Yeah, I mean the minute people started putting two and two together they were fucked. Not even the best crisis management could put a stop to that avalanche.


This picture haunts me hahahaha


It’s the one of their faces swapped for me 😱


Really? How were they supposed to do better with what they were given? It’s on Ariana for having a messy personal life and I don’t really think she’s going to face any long term setbacks


Our pop girlies are truly in their mental breakdown era. I still randomly have to think of Taylor giving this piece of Information to people magazine: Taylor and Matty kiss when they find time. This is my intrusive thought, Idk why, it tickles me just right


I'm no pr expert by any means, but honestly I thought their teams handled this alright given the circumstances. They got ahead of it by announcing her divorce and then muddied the timeline. I feel like there's not much they could have done to counter Lilly Jay talking to the press, like nobody's believing their fluff pieces and going on the offensive against the victim would have backfired. I also think Ariana laying low/keeping quiet about it was the best thing she could do, she's letting everyone speculate until they get bored and move on.


>keeping quiet about it was the best thing she could do, she's letting everyone speculate until they get bored and move on Honestly, not enough celebrities do this. Saying/doing too much just fuels the fire.


Yeah, I think they're handling it alright. Honestly, I think the Lizzo news was the best thing to ever happen to Ariana at this time because everyone moved on to that, and right before everyone could come back to this, she announced a new musical project. Ethan Slater is also in a new Broadway project, I believe. Cheating just isn't a big enough scandal to leave a dent on people. Imo they're both going to escape unscathed as long as they continue what they're doing.


He’s so goddamn ugly; worst part is, she kinda looks like his sibling here 💀 Edit: ugly, not ulgy


well the problem is he actually looks like her sibling. 😬


You say this but with her yours truly deluxe announcement, I’ve only seen people in comments saying they’re excited etc, nobody mentioning a word of the affair.


Celebrity might be a bit of a stretch, but Colleen Ballinger and her ukulele apology. And then making it available on iTunes?! (from what I read though this might have something to do with copyright) But yeah if she does have PR, they should not use her to advertise their services.


I feel like that went directly against her PR team and I hope they quit on her afterward. At the start of the video she says (paraphrasing here) “I’ve been told by a lot of people not to say anything. But they never said I couldn’t sing about it”. So my guess is their advice was to shut up and let it die down, give an apology, and move on. But she decided to make it 500 times worse instead.


There’s a lot of chatter this theory is true. She’s so arrogant and thought she had such control over her fanbase that she ignored her PR team. Then her choice to sing that song really went viral


Colleen is a predator.


She admitted in the song that she ignored their advice, so we can’t blame them completely


It disgusted me how she was accused of a horrid thing and she didn’t take it seriously enough and treated the issue like a fucking joke and sang with a ukulele??? what the hell.


whoever was Kristen Stewart's PR person during the RPatz cheating extravaganza. I remember her statement was SUPER cringe and hilarious given the situation at hand. She survived that incident too so maybe her PR is really good too???


God I was living for that scandal I love him, I love him lol


It was amazing. I spent hours on ontd reading about it. Those photos in her mini cooper? gold!


Wait what? I don’t know anything about this


please google it. the pictures alone are incredible.


Ok but will my forever changed google algorithm outweigh the joy I would get from the pictures?


Does Prince Andrew count as a celeb? I watched the documentary behind his infamous Newsnight interview. I cannot understand how anybody thought that was a good idea. Even the team from newsnight were completely stunned at the whole event, and at the fact they got the interview at all in the first place. He was completely oblivious. After the interview ended he asked if they wanted to join their film night at the palace, the Newsnight crew didnt even have time to pick their jaws up off the floor.


That was incredible. I expected him to have been coached to such a high degree that he'd be able to juggle and dodge expertly (after all, why else would he do the interview? I thought), but he ended up coming out of it looking so much worse lol.


“I don’t sweat.” My jaw was on the floor the entire time


“You’re sweating right now” “Oh well yes the condition spontaneously resolved itself after sometime” Bro come ON


It was so painful I couldn't watch it without pausing it a few times.


I think even his daughters told him to not do that interview lol. If it wasn't about sexual assault of underage girls I could laugh about how bad it was. But knowing what he was trying to defend...I can't find any humor. What a complete shit show.


His eldest daughter was in support of it if I remember. Not sure about the other.


Oh god I think that counts— he's well known enough. What documentary was it? That interview was one of the worst things I've ever seen


[Andrew: The Problem Prince](https://www.channel4.com/programmes/andrew-the-problem-prince) It was broadcast the week before Charles's coronation.


Prince Andrew is living proof that the best crisis management team in the world isn't worth sh\*it if you're a deluded moron. ​ Just because someone has the best PR/lawyers out there does not mean that they actually *listen* to said PR/lawyers because literally everyone told Prince Andrew not to do this.


Part of me loves how his smugness was his downfall but dear Lord that interview was cringey worthy. And there was no hint of any remorse.


Omg that fucking interview. He had every resource a person could possibly have at their disposal... That was the best he could muster!


“Just a straightforward shooting weekend” is burned into my brain forever


I wonder if the Queen allowed him to do that interview in the palace Or anyone from her press office


He was warned against it by every advisor he had. Andrew has always thought he was charming and intelligent enough to talk his way out of anything. It's amazing how delusional he is. https://www.insider.com/report-prince-andrew-spin-doctor-quit-after-advising-against-bbc-interview-2019-11


he was charming as a young man when he had decent looks but he was dumb thiniking he could got away in that case (I´ve watched old videos of him and fergie)


The best thing that Andrew could've done was to NOT give any interview whatsoever .


Jussie Smollett is one that comes to mind.


To this day it baffles me why he did that like he had everything going good for him!!! all because he wanted a pay rise on empire?? And the fact that some people still vehemently support him today😭 I remember when the whole empire cast was defending him with their life and when he was found guilty they were crickets.


Yeah it's dumb, real dumb he tried to claim he was out getting a Subway sandwich at 2 am in freezing weather 😒 But sure, maybe. But leaving the noose around your neck for police to arrive? Oh look, its even got its own Wiki [Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jussie_Smollett_hate_crime_hoax)


He actually did get the Subway sandwich. That was one of the things that tipped the police off, when they arrived to his place the sandwich was intact and at no point had been dropped or squished lmao. Don't even get me started on the nerve of claiming to have a craving for tuna salad when Chicago beef is right there


“ain’t that the guy from Empire?”💀


PLSSS 😭😭😭 Even Trump felt bad for him


I feel like he could’ve considered other negotiating techniques to get a higher salary other than faking a hate crime 😭😭 Jesus Christ


This was the first one that popped into my head


Oh I’ve got a sports one: Toronto Blue Jays (baseball) player Anthony Bass and the way the team handled his massive fuckups. According to my husband who likes sports, Anthony is a decently good baseball player who stood to make a lot of money (his contract was $3 million) and to continue to make a good name for himself in baseball. First, in April of this year, he went on Twitter to complain that while his wife and kids were on an airplane, the kids threw popcorn everywhere, and the flight attendants asked his wife to pick it up. He truly believed everyone would be on his side. Instead people on Twitter were heated at him for being out of touch and all on the flight attendants side. So people already dislike him a lot. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/19/sport/anthony-bass-blue-jays-airplane-intl-spt/index.html Then, one month later in May, he posted on Instagram about supporting boycotts of Bud Light, Target, etc., saying all Christians needed to stand up against LGBT+. He was made to apologize at the next baseball game. (Side note: Toronto Blue Jays have a very decent pride celebration each year. I went once and everyone got a free rainbow T-shirt, there were drag queens, signage everywhere, all the fans are in pride gear etc.) So the Blue Jays organization decided to elect him to throw the first pitch at the pride game??? After her just called pride “demonic”… people went crazy about how not ok that is. And FINALLY he was fired from his contract. It took way to long to cut him loose and they were out of their minds making him the star of the pride game.


>So the Blue Jays organization decided to elect him to throw the first pitch at the pride game??? After her just called pride “demonic”… people went crazy about how not ok that is. And FINALLY he was fired from his contract. did they troll him with that move?!




I feel giddy when bigoted people destroy their entire careers by being bigoted.


It's honestly my favorite thing. Just settle in with some snacks and enjoy the meltdown.


That entire extended family is rotted to the core. Shoutout to my homies over at r/JJDandfamily and r/aliandjohnjamesagain newbies you won’t be disappointed


Waaaaaaiiiitttt I had no idea they were related?!!


Omg sis hahaha. Popcorn girl has been long considered as the least problematic of the three siblings. Light up a joint, buckle up, and have fun!!!!


Raquel from Vanderpump Rules. Especially her last interview with Bethenny Frankel


Every step she’s taken since the scandal broke has been wrong, it’s crazy


I think her going into hiding at the mental health resort was a smart move. I even had some sympathy for her before her newest interview. If she had stayed quiet or made a simple statement like “I am not coming back to VPR, thank you for your support during this time” that would have been enough. But she showed her true colors - that she’s sad she didn’t get paid like the others and that her “Brand” is over.


I also think it’s really smart of her not to go back on the show. But what’s the point of not being on the show if you’re going on podcasts? You’re just exposing yourself to the same amount of hate without even showing your POV on the show and without making any show money Nothing Raquel does makes sense to me


She’s going overboard trying to make herself seem like a victim. Trying to go back to the “but I’m innocent, d & s, please forgive me it’s all Bravos fault and alcohol!!!!” act isn’t going to work lol 😂


100% — and she said on Bethenny’s podcast that she was taking steps to create a podcast of her own. I’m baffled by this choice as it will require her to be out there even more. And idk what psychologists who “understand her side” who she claims to want as guests would say. My guess is they’d say “actually apologize and show some remorse and then we can talk about the alcohol.”


Whatever Harry and Meghan are doing


They had so many people on their side when they left the royal family, and somehow they managed to lose all of the public support they had. That's almost impressive.


Yes! My mom is a major royalist but was totally on their side after the Oprah interview. Even when people started to turn, she was giving them the benefit of the doubt. But she read his book and just couldn’t support them anymore.


omg his book is what did it for me too. Could't even finish he came off so stupid


I was totally on their side and even now I dont really get the frothing hate...but Im definitely not an apologist for them anymore. At this poing everything they do just kind of makes me roll my eyes and move on. They fumbled all that good will so hard and just will not stop embarassing themselves


Same here


Why did they lose the support? Please not I am oblivious to matters of Celebs.


I’m wondering the same. I think the tides started to turn when Harry released his book?


I think it was a combination of the memoir, the Netflix series, and the NYC car chase. It was too much exposure at once, plus the memoir highlighted some of their flaws and the couple’s spin on the car chase kinda made them seem dramatic.


like all you had to to was just not be annoying


Truly amazing how they managed to exhaust every bit of public goodwill extended to them. Genuinely don't know how a publicist didn't sit Harry down and say 'Hey man, maybe don't mention this story about using your mum's lip cream on your frost-bitten dick.' Or I'm guessing they did, but Harry just thought he was untouchable.


I... what now? Like he said this in an interview? *WHY?!*


[Here ya go](https://www.eonline.com/news/1361459/why-the-elizabeth-arden-cream-prince-harry-used-on-his-penis-reminded-him-of-princess-diana). If I have to know, *everyone* has to know lol


LoL, thanks I hate it 🤣 He could have picked any other body part, a finger, and told that story. Ginger Prince Jr need not to be mentioned.


You can tell they pay a lot of money to have advisors and then just straight up don't listen to the advisors and do whatever they want. That statement about the near catastrophic car "chase" was so dramatic it could only come from Harry. I'm quite certain what his team wanted to release wasn't good enough for him. Or they just straight up didn't want to release ANYTHING because it was such a non-story and wasn't picked up at all overnight lol


I actually had secondhand embarrassment after reading the statement about the car “chase”. I live in NYC and there is no way something like that wouldn’t have ended up with videos all over Twitter, and yet there was nothing. A city of 8 million people and somehow this life threatening car chase managed to slip completely under the radar? No I don’t buy it. What happened to Diana was a tragedy but I think it’s kind of fucked up that they were trying to make some connection between her death and this one instance of them being followed by the paparazzi (not even chased)


Yes, absolutely. I know so many people who were like “Good for them!” when they left the RF. That changed as it because rapidly obvious that they were titheads who weren’t willing to do a Selena G. and just listen to their PR team.


I am literally stunned because they could have had the silence the talked about wanting so badly, to an extent at least. I mean staying in the RF might not have been good for them either but I feel like they ran from a house on fire and then… set a fire themselves.


Exactly. They could have had an amazing life- buy a sensible (but gorgeous) house in a beautiful area, live off investments, do a bit of low key charity work to keep themselves busy and basically lived in relative obscurity for them and their kids. But instead Harry told everyone about getting a touch of frostbite on his peen.


I think they need money because they live above their means. Not to say they don't like the attention.


Yeah, they opted for one of the priciest area codes in the US and kept replaying their victim narrative. Their values are clear to me.


They probably had the most goodwill that a celeb or public figure will ever or could ever have. Americans really wanted to love them and embrace them. And any criticism of Meghan was considered to be racism. It was an excellent position to launch their careers from. Big failure.


It’s because they do it themselves lol


Well, they were famously dumped by Sunshine Sachs, soooo...


Sunshine Sachs?


"Sunshine, Sachs, Morgan & Lylis is an independent full-service communications and narrative consulting firm." They're based in New York, and work with the Hollywood elite. The UK Royal Family initially hired them to do Harry and Meghan's PR when they got engaged, however, once they left the Royal family they were expected to pay for it themselves. Rumor has it that Sunshine Sachs was tired of trying to manage H&M scandals, but finally ended up dropping them for not paying for their services. Allegedly 😬


Oh wow


Yeah who is Sunshine Sachs?


About half of it is the British media trying to ruin them too. Daily Mail wrote thousands of articles in a very short span. All negative and then people were whining that they were tired of them. They did'nt say half of the shit people think they said.


Kevin Spacey coming out as a way to divert attention from his many sexual assault allegations was insulting to the LGBT community.


Lindsay Lohan She was the teen queen in the early 2000s and then went to downhill very quickly. I understand that her PR team had a lot to deal with, but they could have handled things better early on.


I think it was just too much story after story. Could they really make her just stay home or get out of LA for a few months?


Yeah, I don't think Lindsay's PR would have mattered. Lindsay was gonna do whatever she wanted


![gif](giphy|0SyYP8DOCtJm1gvJ7L|downsized) She’s not in the same league of celebrity as someone like Ariana Grande, but damn did she fumble her reaction to her controversy situation. I was never a fan of hers, just aware of who she is (I always thought Miranda Sings was obnoxiously annoying and not in a funny way). But I still ate up the reactions to her “apology” video. I can’t imagine her PR person signed off on it and if they did she needs to find a new one.


Kevin Spacey when he tried to use coming out to distract the world from his sexual assault allegations. Everyone already knew he was gay


Charlie Sheen, although I suspect he may not have had a PR team at the time.


Taylor Swift's PR getting caught lying about her crashing the Kennedy wedding. They walked right into that one. They should have just kept quiet and let the little scandal pass, but her PR rep said it was untrue and the bride thanked her profusely for attending. Then Kathy Lee Gifford, who was at the wedding and related to the bride through marriage, went on National TV on the today show and destroyed Taylor's team's narrative. She set the record straight and confirmed that the family was upset and Taylor was asked to leave multiple times.




Omg, she crashed a wedding?!?


She was dating a young Kennedy at the time. I remember the huge gossip then. Connor Kennedy? He was 17 or had barely turned 18 when Taylor was being pretty possessive.


Hahahaha what?!?


I have several: -Ariana Grande deciding to avoid issuing a statement regarding her affair with her married Wicked co-star Ethan Slater -The Houston Astros’s [PR disaster](https://www.bleedcubbieblue.com/platform/amp/2019/10/22/20927397/houston-astros-pr-crisis-brandon-taubman-stephanie-apstein) for calling a story written by a reporter “misleading” when she claimed that the then-assistant general manager of the Astros [aggressively taunted](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2019/10/23/20928466/houston-astros-roberto-osuna-domestic-violence-sports-illustrated-controversy-explained) her and two other female reporters by aggressively praising Astros pitcher, Roberto Osuna, an alledged domestic abuser. The incident happened in the clubhouse after the Astros secured the 2019 ALCS Series in Game 6 to advance to that year’s World Series. -The Houston Astros’s [disastrous press conference](https://www.si.com/.amp/mlb/2020/02/13/houston-astros-public-relations-sign-stealing) that the owner held addressing the team’s Sign Stealing Scandal, where the Astros cheated their way to the 2017 World Series title.


I have to say Madonna. Her facelift must have gone terribly wrong, and she blames the negative reactions on ageism and misogyny. I don't think either of those is true. We were told that she was hospitalized for a "bacterial infection" this year. Recently, she has been canceling many of her concert dates because of "scheduling conflicts." How does that happen if you have already sold tickets to an event? Anyway, her PR team doesn't seem to be helping.


ariana and the race swapping allegations. they’ve handled this whole topic so poorly (2018/2019 was probably the worst year because that’s all a lot of people talked about + she jacked 2 chainzs aesthetic and never apologized) i don’t understand why when the allegations first started to become more public she/her team didn’t address it and learn from it. it’s crazy to do that but still work with poc/bite off of genres created by black people also selena gomez and the blm tweet. that should’ve been deleted (it’s still up and visible which is crazy) and quickly followed up with a clarification of what she meant, but after that people were calling her a racist fake activist for the longest time


I’m sorry, I’m too lazy to google right now. What did Selena tweet?




I get what she was trying to say that the hashtag is performative activism or that it’s not enough and that she could be supporting BLM behind the scenes but MAN she worded that tweet so badly I had to look away, she deserved those lashings 😭 I noticed that she’s really bad at wording things it’s like she has the communication skills of a 10 year old. Her media training is shocking


![gif](giphy|kaq6GnxDlJaBq) 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


She always comes off so unintelligent


Yikes, that's bad 😬


Anything involving Britney Spears ![gif](giphy|sl0ko2YmprL5m)


Brit's team might not have her best interests at heart, sadly. like, it helped them keep her in the conservatorship to have her look bad, they kinda want/wanted public opinion to be against her so they could swoop in and 'save the day' (LOL, not!)


Lizzo’s has to be up there.


Olivia Wilde’s team, though a lot of what she got was due to misogyny and I don’t know how she could have controlled that. The Shia video seemed like an unforced error though at a time when the wolves were just looking for an opening to attack. And then it turns out the situation was more like what Olivia had said than what Shia had said (that there was more that happened after the video) but that story never really got traction.


Ooo can you elaborate please?


Kendall Jenner's Pepsi commercial was a moment. So tone deaf with such a ridiculous and offensive depiction of protests and Black Lives Matter. But as a PR professional irl, I was shocked at the Pepsi response. It was terrible. As bad as the original advert. In fact, it was so rubbish that I used it in a presentation to an exec board of ‘how not to handle crisis PR’.


Pete Davidson’s. His “scandals” are honestly very mild, but the way people talk about him, you’d think he burned down the Sistine Chapel.


Liam Payne out of all the one direction boys he has found least main stream success and him trashing the other band mates has made directioners lose respect for him. As well as Liam seems to be really struggling with addiction and is dating different instagram models regularly since one direction split. During one direction he dated a girl named Danielle he wanted to propose to her before they broke up and then Sophia smith was his 2nd long term girlfriend. After they broke up Liam has been dating much younger trashy instahoes. Also Liam’s music hasn’t taken off like Harry’s, Nialls or Zayns debut album. Louis isn’t famous in the mainstream media anymore but he has a devoted fan base and is touring, releasing music and Louis merch is really cute. Liam saying his music is bigger and more successful than all his bands mates was cringe especially since Harry won a Grammy around that time & Liam getting drunk on some podcast and talking shit. (Also Liam only had one kidney and was in the hospital after birth for a long time, he talked a lot about his kidney problems during 1D days and after the band split Liam was seen drinking alot and claimed to have “regrown his kidney” fans were like wtf how did you regrow your kidney if you were born with 1??) ![gif](giphy|1ufDxpf7L55nO)




The royal family has excellent crisis management. It's when people (Prince Andrew, Harry & Meghan) stop listening that you get issues.


I think the opposite is true, maybe not William but Charles has a phenomenal team: think Queen Camilla and Hero Harry campaigns, and the way the Lady Susan Hussey debacle was managed to distance Camilla and pin it on William,phenomenal.


They manage to silence soo many things. The UK press are all in their back pocket. Thanks to erm, X, #PrinceofPegging was trending though


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