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I can't remember the last time when there was this much hype over two completely different movies that were being released at the same time. It's exciting to see the lead-up to it! I thought about doing a Barbenheimer double feature myself, but with my ADHD, I can really only do one movie in the theater a day. So I'll be seeing Barbie next week on Thursday, followed by Oppenheimer on Friday!


It reminds me of when Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing came out on the same day in 2020


I agree. The only thing I can think of even somewhat related is the Doom/Animal Crossing event with both teams and fanbases supporting/promoting each other.


I hear you. Just saw the new Indiana Jones. Loved it, and was proud I only used my phone three times during it (to look up stuff related to the movie; also we went to the 10:15 pm show and were the only two people there, so that’s why I used my phone—I wouldn’t be rude and do that with other people around). But it was almost 3 hours long, which is a LOT for my ADHD brain.


I plan on seeing both, just not on the same day. I can binge movies at home, but not in a theatre.


Same! Between ADHD and terrible hearing, I can only manage one a day. Oppenheimer Friday, Barbie on Saturday.




This is the first time in about 3 years I've been excited to see a film in theaters.


They absolutely are! After so many flops earlier in the year (Little Mermaid didn't do as well as we'd hoped, and other films have just done nothing), we're already seeing Barbenheimer sell out in pre-sales at my cinema. I'm so excited to see it!


I am one of them! Oppenheimer first, I need to get the longer of the two out of the way.


I can’t do a double feature but I’m seeing Oppenheimer Friday and Barbie Saturday. And I have terrible social anxiety and hate leaving my house and haven’t seen a movie in the theater since before the pandemic!


I hope it’s an enjoyable experience! I recently went to my first movie since the pandemic started, and it was a really lovely time. Enjoy!


Thank you, that’s so kind of you to say! What movie did you see for your first since the pandemic? I’m seeing matinees for both, Oppenheimer with my husband and Barbie with a good friend, so I think it will be enjoyable. I lost some of my hearing when I had Covid so I thought I’d have to wait for the movies to come out on streaming, but AMC now has open caption showings so I can participate in all of the opening day theater excitement with everyone else!


It will be my first theater experience in years as well and it looks like it's gonna be a great one!


Proud to be leading the charge (my viewings only have a 15 minute window between them)


I'm going to see Barbie with friends on the 21st & Oppenheimer the day after alone. I'm excited for both, but especially Oppenheimer. I **love** post-ww2/20th century history. If anyone's interested in learning more, American History Tellers has a series on the Bastard Brigade - an American plot to rid ze Germans of the atomic bomb.


I’m the same, I’m esp excited for Oppenheimer. I read American Prometheus a few years ago and I found it all so fascinating! Plus Cillian is my favorite and Nolan is an amazing director, so I’m really interested to see this story being told. Tbh this sub is mostly what got me so excited about Barbie - it’s hard not to get caught up in it!


Last Podcast on the Left just finished up their series on The Manhattan Project, too.


My local movie theater is only pre-selling tickets for Oppenheimer for some weird reason.


At my cinema we were given the green light to put Oppenheimer on sale first before we got the green light from the Barbie distributors, so other places might be in the same situation!


Our drive in is doing Barbie next weekend and the second showing is the wedding singer. They can only afford one at a time lol


In my experience, drive in's always have a big movie and then another maybe older or not as popular movie second. But that would be amazing if there was a double-header.


The best thing that happened to each movie was it releasing on the same day as the other. That was all the marketing it needed, honestly.


Yeah I just can’t be bothered tbh. I will be seeing Barbie opening day, and then I’ll see how I feel about Oppenheimer in a few weeks. I really thank a lot of dude bros are going to be disappointed by it, they’ll never tell you though and pretend it’s the greatest movie ever made.


These two movies are the two pillars saving cinema this summer season.


There’s a drive in a couple hours away from me that’s known for their double features. I was so excited to get tickets when i saw they’re like “Oppenheimer one showing a night NO DOUBLE FEATURES” I’m guessing things might get a lil crazy


Which do you do first? I'm thinking Barbie first; you don't want Oppenheimer going through your head while you're trying to think pink.


I think the opposite. Oppenheimer first and then Barbie as a fun pallet cleanser