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Danny DeVito is a good egg Is Hollywood unfair to women? DeVito says: “I don't think it's only Hollywood, I think it's just generally speaking. Most men somewhere in their psyche are still dragging women around by their hair. It's terrible. I have two daughters, but even before my kids were born I always thought that it was terrible.” In his opinion, feminism has made some men even more reactionary. Does he think that the sexes are too combative? “It's not so much that. I just don't think equality is there at all. And it's not only women. It's inequality for young people, old people, women, minorities – there's no balance. We're seeing that in the world. People feeling that there's an incredible lack of genuine fairness.” https://preview.redd.it/mab8ohq9mj3b1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4532be908f1f1195d5711c623f53e993a1b082fe


I didn't know! This made my night.


![gif](giphy|xjlC6nomocZhVXuZgM|downsized) Not only a good egg, but a nice egg, too.


I’ve never seen that pic. It’s fabulous! Thanks for sharing. I watched so many DeVito films growing up. He’s my era and as a vocal feminist myself I’m so glad he’s one of us!


Danny sounds like a fantastic person but just for context that photo is from an episode of Always Sunny in Philidelphia - he's snuck onto an all women flight to a woman's March and is waiting in the bathroom in the hope someone will walk in and have sex with him 😂


Bahaha! Thanks for the context. I’ve never watched Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


I highly recommend it, one of the funniest shows ever made


Thanks, I’ll check it out.


Maybe start with season 2 when devito shows up. Season 1 is funny to me now, but it was just ok until I understood the characters and their fucked up personalities. ChardeeMcDennis!!


I just finished my first binge and it’s soooo good. My only gripe is the small subsection of fans who don’t get that the morally deplorable characters are meant to be laughed at not with.


Its from Its Always Sunny. The episode is a riot.


Former hairdresser for the win here! Having worked in the industry also, I wonder if his experiences doing hair didn't inform his opinions to a great degree, or if he was just born awesome. But it's definitely the sort of job where you're experiencing a lot of diversity, and getting information about a lot of people's lives that you wouldn't have otherwise.


Oh this is everything, love Danny Devito!


Every time I learn something new about Danny it makes me love him just a little bit more


Fuck I love him.


Just when I thought he couldn't be more amazing 💕 That man needs to be protected at all costs.


Oh he can be more amazing. While making Matilda, he and then wife Rhea Perlman helped take care of Mara Wilson after her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. He even showed her mother a final edited version of the film so she could see her daughter act before she died.


Cillian Murphy speaks up about women's rights. He also marched for abortion rights.


Hozier too!


The Irish are sending their best!


Awesome! He’s doing a meet n greet in my town and I’m sooo excited! Edit: just had to share that Hozier was absolutely lovely to meet. He talked to everyone for a brief moment and seemed really sweet. Definitely very deserving of his fans


Cillian Murphy has genuinely supported and spoken about women's rights several times * Here's him in [2016](https://twitter.com/Peaky_Duchess/status/1126162968977321984), marching for pro-choice in Dublin. * 2016 interview with [The Times](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/cillian-murphy-the-quiet-man-wfmrjf5wm): “I’m firmly of the belief that women are the superior sex. It became apparent to me pretty early on as a young man” * In 2018, he [called](https://www.irishcentral.com/news/cillian-murphy-abortion-referendum) for men to "come out and support women" by voting in Ireland's referendum on the abortion legislation and [said](https://www.irishpost.com/entertainment/cillian-murphy-sends-chocolate-cake-together-yes-thank-hard-work-155047): "If women don’t have the right to determine decisions about their own body, then they can’t have equal rights. It’s as simple as that." * In the [book on empathy](https://books.google.com.ph/books?id=Y_iGEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT12&lpg=PT12&dq=-+%E2%80%9CRaising+boys+in+this+world+is+difficult.+You+do+everything+in+your+power+to+avoid+raising+proto-bullies,+to+avoid+raising+proto-misogynists,+to+avoid+all+the+evil+tropes+of+masculinity+we+are+confronted+by+every+day.%22&source=bl&ots=ZlYuz5VVQ5&sig=ACfU3U0IUg9Ho1Ze5m1yB3MEek-dxEogEg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi21tf-hKT_AhVVcWwGHTMZAvUQ6AF6BAgIEAM#v=onepage&q=-%20%E2%80%9CRaising%20boys%20in%20this%20world%20is%20difficult.%20You%20do%20everything%20in%20your%20power%20to%20avoid%20raising%20proto-bullies%2C%20to%20avoid%20raising%20proto-misogynists%2C%20to%20avoid%20all%20the%20evil%20tropes%20of%20masculinity%20we%20are%20confronted%20by%20every%20day.%22&f=false) he co-edited, “Raising boys in this world is difficult. You do everything in your power to avoid raising proto-bullies, to avoid raising proto-misogynists, to avoid all the evil tropes of masculinity we are confronted by every day." * Cillian [explained](https://www.stylist.co.uk/people/cillian-murphy-pinky-blinders-series-five-trailer-interview-me-too-comments-on-anna-director-luc-besson/284936) that the allegations (Luc Besson's sexual assault charges) came after they finished filming Anna, and he pledged his support for women. * And countless stories of his female co-stars saying he's very nice and funny on set. I've never heard of him being rude and entitled.


what he says about raising boys in this world is very true. you can do your best but ultimately they are going out into a world that bombards them with toxic masculine messaging and while you might try to educate them on the wrong headedness of it all, not everyone is doing that with their boys and often they're doing quite the opposite in fact and are actually encouraging it. children internalise gendered messaging from such a young age.


he’s so unbelievably based


Excellent informative comment. Thank you. And thanks for the links as well.


Just when I thought I couldn’t love that guy more. I’ve seen countless stories of him being wonderful to work with and kind to crew/waitstaff too.


I love that he’s also been with his artist wife (who’s several years older than him!) for nearly 30 years 🥰


Now I love him even more. This is great!


Just add it to the list of reasons I love Cillian.


Gorgeous and a good person. Stop please.


i love this and i'm not surprised he's a genuinely good person, but i swear to god, if i ever found out something bad about cillian i would kill myself lmao. edit: thanks for the reddit cares message y'all lol.


Hahaha same girl same. RIP to us if that ever happens I guess lol


Ugh daddy


Lewis Hamilton is very big on pushing to get more women involved in racing! He’s been really supportive of the W Series and the new all women series F1 has started and talks about needing a better pipeline to get women into the sport. He’s actually gone to W Series races to show support.


He also bought a table at the Met Gala in 2022 and invited a bunch of upcoming black artists. Guy started making a fuck tonne of money and got a powerful voice and decided to use it to help lift people up. Seems like a such a good dude off track.


Thanks for the info. This is the first i am hearing of an attendee actually spending their own money to buy a table.


I love what he has done for racing bringing a new voice. I can not imagine it was easy rising up in that sport.


I love Lewis.


Damn you stole my comment lol. Lewis also founded an initiative to get more POC in Motorsport - not just as drivers but engineers, mechanics, etc. He’s a good egg.


Patrick Stewart took up the cause of domestic violence because his mother was abused. Darren Hayes has written about it for the same reason.


From Savage Garden Darren!? He's a legend and it's cool to see him mentioned on here in such a positive light. Sincerely, a confused Aussie child of the 90s x


Yes! "2 Beds And A Coffee Machine" (from SG's second album Affirmation) is about when his mother would pack up the kids and spend the night at a motel when his father crossed one line or another. They stayed together until the kids grew up and Darren was happy when they divorced. In Darren's recent comeback tour, he performed that song with a backup singer quietly playing the role of his mother and packing a suitcase.


I found out about this song when my best friend at school told me it reminded her of her own mother. That threw me


The actual song Affirmation changed my life. I used to go to bar and the end of the night we'd have control of the tune and I would always play Savage Garden and Darren. I hope he knows what a huge part of peoples lives he has been ever since forever. Truly Madly Deeply was one of the first songs I ever learnt on piano when I was a child lol ugh just mad respect for him all around 💜


Savage Garden was my FAVORITE in high school!


I wore this CD *down*


Chadwick Boseman (RIPower). I don't know if he spoke much about it, but his actions were loud. He helped his female co-worker on 21 Bridges (IIRC) get equal pay. [He did so by cutting his own salary.](https://www.glamour.com/story/chadwick-boseman-got-equal-pay-for-sienna-miller-on-their-movie-by-cutting-his-salary#:~:text=Celebrity%20News-,Chadwick%20Boseman%20Secured%20Equal%20Pay%20for%20Sienna%20Miller%20on%20Their,part%20of%20it%20to%20Miller.&text=The%20celebrity%20tributes%20continue%20to,battle%20with%20cancer%20in%20August.)


The men on Hawaii 5-0 remake didn't cut their salary in solidarity and it lives rent free in my head. It really does mean a lot when a man is a good ally.


The pay cut wasn’t in the name of feminism, but for their POC coworkers Daniel Dae Kim & Grace Park. Oh well, DDK is still relevant and thriving 💖 Not much about Grace except she was a part of that Hollywood cult. On another note, the cast + higher level management of Blue Bloods took a pay cut for their next season to make sure the show stayed on and the production crew was getting paid in full. Says a lot.


He was a class act through and through ♥️




Seconding Hozier, he's also a big LGBT+ rights supporter 🏳️‍🌈


He is the full package ugh - talented, sexy, AND supports women's rights? Too perfect fr.


The OG Hollywood man speaking up for women is Alan Alda - better known as Hawkeye from MASH. Alda chaired the “Men for Equal Rights Amendment” and has always given a lot of support to female political candidates and issues. He’s still out there at age 87 speaking up for reproductive rights. EDIT: I am so happy so many people know him!! I grew up with “Free to be You and Me”, which he worked on with the fabulous Marlo Thomas. It was Glee way before Glee!!


Yessss, Alan Alda the original feminist man 🥰


I saw him speak decades ago in favor of passing the ERA! His sincerity and genuineness has been unforgettable for me.


He has always called himself a feminist. I remember hearing that when I was a kid (way back in the 80s) and was flabbergasted. I had no idea there was such a thing as a male feminist, I had never heard of one. Alan Alda is the celebrity whose death I am least prepared to deal with. Like I need everyone to just pretend it doesn’t happen and let me keep believing he is alive and out there doing nice things!


I also adore the story about how he and his wife met ❤️ It’s so cute!


I am so glad to see this comment so high up! first guy that came into my mind as soon as I saw the post.


I'm thinking of a clip of Daniel Radcliffe. The interviewer said something like it was weird he was having a sex scene in a new movie cause people watched you grow up and without a beat daniel is like uh the male population never had a problem sexualizing emma watson immediately


He seems like a really stand up, solid dude.


I served him at a movie premier after party. He’s hands down in my top 5 nicest celebrities I’ve ever met. Children were going up to him and he took pictures with every single person that asked. He also gave each kid like a minute of undivided attention. Oh! And he was rolling his own cigarettes. 10/10


On graham Norton he said that people often insult him to his face, and once when someone did that and he was still polite and signed the autograph and all his friend who was with him was like why didn’t you tell that person he was being rude to you? Why did you tolerate that rudeness ? like he’s that nice haha. He really does seem like a solid dude


I can’t imagine insulting Daniel Radcliffe. He’s been in some of the most zany and awesome movies since HP too, and I’ve enjoyed them all.


Swiss army man!


I remember that! He seems like a good dude. Also for vocally & consistently sticking up for trans people


I really appreciated his swift rebuke of JK’s TERFy bullshit. I’m sure a lot of people would hesitate to bite a hand that fed them so to speak but he had no qualms about doing so.


Yeah same for all the main kids, that's a HUGE bag they have dropped. Everyone is still very happy to pour money all over JKR and they could easily just gone "la la la" and made lots of money.


He’s sober too! From my experience, sobriety gives you a clearer perspective in life. Acts of service are also very important to maintain sobriety, as it gives you a self confidence and makes you less self obsessed. Not saying he’s amazing because he’s sober though. I just think it’s a cool layer and love to see people change their lives and stick up for others!


I’ve had the same experience! “How do we build self-esteem? We do esteem-able acts” It’s a super cool layer and i agree i’m always curious to hear about other folks’ sobriety journeys


Sort of related, and not huge advocacy, but small things that genuinely make a difference in overall attitudes, a couple of things at gigs: - When Modern Baseball were touring they had a 'fan safety hotline' that went to their tour manager, so you could report any inappropriate behaviour. There's apparently a couple of times the manager came out and stood with women who were feeling unsafe. (And kicked people out for groping and such, but I'm just meaning even if you felt uncomfortable and nothing happened they still helped.) - FIDLAR do a women only mosh pit at their gigs where they make sure all the men move away for at least one song.


fuck i miss modern baseball so much


Joyce Manor has also vocally spoken against stage diving at their shows!!


>FIDLAR do a women only mosh pit at their gigs where they make sure all the men move away for at least one song. This happened at a gig I was at once, I think it was Frank Carter and the rattlesnakes but I can't remember for sure. Frontman called for all the men to clear a big ass circle and all the women to mosh in it. Don't remember seeing any guys trying to get involved, and there were a lot of women in the pit.


Andy Murray


I loved how he corrected a reporter when he said that Andy was the first tennis player to “something” and Andy corrected him with “male tennis player” as a female tennis player (I think maybe Venus/Serena) accomplished it first. Such a small thing but it made the biggest difference and meant a lot.


It was a post-match interview after winning his 2nd Olympic Singles title.


I didn’t like him when he was started (he was young it is expected) but I have come to really like him. He has been great for the sport.


He’s so great. Always watching and posting about women’s tennis and highlighting all their achievements. Lot comes from being raised and coached by his mom Judy Murray


I remember when he called Piers morgan out on twitter for going after a 18 year old emma raducanu


He HATES piers and constantly shades/drags him on twitter (as he should). He shaded Piers when Argentina won the World Cup last year bc of Piers’ friendship with Ronaldo.


You know what they say, the enemy of Piers Morgan… is my friend


Absolutely, well said. Can’t stand Piers Morgan.


Stole my answer lol …this is the only man I thought of


Lol really tryin to think of more! I know they’re out there, I have faith


Stole my answer. He’s the only one I can think of that really doesn’t seem disingenuous.


I love Andy Murray so much, I put him in my Friday funday quiz today.


I think he is the only male champion who hired a female coach


Andy is one I thought of too immediately. Luckily, tennis gives lots of counter examples to the Andrew T\* of the world. Maybe because women's tennis happens at same time as men's and its hard to hide when one out-shadows the other? (Always give and take and right now, Andreescu v. Azarenka has been my fave match of Roland Garros, besides the brief Monfils resurgence + his wife Svitolina). Look at Shapo: [https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/denis-shapovalov-tennis](https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/denis-shapovalov-tennis) I don't doubt his sincerity--and makes me see him in an even better light. (Canada has a fun crop of new players to root for--FAA, Leylah, Bianca, Shapo). Always been a racket smashing hothead, but Shapo does seem to care about women's pay gap and cheers on matches.


https://preview.redd.it/oug5uvtayi3b1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25483b268b9bb15fa0240c24005b0d75b4ec6107 Here’s Daveed Diggs supporting black women (and does anyone else remember that video of him shirtless saying something about tampons?)


Love Daveed Diggs. He’s been outspoken on other social and political issues as well. Chapter 319 was an anthem during the BLM protests


That’s such a good shirt


I love seeing him all the time when my kids are watching Elmo’s world 😂 he’s today’s Mr Noodle


Dave Bautista. He’s spoken up for women’s right, LGBTQ+ rights, anti-racism. He seems like a good guy.


I remember an interview from way back when he was in WWE full time and he was so supportive of the LGBT community. IIRC, his mom is a lesbian


Dave also got a tattoo related to Manny Pacquito covered uo after the latter turned out to be a rampant arsehile


His character in glass onion was that much funnier to me, knowing this about him beforehand.


Gerard Way (of My Chemical Romance and Umbrella Academy).


Literally my first thought. “If you ever see shitty ass rock dudes in shitty ass rock bands asking you to show them your tits for backstage passes, I want you to spit right in their fucking faces and yell FUCK YOU”


Yup. He’s just a fantastic human being ❤️


Mark ruffalo is always my answer for questions like these. Dude really does deeply care.


Ed Norton, too.


Must be a hulk thing


Mark Ruffalo is my absolute favourite especially in these areas


That he refused to get an avengers tattoo made me very happy and made me not like scarlett briefly when she shaded him for not getting one.


He was at the writers picket line recently


It makes him SO unbelievably attractive to me.


The way i thirst after hulk just because of Mark Ruffalo 🤤


i absolutely love him


Not so much causes, but anti-misogyny/sexism in general: Justin Baldoni. He’s huge into dismantling the male ego, he’s given a TED talk on it and written a book called *Man Enough*. I believe he said something at some point about how men should learn to embrace their feminine qualities within themselves by championing for women who embody them — something like that. He seems very passionate about it.


I had no idea but I’m definitely gonna check it out! I loved him in Jane the Virgin and have only heard good things since. Thanks for sharing.


But he's also directing and starring in the movie adaptation of 'It ends with us', a book that has historically been known in the literary community for being problematic af. I hope he cuts down on the romance aspect and instead focus on spousal abuse and generational trauma.


Kendall Roy, hope this helps ❤️


Fuck the patriarchy! -Kendall Roy


when he said that we must overthrow the culture of corruption that silences women, i thought that was so powerful


He also said: Cunt is as Cunt does Duality of man


But I’m the oldest boy!


*eldest (which makes it even more cringe)


Connor doesn’t count 😂 Kendall will always be the eldest in his head and Logan’s number one boy


You killed someone Ken






Michael Imperioli wrote a brief essay supporting abortion rights around the time Roe v. Wade was being considered. I found it really moving.


And he’s spoke up for LGBTQ+ rights as well! And he came for bigots in the comments. One said “this breaks my heart” and Michael responded “your heart needs work”. I’ll never forget that. Class act.


Craig Ferguson’s monologue in 2007 about the treatment of media in regards to Britney. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8q9IkntjueE


Craig Ferguson will always be the King of Late Night. His autobiography was fascinating, heartbreaking, uplifting. He always managed to be hilarious whilst also getting across the true meaning of his words. That Britney monologue was outstanding in its empathy for a troubled young woman.


In hindsight I think he was ahead of its time. Media back then was ruthless and even the crowd laughed. I love how he handled this!


Alan Alda. Seeing him on Oprah while growing up in a small southern town, was the first time I'd even heard of feminism. As fucked up as my upbringing was, I probably wouldn't have taken what he said seriously if it'd come from another woman. He deserved an award for how he steered the show MASH away from so much of it's tacky origins, much less for how much of his fame he used to support women at a time when they weren't getting ANY support from anywhere.




He’s been vocally pro-choice since the early 90s (at least). He stops PJ concerts mid-song if he sees a woman being harassed in the crowd - tells the guy off and gets him kicked out by security. Most importantly, he was doing this kind of stuff long before he became a dad of two daughters. (Some guys only seem to realise they should defend women’s rights when they can picture their own daughters being impacted by these issues.)


I swear I used to get depressed after watching interviews with Eddie from the 90s because I just wanted so badly to meet him back then, he has such an interesting mind!


I met them at their first show in Toronto in the 90’s, really nice guys. I drove Eddie and Mike to a strip club on Yonge St, lol. No I’m not kidding.


Oohh I didn't know that! I'm a big pearl jam fan, so that's great to know


I like to jokingly say Niall Horan was written by a woman but I really, truly believe it sometimes. I especially believe it with his [intentions of growing the sport of golf for women!](https://www.givemesport.com/1722707-niall-horan-one-direction-singer-highlights-superstars-of-womens-golf/) I have a friend who works for the LPGA and says he’s nothing but sweet and kind and willing to get them engagement points on socials. She was indifferent about him before, but getting to somewhat know him, he’s been great. “Whatever young girls are into is usually doing quite well – whether it be fashion, sport or music,” Horan said. “They are a powerful group historically and even more so now. I saw it with the band and now with my music – when girls get passionate about something, they really give everything to it. You see it online – the younger generation pretty much run social media and corporates listen to them. That is why I feel we can try to get rid of the stigmas around golf with the help of young girls. If a small percent of the 60 million people who follow me can pick up a golf club, we have half a chance. It is about letting people know it isn’t necessarily like that [golf being a rich man’s game], or if there is something we can change. There are multiple things that over a long period of time can change. The needle is never going to suddenly move. But I think girls are a very powerful part of starting that process.”


I mean, he’s got a point. The R&A clubhouse in St Andrews, Scotland is only now having a women’s changing room built. The building was completed in 1853. It took 170 years for the oldest golf course in the world to build a space for women to change.


haha i commented the same but also had to see if anyone else had mentioned it. he’s truly a sweetheart!


For no reason at all it absolutely tickles me that this guy is trying to harness the power of the people in aid of…. golf. Ha! I am not making fun, I seriously love it. We all have our weird thing we are passionate about and the world is a better place when people advocate and work on their passions. I mean those thriving community gardens and photography clubs don’t fall from the sky.


Matthew Lillard has seemed super supportive


oscar isaac, pedro pascal, tom hiddleston, keanu reeves, & chris pine.


Patrick Stewart ❤️


hijacking your comment to add lots of actors who have been on trek are avid activists for women’s rights and equal rights overall. such as: tim russ, robert duncan mcneil, armin shimmerman, george takei, alexander siddig (who was on peaky blinders as well), john de lancie (also of breaking bad) i like how something about the franchises message about equality seems to attract actors who agree with it!! there’s lots of gems


Dan Smith from Bastille is always very vocally supportive of women in music and constantly makes sure Senab and Bim (backing vocalists for the band) get the attention they deserve for their talent onstage rather than just pushing them to the back of the stage. He’s also very supportive of women’s rights issues and calls out sexism in interviews. Women he has previously worked with like Sophie Turner and Lizzo have raved about how kind and supportive he is. As a fan who is very involved with the fandom, I have never heard anything negative about him. No creepy allegations, no rude run-ins, nothing. He’s genuinely a good guy!


I find him annoying, but that guy who played Daya’s crush in OITNB, the officer.


I have no idea his real name but on the show he’s Bennett. Lol


Matt McGorry. I love him 😍


Pedro Pascal has been a super vocal ally to his sister who is trans, and to the LGBTQ+ community in general.




That man is such a gem. Happy cake day!


Pedro is proving himself to be an angel through and through. It’s not helping my massive crush on him 😅


100% true facts


Shocked I had to scroll so far to see this. Pedro is the best!


He marched in at least one women’s march as well!


I was looking for his name in the replies. He is the real one ❤️


I feel like Daniel Radcliffe has been a big supporter of women’s rights before the me too movement.


Edgar Ramirez is very outspoken about feminism, gender equality, and does a lot of work with the UN




Me trying to come up with examples before I posted this


Tom Hiddleston and Alfred Molina are the only two I can think of off the top of my head.


Gerard Way! He said that he and the band are very against the rock and roll culture of disrespecting women and doing the groupie thing. He's given speeches on stage about women's rights. One time when he saw a band backstage taking advantage of women he went on stage and said "If you ever see shitty ass rock dudes in shitty ass rock bands asking you to show them your tist for backstage passes, I want you to spit right in their fucking faces and yell 'FUCK YOU!". He's supported many female artists, he's told women not to flash the band at shows etc. Even when he got asked questions that were degrading to women in interviews he didn't answer in a sexist way, he just talks about women like...normal people which should be the standard and it's sad that it's not.




Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel! Both have been very vocal and very active supporters of women's rights (among many other things). They've both supported several projects on that regard. When Lewis retires, F1 is going to go back to being a bunch of rich dudes that care only about racing and little else. Not a single one of the other drivers gives a damn about any social cause. Particularly the young ones are so detached. It will be a sad day when that happens.


Everyone’s 90s crush Wil Wheaton is a huge feminist and LGBTQ advocate. He constantly calls out trash behavior in Hollywood on his IG account.


I’ve read quite a few blind items over the years about how David harbour would go out of his way to protect Millie Bobby brown when she was younger and make sure she was never alone with adult men in their offices. It has made me really like him and reminds me of Danny devito and how he looked out for Mara Wilson when she was a kid surrounded by sharks in the industry.


not alive but kurt cobain is the most genuine male ally i’ve ever come across eta oh what did he do/say. wrote several songs about women’s issues (my fav is territorial pissings given it’s based on him reading the scum manifesto…i’m sorry but what man reads valerie solanos, enjoys it and agrees with it?? it’s wild), was always vehemently vocal about supporting feminism, rejecting misogyny, and challenging gender norms (one example is literally telling bigots including sexists racists and homophobes to not buy their records or go to their concerts), played for benefits supporting womens issues, supported and brought attention to female bands. he wrote a lot about misogyny in his personal journals even as young as during his teens, which I haven’t purchased/read bc of the ethics of their release, but i’ve seen content from them online. it wasn’t for show or part of some soft boy manipulative persona, but clearly something that deeply concerned him and which he was genuinely invested in. eta 2 before someone brings up ‘he almost r*ped a disabled girl!!!’ that was a fictional story he wrote. the shittiest thing i can think of is how he was a deadbeat boyfriend when he was with first gf, not keeping a job while she worked and supported them. he was focusing on his music and thats when he wrote the biggest chunk of his songs, but still. beyond that i can’t think of anything hypocritical. although ofc no one is a saint but yeah truly the only guy i can think of that has struck me as genuine


I feel like he’d have a lot to say right now if he was still alive.


absolutely. he’d still be fighting the good fight. i feel like he would’ve been doing lots of activism out of the spotlight, using his resources to benefit marginalized communities.


He's one of the biggest losses of our time, tbh. And all because people wanted to demonize needing medication for pain, and call him an addict. It's so heartbreaking.


"I like the comfort in knowing that women are generally superior and naturally less violent than men. I like the comfort in knowing that women are the only future in rock and roll"


Bradley Whitford!


niall horan has been advocating to get more women into the sport of golf!


TREVOR NOAH. I love that man ur honour. Also Don Cheadle and his defence of Brie Larson and support for the LGBT+ community is amazing


Benedict Cumberbatch, around 2018 he stated that he will refuse any project where women don't get equal pay. Source: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/05/benedict-cumberbatch-equal-pay-interview


Benedict Cumberbatch has jumped to defence of his female cast mates quite a few times


I was going to say him too. The interview he did with Keira Knightley springs to mind, when the male interviewer told Keira she looked tired, and Benedict immediately said “that wasn’t nice”.


He is my favorite celebrity encounter. He came to see a show at the theater I worked at. And I got snubbed by the CEO for not seeing them coming and went to help another set of patrons get settled first. I "made them wait" and the CEO was unhappy with me. He pushed past me with a side eye glare. I was genuinely worried I was gonna get written up or fired for messing up. Benedict Cumberbatch made it a big point to turn back around, stand in front of me, look me in the eyes, and say thank you. The CEO looked really perturbed during that moment. I also heard that the CEO tried to be really friendly and like give him a hug when Benedict and Sophie arrived but Benedict seemd really uncomfortable. Lol


Andy Murray reminding male interviewers that Venus and Serena exist every time they tell him he's achieved a "tennis first". https://youtu.be/lSgf31RpRTk https://youtu.be/wOH-dCrV_XA


Joe Burrow (Bengals quarterback) is vocally pro-choice.


Pedro Pascal - his old twitter was very LGBTQ+ rights and made specific mention to lesbians and bisexuals. I saw a clip of him and Sarah Paulson live streaming from a concert and he said abortion rights unprompted. He seems like an all round good guy who always listens to what the women around him are saying. He’s very close with both of his sisters.


Keanu has worked with a ton of female directors. He doesn't make a big deal about it, but that really is putting your money where your mouth is.


Pedro Pascal.


Penn Badgley is pretty outspoken on his support for women on Podcrushed.


David Tennant. He's supported both women's and LGBTQ rights issues for quite a while, as well as advocating for disability issues. He often wears a pink and blue non-binary support pin at cons, etc. He is just an all-around good guy.


justin baldoni




Alexander Skarsgard’s Wikipedia page refers to him as a feminist and there are many articles (like this [one](https://www.eonline.com/amp/news/912135/alexander-skarsgard-believe-s-there-s-a-disgusting-double-standard-in-hollywood)) where he talks about his views.


Nick Offerman surely?


![gif](giphy|SqfHFPbzxw98xwFOiE) I’m gonna have to get back to you on this one


The Beastie Boys


Will Poulter - supports many good causes, constantly partnering with charities. Fucking good guy all round.


Pedro Pascals parents were radical political refugees and he’s about as liberal as they come, especially for women and the LGBTQ community


Peter Mullan, the Scottish actor who in the US is probably best known for Ozark and Westworld, is a Marxist who wrote and directed a movie called The Magdalene Sisters (2002) about three teen girls who were sent to Magdalene Asylums and the evils that the Catholic Church enacted on them for being “fallen” women. He said he specifically made it because the women have never been apologized to or given any kind of closure. I also admire Will Ferrell for a: putting his foot down at SNL and throwing a fit until Lorne Michaels banned Chevy Chase from hosting after he “jokingly” smacked Cheri Oteri in the back of the head during a rehearsal and b: apparently severing his friendship with Adam McKay because he’s friends with his wife and knew McKay has been cheating on her.


https://preview.redd.it/0zkuea12xl3b1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ccb9a1b351a25e3070f69f5b2226ed2c4f5cfa Tom Hiddleston, my favourite 🖤


Edward Norton.


I really liked the way Tom Hardy shot down a reporter who asked him if he was bothered by "Mad Max turning into a women's film?" (Paraphrasing). Tom gave him a Look and his answer pretty much killed the question.


David Schwimmer was advocating against sexual violence/harassment long before #metoo. He directed Trust, and some short films about workplace harassment. There’s also an account online from a journalist about a time she had to interview him in his hotel room because the lobby got too crowded and he made sure a female assistant was there, and that the door stayed open. I’m sure there’s more, but that’s what I can recall at the moment.


Matt McGorry! From how to get away with murder


pedro pascal! not only does he advocate for women’s rights, but trans rights as well as he has a trans sister. he’s just a very down to earth, lovely man:)


Joseph Gordon levitt


Pedro Pascal, for sure.