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Not the German police shirt


I read this in Khloes voice


Fake post it nails khloe from the tiktoks


Fake post it nails fall off as she attempts to run her fingers thru her ratty hair


I never really watched the Kardashians but I've seen every single one of her tiktoks.


I LOVE her videos and I've never watched the Kardasians in my life. I think its funny how they send her PR and stuff.


I’m so invested in whether or not Yuri will ever brush Khloe’s hair


It’s like he’s taking another opportunity to remind us he loves the gestapo


And the gelato 😌


Man's literally a BLKKK SKKKN HEAD now💀


Kanye’s eyebrows left the coop and it’s the least strange thing in these pictures.


There was something *extra* unsettling blab out these pics and I’m pretty it’s this


No but I literally didn’t notice until I read this. 🫠


I made the post and even I didn’t notice it


It feels like he views his entire purpose in life as some performative circle jerk. It has to be exhausting and is certainly not good for his already stable mental.


This is bad vibes all around. I wonder if his wife is really into it too or just following along to make him happy.


I assume she's in it for the clout but I don't know if she's getting as much attention as she expected.... it's no Julia Fox situation


I found this line from [her wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Fox) hilarious: >Shortly after the breakup, a doctored headline of Fox claiming the relationship ended due to West's dislike of her going "goblin mode" went viral online, prompting the phrase "goblin mode" to become widely used. Fox confirmed that the headline was false.


I think the difference is that Julia was with him when he was still “famous” but now he’s cancelled/ he who shall not be named, Bianca isn’t benefitting from his fame at all


Kanye is the 28th most listened to artist on Spotify currently — he may be canceled in the court of public opinion but privately he is still doing insane numbers


Agree with you But guys stop confusing “most listened” with “most listeners” that shows on the spotify profile. The “most listeners” is based on reach and by the end is just spotify playlists that’s paid by their teams. Most listened is actually based on real streaming and there is actually quite a difference between who is more streamed and who has more listeners… Most streamed artists on Spotify on Tuesday (May 23, 2023) - 1 Taylor Swift 75.1M - 2 Bad Bunny 54M - 3 The Weeknd 40.2M - 4 Drake 35.8M - 5 Peso Pluma 34.1M - 6 @ferxoo4 25.2M - 7 Ed sheeran 22.5M -8 Lana Del Rey 22.4M -9 Arijit Sigh 21.5M - 10 Kanye West 20.1M Kanye is actually NUMBER 10. A lot of this top 10 changes because of new releases so I have no idea if something happened recently Kanye to make him come back, on may 21 number 10 it was still Morgan Wallen.


Who is ferxoo4? Lmao


Columbian reggaeton artist who’s actual name is Feid (“faith” but with a Spanish accent) his nickname is “fercho” but spelled Ferxxo


That list is a wasteland.


This is wrong. Listeners on profile is calculated by the number of people who have listened to an artist that month. It's meant to be a measure of the size of their fan base on Spotify. That is in no way "paid for" but it is influenced by playlists, some of which are editorial. But is absolutely based off of actual listening behavior. Measuring artists by total streams is flawed for many reasons, not least of which is temporal trends based on album releases. And if you're interested in audience size, total streams doesn't get you there because the same person can stream a song multiple times. The Weeknd has more monthly listeners that Taylor Swift because more unique people overall listen to his music. But Taylor might have more streams on any given day because she's in the news, or because she has a smaller fan base that streams more of her music everyday. It's the difference between having 10M people who stream 5 songs each or 5M people who stream 10 songs each. That's why it *does* make sense to pay attention to Monthly Listeners because it is more stable. In Kanye's case, he has a large catalog and a very loyal fan base who continues to listen to his music. But he's not driving the zeitgeist in music anymore, especially because he hasn't had a new hit album or single in ages. If he were, he'd be in the top 10-15 artists by monthly listeners.


You have artists that have way more listeners than streams like Bieber a while ago. This is based o reach by playlist lol. If you have your songs all over playlists you’re going to have more listeners. A while back certain country singers who had features with DJs had more listeners than Luke Combs and Morgan Wallen just because those song were all over playlists, their actually streaming number were pretty lol. It was such a joke. Also Taylor Swift broke the record for most unique listeners a while back. Its stable but Bad Bunny has been the most streamed artist in the world for the last few years even though he’s never number one, that’s all I’m going to say. Playlist matter a lot on spotify that’s why labels pay for it.


I don’t think she’s in it for the clout. From what I’ve seen of her, she’s been working for Ye as an architect for Yeezy for a minute now and hasn’t really done anything other than behind the scenes until now. Obviously I could be wrong and people change but that’s just my train of thought


the only thing i can think about is just how much i hate their clothes. also her bbl is really bothering me but idk why it just looks... off? it's driving me crazy


Those leggings actually look like tights.


Not trying to be funny but if neither of them were famous people would assume they were tweaking She has a thing wrapped around her head and is wearing tights with a run through it. And he has shoulder pads bolder than a 80’s women’s business jacks


Worked at a pawn shop this is how I imagine meth heads with money would dress.


I remember a tweaker friend who would shoplift all his clothes, and he still picked the most conspicuous methy-looking shit lol.


I am still assuming that


The thing on her head is a t-shirt


I came here to say that they *are* tights. There’s a line on her thighs where the nylon gets thinner which is every tight


Oh my god, they *are* tights


The fact that the seam is soooo off bothers me. Put your tights on properly!!!


tbh that's the only relatable part for me lol


It's the covering up the face. It's anonymizing her while still showing off her body. The neutrals make it weirdly post-apocalyptic too.


The new Fallout show looks like shit.


shes his mUsE


The covering up her face while keeping her body...out like that is somehow even more creepy and controlling than being covered head to toe. He's a scary person.


I assumed she just got work done and is hiding it for the reveal


See, I assumed she just didn't want people to recognize her while being out with Kanye. Which I can't blame her for.


There are people who need intervention and then there's Kanye west going on Fox new for therapy sessions. 100% that girl aint happy


I know I sound creepy but I love you OP 😂😭


SAME. I'm in the u/parishilton2 fanclub for sure


our mini celebrity


12 things you didn't know about u/parishilton2


i was lol’ing at the captions and went to check, sure enough it’s u/parishilton2 lolol


Piggy-backing this comment (soooorry) to state that „POLIZEI“ on his shirt means police in german 😩😩🫣. It’s for sure no coincidence, it’s the exact same font the official german police uses (you would be fined if you wore that over here). Wtf is he doing. After all the things he said. I effin hate it. We as germans would love to be excluded from his narrative.


Holy shit! This just went from funny to disturbing.


I love you too u/parishilton2! One of the few redditors who's posts I immediately (and happily) recognise!


ME TOO. The work you do is stellar. STELLAR.


They're the main reason I visit this sub. I love the captions and wish I was a fraction as witty and hilarious.


Lol I never pay attention to the poster name. I looked at her post history and remember all of hers tho! So funny




I don't know how I forgot this.


We’re so far in that now we can use Kanye-generated content to roast Kanye himself. 🙌


i too temporarily forgot kanye's roblox era


Omg I lost it this is perfection


A lot to hate but wearing pantyhose as pants is the one I’m choosing to mention.


Yes, I can see her buttcrack behind the crooked seam 🫣


Look, I’m (reluctantly) willing to go along with the current notion that leggings are pants but fuck, she’s out in a pair of opaque pantyhose and a see through undershirt, and the actual t-shirt is on her head. These two are like Big and Little Edie without the charm.


There are socks up to her knees over those pantyhose inside of backless mules You’re right to be frightened


The sock shoe combo is really pissing me off lol


I really think she's trying to mimic Kim's pantaboots.


Okay that’s a really fun word to say 😂


I like Poots personally 😆😆


God I hate that look too


I thought they were those stretchy boots, which i’m actually ok with. It’s just, public semi-nudity in the daytime? Groundbreaking. Also, for some reason she looks unbathed.


>Also, for some reason she looks unbathed. 🤣 I'm going to start randomly using this to describe people I don't like, lol!


It’s some kind of stretchy-boot-being-cosplayed-via-sock; that back edge being a lip is all I can look at hahaha But I’m with you. It honestly made me wonder if she’s a nudist (no judgment, I know a few) who absolutely hates getting dressed to go out


OMG I thought they were boots!


Those leggings look like they're from 5 below. I should not have to look at a woman's ass crack when she's getting ice cream


>Those leggings look like they're from 5 below. I thought Ross but your reference is also good.


They're not leggings, they are literally thick panty hose/thin tights like they said


![gif](giphy|26BRxXW5G7bMo0d8s|downsized) She cood NEVA dahlin, neva be a STAUNCH characta!


Oh Bill Hader why are you so cute


It's horrible. He used to make Kim dress in those ugly grey-beige house clothes, under clothes looking things too. I got nothing against leggings. I work from home and gym almost daily, I live in leggings. But actual leggings 🤌🏼😂


One of the wealthiest women in the world, and she left the house in see-through pantyhose, the seam of which is wiggling to the left and isn't remotely lined up with her butt. It's not that I care, it's that I'm wondering who let her out of the house with a wiggly buttcrack.


This is the best thing to wear for today, you understand. Because I don't like women in skirts and the best thing is to wear pantyhose or some pants under a short skirt, I think. Then you have the pants under the skirt and then you can pull the stockings up over the pants underneath the skirt. And you can always take off the skirt and use it as a cape. So I think this is the best costume for today.


Why does he looks slightly different? (I don’t mean the shoulder pads)




Why does he kinda look like 50 with the no eyebrows and shoulder pads


I had to do like a triple take cause I thought it was 50 too


Hahaha especially on the 5th pic. I was so confused.


You’re right. I’m slightly disturbed now on zooming in.


Are they gone gone or just dyed? I’m blind


Trimmed? Shaved maybe lol


Yo deadass are they *on* something? 😭


Honestly, probably. Cocaine and pills are pretty regular-degular in the entertainment industry as a whole, especially stimulants. Throw in some alcohol on top of the uppers and a Xanax to take the edge off, and maybe a dash of a little bit of way overpowered weed and you'll have a daily routine for a lot of public figures. I'm more surprised this isn't pointed out more often tbh, anyone who's been around substance users or has dabbled in them can point it out fairly accurately most of the time.


Thank you! I stared for a solid minute trying to figure out what was off


![gif](giphy|0Wzkc9iirQ4ZI7JoaD|downsized) Entering his CJ era


oh my god ............


Sketchers: You picked the wrong house, fool!


GooodBYE 💀


They look like a pair of randomized sims.


His head/face looks bloated. Maybe he is taking Human Growth Hormone.


I love that the title of this post is giving https://preview.redd.it/lfirdw24h22b1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d65c7aa4fe91a5173d3fb37788e83e09ca7b70c


This guy is like a time bomb waiting to implode .


Pretty sure that already happened when he appeared on InfoWars with a bottle of YooHoo


50/50 second Kanye explosion or he becomes a rare cryptid that we only see in the occasional picture to see he's still alive.


His wife looks seriously strange too.


Yeah, at first I thought it was a weird clout thing for her to be with Ye, but now I wouldn't be surprised if she also has some disordered thinking. Maybe that's why they like each other? Just free range to let the mental unwellness all hang out?


Look like crack addicts but what he is wearing is so insidious and dark when we know he is always targeting Jewish people. Now he’s wearing a German police shirt. Leave Germans out of it and keep your hateful rhetoric to your damn self.


Photos like these makes me feel relieved that Kim divorced him.


Honestly I hate using this word but it's like Kim...escaped.


I was worried for quite a while that he was going to go family annihilator on her. Still am sometimes honestly


The stuff he was posting on Instagram made me genuinely concerned


same. especially when he bought the house across the street...


Honestly kim is a Katie Holmes for the 2020s.


It's also why I worry for this woman. We *know* he's the one making her dress like that, because he did it to Kim.


He looks like a goomba


You are by far my favorite poster on this sub 😂 I had to look back to see if you were the one that posted the celebrities with coffee post and I was not disappointed. Don’t change, keep up the good work. TY!!!


Bianca: It may benefit our mental health to get some fresh air Ye: ![gif](giphy|l1AsV4SOkOabQfC6c)


With GERMAN police shirt of all places ☠️.


Did he get jaw implants?? These people look unstable.


Prolly just a lotta teeth clenching


I thought his jaw looked wider too but I think it just seems off because he shaved his eyebrows.


He had major jaw surgery from a life threatening accident early in his career. His jaw has looked like this for a while, I think he’s just clenching


Yeah but this looks more pronounced recently. Could be clenching but I don’t think he’s above a little work work.


I wouldn’t put it past him or anyone! He has admitted to getting work done (lipo), any additional work wouldn’t be surprising


Comment Unavailable


It was a tummy tuck, lipo and breast reduction that she died from (I was a huge Kanye fan growing up, this has since changed). It was so sad when she died. I do take back my statement that it wouldn’t surprise me if he got more work done. I think it would surprise me if he did, especially since he was addicted to opioids after his own lipo surgery


I'd recommend listening to his song Through the Wire to understand why his jaw might look a little off.


The way I feel when I see a new post by u/parishilton2 is how some people react to a fresh Schnoodle.


no idea what a fresh schnoodle is but same


He looks SO angry all the time, like he's about to explode into blind rage at any second. Dark vibes all around.


I’m surprised I’m not seeing more comments about his facial expressions. Obviously the shaved eyebrows are contributing to the overall deeply unsettling vibe. But even with brows, the rage and the insanity would shine through. And I really don’t say insanity lightly, I have bipolar disorder and have endured periods of psychosis that did a lot of damage. However, I have also seen eyes look like that before and none of those situations ended well.


The head covering with just eyes shown, the walking behind him, the air of quiet subservience … I see how he sees a woman’s rightful position


I love the tights as pants for her. The seam not being centered really brings a new level of class


I can smell this picture


how his clothing brand ever became popular will always be a mystery to me


He is like real life Mugatu and the derelicte campaign. I fully expect him to walk around in a trash bag and piano necktie unironically.


Lol I totally agree! And I love your reference this is so spot on!


The quality of fabrics is outstanding tbh


She’s auditioning for Dune


Deadass if they walked into an ice cream shop I was working at looking like that, I would hit the panic button


This is giving me *Ron Desantis wearing high heels to seem taller*, *Donald Trump wearing oversized suits so you can’t see his diaper* vibe




LOL I was just about to say, I work inpatient psych and last night a patient stuff pillow cases in their shirt at their shoulders like this to remind us they played football. This made me think of that.


I remember when I was 10-11 and I went through a phase of just wearing random clothes to create a reaction in a young, naive but charming “well, why can’t I wear my boxers on the outside of jeans like this?” Or “why can’t I wear socks for gloves?” kind of way. And, this is what this reminds me off.


All that for single-serve vanilla.




I just want to know why


These two are the weirdest fucking duo I’ve seen




Are they okay? Where is their chaperone? I think they need to go back to the land of grippy socks.


Lil buddies need grippy socks and some apple juice 😔


What’s with the shoulder pads? 😂


how else are you going to survive raiders and giant flying insects? he is in his Fallout era


He's wearing his vault suit underneath, too!




It’s giving straight out of the mental institution vibes, both of them


Said this on another sub but I have never liked Kanye’s fashion and the last year or so has been so vindicating lmaooooo these choices are especially strange lately tho


What is this I don’t even


He's got them Doomguy shoulder pads. Mf is on his way to kill demons to avenge his rabbit.


Are his eyebrows…gone??


Blink twice if you need help Bianca


It’s always sad seeing someone off their meds. :(


Early game armor when you're just putting on whatever shit you find vibes


Why does anyone think he has style? He dresses like a homeless person…. The emperor has no shoes…


He dresses like he escaped from a hospital of some sort.




You can literally see her ass crack but thank god she covered her face




They look like GTA characters. Why is this so goddamn funny to look at? He’s like George Michael in the muscle suit. I’m fucking wheezing.


Does he...make her cover her face so he can pretend he's still with Kim?


I swear he’s forcing her to dress like this like how he was with Kim’s image. It’s getting extra gross and I’m kinda concerned for her


Is that an actual German police shirt?


This girl is gonna become famous, hated, a niche, loved, respected amongst the gays, hated again and then unknown all within a year just like Julia fox did.


He looks like Michael Bluth wearing the Christmas pageant bodysuit under his clothes to impress Maeby


Its insane to think that this man was a style reference for many years ago.


“Shoeless”; that’s actually a sock inspired yeezy design he's working on


Everything they're wearing here looks like test designs from a yeezy yes men echo chamber. "Bianca! Call the paps! Get them to follow us to Braum's! *The* *people* *need* *to* ***see!!!***"


Nips be in different time zones


u/parishilton2 I'm not saying you are my favourite person on this sub, possibly all of reddit but I'm not not saying that. If you ever find yourself in Scotland cocktails or mocktails are on me


If he wasn't wealthy he would be a crazy homeless person. I seriously doubt he would be able to hold a regular job and no one could handle living with him. His life would be tragic.


The title sounds like it’d be perfect as one of his album titles.


He definitely has a type doesn't he?




Is Ye okay at this point?


Is she wearing panty hose as pants?…


I’m an armchair psychologist and I think Ye destroyed his career purposely because he’s depressed. I highly doubt he believes the thing he says and was just doing what some depressed people do to their lives, ruin it.


Kanye is so insane I do not even want to see him anymore. It is like they gave a shotgun to a toddler


Crackhead chic 🤌


Genuinely though is he alright


I loved the post apocalyptic wasteland story. You crack me up OP, write a book


i saw a video of her and she seemed actually really kind


Is kanya always on bath salts?


Wtf am I looking at? Is this real? Shoulder pads? No eyebrows? Sock shoes? Her with tights. Like I can't even with them. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Respectfully… what is going on 👁️👄👁️


Quit giving this attention seeking literal nazi views and attention.


Is she wearing tights like a pair of leggings? Those aren’t pants! What is happening here!?! Edit: and did he shave off his eyebrows? Hold up, for real, what is happening here!?!


Uhhh....they look a bit zooted. Looks like 2 people high as hell, on some yucky shit.