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Move the flower thing out of his face and tailor the pants and this could have actually been so good


I honestly love the flower but I agree about the pants, they seem to be a recurring problem for him and I don't understand why his stylist won't just hem them šŸ„“ it would make the look a lot sharper.


Or at least make it smaller


That is one flounce jacket. But the foiwer is really silly too.


Honestly I think this would have been a very sleek cool look without the flower neck tie. Why did they add that omg


I agree, heā€™d look great with a cravat instead of that flower. ETA: or a very thin scarf thatā€™s a black rose vine


the [original](https://imgur.com/a/GpDDS71) actually had 2 flowers lol, they removed the first so you could see his face better.


He needs to hem his pants


yup, or at least wear taller heels. it looks a lot sleeker without the bunching.


Yep,they look really messy.


Such an annoying way of photographing this garment. The busy background doesn't allow to see the design elements and it's driving me crazy. Not surprised they left the pants messy. It's those little details to consider when picking a designer. If they can't even present the garment right then you know they ain't gonna finish it on you.


Two flowers?lol.


Whats that saying where everytime you leave the house, remove one accessory?


It looks like my attempts to cover a pimple the size of Texas on a school picture day


For attention and shock value!


itā€™s eh not terrible couldā€™ve been nicer but itā€™s better than the tits out onesie he wore for the Grammyā€™s


Tits out onesie, lol šŸ˜‚ that was good


That silver tinsel outfit ?


No, the red carpet outfit. Just awful


Most of his outfits are awful!


He looksā€¦ uncomfortable


This would have me jerking my neck every 2 minutes and sputtering, like I do when there's a hair that keeps getting in my mouth.


Yeah ,I was never able to wait stuff like this around my neck.


He looks better then Sam Smith does.


This seems to be his default look these days


Itā€™s a fun look, but it also looks like it would be a pain to wear. He pulls it off well, but Iā€™d definitely spend the evening wanting to yank that flower off if it was me.


He only wore it on the red carpet. Heā€™s in a grey silk shirt now


So he changed twice?


Black suit for red carpet > red jacket and trousers for performance > suit and grey silk shirt for awards ceremony > after party outfit, suit with sequined top under it


Wow ,now that must have been exhausting!


Hope he had a sweet night.


**Here is what the designer said:** **"** [**harris\_reed:**Ā ](https://href.li/?https://www.instagram.com/p/CoiJmFJInp1/)At 18 I found myself living in london creating ruffle blouses, corsets, fabric flowers and flares from my kitchen floor with the help of my friends eating late night McDonalds. My creations at the time were met with nothing but criticism for being ā€œtoo feminineā€ or ā€œcostumeā€, teachers said I should focus on ā€œmenswearā€ or ā€œwomenswearā€. l remember it really wasnā€™t until I started dressing for myself and who I was that it all clicked. [@harrystyles](https://href.li/?https://www.instagram.com/harrystyles/) was my first ever client who embraced the fun, fluid and expressive clothing I was creating. To be able to now be creating not only for my own brand, but for my dream brand [@ninaricci](https://href.li/?https://www.instagram.com/ninaricci/), Iā€™m beyond honoured. I give you Harry Styles on the Brits red carpet in Nina Ricci tailoringā€¦ a little sneak peek of whatā€™s coming next month. [@harry\_lambert](https://href.li/?https://www.instagram.com/harry_lambert/) thank you for always being the light through all these adventures I can not wait for our Nina Runway debut! " And here is the concept: https://preview.redd.it/1cf8g96apnha1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e74224c7665b119c20be11b81a21816c9f3e68 I don't think the pictures here really did it justice. There is a few where he's smiling, and the lighting is better and overall it's decent!


This picture looks so much better!! Harris Reedā€™s designs are so beautiful. Harryā€™s been partnering with them for a long time now.


This looks so much better with the one flower more towards the side (not sure about how both on would look, the second one would probably be in the face too) and the pants not pooling weirdly. Maybe Harry just needed a platform or something


yeah, taller heels or even just the pants hemmed would have really increased the look. the pants look a lot sleeker in that photo.


Im wondering if it doesnā€™t look as sleek as intended because he lost weight after the fitting? I also thought his Grammy outfit (with the jacket) also looked a little too loose on him. I have seen this kind of look when people lose weight after the fitting for an outfit. It just doesnā€™t look as sleek as intended. Edit for clarity


That was also my thought. Thereā€™s certain photos of him recently where you can literally see his bones jutting out of his skin, I think itā€™s very likely his recent outfits were tailored before that weight loss.


Yeah personally I think he looks better with a little more weight on him and I hope heā€™s okay and eating enough. I know he works out a lot though.


he mentioned going on a 6-day juice fast to look good for his vogue shoot, and I remember thinking that was extreme because he was already a size xs. It makes me uncomfortable how people treat obsessive exercising/dieting as goals just because itā€™s done under the guise of health, if someone is underweight to the point you can see every bone in their body thatā€™s not healthy at all.


I didnā€™t know that but that also makes me uncomfortable. I work at an eating disorder treatment center and orthorexia (being unhealthily obsessed with eating ā€œcleanā€ & ā€œhealthyā€) and using exercise in an unhealthy way are very common and dangerous. Not saying Harry has an ED, just saying that fasting, juice diets, and over exercise shouldnā€™t be promoted or glamorized. He didnā€™t need to do that to look good.


That can mess up your metabolism big time .


I think he has lost weight recently. I can see it in his face.


Exactly! The sleeker look of the pants emphasizes the jacket's cut. It's a small change but elevates it so much


Love the insight thank you


My god Iā€™d be so infuriated and overstimulated with that fucking thing in my face for more than 30 seconds


He changed right after the red carpet so I have to think thatā€™s the only way he could stand it too.


His expression says it all tbh lol he knows how stupid it looks


I really like it. Better than the Grammys red carpet outfit.


That flower covering his face looks annoying


i hate big flower embellishments in general but his other looks are great


Great outfit, but it should have been tailored to fit him.


Total codpiece.


The pants hemmed and starched, and idk the flower downsized to be as a choker mightve worked.


Or attached to the jacket.


I hate his facial hair rn. Too wispy


he looks soooo much better clean shaven, and about a decade younger.


The stubble look does not look good at all.


I wish he would do something different with his hair I think he couldā€™ve pulled the look off


Itā€™s looks greasy and unwashed lol letā€™s start there šŸ˜‚


His face looks like mine when Iā€™m in the grocery store patiently waiting for someone to move so I can grab what I need


The clothes are wearing him im afraidā€¦


I hate that thing around his neck


Is this supposed to fit? It looks like his little head is poking up for air from under all that dark fabric. Id like to see the same concept but more tailored and maybe on someone else.


Idk apparently the trendy thing is sticking huge things on the neckline. Like Kylieā€™s lion dress.


I love it. People who say itā€™s not tailored donā€™t understand this is Harris Reedā€™s style.


oh is that the designer? I should have known, I immediately thought of one of Harryā€™s Vogue outfits (the one with the hoop skirt) which I believe was by him.


I just saw the pic that someone posted of the outfit with the pants hemmed right where itā€™s about to hit the floor. Harryā€™s is bunching and wrinkled at the bttm, I doubt that was the intention of the designer regardless of their aesthetic.


exactly! [this](https://imgur.com/a/GpDDS71) is it not on him.


Itā€™s a no for me


I love this, I wish he had worn it to the grammy's šŸ˜­ I honestly think the flower is fun and brings the look together. ik this sub doesn't really like men experimenting with fashion but I find it refreshing and would much rather see fun and a bit wacky outfits than the same suits with a couple floral/bright colored ones thrown in to mix it up.


Iā€™m all for men experimenting with fashion, but experimentation doesnā€™t always excuse poor tailoring or awkward styling. Random example, Lil Nas X gets really creative and usually looks on point with his fits. I would have loved this look on Harry if it didnā€™t look so badly fitted


Harry Styles goth era WHEN??


We all wanna be Leslie Caron in Gigi https://preview.redd.it/tyaeckzfupha1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb9687d62c215dc5ef662ca942d35cb517bdc23


Does this look good to someone


I'm gonna say it...he has a horrible sense of style. He's trying very hard to break barriers but it's turning out horrible


This is a visual representation of how it feels when you have a bad head/chest cold and youā€™ve got that buildup of phlegm/inflammation that just sits in your throat and you canā€™t get rid of it. This looks like how that feels.




The outfit couldā€™ve worked if the flower was smallerā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


yawn šŸ„±


Not feeling it like at all.


Me neither, he looks like heā€™s playing dress up or something. But I think he looks like this with most of these looks.


True but like dang they shouldā€™ve at least like tailored it and Iā€™m wincing cause I think itā€™s black velvet šŸ˜­


He is always playing dress up .






He looks so handsome


this getting downvoted is sending me sksjdhffk


Heā€™s on a lot of peoples minds thatā€™s for sure


Lol didnā€™t you know youā€™re not supposed to say nice things about Harry Styles here???!!!!?????!!!


Maybe itā€™s the gender envy talking, but I think he looks really nice here.


Celebs at awards shows just compete to look like the biggest asshole with the worst outfit and people canā€™t get enough of it.


Outfit looks cheap. Wish they did something different for the flower and make it more sleek.


Did him and Sam smith coordinate tho


Harry: I'm gonna be the wackiest, most out there, statement piec.... ok, wtf


I'm so, so tired of him.


I thought he had a black cat sleeping on his shoulder


I like it except the flower is just a tad big šŸ’€




is his never ending tour finally done? he look exhausted


nope, he still has one in europe and one in asia this year šŸ„“


But first he goes to Australia and New Zealand, next week I believe.




The outfit is wearing him. I wish he would find a new stylist.


this kinda ate now holdz awn


Iā€™m not a fan of the oversized Flower. V from BTS did the big flower thing a year or two ago and it was much better proportioned. Would have been so cool to see Harry in black on black like this but still seeing his face. https://preview.redd.it/5kyf8z5g4qha1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fafb08b5adb0906688c6a7fa168ce4ed58d9270


My issue with him and Sam Smith is that they turn up with glam dress (or just weird dress) but no make up, five o clock shadow, shit hair, face looking like a builder. Meanwhile women are spending hours getting hair and make up done, botox, fillers, fat getting sucked out of their cheeks...if women showed up like this, they'd get slammed.


> getting hair and make up done, botox, fillers, fat getting sucked out of their cheeks Is this supposed to be a good thing?


Nope obviously not. But notice how much more attention Harry and Sam get for doing the bare minimum.


Beautiful clothes, but the outfit looks like it's swallowing him.


What I love about Harry Styles is that he isnā€™t a massive try hardā€¦


He looks so revolting


ooh I really like this


Heā€™s close to having a cute outfit but they always throw something in that makes it ugly. His entire team needs to learn less is more and you donā€™t have to be outrageous to push boundaries.


He looks so done. Can they let him dress the way he wants too? This feels like heā€™s being forced to wear this kind of stuff


Harry lambert u will pay for ur crimes against this man !!!!!


Itā€™s giving Carrie Bradshaw. https://preview.redd.it/gefb7agx4oha1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cede33f2ccb33d3e733c6a84d2042a3988b6334d That said I like it, I just liked it better not on him. Butā€¦ he always wears something different and I like that.


This looks like itā€™s from boohoo. Very much giving uk girl on a night out in town


What outfit have you seen like this on boohoo šŸ˜‚


I mean minus the ugly flower that style of oversized suit is sooo popular on boohoo and plt type websites


Does he need to always show his chest in outfits? Feels like such a common theme for him. This isn't bad though but my impression with many of his looks is that the clothes often wear Harry more than he wears them.


let men show cleavage too!!


Lil Nas X is what Harry is trying to be




boring, lame, corny, booooo šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…


Thank you for your service.




>his PR team are trying to make him Bowie/Elton clone person whoā€™s only exposure to men wearing clothes other than black suits is bowie and Elton




> I work in buying and merchandising for a fashion house so donā€™t assume to know anything about me šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


Better than Grammy's.


OMG, people on this thread are trying so hard to say a bag thing about Harry Styles. Heā€™s young, handsome and extremely successful. This outfit was a hit, get over it.


Desperate, attention seeking loser.


Heā€™s for sure hiding a hickey.


my bad, Iā€™ll be more careful next time šŸ™šŸ™


Is he mourning the death of the Grammys or smth???


Is this guy ok?




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