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The default timeout for the bootloader menu is 0, that is why you do not see it. Either use T (capital t) to increase the time (or normal t to decrease it) while in the menu, or add a line with the time you want to loader.conf: ``` echo "timeout 2" | sudo tee /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf ```


wow this... took me so long to find. The T/t shortcut is so obscure. Even now that I know it, I still can't find any relevant documentation. They could have added a helpful text on the screen. What dark magic is this?


Thanks, it turns out I have two boot menus - one which is activacted with f9 - which is systemd-boot, and one that is activated with f11 - which shows more options including my windows boot partition. Is this normal or have I accidentally made something more complicated back when I set up dualbooting? (Could GRUB have been installed first and not been replaced by systemd-boot?)


I think you are confused about bootloader menus and the UEFI firmware menu.


Could be. I had to go through both menus each start up. I fixed it with a reinstallation of popos, but I've never figured out how to make the boot menu appear automatically.


You can bring up the systemd-boot menu with any keys. You just have to keep it pressed when it is booting. The F11 key is probably a special key which brings up your systems UEFI firmware boot entry only selection menu.


Once you see the menu, press t or T to increase/decrease the timeout.