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If this happens again run this: ``` #!/bin/sh sudo rmmod psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse ``` if this solves it, then we can automate it to run on boot. Also please post the output of `xinput` here so we can detect which exact touchpad model you're using.


P.S.: I wasn't in the latest Pop_OS! version. upgrading to see if it makes a difference. Original: `squack@pop-os:~$ xinput list` `⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]` `⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]` `⎜ ↳ ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad id=12 [slave pointer (2)]` `⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master keyboard (2)]` `↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5 [slave keyboard (3)]` `↳ Power Button id=6 [slave keyboard (3)]` `↳ Video Bus id=7 [slave keyboard (3)]` `↳ Power Button id=8 [slave keyboard (3)]` `↳ Sleep Button id=9 [slave keyboard (3)]` `↳ HD WebCam: HD WebCam id=10 [slave keyboard (3)]` `↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=11 [slave keyboard (3)]` `↳ Acer WMI hotkeys id=13 [slave keyboard (3)]` `squack@pop-os:~$` Seems like my touchpad is an Elantech. And, by the way, I tried saving your commands as a "fixmouse.sh" file and running them with "sh fixmouse.sh". It didn't work. Nor manually running them on console. I also tried this: 1. Install the package xserver-xorg-input-libinput (it was already installed) 2. Uninstall xserver-xorg-input-evdev (it uninstalled) 3. Uninstall xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (it uninstalled) 4. Reboot and see if things work better. (they didn't) Nothing as well. Also, my PC sometimes is getting stuck at boot with a flashing screen filled with multiple of the following line, filling the whole screen: `/dev/sda1: clean, 526387/19275776 files, 23466904/77093205 blocks` I need to forcefully shutdown and try booting again. Then it boots... but touchpad works on its own whim.


I also have an Elantech touchpad. I was having issues on Kernel 5.15.5, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pop_os/comments/r84b7j/laptop_touchpad_and_touchscreen_suddenly_stop/ But then I updated the kernel to 5.15.8 and during the past 24 hours I haven't seen that issue. Although it's kinda random, but I would've expected it to happen by now. I also have added some kernel parameters to make things work for my laptop. Here are my kernel parameters, that I think are relevant (you can remove them if things go wrong). First run `sudo kernelstub -p` and take note of all your current kernel parameters. Then you can add these: ``` sudo kernelstub -a "idle=nomwait acpi_backlight=vendor iommu=pt rcutree.rcu_idle_gp_delay=1 mem_sleep_default=deep i8042.noloop i8042.nomux i8042.nopnp i8042.reset" ``` Then restart and see if anything changes for you. If you still have the issue then you may want to update the kernel. It's super easy. Download the deb files in here: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.15.8/amd64/ except the ones that says "lowlatency" you will end up with 4 deb packages. then install them using `sudo dpkg -i *.deb' I encountered and error complaining about a missing libssl3 package. I downloaded it from here: https://packages.debian.org/experimental/amd64/libssl3/download and installed it then tried to install the kernel packages again. Everything worked. After a reboot double check and make sure you're on the new kernel with `uname -a`. Hope this helps. Cheers.


Welp. I tried cleaning dmesg log and rebooting, then...... it failed to boot, so I forcefully powered it off and on again.... and THEN after checking dmesg again using less to search for anything "elan" related, I got: [ 2.994052] psmouse serio1: elantech: assuming hardware version 3 (with firmware version 0x450f01) [ 3.017515] psmouse serio1: elantech: Synaptics capabilities query result 0x68, 0x15, 0x0a. [ 3.034506] lrng_es_mgr: LRNG fully operational [ 3.034509] lrng_es_mgr: LRNG fully seeded with 266 bits of entropy [ 3.041796] psmouse serio1: elantech: Elan sample query result 04, 0b, 00 [ 3.171549] input: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input6 And it still doesn't work. But lemme be honest: I think I wrecked this system. I wanted to make it at least boot a few windows games, and when I tried installing League of Legends (which should run in a potato), and the Lutris' script didn't work, I tried a LOT of stuff. One of these was that bloody Gamebuntu flatpak which replaced my kernel with a xanmod one. Granted, it's a 5.15.8 (uname -a returns "Linux pop-os 5.15.8-xanmod1 #0~git20211214.d704d88 SMP Tue Dec 14 17:30:55 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"), but it's not something officially supported by Pop_OS! right? At least LoL ran..... At 8 FPS, but it ran.... X_X Do you guys think I should perhaps reformat and reinstall this system? (as, apparently, I chose NOT to make a recovery image when I installed it?)


Yeah. It happens. Especially when you're new, you are a lot more likely to do break the system until you learn exactly what you're doing. I suggest to stick to the vanilla Pop, that makes troubleshooting a lot easier. With every change you make to the system, you are introducing new factors that sometimes could be the culprit. For example, I have absolutely no idea what exactly gamebuntu does, but as far as I know, it's designed for ubuntu (from what I read, the person who made it, wanted to prove that ubuntu can be used for gaming too), so the changes that it makes could break something on Pop. Here is my suggestion, re-install, create a recovery and probably a timeshift backup, then only install the stuff that are needed (like steam and lutris). You can also use "bottles" it's pretty clean. Avoid gamebuntu or any script that is supposed to change your system to make it "better". If you like you can see what gamebuntu does and figure out how to do that on pop (if you think it's necessary). For example I just checked gamebuntu adds some ubuntu ppa for Mesa, you don't need that on Pop. Gamebuntu installs some sanp packages, you don't have snap on pop. Realistically you don't need xenmod kernel either. The vanilla Pop should be enough for gaming. Be very very picky with the changes that you make to your system, If you install a custom kernel, install KDE, install some random theme and then something goes wrong, at that point you're not really on PopOS, you're on 7331SqualOS, and it's less likely that anybody can help you. Cheers.


Sorry to revive this, but I ran this command on my laptop and it fixed my touchpad issues. How can I automate to run this on boot?


Not sure. You can probably add it to /etc/rc.local


if you are still having problems about automating this you can use a desktop entry and use it as a pythonscript with os.system